Big Hero 6: The Series (2017) s01e17 Episode Script

Big Hero 7

1 [Krei clears throat.]
And with this Kreitech miracle micro battery, we will power the world together! [cheers, applause.]
Thank you.
[phone beeps, applause stops.]
Barb: I'll take it! Uh, you there, you shouldn't be in here.
This is a closed rehearsal.
But don't worry, the battery will be available soon for purchase.
Did I say "purchase"? Ha! - Hey! - Ha! Pretty sure I said "take it.
" Ow! - Ha! - Aha! Juniper, what are you doing here? Could you please tell Barb, who I'm not speaking to because she betrayed our mother-daughter bond, - that I am taking the battery! - Mother? [scoffs.]
I don't believe you.
[Juniper grunts.]
[Krei groans.]
Yeah, I feel the resemblance.
Young lady, you give me that right now! No, Mother! Not after what you did.
This battery's mine! Not that you care about that.
Just what is that supposed to mean? You know exactly what it means.
Juniper, cut the sass and give me the battery! Never! [grunting.]
Okay, I know I shouldn't say this, but you do realize there's another battery right there.
Ha! [clattering.]
This is not how I raised you to steal things! I'm my own crime-dancer now, Mother! [whining.]
It'll do for now.
[running footsteps receding.]
I should call my mom.
[cellphone beeps.]
Hello, I am Baymax.
[title music.]
Whoa-oh Whoa-oh Whoa-oh Whoa-oh, whoa-oh Whoa-oh, whoa-oh 1x17 - Big Hero 7 Bad news, San Fransokyo.
Infamous mother-daughter duo, High Voltage, broke danced out of jail and are making a crime-dance comeback.
Go Go: I get the crime.
I don't get the dance.
See, I get the dance.
- I don't get the crime.
- Let's just get them back in jail.
Guys, Richardson Mole.
He can't know that we're - Big Hero 6.
- What about Big Hero 6? - Nothing! - Because if there's something you want to know about Big Hero 6, I'm the one to ask.
- I'm kind of an expert.
- Right.
I see I piqued your interest, Dream Girl.
I'm not just a superhero expert.
I know villains too.
- High Voltage, Glooby - Globby! I mean, um I I mean, I believe it is pronounced "Globby.
" Stay in your lane, Fred! It's definitely Glooby.
Uh, no, it's not.
The man's a giant glob.
Thus, his name is Glob-by.
He's not a giant "gloob.
" You don't know what you're talking about.
Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about.
- No, you don't! - Yes, I do! You're ruining my lunch serenity, guys.
Yeah, move along, Richardson.
This is my side of town.
You have sides? Not for long.
I'm buying the lot next door.
It will soon be home to the Mole Museum of Superhero History.
A superhero museum? That was my idea! - Was not! - Uh-huh! Stop.
Just stop.
- Sure, anything for you, Dream Girl.
- I wouldn't.
Some day.
Ugh! [grumbling.]
[door closes.]
I hate that kid.
Yeah, you really shouldn't let him get to you, Freddie.
He's just trolling you.
Do not engage.
- Hi there.
- Ma'am, you can't be in here.
I'm so sorry to bother you, officer, but my little ol' GPS here, well, it just conked out, and I'm all turned around.
Could you be a sweetheart and point me in the right direction? Uh, okay.
Where you trying to go? Well, thank you, darling.
I'm trying to get [grunting, groaning.]
[computer beeps.]
Got it.
Come to [gasps.]
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooo! - Having a bad day? - Too bad.
Because it's about to get worse.
- Who's having a bad day now? - Still you! [Fred screaming.]
[pained voice.]
And me.
Sorry about that.
Buh-bye! Great.
High Voltage got away.
Well, technically half of High Voltage got away, since they're clearly not working together anymore.
So maybe we should call her Half Voltage or Ooh, ooh, I got it Low Voltage.
- Eh? Eh? Right? - Look.
- It's empty.
- Fred: Huh.
Why would Low Voltage going with that name want an empty box? She didn't want the box, Fred.
She wanted whatever was in the box.
Their energy orb.
Interesting theory, Go Go.
This requires research.
Fred: The mother-daughter supervillain section is so vast.
Uh, where to start [sniffing.]
What do you want? Just wanted to make sure you weren't soiling my comics with your finger dirt.
Well, I wish you weren't soiling my life with your face.
Oh, witty retort.
Not! What? No! You cannot mock with a "not!" That's just Wait.
What is this?! What does it look like? Wait, "Lizard Guy" isn't even my his name! Yes, it is! For your information, I am a close, personal friend of Big Hero 6.
- No way! - Or yes way.
We hang out all the time.
Brunch, kayaking.
Last weekend, we went apple picking.
It was delightful! That is a bushel of lies, Richardson! I know Big Hero 6, and they would never pick fruit with you.
