The Greatest Love (Choigowei Sarang) (2011) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Gu Ae Jeong, you don't make my heart race anymore.
Why? I'm just saying that I don't feel nervous because of you anymore.
Why not? There's only one answer to all of this.
What do you think it might be? Then You don't like me anymore? Ding-dong! It was a side effect that appeared Even though I was so embarrassed during that time I couldn't bear to show my face at all.
I’ve recovered! But I'm all recovered now.
It really doesn't mean anything to you? That's right.
When this right here realized it was because of the "Heartbeat" song, I woke up from the hypnosis.
Isn't that great? I have to hear for myself if this is really the truth.
Huh?! What are you doing? Stay still for a second.
It's racing! It's going thump thump, right now! If it doesn't beat, I'll die.
Thump thump, thumpity thump.
That's how it normally beats for anyone.
It's not supposed to go whoosh whoosh or zoom zoom.
It sounds like it's zoom zooming a little.
That's why you should be careful about how you rub yourself on people.
No matter how regular my heartbeat may be, if you come at me and rub like this, then What's this about, Gu Ae Jeong? Are you feeling disappointed, by any chance? That my heart isn't going zoom zoom but just thump thumping? You are disappointed, aren't you? Huh? Ah, ah, that stings! What is it now? I came because I was worried about your sickly azalea.
It's a relief that you're fine.
Your hands sting like crazy.
But The song you heard when you were receiving heart surgery 10 years ago and your body reacting to it now Medically, does that even make sense? Isn't it a little strange? It's not strange, it's unfair.
I was tricked by this punk into thinking I liked you so I shaved off my mustache and lost all of my cheek fat.
I find it totally unfair.
I'm sorry for making you feel wronged.
But then, it does make more sense than you saying I put a spell on you.
Now this is something I've never seen before Hearing a song that was playing during one's heart surgery makes that person's heart react to it? Ha, my goodness.
Even so If his heart was fine for the past 10 years, why would it react now to this song? I know, right? This song was originally used to revive his dying heart.
It can't be that this song has somehow become vital to that same heart, can it? I think I'm going to have to look over Dok Go Jin's test results one more time.
Bring them to me.
You see There's something kind of strange going on.
Since you're a doctor, could you tell me if you think this makes sense? Sure.
Can the heart Umm does the heart Well, you know how the heart normally thump thumps.
But when that happens, when you're looking at someone, could you mistakenly believe you like them? So are you asking if the thump thumping of a heart can mistakenly lead a person to think they're in love with someone? It's strange, isn't it? You can't get confused about something like that, can you? I guess you could.
When a person sees another, after the heart rate has increased, as a result of riding a roller coaster, I've seen research results of a sudden rush of feelings that occurred for the person.
Then you can be mistaken about love too? When that situation is experienced repeatedly, then I guess it is possible.
Because of that person, my heart is going thump, thump [Oppa.]
I love that person Your "Heartbeat" song is what made me waver.
So if the stimulus is continuously repeated, it's possible for a connection to form.
Now I feel wronged.
We're just going to go with the CF.
I won't be wronged anymore from here on out.
That's right.
This was all just a misunderstanding, wasn't it? What was? I was thinking that Ae Jeong unni discovered a weakness of yours and was using it to blackmail you.
It's gone now! I was shocked when I momentarily thought that I was a person, who had weaknesses but that wasn't the case after all.
Then it's definitely not true that Dok Go Jin likes Gu Ae Jeong, right? Who was it? Who was the person who spread around such rumors? I'm going to press charges.
Was it you?! I let go of my head and wasn't able to control my surroundings enough.
I have to resolve all this before the rumors begin.
I feel bad for Dok Go hyungnim.
He was kicked to the curb by Ae Jeong noona! Don't be so loose-lipped.
If this gets around, it'll result in a lawsuit.
- Of course, President Moon is on my side.
- With Dok Go hyungnim's personality that's definitely what'll happen, right? But of course, I'm feeling a little satisfied.
You are too, President? All the times I bent over backwards to accommodate his dictator-like personality.
