Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s04e27 Episode Script

9061-020 - Michaelangelo Meets Bugman

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power They're the world's Most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell And they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil Shredder attacks These turtle boys don't cut him no slack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads Donatello does machines And that's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool, but rude Gimme a break.
Michelangelo is a party dude Party! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power Bugman, no! I destroyed you! Wrong, Dr.
Dome! Or should I say, Dr.
Bug off, Bugman.
One blast of my Raid-o gas bug bomb, and you go splat.
Raid-o! [COUGHING.]
Michelangelo! Uh, what? Huh? Hey! Come on, man.
I'm at the most epic part! Man? Is that how you refer to me? What is next? Rat-face dude guy? I'm sorry, Master Splinter.
But this is critical! Bugman just got zapped by Dr.
Dome and I have to see how he gets out of it.
Consider yourself zapped by me and you are not going to get out of it.
You are late for ninja practice.
Bugman will have to struggle without you for the next hour.
Three perfect throws blindfolded.
Well, hey, there, bro It's Michelangelo The great but late Michelangelo, whoa Cool your jiving, hear my rap and watch my hook go whap, whap, whap All right.
Not even Bugman could do that.
Ho, whoa.
That's music to my ears.
Especially since my eyes aren't working.
Huh? What? Come on! Grab your flashlights, guys.
Let's find out what's happening with the electricity.
Hey, compadres, what's going on? Don't leave a dude in the dark.
Very funny.
Turn the lights out on a dude wearing a blindfold.
I'm laughing so hard I could bust a gut.
Well, the joke's on them, 'cause I get to go back to Bugman.
Help! Help! Help! If that's another one of their gags, those dudes picked the wrong sucker.
Help! Help! Whoa, that's no joke! [WEAKLY.]
Help Hang on, dude, help is one the way! A turtle's gotta do what a turtle's gotta do.
Phew Coming around? Oh, good.
You'll be okay in just a few-- The chains! Get rid of them! Quick! Hurry! Huh? Chill out, dude.
It's just a-- Don't you understand? It's leestanite! Leestanite! [SCREAMS.]
Oh, thanks.
That stuff robs me of my power.
I can't move.
You're Brick Bradley! Uh-huh.
That's right.
You know me? Know you? If you're Brick Bradley, and you're affected by leestanite, then there's only one dude you could be! You're Bugman, man! That's right.
I'm Bugman.
And I'm counting on you to keep my identity a secret.
I have many enemies.
I know.
I have many comic books.
You're my favorite mutant super-hero of all time! Eh, coming from you, that's saying something.
You must promise you won't tell anyone I'm here.
Dude, on my shell and hope to die.
I won't even whisper it to anyone.
Thank you.
Woo-hoo-hoo! Bugman himself is staying in my pad! Woo-hoo! Well, I said I wouldn't whisper it.
I'm still a little weak from the leestanite.
Well, maybe while you get your strength back, you could kinda tell me how you got here.
Sure thing, if you'd like.
All right! Tubuloso! I just love a good flashback, don't you? I guess my story begins when I was a kid.
I'd always been fascinated by insects of every sort.
By the time I got to college, I knew I was going to make entomology, the study of insects, my life's work.
I was obsessed with the effects of light spectrums on different species.
Termites, spiders, flies, grasshoppers, wasps, scorpions, ants, roaches.
Then one day, during an unusual experiment I had an accident.
Whoa! Stop it! No! No! Aah! [SCREAMS.]
No! I would discover later that the intense light fused the insects DNA molecules with my own.
And whenever I became angry, my emotions sent strange messages coursing through my mutant blood.
Okay, let's peel rubber.
Watch it, you idiots! Feeling intense anger, my body underwent an amazing transformation.
And I became Bugman! Raaar! [MICHELANGELO.]
Whoa! Cowabunga! [BUGMAN.]
I could leap like a grasshopper, gnaw like a termite and fly like a wasp.
What about float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? [BUGMAN.]
No, some other guy already did that.
Hey! What the-- Whoa! Like the tiny ant, I could lift 30 times my own weight.
