Touched by an Angel (1994) s03e10 Episode Script

Into the Light

( Bobby Darin's "Mack the Knife" playing ) ♫ Oh, the shark, babe Has such teeth, dear ♫ ♫ And it shows them Pearly whites ♫ ♫ Just a jackknife Has old MacHeath, babe ♫ ♫ And he keeps it Out of sight ♫ ♫ You know When that shark bites ♫ ♫ With his teeth, babe ♫ ♫ Scarlet billows Start to spread ♫ ♫ Fancy gloves, though Wears old MacHeath, babe ♫ ♫ So there's never Never a trace of red ♫ ♫ Now on the sidewalk Uh-huh-huh ♫ ♫ Ooh, sunny mornin' Uh-huh ♫ ♫ Lies a body ♫ ( whispering ): Don't worry.
♫ Just oozin' life Eeek! ♫ ♫ And someone's sneakin' 'Round the corner ♫ ♫ Could that someone Be Mack the Knife? ♫ ♫ A-there's a tugboat Down by the river ♫ What's going on here, Tess? His name is James Block, and he's headed for trouble.
The kind of trouble he can't buy his way out of.
♫ He disappeared, babe ♫ ♫ After drawin' out All his hard-earned cash ♫ ♫ And now MacHeath spends Just like a sailor ♫ ♫ Could it be our boy's done Somethin' rash? ♫ ♫ Ah, Jenny Diver Ho, ho! ♫ ♫ Yeah, Sukey Tawdry ♫ ♫ Ooh, Miss Lotte Lenya ♫ Police! ♫ Lucy Brown ♫ ♫ Oh, the line forms On the right, babe ♫ ♫ Now that Macky's ♫ You have the right to remain silent.
♫ Back in town ♫ ♫ I said, Jenny Diver ♫ ♫ Whoa, Sukey Tawdry ♫ Is he going to jail? Not James.
That man always manages to wiggle out somehow.
He's been cheating the law almost as long as he's been cheating death.
Death? Well, what's wrong with him? Heart condition.
Years ago the doctors told him he wouldn't make it to 30, and he's been running scared ever since.
What's he afraid of? Something that's just about to happen.
But he's going to get a second chance, and he needs you to help him make it count.
Look out, old Macky's back! ( Della Reese & The Verity All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing ) REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫ ♫ Down the road ♫ ♫ Heavy burden ♫ ♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫ ♫ I will rise ♫ ♫ And I will walk with you ♫ REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫ CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫ ♫ Till the sun Don't even shine ♫ ♫ Walk with you ♫ ♫ Walk with you ♫ ♫ Every time ♫ ♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫ ♫ Walk with you ♫ ♫ Believe me I'll walk with you ♫ Played up your heart condition for all it's worth, and with a little fancy footwork, got the state to let you off with six months.
Community service.
Six months? Seems kind of long.
James, you broke the law.
People go to prison for bribery.
Other people go to prison.
I told you he can get me out of anything.
Yeah, but he won't need to anymore, right? You said this would be the last time.
You promised.
I know.
I'm just telling you how terrific this guy is.
He's the best lawyer in the business.
He's also the most expensive lawyer in the business.
Which means he'll be able to buy us something extra special for our wedding present.
Oh, you're coming to our wedding? Any idea when that's gonna be? I was thinking after this community service, maybe you and I Come on, James, the marriage license is gonna run out before we even use it.
You didn't let me finish.
I don't have to.
I don't wanna hear you make me another promise you won't keep.
I love you, Rachel.
I love you the way Bobby Darin loved Sandra Dee.
But could he help it if he had a bad heart? Guys like me and Bobby, you gotta cut us some slack.
You know, he only made it till he was 37.
I could be gone like that, Rachel.
I'm livin' on borrowed time, you know.
I've heard this song before.
But you didn't let me finish! I guess living with me for eight years would drive anyone crazy.
Well, you'd better think of something to improve her mood.
We've still got the federal charges to deal with.
So? So? The feds are gonna be harder to handle.
She knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak.
What if they make her testify? You don't have to worry about Rachel.
You're the boss.
