Station 19 (2018) s07e08 Episode Script

Ushers of the New World

This highway we've been on ♪
All of this time and we're
still here singing our song ♪
We're just dreaming
with our eyes wide open ♪
Doesn't matter where
we go now, honey ♪
Oh, and this thing I know ♪
Even if we never
make it anywhere ♪
Just as long as you're
still here with me ♪

- Carina, no, no, no. No, no.
- What? It's OK Oh, my God.
SULLIVAN: Cutler, over here.
VIC: Coming through.
Beckett, we need some
food on those tables.
You're on sandwich duty.
Hughes, Montgomery, grab
some chairs from the pharmacy.
We'll be doing voluntary vaccinations.
Peggy and Dayna had
these in their garage.
We'll make a play area for the kids
so that they're comfortable.
- How far out?
- Chief says any minute now.
[SIGHS] J Well, get over here, boy.
Get over here.
Joey is here to be useful.
So, please, everyone use him.

Go. Help.

VIC: I'm just gonna reschedule
these Crisis One fundraising calls.
We're in the middle
of an actual emergency.
Don't you dare, okay?
I owe Eli for getting you
into the Hudon Foundation
and their deep federal pockets.
I know that. But I don't
know. I'm a firefighter.
- I'm not some sales-talker.
- Okay.
What did you tell me when
I was running for mayor?
- I don't know.
- Speak from experience. You got this.
You know what would take
my mind off of my nerves?
What? Details.
On Dominic.
You said his first-date
game was on point.
So when's the next one?
I said nothing about points.
- Yeah, you did.
- A fine time was had.
And now I'm taking it slow.
BEN: No. Not like that.
Did you know that Joey
was volunteering today?
Looks more like he was voluntold.
From that dad energy, I'm guessing
that he totaled Warren's car.
After running over the family cat.
Warren looks pissed. Any
idea why his kid is here?
Well, shouldn't you know that, Captain?
[CHUCKLES] Mnh-mnh.
Hughes, don't you have
fundraising calls to make?
Let's go.
- Yeah. Let's go.
- VIC: Okay. Okay.
Is there anything else?
The meeting at the lounge?
Nope. Not today.
If I may, you've "nope, not
today'd" three times already.
Kel, you can go on and make that four.
Respectfully, Chief, your
engagement party's tomorrow,
and they they worked really
hard to get it ready for
I never asked them to do that.
Fine. Fine, I'll get there. Somehow.
And, uh, I'm floating between
19, 88, and 54 today, okay?
Yeah. Copy that.
Um. Hey, were you expecting someone?
Hi, Laverne.
Um, it's a TV show that Never mind.
No hugs for your big sister?
- Yeah.

Fun fact Doughnuts
were served as comfort food
during world wars.
Not that anything here right
now reminds me of a war.
Cold or otherwise.
Beckett, that just looks delicious.
The directive was quick and simple.
Considering dietary
restrictions and allergies,
we have peanut butter and jelly,
just jelly, ham and cheese,
just cheese, just ham,
and gluten-free lettuce
wraps available upon request.
After all this time, you
still manage to surprise me.
Put that coffee down.
Coffee is not for dropouts.
Coffee is for honest students
who were up late last night studying.
- Oh! He dropped out.
- Yeah. Yeah, of pre-med.
And the school of common sense.
Don't you roll your eyes at me, boy.
Somebody didn't expect his father
to have a doctor's appointment today
and be home late enough
to catch him loafing.
Why go to class when the
world is a dumpster fire?
BECKETT: Sounds like somebody
made it to the lecture
on doom and gloom.
You know, Joey?
Nothing cheers me up
like a day spent in the service
of our community.
Yeah, Station 19 Clinic Day.
A Band-Aid on the gaping wound
- of the American healthcare system.
- Well
Joey, this isn't just a clinic day.
Grab some waters, please.
There's some more in the back.

