Claymore (Kureimoa) (2007) s01e18 Episode Script

The Carnage in the North (Part 1)

title sign: The War in the North - I sign: Next episode Fall back! Fall back! Fall back! Fall back! Eva! Kate's been killed! Lucia!!! Wh What What the hell What the hell is happening here?! How long do you plan on following me? I have no intentions of leaving you, not until I return a favor of equal magnitude.
I've said so already I owe this life to you.
I've already gained something of equal magnitude.
Very impressive.
I acquired this skill thanks to you.
Me? Before then, it never crossed my mind the flash sword was controllable.
But when I saw you in that underground castle, I completely changed my thinking.
Even when your body had already awakened, you were able to keep your mind on the human side, something that shouldn't be possible according to our common sense.
It had a great impact on me.
The strength of one's mind can be a very powerful force.
That's why I gave it a try.
By reacting to the Yoki, I was able to use my strong mind to control my flash sword.
And this was the result? This skill was possible thanks to you.
Don't give me that look.
If you go missing, I look for you.
That's a given.
Rubel Impossible We didn't even sense her presence Number Five Rafaela?! So? Surprised, right? This one is the most talented at hiding her own Yoki.
She's the best choice for secret missions.
I suggest you don't.
Even with the two of you, you won't be able to defeat this one.
She's a bit special, you see.
And Galatea? What happened to Galatea? She abandoned her original mission and came up with that blatant lie.
After we heard her report, we chopped her head off right away.
I wish I could say that, but she's rather a useful individual.
We spared her life.
She'll be sent on dangerous missions for a while.
I'm here to give you a mission.
A mission? Numerous Awakened Beings have appeared in the Northern Lands, and several warriors, under the command of Number Seven, have all lost their lives.
Your mission this time is to take out those Awakened Beings.
The organization is prepared to send a large number of warriors, and you're one of them, basically.
Complete this mission and we might even reward you.
This should be considered a great chance for runaway warriors like you two.
Well, you don't need to decide right away.
We've already made you aware that we can find and kill you whenever we want.
Ah, and that boy you had around It seems he went to the North.
He might still be looking for you.
Raki's If you're still thinking about seeing the boy again, the Northern Lands would become the ideal area for your purpose.
Rubel H-Hey! What's going on here? What's about to happen? The Northern Lands of Alphonse.
The first city of Pieta.
I told you that you didn't have to follow me anymore.
Geez, people like you Hahahaha, you're still alive, aren't ya? You're Long time no see, Clare.
Helen! She's just saying hello to an old friend.
Don't interfere.
Deneve! It sure was a pretty low-class greeting.
Respect needs to be paid even to old friends.
What is it with you, Clare? You're always partnered with stubborn people.
What's your number, comrade? Just so you know, I'm Twenty-Two, and this one's Fifteen, eh? My name is Jeane, Number Nine.
What?! A single-digit?! Clare's Number Forty-Seven, yo? Clare saved my life.
What does that have to do with our number status? Looks like not all single-digit warriors are intolerable.
My name is Deneve.
I apologize for earlier.
But do believe that Helen didn't have any ill intentions.
No, I said too much, as well.
It wasn't something I should say to comrades fighting together.
Yo, umm, I'm sorry, Jeane.
Everyone, please gather here.
We will now be briefing you on the mission.
My name is Flora, Number Eight in the organization.
So she's Number Eight? Hey, since there's more than one single-digit warrior here, you having the lower number must mean you're the leader, right? No, there's someone with a lower number than me.
She's the leader Miria! So that's Number Six Phantom Miria.
Everyone, it was a long journey for all of you to gather here from your areas.
My name is Miria, Number Six.
I will be serving as the leader of this mission.
Our mission this time is the slaying of the many Awakened Beings lurking together in these Northern Lands of Alphonse.
That is why so many of us are here.
You've got to be joking! Many Awakened Beings?! There's no way a lot of Awakened Beings are lurking together! But that is the truth! Many Awakened Beings If you're squirming already, you can run away, little girls.
Our job is to fight and destroy Yoma and Awakened Beings.
If you piss in your pants just for seeing them, then you're pretty pathetic.
Get out of here right now.
What's with her? She's pretty brutish.
She's even got two claymores on her.
Number Eleven, Undine.
She describes herself as having the most strength among warriors, and thus her double-sword style.
Hmm But, if you ask me, the fact that she displays her superfluous muscles in non-combat situations shows that she's just a small potato.
Whoa, pretty critical there.
Huh? What was that? Who were you directing those words at, yo? Forgive me.
I spoke softly so that they wouldn't be heard, but I guess my natural voice is rather loud.
You're pretty interesting Hey, come on now, Deneve.
Everyone, please be quiet.
We are not done talking yet.
For those who still wish to make trouble, I will be glad to take you on.
Windcutter Flora, Number Eight of the organization.
