Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e15 Episode Script

Assassination Group of Fire the Operation Starts! The Terrorist Group Jinpu Tai

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Restaurent and Hotel
I hope you give us your best
regards in the future as well
I guess you could say we
are supporting each other
It seems that way
Who the hell are you?
Monsters that abuse your
power to fulfill your greed
we, the Jinpuu Squad,
bring you divine retribution.
Who the hell are you guys?
How much
How much do you want?
Foolish question.
Assassination Group of Fire
The Operation Starts!
It sure is creepy
So what is that Jinpuu Squad thing?
It's a group of assassins
that have been attacking
high-ranking government
officials and big-name politicians.
But those who have been killed
were all suspected of embezzlement
so many people out there treat
the Jinpuu Squad like bringers of justice.
Of all things, they're killing people.
They have no right
to be bringers of justice.
That's right!
The sword that protects people,
like in the Kamiya Kasshin Style
is the sword of justice!
Yahiko, you say
something good once in a while.
You didn't have to
add "once in a while."
Now everyone, it's time for snacks.
Dear Ken, little Ayame,
little Suzume, come quickly.
It's time for snacks, Big Brother.
Let's go, let's go!
Now, now.
Whew, this is great!
Yeah, really!
The sweet potatoes you steamed
are really delicious, Miss Megumi!
Oh, yes.
Thank you, Miss Megumi.
Oh, dear Ken.
Don't you think it really suits Miss
Kaoru to be eating potatoes like that?
just like a fashionable country girl.
What is it?
What are you
laughing about, Sanosuke?
M-Mr. Sano!
Is Mr. Sanosuke around?
Mr. Sano!
I'm sorry I barged in here like this.
Hey, it's you, Professor.
You look strung out, what's wrong?
This child from my school
suddenly got a stomachache
l-I remember hearing that
you know a doctor, Mr. Sano
Doctor Gensai is not here
Grandpa is on a business trip far away.
Not here!
L-I see
If you'll excuse me
He doesn't seem to have a fever
Miss Kaoru!
Can you get a futon ready?
Dear Ken, go boil me
some water, please!
L-I'll go do that!
Professor, this woman doesn't
look like much, but she's a doctor
A A lady doctor?
I won't say anything
about her personality
but I'll vouch for her medical skills.
Stop jabbering and
help me lay this child down!
Don't be so assuming, wench!
C-Come on now
Fighting does no good, Mr. Sano.
Don't worry about it.
They're just being playful.
Hey, did you say something, Yahiko?
Now, over here, quickly.
Thank you
It seems he had an upset
stomach, but it's all right now.
If he sleeps for a bit,
he will be better soon.
You really saved me.
I don't know what to say in thanks
Shall I look over you too, Professor?
Professor, you look a little pale
It's all right.
It's only that I
haven't had much to eat
I am just a poor man, you know
That boy is all right now.
That's good, that it is.
Good, good!
So, the Professor is
the teacher at that school.
He lives on the same block I do.
Apparently, he used to be a samurai.
I never asked how he ended up
in the Ruffian Row House, though.
A while back, he would be
nothing but a poor errant samurai.
Living day to day on odd
jobs and temporary work
he opened a free school
and teaches the neighborhood
kids how to read and write.
How noble of him.
Something wrong, Kenshin?
I feel like I've met him before
I'm sure it's just my mistake.
A skilled assassin was it?
From now on, as the importance
of the target's name increases
the security will become heavier
It will not be as easy as before
As the Jinpuu Squad, we
need to reinforce our troops.
Isn't there anyone?
An assassin who
became legendary in Kyoto
like Battousai the Manslayer
Is that too much to ask in
this day and age, the Meiji era?
I have one lead
Oh, so there is one?
If his skills haven't wasted away,
he might be equal to the Battousai.
All right.
I will leave it up to you.
Kenshin, what's for dinner today?
We have good daikon radish today.
We can stew it with
mountain yams, and stir-fry the leaves.
It's pretty tasty that way, that it is.
Is something the matter?
Isn't that the teacher from yesterday?
Hey Professor, why don't
you call it a day and rest with us?
We still have more to do
tomorrow, so don't work so hard.
I'll be done with this in just a little bit
It's just like what Sanosuke said
He is a very noble one, that he is.
W-What is that guy?
I'd expect nothing less
Who is it?
It has been a while, Mr. Sasaki.
Toma Sakaki, is that you?
I am relieved.
It seems that your skills
have not decreased at all.
What in the world?
I will see you again soon
for what I want from you
Excuse me
A-Are you all right, Professor?
What in the world was that just now?
Did you see that?
The teacher's thrust
It was so fast I couldn't see it well
That is the most advanced of the
Hinoha Ittou Style's final attacks
The Shiden Blade.
Shiden Blade?
An assassin's strike that
stabs at god-like speed
so the target doesn't even
have time to try and block the attack
that he does not.
