Baywatch (1989) s05e20 Episode Script

Promised Land

1 - Some people stand in the darkness afraid to step into the light some people need to help somebody when the edge of surrender's in sight don't you worry it's gonna be all right 'cause I'm always ready I won't let you out of my sight I'll be ready I'll be ready never you fear no, don't you fear I'll be ready forever and always I'm always here 'Cause I'm always ready I won't let you out of my sight I'll be ready I'll be ready never you fear no, don't you fear I'll be ready forever and always I'm always here -Tower 27.
-Newmie, something's going on over at the showers, will you watch my water while I check it out? -You got it.
-Why do I always get the nut cases? -Hit the button, hit the button.
-Let's break it up, guys.
Show's over.
Come on, guys.
Break it up.
Excuse me, ma'am, but you're gonna have to put your top back on.
-I was just trying to get the sand off.
-I know, but you're in violation of our county ordinance.
-You're not gonna arrest me, are you? -Oh, come on, leave her alone.
-Go back to your tower.
-Give me a break, guys.
-Look, couldn't you just give me a warning this one time? -Okay, but next time, you'll be looking at a $250 fine.
-We'll pay the fine.
Yeah, I got ten bucks.
Then again, you can just come to my house and shower.
Here, I'll hold the towel.
Oh, come on! -Okay.
Hey, thank you.
-Thanks, you've been really sweet.
-So long, suckers.
- Thanks a lot, dude.
-Newmie! -What was all the fuss about? -You should've seen it, this girl was taking a topless shower.
-I suppose you made her get dressed? -Yeah.
-Rookie mistake, you'll learn.
Hey, by the way, where's my 20 bucks? -What 20 bucks? -Usc-ucla game last Saturday? -Oh, that 20 bucks.
It's in my tower, I'll go get it.
What? -What's wrong? -I can't find my wallet.
-Maybe you left it inside.
-Oh, this is great.
I just cashed my pay check.
Damn it! You didn't see anybody go into my tower? -I was watching your water.
-I can't believe I just got ripped off.
-You're not the only one.
We got ripped off, too.
-What? -We all got burned, man, they got my walkman, my sunglasses.
-My watch, my gameboy.
-You gotta do something, bro.
This is like totally rude, dude.
-Right, man! -That's Mr.
Yeah, I see him, he's down there.
-You see, the beauty of it is you can take off right on the beach, cruise two feet above the waves or climb to 10,000 feet and then when you're done, you just throw it right into the back of your truck.
-Every lifeguard should have one, no doubt about it.
-Someday they will.
-Yeah, no way we can afford this thing.
We can barely afford new rescue cans.
-I realize you're a little strapped for funds.
I mean, who isn't? But I want you to see the potential of the para-motor.
Why don't you take it for a spin? -Spin, huh? -I can teach you the basics in five minutes.
You said you've flown a hang glider, it's practically the same thing.
Only you don't have to jump off a cliff to get it going.
What do you say, Mitch? No pressure to buy, I just want you to catch a glimpse of the future.
-They got my money, my purse, everything.
-Well, it was all a set up.
The shower was a diversion.
-So, you think while everyone was over there with their tongues hanging out, she had a partner working the sand? -Yeah, I guess.
-Yeah, I think you're right.
Unfortunately, none of the other victims could give us a very good description.
At least not of her facial features.
-Excuse me, but I know what she looks like, okay? -Well, then maybe you ought to sit down with a police sketch artist.
-What for? What are the chances of you catching her? -Well, I know it's a long shot, but you never know how things will size up.
-No, thanks, it's not worth the humiliation, but I appreciate it.
-Hey, I'm here to serve and protect.
-Okay, you comfortable? -Yeah, yeah, it feels good.
-Okay, I need you to run hard until the glider's up over your head and don't let up on the throttle until you're at least 200 feet in the air, okay? -Okay.
-It's a breeze.
-Okay, let's go.
-How you doing, Mitch? -Great.
How long can I stay up? -Oh, about an hour, hour and a half.
Go on, have a good time.
-You got it.