Report to the county hospital tomorrow morning, 9 a.
Community service.
Who's up at that hour? You are.
( Woman speaking indistinctly over PA ) James should have been here over an hour ago.
Oh, he will have a good excuse.
He always does.
But he's about to learn a very important lesson.
There's no use trying to sweet-talk Tess, huh? No.
Hi, Tess.
Hey, Monica.
Good morning, Amy Ann.
How are you feeling today? Well, I haven't been coughing as much, but I didn't sleep so good.
Too quiet.
Jelly donut? Your favourite kind.
A little bit of heaven.
Elvis bought somebody a Cadillac once for bringing him jelly donuts.
Yes, he did.
Do you want me to buy you a Cadillac? Course not, Tess.
Sometimes people just do things for other people because it's the nice thing to do.
Oh, thank you, Amy Ann.
That's very sweet.
( Sighs ) Was there something else? Please, Tess, can I have my record back? No.
Do you want your jelly donut back? I promise I won't play it so loud.
Monica, help me.
I need my Elvis.
Tess, she needs her Elvis.
What she needs is to remember that there are other people on this floor that need rest and not "Blue Suede Shoes.
" Come on.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Well, I'll think about it.
You two run along now.
I got some serious behind to kick.
I'm James Block.
I believe I'm a little early for my 11:00 Don't even try it.
But you didn't let me finish.
I don't have to.
I'm your supervisor.
My name is Tess.
Well, Tess, I'm a big boy.
I don't need supervising, so just point me to my office.
Now, let's get a few things straight.
First ( cell phone rings ) Hold that thought, Tess.
I'll be right with you.
James, we got a problem.
They've just issued a subpoena for Rachel.
We can't let her take the stand, so you've gotta do something.
Okay, thanks, I'm on it, uh, Aunt Margaret.
Um, yes, I'll be there as soon as I can.
I love you too.
It's my aunt Margaret.
She's taken ill.
I'm gonna have to go.
Your aunt Margaret died in Seattle in 1973.
Now, let's finish going through my rules: You will be on time.
You will do your community service.
And there will be no more phone calls.
How did you know about Aunt Margaret? You'd be surprised what I know.
Now, you got some scrubbin' to do.
There's a hospital chapel down there that needs some serious elbow grease.
Take this.
( Dialing ) Hello? Hi, Rachel.
It's James.
I've just called to say that I love you, and I want you to marry me right now, today.
Just like that? What's going on, James? I don't know.
I-I think it's this community service.
I think it's really working.
It's like being in this hospital has opened my eyes to what's really important in life.
I now realize how much I need you.
Oh, you should see me, Rach.
I'm down on my knees in the hospital chapel.
It's like, for the first time in my life, I'm I'm I'm keeping my promise.
Please, Rach, don't let me down.
James, are you sure? I've never been more sure.
Listen, it's, uh It's 10:30.
Meet me at noon, county hospital.
And, Rach I love you, baby.
I love you too.
You better get off that chapel floor before you bruise your knees.
Looks like somebody around here really likes Elvis.
Change the subject.
Real smooth.
All right, look, just do me a favour and keep quiet about this.
What's it worth to ya? Mr.
Presley must have a lot of fans in this hospital.
Do not sneak up on a guy with a bad heart.
I was just tidying up Tess' desk.
A remarkable woman.
Do you know who you remind me of? My beautiful sister, Molly, may she rest in peace.
You don't have a sister.
And Molly, I believe, was your dog.
How do you people get this stuff? I came in to get this record for Amy Ann, because Tess has decided to give her a second chance.
( Door opens ) MONICA: Amy Ann? Have a surprise for you.
Yeah, here you go, kid.
Just like I promised.
Just remember what you promised Tess, okay? I will.
And thanks, James.
A pleasure doing business with you.
Your parents must be very proud.
Don't you have somewhere to be? As a matter of fact, I do.
Check you later, kid.
Amy Ann lost her parents seven years ago.
She lives at the St.
Vincent group home.
Yeah? That must be pretty tough on a kid.
So listen, I'd love to stand around and chat about it, but I gotta finish cleaning up the hospital chapel.
