Coroner (2019) s02e01 Episode Script


Okay And one more for good luck.
It's hard to not laugh.
Oh my God! - Yeah, Happy Birthday, Ross.
- A Happy Birthday! You're 18 now.
You're going to Queen's.
You're going to study law.
Your dad would be so proud.
I'm just gonna start crying.
So let's uh here.
- Here.
You take that.
- Thank you.
- This was your father's.
- Oh I mean - Don't you lose it.
- No.
Uh sorry.
Jenny Cooper.
Who's dead? Come! Over here! People you gotta stand back! My son is in there! My son is in there! - My son is in there! - No! - My son is in there! - No! - Let me go, my son is in there! - No! - You're gonna get yourself killed.
- My son is in there! Ahhh! Ahhh! - No.
- Don't! Let me go! - My baby! - Stop! - Please! My baby! - Stop it! Stop! No! No! No! I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing? Ooh! I have a I've been up all night, I'm trying to keep the blood flowing.
- They're letting us up? - Hopefully soon.
There's a-there is a missing child.
Yeah, I heard.
9-months old.
Robbie Heart.
Like the deer.
There is three more dead.
All right, it's safe-ish.
- Yeah.
We'll take it.
- Follow me.
I talked to some of the tenants, they said the fire alarm didn't go off until it was too late.
Yeah, this place is a hotbed pardon my pun fire code violations.
- Our body is upstairs? - 4th floor.
You've checked all the apartments for the missing child? That boy is not alive.
Pardon, but he's not.
Everything was on fire.
Either way we still have to find him.
You're looking, right? Couch in the hall was a major fire code violation.
- Door stopper is broken.
- That's why the fire spread.
It either started in the hall and ended up in 4C or vice-versey.
This building is a deathtrap.
So where is our body? Over there.
Just so you know, he's a crispy critter.
Thanks I think.
- What do we have here? - Not what? Who? Hey.
Well, the body is in the pugilistic pose, like a fighter.
It's normal for an intense fire.
He's shiny.
Is that normal? The couch might have had plastic on it and it fused to the body.
So he's laminated.
Makes sense.
Everything else in here is melted.
Help me roll him.
Wool is a natural fire retardant.
- Wallet? - Yeah.
All right.
Imagine everything you have suddenly gone.
It's a pretty awful thought.
Edmond Saunders.
I don't see the baby's body.
- Jenny.
- Maybe he's still alive.
I'm happy to talk to the widow.
I'm good.
- Uh Ms.
Heart? - Ah! Well, did you find my son?! Not yet.
Um I-I-I'm really s-s-sorr - I have some bad news.
- Ed? - Edmond Saunders? - Is he dead? In the fire.
Can I see him? He was burned pretty badly.
It's not the best idea.
I'm so sorry to be telling you this now I'm No, don't be sad or sorry, because you didn't find Robbie, so I still have hope.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Ross's sleeping? He stayed over at Matteo's.
He texted me.
How was your murder? It was a fire.
Woman lost her partner and - baby is missing.
- Oh.
Come here.
I-I'm sorry.
I should be unloading my work stress on you.
- I should - No-no-no-no.
It's-it's Sorry.
It's it's the fire smell.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Oh yeah.
I'm gonna take a shower.
Look at me.
Look at me.
I missed you last night.
Yeah, I'm just gonna take a sho I'll take a shower, I'm gonna get out of these clothes.
I've got-I got a little bit of work I gotta do.
That's a lot of things.
Maybe I'll just do a few of those things.
All right.
Which ones? Okay? Hey Dwayne.
What? Yeah.
I-I uh I'll come in right now.
Just, uh just-just text it to me.
- You were up so early.
- Yeah.
Is there - something wrong with the fridge? - No.
Hey kiddo.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What are you up to today? Um hm well, just like school stuff, furniture.
Making sure my dorm room looks good.
Ah, here we go.
Speaking of which I should probably go do that.
Hey um I'm gonna get the eco-friendly drywall, it's more expensive but it's-it's You're still looking at the fridge? You think Ross thinks it's weird that we're living together? - Am I living here? - I mean, you uh you hardly ever stay in your tree anymore.
See? When you say it like that, it sounds weird.
I had the craziest dream last night.
I feel like I'm not getting any sleep.
