Rise (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Bring Me Stanton

1 Previously on " Rise" You need to get your head in this game before we give this one away.
Oh! Welcome to the sophomore slump, Robbie Thorne.
Don't come and see me.
Don't text me.
Don't talk to me.
I'll stop drinking I promise.
I want you to think about getting some help.
I mean doing those scenes with you, sometimes I forget that that wasn't real.
Honey, your mom and I are getting a divorce.
This can't be happening.
Just keep your hands off of me.
I knew you loved the attention.
- [grunting.]
- [groaning.]
[soft guitar music.]
Gordy, let's go.
Time to get up.
I'm up.
[water running.]
Home fire across the street On a balcony She lies in the sun And he keeps peeking through the shades Another wasted day Daydreaming of her Coconut smoothie from Java Brothers.
- You're welcome.
- I ate breakfast.
Sorry, I'm tired, and I just want to go over my lines.
[engine starts.]
What do you want? You want to punch me in the other eye? No.
I know what my mom did.
And I know what you did and have been doing for years.
But I really need this job.
- Like, really bad.
- Don't waste your breath.
You're not fired.
I have no time to look for two replacements.
Check your schedule.
Anton, wait.
I can't work afternoons.
I have rehearsals all week.
It's not a negotiation.
You don't want the job, or you don't.
Ready! Drift right.
[shouting indistinctly.]
Oh, what the hell is he doing? - Blow the damn whistle.
- [whistle blows.]
Yo, Thorne, that's not a thing, man.
Shallow cross! Zebra X, shallow cross.
Joe Hanson, get in here.
- Come on, coach.
Really? - He knows the plays.
This is a waste of time.
I need my reps before Friday.
Oh, it's a waste of time? You don't know the plays.
And you think it's a waste of time? I got mixed up.
It won't happen again.
- Come on, coach.
- No, it's not gonna happen again 'cause you're done.
Get off the field.
- Are you serious? - Do I look serious? What the hell, coach? What's your problem? [yelling.]
What's my problem? My problem is you talking back to me.
Now, get your ass off my field! Go! Let's go.
Run it again and run it right! Hey! Pick that hat up.
Okay, zebra X, shallow cross.
- And hut! - Welcome to my world.
There we go! - There we go.
- [applause.]
Now we're getting somewhere.
All right, look, I know we got our work cut out for us these next few weeks, but, uh, I have something exciting I want to share.
Can I get a drum roll, please? [patting rapidly.]
Come on.
All right, come take a look at your set everyone.
All right, please, don't touch.
Maashous is very protective of his handiwork.
It's no big deal.
So everything you see here represents 19th century Germany, but it also represents modern day Stanton.
See, it's a fusion of the old and new.
Foreign and familiar.
We got the, uh, steeple from our very own Saint Cyril's church.
The Wayne Street bridge.
And, my personal favorite, smoke stacks from our mill.
[light laughter.]
Now, too often, when people come across a story set in a different time or place, they can't relate.
You know, "That's not my world.
That's not me.
" But when people see this show, they're gonna see a reflection of this town, a reflection of themselves.
Cue the smoke.
[uplifting music.]
[gasping, cheering.]
- Right? - That's so cool.
Let's have a round of applause for Maashous.
- It's impossible.
- I know.
You're worried about the materials.
And the cost.
I'm gonna make all that happen.
You just tell me what you need, and I will figure out a way to pay for it.
Can you go back in time? Because that's what I need.
You should have gotten this - to me weeks ago.
- Okay, you know what? Okay.
It is beautiful.
All right? But we can find ways - to get the essence of it - No.
We're building this set.
Thi this set.
- [knocking on door.]
- Yeah? - Oh.
Sorry I didn't realize - No, no, it's okay.
We're done.
Come in.
You're making this harder than it needs to be.
This isn't Broadway, Lou.
What's up, honey? [sighs.]
I'm so sorry about this.
Hey, hey, hey.
Come here, come here.
Sit down.
Sit down.
I can't make afternoon rehearsals this week.
We have three weeks left.
You're Wendla.
You're the lead.
