Snowfall (2017) s05e10 Episode Script

Fault Lines

1 Both of you, hands up in the air! Slowly, motherfucker! Cops hit the pool hall.
Three of Kane people dead.
Kane in surgery.
Want to guess who it was? I approached Teddy.
Made a deal to buy my cocaine directly from him.
You went to the plug behind my back? My doing business with her not personal.
Just business? I got my money.
Got my lady.
Got a baby on the way.
And I've done my patriotic duty.
As of this moment, our partnership is over.
I'm out.
Oh, yeah.
I can't believe that happens.
Ah, which part? That we come at the same time.
It's unicorn sex.
That's how you got that baby up in you.
Oh, that's how it happened, huh? I had this wonderful dream last night that you'd walked away from the game.
I woke up this morning, had this weight off my shoulders.
Didn't even know it was there.
It's really over? It's really over.
I was thinking after seeing Jerome and Louie's we should get married.
I know we was gonna wait, but we should do it before the baby comes.
Make it official.
Well you get a ring and come correct, then I guess we'll see what happens.
Oh, man.
I made a lot of bad decisions in my life.
But as long as I have you I know I would have made at least one good one.
I love you.
Love you, too, baby.
What happened? The target was inside the building when we entered.
It was 3:00 in the morning.
We couldn't have known.
I cleaned it up.
Cleared out some files I thought might be helpful.
But I need a safe house.
To read through files? I'm gonna get you! Hey, it is 6:30 in the morning.
What is wrong with you? Goddamn it! Both of you upstairs now I want you dressed and ready for school in five minutes.
- But I didn't do it! - Now.
Pinches savages.
We should move in this motherfucker.
- Breakfast in bed every morning.
- Mmm.
Right? Fresh sheets every night.
Or we buy a nicer house and get a maid.
I like that.
Why don't we get a maid that can cook? We gonna get a white maid.
A white maid? No, no, she got to make the sweet potato pie.
Not the pumpkin pie.
Pumpkin pie you right, you right, you right.
I don't want no damn pumpkin pie.
- It's - Hey, no, no, no, no.
Put that down.
I'm gonna take the battery out.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- Hmm, that's fine.
- What's going on? - You talk to Franklin? Not since last night.
He quit.
Means you're gonna be carrying the load all on your own.
You okay with that? Can I count on you? Of course.
That's all I needed to hear.
You're so fucked right now.
Franklin walked away last night.
For real? Hmm.
It could be good for us.
No bitterness, no competition.
It could be.
You don't think so? Nah.
Fuck it.
- We in.
- We in! Get me some more champagne.
And keep this shit going.
Uh-huh, a vacation? Yeah, sort of, but like a real long vacation.
- A leave of absence? - If that means I'm gone a while, and then I come back and I still have a job, then yeah, that.
- Okay - Fuck! - Listen to me! I am Franklin Saint - Okay.
- Um, that doesn't sound good.
- Wanda, if that's your path, you need to walk it.
We'll see where we are - when you get back, okay? - Okay, thank you.
I hope everything's okay! So-so-so listen to me, listen to me.
Huh? Listen.
I'm gonna call you back in 30 minutes.
And you'd better have answers.
What the hell is going on? My money.
It's all gone.
I'm just coming back, Xiapita.
I have to unload.
What's the problem? There's no problem.
I just had fun yesterday and thought it might be nice to get some time with you before the kids get back from school.
No bueno.
I'll be by as soon as I can, okay? Promise? Simón.
Can't be out here talking about helping our people while I'm selling 'em rock.
So if Franklin's done, I'm out, too.
Well, who we gonna buy from? Big Rome? Could do that.
Or could be y'all had enough.
And y'all give it up, too.
Why the fuck would we do that? Let someone else make our money? The game's about to change, all right? Congress is writing a new law right now.
Bill's gonna pass before the midterms.
"Midterms"? - Einstein's midterms? - Nigga, my exams ain't until January Midterm elections, nigga.
In November.
Gonna make it so one gram of rock gets you the same prison term as 100 grams of powder.
Now, why would they do that? So they can lock up Black folks.
They want to see the next generation in chains.
And this is how they gonna do it.
So it's time to get out the game.
Start a legit business, invest.
Buy a house.
Shit, start a car dealership like the nigga in the commercials with the elephant.
Anything other than this.
Nigga, if you out, that mean I'm in charge? All the accounts, even the Caymans? Caymans, Panama, Iranian bank in L.
A Everything gone.
How much how much did they get? $73 million.
