Inuyasha (2000) s01e42 Episode Script

Episode 42

Hope you understand, Miroku! We can't take her.
Still, we can't just abandon her.
- We found her! - It's Koharu! The Feudal Era Koharu had lost her parents and siblings in the war and was put to work day and night.
It was then Here, eat.
A younger Miroku who came to the village to perform an exorcism met Koharu.
Master Miroku, we just met again.
And to be parted so soon.
Please understand, Koharu.
When it comes time to battle, I'm not sure I'll be able to protect you.
The demon I seek is that formidable.
Koharu, you're starting a new life in a new village.
I know you're scared.
To survive is scary, for everyone.
In my right hand is a hole that will suck up everything and anything.
A Wind Tunnel.
A curse was put upon us during my grandfather's time.
And that grandfather and then my father were sucked up by the Wind Tunnels in their hands.
In time, I, too, will be sucked up by this hole.
But I made the decision to live with this curse as my strength.
One human taking on demons with the Wind Tunnel.
This Wind Tunnel is a weapon given to me.
That's what I decided.
Miroku is trembling.
A lie Is what he just told me a lie? To live strong is very difficult.
To overcome uncertainty is an enormous task.
We were looking for a new place for Koharu to live when villagers whose souls had been stolen came and attacked us.
Kill them! Inuyasha is forced to fight them without hurting them.
Sango is hit by her own Hiraikotsu! A ghostly white demon steals away Koharu's soul and mine! Everyone be careful! Watch out for that mirror! Her soul does not fit in But you cannot move, can you? The fragment of the Sacred Jewel which Kagome holds.
I want it.
Koharu! What's going on?! Where is Kagome? Shippo! Where are you? She's still moving.
Sango! Kagome! Is she the one?! Kagome! Kagome! What's wrong? Kirara! Oh no! Kagome! Shippo! What happened here?! A white demon appeared! Kagome's soul was sucked into that mirror of hers! Her soul was sucked into the mirror?! You're in the way! Stay away! Dance of the Wind Sword! What's wrong, Inuyasha? You keep running away! Does that mean that you're not fully recovered from your wounds? One attack.
If I can get one good swing, this arm can handle it.
Prepare to die! I avenge my comrades! When I fought that fool Koga who was tricked by Naraku Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer My right arm was wounded by the power of that fake Sacred Jewel fragment.
That wound hasn't completely healed.
However, if I can cut through the Wind Scar in one sweep I can beat her! I never imagined this kid would try to use something fancy like the Wind Scar to battle me.
That time when we first fought the sacred arrow disrupted my wind flow and I ended up creating a Wind Scar.
This arrow, it's purifying my ghostly wind.
I knew it! The ghostly wind has disappeared! Fool! Wind is easily created! The Wind Scar is created when the ghostly winds collide.
I control all wind! If not for that arrow a Wind Scar would never have formed.
I can't, it's not working.
Inside this wind which she controls a Wind Scar will not form.
W-what?! No mistake that was a Wind Scar! What's going on?! Is the control of the wind weakening? Then now's my chance! I can slay her now with the Wind Scar! Miroku, look! Inuyasha is wielding the Tetsusaiga! He intends to cut through the Wind Scar! No! Inuyasha isn't aware of the existence of that white demon! Just as Sango's Hiraikotsu was thrust back at her.
Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga will be thrown! - I can see it! - I allowed you to see it! - Wind Scar! - Want to cut through? There! Now die! W-what?! Inuyasha! Inuyasha! That's Naraku! It was quite easy.
I came here personally to ask how you felt having your power turned back so easily.
My, you mean, we are honored by the man himself and not some death doll? You're a coward who never sullies his hands who only knows how to lay traps, nothing else.
So you must have been quite confident about your trick this time.
Wind Tunnel, huh? You're free to do as you please and suck up everything in sight.
But monk, surely you are not that foolish? The souls of Kagome and the villagers are locked in that mirror.
Damn! All I did was create Wind and Void as offshoots of myself.
And look at all the damage you suffered.
How pathetic.
Offshoots? So, Naraku's power has increased to the level of this kind of sorcery.