I know, but I have to work.
I have a situation.
My mom lost her job.
And until she gets another one, I have to work extra shifts.
We need the money for rent, and I'm so sorry.
But I don't have any other options.
I understand if you need to recast.
I'm sure Gwen will get the lines down.
And she's a better singer than me anyway.
Okay, all right.
Calm down, baby, okay? We're not gonna recast.
We'll make it work.
Wait up.
Hey, uh, look, I got to get home.
Yeah, I know, but am I crazy? I mean tell me if I'm crazy, but I thought you and I had something.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You sure? I mean it's fine if we don't.
- We can be friends.
- Yeah, we're friends.
What else would we be? Look, but right now you're acting kind of creepy.
[soft music.]
Good night, Simon.
That's not what I It's just lately you you've been You're trying to get me to run lines with you and and hang out with you and talk to you.
And I can't.
You know, I I just can't.
Look, this is hard for me, too.
- Okay, it's not like I do this - I don't know what you want.
I want you to be honest.
Do you feel something when you're with me? Do you feel this right now? I have to go.
[distant whistle blowing.]
[engine starting.]
You're still mad at me about last night.
I am sorry I missed Sadie's conference.
I know.
You had a budget meeting.
Has she turned to a life of drugs and crime? Not yet.
Is there anything else I need to know? Any other late nights so I can plan? Well, actually You know Lilette, the one who plays - Wendla.
- Right.
The star.
Her mom lost her job, and Lilette has to work extra shifts.
So, we have to start rehearsals late.
How late? Like 9:00.
You're kidding me.
Look, she needs to work.
It's how her family pays the rent.
- [abrupt splash.]
- You hardly see the kids.
Our kids.
And you and I are like ships passing in the night lately.
The show opens in three weeks.
Then things will get back to normal.
Lilette gets off early on Thursday.
We'll be done by 8:00.
How about we have a date night? We'll lock the kids in the basement.
Just you and me.
What do you say? Okay.
- It's a date.
- Mm-kay.
Can't wait.
I'm excited.
I got to go.
I don't want to be late.
[somber music.]
I got donuts from Oram's.
You didn't have to do that.
Oh, and I found some job listings.
They're all queued up on your computer for You know, whenever you want to look at them.
I'll see you tonight.
All right? Yeah.
[door opens, closes.]
- So now I can't even talk to - You got like this.
- You're free, okay? - [stammering.]
- You're off the hook.
- That's not what I mean.
Just go.
Hey, Sasha, you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
You don't look fine.
No, I have to get to class.
It's like Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down, slow down.
Look, I get it.
Boyfriend problems, I've been there.
But we got a show coming up in a few weeks, and you need to stay focused, all right? The troupe is counting on you.
Aw, sweetie.
Here's what we're gonna do, okay? Come on.
We're just gonna sit here, all right? We don't have to talk.
You don't have to say a word, all right? And I'll stay with you until the bell rings, okay? [somber music.]
My boyfriend's not the problem.
I'm pregnant.
Oh, Sasha.
Oh, sweetie.
It's okay.
[school bell rings.]
Uh, the bell rang.
Do you want to get out of here? Get out of where? Here.
[soft guitar music.]
Gwen Strickland doesn't ditch.
Well, maybe I do now.
I want to.
You have no idea.
But I can't miss class again.
My parents gave me like a thousand rules and Just trying to be better about that.
About a lot of stuff, actually.
So, you're like a saint now.
Saint Gordy.
I think we both know that's not true.
Well, take it from someone who knows, being good is overrated.
But maybe next time.
[indistinct chatter.]
Hey, Annabelle.
You're looking especially radiant today.
- Thanks, Simon.
- Yeah.
Uh [chuckles.]
Look, while I was at St.
Francis, uh, all I thought about was you.
I I missed ya.
And I just want to say I'm really happy with how things are going between you and me.
Between us.
It's amazing.
Uh, me too.
- Yeah.
- Things are really good.
Yeah, they are.
They are.
Uh, and I just want to say I've been thinking that we should take things to the next level.
