Dragon Ball (1986) s01e09 Episode Script

Boss Rabbit's Magic Touch

Only one Dragon Ball remains! Bulma, Goku, and Oolong make their way westward.
This place sure is weird Hey, Oolong.
Is there a town around here? Don't ask me.
This is the first time I've been out here.
Uh-oh! We're almost out of gas! I told you we should have filled up at the last stop! What're you talking about?! You were the one who said we didn't need to! Shut up, you loser! Ow! Now you've done it! Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?! Watch the road, you idiot! Did you just call me an idiot?! Yeah, I called you an idiot, idiot! Better watch yourself! Drive right, will you?! The final Dragon Ball, at last Pu-erh.
Don't lose sight of them, no matter what! Right! What are you doing?! What a pretty voice What the heck are you doing?! No, I didn't mean pretty, I just meant that She does have a pretty face, but Err, uh There's some water in this canteen.
Let's proceed with caution.
Right "The Rabbit Boss's Special Technique" We got lucky! There was a town! Now we can get some gas! Hiya! What was that about? Welco Fill 'er up! Hey, Bulma! The people here are scared of you! What are you talking about? I'm gonna go buy some things! Wait here! I wonder if they sell Hoi Poi Capsules in this town? He's right.
One look at me and they run away Maybe beautiful girls are rare here? Here we go! This place sells capsules! Thanks.
You've got a full tank again.
You'll have to wait a bit for the money.
The person with the wallet'll be back soon.
No, that's quite all right! There's no need to pay! You don't really have anything good here Sorry! That's okay! I'll take these five.
C-Certainly! Here you are! Could you number them and put them in a case? How much does that come to? No, no! There's no need for you to pay, of course! What a great bargain! Just a house capsule by itself costs half a million Zeni! Being beautiful sure has its perks! Now to get some clothes the same way! Looks like the girl went to do something.
This place's boring every time we come.
Ain't any good women here either! Is this all you have? But it is better than that bunny girl outfit Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! You can have these! So how much do I owe you? Y-You're not a member of the Rabbit Gang? The Rabbit Gang? What's that? What's the big deal?! Don't be wearing misleading head accessories around here! They're not trying to stay away from me anymore I wonder what the deal was with my bunny ears accessory? The girl's finally back.
Sorry for the wait! I bought all kinds of stuff! Any food? I'm starving! Man, you're late! Girls take forever to shop! These apples taste like crap! What? You got a problem or somethin'? O-Of course not! Who're those guys? What a couple of low-bred jerks.
Mommy! You little brat! How dare you cross my path! Please forgive him! He's still just a kid! I didn't ask for any of your excuses! Oh, man.
These guys are crazy Those rabbit ears Hey, check it out.
There's a new girl in town! Not bad at all! You, there! What do you say you hang out with us? Who do you think you are? Now this is rare! You've never heard of the Rabbit Gang, which even crying babies shut up for? You must not be from around here.
Now I understand why everyone ran away from me earlier! Sorry, but I don't have time to waste hanging out with you! Let's get going! You're a feisty one! Don't you want to live a long life? Son-kun! These guys are bad guys! Beat 'em up! - Okay.
- What now?! You idiot! They've got guns! You're gonna beat us up, huh? I suggest you run on home and wet your bed, little boy.
- Why, you! - You're askin' for it! That's one down! Damn kid! It's been so long since I last fought! It feels great! Good work! Well, let's get going, shall we? Barbarians.
What a couple of morons.
They didn't stand a chance against Goku.
How dare you humiliate the Rabbit Gang! You'll pay for this! What's he crying about now? Anyway, let's go! Sorry to bother you, Boss! Please come into town right away! There's this really strong guy here! You have no idea what you've just done! Huh? What's going on? Everyone went into hiding I got a bad feeling about this How rude! They could at the very least thank us! You alright? Pull yourself together! Damn it! Don't worry! I called the boss! Boss? Hey, what do you mean by "boss"?! It's all over for you guys! He'll turn you into a carrot and eat you! A carrot? Hey, this doesn't sound so good! Let's get outta here! There's no reason to run away; we didn't do anything bad.
That's right.
- Boss! - Over here! Boss! Cease your pathetic crying.
Where are the ones who defied my Rabbit Gang? It was them! That's the leader of the Rabbit Gang? Looks pretty weak to me.
I can't believe I was actually scared.
Hey! What did you just say?! We said you should go sniff out some carrots unless you want to get hurt! Why, you! You'll regret underestimating our boss! I could swear I've seen him somewhere before Truly pathetic.
You mean to say those children beat you up? We're a disgrace Well, then Let's shake hands.
What a weirdo Are you saying you want to be friends? That's right.
Now I remember! That's Usagi Ninjinka! (Rabbit Carrot Transformer) Don't touch him! Who'd ever shake hands with you?! You touched me.
That's better! Bulma turned into a carrot! Now who's laughing?! Nobody messes with the boss! Everyone who touches him gets turned into a carrot! You jerk! You dare stand up to me? I don't mind! Touch me and you'll become a carrot too! That's it, Goku! Use your pole! You don't need to touch him! That's right! Okay, then! J-Just a minute.
You don't care what happens to this carrot? Maybe I should eat it? That's not fair! Dammit! Oolong! Do you have any good ideas?! Bye! This has nothing to do with me! That bastard! He ran away again! What a reliable friend you had there.
You two! Teach this boy a lesson! You got it! - Hey! - You'll pay for humiliatin' us earlier! This is bad! We'll never get all the Dragon Balls if they get killed! We've got no choice! We have to help them! Pu-erh! Turn into a bird and steal that carrot! Right! That was just a warm-up.
Clobber him for real this time! Take that, you bastard! Goku! We took the carrot from him! Now beat the crap out of him with your Nyoibou! Oh! It's been a while! What are you doing here? Just hurry and beat him up! Alright! Come back here! Give me back that carrot! Good job, Pu-erh! Now hurry and bring the carrot over here! Right! That was a close one! Watch out, Goku! You'll turn into a carrot if he touches you! What do you think of that? The carrot's ours again! Alright, now I'll turn this one into a carrot! Stay back.
Get any closer and I'll I'm gonna touch you! T-This can't be! Goku! Use the Nyoibou! Okay! Hey! Turn this carrot back to normal! I'll spare your life if you do! P-Promise? I don't lie! Okay, then.
Bulma! What happened to me? Yamucha helped rescue you! He did? Where is he?! Huh? Where'd he go? Are you sure about this? Of course I am! I'd pass out if I got near her! Ow! Please don't touch us, boss! We'd turn into carrots! What do you have to say for yourself?! Running away and leaving your friends behind! But I did come back Hmph! You just came back because you didn't have any money! They should've left you as a carrot What was that?! All done! Now what to do with you Please be gentle! Extend a lot, Nyoibou! Thank you so much! Now do you realize how awesome we are? Where did you go? Rabbits belong on the moon, of course! minouhse
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