Drawing out her sword, slashing, and putting her sword back She's an elite warrior that can accomplish this simple set of actions faster than anyone.
You're also a single-digit warrior, so please, come over here.
And also, Number Eleven, Undine.
Huh? Number Thirteen, Veronica.
Come forward.
The five of us, including me, will be serving as captains.
There are twenty-four of us gathered here.
so we shall be forming five teams.
Each team will consist of four to five warriors.
Basically, it's the same format as when we take on an Awakened Being.
Hoho, I see There will be no special strategy.
One team against one Awakened Being.
Those are the basics.
We will commence our mission tomorrow.
Now, we'll be splitting into our teams.
We will not tolerate objections.
Number Fourteen, Cynthia.
To Veronica's team.
Number Fifteen, Deneve, to Undine's team.
Number Seventeen, Eliza, to Jeane's team.
Number Eighteen, Lily, to Flora's team.
Number Twenty, Queenie, to Miria's team.
Number Twenty-two, Helen, to Veronica's team.
What? Not Miria's team? Number Twenty-four, Zelda, to Undine's team.
Number Twenty-seven, Emelia, to Jeane's team.
Yo, you made sure you weren't followed, right? Yeah.
No one cared who went where.
Everyone's here already.
You're the last one again, eh? Miria.
It's been a long while.
This is to our reunion.
Girls, I'm really glad you're all alive.
I'm happy to see you all.
Who is it over there?! You're Clare! You were followed! No, it's not like that.
Jeane's in the same situation as us.
I didn't want to intrude on the meeting of old friends, but it seems I'm not completely uninvolved, either.
A return when your body has already awakened, eh? It's probably thanks to your abnormal mental strength, but it's hard to believe.
Clare, I noticed this when I first met you, but your right arm is different now.
I can tell that the arm originally belonged to a very powerful warrior, but whose? Huh? Huh? Right arm? Forgive me, but I can't reveal that.
Your situation hasn't turned for the good.
That doesn't apply to me alone, though.
The same can be said of all the twenty-four warriors gathered here.
Huh? What is the probability of success for this mission in your opinion? The probability of success for this mission is zero.
What?! If we were just dealing with numerous Awakened Beings, then the probability of success would probably be non-zero.
But because of the presence that is using them behind the scenes, all of our actions will be rendered meaningless.
Wh-What do you mean?! The Silver King that governs the Northern Lands, Dweller of the Deep, Easley.
Dweller of the Deep? Easley? Correct.
The true nature of this mission is to combat the Awakened Beings in the North and their leader, Dweller of the Deep, Easley.
W- There's no way we can do that! What the hell is the organization thinking?! Helen.
The organization probably sent us to buy them time so that they can plan out something.
In other words, we're just sacrificial pawns.
Ohh, that's the city of Pieta, eh? But they sure got a lot of them gathered there.
How many Wait.
Twenty-four of them.
Well, it really doesn't matter how many there are.
What shall we do? What do you mean? Forward recon is our job.
There's a bunch of cute girls gathered in front of us.
We can't just pass on them, right? We need to say hi, at least!! Damn, they've struck first! What the hell's that?! I'll be going first then.
Great, there he goes.
Can't help that guy at all Good evening, there, citizens of the city of Pieta and good-bye Monster! Those were some nice moves you made.
Everyone, take your team formations! Wow, what a great view.
I rarely get surrounded by so many girls.
My Miria team will take on the one in front of us.
Flora team, take the one on the roof to the right.
Jeane team, take the one on the stone tower to the left.
Undine and Veronica team, stand by.
Assist the teams in difficulties based on the situation.
Oh, oh, oh I thought they'd be panicking from our surprise attack, but they're unexpectedly calm.
I planned on taking the spoils amidst the chaos, but our cover got blown already.
She must have gone through many hellish situations.
A very good leader.
But she's forgotten not all of them are used to fighting Awakened Beings Forward! Why you! Damn it! Flying around like bugs! She's fast! In my team, Number Thirty-Nine and Number Forty-Seven will probably be useless.
I will end this battle before he transforms into his Awakened form.
That's- He changed the trajectories of my slashes? This one can control Yoki, and he controls other people's bodies by synchronizing his Yoki with others! My body My body can't Please run My body's not listening to me Hurry run I beg of you Irene! What was that?! Her right arm's power is on a different scale! Very impressive.
It's gotten pretty fun now.
This is This is why I can't quit being a monster!!! I'm going to rip all of you into pieces! You're not fit to be a leader.
You should've known your comrades weren't going to be useful.
For not getting rid of them, and instead, protecting them until the end, cooperation between warriors ends up crumbling.
And this is the result.
Go to the other world and apologize to them.
Geez, your fighting style is clumsy.
We're here to help out.
Helen! Deneve A tough adversary, I see.
We're here to assist you guys.
Brace yourselves.
We'll settle this in one breath.
He's coming!!! The white lands, the white night, the devils unleashed, Next episode, "The War in the North - II".

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