Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s10e07 Episode Script

9062-9607 - The Day the Earth Disappeared

[ Man .]
Enter the Action Zone.
Scanning for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Access now.
[ Rock .]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtle power They're the world's most fearsome fighting team They're heroes in a half shell and they're green When the evil Shredder attacks Turtles fight back Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtle power [ Ends .]
[ Rumbling .]
There's some kind of disturbance in the Earth's crust.
I-It's tearing the place apart.
[ Leonardo .]
Dudes, look! What on earth is going on? Looks like doomsday, dudes! [ Leonardo .]
And here comes Mr.
Doom himself! There's too many of them.
No, there's just enough to help me conquer Earth and finally destroy the Ninja Turtles.
Not if I can help it, Dregg! You can't help it, reptile! - [ Grunts .]
- [ Raphael .]
Whoa! No one can erase the green team! [ Chuckles .]
Oh, but I will! - Gotcha, dude! - Wrong! [ Creaking .]
[ Leonardo Grunting .]
Last one into the alley is a plastic turtle toy! [ Creaking .]
Now to get rid of you for good! At last! I've destroyed the Turtles! [ Sinister Cackling .]
In your dreams, dude! But you're-- The real Ninja Turtles.
You just destroyed four extremely lifelike holograms.
We saw you coming a light-year away, Dregg.
Well, now I'll destroy you! [ Tires Screeching .]
You'll regret this, reptiles! You'll pay! I swear it! Mung, beam us aboard.
Guess we're gonna have to pay, dudes.
Yeah, 50 cents to see his ugly mug getting trashed in tomorrow morning's headlines.
They will pay, Mung.
Lord Dregg.
[ Panting .]
Why aggravate yourself by looking at our old battle films of the Turtles? Because, Mung, it is by correcting our mistakes that we shall defeat them.
Have you carried out my orders? Yes.
The microbots have completed your new vortex transporter.
We're ready to commence the invasion.
I've waited far too long for this day.
In the past, I've failed to conquer the Earth because I was always in the enemy's territory.
This time I shall fight the battle in my territory! Hook the Dreggnaught's nuclear engines to the transporter power supply.
Yes, my lord.
[ Dregg .]
With a slight adjustment in the time-space coordinates, the vortex transporter will function as a space warp.
In a few hours, the Earth will be orbiting a new sun in a solar system I control! - Open the warp.
- As you command, sire.
[ Alarm Blaring .]
[ Donatello .]
It's the early warning system! I'll check the scanner.
There's no one outside.
Ditto in the sewer.
[ Yawns .]
Probably just another sewer maintenance bozo looking for rats.
Oh, uh, no offense, Sensei.
[ Chuckles .]
None taken.
Speaking of rats, I've got a feeling that Dregg is behind this.
I-I don't get it.
The scanners show nothing out there, but there's a huge disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field.
Is that like, uh, a good disturbance or a bad disturbance? "Bad" isn't the word for it.
If it's what I think, it could be disastrous.
[ Beeps .]
Oh, wonderful.
This better not be another virus.
[ Wind Gusting .]
What is that? Hey, guys, check this out.
[ Splinter .]
What is it? Some kind of space warp.
Is that what was causing the magnetic disturbance? Yes, and according to my scanners on the other side of the warp is Dimension X.
[ All .]
Dregg! The warp is over a thousand miles across and growing at a speed of 3,000 miles an hour.
At that rate, in a little over two hours-- It'll be big enough to swallow the Earth.
I think we can safely assume that is exactly what Dregg has in mind.
Major bummer.
Our only hope is to pinpoint the source of the warp and knock it out.
But, dudes, the warp's a thousand miles above the Earth.
Not even a Teenage Mutant Bald Eagle could fly that high.
We don't have to.
I can use the portal to trace the energy flow.
[ Crackling .]
If I can adjust the coordinates properly, we should be able to lock on to the warp.
That's it, Donatello! I can see the warp! Lord Dregg, someone is trying to penetrate the warp opening.
Well, see if you can locate the source.
As you wish.
[ Gasping .]
Sire, it's coming from the Earth.
Lock on to the source and suck whoever it is into the black hole.
But if we move the black hole into place too early, it could destabilize the warp.