We've fought Kagura the Wind Sorceress once.
But the other is Void? So it has no presence, no scent.
No wonder we didn't realize it until it was too late.
Inuyasha! Hang on! Inuyasha! Kirara.
Kirara, please take me.
Take me to Inuyasha.
Haven't we talked enough.
Shall we take Inuyasha's head with us then? No? Weren't you going to tell that woman that Inuyasha has been killed? That's what I thought you wanted.
It was only through that woman's cooperation that I was able to create you and Kanna.
I'd like to see her face when I show her Inuyasha's head.
What's the meaning of this?! Naraku's Sacred Jewel fragment is nearly whole! You mentioned earlier that I don't dirty my hands.
However, even at the top, there's someone higher up.
There is a woman who used me, Naraku, in order to kill Inuyasha.
Woman? It can't be! Some woman this Kikyo.
Kikyo? Oh, Inuyasha! You're alive! Kikyo personally handed this Sacred Jewel fragment to me.
Kikyo? And she's eager to see your dead face! Shippo! Get down! Miroku! Hand over your head! Kagome's arrow! Kagome!! That girl! Kanna, you failed! That girl is still moving! Her soul is spilling out of the mirror.
Does this girl have such a large soul? Kagome! I'm okay.
How is Inuyasha? He's still breathing.
But he's hurt all over and can't move.
I'm so glad I'm so glad Inuyasha is alive.
But how did this happen? How did Naraku get a hold of that Sacred Jewel fragment? That's the very one that Kikyo stole away from me.
It must have been Kikyo who gave Naraku that fragment! Kikyo gave him the fragment which we all worked so hard to collect.
However Even after she did a dastardly thing, Inuyasha still loves Kikyo.
Even after being so badly wounded, he can't forget about Kikyo.
Woman, give this message to Inuyasha.
If he must hate, hate Kikyo.
Inuyasha's death is Kikyo's wish.
Every time I listen to you.
I start to feel really sick! Stop, Kagome! Just as the Tetsusaiga was deflected, your arrow will be do! Don't worry.
My arrow only goes after bad people! The arrow! The sacred arrow is being swallowed up by the mirror! I couldn't deflect Kagome's arrow.
What's wrong!? Why can't you deflect it? The arrow is made out of soul.
The mirror is filled to the brim.
Unless the souls are released, the mirror will burst.
Everyone has gotten their souls back! Miroku, the Wind Tunnel! All right! I Master Miroku! Take this! Wind Tunnel! To survive is scary, for everyone.
In my right hand is a hole that will suck up everything and anything.
In time, I, too, will be sucked up by this hole.
To live strong is very difficult.
To overcome uncertainty is an enormous task.
They're swift to escape! We'll let you live for a while longer.
The Sacred Jewel will continue to give me new powers.
Let us all enjoy it the immeasurable power of the Sacred Jewel.
Hey, what're we all doing in a place like this? My mind is in a daze.
You, too? "Hey, cheer up, will you?" Is what I'd like to say.
But I guess not this time.
Naraku has collected nearly all of the Sacred Jewel fragments.
No, no! We can't be so weak! It's all in how you see things.
We fought a Naraku who has amassed such power yet survived! That's something to be happy about! Right, Kirara? Well, Kagome? How is Inuyasha? The herbs are taking effect.
His fever is down and he's sleeping.
I'm going to gather more herbs.
All right, Kirara and I can do that.
'Cuz we're the healthiest ones around right now.
Thank you, Shippo, Kirara.
Kikyo handed Naraku the Sacred Jewel fragment.
Kikyo who had died once.
Kikyo who arose again with a body made of clay.
Kikyo who hates me.
Kikyo who tried to kill Kagome.
Where are you, my Kikyo? Kikyo had given Naraku the Sacred Jewel fragment she stole from me.
Naraku's power increases steadily and he sends offshoots of himself after Inuyasha.
The mind-reading demon, Goshinki, sinks his fangs into Tetsusaiga! No! Inuyasha will lose! Just then, an evil aura envelopes Inuyasha! Inuyasha, what's wrong with you?! Next on Inuyasha: "Tetsusaiga Breaks!" Don't miss it!
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