What? Like make it Instagram official? [chuckles.]
Uh No.
No, uh I mean I I think we should take things to the next level physically.
Oh, um Okay.
- Yeah? Okay, cool.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Want to go? Hey, listen, son, I just want to tell you that, uh, we all really appreciate the hard work - you've been putting in.
- Of course.
You're gonna move the ball on Friday.
- Are you kidding me? - How you feel about that? - Hell yeah, coach.
- Yeah? - Thank you.
- Keep working hard.
- Be a leader out there.
- I will.
This is your team now.
- All right.
- Thank you so much.
- Good job, son.
- Thank you.
[power drill whirring.]
[indistinct chatter.]
Looks solid.
Yeah, yeah.
I have a question, um.
How you gonna make this smoke stack round? It's frame looks square.
It's a square smoke stack.
Uh, smoke stacks are cylindrical.
Not our smoke stacks.
Okay, uh, we need to find a way to make it cylindrical.
Yeah, that's gonna take twice as much wood and twice as long.
Yeah, and in the future, please, check with me or Maashous before making any design changes.
I'll report my changes to a 15 year old.
We'll be out of wood by the end of the day.
When is the next shipment coming? Uh, I'm working on it.
You realize I don't get paid to build your sets, Lou.
This is voluntary for me, and my students are not your personal child labor workforce.
Let's go, guys.
[upbeat guitar music.]
I know every play.
I memorized my playbook.
Go ahead.
Quiz me.
Ask me anything.
I'm ready to start Friday.
Give me a chance, coach, please.
Don't give up on me.
Sit down, Robbie.
[soft piano music.]
I don't like doing this.
And I want you to know I didn't come to this decision lightly.
We are dangerously close to having our season be done, and we lost a game that we should have won easily.
And I can't help but think it's got something to do with the fact that you're rehearsing a play when you could be at practice.
Or in the weight room.
Watching game tapes, running your damn playbook.
Now Joe Hanson, he might not have your talent.
But he's 100% focused.
And this team needs and deserves a quarterback that's 100% focused.
So until something changes I'm gonna take my chances with Joe Hanson.
Until something changes? Until something changes.
You know the nurses' office give these out for free.
They don't have the same selection though.
"Designed for her pleasure.
" All right.
Now I just need a scented candle and some breath mints.
Do you think Annabelle would like vanilla or So, when's the big night? Uh, still a little fuzzy on the details.
Simon, are you sure you want to do this? Why wouldn't I be? Annabelle's a great girl.
It just sounds like you're trying to prove something.
Like what? - Sex is a big deal.
- Yep.
A really big deal.
Don't do something just to do it.
It isn't fair to Annabelle or to yourself.
I mean, you're acting kind of weird.
Uh, but, look, Annabelle's a great girl.
- So you've said.
- Yeah.
And, uh, look, I'm into her.
Big time.
And we're gonna have sex.
It's a natural progression.
Now, do you think that she'd like vanilla or jasmine? I'm gonna go with jasmine.
Is it true that if you're under 18 you need parental consent to see a doctor while pregnant? That's the law in Pennsylvania, yes.
Do you know of any places or, like, clinics that don't follow that rule? No, I don't.
There aren't any.
It's the law.
Tell me about your family.
Who's at home? Just me and my dad.
And you don't feel comfortable having this conversation with him? He lost his job last year.
He's [voice breaking.]
He's kind of a mess.
I don't know what he's gonna do if he finds out.
[somber string music.]
["The Guilty Ones" playing.]
Something's started crazy Sweet and unknown Something you keep in a box on the street Now it's longing for a home ALL: And who can say what dreams are? Wake me in time to be lonely and sad Clark! - Get down here right now.
- [music stops.]
- Clark! - Excuse me.
You've kept them late every night this week.
My son has a midterm tomorrow.
- Are you crazy? - I'm so sorry.
I I told everyone to make sure their parents knew we'd be going late this week and to plan accordingly.
Uh, Clark, you're excused.
It's just a damn play.
You need to get over yourself.
Hey, Mr.
Mazzu, I have a midterm tomorrow too.
