Claymore (Kureimoa) (2007) s01e20 Episode Script

The Carnage in the North (Part 3)

claymore 20 I got my hands on a horse.
Come on.
If you'd really come with us, it would help us a lot.
This girl's name is Priscilla.
She rarely acts so affectionately with people.
Maybe the smell of the South coming from you reminds her of her family.
Family? Yes.
She said they were eaten by Yoma.
Hers, too? What's wrong? Your horse in bad health or something? No, it's nothing.
Okay, then.
If you folks intend to continue this way, you ought to stay away from Pieta.
A whole bunch of Claymores are gathered there, so they say.
Where there are Claymores, there are Yoma.
Better to stay out of it.
See ya.
Claymores in Pieta? I'm sorry, I can't go with you, after all.
I have to go to Pieta.
Hold it.
We don't intend to end our journey either.
Pieta's in the same direction, so won't you travel with us for Priscilla's sake? But I It's still a long way to Pieta.
I don't think there's any use hurrying.
It seems she's completely at ease because you came with us.
Earlier, your expression changed the moment you heard the word "Claymore".
Is the person you're seeking a Claymore? Yes Why a Claymore of all things? Not to dwell on what the man said, but being involved with them brings no good.
It's different for me.
For me, Clare is Her name is Clare? Clare If it wasn't for Clare, I wouldn't be here now.
Clare always protected me.
So this time, I'll I've decided I'll protect Clare.
I see.
A very human, and somewhat tragic, resolution.
It's easy to say things.
But do you have the strength for that? A-Amazing.
The weak always cling to words.
And those with power die for those without it.
It's an often told tale.
Impotence is a sin.
Impotence is a sin Please, won't you teach me the sword? The sword? I can tell your sword skills are incredible.
The sword's flow is clean, and there's no waste in your movements.
Like it's perfected Oh? I used to practice a bit.
Just a bit.
Please teach me.
By the time I get to Pieta, I want to become as strong as possible.
You have a good look in your eyes.
You could become strong.
Fine, if it's what I can teach.
Thank you very much! The tip isn't steady! Swing not with the arms, but with the body.
Yes, sir! Clare, I'll see you soon.
This time, I'll protect you for sure! Raki, please be safe I thought I was prepared, but I didn't realize a fight against an Awakened Being would be like this.
It's almost a miracle that we survived.
I don't know what the future holds But what I'm really afraid of isn't dying.
It's being in a battle that pushes me to the limit and awakening.
What're you yapping about? How could anyone awaken from such a lame fight? Don't be pansies.
Geez No way I'll get any shuteye in this stuffy place.
Pay no heed.
The captain is simply on edge.
If I remember correctly, our replacement equipment should have arrived.
Oh yeah, in the storeroom of the east inn.
I see.
So our equipment has been completely replenished.
Who's there?! Captain? This is Deneve.
I've come to get replacements for the destroyed equipment.
I'm gettin' dressed right now.
Have some damn consideration! A strange thing to say among comrades.
Who cares! Get out! There's one thing I'd like to ask.
How did you receive your second sword? The marking seems to be different.
I took it off someone who died! Our swords become our grave markers when we die.
Surely you know that.
The dead don't need 'em! Either way, it's just the sword of a warrior with a high number that no one knows.
Still, you held it tightly in your dominant hand and didn't let go even when I kicked you through the air.
Huh? What the hell you tryin' to say? At first look, your words and actions seem to be those of a hooligan.
But it's not impossible to see them to be all for the sake of your comrades.
S-Stay away! You bitch, you're disobeying what your captain says?! Keep the hell away! I see.
So that's your true appearance.
I'd like you to come with me for a moment.
Captain Flora D-Damn you What's wrong? Were you terrified that you nearly went past your limit? The hell I did! There is no need to be ashamed.
It can happen to anyone.
The lust for strength The craving for blood and flesh The hideous black lump within oneself That's the moment when we feel those things clearly.
The way you talk sounds like you've experienced something deeper.
It's just general theory.
Don't read into it.
Well, either way, it seems it was too heavy an experience for such a delicate and cowardly warrior.
Huh?! What the hell did you just say?! Originally, you were a fragile warrior just getting through life by sticking to your closest comrade but that closest comrade lost her life in battle.
And all because of your own weakness.
The remaining warrior grabbed hold of her sword and made a resolution.
to become stronger than anyone else.
And the reason you keep your Yoki released and show yourself as rippling with muscles was to get the organization to approve your use of two swords.
B-Bitch, how did you It's not that I knew.
It's a story not that unusual; in fact, it's all too common in our world.
You- Oh, here they are.
Hah, it's got everything under the sun! Dammit! Dammit! Is there someone in the inner room? Is anyone- What the heck, just Deneve? You were here, too? Yes.
Is there something in there? No, nothing but livestock records.
What the heck.