We may not be able to pull the Earth through into Dimension X as planned.
I don't want explanations.
I want my orders followed! Do it! Y-Yes, Lord Dregg.
The black hole will not only bring the Earth to me.
It will be a fitting tomb for those who dare try to stop me.
The warp is still growing! Can it be stopped, Donatello? Oh, sure.
But we'll have to take the portal.
That bogus gizmo? I wouldn't feel safe in that if I was a crash dummy.
Listen, according to my instruments, The Dreggnaught's transporter is the source of the warp.
We should be able to jump through the portal, take out the transporter and jump back.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that's not gonna be that easy? Whoa! What's that? It-- It looks like a-- a black hole! What's it doing in the portal? Perhaps Dregg has spotted us.
- But how? - The portal is a two-way opening.
He must be using the black hole's gravity to try to pull us into Dimension X.
Donatello! Shut the portal! I-It's not responding! [ Grunts .]
Why am I not surprised? Guys, have you seen what's happening in the sky? Uh, this is a bad time, April! [ Grunting .]
I can't hold on! Donatello! Raphael! Michelangelo! What's happening? Sensei! Grab my hand! [ Grunting .]
Save yourselves! Sensei! Lord Dregg, it's the Turtles! [ Chuckles .]
This is even better than I'd hoped for.
But there are only two of them.
Well, that's two less to deal with.
Once I get rid of the other two, nothing will stand in my way.
Move the black hole closer to the warp, Mung.
Uh, but, sire, it's too dangerous.
Question my orders one more time, and you will know the meaning of "dangerous.
" Michelangelo, let go! We've gotta try to help the others! Yeah, but, Dude, if we go through the portal we might never be able to close the warp and save the Earth! I hope I can get to the lair before it's too late.
[ Grunting .]
Where are we? It looks like some kind of planetoid within the black hole, suspended in a gravitational eddy.
Where's Splinter? What could have happened to him? Well, with the warping of space and time he could've landed anywhere, a mile away or a million.
Or even in another time.
We've got to try and find him.
[ Static .]
The gravitational field is interfering with my scanner.
Let's try that way.
The black hole is moving within a million miles of the warp.
Oh, just what I was afraid of.
The warp isn't open wide enough.
The gravitational interference is creating a warp storm.
[ Crackling .]
Ohh! [ Panting .]
We've got to stop the warp storm before the ship is torn apart! Hurry, Mung! I've locked on to the black hole.
Activating gravitational envelope now! [ Mung .]
Diverting all power to the envelope.
Dregg's ship.
How odd.
[ Computer Beeping .]
[ Gasping .]
The warp storm is subsiding.
I hope my students are all right.
Perhaps I can help them in some way.
An invasion force.
[ Rumbling .]
[ Tires Screeching .]
[ Grunting .]
We can't hang on much longer! - Guys? [ Grunts .]
- April, get back! Grab on to my hand! It's no good! You'll get sucked in! There's nothing we can do for anyone here, dude! We gotta surf through the portal, no matter how dangerous it is! If we're not back in an hour, cancel our cable TV.
Oh, great.
Now they're all gone.
[ Grunting .]
Guess I'll hold down the fort.
If I can just hold on myself! [ Both Grunting .]
Whoa! Leonardo? Donatello? I don't like the look of this place.
[ Panting .]
Well, look on the bright side, dude.
At least we didn't end up in some gross monster's belly.
[ Roaring .]
Think I spoke too soon? Way too soon.
[ Roaring .]
[ Grunting, Whimpering .]
I couldn't even pick his teeth with these.
Tie him up with your grappler, Michelangelo! It's back in the lair, dude! Oh, this wouldn't be so bad if I was trying to save a beautiful princess.
Like, what am I, chopped liver? Well, no.
But if we're not careful, we're gonna be chopped turtle.
[ Roaring .]
Let's boogie! Whoa-oh-ohh! - Dude! - Forget about me! - Go for the warp! - No way, José! Hey, black hole breath! How 'bout a double turtle whopper with secret sauce? - [ Shrieking .]
- Yo, Mr.
Beast! Your mother wears gravity boots! [ Laughs .]
Oh, great.
Why not just put us on a plate with a sprig of parsley? Now! [ Beeping .]
I'm getting a life reading up ahead.
