Poker Face (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Hook

Long time no time.
You know who this is?
Mr. Sterling. Yeah,
it's, uh, been a while.
My God, kid.
It's a mess, isn't it?
Just spoke to the medical examiner.
There wasn't enough of my son
for me to even identify.
It's a fucking mess, kid.
I let you off once, Charlie.
Gave you a life.
Pretty good life, right?
So, uh, what happens now?
You tell me where you are.
I mean, you might as well
tell me where you are.
'Cause there's is not
a corner in this country
small enough for you to hide in.
There's no off the grid
that's off-the-grid enough
for you to hide from me.
I'm a tough old bastard
and I got some years left.
And I'm gonna spend them finding you.
And I'm going to hit you where it hurts.
And when I do kill you, finally
you can thank me.
tell me, kid
am I lyin'?
I got to go.
This is your job now.
You're going to find Charlie Cale,
and then you're gonna call me
and you're gonna ask me
how deep to dig the hole.
Well, that was quick.
ATM ping off highway 93.
On my way.
We got her.
I found her.
Yeah, she's headed west.
Wait, wait, wait. What
do you mean "Texas"?
Yes. I asked him.
Don't you think I asked him that?
Yeah, a week ago.
- No, she's gone.
- Dammit.
Well, that's a good question.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
And I'm from the department of
A year.
Over a year.
Over a year of shitty coffee
and bad motels.
The things that I have eaten.
A solid year on the road.
I did not sign up for this.
I should be there with you
running our business, doing my job.
Not out here chasing
some delinquent runaway.
I thought I made it clear to you.
This is your job.
And all you're telling me right now
is that you're bad at your job.
Not sure why you'd
even go out of your way
to point that out to your employer.
Call you back.
Yeah. Parker.
Hey, we got something in Colorado.
Your troubles may be over.
Let me take a look at that Jane Doe.
It's over. We got her.
All I need to know is
how deep to dig the hole.
We're gonna let her heal up.
Well, that, that might take some time.
Like, like multiple months.
She's conscious, just incapacitated.
I can make it hurt right now.
No. Two months is fine. I can wait.
I want her on her feet.
Then you're gonna bring her to me.
You camp out outside that hospital
until she's discharged.
And don't let her slip past you again.
Are you, are you fucking kidding me?
If you think I'm sitting at some
shit motel in fucking Denver
Jimmy, what are you doing?
Now the people who did this are
putting the screws to me too.
I don't wanna be here
any more than you do.
If you can be good, you
get to ride up front.
You take care of
yourself, man, all right?
Thanks. Good luck.
Janelle, I'm going to miss you, lady.
- Bye, sweetheart.
- Bye, honey. Thanks.
Edwin, It's been real,
but I'm afraid it's checkout time.
I'm going to give you guys
five stars on Yelp, no doubt.
So, uh, bill-wise,
I'm not sure how this works.
If you have an installment
plan or something.
Uh, your bill's been paid since day one.
My God.
Thanks, Obama.
What? No. By private party.
You've been here two months.
You had a room with a TV.
How do you think this works?
I don't know, I guess I thought
you guys were like a, a church
you know, can't turn people away.
Ha, ha.
Wait, a private party.
Trunk or the cab?
Either way works for me.
Hey! Okay.
Drop it and show me your hands.
You think he's going to make it hurt?
One can hope.
It's a relief in a sick way.
I can feel the muscles
in my brain relaxing
that haven't been relaxed in a year.
All this, everywhere I went,
it felt like I was leasing time.
I know he'd get me eventually.
The hook.
- Eh?
- The hook.
Brings you back. Inevitable.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
You killed Natalie, right?
Like, Sterling Jr. gave the word, but
you killed her, right?
Open the glove compartment.
Reach in and take it out.
Suck it in.
Suck it in, suck it in.
If you're Rin Tin Tin or Anne Boleyn.
Make a desperate move or else he'll win.
And then begin to see
what you're doing to me.
This MTV is not for free.
It's so PC it's killing me.
So, desperately, I'll
sing to thee of love.
Sure, but also rage and hate
and pain and fear of self.
And I can't keep these
feelings to myself.
I've tried. Well, no, in fact, I lied.