And the pent up anger I have now Why wouldn't I be? I feel the same way! Our Dok Go has believed until now that he's superior to everyone else.
But the fact that he was dumped by a woman Gu Ae Jeong I commend you.
Dok Go hyungnim doesn't know this but Ae Jeong noona's family members don't really like him either.
How pitiful our Dok Go has become.
It's a good thing though.
Does it taste good? Yes.
That's good.
Now why don't you explain to me exactly what's going on at your house? What have they been yapping about me, for instance? Hey, Ding-Dong.
At the age of 7, you can run your mouth and say whatever you want without worrying about other people.
So, go ahead and tell me, okay? It's fine.
- Dok Go Jin is a butthole - That's enough, I got it.
Ahjussi, do you want to stick to my aunt's side like this? That's what I thought but I don't anymore.
I thought that something impossibly strong was pulling me towards your aunt but that's disappeared now.
It no longer pulls at me.
See, see? It's not sticking.
It's not sticking! It's not sticking.
It's stuck.
I won't be pulled in by her any longer.
Wow Why are you watching TV here, Hyung Gyu? Let's go! I don't want to, I want to watch some more.
Gu Hyung Gyu, do you want to get in trouble? Let's go.
Just leave him be.
There's a 3-D program beckoning to him right now.
Do you really think his feet will follow you willingly? Why don't you come over here and talk with me for a second.
Come on, let's go.
Look here.
The rumors going around are saying that I've been chasing after you and you've been running away because you don't want me.
That's what people are saying.
Up until now.
But all that is correct.
It's so humiliating I can't take it anymore.
My situation has been reversed.
I'm going to go in this direction.
Oh my And now Gu Ae Jeong is latching onto me.
Oh my, it must be crazy! Why is it latching on like that? Gu Ae Jeong.
Do you feel pulled in by me right now? You are feeling pulled in, aren't you? Who do you think you're talking about? It's only the magnets that are.
Just like this magnet, now that I'm turning my back and saying I want to go on my way, you're compelled to follow, aren't you? Don't generalize our situation like the magnets.
Then do you want to try putting this on again to confirm? Why should I? I'm curious now, so I'd like for you to try it on so we could know for sure.
Here, here, here.
Yes? I don't want to! Oh, since you're saying you can't put it on You're attracted to me, aren't you? You're attracted, you're attracted! Gu Ae Jeong, you're attracted! You're attracted, you're attracted! You're attracted! - You're attracted! - Hyung Gyu, let's go! You're attracted, you're attracted! Gu Ae Jeong is attracted to me! See? Hyung Gyu, let's go! You're attracted, you're attracted.
Gu Ae Jeong, you're attracted.
I feel so bad I don't know what to do since I've decided to go my way.
Hyung Gyu, hurry up.
Let's go.
It's almost over though.
Hey, Ding Dong, why don't you watch till the end? You can stay and watch the second and third ones too if you'd like.
Take care, Gu Ae Jeong.
I'm now going to remain in my 60 to 90 range and be at peace.
This humiliating unrequited love is now yours, Gu Ae Jeong.
- Does it make you that happy? - Yes.
I feel like all the humiliation I've suffered is finally fading away.
Why don't you go ahead and agree I'm right before you go so my pride will be revived as well? You're attracted, you're attracted.
Gu Ae Jeong is attracted to me! Too bad.
I can't ever admit to it because I'd rather drown and die in the humiliation.
Hyung Gyu, I'm really going now.
So, get up now.
Hurry up.
Get up! Hurry! Quickly! Get up! Quickly, quickly! Leave the glasses here.
The glasses.
That's right.
You're attracted, you're attracted.
Gu Ae Jeong is attracted to me.
She's attracted to Dok Go Jin! Gu Ae Jeong was right next to me but I'm still at 88.
She's definitely attracted to me.
What should I do? I feel so bad for her Oh my, I feel so sorry now Restoration! Recovery! Happiness! Oh my! Pil Joo.
I was wrong to force you when you didn't want to do the broadcast in the beginning.
Just go to China and study like you wanted.
I won't stop you from going any longer.
