Gintama (2005) s04e20 Episode Script

And into the Legend...

As I said The systems of this world are under our control.
Defeating me will destroy this world.
Will you still attempt to defeat me? Can you kill Tama? Firebane!! [Note: Original text, "Begirama" is a spell from the game Dragon Quest series.
["And Into the Legend".]
Ow, ow, ow Wait! Hold on! Time-out! No, wait! Wait! Weren't you listening to what I was saying?! Open! Huh? Something about offering us half of the world? And it doesn't matter if we pick yes or no because we still end up fighting, right? Forget it.
Too much of a hassle.
Wouldn't that be the Dragonlord? He didn't listen to a single word I said.
The Archfiend always talks too much.
I usually just skim through.
What do you think you're doing?! Any damage to the Archfiend Tapir will mean damage to Lady Tama! Aren't you capable of exercising discretion?! Uh, you realize you just indirectly attacked her?! The Archfiend is completely beat-up?! What do you think you're doing?! Get out of my way.
Scram! You scram! Hey! What are you doing in front of the Archfiend?! Curse you So you do not care if this body is destroyed? Heartless bastards And you call yourself heroes?! Like the Archfiend's in any position to talk! I can now see that you are big douches.
But will you be able to continue after seeing this? Leukocyte King, do you remember your father's face? Yes, your father, the previous king, Fortega, fell into the anus during his battle with me and lost his life.
But what would you do if Fortega were still alive? What would you do if he still lived in pain within me after being consumed? It can't be You couldn't have Yes, exactly My son Father! Hey, wait! Hold up! You move too fast! I didn't even get a chance to reveal his father's face! I was still talking! And why is everybody hitting me this time?! We don't feel a thing when you use the "I'm your father" setting.
This is much easier than beating Tama-san's face, so I figured I'd use this chance to finish you.
Don't you people have any respect for this tragic meeting between father and son?! Nobody uses "the last boss is your father" twist anymore.
Come up with something better.
Curses! I pulled the plug and we lost our connection to the system! Plug?! You people were controlling the system with such a half-assed method?! This is it! Now that he's disconnected from Lady Tama's system, we can defeat the Archfiend Tapir without harming Lady Tama! This is our only chance! Let's go! Don't underestimate me, brats! Your cheap appliance store security measures can't possibly defeat me after I've consumed high-level technology and undergone an extreme evolution! I can no longer be considered a virus.
I have transcended human understanding Yes A god! A being you humans cannot cope with A perfect being known as a god! A god? God schmod.
You're supposed to be fighting it out with some yeast cells on a rotten piece of bread, Germfiend.
This isn't where you belong.
Get the hell outta Tama-san.
We won't allow you to contaminate our friend any further.
This will be the last clean-up job! Let's go, guys! Yeah! Huh? My body won't move the way I want it to.
Huh? Huh? What's with Kagura?! Wh-Wh-Why?! Why did Kagura-chan turn into pixels?! Wh-What's going on here? Don't tell me Kagura got infected by the virus? That can't be it How could a human being be infected by a computer virus As I said I am no longer a pathetic computer virus! Shinpachi! Shinpachi! You okay?! Somehow Shrunk down M-M-My legs are short! Looks like you're okay.
Like hell I am! My body's over here! And my legs are like this! Why was my transformation so half-assed?! I'd take a full body change over this! Huh? Something changed? Didn't your body always look like a Guntank? [Note: Guntank is a weapon from the anime series Gundam.
Who are you calling a Guntank?! G-Gin-chan It's like my body's like stone I can't move Hey, Kagura! Hang in there! What is this? The pixels are advancing! My body's getting heavier and heavier, Gin-san! Shinpachi! Help Gin-chan Kagura! Gin-san! Do something! Shintank! Who's that supposed to be?! Gin-chan M-My body is Why are you standing around? Do you want to die? They're It's no use.
They've been completely pixilated.
We need to retreat for now! Kagura! Shintank! I won't let you get away! It appears that he wasn't lying about having more power than a normal virus.
His extreme evolution has given him the power to control viruses, which affect human beings in addition to us programs.
You've gotta be kidding.
I've heard of an animator, who didn't take a bath for so long that he had fungus on his penis, but I've never heard of anyone getting infected by a computer virus! It appears that you're running out of time.
Your entire body will eventually become pixels.
Why?! Why is enemy fire always concentrated here?! Because I haven't used it for a long time?! You upset?! I'm the one who's upset, moron! Is my penis going to get better?! Will Shinpachi and Kagura ever recover?! Just stay there.
I'll handle the rest.
You and your friends Hey! Wait! I told you to stay there.
Who's going to protect Lady Tama if you die? How sad do you think Lady Tama will be if you die here? I was created for the sole purpose of protecting Lady Tama.
I have nothing else to protect.
I am merely your substitute.
I should be the only one who has to die for Lady Tama! Forgetaboutme At least tryto release himfrom thisplace Tama said the same thing to me.
She told me to forget about her and protect you.
To release you from this place.
That's why I told her, if you were really a copy of me, you would never want that.
Even if you died, you'd never dream of running away and leaving you in charge behind.
Guess I overestimated you.
You're dumping what's important off on someone else and stepping down? I am your copy.
It doesn't matter if I die.
As long as you live, more copies can be made.
I don't remember having such a pathetic copy.
You wouldn't have a chance of taking my place.
And I absolutely refuse to take yours.
Nobody can take anybody's place.
There isn't a person in this world that could take your place.
It doesn't matter if you were based on me or have the same face.
You're the one who's devoted yourself to protecting Tama this whole time, not me.
As far as Tama's concerned, you're no copy or substitute.