- Ever! - Oh, please.
There's no way you know Big Hero 6.
They're big-time superheroes, and you're just a big [gasps.]
old [gasps.]
I definitely know Big Hero 6 because I am Lizard Guy! Except that's not my name! It's Fredzilla, baby.
- Fake.
- Yeah, I guess this is fake too? [beeps.]
Ha! Oh! Uh Uh [nervous laughter.]
Forget you saw that! Oh, no.
[Dramatic music.]
Oh, no.
He's eating crackers.
This is bad.
Baymax: I detect heightened stress.
Indicated by cortisol and crackers.
- What's with the crackers? - He's a guilt eater.
What did you do? I told Richardson that I'm a member of Big Hero 6! Ah! Crackers on my face! Crackers on my face! - Wait You what?! - I know.
I'm sorry.
I broke superhero rule number one.
I'm a disgrace, and I deserve to be punished.
I don't deserve a cushion, Baymax.
Wait, wait, wait.
Fred, what exactly does Richardson know? Oh, I know a lot of things.
If Fred's in Big Hero 6, that means so are you.
- You.
- Hello.
And you.
Dream Girl [sighs.]
- just got dreamier.
- Ugh.
Dream on.
Yeah, we're not [nervous chuckle.]
You're not going to tell anybody, right? If people knew, it would be dangerous.
"If people knew, it would be dangerous.
" Seriously, Richardson, you have to keep it a secret.
Sure, sure, a secret.
My lips are sealed.
- But - I knew there'd be a but! - I want something in return.
- What? - To go on a date with - No way.
Not happening.
Go ahead.
Tell everyone.
It was worth a try.
- But - Ooh, I knew there'd be another but! Oh, there are a lot more buts, Fred.
I want Fred's first edition of The Human Fist, his entire Captain Fancy collection, and his limited edition Dr.
Slaughter action figure.
No way! You can't - Done.
- Fine.
- Take it.
- Okay.
- Wait, what? - Okay.
You can have all of Fred's stuff as long as you keep our identities a secret.
- Wait! - Baymax: Goodbye.
No wait, Fred.
You make a mess, you clean it up.
I hate when you're right! [slurping.]
[pop music playing on jukebox.]
[electricity crackling.]
[glass shattering.]
Hello, Juniper.
Don't "Hello, Juniper" me.
Where is it? [sighs.]
I don't know what you're talking about.
Tell me where it is.
Now! You wanna dance? Ah! [song changes.]
You might think I'm done Let's dance.
You might think they've won I think that song's a little tired, don't you? [song changes.]
When you try to say my name You choke up on the phone When you try to play my game You end up all alone [screaming.]
[song changes.]
It's a classic! Classic's just another word for old, Mother! [song changes.]
Did you just call me old? - [song changes.]
Hey! - Mind your own business, buddy! This is my business! I'm Joe! If you think for one minute that I won't get to it before you, then you're wrong.
So wrong! It's cute that you think so, little girl.
[song stops.]
What a mess.
But what a performance.
[Baymax whirring.]
[inhales deeply.]
Release attention.
All right, Richardson.
You got everything you wanted.
Now just leave us alone.
Actually, I thought of something else I want.
- I want to be one of you.
- [clattering.]
What? A member of Big Hero 6.
- What?! - Bad idea.
- Uh-uh.
- Nope.
- [Laughs.]
- [scoffs.]
Wait, what is he doing? Who is he calling? Hey, Bluff, Richardson Mole here.
Yeah, I've got a big scoop for you.
I know the real identities of [grunts.]
Yeah, sorry about that, Bluff.
I got cut [gasps.]
Hey, Bluff Yeah, sorry about that Richardson Mole here Okay, fine.
I'll make you a battle suit.
- That's what I thought.
- Hiro, no! - You can't make Mole a battle suit! - I don't have a choice.
People can't know who we really are.
What power do you want? Hmm? I want to breathe fire.
- But that's my thing! - Yeah, well, I think I can do it better.
- Baymax: Cracker? - Thank you! Richardson: Check it out, everybody.
Much better than Fred's suit, thanks to a few changes I dictated to Hiro.
- I changed the color story - Uh-huh.
increased the force and trajectory of the fire blast, and I added cup holders.
Whatever, mine's still Should have thought of cup holders.
Mole power punch! [clattering.]
Hyah! Ho! I am awesome.
Battle cry! Just be careful, okay.
It's a powerful suit and Please.
If Fred can do this, I can certainly do it.
- Fire blast! - Hiro: Richardson, no! [Richardson screaming.]
Not the topiaries! Baymax: Fire.
Please step back.
- Okay, that's it [Go Go's phone chimes.]
- High Voltage.
- We've got to suit up.
- Richardson: Yes! My first superhero mission! We are Big Hero 7! [whooshing.]