SULLIVAN: Atención. Atención todos.
They've been on a bus for over 35 hours.
Sent up from Texas to Pike Place Market
as a political PR stunt.
Emergency patients went to hospitals,
and so the Chief
designated fire stations
for low acuity patients
and everyone else.
[SIGHS] Alright, we got much
more than we anticipated.
Can you tell your dad we
need another clinic stall?
- Yes, sir.
- Thanks, buddy.
If it's not vets, it's migrants.
Sometimes I don't know
where to put my energy.
MAYA: Swabs, gauze, gloves, okay?
I just I really wish that you would
Hey, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Sitting at home, watching women on TV,
talking hot topics won't
make the embryo attach.
And these people need a doctor.
I just think it would be better
if you stayed at home and rested.
And is that your expert opinion?
Because mine is that
I'm the doctor here,
and I have patients to see.
No, no, no.
I'm okay.
Joey. Come with me.
Grab that.
So I heard you didn't like pre-med.
You okay checking vitals today?
Yeah, I-I guess.
So, can I ask you something.
So, how are things with
you and your adoption?
I mean, you were older,
basically, an adult,
but, you know, you joined a family
and they already had a son.
I mean, like, you two
get along okay, right?
Like, it's not weird or anything?
It took a minute, but
me and Tuck are cool.
You have a kid now, right?
Uh, fostering, and we're
trying to get pregnant, so
See, that's where I
You and your wife took in a baby.
That's good.
I-I-I get that. It's necessary.
But why would you want to
create another human being?
I mean, this world is overpopulated.
The rainforests are disappearing.
AI is taking over.
- There's war and famine.
- Uh, are we done here?
Oh, my God. Thank you. Yes.
This is Luis and his son, Rafael.
- I'll interpret. I'm certified.
- Okay.
Apparently, it was pretty
crazy down at Pike Place Market.
Luis mentioned they they
missed his son's leg injury.
He says it's soccer leg.
MAYA: It's okay.
Hell of a thing to miss.

Jinny, why are you here?
Well, I got your invite.
So here I am.
[CHUCKLES] You're surprised?
Yeah, a little. I mean
we haven't really
spoken since I told you
- that Sully and I got back together.
- Yeah, well
- Here are those intake forms.
- Thank you, Kel.
- Uh, Unni. It's, um
It's not a good time to just show up.
I-I'm driving all over Seattle today.
I'll join you. It'll be fun.
You are hiding something.
- Like Like when you broke my ukulele?
I didn't break your ukulele.
Unni, why are you here?
To stop you from marrying Robert
and making the biggest
mistake of your life.
Oh, yeah, that's an infection.
He's gonna need fluid and antibiotics.
What happened to your son?
Uh, there's razor wire
in the Rio Grande River
at the Texas border.

He hasn't even met your Korean family.
You mean the "family" that
hasn't called me in a decade?
People stop calling you
when you send them to voicemail.
I work, Jinny.
Can't you be happy for me?
I flew 5,000 miles
because I want you to be happy.
You flew 5,000 miles
to tell me how to live my life.
When he married that woman, Claire
That was her name, right?
Who was there to scrape
you off the floor?
He broke you. But you trust him now?
I have changed, alright?
He has changed.
Maybe you should grow up, too.
If Claire didn't die,
he'd still be married
and you'd still be waiting
for someone else's man.
Am I wrong?

I speak English, too.
The nurse told me you have cramping.
- May I examine you?
- Yes.
Oh, Beatriz, wait.
T-There is some bleeding.
Oh, sorry. It's not usually my time.
It's okay.
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
We have some sanitary products
and some spare clothes.
Uh, but first, let's figure out
what's going on with you, yeah?
Is there any chance
you might be pregnant?
Uh, it could be a, uh
I've been in detention for weeks.
- No. No, no, no.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Did they do a-a procedure
without formal consent or
or or an interpreter?
Good. Uh, let's get you changed,
and I'm gonna go grab the machine.
Hey. Hey.
Saw it on the news.
Thought we'd come help
out after our shift.
Do you speak Spanish?
Enough to lose to my mom
and her dominoes friends every week.
Good. I could use an interpreter.
Most of them had their phones
confiscated in detention,
and we're trying to reconnect
them with their families.
- I speak Spanish, too.
- Yeah, what are we, chopped liver?
Uh, what's in the bag?
Towels, travel toiletries, blankets,
basics for a fresh start.
Yes, everything they'll need
for their first night in Seattle.
Which reminds me, we got to find a place
for these people to stay tonight.
She's in the conference room
fundraising for Crisis One.
Do not disturb her.
But, um, they could use you
in the clinic while you wait.
Now, I've got to find
these people some beds.
ANDY: Don't go up there.
You were really good with Rafael.
'Cause I remember what that's like.
Look, you've made your
point. Can I go now?
Okay, would you just
Look, I mean, what
you were saying earlier
about the world burning,
it just sounds like you
got a lot on your mind.
And studying pre-med won't fix it.
Okay, look, it d it
doesn't have to be medicine,
but school gives you options.
You know, you could you
could discover something else.
You know, make a new
plan for the future.
School is filled with
nothing but rich kids
and kids already drowning in debt,
and I don't fit in with any of them.
The educational industrial complex
- Okay.
- capitalism i-it all has to go.
Okay. Okay, we're not gonna
be able to handle all that today.
But right now, the one
thing that we can do
is take care of Rafael and his father.
So let's start there.