- Can I go? - Uh, no one's going anywhere.
You can't keep us here all night.
Some of us have things to do tomorrow Oh, my God.
We know, football.
Which is more important than theater and the reason why we keep having - to have these late rehearsals.
- Whoa.
Actually, that has nothing to do with Robbie.
I'm the reason we're having these late rehearsals.
Okay, you can stop protecting your boyfriend.
Hold up, don't talk to her that way.
Seriously, who else has a midterm? I say we all walk out.
I mean, you guys act like you're fricking royalty.
I mean, you need to get over yourselves.
Okay, all right.
All right, all right.
All right.
Just stop.
Rehearsal's over.
Everyone go home.
Damn it.
I got to go.
Get home safe.
Good job.
Good night.
[door opens, closes.]
Why are you cooking? It's late.
I thought you needed a snack after a late rehearsal.
You're in a good mood.
- Did you find a job? - Even better.
I talked to a lawyer.
We're suing Anton for sexual harassment.
What? Mom.
That son of a bitch has been grabbing my ass for years.
The punch was self-defense, and I even have a witness, Jessica.
Don't lawsuits take a lot of time and money? - Two things we don't have.
- Honey.
This could set us up for life.
Pay for your college.
Help us get out of this town.
Mom, we're in trouble.
The gas bill is late.
Rent is due in a week, and now you want to sue the guy who signs my paychecks? Our only source of income.
Did you even look at the job stuff? Yeah.
I made some calls, and I even looked at those listings, and everything was crap.
Really? It was all crap? I could be a housekeeper, scrubbing toilets for a living.
No woman in our family has ever done that.
Not your grandmother, not your great-grandmother.
Okay, I get it.
You don't want to be a stereotype.
But if you don't get a job soon, I'm gonna have to work double shifts.
And I'm gonna have to drop out of the show.
It's already falling apart because of me.
The show? We're talking about survival and you're talking about a damn play.
Yes! I am.
For the first time in my life, I'm a part of something I actually believe in.
Why can't you see that? [somber music.]
I'm going to bed.
I'm so sorry.
I got Chinese.
They were closing.
I literally had to beg them to heat up the wok.
I know.
You have every right to be furious.
It's just [sighs.]
I think I made a mistake.
Oh, you definitely made a mistake.
No, not with you.
I mean, yes, with you.
But with "Spring Awakening.
" I don't want to talk about "Spring Awakening.
" [sighs.]
I'm failing.
[exhales slowly.]
The kids are arguing.
The parents are mad.
The show is a mess.
I have no set.
And, oh, yeah, I charged $400 on our card, and I couldn't bring myself to tell you.
- Why would you do that? - I needed to buy materials to start building the set, but it doesn't even matter.
I didn't give Mr.
Klump enough time to build everything so now there isn't even going to be a set.
What is with you and this set, Lou? - You're obsessing.
- I am not obsessing.
I wanted to make a statement.
This town is a shell of what it used to be.
These kids, they're going through so much.
They deserve a beautiful set.
I wanted to send a message to the people of Stanton, you know, "We see you.
You're not forgotten.
We see you.
" I mean, that's the point of art, right? To reflect the world? To take something raw and painful, maybe even hopeless and make it beautiful? You don't need a big fancy set.
Find another way.
Do you remember the first night you took me out? You didn't have any money.
So you made a picnic by a river and you lit candles and we drank that wine from the bottle.
I mean that wine couldn't have cost much.
It was on sale for $6.
The man I fell in love with is resourceful.
You're right.
I am resourceful.
[emotional music.]
[all gasp.]
[exhales sharply.]
I loved that set.
Loved it.
I dreamed that damn set, and Maashous helped me bring it to life.
But it has caused too much strife and the hell with it.
Now, you are going to put aside your complaints about having to rehearse late, and I am gonna put aside my complaints about not having my fancy-ass set.
When I first started teaching English at Stanton, I was so excited and I wanted to do something to celebrate.
So I went to McCusker's Books.
Anyone remember McCusker's? Ah, Amazon.
Uh, it was this great little family-run bookstore on Main Street.