How many of those are you taking? - They're as needed.
- Mhmm.
Well, maybe you need to talk to your shrink about it.
- No? - Yeah, I will.
Hey, my my scar is itchy.
Can you? - Jenny.
- Hm? Yeah.
Yeah, I will.
I will - talk to him.
I will.
- Okay.
Does that look like bullet hole to you? Yeah.
Yeah, it really does.
Gotta go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, any news on the missing kid from the fire? - Nothing.
- Damn it.
Is Celeste sleeping any better? Like a log.
Like a beautiful, pudgy log.
Alison, you left breast milk in the brain fridge again.
I have to put it somewhere! This world was not made for working mothers.
Solidarity for the breast pumping.
Did we get the dental records so we can confirm the identity? We're working on it.
Chipped tooth.
Anyway we have a bullet hole but There is no bullet.
Help me.
It must have passed through and through.
I'm thinking it came out of his nose but There is not enough soft tissue to confirm it.
So if he was shot, it explains why he laid on the couch and let his body be engulfed in flames.
He was probably already dead before the fire started.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What's that? - It's a metal detector.
Is that the police departments, or your own personal metal detector? Ha ha, very funny.
I'm on the hunt for bullets.
You wanna come? Uh maybe in a minute.
Do your thing.
You know the city is putting residents up in the community center, right? You don't-you don't have to sleep in your car.
Is there any news about Robbie? Nothing yet.
Ow! Ahhhh! Son-of-a Robbie needs an epi-pen for bee stings.
He wears a medical ID bracelet, if that helps.
Can I ask you a question about Ed? Sure.
Did he have any uh enemies? I know it's a weird way of putting it, but He's uh he was a good man.
We came here, Robbie and me, with nothing from a bad situation.
And Ed took us in.
He treated Robbie like his own son.
He was a gentle giant.
It's just we think that someone may have shot him before the fire started.
Why would someone do that? - Who's this? - It's uh Claude, he's the building super.
Hey - I'm Jenny Cooper, I'm the coroner.
- Hey.
Oh Any-any word on Robbie? Not yet.
- Hey Kelly.
- Oh thank you for this.
Looks yummy.
Are you uh, taking the plants to the garden? There is a lot of plants.
There is a community garden a couple blocks from here.
All the apartments get a plot.
It's cool, right? Hey.
Something definitely isn't cool.
All right, so let me get this straight, everybody liked Ed? Yeah, he was a nice guy.
Did you hear any gunshots before the fire? No, but I had my headphones on before the fire started.
What were you doing? Homework.
I'm studding environmental landscape management at Seneca.
And during the fire, what were you doing then? Well, I was helping people get out of the building.
Our building is a, the community.
I think of her as a ship that's taking us all where we're going in life.
My job is to tinker with her, keep her shipshape.
That includes the people.
The building was in pretty bad shape, Claude, that's why it caught on fire so fast.
I do my best in fixing things with duck tape - and ingenuity.
- It's okay.
I just feel like this whole this is my fault.
All right, let's get back to Ed.
You noticed anyone hanging around his apartment lately? No, I didn't notice anyone.
If I'm done now, can I go put my plants in the ground please? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Someone's gotta know something.
Do you want me to look at your foot? Oh hell no.
Take a look at this.
Goo? Or it's the proverbial smoking gun.
Or smoking goo? This isn't from the couch plastic, it's different.
Could be polymer from a 3-D printer.
You think it was a 3-D printed gun? Ghost of a ghost gun.
And this is the firing pin.
I mean it's not the craziest theory I've ever heard.
Yeah, but usually it's coming out of your mouth.
So who ever shot Ed started the fire.
Crime concealment.
Fire has been over the building, your people are going over it.
What if what if we can't find Robbie because He was taken? - Gees! - On no.
You just wait one second! Look I've been driving for 50 years.
50 years! And you're gonna fail me on a technicality.
Technically you don't know how to drive.
Is that right? - No! Oh Dad! - Agh! Gee.
- Oh! No! No-no-no-no-no! - Come on! - Please don't hit him, he has a dementia - Oh! - Did you just hit my daughter? - It's okay.
- It's was an accident.
- You just hit my daughter?! - No, it was an accident! - Idiots! - Dad.
- Oh.