Could be financial suicide
but I've got too much pride
inside to hide or slide.
I'll do as I'll decide and
let it ride until I've died.
And only then shall I abide
this tide of catchy little tunes.
Of hip three-minute ditties.
I want to bust all your balloons.
I want to burn all of
your cities to the ground.
I've found I will not
mess around unless I play.
Then, hey, I will go on all day.
Hear what I say.
I have a prayer to pray.
That's really all this was.
When I'm feeling stuck and need a buck,
I don't rely on luck.
Because the hook
brings you back.
You really are the fucking worst.
Hey, w w-what is this?
Like, when Pesci gets
whacked in "Goodfellas"?
Is that the, uh, just keep walking?
Fuck, man.
Get cleaned up. Put that on.
I'll be back in an hour.
Okay. All right.
Hey, kid.
Want a drink?
No. Uh
A beer.
All right.
You got me. What happens?
Tell me about your year.
No. No.
My year's been a knot in
my stomach every night,
knowing this was coming.
So now it's here.
Just do me the dignity.
You won. Just do me the dignity
of skipping this
cat-and-mouse shit
and whatever you're
gonna do, just do it.
What did you think was gonna happen?
Now, I just want to talk, huh?
Hey, take the win, kid.
You grew up in Atlantic City, right?
You got family here, right?
Hey, I didn't mean
that to be threatening.
I just, you know,
I know so little about
you, I heard that,
I thought it was interesting.
Fuck it. Doesn't matter.
This casino is owned
by the Hasp family.
Beatrix Hasp, real piece of work.
Not very nice people.
You can feel it comin'
up from the floor.
I can, sittin' at the
tables, I can feel it.
It's funny
how it seeps all the way
down through the bedrock.
And even still
there's no place I would
rather be than a casino floor.
I tried retiring.
I tried golf.
It's fine.
I just kept getting
pulled back, you know.
There's nothing that pulls you in more
than being really good
at something for unhealthy reasons.
Running a casino,
that's what does it for me.
I'm very good at it.
For the exact same reasons
I'm lousy at being a father.
How about that?
Any of this making any sense to you?
I didn't kill your son.
And I want you to know
what he did
and what Kazimir Caine did
and why I did what I
- I know.
- You know?
I know.
And I understand.
I would have done the same thing.
I don't blame you for my son's death.
Well, what?
Sterling, what the fuck
have we been doing for this past year?
- I've been chasing you.
- Why?
Because you've been runnin'.
I was running because
you were chasing me.
What the fuck is even
happening right now?
And now I caught you.
And now what?
If I stood up and walked away right now,
so what happens?
Go ahead.
Your car's cleaned up and serviced.
Hey, it's in the west valet. Here.
I don't think you will though.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
And you know I'm not lying.
But I think you're curious
why I got you here.
I know I had you hooked.
Can you do your thing over video?
Yeah, I think so.
And so when is this game?
Day after tomorrow.
We got 48 hours.
Uh, and, and your dad's all right
with this, uh, us
plucking his golden goose?
My dad?
You recognize that?
I've had the whole
place tapped for sound
since the early '80s.
Yeah, evidently.
In tape I trust.
But there's this.
This happened right before
your meeting with my son.
He's in his office
all by himself. Right?
His private line rings.
Not here.
- "Not here."
- "Not here."
Meaning, don't call me here.
Because he knew I
could trace the number,
which I did.
It came from the owner of this casino,
Beatrix Hasp.
There's three things I said to my kid
before I gave him the
keys to the casino.
First two don't matter.
The third one
keep Beatrix Hasp out.
She's the head of the Five Families,
which is exactly what it sounds like.
They've wanted a piece
of Frost Nevada forever.
I keep 'em out.
They're not happy about this.
My son
he was making a deal with Beatrix
and the Five Families
behind my back.
Today, there's a sit-down
between me and the Five Families.
That's why I'm here. At her hotel.
Cliff didn't like the idea
of doing it on her turf.
It's stupid.
She hurts me, she starts a war
with the Southwest Syndicate.
I'm hoping she's not that crazy.
And I'm hoping you're
not bad enough at your job
to lose two Sterlings in a row.
I'm gettin' an inkling here.
At the sit-down,
I will be promised certain protections.
