Modus (2015) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Isabella Levin was gay.
Niclas Rosen was gay.
Think about the bishop's man the lady's secret would protect? Is that what murders have in common? It applies an observation in connection with the four murder.
Me and my husband knows all four subjects.
-1 + 5 is an American antigay group.
What does number 1 + 5? The group gets an order on a murder - one.
Then they condemn themselves five other homosexuals to death.
Anyone with a connection to one.
Damn You know that's forbidden, huh? Only if you're a thief, right? Ouch! Damn.
Can I go with you? Maybe you should take and accept This is dead? I usually win in the end.
So there is some kind of competition you have with your car? If I am right in that the Bishop was gay and had a secret life We know nothing.
She has been married with the same man for 40 years.
It says nothing about her sexuality.
For me it is logical.
First Christmas at home, then with his beloved.
- I think you're logical? - Absolutely.
You really want to get it going together.
- It isn't about what I want.
- What is it all about? To understand what the bishop wanted, what the murderer wanted, want.
We knocked the door of the killings area? Just to hear if someone had seen something on Christmas Eve.
If it's somebody she visited frequently, she was part of a normal picture.
All right.
I check it.
I send out someone with the photo.
What is it? Nothing.
Yes? All right.
When then? Okay thanks.
New murder.
Male prostitute, Nybrokajen.
They run into him the forensic now.
They took a cod near the body.
Are you kind and goes out? - I see that he doesn't stand.
- It can do outside the door.
So where, then.
Then you can be kind and lie down on the bed.
I have the right to do the survey.
If you want you can make a JO-notification afterwards.
If you fold with his head in that direction.
Then I will introduce this now.
It will feel obehagligt- But it does not hurt.
If you only breathable so we will soon be ready.
- Nämen, Serve! What are you doing here? - Letar For you actually.
Lacks us so much? But don't pay.
- Where do you work now somewhere? - Ståhls Lines.
I have something you might be interested to look at.
From one of our cameras.
Here I see the body on the street.
Where do I report the murder to the police.
Then go there anybody minute.
And then Marcus Stahl.
Forget it.
That I would manipulating filmen- to save my boss.
No, so good can you well still don't earn.
- See you.
Yes, we do.
- It's Almost ready.
- Okay, you can put on your pants.
We're done with you here now.
Should not I take you home? Well He called Hawre Ghani.
Is 19 years old.
Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Cervikalryggen has been subjected a sharp trauma I dorsal direction with possible fracture.
You'll have to go out and look after one of his customers.
We should probably look for someone who likes that he had done a good deed.
- Yes? - Well, It is Sandberg.
Well, the dead, he sold six down at kajen- sexarbetaren.
Well, whatever his name.
Hawre Ghani.
What is it with him? Swedish Migration Board have identified him.
Sought asylum as an unaccompanied A few years ago.
Drug someone tall story about his sisters were burnt to death in a school.
They believe that he lived in the tunnels during Kungsträdgårdens subway.
Clean Tora Bora cave where, so he enjoyed perhaps.
Hey, Ingvar.
That's me.
Hawre Ghani had torso and legs covered open brännnskador- As only treated acute, presumably when he was on the run.
He has probably not had it so easy.
See you.
As I said, he had it easy then, or? What are you thinking? Are you hungry? If we do this now so you can not stop the process.
I'm not ready for it.
Let us listen on Leviticus 20:13 where clearly says: If a man lies with another man as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination.
"They should be punished by death.
" Remember what happened in Sodom.
It was wiped out by fire.
What are the present Sodom? Well, Scandinavia! It is from there all the abominations going on the basis of their liberal.
Therefore, the punished with the eternal fire.
The wrath of God is coming, folks! Hell waiting for the wicked, the dishonest The police! Down on the floor! Now! - Keep? - Inger Johanne? Sorry if I woke you.
You were right.
Group 1 + 5 has definitely spread to Scandinavia.
Have you identified that they sent you here? Unfortunately not.
We believe that the one who knows his or her name is Lindstrom.
He is the leader for a small church here in Dallas.
Or rather it was.
He died half an hour ago.
That's me.
You asked me to come.
I was driving home owner last night.
- Fattade He hint? - Don't think so.
What has happened? FBI killed Jacob and raided our chapel.
to Us into the mission, then? - No, someone has to clean up the mess.
I have just come from the briefing with the Commissioner.
She said we silences relationships between the murders for not creating panic.
It is wise, but it's a matter of time before reporters see the connection.
- How are you? - I don't agree.
We needed the public and press.
No, okay.
I mean, obviously.
- Vadå? - Ingvar, Paul went to Thailand You should say something.
No, it was nothing.
See you.
Paul went to Thailand with the children yesterday.
Thailand? Okay - Hello.
- Hello.
- Väntar we Ingvar? - No.
Case Review of the modus Professor Inger Johanne Vik.
Then we start.
Elisabeth Lindgren.
She must have been surprised by the killer.
No adrenaline in the blood.
- A stick from the front? - Yes.
The killer has driven the knife into the ground.
It could be one of these.
Or one of those.