I'll do as you wanted, just like always.
- I'm not going.
- Is this because of Gu Ae Jeong? I won't ever accept her! Since you're sincerely trying to stop me, I guess you've realized that my feelings for her are sincere as well.
I've been so embarrassed ever since that report about you and Gu Ae Jeong that I can't even show my face in public anymore! I can't even play golf! If you keep this up, I'm going to end up an outcast! Then I'll keep you company.
If the information on the patient chart is correct, Gu Ae Jeong's house is somewhere around here.
It says that the girlfriend of a yakuza is supposed to live in a palace.
I need to storm in there and find some evidence to dissuade my Pil Joo.
You've arrived at your destination.
Huh? What is this? What is this? Where exactly is the palace? Oh my, you scared me! But what are you doing here? Is is this Gu Ae Jeong's house? Yes.
Her family members are the ones who live here while Gu Ae Jeong lives somewhere else with another person, right? Ae Jeong has lived here with our three family members for 7 years now.
And also, there's no one else! This wasn't supposed to happen.
It'd be much easier to dissuade him from a girl with a past.
It's going to be even harder if she's shabby.
What? What is she talking about? What? Sh-shabby? She So the way I've been acting until now was all due to a side effect from my heart surgery.
Do the two of you understand? So you'd better not make any assumptions.
Wow, things like that do happen.
I took Ae Jeong noona's side for nothing.
All of the problems that occurred because of Loser Ddong Go Jin need to be resolved.
The CF contract with Kang Se Ri, let's do it! Good! That's a relief.
Thank you for coming back, Dok Go Jin.
And also The sneaker donation project.
Tell Gu Ae Jeong to take care of it.
But why? You don't like giving glory to others.
I've been giving her lots of grief, so I might as well do something to make up for it.
It'll also improve her negative image with the public.
Okay, we'll do that.
Oh, but as long as she's with Yoon Pil Joo, her negative image will automatically improve.
So you don't have to worry about that, Dok Go.
The doctor should accompany her.
I won't need the van for the time being, so tell him and Gu Ae Jeong to use it.
But she and that doctor might use your van to film themselves on dates Good for them then.
We have to rid ourselves of our cheap reputation.
If they need it, tell them to ride in it together.
Our Ae Jeong will do her best with Yoon Pil Joo on Real Love Corner.
Do well! Gu Ae Jeong has jackpot potential.
You can't tell Yoon Pil Joo yet that you've agreed to this, alright? Because then the realistic shock will be diminished.
Y- yes.
Oh my Manager Gu! Are you crying?! This is the first time in ten years that our Ae Jeong has been sought out.
Throughout the past decade, everyone would curse her every move.
And I couldn't do anything to help her because I'm such a fool.
To me This program is important to me as her manager But as her brother, our Ae Jeong really Please help us so she can do well.
Oh my Here, for your tears.
Don't cry, stop crying.
How can a man cry so much? Huh?! Enough! Enough! Enough! This is the first time I feel this pleased about being her manager.
Ah, it's been so long! It's wonderful being able to be in a broadcast station.
Should I travel around with Ae Jeong instead? So I could keep an eye on Se Ri as well.
Really? Then if we get married, will our roles change and I get to run the store? No, Noona! I'm going to take over Noona's shop.
What's this? Why are you butting in? Why are you here? I came because of Dok Go hyungnim's special, Noona.
Ae Jeong will be coming out with a new album, appearing on variety shows.
If she acts as well, she'll get the triple crown! What, you think Ae Jeong is Lee Seung Gi or something? Oh! It's the real Lee Seung Gi! Because you're my woman, Noona Because you're my woman How have you been? Hello! I'm a huge fan of yours, Lee Seung Gi.
- Can I shake your hand? - Ah, yes.
It's a pleasure.
Thank you.
One second! You're wearing the same scarf as her! It's the same one as mine.
Thank you.
He's so polite and kind! He looks the same in person as he does on TV.
I know, right? He's a top star but he's so nice and knows how to greet people.
He's the complete opposite of Dok Go hyungnim.