Fred: How you doing back there, Richardson? - This is really high! - Right there! [people screaming.]
Wasabi, you see her? Yep.
No buttons.
Go Go! [all screaming.]
[tires screeching.]
Come on, here we go We're headed to the show [engine revving, tires screeching.]
Wasabi, watch out! I'm going downtown, spinning round, like a clown [squeals.]
Okay, that button I like.
I'm so smart, I got the know-how [tires screeching.]
[Wasabi screams.]
Wow! Wow! Wow! This is real.
This is happening.
It's Big Hero 6! [cheering and applause.]
- Seven! - Ugh! Get off me! What do you need to know? Bubble-up, bubble-up Come on, here we go Here we go What do you need to know? [train whistle blowing.]
- Baymax: Oh, no.
- Baymax! What do you need to know? Bubble up, bubble up What was that? Five, six, seven, eight! Oh, hello, Mother.
Guess they made up.
[car alarms blaring.]
Or not.
I thought I told you to stay out of my way! You also told me to make my bed, and I didn't do that, either.
[electricity cracking.]
Got it! Juniper: Oh, no, you don't! - Comic book store! - Richardson: My store? Why are they going in there? I don't know.
But we still have a lot of problems out here.
Fred and I are on it.
- All right.
Be cool, okay - Out of my way.
Who would do such a horrible thing? Villains, that's who.
Filthy villains! - Wait, I don't like you.
- Ugh, I don't like you either! [both growl.]
Boys, focus.
We need to find High Voltage.
[Richardson fawning.]
The Mole Hole.
[Barb and Juniper screaming and grunting.]
Juniper: Oh, no, you don't.
Juniper, give me the orb right now! After the way you betrayed me! Never! Ha! Juniper: Ha! Guess we know what they're looking for.
Hey, Go Go, you were right.
Wait - Why do you have that? - Richardson: For the museum! Obvi! I will not ask you again.
And I will never trust you again! That move is mine.
You stole it! [yelping.]
[yelping, whimpering.]
[both grunting.]
Gotta be honest, your tap is a little sloppy, ladies.
[both gasp.]
Richardson! Never insult the bad guys in an enclosed space! Especially you.
Shuffle-hop-step? More like shuffle-hot-mess.
For your information, the move is called the "Power Surge," and Juniper does it perfectly.
Whoa! - Richardson: Oh! That could have been me! - Fred: Yeah.
So stay down.
- You really think I do it perfectly? - Of course I do.
But then, why did you steal it? Because I can't do my move anymore.
My extension just isn't what it used to be.
- Aww, you could have just told me.
- I was embarrassed.
And I thought you wouldn't want to crime-dance with me anymore.
[arcade machines beeping.]
But we're a team.
Every move I have, I learned from you! [crying.]
Oh, come here.
I love you, Mom.
- I love you too.
- You were out of my life But always in my heart Whoa, whoa Let's get our acts together This time is forever Forever together That's why I think it's time we got the team back together.
Let's get our acts together Never say never Just ever forever But forever together We could be Together forever Together forever - What are you doing? - Not crying.
Get it together.
We need a plan.
They're charging up to full power with that thing.
- I've got an idea.
- Um, what are you thinking? - Go Go: Cut them off from the orb.
- Ah.
- Ready? - Ready! Both: Together, we're High Voltage! Power Surge! High Voltage High Voltage High Voltage High Voltage You probably should've kept these as backup.
Oh, Mom, are we going back to jail? At least we'll be together, baby.
Woman up.
[police siren chirps.]
Fred, wait! What now, Richardson? I just wanted to say thank you.
For saving me.
You've never been nice to me.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here.
Ugh, don't make it awkward.
I know it's time for a fresh, new start - My heart is - Okay.
You're welcome.
Does this mean you're going to keep our secret? [evil laughter.]
No way.
I'm totally going public with this.
I've already got an exclusive interview tomorrow with Good Morning, San Fransokyo.
Now if you don't mind, I'll be taking the orb to my new museum.
Richardson, don't! [electricity crackles.]
Baymax: Hello.
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain? I'm not in any pain.
Why are you guys here? High Voltage attacked your store Wait, was Big Hero 6 here? W-W-Where are they? - You don't remember? - Remember what? Fred revealed to you that we are all members of Big Uh Uh Big, uh Big nothing.
[laughs nervously.]
One big nothing! [chuckles.]
He doesn't remember.
Baymax: Perhaps the unique nature of the orb's power caused memory loss.
Okey-dokey, let's go with that.
Fred: Hey, buddy.
Need a hand? - Pfft.
Not from you, loser.
- Excuse me, but I just [breathes deeply.]
Staying calm.
- You just what? - Fred: Do not engage.
Do not engage Anyone have any crackers?!
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