Two Sentence Horror Stories (2017) s01e05 Episode Script


(AIRPLANE ENGINE ROARS IN DISTANCE) That's us in 2023 going to Brazil.
Ooh, Brazil, exotic.
(CHUCKLES) - See that? - Yeah.
That is us moving to Florida together in 40 years.
What's wrong with Florida? - Everything.
- (BOTH LAUGH) (COUGHS) You're still not taking the echinacea I gave you.
Herbs aren't gonna get rid of my cold.
ISAAC: How much you wanna bet? (EXHALES) How much you got? - (BOTH GRUNT PLAYFULLY) - (AIRPLANE ENGINE ROARS) Come back here.
One, two, (KISSES) three! (LAUGHS) Got you! - Yeah, you did this time.
- Mm-hm.
(GENTLE MUSIC) (LAUGHS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - Oh! What the hell is your problem? You want to try that again? Come back and do it again! - Do it again! - Are you okay? No, I'm not okay! That was not okay, Isaac! (PANTS) (COUGHS) I'm fine, I just (COUGHS) Noah, you okay, hey? (COUGHS AND WHEEZES) - (SOLEMN STRINGS MUSIC) - (COUGHS) (DOOR CREAKS) ISAAC: Hi, Mr.
And Mrs.
Isaac, I didn't know you'd be joining us.
I want him here.
Our treatment combines stem cell transplants with aggressive chemo to radically attack terminal cancers.
We've seen really promising results, but the side effects can be challenging.
I hate to say this but, it's gonna feel like things are getting worse before they get better.
(CRACKLY STRINGS MUSIC) Since the treatment can be intense, we try to keep our patients as comfortable as possible.
Everyone receives healthy, chef-prepared meals three times a day, a massage therapist is on-call, and of course, each patient has their own master suite to relax and recuperate in.
How did your parents find this place? Oh, yeah, no, that makes sense.
Yeah, it's the one time I can't complain about them flaunting their wealth.
(LAUGHS) (TENSE MUSIC) I know you can do this.
Remember, Ingram men are strong.
(BOTH CHUCKLE) (GENTLE MUSIC) You know what to do, right? You're gonna kick this cancer's ass and you'll come back to me.
Since when have I been able to kick anyone's ass? You can do this.
Promise me.
I promise.
LUCIE: Give it a couple days.
Who's that guy who sweeps the floors? He seems a little Well, that's Jacob.
(NOAH GASPS) Oh, sorry, I should have warned you.
It's a test for nerve sensitivity.
Are you scared? You mean of cancer? Well, cancer scares everyone.
I feel like my body's betraying me, like I don't want to be afraid, I don't want to be on the ground, but I am.
I know exactly what you mean.
BOY: Does it hurt? (TENSE MUSIC) You were whimpering in your sleep.
NOAH: I'm Noah Ingram.
Izzy McAllister.
You're a McAllister? Well, isn't this the place for the snobby sick.
There's probably a Rockefeller vomiting in the next room.
Ingrams win the snob category.
I don't have a leisure room named after me.
Oh, just the storage room? (LAUGHS) Ha, ha, ha.
(EXHALES) Want to get pudding? A boyfriend, really? How do dearest mommy and papa feel about that? Eh, they're too waspy to have feelings, a weakness I thoroughly take advantage of.
(IZZY LAUGHS) Can't even remember the last time either of mine told me they loved me, and I have cancer.
(LAUGHS) (CLOCK TICKS) Hey, do you feel like you're actually getting any better? The side effects are no joke.
I have nightmares, bad ones, but the doc said that would happen, right? I mean, this stuff, it's turning our insides into chum, killing all that cancer and poof, back to normal.
I hate to wake you, but we have a test scheduled.
I-I was having bad dreams.
They're a side effect of the treatment.
I just need to perform a quick muscle check.
(CLOCK TICKS) Your legs are good, strong.
I doubt that.
Why? Because no part of me is strong.
Strength isn't about muscles.
How does that feel? Fine.
- (BONE CRACKS) - (SCREAMS) (VOMITS) (MACHINE BEEPS) (GASPS) Can you be more gentle? Sorry.
I want to speak to Dr.
Lucie, now.
(TENSE MUSIC) I feel much worse.
Lucie warned us the first steps were tough.
But why do we trust her? I mean, where did she even come from? She's the best in her field.
Plus, we haven't had success with any other treatment.
Something feels off about her.
MOTHER: You need to trust your doctor, she knows what's best for you.
(BUBBLE GUM POPS) What time is it? When did we come here? (TENSE MUSIC) IZZY: I don't notice things like time anymore.
This getting out of control.
What do you want to do, Mr.
Ingram? (DOOR CREAKS) What if she comes back? (NOAH SHUSHES) I didn't think this is what you meant.
(NOAH SHUSHES) (HINGES SQUEAK) (FOREBODING MUSIC) (DOOR CREAKS) (THUD) Izzy? Izzy! Help, somebody help him! (BOOMING MUSIC) Noah's treatment won't be affected by this incident.
- (NAIL CLIPS) - (LIQUID DRIPS) - (GASPS) - (VOMITS) Thank you so much, doctor.