Who in the world is that teacher?
I've been on the receiving end of
that blade once in Kyoto, that I have.
You, Kenshin?
It was much later when I learned that
my opponent was Heihachirou Sasaki.
He was a sergeant in
the Kyoto Patrol Group
a group of swordsmen
who were feared
along with the Shinsengumi.
Then that teacher
used to be a swordsman who
could duke it out with the Shinsengumi?
You really can't judge
someone by their appearance
I just can't stop drinking
today, for some reason
I guess I'll go have a
drink with the teacher.
It's been a while.
Who the hell are those guys?
I'm sorry about the
other day, Mr. Sasaki.
Toma, what business do you
have with me after all this time?
You were the Assistant Master when
I was learning the Hinoha Ittou Style.
I was only a fledgling
It seems you have vastly improved
in the time since I last saw you.
I am honored.
How many men have
you slain in that time?
The way you carry your sword
It seems you are an assassin
who has tasted human blood
A sword exists to slay humans
Your sword should
be the same as mine.
That assassin's sword
would you like to make
good use of it once more?
An assassination
The Imperialist
government does not think much of us.
Yet, it is controlled by those
who abuse their powers for profit.
To correct this rotten government
assassination is a necessity.
Will that change this world?
I will change it
with this sword.
I know you don't want to
end your life like this, either.
How about it?
How about standing on the front
stage in a beam of bright sunlight?
No matter what the reason
one who kills another
man can bask in the sun?
Such idiocy should never happen!
My current self, upon
throwing away the sword
came across an irreplaceable
treasure, the students at my school.
Using a few of my skills for those
children is what I can do for the world
and that is my repentance
to all the people I have slain.
Toma, I don't think I
will see you ever again.
The Jinpuu Squad
never lets its prey escape.
The same can be said about you.
No matter what it
takes, you will join us.
You're doing the
same thing as Kenshin
I have more respect
for you now, Professor
And the teacher?
Oh, he flatly told them no.
But, that sure was a creepy guy
I don't know what else he's gonna
Wait, Sanosuke!
Why can't you help out even a little?
Leave him alone, Miss Megumi.
If Sanosuke helped with the
cleaning, we'd have a downpour
something so unlikely
would disrupt the balance of nature.
Shut up!
I'm home!
I just got back.
Welcome home, Dr. Gensai.
Everyone still the same?
I was worried about you too
Good to see that
you guys are all cheerful.
Grandpa, were you
really that worried about us?
Of course.
You girls are my treasures.
My current self, upon
throwing away the sword
came across an irreplaceable
treasure, the students at my school.
The kids!
What's up with him?
I know!
He thought gramps would yell at him
because he wasn't cleaning with us!
You idiot!
No matter what it
takes, you will join us.
I wrote them all down!
Oh, that was fast, Kikumatsu.
Now, let me see
Our next target has been determined.
I would like you to come with us.
Mr. Sanosuke!
Kikumatsu, what's wrong?
The Professor was
taken away by a weird man!
Which way did he go?
Towards Shinagawa!
Dammit, that bastard
came over here after all!
Whoa, whoa!
Kitamura First-Rank Officer!
This is divine retribution!
What is going on?
L-It's the Jinpuu Squad!
What's wrong?
L-It's the Jinpuu Squad
Where are they?
Further ahead
on the outskirts of town
Mr. Sasaki.
You can't go back now
You can't throw away your sword.
Such is your destiny
Stop it!
M-Mr. Sano!
A schoolteacher
shouldn't hold such a thing!
Who the hell are you?
What rotten bastards you are,
threatening him through the kids
For that, I,
Sanosuke Sagara, will never
forgive you!
W-Wait, Mr. Sano!
Hey, man
Don't be shivering
over there, and stand up!
I'm sorry, but I can't be
taking care of you anymore.
You'll have to take your
life into your own hands.
To confront the Jinpuu
Squad with no weapons
You have some nerve.
Who is it?
I don't like the fact you drew a sword
against an unarmed man.
Your opponent
will be me.
Mr. Himura!
You make me laugh with
that reverse-blade sword
No one help me out.
Let's go.
Here I come!
It's coming
the Shiden Blade!
That sword
I would like to fight you again
when there won't be any interruptions
Next time, I am positive that
my sword will pierce your throat
That man uses the same sword
style you did, doesn't he, Professor?
Mr. Himura, you
I didn't win
I was in a little
danger as well, that I was.
Ten years
They have gone by too quickly.
Mr. Himura
You are the one that was
Battousai the Manslayer?
I threw away my old name
in Kyoto long ago, that I did.
Just like you threw
away your sword, Professor
Don't worry, Professor.
Kenshin and I won't let
anyone mess with your decision.
Your hands are no
longer meant to hold a sword.
They are valuable hands that
teach children reading and writing.
Thank you!
Mr. Sano, I promise you
No matter what happens, I
will never hold a sword again.
That's good to hear
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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