Assurances will be made
and tensions will be voiced,
and many, many, many,
many lies will be told.
It'd be a good idea for
you to be in that room.
All this,
the healing up, the Dolce,
even the finding me,
it's all that for a job.
$500,000 clean cash, which
I hope you will regard
as the beginning of a mutually
beneficial relationship.
And if you don't
no obligations beyond this afternoon.
Say it again.
About the money and how I can walk.
"In tape I trust."
500K for the afternoon.
After that, you're free.
Welcome back to the world, Charlie Cale.
Oh shit.
And, uh, by the way,
I hope you don't think
I'm too sentimental.
Here you go.
Open it.
Reach in. Go on.
From me to you, kid.
Oh fuck.
Security, stop that girl!
She killed him.
When you follow somebody's
orders for 25 years,
stand behind them and nod,
advance when they advance,
the man behind the man.
When you do that, there's
a very natural impression
to be had that you like the person.
Even love the person.
I don't know, maybe it has
something to do with dogs.
When that's reflected back on you
by everyone who sees you
as the man's best friend,
I guess it can go two ways.
It can hook you, pull you in,
make you start to feel
something like love or
or it can go the other way.
Start to metastasize.
And all the disrespect
and lack of regard
and all the ways you're
treated like a dog
that seem to bounce
off the obedient facade,
No, no, no.
It all goes somewhere.
Right here.
I hate the old man.
I want a yacht
in addition.
All right. We can get you a yacht.
Well, the terms you've
laid out proffer me
more dignity and
respect than I've gotten
in decades from the Sterlings,
so I am saying yes.
Just tell me how deep to dig the hole.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this
is all good to hear,
but it won't be that simple.
If any connection comes to light
between us and his death,
it's not good.
It's war.
And yeesh, war.
So you want it to look like an accident?
Well, even that.
With the timing, people
will be suspicious.
Nope. The best thing, the ideal thing,
we get a patsy.
Someone with a believable motive
that we can set up in an
ironclad way to take the fall.
What's so goddamn funny?
All right.
She's here.
How's she look?
Healed up?
Next to the chair.
I want to surprise her with it.
Everything else all set?
Room service.
Open it.
Go ahead, reach in. Go ahead.
Reach in. Go on.
From me to you, kid.
Oh fuck.
Stop her!
She killed him.
She killed him. Security!
Who's this?
No, wrong number.
Yeah? No.
This is Agent Clark.
Oh, thank God.
I knew that the last number had,
like, a round part in
it. I just couldn't
Hey, it's Charlie Cale,
from Joyce and Irene.
You, uh, you gave me a card.
- Uh, Luca, right?
- Yeah.
- Sugar nephew.
- Charlie.
Okay, so I'm not sure where to begin
to explain this, but, uh
Okay, so since we last parlayed,
I find myself in a, a very, um,
let's say, specific situation.
I know. Charlie, here's
how I can help you.
Turn yourself in to the
authorities right now.
Don't turn yourself in.
Yeah, I wasn't planning on it.
- Where are you?
- Uh, well, I'm in Atlantic City.
I'm not sure if, you know,
you saw it on the news
or if you get some sort of
special FBI wire services.
But, yeah, I'm in a very bad situation.
I know, I know. Where do
you think I am right now?
You're here?
The FBI is here?
This is the Franz Ferdinand of mob hits.
The bureau has the
case, and I'm lead man.
God, man, no offense, but I thought
you were low-level,
like Uber for stoolies.
Well, yeah, I got a promotion,
and I owe you for that.
I tracked down that email you sent,
and we got Kazimir Caine.
That was kind of a big deal.
Huh! You got him? Yes!
Oh man, I didn't see that on the news.
No, you didn't.
Look, y-y-you said
you're lead man, right?
You're lead man, you can help me
because you know I
didn't do this, all right.
I was set up, so you
can get me out of this.
Uh, I don't know that.
No, there's video.
There's a lot of video, all
the security cameras, of you
pulling a gun on Sterling.
Then the power goes out.
He's dead. Shot with
the same gun you pulled.
I did not know
what I was pulling out of that box
until it was in my hand.
Then the lights went on and he was dead.
But I did not fire that gun.