Woo! Look at that, woo! -Unreal, woo.
-This is Buchannon.
Can you read me? -Yeah, loud and clear.
-Patch me through to the scarab.
-Okay, hold on, it might take me a minute.
-Hey! This is scarab one, come in, Mitch.
-Yeah, Caroline, what's your location? -We're about two miles off point dume.
-Head south, asap.
-What's going on, Mitch, where are you? -You'll see me when you get here.
-Caroline, it's Mitch, I got a victim on a raft who's about to go under.
You better step on it.
-What the heck is that thing? Oh, my god, it's Mitch! Where'd he get that? -Over there, a life raft.
-I see it, I see it.
-I got you.
I got you.
-Victim recovered, kmf295, out.
-Come on.
You're okay.
- All right.
-It's all right, what happened to you? Why were you in the raft? Did your boat sink? You don't speak english? She doesn't speak english.
-That's Chinese.
-It's okay, come here.
It's okay, you're gonna be okay.
-She looks pretty dehydrated, let's get some vitals.
-Okay, you're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay.
-Where do you think she's from, Mitch? -My guess, immigration smuggling ship.
Big business last year.
Coast guard picked up over 2,500 Chinese refugees in the last two years.
-What is your name? Your name.
I'm Caroline.
Caroline, Mitch.
Caroline, who are you, what is your name? -Sun yi.
-Sun yi, okay, good.
That's her name, Mitch.
Sun yi.
Her name's sun yi.
-Welcome to Baywatch, sun yi.
100 over 60.
-Mitch, there's been no sign of anybody else in rafts.
The coast guard has planes and cutters searching off shore.
-Mitch, come here.
Do you want me to call the immigration office? -Well, I think we have to.
-Wait a minute, you guys are gonna turn her over to the ins? No, you can't do that.
I mean, we don't even know for sure if she's an illegal immigrant.
-Caroline, I think it's a pretty fair assumption.
-No, no, that's not true.
Mitch, what do we really know about her? I mean, we know that she's dehydrated.
She probably hasn't eaten in days.
Mitch, look at her.
What are we supposed to do with her? -She's probably scared to death.
-What, what is it? Back of an envelope.
There's an address on here.
951 and a half hill street.
-Isn't there a hill street in Chinatown? -Yeah, yeah, sure.
What is this? What is this? Is this a name? Name? -Lin-wa chou.
-Lin-wa chou -Excuse me, could I talk to you for a second? -Could you tell me where this address is? Nobody speaks english.
951, 951, 951 and a half hill street.
-Hi, I'm looking for the person who wrote this.
951 and a half hill street, right? The name is lin-wa chou? Lin-wa chou? -Lin-wa! Hey! -You know, Tanya Harding could've used a guy like you.
Why are you looking for me? -Are you lin-wa chou ? -Who are you? -My name is Mitch Buchannon, I'm not with the ins.
I'm an la county lifeguard.
We rescued a Chinese woman on a raft this morning.
She had this in her pocket.
-Is she all right? Where is she? -You know her? -She's my sister.
-Your sister? -Where is she? Can I see her? -Well, if I can make it to my car, yeah.
-I'm sorry if they caused you any harm.
The people in this neighborhood look out for each other.
-It's okay, it's probably just a bruise.
Come on.
No, no, it's okay, it's okay.
Oh, boy.
Your temperature's 103, that's pretty high.
Okay, I want you to lie down.
I'm gonna put some cold cloths on your head, okay? It's okay, it's all right.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It hurts when I touch you there, okay.
Give me your hand, give me your hand.
It's all right.
Sun yi.
-It's her sister.
-Way to go, Mitch.
You're a hell of a guy, you know that? She feeling all right? -Actually, no, she's running a really high temperature.
She's experiencing abdominal pains.
I'm afraid she might be really sick, Mitch.
-What happened to you? -It's a long story.
I got whacked in the knee with a crowbar.
-Ouch, let me get you some ice for that, okay? -Yeah, thanks.
-Mitch, I really think you should get an mri.
-The ice will be fine.