Anyway, I went in and I found these incredible copies of all of F.
Scott Fitzgerald's books who, for those of you who weren't paying attention in my English class, is my favorite author.
Now, F.
Scott Fitzgerald said, "You mustn't confuse a single failure for a final defeat.
" We will not be defeated.
We are gonna build this set.
Starting with these books.
Now, I want each of you to go out into Stanton and find salvaged items for the set.
Search your attics, basements, garages, junkyards, and find what's meaningful to you in this town.
I mean, this set, it was always gonna be a reflection of the world we live in.
So let's embrace that.
Bring me Stanton.
[Daniele Luppi & Parquet Courts' "Soul and Cigarette".]
Albatross flying again After 20 years in a cage Passes overseas Brings a ghost to his knees Feathers flocking into words on a page On nights that never happened Flights that were abandoned Cut short like a throat Uninvited to sing As I walked in the street Where you shuffled your shoes Staring up into windows Sinking down into blues My soul and cigarette were signing a truce And it made me feel for a moment or two Like a pilgrim in the holy land Clapping dirt to a cloud with his hands [laughing.]
That was really good.
Hey, um Yeah, do you know where we're going? [laughing.]
Yes, hurry up.
Yeah, any idea how long this is gonna take? Yeah, I'm pretty much grounded already so Hey, Gordy, does your dad know you're here? Gordy's way cooler than his dad.
Which isn't saying a lot.
As I walkedin the street Where you shuffled your shoes - [laughter.]
- Staring up into windows Sinking down into blues Okay, bye, Maashous.
My soul and cigarette were signing a truce Okay, what is that for? - Oh, thank you.
- This? So, Gwen, isn't this breaking and entering? - So? - So that's a felony.
Shut up, Simon.
My family and this mill go way back.
This place is dead.
No one's been in here in over a decade.
Clapping dirt to a cloud with his hands Welcome to Stanton Steel.
Told you it was awesome.
And massive.
That will never fit in my dad's truck.
Yeah, it's bigger than I remember.
It's bolted in.
It's never coming off.
Well, great job, guys.
- I'm going home.
- I mean, or plan B.
We could just get drunk and trash the place.
Jolene brought booze.
Yeah, I did.
- Yeah.
- [laughs.]
[indistinct chatter.]
Sorry about your sign.
No, I'm sorry I dragged you guys here for nothing.
Are you kidding? Steel mills and theater people.
Those are my two favorite things.
[soft music.]
I called you to help me.
- I am helping you.
- Mm.
I have five more minutes left in my break, and Anton would love a reason to fire me too.
I'm so sorry about your mom.
Come on, let's move this thing.
Damn, this thing weighs a ton.
Careful, last thing I need is people blaming me for injuring QB1.
What is it? I'm not QB1 anymore.
Coach benched me.
He won't let me play unless I quit the show.
I'm so sorry.
- It's just like - Come on.
- [groans.]
- Stop.
- Oh! - Boom.
[all speaking at once.]
- Guys, we need more beer.
- Whoa.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's set this up.
I can't believe your dad used to work here.
I mean, he's coach.
[chuckles softly.]
Yeah, he was a machinist right out of college.
My grandpa was the union boss.
God, I used to love coming here.
He treated me like royalty even though I was, like, five.
My dad used to drive me around on the forklift and I'd wear his hardhat and high-five everyone.
They always had rough hands.
I remember that.
Hands like tree bark.
I think it was, like, some point of proud for them that they worked with their hands.
I could see you as a foreman.
- Yeah? - Mm-hmm.
I don't know.
I think my hands are too soft.
Let me see.
[soft music.]
No, I think you have perfect hands.
Now this place is just a pile of rust anyway.
[knocking at door.]
Come on in.
Sorry to bother you so late, Mr.
No, no, no, it's all right.
Everything all right? Uh Coach benched me.
I'm not QB1 anymore.
He's starting someone else Friday night.
I hadn't heard.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Uh Coach made it pretty clear what I have to do to get my spot back.
It's kind of come down to football or the show.