When I first met Dok Go hyungnim, I thought he was a nice person as well and I completely fell for his act.
This Is this something a dog or mackerel can wear? - It's a limited edition - So what? Apparently, anyone can wear it.
I can't wear things like this.
Yes, hello.
- Ah, Seung Gi.
- Yes, Sunbaenim? The program that you worked so hard to get MC for, Steel Heart Get our company's newbie Gu Ae Jeong to appear on it.
Ah, yes.
The guests are chosen by the PD and writer, so how could I Why are you being like this? We're both pros.
Isn't anything possible when you want it? You still haven't reached that level yet? If you put it that way, Sunbaenim I'll try and speak with them about it.
But Is it that important to you that you ask such a big favor of me? If you do this for me, I won't lay a finger on your refrigerator CF.
The refrigerator one? I'm Lee Seung Gi.
No matter the fact that you're my sunbae, I'm not someone who you can steal CF deals so easily from.
I've protected my CFs diligently until now.
And I will continue to do so as well.
Don't try and pass into my safety zone.
Okay, I'll do that.
So, go to Steel Heart and plead for Gu Ae Jeong to be invited as a guest.
Refrigerator You can't do that.
- Dok Go Jin! - It's Lee Seung Gi! Oh my God! - They're so handsome! - One, two, three! - It's a pleasure! - Hello! - We love you! - Oh my! You're this skinny! Yes, thank you.
Thank you.
So we've reached an agreement.
Yes, we communicate so well.
- Yes, yes, it's a pleasure to meet you.
- Ah, yes.
Thank you.
[Psychology of Relationships Corner.]
You feel it, don't you? You're trembling, aren't you? Will it help if I study books like this? How much longer must I try to read your mind? [Applying Red Medicine to Your Heart.]
Tell me how you feel Don't pretend to be indifferent [An Official Way to Capture that Woman's Heart.]
Do what your heart wants you to Catch hold of my hand right now Show her through gifts what you'd like to do together.
Quickly catch hold of my hand A gift? Every time I happen to turn my head around I'm not sure what I should say I want to do with her.
Our eyes will meet That scene keeps appearing in my dreams Bothering me all night Of all the empty seats around You chose the seat beside me Would she like it if I ask her to go take pictures with me? Before I knew it, a silly smile appeared On my face without my realization Your girlfriend will like it.
It has the ability to make faces look smaller and brighter.
Why don't we bring it to the open then? Why don't we bring it to the open then? I don't need it to have that ability though.
Shall we talk? She already has a bright face.
He tried to get her invited to Steel Heart.
He wants Ae Jeong to do the charity event.
Dok Go Jin even said that you could use his van whenever you want.
Dok Go Jin said he's over you but he's clinging onto you again? All this makes it obvious he's madly in love with you.
He’s wishy-washy like that.
Should I go talk to him about it? You're not good at talking about stuff like that, Oppa.
Then should I meet with him and give him a piece of my mind? No, if you're not careful, he'll be sure to have you arrested, Unni.
Oh my, then what should we do? He doesn't seem like he's going to stop anytime soon.
I think I have to meet him and demand to know what he wants from me.
Ah seriously, it's so tedious I can't stand it.
You're lying, huh? - What is this? - You shouldn't lie! - Why is he being like this? Goodness.
- You're lying, huh? - It's almost broken, - You shouldn't lie? the volume is so low.
Don't play with things like this anymore.
Ah, this is so hard.
I'm completely back to normal now.
I never go out of the 60 to 90 heartbeats range.
Why don't you take a look? It's at 88.
I called you because I was worried you weren't keeping your heart rate under control.
It's a relief that's not the case.
I still want you to undergo some tests since you said that you were experiencing some pain.
No, we don't need to do that.
It was all due to hypnosis.
Are you sure it was because of hypnosis that your heart was thumping so rapidly and endured such strong feelings? Of course I am.
Isn't it possible that instead of you liking her because your heart was thumping, your heart was thumping because you liked her? Are you certain which is which? I went to the hospital for nothing, now I'm getting paranoid.
Now! Time for mind control.
