Little Dog (2018) s02e07 Episode Script

Round Fourteen

: Last time on Little Dog, pretty much - all hell broke loose.
- Alright! Ginny finally admitted who Chesley's father is - and it was Devereaux! - What are they talking about? Which is lower than I ever thought she'd ever sink, - and Mom was not happy.
- I am dying! Pamela was also keeping a secret about who Cassius' father was.
- You had sex with Smallwood? - And more importantly, - who he wasn't.
- I never actually said Tommy was Cassius' father.
What? So he's not mine? Hahahaha! [WOMAN.]
: Baby shark doodoo doodoo Baby shark Mommy shark doodoodoo doodoo Mommy shark doodoodoo doodoo Mommy shark doodoodoo doodoo Mommy shark - [MAN.]
: Daddy shark - Tommy! [TURNING OFF SONG.]
Three days you don't respond to your father?! I was worried sick, boy.
Yeah, I needed some time to myself.
I saw your whole funeral in my head.
I could see your mother.
She was so beautifully broken with her black, lacy veil.
And Devereaux was useless.
I was the only one that could comfort her.
I took her out to the gravesite, and I started giving her a backrub.
- And the next thing you know - OK, OK! Alright, alright, alright! I get it, you banged Mom up against my headstone.
- Well done, yourself.
- You know, you got the morning show in an hour to promote the fight.
I'm not going, I'm not doing that.
You're not exactly a man of substance, are you? You're a quitter, Tommy! Christ's sake, will you stop that?! That youngster was OK, but he he wasn't all that great.
Dad, I just need you to go now, OK? Obviously, it's my fault.
I should never have had children.
They'd be before off a wasted stain on the bed sheets.
- Tommy, get me a kitchen knife.
I'm gonna sterilize myself right this second.
OK, I-I-I see what you're doing.
Alright, son, you do it.
I want you to sterilize me.
- It's the least I can do! - Alright, I'll go to the bloody morning show.
There'll be less drama there.
You'll have to get a shower first.
No, I'm good.
I'm alright.
No, my son, you stink! - Jesus Christ! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! - [TOMMY'S DAD LAUGHING.]
When you get back on top, you'll forget about that kid.
It'll be like, Cassius who? Cassius Smallwood, I hope.
Pamela actually hasn't agreed to that, so please don't say anything to her 'cause, you know.
- Oh, don't worry about it.
- Thank you.
Look Tommy, we got a good thing going with this fight, so I'm really hoping that we can be professional about this.
- Yeah, just get me paid, man.
- Alright, alright.
Also, I, uh, I want to give you this: a sword that you gave Cassius.
- Pamela let you take that?! - Well, yeah, it's an inappropriate gift.
And I didn't want to throw it away, so I was trying to figure out, you know, why would someone give a kid a murder weapon.
I figured it was a family heirloom, so - It is.
- Great.
- It's worth a lot of money.
- I'm sure it is.
Jeez, that's a nifty looking sword! Yeah.
It's not Uh, uh, yeah.
Oh, hey, the whole gang is here.
What's up, man? Little Turk.
It's L'il Turk.
But I believe you're acquainted with my trainer Shane.
Oh, you're training Little Turk now.
That's great.
It's L'il like L'il Turk.
- What am I saying? - You're saying "Little.
" Yeah, yeah, you're saying "Little Turk.
" Like Little Dog or little dick or whatever.
Hahaha! I'm just clowning you, man.
Actually, I want to thank you 'cause I never would have found my protégé if not for your penchant for beating women and the elderly, so I'm lucky.
Guys, we need to get into the studio, OK? You good, bro? Alright.
Alright, five minutes, OK? Tommy? Go on, Tommy.
What was that? You're pretty chummy with my promoter.
That's because he's my promoter.
Whoa, whoa! Hold up, hold up! You think you're his future fighter? Yeah, I am.
You're the tomato can.
You're the stepping stone.
- That's - This is not about rekindling your career; it's about launching his.
Smallwood has like a calendar-worth of fights set up for Turk in Vegas.
Unless he's got like a ton of fights lined up for you too.
: Come on, we got a show to put on.
Because I don't want to assume and make an ass out of you and me.
Well, my next guest is a newcomer to the world of boxing.
Apparently, this spot is going national.
A fat lot of good going national is gonna do us; we were sold out weeks ago.
I'd just like to pay some respects to my father - up in Heaven.
- Of course.
Big Turk, rest in peace.
Why don't we get a bigger venue? Hmm? Convention centre? [TUCKER SNICKERING.]
Now you're talking.
Now, I'd like to welcome to the stage, no stranger to boxing fans, that's for sure My father's killer, scum of the Earth and woman beater - [SPARSE APPLAUSE.]
- Tommy "Little Dog" Ross.
Listen, uh it's come to my attention that certain people think that I'm in this to help launch this guy's stats.
- What's happening? - Tommy, don't.
Wait a second.
What exactly are you saying here? I'm saying I fought long and hard to get where I am, and I know my reputation might not have been always, you know, up here, but fighting for some wannabe promoter hmm who's just banking on me losing? No, man, I've been down that road.