And best of all, I delivered.
Since then, whenever my emotions overpower me, I turn into Bugman.
And I bet I know which dude bugs you the most.
You do? For sure! It's that creepazoid, Electrozapper! Right! I surprised him in his secret hideout near the power plant.
It was our fight that knocked out the lights.
I had him whipped! Until he brought out the leestanite.
I've got a totally epic notion! How about if we take on Electrozapper together? You mean you and I? Yes! Bugman power and turtle power together at last! [BOTH.]
Because you asked for it.
Bodacious! My buds must have found thefuse boxfusebox.
Are you sure you want to go through with this, Michelangelo? Do turtles like pizza? [BOTH.]
Safety belts on.
Okay then, let's ride! Cowabunga! Nice repair job, Donatello.
I hope it lasts.
Our electrical current has been real weird lately.
Yeah? Not as weird as the Cowabunga Kid.
Michelangelo? What's he done now? He's gone off with Bugman to fight Electrozapper.
Bugman! Oh, boy! Oh, what a joker.
That's his funniest gag yet! [LAUGHS.]
Oh, he slays me.
Oh, boy.
Hang on, Bugman! That's the power plant up ahead.
And Electrozapper's hideout! That dude is in for a world class shock.
It's sporting of you to help me take on Electrozapper this way, Michelangelo.
Hey, no problemo.
What's a fellow mutant for? Uh, when's that Bugman bit kick in? My emotional anger is high enough, but somehow nothing's happened to my body.
Maybe I'm still feeling the effects of the leestanite.
Uh, yeah! That's probably why.
April, where are you? We can't tie up the news van on some ridiculous power failure story.
Trust me, chief.
My nose for news tells me there's a big story here.
Well, you just powder that nose and get back here right now! Understood? What's that, chief? I can't hear you.
There's too much static.
What's a little static between friends? Or between me and Burne, for that matter.
There's something strange going on at this power plant.
I feel it in my bones.
I don't see anything yet.
But I'll keep looking.
I just wish Burne Thompson had more confidence in my reporter's instincts.
I've got to prove to him that I can dig as deep as the next person.
Except when the next person happens to be Electrozapper! [LAUGHS.]
I certainly do get a charge out of myself.
More More! When I reach my full capacity, I'll be able to control electrical current anywhere! I'll be all powerful! All powerful! Hmm, what's this? Some sort of antenna.
Yo, April! Looking for a lift? Michelangelo? What are you doing here? We're here on some serious bug business.
We? This is my buggy bud-- I mean my buddy, Brick.
The pleasure is mine.
He's a famous superhero.
He sure is.
The incredible hunk.
Hmm How long has this thing been sparking? I don't know.
I just got here.
Trouble in River City? It's Electrozapper's secret listening device.
I'll take care of it.
I guess I'm still weakened by the leestanite.
No sweat.
I'll handle this ninja style.
Hi-ya! What's going on? Blazing electrons! Someone has sabotaged my antenna! Whoever it is will pay dearly.
And on my charge account.
Michelangelo, why did you do that? Yes, why did you do that? Electrozapper.
Electrozapper? Bugman? Did I stumble into a comic book convention? Uh-uh.
This is the real thing.
I don't know who you are, but you're going to be on the 11:00 news! No, you are! Under late-breaking flashes! Oops! Take five.
Hey, zap-dude, how come you pick on defenseless dudettes? They're a lot easier to beat than men with muscles, that's why.
Now, on with the fun! [SCREAMS.]
April, look out! I could use a little help here, Amigo.
Aren't you ticked off enough, yet? I I'm trying! [GROANS.]
Maybe this'll help! Ow! Hold on, I think it's happening! Raar! There! Now see what you've done.
How totally repulsive.
A six-foot tall insect.
Raaaar! And to think, I almost had a thing for that thing.
Wait to go, Bugman! Let's take him! April, you chill out and don't move.
Ow! I wouldn't if I could.
My ankle's twisted.
Come back and fight like a man, you insect! Suffer my scorpion venom, villain.
You know what they say: it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that sting.