Thump, thump What is this? Why am I singing this song? What? Why did you do it again, Dok Go Jin? Did you have a sudden change of heart again and decide you liked me again? Ding dong or something? You might be saying this because you're still disappointed but that's not it.
Then what is it? I'm feeling guilty and thankful and I felt bad for you.
That's why.
For what? I felt guilty about pursing you so relentlessly, thankful that you didn't accept me and I felt bad for you that you started feeling for me when it was too late.
All of the things Loser Ddong Go Jin did were resolved by Proper Dok Go Jin.
Don't feel burdened because I'm doing this to compensate.
Really? You're so proper now, Dok Go Jin.
One second.
What is it now? I'm so disappointed and attracted to you I can't just leave.
- What? - You're right, Dok Go Jin.
It's disappointing that the Loser Ddong Go Jin who claimed he liked me so much is gone.
And when you say that I'm attracted to the Proper Dok Go Jin you've become You're right.
Gu Ae Jeong, you said you'd never admit to it.
Why are you suddenly admitting to it now? Dok Go Jin.
Just give me 10 seconds.
Let me confirm that you don't pass the safety zone from 60 to the 90.
Are you really feeling disappointed and attracted to me? Yes.
Since you're standing so close to me, I want to stick even closer like a magnet.
Did you try doing this because you felt so wronged? You can't even throw yourself at me properly.
When you were throwing yourself at me, did you actually want to be with me? Did you want actually wanted to stick with me till the end? I guess that heart turned of its own accord without the need for those complicated, realistic thoughts.
You said it was a transplanted heart, right? Your heart is so proper.
What is this, have you gone insane again? Why are you racing? I didn't have the time to think those complicated, realistic thoughts.
Right? So you're saying Dok Go Jin really turned his back on her.
That's what he said.
He was in the best mood yesterday and today.
If he was going to be so happy once he had a change of heart, why? Seriously why did he pursue Ae Jeong so relentlessly?! After making it seem weird for her to go to Yoon Pil Joo? Wasn't Ae Jeong noona's decision about Yoon Pil Joo certain? Yes, if we want to make them a couple for sure, I should start by setting the mood for them first! Yes, I'll be sure to stop by your place for dinner, Jenny.
I guess it does help when the people around you step in.
It'll be hard to try and carry the conversation during dinner again.
Calm down.
Because you got nervous, you almost became a troublemaker again.
I'm ready for the next patient.
Doctor, Kang Se Ri is here.
Kang Se Ri? Ah you were my next appointment.
Don't I seem too thin and exhausted? You do.
I almost overdosed on the medicine you prescribed last time.
My insides felt like they were going to explode but it was great at emptying them out.
You shouldn't do that.
Let me take a look.
You're lacking energy, aren't you? Are you displaying other symptoms? No matter how carefully you examine me, you won't figure out why I'm in pain, Yoon Pil Joo.
I'm not that much of a blockhead.
You know that Ae Jeong unni has a bad reputation, don't you? If you do the show with her, you'll only be criticized more.
But do you still want to do it? If I show everyone that I really like her, won't everyone else start to like her as well? You know that Ae Jeong unni likes someone else, right? I'm hoping that if I like her enough, something will happen in my favor.
It hurts so much to watch someone you like like someone else.
You don't even have a backup plan.
You really are a blockhead.
That blockhead.
You don't have to worry anymore.
Kang Se Ri, can we get your autograph? I'm a huge fan.
For me, too.
Please give us your autograph.
Kang Se Ri.
Kang Se Ri! Kang Se Ri, are you all right? Are you okay? Director! Kang Se Ri, are you okay? Can you stand up? Please prepare a bed.
Even though Gu Ae Jeong threw herself at me, I feel completely fine.
Why do I feel so ashamed that it's behaving so properly? Instead of changing just my heart, I should return everything to normal.
The bribe that I sent to Peter.
Grapes that were made into wine.
It started with this so I'll end it with this.
I think you're a really incredible cook! - Oh, hello! - Why did you prepare so much?! Where's Ae Hwan? Oh, he said he needs to look over Hyung Gyu's homework.