And tell you something, - if you want me to, uh - Whoa! Is that a sword? - Wow! - to bash - somebody's head in right now - [TAMMY.]
: I don't think - that's necessary.
- just so I don't have to put up all the talk about how I walked out in another fight, you know, just say the word and I'll do it.
Nah? Thought so.
- So you're not gonna fight? - [L'IL TURK CLUCKING.]
- Tommy, what were you doing? - Ah! Ah-ah-ah! Don't touch, man.
Don't touch me.
OK When we come back, how to use everyday household cleaners to bleach your teeth.
- Oh! Jesus! Where the hell did you come from?! - Oh, fuck! - Could have decapitated you.
So What do you mean, "so"? What's that mean? What's your problem? I I don't know, I just I found out that Devereaux was my dad, but he's gonna die soon anyway.
He's in I thought Smallwood was my dad, and he doesn't want anything to do with me.
And and he's, you know, more than happy to be stupid Cassius's dad! [BELL RINGING.]
I'm sorry.
Cassius Cassius isn't stupid, I just Hey, man, I'm not his dad, say what you like about him.
He's a stupid fucking douche-nuts! Oh, he's a sucky, snobby, fucking OK, OK, though he is 5.
You know what? Smallwood is a douche-nuts for not wanting you.
You understand? Sometimes, I feel like filling his bookbag with shit.
Ha! Yeah.
Sometimes, I feel like kicking his teeth down his fucking throat.
I just I'm over it.
- I'd love to, uh - Hahaha! Come on! Come on! - Fuck you, Smallwood.
- Don't look! Jesus! - I'm not looking at you.
Anyway, I've seen it before.
I've been changing your Pampers since you were 7 months old.
Yeah, but I'm like I'm 15, it's different! - Is it? - Yes.
- Ches, the cops! Down, down! - I can't.
Go, go, go, go! What do you think you're doing? Me? Just, uh having a good time without drugs.
Yeah, on your own? Anyone else having fun up there with you? My, uh my No.
No, I'm alone.
Come on down, you're going with us.
I thought I was escaping all of you, but it's like I'm going around in circles.
- What, escaping? - Oh, not you, Lowly pet.
- So that means I can go? - He doesn't want you there.
Oh, well, fine.
I guess I'll continue sleeping on Ginny's floor then, eating spiders in my sleep while you get to hang out in the Lord's chamber.
What are you doing? Oh! Didn't know you were home.
She just came because of some of her things.
Those dish towels aren't your things.
I thought I brought some of them from the other house.
Don't you live in a castle now? Yes, it's a castle, but it's missing certain things like soap, cleaners.
He is a man after all, but then of course, - you'd know all about that.
- I begged you not to marry him.
Yes, but you didn't tell my why! Do you ask him for money to buy you things? Oh, I could ask him for oodles of cash, but I'm not speaking to him.
- Does he have a housekeeper? - Oh, why? Are you finally admitting you need a job? Why would I need a job? I'm the one who's gonna end up with all his money.
Why are you laughing? Devereaux is Chesley's dad, so when he dies, the entire Seafood Empire goes to Chesley, his rightful heir.
Haha! Chesley.
Chesley couldn't run an empire.
- That's ridiculous! - Yeah, I know, you're right.
Chesley's been Devereaux's employee of the month for four years, you've never had a job.
I have so! I had choir.
I was a mother.
- Yeah.
You could've got fired from that, you would have.
- Hello? Chesley's what?! What? OK, you do not touch him or I will have your pension! I'm on my way! - [TIRES SCREECHING.]
- Chesley! Get out of that car! How dare you brutalize my innocent son?! He confessed.
I'm sure he did 'cause you coerced it out of him - 'cause his IQ is under 70.
- OK, wait, I - Ches, shut up! - What about this? That is a Ross family heirloom, priceless antique, clearly not a weapon.
Urinating on private property - Wait-wait-wait-wait! He, uh - Tommy He can't control it.
He's got this, uh, thing with his with his nuts.
The the Yeah, the hy It's a hypoglycemic's "spiss" space penis.
Ches, where were you? We were so worried.
What are you doing here? He's slow.
You're slow, aren't you? - Huh, Ches? - Yeah.
Is this the little gangbanger that biologically contaminated - my fleur de sel?! - You better watch it, woman.
Now, hold on.
This is all a big misunderstanding.
- I want him charged.
- No! No! He's a kid! Aunt Phyl, I think charging him might be a little bit harsh.
I'm sure there's something that we can sort out with the Rosses now.
Isn't there, Tommy? You're not having my nephew arrested on false charges to get me to fight again.
Wait, hang on.
What? So you're not No, he's gonna fight.
He's gonna fight.
Isn't he, Tommy? Yeah, he will 'cause he don't want Chesley to end up in some boys' home somewhere, does he? Yeah.
What? Chesley doesn't need my charity.
He's got a rich dad now.
He can afford the best lawyer in town.
So, press your charges.
OK, he is the son of the Seafood King! Aren't you? You're the Fish Prince of St.
So Ugh! Hello, dear husband.
I brought dinner to celebrate you being Ches's father.
