Nowhere Boys (2013) s03e04 Episode Script

The Gang Find Magic

1 [Thunder.]
Where is everybody? What if we really are the only people left on earth? Luke, stop.
I saw someone.
Someone, as in a person? He's going into the church.
- Ben? - Hi, guys.
[Sinister music.]
What are you up to, Ben? [Intro music.]
Sync & Correction by Dragoniod - [Indistinct chatter.]
Brooklyn, hey.
How was Bali? Oh, so amazing.
Sun baking, massages, chilli prawns every day.
You miss me? Yeah.
Of course, obviously.
So why didn't you respond to a single text? - Huh? - Don't play dumb.
I'm not dumb.
Too busy studying? Leave it alone.
Not even one message.
I'm not asking for much.
What's with this needy act? - Is it supposed to be hot? - What? Why bother sending me a bunch of soppy text messages and demanding I reply? Can't you take a hint? What is wrong with you? [raised voice.]
I messaged you how much I missed you and not one reply.
You're such a jerk.
- Brooklyn.
- We're through.
Oh, man.
Smooth, Romeo.
Shut up, Ali.
Jesse? Where are you? Ben? Nicco? - You awake? - What is it? We're down two men.
Luke, get up.
- What are you doing? - Jesse and Ben are gone.
- What do you mean gone? - I don't know.
Maybe we should weapon up.
Woodwork door.
Maybe this is how it begins.
We're picked off, one by one.
- Can you not? - Come on, get a grip.
[Scary music.]
This is your moment.
You first, Lukey.
What? Talisman protection.
Elemental enchantments.
What is this place? - You will not believe it.
- I already don't.
What's ? Where are we? It's mental, it's a secret library, but with books like I've never seen.
Magic, mysticism, spells.
You guys hit the gummy bears a bit hard before bed? - It's legit.
- Look around if you don't believe him.
This looks like it's straight out of Harry Potter.
It smells like old people.
I don't get it.
Why hide all this stuff in the school? I dunno.
Yeah, but who would've built this? Maybe whoever left the notebook in the hut.
If it is, then maybe we shouldn't be here.
No, no, it's safe.
How are you so sure? Yeah? Fess up, Ben.
Well, um back home I I guess I liked having somewhere to hang out, away from all the Neanderthals.
So that means you know about magic.
- You can do it.
- Come on.
Look, it's it's not that simple.
Um you'd probably never understand.
Give us a try.
For magic to work, you have to have the four elements.
For magic to work, you have to have no brain.
Air, fire, water and earth.
So, how does it work? Well, from what I've read, the elements are in people, like a part of who they are.
And for the magic to work, you have to have the four elements.
Four elements.
Look, hello, like the Bremin Four.
- Shut up, Jesse.
- [SIGHS.]
Four elements in harmony with a spirit to bind them.
- A spirit? - Someone with spirit energy.
Ohh, cool.
Sorry, do you hear how nuts this sounds? Just wait.
How do you know if you've got the elements? I haven't figured that out yet.
But, um, I do have a Mensa IQ, so it's just a matter of time.
Well, there's only one way to find out.
Oh, fire, I want to be fire.
Red is totally my colour.
Yeah, I can definitely see myself in some dope wizard robes.
Stay focused, Dumbledore.
- Heads up.
- Where have you been? - Shopping.
- [Nicco.]
Mmm, rock-hard goodness.
Thanks, Heath.
Feel free to hunt down your own food.
How's this little hot tub of nerding going? It's like trying to make sense of another language.
I thought you were a sceptic.
What? I like books.
Well, then, have you found us a magic recipe? I'm holding out for roast lamb.
Can someone shut him up? Hey, this one looks a bit like something.
Too complicated.
Keep looking.
All right.
Any spell called Eye of Thunder has to be awesome.
It looks easy enough.
We should try it, right? You ready? [Both.]
"Hidden energies coiling, a focused point of light, "with thundering of elements, unearth the secrets of the night.
" [Suspenseful music.]
Love it.
[Thunder rumbles.]
[Shaking and rattling.]
- Whoa.
- Uh - guys.
- Oh! - [Nicco.]
- Oh, oh.
- Lots of tremors.
- What's happening? Is this Eye of Thunder? - We have to get out of here.
- That's not possible.
- Get out! - Get out! Get out! - It's an earthquake.
- Hurry! Ben, what are you doing? Run! - [Loud bang.]
- Whoa! [Glass shatters.]
- [They pant.]
- Heath.
Should I get him? You're okay! We just we just did magic.
No! It was an earthquake, something seismic.
- It can't have been us.
- Of course it was us! - I don't get it.
It's not possible.
- It could be possible.
There's references to magic in every culture across the world.
- Oh, that's rubbish.
- Well, then, how do you explain that? We're elements.
We have to be if it worked, don't we? Wait, okay, wait.
Let's just all stay calm for a minute.
I am sure that there is a rational explanation for all of this.