I want to make it look real nice for Tess.
Would you do me a favour? Would you mind popping your head in to make sure I don't miss anything? No problem.
Ah, you're a real angel.
What do you say? Noonish? Noonish it is.
The priest that was supposed to perform the ceremony was in a terrible accident.
I really appreciate you helping us out.
My pleasure.
I'm here every Thursday.
I don't do many weddings, though.
Excuse me.
JAMES: Hey, babe, you look great.
I can't believe this is finally happening.
I can't live another day without you as my wife.
Do you have a witness? Hm.
Right on time.
We're looking for James Block.
He'd better be in the chapel and smellin' lemon-fresh.
Thank you.
By the power vested in me by the state of Colorado, I now pronounce you man and wife.
Hold it! I have a subpoena here.
James, what is going on? Rachel Carson.
Sorry, Rachel Block.
And I believe it's not legal for a wife to testify against her husband.
So that's why you were in such a hurry? I love you I am not a game piece for you to move around wherever you need it.
You didn't let me finish.
I don't have to let you finish.
This is the most ridiculous thing you've pulled yet.
Who are you? Oh, don't even try, James.
This is without a doubt the most narcissistic, egotistical Are you getting the picture? The most arrogant, manipulative, completely self-absorbed thing.
I mean, did you ever think how I might feel about this whole thing? Really, you just take me for granted.
I have stood by you for so long ( groaning ) It's embarrassing.
And it's completely humiliating to me, James.
Andrew, his heart? Not yet.
James, what are you pulling now? James.
James! I'll get a doctor.
James, hold on.
Hold on, James.
Hold on.
You're gonna be okay.
They're calling the doctor now.
I'm sorry.
I'm afraid he's gone.
( Sobbing ) ( sobbing ): Oh, no.
No, no.
( Mysterious, eerie theme playing ) Clear! I've got a pulse.
Bring in the gurney.
Let's start a lidocaine drip at 80 milligrams.
Rachel, don't leave me.
I'm right here, James.
Right where I've always been.
Okay? ( Grunting ) RACHEL: Please, be careful.
The guy in the white suit.
Where did he go? Shh.
Baby, just close your eyes and relax.
Okay? This is his second chance, isn't it, Tess? Yes, baby, and everyone doesn't get one.
Amy Ann? She's gonna need an angel too.
I don't understand.
Am I here for Amy Ann, or am I here for James? Well, who says it has to be one or the other? Right now, Amy Ann and James have something in common.
Neither one of them wanna face the truth.
But before long they're gonna have to face it together.
( Heart monitor beeping ) WOMAN ( over PA ): Dr.
Landing to ICU, stat.
Landing to ICU, stat.
( sighs ) ( groans ) ( mysterious, eerie theme playing ) No! ( Panting heavily ) James.
James, calm down.
Be quiet, baby.
Come on.
Think he was having a bad dream.
Honey, why don't you go home and get some sleep.
Is he gonna be okay? Hi.
I'm Amy Ann.
You must be Rach.
How did you know? James told me all about you.
You can sleep in my room if you want.
Now, that's a good idea.
It's just down the hall.
Come on, darling.
Thank you, Amy Ann.
No problem, Rach.
I'm just gonna hang out here for a minute.
All right, dear.
Come on.
( Suspenseful, melancholy theme playing ) What are you doing? Nothing.
Yes, you were.
You were praying.
Was not.
( Sighs ) So? Sometimes I pray a little.
What were you praying for? Another Elvis album? I was praying for you.
Why? When you were asleep, you didn't look so good.
I was having a bad dream.
It was a nightmare.
There was this tunnel and there was this This white light.
It was so real, I could almost reach out and touch it.
Maybe it wasn't a dream.
What do you mean? They say when you die, you see a beautiful white light.
I didn't die.
Yes, you did.
For almost a minute.
I was dead? I always thought that afterlife stuff was a big scam.
You don't believe in heaven? No.
If I did and somebody up there was keeping score, I'd be in serious trouble.
Maybe it's not too late to change things.
I wonder what it would take.
