Claymore (Kureimoa) (2007) s01e14 Episode Script

Qualified to Fight

She should be approaching her limits soon Let's call it a day.
Go wash yourself.
No, I can keep going.
Please, let's continue.
Don't push yourself too much.
Your wounds haven't completely healed either.
Don't be in such a hurry.
Keep in mind that both practicing and resting are equally important in this training process.
She's been able to learn where her limits of using the flash sword are.
But A basin surrounded by mountains on all sides, eh? I see.
It is the perfect place for a secluded life.
Oh Looks like the size fits quite well.
Was this suit from back then? Yes.
It's lacking a left sleeve, but at least it's in a better condition than yours.
You can have it.
Even if you're not hungry, you need to force yourself to put it into your stomach.
You haven't changed.
Everything about you remains as it was back then.
I'm sure you know that while we half-human, half-Yoma grow, we do not age.
We remain in this form until we die in battle or turn into Yoma.
Even if Teresa were still alive now, she'd probably look the same, as well.
You think Teresa died because of you, right? In a sense, that is true.
Because of meeting you and traveling around, Teresa's abilities as a warrior declined, and she was killed by Priscilla as a result.
That is a fact.
But I think Teresa was happy during the time she spent with you, regardless of how short that period was Teresa was always in her own league.
She was too strong, too proud, and because of that, people around her admired her and were scared of her at the same time.
Yet, you loved her, and she accepted that.
To Teresa, the time she spent with you was filled with peace and more importantly, seemed very human.
She was very happy.
You can grasp your own limits now.
Don't forget that feeling.
How How much has my flash sword approached yours? The flash sword requires a very strong mentality.
The most important thing is to remain calm at all times.
I thought the traits would fit you, but I was wrong.
You are always burning a fire inside of your heart.
The flash sword doesn't fit people like that.
The second you use it, your mind will be dragged towards your arm.
The truth is, your flash sword won't even last one minute.
Both your strength and speed are barely one-tenth of mine.
In other words, it's a useless technique for you.
However, it is progress for you.
Allow me to give you my praise.
What was that for Because your wounds have closed already.
So, sorry, but I had carve out a new section.
Irene, you- Consider it my farewell gift.
Take it.
W-What are you talking about? That's crazy! Rejoin that arm already, else it'll be too late! With that arm, you'll be able to use the flash sword better.
I thought you would've needed that.
But, Irene- Having distanced myself from combat, that arm has become unnecessary and useless to me.
Since long ago, I have had no need for it.
But- Take it, so that you may survive, for that would serve as a proof that Teresa lived.
When all is over, I will come and return this to you.
So, you must live until then.
I will wait without any expectations.
Don't worry; I don't die easily.
Live on, Clare.
I felt the presence of another one.
Is she not here anymore? No.
She set out a while ago.
Well, no matter.
The person I was looking for was you.
It was hard to find you since you hid your Yoki for a very long time, but using your flash sword proved to be your mistake.
Thanks to that, your Yoki flows out normally like other warriors.
May I ask for your name? Rafaela.
I am Number Five in the organization.
What's with that wound? Was it a wound you got before you became half-human, half-Yoma? Is there a reason why I should tell someone who's going to die soon? Traitor Irene, under the orders of the organization, I am here to take your life.
I heard you had just one arm, but looks like you have lost both now.
Sorry, it seems like you ran out of luck.
No, I'd only have a chance with both arms, probably.
Why are you stuck at Number Five despite being that strong? Sorry, there's no reason to answer that either.
Irene? Something in my right arm just What was that? Something monstrous is coming My, hello there.
What a coincidence.
I can't believe I'd meet you here.
Hey what's with that right arm? I recall I minced that right arm of yours.
Ophelia Oh, come on.
Just because we haven't seen each other for a while, you've already forgotten about me? That hurts.