Sensei? Well, that's odd.
The scanner indicates this is the spot, but there's nothing here.
- [ Rumbling .]
- Donatello! The ground! Run! [ Panting .]
That was close.
- Whoa! - Leonardo! The warp is fully open, Lord Dregg.
Very well.
Move the black hole into position.
As you command.
[ Screaming .]
Oh, no! The portal's starting to close! This isn't working! The Earth is approaching the warp, Lord Dregg.
Estimated time of arrival in Dimension X is less than 30 minutes.
[ Chuckles .]
You know, Mung, I don't know which gives me more pleasure, seeing my new home planet approaching or knowing that the Turtles won't be seeing another sunrise on it.
[ Laughing .]
I do not wish to fight.
But cast a stone into the lake-- [ Yelling In Japanese .]
and the ripples will return to you.
[ Japanese .]
I trust I've made my point.
If my inner senses do not deceive me, these will be the ship's computer relays.
The transporter override controls.
[ Beeping .]
[ Yelling, Grunting .]
Get back, before the monster comes through.
[ Roaring .]
This oughta chill him out! I wonder where we landed this time.
Uh, something tells me it's not the North Pole.
[ Footstep Landing .]
And something tells me that dude's not Santa Claus! Move very slowly toward the portal.
[ Shrieking .]
Maybe it won't notice us.
Then again, maybe it will.
[ Roaring .]
Okay, I think that's our cue.
[ Both .]
Run! We'll never outrun it! We don't have to, dude! The bigger they are, the harder they fall! [ Both Yelling .]
Are you sure this was a good idea? Dude, it was the only idea! [ Grunting .]
This rock is like steel! [ Grunting .]
If we don't get free soon, there won't be any Earth to go home to.
[ Grunting .]
I think I've just about got it.
Oh! Nothing's working! The Earth will come in contact with Dimension X space in 60 seconds.
As soon as it's cleared the warp, transport the black hole away.
I wouldn't want my new planet to get sucked into oblivion with those reptiles.
[ Chuckling .]
Yes, my lord.
[ Mung Gasps .]
There's an intruder! Stop him! You won't slip out of this trap, you meddling rat.
The fool is in the air lock! He's space debris now.
[ Beep .]
Get ready to transport the black hole away on my command.
What? I'm afraid I cannot wait for your master's command.
[ Beep .]
You fool! You've transported the black hole into the ship! We'll all be destroyed! It is not the black hole that will destroy you, Dregg, but your own evil.
Sensei! You're alive! As are you, I am happy to say.
But none of you will be for long.
[ Grunting, Yelling .]
The Earth is almost through the warp.
We've only got a few moments to stop it.
Say good-bye to your transporter, Dregg! You fool.
That won't stop your puny planet.
All you've done is prevent us from withdrawing the black hole.
Now your Earth will be sucked into it.
Oh, in that case we'll just have to destroy all of your computers.
[ Yelling .]
[ Exhales .]
The warp's closed.
Way to go! H-Hey, there's, uh, only one problem though.
With the warp closed and the transporter gone, there's no way for us to get home.
You've got a worse problem than that, reptiles.
With the navigational computers gone, this ship is adrift in space! We'll all be sucked into the black hole! [ Mung .]
And when the gravitational forces disrupt the Dreggnaught's reactor core-- This tin can's going to explode like a supernova! A small price to pay for saving the Earth.
At least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I took you with me.
[ Yelling, Grunting .]
I guess this is good-bye, Sensei.
Yes, but not for us.
Dudes, we made it! Hurry! Back into the portal! - Stop! - [ Yelling .]
Oh! I didn't think you'd make it in time! I've been holding the portal open for an hour.
- Close it! - [ Beeping .]
[ Grunts .]
No! An internal "parafrasion," the space warp closed, allowing the Earth to remain in its orbit.
The disaster is over.
You ever notice we never get the credit we deserve? Truer words were never spoken.
Hey, guys.
Look at this.
I adjusted the plasma dampers and attenuated the time-space helix.
Cool! Uh, now how about one more time in English.
I fixed the portal! Check it out! See? Purring like a kitten.
[ Roaring .]
Hungry as a tiger! All right, all right.
I won't turn it on again.
I promise.

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