Hand me that, will you? Thank you.
-Thank you for saving my sister's life.
-So, what's the story? -She was on a freighter packed with immigrants.
The smugglers who bring these people into the country are often very evil men.
In Chinese, they are called -What does that mean? -It means snake heads.
-Sun yi's husband was beaten when he tried to defend her honor and she thought that she might be raped or killed, so she escaped on a raft.
-Oh, my god.
-Wait a minute, where does she think she's going? -With me where she will be safe.
-I don't think so.
-If she stays here, she'll be deported.
I'm sure you've already called the immigration officials.
-The next call is going to be to the hospital.
Look at her, she could have dysentery.
She needs a doctor.
-No, please, I beg you, let me take her.
If she's sent back to China -What? What'll happen to her? -She will not be allowed to have her baby.
-She's pregnant? -Yes.
-Well, why wouldn't she be allowed to have her baby? -The Chinese government has a very strict population control policy.
They only allow you one child per family.
Sun yi is carrying her second child, this is why she came to America.
-Mitch, let her go.
-Look, I'm sorry.
-I'll take full responsibility, Mitch.
I'll tell them I did it without your knowledge.
-You will lose your job.
-I don't care if I get fired.
We're talking about saving a baby's life.
-She's going to a hospital right now.
-Hey, what's up? -Well, I wanna show you something.
Look familiar? -That's her, that's the girl from the shower.
-What shower? -Where'd you get this? -Well, apparently, you're not the only lifeguard who got snookered.
That came from redondo beach.
We also reported the same con on hermosa and El Segundo.
-What con? -Somebody even posted a $500 reward for information leading to her capture.
But that of course is only if she'll be their date for new year's Eve.
-Oh, man, what a babe.
What'd she do? -Took a shower in her birthday suit.
-While her partner was taking my wallet.
-Well, hopefully, she'll strike again.
Maybe I can see her in action.
Ah, shut up.
- I'll see you later.
- Yup.
8 you've been stealing my heart now baby you've been running around I've been playing detective honey you're nowhere to be found been burning yearning of a second chance been searching searching for another glance You've been stealing my heart now baby like a thief to a crown you slide in with your smile undetected then you slip on out it's a curse I'm certain it's a slight of hand can't stop the search until I get it back Tried to put my heart out on the line and you stole it right in front of my eyes how was I to know you could be so easy to love and so, hard to find so hard to find You've been stealing my heart now baby you've been running around I've been playing detective honey you're nowhere to be found you're nowhere to be found You're nowhere to be found you're nowhere to be found you're nowhere to be found -Matt! -Tough day, huh? Any luck? -Oh, man, I'm about ready to call it a day.
-But it's been fun.
See you later, man.
-See you later.
-Matt, Matt, it's her! - Where? - She's here.
Over there by the bike racks.
-The redhead? -It's a wig, check it out.
-A wig? -Check it out.
Maybe she had a wig on when you saw her.
Maybe that's her real hair, I don't know, but I'm sure that's her.
-Maybe you're right.
-That's her.
-This is tower six, Matt Brody, we need Garner to come down as soon as possible.
Lifeguard, do you realize that that young lady over there is showering all natural? -Yes, ma'am.
-Well, aren't you going to do something about it? -Yes, m'am.
-Young man, did you hear what I said? -Hey! Stop! - you can run but you can't hide I stand on the front line you can try but there's no escaping the law that's for sure there's no getting away no getting away there's no getting away from the long arm the long arm of the law I'm gonna take you down I'm gonna take you down make your move but it's no use [ No use.]
I'm getting close gonna haunt you [haunt you.]
Make no mistake there's no escaping the law that's for sure there's no getting away no getting away there's no getting away from the long arm the long arm of the law 'm gonna take you down I'm gonna take you down Yeah I'm gonna take you down I'm gonna take you down What are you guys looking at, anyway? - I - don't believe it.
Check it out, it's a cop.
Where you going? Come on back! Bye, honey, I'll see you at home.
-Hold it, right there.
-Now that's what I call a bust.
-Hi, Mitch.