They are used by the US marines, among others.
Robin Larsson.
Blunt trauma to the neck and the murderer probably have pounded his head into a wall.
He has white plaster on the wound.
Isabella Levin.
Strangled front.
And a sharp slap in the face.
Hawre Ghani.
Cracked neck from behind.
Niclas Rosen.
A bogus suicide.
A needle stick in the throat.
Probably from behind.
He hates homosexuals, but has had close physical contact with them.
He could have shot them, but he choose to have them right into the body.
His own body.
Self-hate? But with Elisabeth Lindgren Niclas Rosen is different.
There he has used weapons, knife and cannula.
But he still had body contact.
As if he wants to come all the way and feel it in their own body- when they die.
It is a professional blow.
So he can be trained to kill in close combat? Would he be a US Marine? In that case the former.
I think To the person who committed it here- have withdrawn and liver outside the norms of society.
Was the battle against throat who killed him? No, then he would have needed put it differently.
Maybe he wanted him to suffer.
It is so, a deviant character traits.
He is certainly not afraid for confrontation.
Required very to see his victim in ögonen- samtidigt as it stands a knife in the heart for her.
One can imagine that he that children have been very odd.
One that everyone felt uncomfortable about and therefore bullying.
And at home, he has probably also been thoroughly exposed and violated.
Or abandoned.
You have to guess at all? If you have no witnesses at all? Well.
These five.
I think he wants we will see that it is murder.
But he also wants to gain time.
And doubt.
There is probably something in him who says no.
That's why he hesitates.
Take her! So, why hesitating he? So there.
Hope it'll taste.
What's your name? My name is Lily.
It is a flower in Swedish.
May I sit down? Oh my God, you don't turn on the girls, huh? It was not supposed bothering you.
You have to do something about the girl who tore up.
She has your DNA under her fingernails.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hakim here.
I know you have been stopped for Denmark But we have identified the woman on photo of the bishop's son.
She is not in our records.
I would call when I had more information.
Can you send across her address and telephone number and I will call.
- I messar it directly.
- Good.
- Ingvar Nyman? - Yes.
- Varsågod and get on.
- Thanks.
Elisabeth met him one day in the woods.
- Who? - Jesus.
She had a razor blade itself, She was 16 years old.
She could see only damnation in the Bible.
- Did she was already 16 years old? - To She loved another girl? Yes.
What did her parents about it? Elisabeth's father meant a lot for her.
He was not religiös- but he always came agree with the Bible.
So that "things like where" have no right to live.
And that other girl? They were buddies.
They slept over at each other, followed on each other's flights.
Things that girls do.
I did everything that it would go over.
To make it disappear.
And then Erik came into the picture.
- Where He was in love with Elisabeth? - Erik is gay.
He has never accepted that we or that he himself is there.
Then he saw the marriage as a resort.
It would look good outside.
And you? Elisabeth and I knew we would always be together.
We've always been together.
The agreement was that I never would tell something to someone.
That was the condition for this.
So you never told about this for someone? Nobody knows that I mourn.
I don't know if you can imagine how it feels not to bury the one you love.
The cake smells delicious.
Is it ready yet? Yes.
And where is your father? He has been away for ages.
I don't know.
Enough is enough, he is calling.
- Lukas Lindgren.
- Hello, my name is Viveka Wallin.
You don't know me but I have heard very much about you- by your mother.
Luke, what is it? Dad? Stick.
Dad Stick to hell.
Listen to me now Maria and Alexander has just lost his farmor- As the more loved than anything on earth.
Think of them.
Think of them, Dad.
No! Stina! Stina! Take her! What are you waiting for, you idiot?! Never do so again.
Never! Yes, it is Isaac.
Do you remember what he looked like? He rescued her from the truck.
I didn't see him at all.
- How so? - Nothing.
Are you sure that Stina feel good? I take care of her, don't hold on! You get her back in the day.
I actually thought Would she be allowed to stay a little further on you? - Yeah Yeah, of course.
- Well thanks.
You'd think then that somebody crazy ränner around and kill homosexuals? I don't think he's crazy.
Then, in the clinical sense.
Are you really sure this is the murder scene? We are currently not sure of anything.
It is not like him.
The open space, someone could Having seen all of those windows.
Do we know how Hawre came here? Run he hit? He went? We work here with high pressure, okay? That isn't true.
I don't think this is a murder scene.
- We shall see.
- Yes.
- How is it going? - I really don't know.
- Hey, Stina! Hello Darling.
- Hi Mom.
- Do you have it good? - When we get home? - I miss you.
- I miss you too.
Wait, Stina.
You, darling I'll call you soon.
You were right.
The guy has been killed in the boat, thus burits over there and placed where he was found.
- You know what I think? - Yes.
What? Marcus Stahl is one.
Can not you for once take some time off? You do after that.
Well, soon.
- You, it's some thing or? - What would it be? We must have hit a taxidermist.
I To see what's under the paint.
We investigate the assassinations.
We want to offer you protection.
It made one.
Is not it true? One more must die before it's over.
He has given it back.
It's a warning.

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