It had been fired twice.
Ballistics, fingerprints,
everything. It's there.
I, uh
It's just been How? Like, fuck. Okay?
Just how?
Where are you right now?
I'm, I'm in some random room.
I, uh, I lost Cliff in the crowd,
and then I, uh,
I hid out in the interfaith
prayer room for a few hours.
And then I swiped a key
from the housekeeping station
'cause they keep the cards in the carts
and, yeah, I got in here.
Wait, you're still in the hotel.
Yeah, but they turn it over
in, like, I don't know, 20 minutes,
so I got to make a move here.
Get out of the hotel!
Okay, my car is in the west valet.
if I can get there.
Can I get there? What's the situation?
Do not, don't get
your car. Are you nuts?
The bridges all have checkpoints.
The whole island's shut down.
Don't get your car.
Okay. I'm coming to you then.
You're in the casino. I'm comin' to you.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
I come to you, we figure
this out together, all right?
We solve this. I'm
surprisingly good at this shit.
Charlie, no. Charlie, listen
- Listen to me.
- We solve this together.
- Listen
- Because I didn't do this.
It doesn't matter. It
doesn't matter if you did it.
It doesn't matter if you solve it.
The truth does not matter.
If Beatrix Hasp and the Five Families
killed Sterling and set you up,
then your goal, your only one goal,
is to get off this island alive.
Between you, me, and a burner phone
if you turn yourself in,
I can't promise you that.
Do you know anyone in the city?
Can you get someplace safe?
Uh, yeah.
We're looking for a blond woman,
floral sequin dress.
Lobby all clear. Over.
Jesus Christ.
Come on.
Oh, come on.
Uh, I'm safe. I'm, yeah, I'm good.
Uh, so give me news.
Are things cooling off?
- Very much not. No.
- Shit.
The Southwest Syndicate
is getting on war footing.
They think Beatrix and the
Five Families hit Sterling.
Which, yes, she did, is what I said.
But if she gets you brought in for it,
they can sew it all up.
They need to catch you.
Oh, I I-I remembered something.
Th-th-the tape.
I had the tape recording on the table.
So, you know, maybe there's something.
maybe you can tell how far away
the shots were from,
from how blown out it
is on the recording.
No, I've been back and
forth over that tape
like Gene Hackman, and
it's all consistent.
- Hey! All right.
- The shots are blown out.
It's a cheap recorder.
There's nothing
No, no, no, the other side.
The, the, turn the tape over.
Okay. Listen to the other side.
Sterling's son gets a call from Beatrix
that proves the, uh
Proves what?
Shit, it doesn't prove anything.
I'll listen to it anyway.
But, Charlie, get out
of town any way you can.
I, uh
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
There's a woman in the yard.
There's a what, baby?
A woman in the yard
crawling under the house.
I think she's going in the secret way.
Hey, Em, how you been?
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
No, I'm serious.
Go easy. I just did a lot of crawling.
Cops. Cops at my door
outside right now, on a Sunday.
I got to explain to my
little girl the cops.
What are you wearing?
No. You know what? I
don't even want to know.
You know, I got to explain to Shasta.
"Oh, that, that hooker
crawling under the house,
that's your Auntie Charlie,
who you met once when you were three."
It's great to see you. Just great.
Jesus. Look, Em, do you have
any olive oil or something?
- What?
- I just need it for just
Weird. Uh, never mind.
You know, I ought a march
you out to the cops right now?
- Don't, please. Don't, please.
- Yeah. Yeah.
I'll regret it the rest
of my life if I don't.
Look, I, I, you know I don't
want to come here like this. Okay.
The last thing in the world I want
to do is come to you like this.
All right? You know that. All right?
So just, I just need one thing.
- Oh, you need one thing. God!
- I need one thing!
One thing, and then I'll go.
- Why do I always get pulled into shit with you?
- Dude.
Saving you when you're just ruinous.
You are ruinous.
Jesus. Em. Em.
- Just
- Would you keep it down, please. She's
I'm sorry.
Look, I want to know, uh
did you, uh
I sent you
A couple of years back,
I, uh, sent you, uh
The money?
So what do you want now?
Me to thank you for the money?
- I
- Or that's what you need?
You need money?
No, no.