-Well, you were right, it was dysentery.
I went back to the hospital this morning and the doctor said sun yi's responding well with the medication.
-How's the baby? 1-well, since sun yi's still in her first trimester, it shouldn't affect the pregnancy.
- Great, great.
- Yeah.
But, now she's really worried about her husband.
Listen, has the coast guard spotted the freighter? -He may not come in on a freighter.
Coast guard says sometimes the smugglers, may offload their passengers onto fishing boats.
That way they can slip into port in small groups.
-Okay, well, what happens if they make it? -Well, first, they're forced to work off the debt to the smuggler.
Then, they live in constant fear of being discovered and sent back to China.
-Does that thing help your knee at all? -No.
I think you're right, I think I should have it checked.
-Listen, Mitch, I wanted to apologize for trying to tell you what to do yesterday and when I told you to let sun yi go.
I was way out of line.
You're the boss, I should just keep my mouth shut.
-It's okay, it's a tough call.
Caroline, my dad once told me that my great grandparents came over in the hold of a ship.
Seeking a better life.
It's hard to tell someone the door's not open any more.
- Mitch! - What's up? -The coast guard is closing in on a trawler heading for king's harbor.
-All right, tell the coasties I'll have a scarab standing by for assistance.
- Go change.
- Okay.
X- -Baywatch scarab, this is coast guard cutter point bridge.
Switch and answer channel 21 Alpha, out.
-Roger that, coast guard.
This is lieutenant Mitch Buchannon, Baywatch, over.
-Baywatch, this is coast guard Roger, we're closing in on a fishing boat directly ahead of your position.
We saw them throw something or someone over board just after their position.
Request you search along their track line, over.
-Roger that.
We'll keep you posted.
This is Baywatch, out.
-The vessel still isn't answering our radio calls, skipper.
-Send the boarding team over.
-Let's go.
-Let's do it.
-United States coast guard, show us if you have a weapon.
Drop that weapon.
-Hands up! -There they are.
-Mitch, what's that over there? Mitch, there's someone in the water.
-I'm on it.
-All right, go in and get a quick look in that door and tell me what's going on in there.
-Come here.
- Sir, I said turn around.
- Stay right there.
-United States coast guard, stand back.
-He's going under, Mitch.
We're never gonna make it.
-Keep her steady, barnett.
-He's got it! -Nice shot, Mitch.
-Okay, cookie, let's pick him up.
-Let's go.
-You doing okay? All right, man, help will be on the way here.
How you doing? Dave, how's he doing, Dave.
-Not so good, he's got the shakes.
-Okay, just tell him to hang in there, man, we're gonna get help on the way here.
-Okay, hang on.
Sall right, all right, hang on.
Just take it easy.
Ssssstake it easy.
You all right? You all right? All right, let's go home.
Thanks, thank you.
Oh, lin-wa, meet my son, Hobie.
-Nice to meet you, Hobie.
-Nice to meet you, too.
-Hi, how are you? Wait a second, you work here? I thought that we were just all invited for dinner.
-This is just one of the places that I work, but the best place to celebrate.
-What are we celebrating? -Sun yi and her husband are gonna be able to stay.
- Oh, great.
- That's terrific.
Does that mean she's not going to get deported? -Talked to an immigration attorney.
According to the us state department, a Chinese refugee who is pregnant with her second child, it's grounds for granting political asylum.
-That is so wonderful.
3-what did she say? -They will also be able to bring their daughter into the United States.
Sun yi left her with our mother in the hopes that one day, they might be reunited.
-I'm so happy for you.
What'd he say? -They wanna thank you for saving their lives.
They wish they could give you something to express their gratitude.
-No, thanks, lifeguards can't accept rewards.
Not even a free meal? -Well, there are exceptions to every rule.
-Absolutely, exception to that rule.
Oh, that looks beautiful.
Oh, that's incredible.
Oh, it smells so good, what is that? Don't expect a big tip.
I almost didn't recognize him without his crow bar.
Please, enjoy your dinner.
- You remember that movie? - The guy at the-- here you go.

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