Yeah?! Let's hear it, Nicco! Well, I'm working on it.
- [Coughs.]
- [Ben splutters.]
"Spiritual Traditions.
"Summoning Familiars.
" Are you going to be okay? Sure.
My whole world view makes no sense anymore.
I'm totally cool.
Um guys, you might want to see this.
[Book slams.]
- What am I looking at? - Felix Ferne.
One of the Bremin Four, it's some kind of notebook.
It's them, the kids that went missing.
Sam Conte, Jake Riles, Andy Lau.
Oh, "unlocking spell, elimination spell.
" [Ben.]
"Memory-wiping spell.
" Whoa, whoa, wait.
Those pages.
They refer to dimensional travel.
That's what happened to the Bremin Four.
They they travelled between dimensions.
And if if they did, then couldn't we? It's possible.
Very possible.
- Oh.
- What is it? Well, the heading says, "Dimensional return," but The page is gone.
When? Wait.
The other book we found.
What? Yes! Look.
The same spell is in this book too.
The spell for dimensional return.
Maybe it's a common one.
- Oh, hold on.
- [Nicco.]
What is it? It says here for the spell to work, "We each have to offer up something of our heart's desire.
" Heart's desire? Honestly, who comes up with this stuff? Yes! Oh, I knew I had it! The passport for dimensional travel? It's the world debut of triple threat, Jesse Banda! Singing, dancing and Kendo master.
It's my entry form for Biggest Superstar.
I was supposed to submit it over the weekend.
Seriously, this [Exhales.]
this is my heart's desire.
Tell me about it.
They're doing auditions soon and I am going to smash it.
I think he really wants it.
You have no idea.
Heart's desire.
All right.
What about you? - Got it.
- [Nicco.]
Me too.
Hold up, big guy.
Classic Arley, triple zero.
- Boom.
Heart's desire.
- A bikini mag? You cannot be serious.
Ah, what did the spell say? You're all class, Heath.
- Don't let anyone tell you different.
- Come on.
A boy has won this trophy every year.
And that's your heart's desire? More than you can imagine.
- I can't open it.
- I'll go check the office for a key.
Hi-yah! [Glass smashing.]
[Suspenseful music.]
Or we can do it your way.
You certainly know how to get what you want.
- Your turn.
- But I know what I want, but I can't have it.
Come on.
It's my granddad.
He was my best friend before he died.
I mean, I've got lots of other friends, too, obviously, but It's okay, Ben.
We get it.
- [Thunder rumbles.]
- I can't think of anything, dude.
Well, hopefully coming here will jolt you into thinking of something.
- [Thunder claps.]
- It's such a mind blow.
Is that the ? Let's hurry.
Er what about this stuff? No, I I like games, but that's my dad's heart's desire, not mine.
What I saw this morning, it was messed up.
We need to What is it? I know what it is.
A Goji Boy keyring? No, doofus, the house keys.
My heart's desire is to stay in one spot.
[Hands clap.]
Welcome back, contestants.
If you want to progress to the next round, you're going to have to reveal your heart's desire or or you'll be facing - elimination.
- Enough, Jesse.
You're getting all hyper.
Nuh All right.
So, the book says we have to read it all together.
I wrote it out.
Take one, pass it on.
We place all our objects in the middle and we read.
"The heart's desire calling us home " - What if it doesn't work? - What option do we have? Luke, can we do a rehearsal? No need.
We'll just read it at the same time.
No, just do a rehearsal, please.
We'll do a rehearsal.
All right.
"The heart's desire calling us home, with powers combined, "let the separated dimensions entwine.
" - We cool? - Okay.
"Place the tokens of your heart's desire betwixt.
" Betwixt? - LOL.
- OMG, who uses LOL? Last but not least.
Three, two, one.
"The heart's desire calling us home, with powers combined, "let the separated dimensions entwine.
" [Wind howls.]
No one's there.
It didn't work.
Nothing ever works in this stupid place.
I'm sick of it.
All I want is a Meatlovers' pizza.
Is that too much to ask? Again with the meat.
Oh, no, not good! Oh, help! Not again! Heath! [Wind.]
- Run! - Argh.
[Explosion That dark thing again.
Okay, I am so over this.
What is it? I never thought I'd say this, but I cannot handle any more drama.
Are you going to be okay, rock star? It doesn't make sense.
"With our heart's desire calling us home " Ben! Stop.
We almost got fried.
I know, but if we don't do the spell, then how are we going to get home? Okay, who here didn't put in their heart's desire? What? My heart's desire is on every page.
This is serious.
What's your real heart's desire? It's pointless.
She doesn't exist in this world.
- She? - Brooklyn.
Should've known.
Don't say anything.
Remember Brooklyn was meant to be in detention with us? She disappeared before us.
Isn't it possible that she's here too? We should check her house.
Come on.
All you've got to do is pull the pin and boom.