You're about to be injured by a ninja.
Ah! I'll take care of this, Michelangelo.
Gotcha! Welcome to my party, said the spider to the fly.
This Bugman is pretty interesting.
From a purely scientific point of view, of course.
Come on, a guy who turns into a creepy crawler? Gimme a break.
Michelangelo's note gave us a good laugh, but I wonder where he really is.
You don't suppose Oh, yeah.
He and Bugbreath are out somewhere zapping the Electric Zipper or whatever his name is.
I know it sounds silly, but maybe this Bugman is real.
Woo-hoo-hoo! Had enough, Electrozapper? I have one surprise left.
One that's really going to bug you.
Agh! Leestanite! Bugman! I mean, Brick! What's happening? There's not supposed to be any more leestanite! And the bad guys aren't supposed to win, either.
Whoa! Welcome to your electronic tombs.
When this reaches full power, every drop of energy will be drained from your pitiful bodies.
You'll be just empty shells.
No! My ankle.
I can't move! Help! Help! Help! Help! Anyone, please! [ROARS.]
Ah, rats! What a time for the TV to static out.
These monster movies always end the same way: helicopters blast him to bits.
Oh, thanks a lump.
You had to go and ruin it for me.
That's weird.
The wavelength pattern of this interference is highly unusual.
Donatello, do I sense you're having second thoughts about Michelangelo's note? What, you mean that maybe it wasn't a gag? That there really might be an Electrozapper? Well, now that you bring it up.
That's what I was hoping you'd say.
Let's go, Turtles! As Michelangelo would say, Cowabunga! Look! There's a fire at the power plant! It won't be long now.
Man, like, I've gotta split this scene.
But first, I've gotta split this plastic.
Well, what do you know? I did it! I cracked this thing! Hi-ya! Ta-da! I'm not going to let some overgrown reject from a pet shop interfere with my plans.
Forget it, Electro-dude, you'll never hit me.
Oh, no? The leestanite! All right! Ahh! [COUGHS.]
No use! I'll never make it.
Someone's coming.
Here! I'm over here! Donatello! Raphael! Boy, it's a little warm for this time of year, don't you think? I was beginning to get used to it.
Hang on.
Hey, guys-- Whoa! Oh! Am I glad they didn't leave you at home.
Where's Michelangelo? You mean he's not with you? [GROANING.]
You've got a great fastball, dude.
How about a change-up once in a while? I'd rather try a three-cushion carom, you repugnant reptile! Ahh! Chalk up one turtle for the Electrozapper.
Oh no, you don't.
You! That's right.
I'm ba-a-ack.
Graaa! Ack! Come on, Michelangelo.
Let's zap the Zapper once and for all.
I'm with you, dude.
Cowabunga! It's time to relocate.
The bug problem is especially severe this season.
You mean there really is an Electro-whozits? [ELECTROZAPPER.]
See for yourself! I don't believe it! He's the same villain we saw in Michelangelo's comic book! Somehow, he seems a lot bigger in real life.
Three more turtles? This place is a zoo! You're about to have a short circuit, Zapper.
Really? We'll see about that.
Well, I'll be.
Look! Yes, Virginia.
There is a Bugman.
Donatello knows bo.
Agh! Now you know me! [SHOUTING.]
That'll keep 'em busy while I make my getaway.
For added protection Stay back, or she gets it! Ah! This is the first time I've gone flying with a real fly.
We should do it more often.
You might get to like it.
He's getting away! Excuse me, April.
All this activity has made the termite in me a bit hungry.
No, no! Not water! What are you gonna do, melt? No, worse! Agh! [POLICE SIRENS.]
Goodbye, O'Neil.
Perhaps we'll meet again.
I'll leave a light on for you.
And so Electrozapper has been zapped into prison, and the superhero known as Bugman, who incidentally saved this reporter's life, flew over the distant horizon.
Thank you, Bugman, wherever you are.
You know, dudes, I think April's gone a little buggy.
Ow! Hey! Come on! I was just kidding, guys.
Ach! Stop! Whoa!
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