( Piano theme playing ) ( heart monitor beeping ) Thanks, James.
I really love these little walks of ours.
Oh, believe me, Louise, the pleasure's all mine.
( laughing ) "Helped sick lady in wheelchair.
" James Block, you just had a heart attack.
You should be resting.
No time.
What can I do? Who can I help? Hey, James.
Hey, Mr.
Hyde, hang in there.
Looking good.
( Chuckling ) Well, since you're up, Amy Ann could use a visit.
Amy Ann? What's wrong? She took a turn for the worse last night.
( Piano music playing on radio ) You know, that's the loveliest shade of blue I've ever seen on anyone's nails.
We can do the other hand later.
Hey, kid.
What's going on? Monica's painting my fingernails.
Blue? Cool, huh? ( Inhales deeply ) It's for my birthday party.
You and Rach wanna come? Amy Ann is going to be 14 tomorrow.
Sure, we'll come.
I'll bring the cake and the music.
We've got all the Elvis music we need.
I was thinking more along the lines of Bobby Darin.
Who? Bobby Darin, the greatest singer who ever lived.
Never heard of him.
That's 'cause he died so young.
( Coughing ) All right, baby.
Time for your therapy.
Is that really necessary? It's the only thing that'll clear her lungs.
I'll come back tomorrow.
( Sirens blaring in distance ) Hello, Dixie.
Hi, James.
James, what are you doing up again? I warned you about that yesterday.
There's gotta be something else I can do.
I've oiled the wheelchairs.
I delivered the Jell-O.
I even emptied the bedpans.
What about reading to the children? Well, I did that: Velveteen Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, Green Eggs and Ham.
Don't you think you've done enough? Not even close.
I better go see if Rachel's here with the cake.
Morning, Monica.
I can't believe James, Tess.
He seems like a new man.
It's more like an old dog trying to make God think he's learned some new tricks.
He's doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.
( Alarm beeping ) Twelve twenty-four.
Oh, not Louise.
She was getting better! ( Over PA ): Code blue, room 1224.
Go, baby.
We got work to do.
WOMAN ( over PA ): Code blue, room 1224.
Code blue, room 1224.
Clark, room 1224, stat.
( mysterious, eerie theme playing ) ( labored breathing ) No! You just relax now, Louise.
You had a close call there.
James recently had a close call, didn't you, James? You never told me that, James.
Yeah, well, I don't like to talk about it much.
WOMAN ( over PA ): Dr.
Perlstein to Cardiac Intensive Care.
So did you see the light? Yeah.
It was warm.
It was so comforting.
You were actually in the light? It was all around me.
I can still feel it.
And that wonderful man.
The guy in the white suit? Yes.
He was about 30, quiet, kind of just stares at you? No, he He spoke to me.
He smiled.
He was so kind.
Kind? He was with me every step of the way.
( Indistinct chattering ) Hey! Hey! I know you.
You were there.
Louise told me that it was wonderful in the light, that you were with her every step of the way.
But what about me? Is it gonna be wonderful for me next time? That's not for me to decide.
But I'm doing all these good deeds.
James, if every one of your good deeds was a step to heaven, it would never reach high enough.
What are you saying? I'm not going to heaven? It's not up to me.
It's up to you.
Don't give me that line.
You can't con a con.
No! ( labored breathing ) James? The man in the suit.
A white suit? There was darkness.
A big wave of darkness was pulling me in.
Come on.
We'd better get you into Exam.
Okay, come on.
( Grunts ) Baby, you've got to calm down.
Yes, just try to relax, James.
You don't understand.
You didn't see it.
( Breathes heavily ) What are you doing? Trying to help you.
You can't help me! Nobody can.
What is he so afraid of, Tess? He saw the light.
Yes, baby, but he also saw the darkness.
And when people realize there's a choice, things get a whole lot harder.
Doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.
James Block, are you shredding documents again? What's the point, Rach? Good deeds don't buy you anything.
James, what is wrong with you? I ran all over town to get this cake and the present that you wanted me to find.
I gotta get outta here.
James, where are you going? I thought this birthday party was important to you.
You go.