How do you know how to do that? You know what, I just realised I don't want to know.
- But - Honey, I'm home! - [Others.]
- What's with the shushing? We're trying to find people, people.
[Knock on window.]
Guys, a little help.
- Sorry.
Thank you.
- All right.
Check the house for any signs of life.
Thanks, Luke.
- Hey, Jesse.
- Yo? - What about Peta? - Oh, those two are Siamese twins.
If we find one, we'll find the other.
And if we don't? Guess we'll be looking for another way home.
Hey, everyone! Check this out.
- For real? - It's still warm.
Carbs, gross.
You know what? I've never actually realised how delicious that is.
Dude, can we focus? Um, guys, note.
- "Mum " - "Mum, Dad, where are you? "Peta and I have the van "and we're heading to Rochford to see if we can find you.
" - Yes, they're here.
- We must've just missed them.
Heath, really? This girl, she dots her 'I's with love hearts.
Come on, we have to catch them.
- Put that down! - But, yum! Which way are we going to go, Mountain Street or Bremin Gully Road? Bremin Gully for sure.
Hey, if we find them there, maybe we'll find Mr Bates.
He vanished as well, right? Great.
He'll be able to make my life hell, even here.
They must've broken down.
You think it's them? It's their dad's van.
Getting ready with his Bruce Lee madness.
No, it's Kendo.
He gets pretty touchy if you say it wrong.
- You better believe it, sister.
- Jesse.
You guys wait here.
No, wait.
We don't know what's happened.
I'm checking it out.
[Suspenseful music.]
[Thumping in van.]
[Noises in van.]
[Suspenseful music.]
- It's empty! - Who is that? - Argh! - Heath! We're coming! Get off me! Get off, please! Get off me! - Get off me! - Heath? Are you okay? [Muffled.]
I can't breathe! Get off me! - Brooklyn? - Help me! Excuse me.
Hello?! That was mad.
You guys?! Sorry, we didn't realise.
Who did you think it was going to be? I don't know.
Not you.
Ew Anyone but you.
The van broke down and we freaked when we heard someone coming.
But, man, it's so good to see you.
I know.
This whole apocalyptic wasteland thing, it takes some time getting used to.
Do you know anything about the mass evacuation? Oh, I'm not so sure it's a mass evacuation.
We're heading to Rochford to see if anyone's there.
Listen, guys, I don't think you're going to find anything there.
What do ya mean? I mean, it might look like we're home, but I don't think we are.
- His brain is more fried than ever.
- [Peta snorts.]
He's right.
You mean, everyone's gone from everywhere? We don't know how, but we think we've been sent to an alternate dimension.
Okay, remember that multi-dimensional string theory from physics class? Okay, you are weird people.
I'm getting this van started.
Let's go.
Brooklyn, wait.
- We can't let them go.
- She's his heart's desire.
Seriously, guys.
It's pointless going.
We need you here.
- [Engine splutters.]
- We need to stay together.
It still won't start.
What is that? Oh, no, not again.
[Loud bang.]
Take cover! [Brooklyn.]
I'm out of here! [Nicco.]
Brooklyn, where are you going? [Heath.]
Brooklyn, come back! We need to do something! Come on, Ben! Quickly! Come back! Ben, we need the book! Get back here! [Nicco.]
Heath! The book! - Heath! - Watch out! Brooklyn! - Quick! - Come on! - Come on, we need to go.
- Watch out above! Go! Now! Hurry! - Got it.
- The book.
Find something to help us.
[They gasp.]
Anything, just do it now! [Loud banging.]
- Hurry up! - All right, look, pass me the book.
- Hurry up! - I don't know what I'm looking for! [Nicco.]
Anything, just hurry! A protection spell.
Is that it? - Yes, yes, yes.
- Oh, my God, just anything.
- What's happening? - Okay.
"The divinity of the elements, I summon thee.
"Air, fire, water and earth aid in my quest, I call you forth.
" - [Loud bang.]
- It's not working.
Everyone has to say it.
"Divinity of the elements, I summon thee.
"Air, fire, water and earth aid in my quest, I call you forth.
" [Calm.]
It's gone.
Luke, that spell, you legend.
Come on.
Let's get outta here.
Um, what just happened? Brooklyn, we need to get back to the school.
We need to hurry, it's not safe.
No, I'm not following you anywhere.
What did you guys just do? This situation is crazy.
Please come, Brooklyn.
You can trust us.
What's that? What the ? Anybody want a ride? You have something in your hair.
What did you do that for? We need his heart's desire, that's all.
You're his heart's desire? Heath, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to.
- Stay away from me.
- Hey.
Get back here now! This isn't going to work if you don't do it properly.
Are you okay, Mr Bates? You can go back if you want.
What I really want is for this nightmare to end.
- [Alarm blares.]
- We'll form an orderly line and make our way to the fire assembly point.
I said an orderly line! Luke, you do the spell and then you come home.

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