My God Dad put your, put your head forwards, okay? No, you're supposed to put your head like this.
Everybody knows that.
Are you mad at me because I punched that guy? You're not mad at me, are you? Look at me, young lady, are you mad at me? Come on, I'll take you back.
I got an appointment at my psychiatrist.
Yeah, because that's who you talk to now, when you got things to say.
Where are you? I'm at my cabin, uh outside.
They're taking my sister, Katie, away.
Stay with it.
Stay in your feelings.
Um, my dad is telling me that that she died.
Look at your dad.
Hear what he's telling you.
Katie is dead.
He looks so sad.
How do you feel? You were there.
You were back in your trauma.
That's good.
Oh yeah.
Is it? Jenny the point of this time is that you remain present during it.
I am here.
I am I'm real present.
I am in my trauma, I just I don't really feel anything.
You're anxious.
Anxiety is a maladaptive feeling that has replaced the real feeling you were feeling after you pushed your sister down the stairs.
Do you mind not saying that? It's what happened.
You need to feel the feeling you felt then, in order to heal, Jenny.
Are you taking Lorazepam for your anxiety, or to avoid your feelings? I mean does it does it really matter? I-I'm-I'm healing.
I'm-I'm healed.
I have a live-in boyfriend.
I mean, almost.
He-he barley lives in his tree anymore.
And my son is about to launch.
How many are you taking? A day? I take six a day.
I took an extra one today because I woke up with my head in the fridge and I have no idea how I got there.
Did you sleepwalk as a child? I don't know.
Ask your dad.
Our time is almost up.
Thank you This is not the same prescription.
I'm putting you on an SSRI.
It'll help with your anxiety without clouding your brain.
We'll taper off your Lorazepam.
No, I, I look I I feel good.
I-I fell really good.
One train may hide another.
You may not be seeing everything, Jenny.
Yeah, maybe next time, I'll get to meet your girlfriend, huh? Yeah, she works a lot.
Do you get triggered much? - Well, sometimes.
- Yeah.
I'm driving at night, those little lights go on on the side mirrors? Reminds me of tracer fire.
Why? What's up? I don't know, man.
Jenny came home last night, and you know I'm thinking about her all day and missing her I'm hooked, man, keep talking.
She smells like smoke.
You know oily smoke.
That smell, you can't get out.
Just like an IED just went off.
Where was she? Burning building.
Like huge fire where people died.
Yeah, burning smell can be triggering.
Just like Mefloquine Mondays, man.
Just Bam! You feel like you're going crazy, right? Yeah, but uh, it's not the malaria drug.
Listen, man, you've been living in solitude, dude, up in your weird tree.
Now you're in a house; - with a lady and her son.
- Yeah.
That's a big adjustment.
But it's a good adjustment.
You know what, I think I'm gonna start training again.
- Oh yeah? - You want in? Yeah.
I'll kick your ass.
Buddy system? Yeah.
Okay, yeah.
All right, look I-I am gonna go while I can still drive.
You keep those triggers in check, all right? Yeah.
Don't let your bucket fill up, brother.
What are we doing here? One train may hide another.
Anything can hide anything.
I think Claude took Robbie's body and smuggled him out right in front of us.
You got all that from your shrink? There were seedlings in this box.
Well, that's the right size.
This has been dug up.
Right here.
Allergic to bees? His ribs are broken.
We were never gonna find him alive, Jenny.
I'm gonna feel it.
I feel it.
I feel this.
I feel it.
I feel fine.
Agh! Damn it! Donovan! Jenny! Donovan! - Whoa.
- It's Claude.
He's dead.
- Any signs of trauma? - No.
What? He was coughing when we were talking to him, he inhaled a lot of smoke.
If he had asthma it could have been fatal.
So he was helping not abducting Robbie.
They found the source of the fire.
So a cooking fire did all this damage? Combined with layers of old paint on the walls, acting as an accelerant.
And the whole place goes up.
No time to move no time to think.
What was he cooking? Whatever it was, it was deep-fried.
We found cooking oil residue everywhere.
Did you find traces of food? No, actually we didn't.
Good luck.
Why you asking what he was cooking? Because I don't think this was an accident.
- It's a time bomb? - But why? The suitcase.
Kelly's clothes, Robbie's clothes.