Look, I just wanted, I
didn't know if you got it.
I just wanted to know
that you did
get it.
All right, look, I, uh,
I can be gone in two minutes.
I just, I need Dad's boat.
Thanks. Thank you.
You're fuckin' welcome.
I'll wait over there.
I'm Charlie. I'm, uh,
I'm your mom's sister.
So that makes me your aunt.
You swim?
Do I swim?
I haven't swam in years.
Why? Do I look like I swim?
I, uh
And who didn't believe I could do it?
Who doubted me?
Well, hello.
That's, uh
yeah, that's me and your mom.
Well, uh, Dad, I'm sorry,
Granddad used to take
us out on his boat,
and then he'd make us
swim back to shore, so
That was fun.
I like swimming.
Ah, you do? That's good.
Yeah, I hate it.
Then why'd you do it?
Well, I guess I was good
at it for some reason and
You know, you end up in the water,
what else are you going to do? Right?
Auntie Charlie was just saying goodbye.
You say goodbye to her?
Baby, what is that in, in Jan's hair?
It's a hot roller.
I'm giving her a perm.
Aunt Charlie dropped it.
Okay. I'm sorry about that.
It's my hair-do. It's
Yeah, okay.
Shasta seems like a good kid.
I'm sorry I didn't ever get to, uh
Well, I have a situation
I have to get out of.
But after that, if you'd allow it,
you know, I'd love to try to
I mean, we should talk at least, right?
I mean, there's a world
where we get to talk.
We, we hash out the past,
talk about Dad,
what you did,
what you ruined
with your truth and bullshit.
You learn more about my life,
my kid, and we build that.
But that's not the life you chose.
That's not "The Charlie Show."
You think I chose
this, like, doing this?
You think I like living like this?
I don't know.
But, I mean, "like." What is "like"?
I don't care. I mean
Yeah. You know what? Yeah.
It's the life you got.
And someday you're gonna have to admit,
you chose it.
This is not just a series of situations
you keep getting reeled into.
You choose to be out there,
wherever the fuck you are,
just swimming free, cool and breezy.
And I bet people love you.
And I got a lot of bile
kicking up right now, I know,
but I'm not saying they're wrong.
You got a good heart.
You choose to spend it on strangers
and then breeze on down the highway.
But I don't know. Maybe that's right.
You know. I mean
I bet you do some good.
I bet there are a lot
of people out there
who need someone like you.
But us?
We're doin' just fine.
How the fuck?
Why would I kill Sterling?
Where are you?
You know what he was doing?
He was giving me my life back.
It makes no sense.
I mean, you can see that, right?
Look, people do things. Where are you?
You heard the shots in the dark.
Did they sound like
they came from the table?
I mean, Cliff, did they?
Where are you?
Look, we were set up. You as much as me.
It kills me, but we're
in this together now.
You want to know who killed the old man,
we're in this together.
Let me come to you.
We'll figure out what happened.
Cliff, where are you?
Okay, um, I'm on a boat.
You're what?
State Marina? Pier 12.
Hello, Chief, It's Cliff LeGrand.
Uh, listen, I'm on my
yacht, docked down here
at the end of Pier 12,
and Charlie Cale is
currently on her way to me.
Yes, I can try to keep her here. Uh-huh.
You're welcome.
Yes, ma'am.
I did. Yes.
Mrs. Hasp, pleasure
doing business with you.
That was, uh, that was quick.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, you know, wild coincidence.
I happened to already
Yeah, anyway, hey.
Do you want a beer?
Yeah. Cool boat.
The gun the police found at the scene
had your fingerprints on it.
Two shots fired.
It was the gun that shot the old man.
Look, man, all I can do
is say again what happened.
I reached my hand in.
I was like, "What the hell is this?"
I pulled it out, the lights went out,
and then
- Then.
- Then.
something glowed.
I'd forgotten that.
The chip, the casino chip,
he was, uh, holding it.
It glowed or, uh, it
started glowing like,
like it turned on or something.
Does that make sense?
Well, I mean, sometimes
casinos have chips that glow
under black lights for security.
And with the lights out, the shooter
would have wanted to have a target,
especially if he was trying to blend in
or didn't want to get
night vision gear on or off
or use a gun with an infrared scope.