Okay, I found the probe but no tablet.
Great. Uh
What is it?
Liam's social worker called.
She found his bio-dad.

Table this conversation
just one moment, okay?
Hey Beckett, can you, uh,
make sure that Herrera gets these?
I need one filled out for
everyone who came in today.
It details their condition
and any diagnosis or treatment given.
Uh, copy, Chief. Hi,
I'm I'm Sean Beckett.
I'm, uh I'm a firefighter here.
Can I help you with something?
You need any assistance?
Beckett, that is my sister, Jinny.
And no, she does not.
Copy that.
I will get these forms to Herrera.
Yeah, you do that.
Hey, hey, hey! Am I hearing
that your sister is here?
Is this the infamous Robert Sullivan?
[LAUGHS] Sully, this
is my sister, Jinny.
All the way from Korea.
It's nice to finally meet you.
- There we go.
- Yes, finally.
Well, he has work to do.
And this is where we work.
So why don't you wait for me
in the beanery the the kitchen?
One flight up.

Wow. She came to surprise me.
She came here to celebrate you. Us.
- That's a good thing, right?
- [SCOFFS] You just met her.
You have no idea. We'll
talk about this later.
I'm gonna walk the barn.
Okay. Just walk the barn.
Walk the barn.
Alright, now we'll
Now we do the irrigation.

It's like a fire hose
for your soccer leg.
We'll take him to the hospital,
but this cut needs to stay
open and heal on its own
or you risk more infection.
- No.
They have to go back
to Texas immediately
for their immigration court date.

Excuse me. Can I help you?
My sister said to wait here.
Okay. Natasha. Natasha Ross.
Oh, shut up. Chief Ross has a sister?
Sor Sorry. I'm sorry.
You're here for the engagement party.
Nev I'm Vic.
Jinny. Hi. Nice to meet you.
So, how You guys grew up together?
[CHUCKLES] Different fathers.
As a kid, I used to
spend summers in America
with her and our mother,
but grew up in Korea.
Wow. So, was she always such a badass?
What do you think of her Robert?
I don't know. He's great.
Used to be kind of a dick,
but he's really grown,
especially since they got together.
It's like they bring out
the best in each other,
and it's really nice.
Did you know his wife?
Yeah. I mean, she's our captain.
- Chief Ross promoted her.
He had more than one wife?
- What?
- ANDY: Vic.
Uh, Captain.
This is Chief Ross's sister, Jinny.
Oh, I I didn't even
know she had a sister.
That's what I said.
I'm gonna go fundraise.
So it was really nice
to meet you, Jinny.
- Yeah.
Why did you divorce Robert?

Everything okay, Dr. DeLuca?
I'm sorry, uh nothing
for you to worry about.
So you were saying that
they didn't even tell you
where you were going when
they put you on that bus?
I wanted out.
I didn't care if the bus
was going to Kalamazoo.
Not to insult Kalamazoo.
It's just a fun word.
So, what did you do
back home in Venezuela?
I used to teach in Barinas.
Mm. So you're gonna teach here?
I would like to teach.
But for now,
I just want to work anywhere,
a farm, a factory, I
would clean the school.
- Hmm.
- Then I will start a new family.

What is it?
I don't know what they did to
you in that detention center,
but I think we have a problem.
What did they do to me?
I think you had bleeding fibroids,
and the doctor did a procedure called
There is some scarring in your uterus,
- this debris here.
- De debris? What does that mean?
Can I have children?
Uh, we don't know if your
fertility has been affected yet.
I would like to do a more
thorough exam in my office.
I can't cost money.
This is gonna be very bad for
my immigration application.
No, no, no, no, no.
There are waivers for refugees.
We can find out what applies to you,
but you have rights.