You're pretty cruel, aren't ya? An Awakened One Huh? What? What? Where's the Awakened Being? Gosh! There ain't any Awakened Beings! Don't just say those things out of nowhere! By the way, do you have anything on you that I can eat? Somehow, I've just been really hungry all this time.
If I may, I'd like some meat! If possible, something soft and fleshy yeah, like some guts, perhaps? No, no, not of humans.
It's not like I'm an Awakened Being.
But I just feel like the closer it is to a human's, the tastier it might be for me.
You aren't a human, if I had to say My, my Has your strength and speed increased a bit? Oh, come on.
What's wrong with letting me eat a bit of your guts? You really have increased your strength and speed quite a lot compared to before I wonder what happened to you.
Well, not like I care.
Weird It doesn't taste too good.
This is really weird.
I guess it doesn't taste as good if they aren't guts.
It didn't have to be you, but my stomach is starving so much, I have no choice.
I really wanted to eat your guts alive, but I guess I'll kill you first, then eat.
For a Claymore warrior to die from drowning, that's quite sad In a way, it's pretty humorous- W-What What is this What is this? What is Who the hell is this?! This can't be No way You've got to be kidding me Are you Are you telling me that I awakened?! No-------!!! Why? Why me? I just wanted to avenge my brother! Yet why must I turn into that monster It's all that one-horned monster's fault!! What the I lost my right arm.
You did this? What the hell? What did you do? Anyway, this is all your fault! If it weren't for you, I would never have ended up like this!! It's all your freaking fault! If it weren't for you, my brother wouldn't have died either! And I wouldn't have ended up like this!!! Who in the world are you Number Forty-Seven in the organization, Clare, the successor of Teresa's flesh and blood, the bearer of Irene's right arm, and the one who will hunt down the head of the one-horned monster, Priscilla.
Sorry, I will bring your soul along with me.
Bastard! I missed the limit? No, it's because I haven't gotten fully used to Irene's arm.
I see.
So you borrowed that arm.
I knew I saw it somewhere before.
That's hers, right? That freaking hideous woman, Irene's right arm! And that's how you've become so strong in such a short period of time.
The complete release of Yoki in one arm.
All you have to do is control that right arm and never let go of the sword you're holding on to.
Am I right? You're always on the edge, aren't you? You've got issues all over your body because of the right arm that doesn't fit you.
I've gathered all of my human portions at the end of my tail.
In other words, this is my weak point.
Now, let's play a game! If you can slash your way through my entire body to get here, then you win.
But on the other hand, if you use up all your strength in the middle and cause yourself to awaken, then I win.
That would basically mean you didn't have the qualifications to fight against that one-horned monster.
What do you say? Interesting, isn't it? If I lose, I'll put my resolve in your hands.
What a fool.
You could've just ignored what I said and aimed directly for this area.
What's making her so desperate? Being stubborn and self-destructive Has she ever thought about the feelings of those left behind? Huh? Who am I talking about? Now, hurry and run away! I'll distract it! You get away now! Ah, that's right.
My brother.
He went for the monster to protect me.
It's not like he could've done anything, but he still headed towards her by himself.
Then, he just died like that.
That's really so annoying.
See? Game over.
That's all you've got, anyway.
D-Damn it Move Move Move! Move! The arm's What the hell are you doing?! If you just die like this, what should the people that survive you do? See? You can do it! Wait, why did I Congratulations.
You win.
Like I promised, I pass everything to you.
Besides, I couldn't have done anything.
Gosh, you really are annoying.
I really hate people like you that put their lives on the line.
Now, give me the final blow.
If you don't hurry, I'll regenerate.
Ophelia You'll be fighting in my stead, so I won't forgive you if you lose.
Ah, I see Brother's last smile Brother was smiling because he made sure that I was safe I wonder why I wonder why I'd forgotten about that all this time Sorry, Brother Let's play together again over in the other world, Brother Wandering feelings, wandering warrior, the emergence of a threat, Next episode, "The Witch's Maw - I".

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