Where'd he get that chip?
I think it was on the
table when he sat down.
He always did that with a, with a chip.
Oh shit, you're right. He did.
Yeah, I remember that.
Well, gosh, anyone who
knew him would know that.
I mean, Beatrix Hasp would know that.
Yes, she would.
But maybe I just say fuck it.
Turn you in for it anyway, though.
Truth and all that whatnot.
But maybe just fuck it.
Yeah, I, uh
I guess I'm betting
that you're even just
a little bit like me
and whoever did this for real,
you want to see them get theirs
because you loved the old man.
So what do we do?
Well, gee, I don't know.
We're on a boat, so
I guess for starters,
we leave.
What do you think?
Maybe the DR.
Yeah, maybe.
Grab my iPad from down below, will you?
It's just down there.
All right.
All right.
Cliff. Cliff.
Hey, I found your glow-in-the-dark
things, you son of a bitch.
Cliff! Oh, my God,
I found your murder things,
your chips, you asshole.
Hey. What are the cops going
to think about that, huh?
Put those chips on the table
against video evidence,
fingerprints on the weapon.
You bet a bum hand, Charlie Cale.
Nowhere to run.
Just sit tight, Charlie. Relax.
The fuck?
All right, man. No.
Shit, shit, shit. Okay.
Oh, fuck!
Take it easy take it easy!
Son of a bitch!
Sir, can you stay right
there for a second?
Hey, she swam off.
She just swam off that way.
She's got to be right
off the boat that way.
- Charlie Cale.
- Cliff LeGrand,
I'm FBI Special Agent Luca Clark.
Whoa. You okay? Your
eye is really fucked.
No, I'm not okay, but it doesn't matter.
Charlie Cale, the one
who killed Sterling,
she's getting away right there.
We're not here to talk
about Mr. Sterling's case.
- What?
- Can I ask you to verify for us?
Is this your voice on this recording?
Should we call your father?
No, we're not calling my fucking father.
I'm handling this.
Hey, you want me to turn it up for you.
I can handle it.
Then tell me what to do.
Cliff LeGrand, you're under arrest
for the murders of
Jerry and Natalie Hill.
Thanks, you. Thank you.
This is the second massive
case I've closed in six months,
- all thanks to you.
- Ah.
I'm just happy you got him.
Him, yeah, but no.
Cliff turned like a bad
penny on Beatrix Hasp.
Sold her down the river
for Sterling Sr.'s death.
Why do you think I'm not
arresting you right now?
'Cause we're friends.
I mean, we haven't caught her yet,
but the word is out on the street.
She's under siege from
the Southwest Syndicate,
big news for us.
Well, look
I'm going to ask you one more time,
as a friend this time.
You want a job?
Had to ask.
All right.
But keep my number.
I stick with you, at this rate,
I'll be head of the bureau in a year.
So what's next?
Well what are you, a cop?
Take it easy, man.
There you go, hon.
Come back again, okay?
Charlie Cale.
Do you know who this is?
Yeah. Uh, I have an assumption.
I mean, Beatrix Hasp, right?
Yeah, that's what I assumed.
Well, listen, Charlie,
I'm here with the Five Families.
You're there with all five of them?
Yeah, I got you on speaker.
And what we are dealing
with now is a war.
It's expensive and a pain in the ass.
And it is no good. It's bad.
It's ruinous, is the word.
And it didn't need to happen.
But it did. It happened because of you.
Well, I disagree with that.
Which is your prerogative.
Look, this is a courtesy call.
I know what your life's
been for the past year.
That was with Sterling,
who still did surveillance
with cassette tapes.
We, on the other hand,
are a fully modernized crime syndicate.
There is no corner of the country
deep enough to hide from us.
We're gonna find you.
And your death will be
neither quick nor comfortable.
and this offer expires when I hang up.
Cliff told me about your
circus freak lie detector thing.
You come back right now,
you put it to work for the Hasps,
and we'll see how it goes.
I mean, look at that highway, kiddo.
This life, how you're living,
you like that life?
Uh, I don't know.
Uh, I'm good at it.
It's what I got.
And how long do you
think you can keep it up?
Well, Bea
let's all of us find out together.
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