Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e22 Episode Script

Danger on a Runaway Locomotive Surprise Incident on a Runaway Locomotive

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
In September of the
fifth year of the Meiji Era
a locomotive began running
between Shinbashi and Yokohama.
Yokohama, the international port
full of ships from all over the world
was now less than an hour of travel
away from the capital city of Japan.
The locomotive, shipped from England
by steamboat, could pull 8 cars.
It trudged forth at 40
kilometers each hour.
It was a symbol of cultural revolution,
and many of the passengers
were merchants who
specialized in import goods.
At the time, it was thought that flames
from the locomotive could cause fires
so most of the tracks were
laid on banks near the ocean.
On sunny days, you can see the
Shimousa Mountains in the distance
and sometimes even Mount Fuji.
Danger on a Runaway Locomotive
Insane Steam Engine Train Trip
We have to hurry!
The steam locomotive will
be at the station any minute!
Who was the one trying to get
so much done just before we left?
Better to be safe than sorry.
This is obviously important, right?
I'm not here because I want to be here!
Look here
I was thinking that you guys were
tired of working at the dojo every day.
Yeah, yeah.
I thought you guys could use something
to take your mind off of things.
Also, I thought I should let you
guys ride a steam locomotive for once!
I think you need to be thankful.
N-Now, both of you
Quit it already!
Arguing about it like
that won't do anything.
Since we're going anyway,
why can't we just have a fun trip?
Oh, little boy, I'm sorry.
What's this?
There sure are a lot of people here.
For just a show, it is way too crowded.
They booked an entire car?
I hear they have
gold coins as their cargo.
Apparently, a merchant from
England is entering the special car.
Hey, be careful.
Oh, sorry.
It really is clean!
And how magnificent
the steam locomotive is!
I'm glad I paid the extra money!
We need some
extravagance every so often!
When we get to Yokohama, I
want to eat some Western sweets.
They call them "chocolates."
And I want to take a group picture.
Oh yeah, I want to wear
Western clothes as well.
Wool, calico
How wonderful they sound!
So stupid
I heard that.
What part of it is stupid?
Sheesh, you're so frivolous.
You shouldn't say your
Assistant Master is frivolous!
We will be departing soon.
Those of you seeing off
others please exit the train and wait.
You know, I can kick
you off this train right now.
Who was the one
who bought the tickets?
Come on, tell me.
Here, here
these were expensive.
They cost 1 yen each!
You should really be
appreciative of how generous I am!
I'm getting off.
I'm getting off of this thing!
What are you saying?
I'm getting off of this thing!
Kenshin, stop Sanosuke.
I'm sure that a fox or a
tanooki spirit is fooling us.
When we wake up,
we'll be stuck in a sewer pit.
We're not!
I absolutely refuse
to take a picture, too.
I heard rumors that your
soul could be sucked away.
That's no joke!
You still believe in things like that?
Then I'll ask you.
How does a huge thing like this move?
I told you earlier, it
moves by the power of steam.
Steam is just water vapor!
Are you stupid?
Do you think a kettle can
move such a heavy thing?
You're the stupid one!
What part of this is a kettle?
Then, give me a real explanation!
All right, let's see
There was a man named Stevenson
Um, one day, the lid of a kettle
This is dumb.
Um, one day, the lid of a kettle
This is dumb.
This is dumb.
he put on his stove
he put on his stove
lifted up without anyone touching it.
Is something the matter?
lifted up without anyone touching it.
and upon seeing that
and upon seeing that
I told you so, it is a kettle!
I'm gonna go watch the engine room.
I told you so, it is a kettle!
Where are you going?
Oh, I just wanted to
see the engine room
You can't, you can't.
Passengers should just sit quiet.
You'll get in the way.
Come on!
This is the conductor.
We have an emergency.
Listen to me.
We have to stop this train immediately!
We have a huge problem over here.
We have to stop this train immediately!
Stop the train?
Why in the world does he
Which do you think is less
reasonable, a tanooki or a kettle?
A kettle!
A tanooki!
I'm telling you, a kettle!
All right, we'll have Kenshin decide.
Hey, Kenshin.
Oh, well, I
I'll go see how
Yahiko is doing, that I will.
The passenger from the special
car requested we stop immediately.
There's something fishy about this.
Hey you, what's your name?
Come on, answer me!
When I say stop the train
Stop that!
He's a fake!
He's got something up his sleeve!
Don't stop the train!
You brat!