Alright, we got one
PB&J left. Any takers?
- Come on.
- The real food has arrived.
- SULLIVAN: Here we go.
- We couldn't let these people choke down
any more of Beckett's sandwiches.
Ooh. Ruiz, you've not been missed.
Smells good.
Alright. Guests eat first.
You paid for all this?
You know, Dom actually
convinced the owner
to donate it all for a good cause.
DOMINIC: I'll tell
people what's on the menu.
A-All this food for free?
Uh, my boy's persuasive.
I'm persuaded.
Little something for you for later.
Salvadorian Smoothie.
Whoo! Beckett was lying.
You have been missed, Ruiz.
Thank you.

Now, the aid car will be back soon.
I have good friends at the hospital.
They'll take good care of you.
He says thank you, and that
he hopes to work together
with Rafael one day,
the way you do with Joey.
He says, he didn't listen when Rafael
was caught on the razor
wire, so he pulled him,
and that's what made
the cut much deeper.
we try to do the best for our sons.
And sometimes we
make mistakes.
Your boy is gonna be fine.


You are far more decisive
than most of our guests.
I still wish, though,
you would let us pick up
some of the tab for the food.
After what you did for us,
we would do anything for SFD.
And for you.
Again, we were just doing our job.
Too bad you don't have
time for the formal tasting,
but I understand.
- Mm.
Oh, I know who I am.
Is everything okay?
- Yes. Absolutely.
Are we all set here?
I have to take this.
We're all set. Great.
Thank you. Unni.
See you tomorrow night. Okay.
Yes, Mr. Mayor. How can I help?
So, uh, you and Hughes
looked pretty chummy
the other night over at Joe's.
CHURCH OFFICIAL: Hello. Captain Herrera?
Yes. Hi. I'm here.
That's Yes.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
We'll arrange transportation.
Uh, that church over on Second Avenue
has room for over half our refugees.
That's good. Well, 20 beds to go. Nice.
Thanks, Joey, could
you put that over there?
Prime to the rescue.
Just want them to have a safe
and comfortable place to sleep.
I wish my place had a spare room.
Yes. Yes.
That's what they did
in Martha's Vineyard.
Gosh, I can't believe I
didn't think of this sooner.
They opened their homes for people.
I've got a room. So do Jack and Marsha.
You know what? Do me a favor.
Call everyone you know.
Shoot, on it.
JOEY: There's gonna be like
four more buses next week.
What are you gonna do then?
And don't you all ever
get tired of putting out
the same fire over and over again?
So and do nothing? And
let everything burn?
That doesn't make sense, man.
That's not what I'm saying
Hello. Yeah. It's Theo.
So, what are you saying, Joey?
Because someone taking
you home with them
made a big difference
in your life, right?
And I'm really grateful.
But now all I see are so
many more people in need.
Look, I get it. I feel
overwhelmed sometimes.
We all do.
But then, you know,
40 something people land at our station.
And and what do
we do? We get to work.
Because we may not be able to make
the whole world better,
but for those people, for today,
we can make their world better.
And that's not nothing.

So, national funding is vital.
Um, because of our program,
our the city has seen
a mass a significant
reduction in police interactions
- with negative outcomes.
- MAN: Wonderful.
So with the support,
of the Hudon Foundation,
we could actually You know what?
Actually, pardon me for just a moment.
- Hey, I just wanted to
- No, no, you're fine.
These fundraising calls
are absolutely killing me.
I've spent all day tap
dancing on the phone
with people with a lot of money,
trying to convince
them that regular people
deserve basic, humane things
like mental health care
or peaceful intervention
or harm reduction.
And it's just I mean, hours.
I've spent hours talking about it
when I could have been
downstairs in the clinic,
actually physically helping.
Okay, here.
In between calls, I
made a here, a list
of emergency medical and
cash assistance programs
and schools with solid
ESL courses, okay?
So maybe if these funders
would just hurry up
and tell me that they're overextended
or whatever, and then
[SIGHS] S-Sorry.
You didn't come here for any of this.
No, I'm here 'cause we got
some great Salvadorian takeout.
You want to plate?
Yes. Yes, I would 'cause
you can't eat rejection.
Right? Thank you.
Okay. Okay, get out of here,
get out of here and let me
get this over with, please.

Apologies. Uh, where were we?
Miss Hughes, you weren't on mute.
Uh I'm sorry for wasting your time.
- Thank you again for everything.
- My pleasure.
Okay, so gonna see you in
my office next week, right?
- I will be there. Great.
You found places for all of them?
Wow. You did good, Herrera. I had help.
Uh, Luis.