Is today a special day? It's a celebration! These days, there are only things to celebrate for you! It must be your good lucky charm! Lucky charm! He's coming.
He should be here soon.
You sure did prepare a lot.
It must be your good luck charm! Was it you? I am a powerless manager.
This is the thing that played a crucial role in bringing us to this point.
Sent to Peter but sent back.
You know the grapes! The grapes that were made into wine.
Why did you bring this here? Awkwardness? Gratefulness? Pity? Are you here to compensate for those things? I forgot to add one thing.
Gu Ae Jeong.
I'm *Sorry! (*play-on-words: it sounds as the word "sound" in Korean) Can't you hear it? You can hear that sound, right? That sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Can't you hear it? Sorry, sorry, sorry? Sorry, sorry! Sorry, sorry! I can't hear it.
Anyways, there's something like that, so I brought it.
With this, Gu Ae Jeong, I would like you to recover as well.
Recover? This was our beginning so if we drink this, you will recover.
How does that make any sense? Believe me.
I recovered because I firmly believed it.
You'll be the same way too.
Red sun! I just put a spell on you.
If you open up our beginning, everything will also end for you.
Nice! Gu Ae Jeong! Gu Ae Jeong! Recovery! Recovery! Gu Ae Jeong is fully recovered.
One shot Gu Ae Jeong, what are you doing? That's $15,000! - Ae Jeong noona! - Ae Jeong! I'm all recovered now.
Because you idiotically chugged it down, it wants to come back out.
I'm never going to throw this up.
I'm going to eat up everything that happened, digest it all and make it into poop.
I seem to have something in my eyes Are you okay, Ae Jeong noona? Ae Jeong, are you okay? Are you okay? Are you alright? You okay? That's why my tears keep flowing Be careful with her.
Are you alright? I have been hiding a part of my heart Dok Go Jin.
Yoon Pil Joo will be coming.
Can you please excuse yourself? A certain person can't even sense it thus bringing me to tears Yoon Pil Joo is an excellent man who really cares for Ae Jeong.
Even if you cannot hear me He cares for her so much that even when Ae Jeong lost something special of his, he worried that she would feel horrible Even if you cannot hear my heart so he bought another one and pretended to have found it.
The love my tears convey Will you finally hear it someday? Something? What's that? Because you are my man A pen.
The pen that you threw away and retrieved again.
Because you are my love After sending you away and letting go, you still remain and make me cry That pen Didn't Gu Ae Jeong buy then say she found it? That's just a misunderstanding that you believed by yourself.
Because you are my man It's because you are still my man I can't hold back these foolish tears I thought about what you said earlier.
Watching someone you like like someone else How much it hurts Does it hurt a lot to break up with Dok Go Jin? If you have been so weak from that, you must have been really sincere about it.
Yes, I am sincere.
I didn't know that it was this much.
But when I see him, I like him more.
Since I'm in the same situation, I can't give you a solution But feel better.
You are a person who received love from a lot of people.
But if they knew you were feeling so blue, they would be upset.
Feel better, okay? Then stay a little bit longer.
I feel more depressed when I'm alone.
Stay a little bit more.
Then I'll stay a little longer.
Do you usually feel depressed? I guess so For depression, you should drink some tea.
I'll write down what tea will make you feel better.
Chen Pi tea.
Longan tea.
Rose petal tea.
Ae Jeong's not in the bathroom.
Did she go out? I was watching Dok Go Jin go, so I didn't see.
Where did she go? Since she chugged all that down, she's probably drunk now! Hurry and call her.
Gu Ae Jeong? Gu Ae Jeong.
Gu Ae Jeong, why are you here? Please pick up.
She's not picking up? Where is she? Why is it only you two.
Ae Hwan, did you see Ae Jeong on your way in? I didn't see her.
Why? She chugged down a bottle of wine then disappeared.
Ae Jeong's drunk? She can't show her drinking habits to a harsh person.
Wasn't Ae Jeong involved in a case involving intoxication and violence a long time ago? Are you okay? Are you drunk? Are you okay? Are you drunk? What is this? What is this? Gu Ae Jeong, wake up.