I knew I should have
tossed you out earlier!
Shut up!
Just stop the train!
If you don't, I'll
shove this kid off the side!
W-What are you doing this for?
The gold!
He's going to steal the gold coins!
Shut up!
Keep your mouth shut!
That is enough of that.
Who is it?
I am just another passenger, that I am.
If we get stopped
we won't be able to go sightseeing
in Yokohama like we had planned
that would be troublesome.
Tell Sanosuke!
Got it!
This is the end, that it is.
You're probably planning
to remove the connection
But I won't let you, that I won't.
You're no ordinary guy, are you?
Oh boy, this ladder is rather difficult.
First in business, now in thieving
nothing ever goes according to plan.
What is it that you want?
That would be
for you to make an exit.
Don't touch that!
Don't touch that sword.
This is amusing!
You sure are persistent
But this is the end!
Take this!
See ya.
Did you get him?
Wait, you brat!
Leave him alone.
We have no time.
We need to disconnect
the special car before long!
What do you want?
Both Yahiko and Kenshin are late
I wonder why they're
goofing around like this?
As I've been saying,
the two of them woke up
and they're probably
in a sewer pit by now
You're getting annoying!
K-K-Kenshin g-g-g
What happened?
Calm down!
I disconnected the car.
Now, we just sit, watch, and wait.
Sir, you really shouldn't
carry these in plain sight.
It tells us how good the
security is, and how numerous.
It's like saying, "please, take these."
That's strange
it hasn't slowed down yet.
That's impossible!
Too bad
You counted your
chicks before they hatched.
Shit, enough of this crap!
That's dangerous!
I told you to stay out of this!
You're kidding!
I am the Assistant Master of the
Kamiya Kasshin Style, you know!
You should never let your guard down!
What are so you indecisive about?
I may be a kid, but I
have agility to brag about!
Now, give up, come on
It was unlucky for you to have
boarded the same train as us!
It's a little early for you to celebrate!
What did you say?
We stopped!
They're pirates!
What's going on here?
What's that?
There are a lot of ships here!
Don't move!
Thanks to you, we're
doing things out of order.
Oh well
You guys will have to sit here
until we carry out all of the gold coins.
Let go of that hand!
We told you, don't move!
Look at all the effort
you made us go through!
You bastard!
If you stay quiet, we
won't do anything to harm you.
I am a gentleman.
I don't like seeing blood
Hey, what's that?
What's going on?
It looks like I was able
to catch up, that I was.
No matter what you do, it's too late.
What an individual!
Shit, what are they doing?
Don't move!
Let go of me, brat!
Hey you, don't run away!
Take that!
Damn you!
Peacefully leave this
place, that you should.
Don't mess with us!
Guys, get him!
Damn you!
Is everyone all right?
This is nothing.
We should hurry and
leave, that we should.
Sano, you and Miss
Kaoru connect the cars.
Yahiko, help out the
locomotive operators.
Got it!
You idiot!
How do you plan to escape from here?
If something is in my
way, I'll just dispose of it!
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Ryu tsui sen!
Now, while we have the chance
All right!
Those who can give chase, go!
Don't let them get away!
Nothing less from a steam locomotive
The ships can't possibly
catch up, that they can not.
T-This can't be
How can such a thing happen?
What in the world were those guys?
I'm glad, Kenshin!
Miss Kaoru, you're hurting me
I'm glad, Kenshin!
Miss Kaoru, you're hurting me
Miss Kaoru, you're hurting me
I'm so glad!
Oh, you really are a bad boy!
What about Sanosuke?
He's still holding his
knees and shivering.
I was told he wanted us
to keep this, that he did.
Thank you very much.
You have truly, truly saved me!
I will leave it up to Miss Kaoru to
decide how to spend it, that I will.
But such a large amount of money
If you don't want it, I'll take it.
I know!
How about all of us get a
photograph taken together?
Where are you going?
No, we can't!
That thing will suck out our souls!
There you go again!
How many times do I have to
tell you that it's only a myth!
No, it can't possibly be just that!
Your lose years from your life
each time one of those is taken!
It's a machine of the devil!
Now, now
Both of you stop
arguing, that you should.
It's so stupid
Do you think we want to
look this way in a photograph?
Well, I guess we can't
take a photograph like this.
Wait, this is fine!
We will get one taken!
I don't want to!
Well, let's go.
Don't pull on my face!
Now, now
both of you
This is so stupid!
L-I don't want to!
I don't want to!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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