Beckett sent me up with sustenance.
Is there any chance that
What happened? Do I
need to fight somebody?
Uh, no, I need to punch
myself in my big mouth.
I blew my shot at national funding.
Oh. Herrera and Ross are gonna kill me.
Well, I'll jump in if they come at you.
In the meantime, just
call that funder back.
I'm sure you can fix whatever
it is you think you did.
It took days to get that meeting, so
Try. It's not
You're Vic Hughes.
Hey, you're undeniable.
[CHUCKLES] Were you
gonna ask me something?
Now get that money.
The sun is fading
Hey, I'm gonna go pick up
Liam at Peggy and Dayna's.
Uh, any word from the social worker?
Yes. The word is wait.
They can't meet until
tomorrow afternoon.
Still no word on what
the bio-dad wants.
We wait for this meeting.
We wait for the embryo to attach.
I'm just not built for waiting.
You think I am?
Oh ♪
We're gonna go into
this meeting and fight.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
- We fight.
- Yeah.
- But if the bio-dad wants his son
This is just not fair.
- I wish Nanette had told him, if
- I know. If she had,
I wouldn't have fallen
in love with Liam, either.
So deep ♪
WOMAN: A non-profit focused on
MAN: Ms. Hughes, I've
only got a few minutes.
Of course, of course. I am so sorry.
Let me stop you right there.
You ended our call
before I could tell you
how impressed I was.
I talked it over with my colleagues.
We've been working on a similar program,
but we rather like that
Crisis One is established
with solid stats.
We're thinking of a
national partnership.
A a partnership.
That's ter
That is just terrific news.
I'm s Uh, thank you.
It's been a strange
few years for you, huh?
From unhoused to college.
Probably seems like a lot.
It's a lot and still not enough.
I thought by studying pre-med,
I could help make some things better.
But when I sit in school
with my tuition paid
and my belly full going back to
a really nice home every night,
I don't understand why I
get to be happy and healthy.
None of it seems fair.
You feel bad because, yes,
there's a lot wrong with the world.
And you're a decent person.
Most people
they don't get the chance you did.
So look at me.
It is okay to thrive.
You then just have to use
that energy to help others.
Now, you got to go home and tell Miranda
- you dropped out of college.
How much less mad do you think she'll be
if I tell her I decided to vote?
You weren't gonna vo Boy. [LAUGHS]
Whew! Good luck.
JINNY: Andy seems nice.
- Pretty, too.
- Thought you were gonna hurt yourself
holding that one in, my God.
Yes, they were married and divorced
long before we reconnected, okay?
Oh, so not seconds, but sloppy thirds.
My God. What is wrong with you?
- I'm just telling you the truth.
- The truth.
The truth, like, when I told you
that he married Claire, and you said,
"Men don't want a soldier, Natasha,
they want a wife," that kind of truth?
[SCOFFS] He said he'd wait for you.
How long did that take?
Huh? Why go back to that?
Because I love him.
Because of how he loves me.
Because I laugh with him,
because we wipe away each other's tears
because I never feel small next to him.
He wouldn't want me to, either.
The love that we had,
it was too big then.
But, unni
Unni, now it fits.
Well, it looks like you
don't need me anymore.
I'm going to get an earlier flight home.
Wouldn't want to ruin
your party or anything.
Well, you're leaving, so you won't.

I feel a twitch, a
scratch I cannot itch ♪
Only you can touch the
hard-to-reach places ♪
I can be mean or
play it peachy keen ♪
I can't even get her to smile.
And she always laughs at my jokes.
I hate seeing her like this.
Well, she's gonna talk when she's ready.
The chef had never made this before,
but I know she'll love it.
I sure did. Thank him for me.
Tired of waiting,
baby, pick up the phone ♪
- Hey.
- Hey.
Whenever Jinny would go back to Korea
at the end of every summer,
I would cry myself to sleep in her bed.
I wish she was here, too.
- But how about this?
- Is that bindaetteok?
Your favorite, right?
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- Ah! Yeah.
I called them last night
and I had them make some.
- No kidding.
- So you could have a touch of Korea here.