Wake up.
When she gets drunk, she repeats everything someone says.
At that time, it was a middle aged woman.
And she started talking informally and that woman caused a scene because she was angry.
And Ae Jeong continued to follow her.
Then the woman said, "Is this bitch crazy?" and Ae Jeong repeated that.
What are you two doing? Hurry and find her! Gu Ae Jeong.
Gu Ae Jeong.
Is your drinking habit repeating everything? Repeating everything.
Why didn't you explain about the pen? Didn't explain.
You didn't trust me, did you? Didn't trust you.
Then when you said you wouldn't like me back, were you really going to cancel them? Really going to cancel them.
And you brought those potatoes for me? Brought for you.
Then you came to feed the fish.
I came.
I'm sorry.
You came! Ae Jeong is a bit drunk and she went out.
Ae Hwan and Jae Suk are looking for her.
Is she really drunk? I'll go look for her too.
Gu Ae Jeong! Are you okay? Are you okay? Can you stand up? How much did you drink? Can you stand up? This faraway thing called love Gu Ae Jeong If it comes into sight, it will bring heartache and tears, right? Tomorrow, you will hold my hand for sure, right? That's why I left you So that I can fall in love with my love Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Don't forget me Even if I only lived for a second It's a promise.
I'll be the one and only heart who loves you For that one and only I've concealed sorrowful tears and left So please remember me I should have raised an animal that could talk.
A dog would have gone "woof, woof" if I asked if Gu Ae Jeong came.
Don't forget me Why didn't you guys say a thing? Manager Jang.
When National Treasure Girls broke up, it would have been okay to continue on.
But why did we break up as Ae Jeong said, even when she was the one who hit me? At that time, there was definitely someone backing Ae Jeong up from somewhere.
The company's CEO received money from that person and immediately decided on a break up.
Ae Jeong had a person like that? Who? If I knew that, do you think I would leave Ae Jeong alone? Do you think Han Mi Na would know since they were close? That's my guess.
If I find her, I have a lot to ask her.
I want to ask her everything too.
But there are a lot of things in the air.
I don't know if I should find her or not.
If you find her, let me know.
I'll make sure to dig up Gu Ae Jeong's secrets without troubling you.
Gu Ae Jeong, take your medicine.
Not right now, Unni.
Yoon Pil Joo brought this here, saying that your insides will hurt.
He firmly requested that I heat it up.
Yoon Pil Joo is such a great man.
Ae Jeong.
I want you to live without getting hurt anymore.
So even though I know what's making you worry or hesitant, I'm going to pretend I don't know.
I'm going to go.
Make sure you take your medicine! I'm going to die It's cold.
It's warm.
The weather's so nice.
It's hot.
Dok Go Jin Why is he here again? Do you think he's trying to stop you from filming? He's probably here because he felt uncomfortable listening to my drunk ramblings.
I should set him straight before I go.
Ae Hwan, you go first.
Ae Jeong, you're definitely going to come, right? I'm going to believe that you're going to come.
Gu Ae Jeong, are you okay? Your wine has given me quite the hangover.
Please get rid of it.
Then take me to the filming.
I'm going to cure my headache and my insides with hangover soup.
So until I'm done, don't get on my bad side.
Now that I think about, I never sat face to face with you and stayed until the very end.
You always made me storm out.
You never let me rest comfortably before.
But that's a good thing.
If I didn't storm out and stayed with you until the end, we would have come out over there.
Then it would have plummeted.
For you, it wouldn't have mattered that much, since you're at the bottom.
But for me, who's at the top, it would have been a completely different story.
If you knew that so well, why didn't you like me without letting me know? I liked you so much that I couldn't do it.
- Did you even really like me? - Yes.
You witnessed me plummeting down to my pathetic one-sided love state.
I can say this honestly since it's not the case anymore but if I hadn't come to my senses, I really would have hit rock bottom and my heart would have broken.
Why are you laughing at me? Are you mocking me? You turned away from me not because I was pathetic.