Sweet shrimp ring, could it be that you are finally speaking to me after that mix-up with your daughter? And what that might actually mean for your estate.
Our brains must be connected.
At this moment, I am amending my will.
Haha! That wasn't the deal, darling.
No, of course not, but I didn't know that I had an heir.
How fortunate it is that my son is your grandson.
So all the money all the money will stay in the family.
Well Hmm! That's wonderful.
After pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, you're leaving your entire legacy to a complete fool.
But it's not his fault, the poor trout.
I mean, look at his mother.
Oh! Well, you did.
We know that now.
You have nothing to worry about.
Your family will always take care of you.
- If you think I am going to sit around, watching your body waste to slop and slime with no reward for me ha ha, you've got another thing coming.
It's, oh, so quiet Sylvia! - It's, oh, so still - [DEVEREAUX COUGHING.]
All alone And so peaceful until - You've - [GASPING.]
Sylvia Sylvia you would've let me die? [TOMMY.]
: We got a problem! Jesus Christ! Ah! - We have to go to the cops.
- Look what happened to your father after he called them on himself, after he battered that poor man with a toaster! I'm not calling the cops.
Learn from your daddy's mistakes.
OK, he fell.
I mean, he slipped.
We didn't do anything wrong.
I'm the one they'll blame.
Who do you think has motive, Tommy? I stand to inherit Devereaux's entire fortune.
Wasn't left to you or Chesley or anyone else, so who are they gonna to pin it on? Me! Ohhh! Even though you opened that door so aggressively.
You frightened the poor man to death.
Can you rein that in a little bit? I mean, I'm still a bit Sensitive about the man you already killed? Yeah, well, if the smell of shit is following you around, it's probably coming from your own arse.
OK, let's not sit around here waiting for him to stink up the place.
Let's go find a rug.
Don't use one of the Persians! Find something cheap.
Come on, Tommy.
Come on, Tommy.
Come on, pull yourself together, man! What am I gonna do with a rug?! You ever hear of pig in a blanket? [TOMMY'S DAD LAUGHING.]
You know, this place's got a real romantic vibe to it.
One, two, three! Come on! Come on, Tommy! - Lift, boy! - I am! This is for the best, you know.
You don't wanna end up an old jailbird like me.
'Cause I don't care if you don't fight, that's your own business, but right now, we're doing what needs to be done - for everyone.
Easy! You don't care if I fight? You know what I mean.
You do care.
- You love me fighting.
- Ohhh And you know I love it.
I mean, the only time I feel completely alive is when I'm in the ring.
I didn't want to fizzle out like this.
And when I get old and useless and pathetic I wanna be the one who says when it's over.
Oooooh Tommy, you got nothing left to prove.
If you want to hang up the gloves once and for all, I won't deny it's sad news, but I won't ever stop being proud of you.
OK? Ooooooh Thanks, Dad.
Oooooh oooooh You're welcome, son.
: Oh! Here come the emotions.
I do love you, you know? [SNIFFLING.]
This might be the best moment of my life.
- Come on, Tommy! - I am trying.
- Come on, boy, push! - I mean, he's heavy.
What's wrong with you? [GRUNTING.]
Distract her! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! - What are you doing? - Well, I brought her here to shame you back into the ring.
Yeah? That's not gonna happen.
Well, certainly not you put it like that.
Come on! So, Tommy Ross, once again, boxing fans are angry and disappointed with you.
Don't you think you owe them a word of explanation? How many times can you pretend to walk away from a fight? If anything, I owe myself, OK? And I'm hardly gonna let so-called boxing fans or you or this prick or anyone rob me of my opportunity of walking away with a little bit of dignity.
Wow, sounds pretty serious.
- You've thought it through.
- Yeah, I did.
- I am serious.
- So, how does bailing on a lucrative fight and letting everybody down give you a sense of dignity? Uh, look, I know what this is, OK? You just you just want to embarrass me on camera.
I'm starting to think you got - some kind of thing for me, huh? - How dare you.
- What is that? - [SMALLWOOD.]
: Do you need - a hand there, Mr.
Ross? - [TOMMY.]
: No.
No, no, no, no.
- Can I come down there and - No, he's good.
- He's good.
- He's good! - What do you want to say? - Ah, you know, I, um [GRUNTING.]
Oh! I've been in this game for a long time, OK? - [MOANING.]
- You know, the training, even if you don't fight, it's it's, it's pretty tough.
That's what you have to say? There's nothing here.
There's no story.
No, just wait! Just wait! Just wait, please.
I'm just trying to get to something.
It's difficult.
This is difficult for me, you know that, right? Of course of course, I'm gonna fight.
I live for the ring.
I live in the ring.
Uhh, Tommy "Father Killer" Ross, call me whatever you want to call me, this time, it's primal! Right? There's your So, OK, any questions? Yeah.
What about all that stuff about dignity? I don't It's all a part of the thing.
Tommy "Father killer, flipper, flopper Little Dog" Ross.
So, put that on your poster.
It's a little long for the poster.
- Oh, is it? - Yeah.
- Uh, well, I don't know.
Is that too long for your poster? Fuck off!
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