Inuyasha (2000) s01e78 Episode Script

Episode 78

Gathering shards of the Sacred Jewel, we continue our journey to battle our arch-enemy Naraku.
Inuyasha is so dense, he hasn't noticed but it seems that Miroku the monk and Sango the Demon Slayer have feelings for each other.
However, they're both hesitant about declaring their feelings and the relationship hasn't progressed at all.
There it is! The beast! Get it! Shoot! There's no other way.
But my young lord, what about the other personage? Stop whining! Leave no stone unturned! Find it! Yes sire! Damn! You should use an umbrella, too, Inuyasha.
Only kids and women use that stuff! Cling to pride and you'll catch cold.
Hah! I'm not such a weakling! You just don't understand.
Understand what? Umbrellas are useful for a number of reasons.
Like what? Well What's the matter? Something's coming.
I don't feel a demonic aura.
I think they're Humans.
Yeah and a lot of 'em.
Are you Sango the Demon Slayer and her travel party? Huh? Yes, we are they.
I am Takeda Clan vassal Miwanosuke Asahi.
We have come to speak to Sango.
Huh? We have to request that you destroy a demon that has plagued our castle night after night.
We will not question your methods.
Minor damages to the castle will be tolerated.
Here is an advance.
After the beast is destroyed, you will receive an amount equal to this.
What do you say? It is not a bad offer? It's way too much.
Ten times Twenty times what is normally charged.
Then you'll agree? The terms are too good.
I'm sorry, but I must You cannot refuse! It's been a long time, Sango.
Huh? Who are you? Sango, you don't remember? You seem to have totally forgotten.
Uh-huh Well, I don't blame her for not remembering.
It was a long time ago.
But we mustn't talk here.
Come to the castle.
W-What is this? Wow! Amazing! What a fine castle! Pardon the late introduction.
I am Kuranosuke Takeda, lord of this castle.
A clan lord? No wonder he acts pompous.
Kuranosuke Takeda Oh, that time the runny-nosed kid! I mean Young lord.
So you remember.
Yes, it was six years ago.
My castle had been plagued by a demon and we had hired your group to slay it.
Hah! It was a magnificent sight.
Like a single lily in the bloody battlefield.
You were so awe-inspiring! Awe-inspiring? Oh, let me come to the point! Sango! Destroy the beast, then marry me! What?! This is so sudden! I had decided the moment I saw you.
The one who will become my wife is you, Sango, and only you! Err I I hope you will accept.
Men! Prepare rooms for the guests! Yes, sire! What's happening anyway? Huh? It can't be helped.
Sango is a candidate to become a lord's bride.
What'll I do? How do I refuse? Err Miroku Will you bear my child? Huh? Surely you jest, Master Monk! No, no.
It's no joke.
What a fool! That man is so maddening! Goodness! There was no need to slap me.
You didn't have to flirt with a girl like that! Sango was so angry.
Miroku flirts all the time.
What's the big deal? You don't understand a thing, Inuyasha! Understand what? Sango wants Miroku to stop her! Stop what?! He is so dense! But this may be just the chance! Miroku has to be concerned about Sango.
So if I just give him a little push W-What's the matter? I wonder And now that's decided Let's go for it! Miroku, come with me! Aghh! Kagome, what's going on?! Just come! I have to be strong.
What is the matter? Must you ask?! Do you realize Sango might get married? And what of it? What of it?! Is that all right with you? Well It's something Sango must decide.
It's none of our business.
I guess.
After all, any woman would do for you.
You without fortune, home, or status just a flirtatious, itinerant monk! On the other hand, a clan lord who is young, handsome and rich.
Earnest and focused and unlikely to stray He's a huge catch! I guess there's absolutely no question who's better.
W-What? Well? Are you nervous? Is that all you want to say? Huh? Then I must go.
I want to check something.
Wait, Miroku! Huh? I knew it You are concerned, after all.
Oh, Miroku! Why can't you come clean? Actually, your sudden appearance is what scared me.
What'll I do? I don't want to hurt him.
How can I show her how I feel? Sango Yes, my lord? Don't call me "lord.
" Just call me Kuranosuke.
You can even call me Runny-Nose.
Just jesting.
I I really Sango You know the kind of world we live in.
There are few I can trust.
Evil demons abound in mountains and rivers.
And mortals resort to trickery and betrayal.
We call this the world above hell, but I am not satisfied with how things are.
That is why I swore that at least the woman I spend my life with will be someone I love.
Why did you choose me? I AM the lord of a clan.
I know I am a good judge of people.
Sango, I love you.
Thank you.
I'm happy to hear that.
Huh? Miroku! Then you will marry me? No, I cannot.
Why is that? There is something I must do.
It will probably be very difficult to accomplish.
However I must do this or I cannot go forward in life.
That's why I must continue my journey.
Please! You must find someone more suitable! Who do you think I am? I have waited six years.
It matters not how many more years I must wait.
Huh? Sango, I understand how you feel.
I will wait forever.
Err no but If you are ever in trouble, come to me without hesitation.
I will do everything in my power to help.
Wait, Miroku! Why let her go?! Sango is! If I'm truly concerned about Sango's happiness, it's best that I let her be.
Huh? Her fate was shattered by the evil Naraku and she continues to fight.
Now she has a chance to marry Lord Takeda and settle down.
Which will bring her happiness? There's no need to even think about it.
But! Kagome, you will understand someday, too.
Then what about Sango's feelings?! Huh? Be happy.
Huh?! The demon! Huh?! So he's come! Inuyasha! You're late! Still, it'll all be over with a swing of my sword.
I'll do it! You stay out of this, Inuyasha! Why?! I can handle this small fry! This is my job! Besides I'm in a real bad mood, right now! Okay Did you say something to her, Miroku?! Huh? No I Take this! And this! I've never seen Sango looking so fierce.
Yeah No one in this world could take her on at this moment.
Don't come crying to me! Ohh! This is the finishing blow Hiraikotsu! You did it, Sango! Miroku! You miscalculated, Sango.
I realized it after watching you fight.
This demon is actually a vengeful spirit.
It cannot be destroyed the usual way.
Evil spirit exorcism! Bear ornaments? Then these bears' vengeful spirit? No, that's not it.
Look at that.
A bear pelt? That's the demon we exterminated six years ago.
But we instructed the clan to offer prayers, then bury it in the ground.
I can explain.
We were following your instructions and were about to bury it when we were stopped by the late lord.
Instead, in accordance with his orders, wood carvings were made and designated clan treasures to use as a way to restore the clan's finances.
Furthermore, big-bear bean jam cakes, big-bear towels and big-bear coins were marketed.
But they didn't sell.
Yes Well Kuranosuke Never mind.
Say no more.
I understand well how you feel.
Your friends await.
Sango, I haven't given up yet.
Miroku, what happened to that hat? Well, the strap broke.
Thank you.
Is your wound okay? Yes.
Um Miroku I'm glad.
Huh? That we can continue our journey together.
What are you smiling about? Isn't it useful? Thanks to that umbrella, those two look pretty happy together.
Say, Inuyasha.
Do you know janken? The one who's always sticking around Sesshomaru.
That's Jaken.
I meant rock-paper-scissors! Here we go, jan, ken, scissors! I win! Strange things're happening today.
Rock-paper-scissors! I win again! Wind Tunnel! Isn't that Jaken? Is he after the Tetsusaiga? Next on Inuyasha: "Jaken's Plan to Steal the Tetsusaiga" Never Jaken just rock-paper-scissors! No!
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