You still liked me a lot and it makes me feel good.
Even if you smile like that, I'm perfectly fine.
You're right.
It's behaving so properly that I sort of hate it.
I'm Dok Go Jin, the master of mind control.
What are you doing? I wanted to check how good you were with mind control.
- Check? - Yes.
I just confirmed that you're perfectly fine.
It's here.
- Eat deliciously.
- Thank you.
I should eat this heartily and become perfectly fine too.
Since my head and my insides hurt a little.
- Did you check all the supplies? - Yes.
How about the lights? Go check them.
I just wanted to check on the lighting.
You have to be careful.
Keep everything a secret.
Did you check everything else? We're getting ready for the night filming! Get ready to go on air! Yoon Pil Joo.
You believe that Ae Jeong will definitely come out, right? - But I don't think she'll come out.
- What? You seem really flustered.
Was that a joke? I'm already nervous, so please don't joke around like that.
You were flustered and now, you're angry, aren't you? Don't forget that feeling and remember it so that it's easier to explain.
I'll film really well over there.
Thank you dropping me off.
The doctor is waiting for you over there, right? Yes.
Dok Go Jin.
Since you were honest with me, I'll be honest with you before I go.
Truthfully, you made my heart flutter.
After meeting you, cherry blossoms bloomed in my heart then camellias bloomed and azaleas too.
But after flowers blossom, they fall off at some point.
So even though I felt excited and happy, I was afraid.
I was slowly approaching you one step at a time.
But luckily, the flowers fell off on their own first.
Thank you so much for showing me beautiful flowers this spring.
Something's wrong.
My heart is thumping.
I'll be going.
Gu Ae Jeong.
It seems like something's wrong.
I have to confirm something for sure.
Because you are my man Because you are my love After sending you away and letting go, you still remain and make me cry Because you are my man It's because you are still my man I can't hold back these foolish tears It's completely fine.
Why can't you hear? Completely fine? Why can't you see me? Turn around, I'm here What I'm saying is that I love you, you fool No, it isn't.
That's a relief.
Thank you for letting me know to the end that you don't feel anything.
Because you are my man Because you are my love Don't cry anymore, I am sorry that I can't let you go (I love you) Because you are my man (You are my love) I cannot give you up at all I'm begging you not to go any further away Something is really wrong.
Couple Making Season 3 perfect man Yoon Pil Joo has dashed the hopes of the other contestants - by giving all of his heart to Gu Ae Jeong.
- The picture is perfect.
It's so pretty! And he is waiting now, hoping for her to accept his love.
Will Gu Ae Jeong appear here today to accept Yoon Pil Joo's love? It is a spring night that makes all of our hearts flutter.
Yoon Pil Joo, you're nervous but happy at the thought of starting a relationship with Ae Jeong, right? But, I don't want to stand here and just watch so I'm going to tell you.
That feeling I told you to remember is how I'm feeling right now.
Because I like you.
What's wrong with his expression? Really.
Why does he look like that? It's Gu Ae Jeong! Keep the camera on her.
The woman whom he has been waiting for - has finally arrived.
- Roll the cameras.
On a sweet spring night, a battle of love.
is Couple Making Season 3 finalist Gu Ae Jeong coming to start a new beginning with Yoon Pil Joo.
Or is she coming to painfully reject him? Gu Ae Jeong has a very uneasy face on.
Yoon Pil Joo is also looking very nervous.
Viewers, just wait a little more.
Gu Ae Jeong suddenly stopped walking.
Is she wavering in the most important moment? Is her swaying for a happy ending or a beautiful departure? It is a very tense moment.
Gu Ae Jeong is once again moving towards Yoon Pil Joo.
What could her final decision be? Yoon Pil Joo is all ready.
Gu Ae Jeong, please let your heart decide.
Gu Ae Jeong This faraway thing called love If it comes into sight, it will bring heartache and tears, right? That's why I left you So that I can fall in love with my love Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Don't forget me Gu Ae Jeong, it hurts so much.
Even if I only lived for a second I think I'm going to die.
Spot Translator: songbird Watch dramas legally at
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