You're someone who's always been there for her A precious, irreplaceable friend If you truly care about Tama, never talk about dying again.
Never call yourself a substitute again.
I'm done fighting with you.
Let's survive and have a drink together, brother.
I have no interested in fermented juice.
It's a different story if you have Delicious Water from Rokkou, brother! [Note: Delicious Water from Rokkou is a brand name of mineral water from House Foods.
Got it? If we don't stop him here, Lady Tama won't be his only victim.
The viruses will invade your entire world.
We have no time.
We have to stop him before your entire body turns into pixels! The two of us will end this once and for all! Foolish brats I see you're finally ready to die.
This will be the end for all.
All shall be darkened by me.
White shall vanish, and everything shall be crushed in black! You're the one who's going to get crushed, Germfiend.
This is the end, Tapir.
We shall see if white or black survives! Time to settle this once and for all! Cease your prattle, worms! Return to the sea of pixels! Let's go! Release all of your power! Put everything into this single blow! Go! What?! They stopped my wave?! Curse you! Are you contesting me?! Crafty bastards! I'll crush you and your impertinent wave! My body is turning into pixels I cannot be stopped! Nobody can stop me! We won't last long against this.
At this rate, we'll both be kicking the bucket.
What? I'll hold him back.
While I distract him, you defeat him! He should be defenseless right now.
This is our only chance to defeat him! How can you possibly hold him off yourself when the two of us can barely cope, moron? I have a plan.
And I can't move with my legs like this.
You're the only one who can reach him now.
Hurry it up! While you can still move! Bastard You better not have forgotten our promise.
Do not worry.
He cannot hurt me.
Who do you think I am?! Gintoki Sakata.
A man based off you.
Brother Friend I earned many titles for a mere copy But no matter what I'm called, I cannot lose sight of my rolemy duty Lady Tama, forgive me.
My duty is not to live, it is to protect you.
I cannot live for the sake of another, but grant me the right to die for a friend To die for my brother! Impossible His power is surging.
How does he have so much power left?! I have plenty of power left My very life C-Could you be releasing all of your life energy? Impossible! If you do that, you'll You'll! You think you damn viruses can defeat the Leukocyte King? Defeat Gintoki Sakata?! Never! Attention to everybody inside this body.
The virus, which infected this body, has been destroyed.
This body will now engage in reparations.
All surviving security members should take a vacation from their regular duties to make babies.
The surviving viruses should change into white bodysuits at once.
You are already under our control.
Please assist with making babies.
Sorry I couldn't keep my promise I'm irresponsible by default.
I got that from you.
Looks like it.
I broke my promise to Tama.
It's extremely regrettable.
I never expected to become a piece of junk.
I was an excellent security measure before you all came.
A hero guarding the princess.
I would have been happy to throw my life away to protect Lady Tama.
And yet I gave my life to save this stupid party instead of the princess Before, I wouldn't have thought twice about dying But now I want to live a little longer I wouldn't have minded a little more adventuring with Lady Tama and the lot of you Leukocyte King-san For such words to come out of an easily replaced substitute It's all your fault It appears that I've completely broken down.
You haven't broken down.
You're no substitute.
You're a much better guy than I am.
You protected what you needed to.
I don't just mean Tama.
You also protected our lives.
So don't die.
Don't die for your friends.
You have to live for your friends, for us Lady Tama will be fine with you people around.
Besides, I can no longer Gintoki-sama, everybody Thank you for protecting the Leukocyte King all this time.
It's Tama-san! Tama-san's voice! It's Tama.
Are you okay now? Where are you? Where are you at? Here.
Over here.
I'm right here.
Tiny! L-Lady Tama What are you doing, Tama? Why are you so tiny? My system has not completely recovered, but I was able to send a pixel copy over.
Leukocyte King, thank you for protecting me for such a long time.
Now it is my turn to save you.
Tama-san, can you I shall enter the Leukocyte King's body and repair him.
Leukocyte King, I will not let you die.
L-Lady Tama We're coming along then.
We owe the Moshasu Gin-chan.
[Note: Moshasu is a spell from Dragon Quest to transform one of the characters in the party.
Uh, but how are we supposed to go inside him? We're too big to enter I knew you'd say that.
That's why I brought the magic mallet Z.
Okay! Line up if you want to be shrunk! I'll smash you all good! Th-They're There you have it.
Your life is no longer yours to throw away.
You're more than someone who protects Tama.
All the protecting you've done has led to people who will protect you in return.
All squirmy-like Just like a white blood cell.
I just had to be the copy of such a difficult man.
Even now, I can't offer any words of gratitude or tears What would you do in this situation? Smile.
[The End?.]
Enemy spotted.
An unidentified new virus.
An extremely large army is advancing on our position! Unbelievable And we haven't recovered from the Tapir invasion yet Will we be able to fight them off with our meager numbers? What is there to fear? Every white flag may vanish from this land, but our army will not fight on its own.
Our army may be destroyed, but we will not be alone.
Though we may be in different places, there are others who carry the same will and fight.
Though they may fly a different color flag, we have comrades who possess the same proud, white spirit! Even an army one million strong cannot darken this white! Tally ho! [Preview.]
It could happen to anyone Even to an animated character As long as genes, unhealthy behavior, stress, and other various factors are involved, ["You Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone".]
all people have a chance of going bald.
[Next week's episode is a two-parter.
The other part is "You'll Get Sued If All You Do is Copy Others.
[Two cat burglars break into Odd Jobs followed by tons of unexpected visitors.
[See you next time.

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