If this was a legitimate seizure, we'd all be in handcuffs.
It was him.
Had to be.
Fuck it.
What are you gonna do? I'm gonna call Teddy, tell him I made a mistake, want to keep doing business with him.
Then I'll kidnap his ass and torture him until he gives it up.
You do this, not only will you never get the money back, but you'll get us all killed, Franklin.
We've got calls out to the best forensic accountants in the country.
There will be records of the transfers.
And we can track the funds.
And what if we track it into some CIA slush fund? Then what, huh, we gonna steal it back? Once we've located the money, there are ways.
Yeah, this is it.
This is what I grew up doing, remember? I know what I'm talking about.
This is everything I fucking worked for! I can't just sit around and wait.
If you torture and kill a CIA officer, there's no coming back from that.
I'm sorry, V.
- Where are you going? - Avi's.
He knew about the Panama accounts.
Could've been the one who set me up.
And him and Teddy are still working together.
Might be able to reach him if Teddy won't return my pages.
You think you can trust him? - No.
- What about Gustavo? Would he help? I've been paging him, haven't heard back.
All right, I need a full workup of everything we have left.
What we own, what we owe, and how long we can stay afloat with zero cash reserves and only the rental income.
Call you if I hear anything.
If you need to make a call It can wait.
Okay, so here I am.
What's wrong? Actually nothing.
Just thought that you might want to know that as of this morning I am in possession of over $70 million in seized cash assets.
I'm sorry, did you say 17? No, I said 70.
73 to be exact.
Do I want to know where it's from? Only that its owner can never claim it.
Now, of course some of it goes to Nicaragua, but as you know, thanks to our efforts, that conflict is finally starting to wind down.
Esquipulas was a major success.
Peace negotiations begin in the next year.
And that leaves us with $73 million to spend elsewhere.
Sounds like you're willing to make a very generous donation to your former employer.
Yes, I am.
Just one small catch.
Wilfred Plumbing.
Yeah, um, I need to speak with Ruben, please.
Who may I say is calling? This is Cissy Saint.
Ruben's out on a job right now.
But I'll let him know you called and he'll get back in touch with you just as soon as possible.
All right, tell him it's an emergency, please.
I will.
Thanks so much for call I want this cleaned up and done by tonight.
Is that understood? Yes.
Find something in the files.
Or get it from him.
But you do not want to walk away from this empty-handed.
Aah, what the f ? Aah! Fuck.
Untie me.
Get me some aspirin, man.
We can talk like civilized people.
I'd like to do that.
Believe me.
But first I'm gonna need some information from you.
I bet.
Got everything you want.
Hard proof of drug money for guns, CIA involvement enough to destabilize America, make Mother Russia very happy.
What? You surprised I figured out who you work for? No.
I know you're a former Mossad.
Then you should also know I have no loyalties to the United States or anyone in it.
Not the CIA.
Not Teddy McDonald.
Not even Franklin Saint.
Though I'll admit I am fond of the boy.
Then you should have no problem giving me what I need.
There's one problem.
In order for me to help you, I need you to give me assurances that I will leave here alive.
Come on, Avi.
You know you're not in a position to negotiate.
Oh, yeah? I think I might be.
'Cause I'm not the only one in trouble here.
Am I? Dead agent, kidnapping.
And so far, nothing to show for it.
I have you.
And the files from your warehouse.
Mm, the files won't help you.
I've learned long ago not to put the launch codes where the keys are.
The Center won't like it if you make a mess in their kitchen and give them nothing to eat.
They'll put you on the first boat back to Moscow.
You'll spend the rest of your life as a shipping clerk in Vladivostok.
But maybe you like the solitude.
The freezing cold.
But something tells me it's not who you are.
That for you, it would not be just death but also torture.
You want to talk about torture? If you won't talk, and there's nothing in those files you're going to find out all about it.
You sure are paging me a lot for someone who quit on me.
I made a mistake.
Want to keep our business going.
Look, I was angry.
I felt betrayed.
But I woke up this morning, you know, I was thinking about what we said, how it was gonna be you and me until the end.
- We're not there yet.
- Sorry, it's too late.
Come on, it's-it's not too late.
It's never too late.
I mean, you really think you can trust Louie? Man, she's not ready.
She's gonna fuck your whole world up.
Maybe she'll get me shot.
Right? Maybe her father will go to the press.
That kind of thing? Look.
You want to stay in business? I suggest you go buy your bricks from Louie.
I got to go.
All right, look, it's You know what? It's fine.
You want to play that way, it's fine.