Why don't you take a minute?
Have some of this.
I'm gonna grab something to drink
and get some more dirt
on you from your friends.
Oh, you mean the lies
from the lying liars?
Not lies. No, no, no.
Playing with fire ♪
My mind got a mind of ♪
- Oh.
- Thanks.
- Hey.
Look at you. You look beautiful.
- Wow.
- Thanks.
So, uh, how did that call go?
Did you work your Hughes magic?
Yeah, I guess I did.
I, um They want to collaborate
on a national program.
That's amazing, Vic!
- Yeah.
- Right?
I mean, they're based in Washington D.C.
So that means I might have
to move across the country.
That's the first time I'm saying
that out loud. Um, yeah. Maybe.
So what does that mean with us?
Yeah, well, after the other night, I
Oh, I didn't think we
No, Theo, it was
You know, it was great. I mean, yeah.
[LAUGHING] I mean, it always is.
I just didn't think that that meant
Right that we were gonna
- gonna, you know?
- Right, no.


- Your fiancée is lovely, Sullivan.
- Oh.
Yes, she is.
I mean, you've smiled before,
but this, this is different.
- You seem really happy.
I am. Very much.
I mean, I don't know the over-under,
but third time's got
to be the charm, right?
So, what about you?
Hmm? You're happy?
I'm Captain.
You're Captain.
- Cheers.
Oh, they're here. They're here.
- Ooh.
- So?
I-I may have mentioned
you had a meeting
with the social worker.
Sue me. What happened?
Well, we met with Liam's bio-dad.
And he wants to be in Liam's life.
But he doesn't want custody, so
So we are on the
foster-to-adopt track with Liam.
I can't wait for this to be official
so we won't be stressed anymore.
Ha! Your parental stress has only begun.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Thank you.
Can I have a bourbon, please?
So, what's up with Dominic?
You two seemed pretty cozy at Joe's.
Gentleman never tells.
Yeah, he was being all cryptic, too.
Clearly, some somethin'-somethin'
Just a night.
I've had enough nights to know that
they usually end when the sun comes up.
[CHUCKLES] Alright.
Okay, what did he say?
I, too, sir, am a gentleman.
Just don't toy with
each other's emotions.
You don't have to marry him tomorrow,
but be honest with yourself today,
so no one has hurt, you know.
Make your move ♪
Get off your phone ♪
- I'm Oh.
Oh, my God. I'm so, so sorry.
Smooth, Ruiz.
- Sorry about that.
- It's okay.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Yeah.
We can take our time ♪
Room for one more?
I'm glad to see you, too, Laverne.
Whatever I said, I am so sorry.
I'm the "unni" here,
but I blamed my little sister
for what I was too ashamed to admit.
Minjun and I are getting a divorce.
What you said about Robert
I never had that with Minjun.
So it felt like you were mocking me.
But you just lived a life.
A full life.
I didn't.
I lived a lie, and now he's leaving me.
I am so sorry.
I don't know how
- how we got so disconnected.
- No, no, no.
I am so proud of you.
The whole family is.
You know, I have
always been someone for someone else
to protect or save them.
It's part of who I am.
But it lets me hide from the other part.
The part with no rank, no title
She needs to be saved sometimes.
I'm getting to know her, too.
So, maybe
we can help each other,
turn that page, huh?

You know the Chief's a
trained sniper, right?
So, that's my man.
I'm still working on it.
It's a pleasure to get to know you.
Can I try this again?
- Yes.
I look forward to knowing you, too.
But you better be good to her.
Or your new big sister
will kick your butt.
- Ooh.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Welcome to the family.
I'll give you guys some space.
- It's like hugging a tree.
Well, um, he knew it
was my favorite, so
Yeah, he didn't make it.
Thank God.
I was about to tell
you to leave him again.
Life leads you where you
need to be if you let it.
No, I'm not fearless ♪
It led me back to my sister.
That little girl who stole my dolls,
put them in her G.I. Joe uniforms,
and dragged them
through mud playing war.
But she goes out in the world,
puts on this or that uniform,
and helps people no
matter where they're from.
What you all did for
those migrants yesterday
Seattle is so lucky to
have people like you.
Like my sister and her Sully.
You are connected.
'Cause I feel it ♪
Hapgeunrye is a Korean cup ceremony.
Traditionally, it's done
with wine during the wedding.
But since I don't know when
I'll be back in America,
we're doing it today.
With grape juice.
It represents two lives becoming one.
And the victory march
is only so far away ♪
One body. One mind.
A team. A family.
Like all of you.
'Cause I feel it ♪

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