So shall we change clothes? No matter how much we change clothes, they'll just get ripped to shreds anyway.
Ah, that's much better.
See ya, Deneve.
Sweet dreams, as they say.
You, too.
You expect me to owe you something? I have no such expectation.
Helen is a good person, but she has loose lips.
If the team learned of your condition now, they might fear battle even more.
You bitch, if you say one more arrogant word Let me tell you one more all too common story.
There was once a young girl who had a much older sister.
When their home was attacked by a Yoma, the older sister threw the girl under the bed.
The girl could do nothing but watch.
Nothing but watch her sister being tortured and ripped apart by the Yoma.
The girl eventually became a half-human, half-demon warrior.
But regardless of her wish to avenge her sister, more and more, she became a defense-type warrior.
The fact is that in her heart, she just didn't want to die.
Even under that bed when her sister was sacrificing herself, that was what she was thinking.
When, in despair at her pathetic self, she began fighting recklessly, a certain warrior became angered and said, Come on, it's normal to want to live, no matter the situation! We're human, you know! She didn't get over everything that was troubling her, but thanks to that talk, the warrior is apparently still alive.
You have comrades here.
We will support you in whatever you can't do alone.
So don't strain yourself alone so much Captain Undine.
What in the world did you bring me all the way out here for? I have been feeling something is out of place.
That right arm of yours It is not your own, is it? I knew it.
I once heard a story about a warrior who used the exact same sword as you.
A previous No.
2 Flash Sword Irene.
One of the punitive squad sent for Teresa, who was Number One at the time.
There are none who know of her whereabouts since then But I cannot imagine one who was able to become Number Two would die so easily.
Where did you get that hand? I would like you to answer.
So I can assume you obtained it through methods you cannot say? I have always wanted to try at least once to see if my windcutter could approach the old Number Two's flash sword.
Jeane This does not involve you.
I would like you not to interfere.
I have a debt to Clare.
I can't stand by and let you cut her down.
Are you saying there is a reason for her to be cut down? It doesn't matter.
If anyone points a sword at Clare, that alone is a reason for me to draw my sword.
Jeane, don't.
Very well.
Either way, I didn't intend to have a serious killing match while we don't know when the next attack could come.
But I cannot fight beside one in whom I cannot trust, such as you.
You will be removed from the punitive expedition.
I borrowed this arm from Irene.
She's hiding from the organization.
I didn't want to talk about it if possible.
Irene saved me when I lost my dominant arm in battle.
And And for that which I want never to lose Normally, there is no way I would accept it.
But I have to continue fighting no matter what.
Why? For that which I lost on that day I will fight and live on to take the head of the Awakened Being, Priscilla.
The Awakened Being, Priscilla? You're going to defeat the Priscilla whose location we don't even know? That's the reason I became a warrior.
Put inside my body Teresa's flesh and blood! So we each have our own reasons for fighting.
Let us all survive this fight together no matter what.
Flora Captain, I'm sorry for talking like a pansy earlier.
I really wasn't scared Huh? I don't remember that.
Anyway, heal those wounds quick.
I won't forgive anyone in this squad dying on me.
Got that? Captain Not having to eat and the joy of eating are separate things, ya know.
When you're eating, you don't have to think about other stuff.
When this fight is over, I'll treat the whole team to somethin' really special.
Doesn't it make you feel like you can't die until you've eaten it? I'm sorry.
I must've been blown away by the wind of cowardice.
Of course.
We're human, after all.
Human? That's right.
Yeah, that's true.
If possible, please let all the warriors gathered here survive Miria, is this where you've been? Ah, something's wrong with me, too.
There's no God to pray to, in the first place.
This will again become a battlefield.
Most likely, today's fight was nothing but an overture.
Having once encountered a Dweller of the Deep yourself, you must know that.
It's nothing like this.
If the Dweller of the Deep, Easley of the North, has gotten serious Let him sleep.
It looks like he's used the very last of his energy.
Humans are a strange thing.
No matter how far they surpass their limits, the strength they obtain is comically small.
Ah well.
Priscilla, if you fancy him, I'll teach him as much of the sword as he wants.
Priscilla, be a good girl; it seems we have a visitor.
Someone of your status camping outdoors in a place like this It's nice once in a while.
It changes one's mood.
So? What of Pieta? Yes, sir.
I see.
Gather our forces.
With the Northern Army's full manpower of twenty-seven, we will annihilate Pieta, the first city of Alphonse.
It shall essentially become a city without a single ember of life.
In my name, the name of Easley, stomp out the life of every last rat, every last insect.
They're coming.
A merciless king.
A merciless commander.
A night of slaughter.
Next episode, Invasion of Pieta I.

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