Allegiance (2024) s02e01 Episode Script
Unsee This
Previously, on allegiance
Mr. Ajeet Sohal?
You are under arrest for treason.
You want to make sure that a
progressive guy's out of the running
As a potential P.M
You tap into the best available cliche
and let prejudice do the rest.
What's max found out about their case?
Apparently, some kind of show-stopper.
It's been sealed.
I got what you asked for
A screen shot of the
evidence lock-up sign-in.
Our country's at the tipping point
and this liberal "Sohal"
wants to open up the floodgates
to all the human waste of the world.
Is this you?
Or is this what you've had to drink?
I have access to the
assistant crown's laptop,
but I don't have much time.
- Got it. I'm in. Now what?
- [ISHAAN] Copy it.
Are you suggesting
that Sergeant Gabinksi
planted incriminating evidence
- in your father's briefcase?
- Yes.
There will be an investigation.
It will be internal.
Gabby's been put on indefinite leave.
All charges against Minister
Sohal have been dropped.
Can you tell us why?
[SABRINA] It couldn't
have been just you.
Maybe someone was using you.
Please tell me who
did this to my father.
[SABRINA] I've gotta walk in
there like everything's fine,
I've got to look him in the face?
There's got to be a way
And I'll find it if there is.
He has to be held accountable.
A guy who frames you,
who plants evidence,
who makes sure the press is
there to capture your arrest
there's no way that man gets
to stay assistant commissioner.
I mean, he should be in jail.
He should. He will.
But how do we open that can of
worms without implicating you
And your brother
And Nate, and Gillian?
You pull on one string
Until we find a way to do it right,
we have to keep it quiet.
How did it go with the mayor?
Ah, thrilled I'm back.
Wants an increase in
surrey housing initiatives.
Business as usual.
And there's a lot to be said for that.
How's it feeling?
Ah, not bad, for two weeks.
Pappa, you've got a lot lined up.
Let me take a cab to the detachment,
- save you the trip.
- No, no, no, no.
I missed your first day last time.
It's not happening again.
I am so damn proud of you.
[MAN] Corrie! Open the door!
- Let me in!
- Go away.
[MAN] I'm coming in!
- No
- Let me in!
Don't! Please!
Don't! Please!
[MAN] Unlock the door
'cause either way, I'm coming in!
Just leave me alone!
Just unlock the door!
- [SOBS] No!
[WOMAN] Sohal!
- Thanks.
- Oh, hey
Oh, um
Yeah, uh
Sorry, I should, uh
- Yeah, I should too.
- [TERSELY] Yeah.
Thank you.
Hey. Thought you were gonna be late.
Matcha latte. Am I
late? I'm not late, am I?
- "detective constable."
Keep it around your neck,
or your new pals in serious crimes
will look right through you.
Let's go.
Good morning.
Some of you have met Sabrina Sohal.
For those who haven't, she's a probie.
She's got six months to prove that
the excellent work she did on the
Farley and Gruen files weren't flukes.
Today's her first day in the field.
Tell me this isn't the part
where you ask for volunteers.
Now, why wouldn't you want to volunteer?
She got you your confession
on the Fletcher file.
She made you look good.
But, no, you're off the
hook. She's with me today,
and starting soon,
she'll be with detective
corporal Zak Kalaini.
That the new guy from Calgary?
He's new to you he's got five years,
and a closure record over 80.
He'll up this detachment's game.
I thought we were already fully staffed?
Well, he became available,
and I jumped on it.
Oh, he-he "became available."
- Right.
- Why's he using air quotes?
[BOLTON] Assistant commissioner.
Sorry to interrupt.
Dianne's gonna be in touch
about setting a meeting
- this afternoon, if you can do it.
- Yes, sir.
Constable Sohal.
Her six-month probation in
serious crimes begins today.
She excelled in three
cases as a constable.
The "three strikes
and you're in" program.
You trained under Brambilla, right?
That's right.
Your father must be proud.
- How's he doing?
- He's recovering well, sir.
Heading back to Ottawa soon.
I'm so glad to hear it.
- This afternoon, then?
- Sir.
[KARA] Okay, everybody
Passerby heard raised voices
male and female and then a gunshot.