I love football, Mr.
Not just because I'm good at it.
I love the game.
I I love the way the field smells, the bright lights on game night.
And it's a chance for me to go to a good college.
It's it's my future.
Look, I believe being on that stage with the troupe on opening night will be a once in a lifetime experience.
I don't want you to miss out on that.
What would you do? Here's what I know.
You are the most talented player on that team.
I've been to every game.
I've seen it.
Coach needs you as much as you need him.
And here's another thing I know.
You're a damn good actor.
[Fink's "Cracks Appear" playing.]
Call his bluff.
No need to cover up Fault lines They make us who we are We are many I've been trying to hold - You sure you're okay? - Yeah, yeah.
Can you just Can you just, uh, lift a little bit? - Yeah, yeah.
- Thanks.
Oh, my God.
That's better, that's better.
But nothing stops The pressure from building up - This is hot.
- Like, so hot.
Uh [panting.]
Cracks appear I wanna What is that? What do you mean? It's it's me.
No, no, no, what are those lights, Simon? Cracks appear Oh, crap.
Hey, hey, hey, the cops are here.
We got to go.
Oh, there's a loading dock in the back.
- What are you doing? - No, no, no, you go.
- No, I'm not leaving you.
- No, no, no, go.
If the cops find me, I won't be in trouble.
Gordy, go.
You have to go.
Disappear, yeah Hey! Hi, officers.
[radio chatter.]
[distant radio chatter.]
Hey, thanks for calling, Hawkins.
No problem, coach.
I know this isn't like Gwen.
And I still owe you for helping me get that walk-on tryout.
Well, um, I'll take it from here, but I appreciate you keeping this off the record.
No problem, coach.
Thanks a lot, gentlemen.
What the hell were you thinking? Nothing.
It's not a big deal.
Breaking and entering, drinking, trespassing, stealing.
- It was attempt steal - I don't care! You're lucky it's Hawkins.
You'd be in jail right now.
Hey, listen to me.
Listen to me.
I know that that this divorce has been hard on you - Whatever.
- I know you're angry.
But that don't give you a free pass to do whatever you want.
In this family, we still have rules and discipline! Rules and discipline, are you kidding me?! Where was that discipline when you screwed Vanessa Suarez? - Hey.
- I have been blaming Mom this entire time, but you did this.
You broke us.
And I just wanted the stupid sign for the stupid show.
It's all meaningless junk anyway.
[soft guitar music.]
What the hell are you doing here? Coach.
I thought about what you said.
And? I'm not quitting the show.
And I'm not quitting this team.
You can bench me.
You can bury me.
But I'm showing up for my team on Friday night.
Found this in, uh in the basement of my church.
We thought you could put it where you had the steeple.
We sure can.
[The Perennials' "On Our Way".]
Yeah, bring it over here.
When the wind blows cold Yeah, right at that height.
- We dream - That's great.
Up a little higher.
With the windows closed Whoa.
Really? Oh Would you follow me Look.
Oh, man.
Through the dark [laughing.]
Chalkboard, people.
Bring it stage right.
Stage right, stage left.
You'll come with me this time All right.
- We do need chairs.
- Yes, sir.
That you'll always be mine Yes, amazing.
Hope And the ones we love All the faces I've been thinking of I put a letter in the mailbox and I let it go I got a ticket in my pocket on my way back home Say You'll come with me this time Say That you'll always be mine On our way We'll just follow the signs Say You'll come with me this time And we'll be on our way This is amazing.
It's Stanton.
[string music playing.]
- Bravo! - [cheering.]
["Mama Who Bore Me" playing.]
Mama who bore me Mama who gave me No way to handle things Who made me so sad Mama, the weeping Mama, the angels No sleep in Heaven Or Bethlehem I think I need help.
Some pray that one day Christ will - Come a-callin' - [cheering.]
They light a candle And hope that it glows And some just lie there, crying For him to come and find them But when he comes They don't know how to Go Mama who bore me Mama who gave me No way to handle things Who made me so bad Mama, the weeping Mama, the angels No sleep in heaven Or Bethlehem
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