I got nothing to celebrate.
James! You going somewhere? We're all going somewhere, Tess, whether we like it or not.
Well, what about Amy Ann? You're just gonna disappoint her? When she grows up, she's gonna find out that life is one big disappointment.
She's not going to grow up.
What? I thought she had pneumonia or something.
Cystic fibrosis.
She hasn't got long.
It's only her faith in God that has sustained her this far.
Her faith in God? You mean her fantasy.
God is not a fantasy, James, and you should know that better than anybody.
You've seen his light.
And most people aren't given that gift.
Gift? You mean curse.
What's the point, Tess? To torture me? "God exists, James, but not for you"? Uh-uh.
You cannot blame God for what you've done with your life.
What about Amy Ann's life? She probably hasn't done a lousy thing in 14 years.
And you know what? I got it on good authority that good deeds count for zip.
You know what I learned when I died? I learned that there's light and there's dark, and where you end up is a crap shoot.
That's what you think, huh? That's what I know.
Well, here's what I know: Whatever is going on in your world can be put aside long enough to help a little girl that's dying.
( Instrumental song playing on radio ) How many candles? Fourteen.
And Amy Ann, James is so sorry that he couldn't be here.
He's, um He's not feeling very well.
But he wanted me to tell you that next year JAMES: I'll tell her myself.
AMY ANN: Now it's a happy birthday.
( Sighs ) I'm gonna have my birthday cake in Graceland next year.
You guys wanna come? Next year? I don't know.
We're just in time for the candles.
No singing.
I just wanna make my wish.
Actually it's kind of a prayer.
A birthday prayer? That's a lovely idea.
( Inhales ) James, would you help me? Sure, I'll help you, Amy Ann, by telling you the truth.
You're dyin'.
RACHEL: James! No.
That's not true.
It's the God's truth.
Wanna know what the worst part is? God knows, and he doesn't care.
Stop it, James.
I've seen the light.
I've just told her the truth.
That's more than her God'll do for her.
( Tearfully ): I thought God was watching over me.
He is, sweetheart.
I thought he was gonna make me better.
Yeah, well, God's the biggest con artist of 'em all.
Leave now.
Go, go.
( Sobs ) ( coughing ) ( whispers ): It's okay.
It's okay.
How could you do that to her? I told her the truth.
That her faith is a waste of time? That there is no God? Oh, there's a God, Rach, but He's nobody to put your faith in.
He's a jerk, and only a loser puts faith in a jerk.
Maybe you're right.
I stayed with you for eight years on faith, hoping that one day you'd become the man I knew you could be.
But today you took that away too.
I pray to God I never see you again.
Oh, God.
You can't have her.
No! James.
I'm not gonna let you take Amy Ann.
It's her time to move on.
To what? Don't lie to me.
I know.
No, James.
I don't think you do.
And I'm sorry.
( Growling ) James Are you okay? ( Breathing heavily ) No.
( Roaring ) How did you get that? I tore that up.
We're angels.
The both of you? And Tess too.
"Pushing a woman in a wheelchair.
" "Reading to the blind child.
" "Buying a birthday present for Amy Ann.
" My.
It's no wonder you were angry.
Doing all these good deeds and the angel of death wouldn't even give you the time of day.
Give me that.
Don't you think you deserve bonus points? I mean, after all, Amy Ann is dying, and you were good enough to tell her.
Why does she have to die? Dying isn't what you think it is, James.
I know what it is.
I saw it.
I saw the light.
The light is heaven, and the darkness is hell.
And that's where I'm going.
Hell is separation from God.
It's an eternity without light.
If you were on your way there, James, God wasn't sending you.
You were sending yourself.
But I've been trying to turn it around.
Why can't God give me credit for the good things I'm doing? Because you weren't doing these to honor God.
You were doing them to get into heaven.
So how does anybody get in? James, if every good deed that you do was a step to heaven, then I know, I know.
I'd still come up short.
So, what's the point if no matter what I do, I can never reach high enough? You didn't let us finish.
People are always trying to build a stairway to heaven, James.
Some are like towers, and some are just a few steps high.