Just-just put the money put the money back into my account, and then, uh, and-and you and me, we'll have no problem.
The what? Don't do that.
Don't play dumb.
Buddy, I got no idea what you're talking about.
Like you had no idea what happened to my pops? Huh? Like I'm sure you had no idea who torched Avi's warehouse and disappeared him.
How stupid do you think I am? Avi's missing? Are you sure? Stop with the fucking bullshit, okay?! I did everything you wanted, and you fucked me! Listen, if somebody got ahold of your cash, I'm sorry.
I warned you about being so visible.
I warned you about bringing your money - in through the Caymans - Listen to me, you cracker motherfucker Listen to me.
Okay? If I don't have that money in 24 hours, I-I promise to God that I will devote every second I have on this green Earth to making sure you and everybody you care about suffers.
Do you understand me? You should be very careful right now.
You think you've lost everything? Just wait.
I told you these files won't help you.
You don't look like any Russian I've ever met.
My father was a diplomat.
Stationed in Cuba after World War II.
I see.
Met himself a nice Cuban girl, fell in love? Then my mother died, and my father took me back to Moscow.
Diplomat's son.
Spanish speaker.
I bet they couldn't wait to put their hooks into you.
Did your research ever turn up that my father and mother were both Russian Jews? - Is that true? - Yeah.
Fled the Pale of Settlement in 1902.
Went to Palestine.
Ah, yeah, well Now both my parents are long gone.
And Israel's turned its back on me.
Perhaps I Perhaps I should consider, you know, going back to my roots.
You were right.
I do need this information.
And soon, the only way I'll have of getting it will be by breaking you in a way that can't be fixed.
Don't make me do that to you, Avi.
Promise me on the soul of your dead mother that if I tell you where to find what you want you'll let me go.
I swear to you, if you give me what I need, I will save your life.
Hey, hey, hey! - Pinche bug.
- You sure? Christ, Gustavo.
Who would do this? Looks like Teddy, I guess.
Hmm? And we never come back.
But he's the CIA.
H-He'll find us.
Coming after us? Not worth his time.
Second page in one hour.
Pack up todo.
And the kids, hmm? Quietly.
I do one more thing, then I come back and And that's how we're gonna live? On the fucking run? What kind of life is that gonna be? Whatever pinche life we want I got $13 million.
Man, you got to have Xiamara take the kids to the E.
I need your eyes on this.
This is important.
Sorry, amigo.
Can't leave him.
Give me a few hours.
I'll go with you tonight I don't have a few hours.
You know what? It's fine.
Do what you got to do.
Teddy's ducking me.
Avi's missing.
Place is burned down.
Jesus, Franklin.
Sent Elias and Adalyn home.
We can't trust them anymore.
- Where's my mother? - She went to see Jerome.
Tell him what happened.
What'd you find? The buildings you own outright? They're mostly in South Central.
We'd need appraisals to be sure, but you haven't owned most of them for more than a few years.
The property in that area, it's not appreciating because of the increased violence.
But without the cash flow, how do we hold onto the downtown property and not lose the six million that we put down in the first place? How do we, how do we do that? Even if we sold everything, we couldn't come close to covering the payments.
Without auxiliary income in the next few days, we will lose that property and the down payment.
And, truthfully, with possible depreciation on what you own against the mortgages of the higher-end property you owe almost more than you have.
So I'm not even broke.
I'm in debt? This is Franklin.
It's Gustavo.
Uh, uh, you with Teddy? No.
Why? Listen, man, he, um he fucked me, okay? He cleaned me out, stole all my money.
And I need to know how I can find him and, um Okay? Oso? If I tell you, he'll know I'm the rat.
No, listen, listen, look.
He'll do it to you next.
You know he will.
But I could stop this.
I could bring him down before any of that happens.
Save us both.
His way is the government.
He always wins.
You can't beat him.
So that's it? After all this time? After I saved your fucking life? I saved yours, too.
Remember? I need to protect my family, Moreno.
I hope you make it out okay.
Oso? Os-O Oso? Oso? Where are Jerome and Louie staying? Yeah? I need to see you.
This ain't a good time, Franklin.
Listen, look, I'm in trouble.
You're the only one that can help me.
Louie please? Faster, nigga! What'd I say? What'd I say? Get your bitch ass out of here! Dominoes, motherfucker! Lee? Lee, Lee, Lee.
I got it.
I got it! I got it! I had to wait in line all day, and the lady was gonna close up, but I begged and I pleaded, and I had all my paperwork and my picture in the book.