It's lucky your son can benefit from your family's good will.
Good will, right.
What happened to Izzy? Noah Ingram.
It's fine, Noah has every reason to be upset.
Your friend suffered a critical seizure.
We're doing everything we can.
What about that creepy book I found? I guess I've been caught.
I'm an avid collector of antique books.
The one you found is a medieval text on medical practices.
Were you concerned this was the inspiration for your treatment? (CHUCKLES) I know how frightening this process has been, but I promise, I'm here to help you, if you'll let me.
(TENSE MUSIC) - (CLOCK TICKS) - (NAILS CLIP) FATHER: Your resistance is holding you back from getting better.
Emotions are the enemy of strength.
You need to focus on your treatment and be strong.
Your mother and I can't do this for you.
(KNOCKS ON DOOR) (UPLIFTING MUSIC) I can't believe you're here.
If you won't listen to us, maybe you'll listen to Isaac.
(CLOCK TICKS) I don't know why, but I feel so helpless here.
An Ingram, helpless? I don't think that's possible.
How much you wanna bet? How much you got? (GROANS) Uh-oh, uh-oh.
(LAUGHS) You win, you won! (COUGHS) It's okay, you're stronger than you think.
Give this place a chance and if it still doesn't feel right, I'll come save you.
You promise? (KISS) (CRACKLY STRINGS MUSIC) (NOAH GROANS) (CRACK) - (GROANING) - (THUDS) (RECORD SCRATCHES) - (OMINOUS HUMMING) - (SCREAMS) (GASPS) W-Wait, what? I asked how you were feeling about the treatment, your experience.
I feel (SIGHS) Weaker than ever.
I'm losing time.
I'm seeing things.
Izzy told me about what happened in the park.
(TENSE, DISTORTED MUSIC) (GENTLE STRINGS MUSIC) I bet you never want to feel like you did that day ever again.
If you can devote yourself to this treatment and make it through, no one can ever claim to be stronger than you.
- ISAAC: Hey, you've reached Isaac.
LUCIE: Noah, I promise, I'm here to help you, if you'll let me.
Lucie? Do you have a minute to talk? - (MAN GROANS IN PAIN) - (THUDDING) (SCREAMS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - (CLOCK TICKS) Deep breaths.
Where's Izzy? Still in critical care, we're doing everything we can.
I'm demanding some answers.
Of course, ask away.
What's in that door behind your office? - A coat closet.
- Prove it.
Show me right now.
You seem worked up.
I'll send the nurse in to give you something.
You and I both know who pays your salary.
There is a plaque with my name on it so you're going to start answering my questions right now! (RECORD SCRATCHES) I know how difficult this process has been, you're doing amazingly well.
Hang in there.
- (DRAMATIC MUSIC) - (NOAH GRUNTS) (THUDS) (NOAH HYPERVENTILATES) - (NOAH SCREAMS) - (WOODEN THUDS) (NOAH BREATHES HEAVILY) (PHONE RINGS) ISAAC: Noah, are you okay? I think they're trying to change me or brainwash me, I mean, I don't know what's real anymore.
I have to get out of here right now, Isaac, please.
ISAAC: I'm coming to get you, okay? I'm coming right now.
(EXHALES) I love you.
ISAAC: I love you too.
LUCIE: It's all right, Noah, it's almost over.
MOTHER: Are we sure he's ready? DR.
LUCIE: Are you questioning me? FATHER: No, no, of course not.
(OMINOUS HUMMING) (OMINOUS HUMMING) (TENSE MUSIC) (GASPS) (BREATHES HEAVILY) NOAH: What, what's happening? Son, centuries ago, our ancestors made a pact with our master.
Everything we've provided you in life was really a gift of hers.
What are you talking about? (SNAKE HISSES) I give your family and other families devoted to me vast power and wealth.
In exchange, I choose some of their offspring as hosts for my own children.
LUCIE: Calm yourself.
What am I? You're stronger than you could ever imagine.
Jacob chose to reject my child.
Izzy, on the other hand, embraced my child.
Izzy, you've got to get me out of here.
(SHUSHES) I know you're scared.
I was too.
But trust me, this feeling, you can't describe it with words, I can do anything.
Your world is controlled by the powerful, Noah.
Who do you think gave those people that power? Remember what I told you, if you get through this, no one will be stronger than you.
No one will ever hurt you or Isaac again.
Will I still be me? (CHUCKLES) You'll be better than you and all you have to do is take my hand.
(FOREBODING MUSIC) (BIRDS SQUAWK IN DISTANCE) (DOOR OPENS) (EERIE MUSIC) (DOOR CREAKS) ISAAC: Thank God! I've been waiting all night, worried sick.
What happened, are you okay? I'm fine, better than ever.
But being sick has helped me realize some things.
I've got far too much ahead of me to let anything hold me back.
What do you mean? It's for the best that we part ways.
What? It was never going to work in the long run.
You and I have different priorities.
(DISTORTED STRINGS MUSIC) You should learn to control yourself.
Emotions are the enemy of strength.
Is that so? How much you wanna bet? There's no point, Isaac.
I'll win.
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