But there has never been one that was quite high enough to reach all the way to God.
That's when a soul has to stand on the very top step and call up and say, "Here.
Here I am.
Lift me up the rest of the way.
" And God hears you, and he reaches down, and he takes you home.
That's what God's mercy is.
He doesn't give you what you deserve.
He gives you what he wants you to have: The best of everything.
Because God loves you.
All you have to do is ask.
So, uh it really is up to you.
So there is a heaven for me? Yes.
And it's more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
And I can get there? You can start right now.
Who do you think God is? I don't know.
God knows that.
And he knows that you weren't ready to walk into that light.
That's why he gave you a second chance, a chance to know him.
When you stand in front of God, wouldn't you rather see the face of a friend than that of a stranger? A friend, a father, counselor, a confidante, a guide.
You know the light that you saw, James? ( Sighs ) That's just the beginning.
Wait until you see what comes after that.
So how do I become friends with God? God has given you a second chance, James.
Take it.
WOMAN ( over PA ): Dr.
Taylor to Respiratory Intensive Care.
Taylor to Respiratory Intensive Care.
I've used everybody my whole entire life.
I even used you.
And I used your name in vain.
( Sniffles ) But I don't have to tell you that.
( Tearfully ): I tried to build a stairway, you know, and I got maybe two steps on it.
( Sighs ) I must look really pathetic from where you sit.
But, uh The angels, they told me that, uh That prayer can reach higher than stairs.
So I am calling out to you to come and get me.
( Whispers ): Come get me.
Please, come and get me.
( Sobbing ): 'Cause I can't go any higher, not without you.
I know that now.
( Normal voice ): Look, I know I'm no good.
All right? But if there's anything I can do, anything that's worth it, just use me.
( Sighs ) ( sighs ) I guess you don't answer right away.
That's okay.
'Cause, uh, I'm just gonna walk on out of here, and I'm gonna see what happens.
( Sighs ) ( sobbing ): Rach, what are you doing here? Having my prayers answered.
There's somebody else who deserves to have her prayers answered too.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I know that I gotta go be with her.
Okay? ( Coughing ) Amy Ann? Amy Ann, James is here.
I'm sorry, Amy Ann.
I made a terrible mistake.
You were right.
I'm gonna die.
I brought you a present.
Let me help you.
Oh, look at that.
It's beautiful.
I figured if you couldn't get to Graceland just yet, I'd bring Graceland to you.
I'm not going to Graceland, James.
And you know it.
Can I tell you a secret? Sure.
All my life I've been praying to God.
All my life.
And I believed.
I really did.
But now when I need him most, I'm scared.
I mean, what if I die and there isn't a heaven? What if I die and there's no God? What if there's nothing but darkness after all? God is waiting, Amy Ann.
There's more.
I know.
I promise.
I've seen a little piece of heaven.
You know, James, you can't con a con.
( Coughing ) It's okay.
Lie still, darling.
Listen to me, Amy Ann.
I'm telling you the truth.
God loves us.
I know that now.
If you can't hold on to him, ask him to hold on to you.
( Amy Ann coughing ) Come on, Amy Ann, ask him.
Ask him.
( Coughing & crying ): God, please, hold on to me.
Isn't there anything we can do? You're doing it.
( Whispering ): There's a beautiful light.
All you have to do is walk toward it.
I'm so tired.
I can't make it all the way.
You don't have to.
Just go as far as you can, and he'll take you home from there.
Hello, Amy Ann.
I love you, Amy Ann.
( Elvis Presley's "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" playing ) ♫ Precious Lord Take my hand ♫ ♫ Lead me on Let me stand ♫ ♫ I am tired ♫ ♫ I am weak ♫ ♫ I am worn ♫ ♫ Through the storm Through the night ♫ ♫ Lead me on To the light ♫ ♫ Take my hand ♫ ♫ Precious Lord Lead me home ♫ ♫ Through the storm Through the night ♫ ♫ Lead me home To the light ♫ ♫ Take my hand ♫ ♫ Precious Lord Lead me home ♫ ♫ Lead me home ♫ ( heartfelt theme playing )
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