See there? Mm-hmm.
I kind of wish I would've spent a little more time on my hair, but it's okay.
What's wrong? Nothing.
Let's pack your stuff and get the fuck out of here.
Mm! Let's go.
That's right.
See ya! Light that shit up, motherfucker! - What, nigga? - Light that shit up, nigga.
Okay, so it's the same deal as last time.
If anyone shows up, you let me know.
No problem.
Oh, and stay off the goddamn walkie this time.
Yes, sir.
Parissa, someone's already here.
Parissa, do you copy? Parissa, do you copy? Oh, fuck.
Stop the vehicle! Stop right there, motherfucker! - Stop the vehicle! - Right now! Go, go, go! Shut it down! - Shut down the engine! - I said don't move! - Put your hands up! - Surround him on the other side! - Keep 'em up! - DEA.
Get your hands in the air.
- You heard him! - Get 'em in the air.
- Put 'em on the steering wheel.
- Check the backseat.
Keep 'em up! Go.
Keep 'em up.
Don't move.
Hey, Gustavo.
Remember me? Thanks for showing up.
Guessing by now you know what happened.
Cissy told Jerome.
We put a freeze on all our accounts.
Good for you.
I'm sorry he did that to you, Franklin.
But I ain't sure what you want me to do about it.
Look, Teddy won't see me, all right? Won't take any of my calls.
But he will take yours, so the next time y'all do a deal, I need to know where and I need to know when.
I can't do that.
Yes, you can.
It's my turn.
I ain't throwing that away for you.
And what the fuck do you think he's gonna do to you if this is what he does to me, huh? Well, I don't know, but I'm-a take my chances.
I don't think you hear what I'm saying to you.
I'm not asking you.
I'm telling you.
You telling me? Yeah, 'cause this is all your fucking fault! - How is this my fucking fault? - I only quit because you went behind my back and did that fucking deal, and he only robbed me because I quit! You see it however you want to, Franklin.
This ain't my problem.
It is your fucking problem, Louie.
You gonna shoot me? If it meant me getting my fucking money back, I would kill you ten times over.
Now, you are gonna make that call.
Drop the piece.
Do it now.
You were saying? Fuck you.
You want him done? Just say the word.
Out of respect for Jerome, I'm-a let you walk away.
But from here on out, you and me, we done.
I see you again, I'm-a kill you.
I understand if you need to move out again till this is all settled.
From here on out, the gloves got to come off.
It's the only way.
Do you need help? No.
No, n-not with this.
Not from you.
Promised you a certain kind of life.
And we will have it.
- I love you.
- I love you.
It's me.
I know it's been a long time.
I'm still in L.
And I'm in a bit of trouble, and, um I could use your help.
Pop the trunk.
Sure the car's clean? - Yes.
- Thought you forgot about us.
If anybody has any doubt about what's about to happen, say it now.
Fuck it.
Like I promised.
User end certificates, payment logs, shipment manifests.
And the best of it all, the man in the center of it.
Teddy McDonald.
Oh, there's one more thing you should know.
What's that? Untie me.
Come on, man.
I'm dying here.
So what is it, Avi? Teddy McDonald.
The CIA cut him loose.
He's just a contractor now.
Gives them deniability, so you might have to find another way to connect all the dots, but, you know, I can help you do that.
Sorry, Avi.
Couldn't use him? I couldn't trust him.
Let the Center know.
Clean it up.
Sorry, we're closed.
Ah, come on.
- We heard this place goes late.
- Mm-hmm.
- Not this late.
- What? Come on.
Sorr Sweet Jesus.
This shit ain't even the half of it.
Stop here.
It's just me.
Jerome and Louie, they asked me Excuse me.
You can't be here.
Sorry about what happened to you.
It was Louie.
There might be a problem.
- Hey.
- Are we still going on the trip? I'm not sure.
Where's Gustavo? You want her frisked? Jerome tells me he got robbed.
They killed four people.
Was that you? How you gonna fix it? What? "Fix it"? I tried to fix it! I did everything! I showed them compassion! I showed them mercy! I walked away! I was the bigger man, and look where the fuck it got me! If you can't be a part of what comes next, I understand.
I appreciate everything you've done for me.
I know you did your best.
But what I am now it's not your fault.
Still want to get ahold of Teddy? And kill him? I can help you do that.
Oh, yeah? I made friends in Cuba.
What kind of friends? Ones in the KGB.
You for real? Fight fire with fire.
We gonna have to burn this whole motherfucker to the ground, Mama.
Then let's go.

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