I mean She was leaving Ed and taking Robbie with her.
Just a sec.
Hey, hey River, uh, can you get Dwayne to look at Ed Saunders body for me? - Dwayne! - I am headed to the garden, I haven't had time to finish the autopsy yet.
Yeah the um the tooth, it was chipped remember? Okay.
There is something Hidden on the x-ray by the hyoid bone.
It's a tine piece of a Is it the chipped tooth? - The chip off the tooth.
- Thanks.
We got it backwards.
Back of his head, right.
It's the exit wound.
Ed shot himself.
He crashes Robbie's rib in anger or maybe even by accident.
Buries him, puts oil on the stove, and shoots himself.
It makes sense of he knew she was leaving him.
He was a family annihilator.
Wow, you are so quiet, you can hardy get in a word in edgewise.
That's a joke, by the way.
When are you gonna tell your mom that you don't graduate from high school? Um I, I don't know.
Maybe next year when I'm done my correspondence And actually enrolled at Queen's.
However in the meantime we have a whole year where you'll be studding pre-law, and I will be your house husband.
It won't work.
What won't work? I'm completely getting away with this.
Ross I have a roommate! So-so you're breaking up with me then? - Is that it? - No.
Your dad died, things got messed up and you became a carpenter.
You absorbed Liam's life, and now you're body snatching me and - I don't - No, I'm not.
I don't want you to do that.
I'm going to Queen's to study Art Sci and pre-law.
That's my brand.
Okay? What is your brand? So you're not breaking up with me yet, but you're going to.
But I need you to figure this out.
That's what my mom said too.
I was gonna kiss you again but then you brought up your mom Ma'am, please just stand back.
- I fine.
- Please stand back.
Oh God.
Hey, Dwayne um is it safe to let the mom in Just for a minute? - Yeah.
- Thanks.
Hey, he's evidence now Jenny.
He's her son.
- No.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
- Hey.
- Hey I'm gonna need you to wear gloves, okay? Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I've already combed the blanket for fibers so we've got about 15 minutes before we have to give him back to Dr.
Allen, and then you can make a an official identification.
Thank you for this moment to hold him.
Of course.
This was the last thing I ever bought before I had him.
I was having contractions and I realized I didn't have any blankets in the house, not a single one.
I was alone.
I went to the store myself.
It can be hard doing it on your own.
Do you have kids? Yeah.
I have a I have a son.
Then you know, I needed Ed so much in the beginning to help me with Robbie, to help me in general.
And then and then I built a life here, and things got easier and Claude was nice.
But I felt bound to Ed.
Like I couldn't leave, and I don't even know if I was in love with Claude or if it was just a way out but - oh, it doesn't matter now.
- Hey.
Oh, that suitcase was in that closet for months and he never once looked inside until the day I packed up to leave him.
Hey, it is not your fault, Kelly.
If I had thought for a minute that he would turn his rage on Robbie I would never If you are gonna feel angry, you feel angry at Ed.
I don't feel angry I don't feel anything.
Did you tell her you're leaving? I hate goodbyes.
What are you watching? Uh TV.
Well, you never watch TV.
Well, I I can't take my drugs because I threw them into a lettuce patch.
Why would you do that? Because I have to feel, right? I gotta feel.
Did your shrink say that? Yep.
He uh, he agreed with you.
He agreed with you about the pills.
Let's go to bed.
No, I don't I don't think-I can't I can't sleep.
I can't sleep.
Hey Jenny.
Look, I-I I pushed my sister down the stairs.
I-I killed her.
That wasn't an accident.
Right? And I'm supposed to feel I'm supposed to feel how I felt then? - Like I don't-I don't want to.
- It's okay.
Liam, I don't want to.
Like I don't wanna feel that.
Like I just really don't wanna - feel that! - Shh.
It's okay.
Hey-hey, look at me.
You're safe with me.
- Yeah, but are you safe with me? - I am.
- Like - I am.
Okay? I'm safe with you.
Please don't leave me.
Please don't leave me, please.
Just-just don't.
Oh God.
- Hey.
- Oh God.
And then I showed you the picture of the bullet hole.
- Like what is - It's okay.
What is wrong with me? Like what is wrong with me? There is nothing wrong with you.
You sure? I am.
I'm sure.
Come here.
Jenny! Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!
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