The shooter might still be inside?
Yeah, and a potential victim.
2623's still five minutes
out. You're my back-up.
Command? 6103.
I need priority air for the entry.
The suspect might still
be inside the house.
Front door's ajar!
[DISPATCH] Copy, 6103.
[KNOCKING] Police!
Show yourself!
Clear the rest of the house.
[LUKE] Upstairs is clear.
- House clear?
- [LUKE] Clear!
Command, we need EMT.
Female gunshot victim.
No vital signs.
Suspect is not in the house.
[GILLIAN] Copy that.
EMT en route. I'll
notify serious crimes.
Inspector degas.
Detective constable.
[KARA] Morning.
A passerby heard
Sounds of an argument, then
gunshots coming from the residence.
Tucker and I were first on scene.
Front door was ajar,
signs of forced entry
from the rear door.
- Our victim?
- 30s, female.
- We're checking with the landlord.
- Thanks, Luke.
Let's see if someone saw something.
Hey, uh, this weekend
- you, me, Gillian, beers?
- Sure.
Should I get a table for three,
or does that badge need its own seat?
Okay, now you're buying.
- Hey.
- Hey, hey.
- Who's this?
- Sabrina Sohal. Six-month probie.
"Sohal," as in the minister who just
The same. Yes.
Tenille Daniels, coroner.
- How old is she?
- Technically, you're not allowed to ask that.
Technically, I'm not her employer.
Well, I am 27 and three-quarters.
[SNICKERING] I love it!
Let's go, sister. Gloves and boots.
What do you see?
Multiple deadbolts. Windows covered.
She could be Scared of someone?
Hiding from someone?
What else?
[SABRINA] There's clothes everywhere
Empty bottles, but no glasses.
Suggesting maybe she's drinking alone?
Alcohol dependency?
Want to turn the body?
Burns to the chest wound indicate
close, but not firm
contact with the firearm.
Time of death likely
within the last hour
consistent with the 9-1-1 call.
No sign of a weapon?
Mm-mm. I'm 95% it's small-arms.
I'll know more when I get her back.
[KARA] You okay?
It's okay to not be okay.
Tell me what else you see.
Well, old-school landline
There's no TV in the living room,
Which is odd, considering
the tech diploma on the wall.
We should look for a computer.
Doesn't look like she's
left the house for a while.
Struggling to sleep?
Yeah. Possibly.
Let's get a good look
at the rest of the house.
The landlord says her
name is Corrie Raijik.
She's quiet, low-maintenance.
He didn't have a lot
of interaction with her,
but the rent payments
became late and then stopped.
Mm. She didn't have
any food in the house,
but she spent money on
alcohol and sleep supplements,
Possibly self-medicating.
She had a tech degree,
but no computer, no cell.
Did the landlord mention a partner?
- Negative.
- She must've been scared of something.
Multiple deadbolts
some of them are new.
Yeah, we saw a knife beside the bed.
Yeah, we saw that.
Just trying to help.
Uh, well, I'm gonna
wrap up with Tenille.
We'll work the neighbourhood.
Any sign of the weapon?
No, but it's likely a handgun.
Let's grid the immediate area,
- bring in as many cars as we can.
- Copy that.
Looking for witnesses
possible handgun.
I'm gridding off north Cloverdale,
184th to 188th.
I've got next of kin
Colin and Camilla Raijik.
Sending you the address.
I'd like you to handle the notify.
See what they can give us.
Vince, you go with her?
It's her first time. I'll
ride back in a squad car.
- You bet. Yeah.
- I'll follow behind?
No. Uh, tucker, you join
the door-knock and search.
Need all the eyes we can.
Hey, what's with the
Oh, my hip.
When they say you
shouldn't slide into first,
maybe you should listen.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Sure.
Doc says it might be
time to go bionic anyway.
Where you been?
Uh, degas got me locked
up, studying handbooks.
Oh I still remember the moment
"digital evidence and
forensic science
a very short introduction."
300 pages of "introduction".
The moment I knew I
would always wear a uniform.
Well, sarge stripes look good on you.
Oh, thanks.
How's Helena dealing
with the non-retirement?
Next question.
For real how you doing?
I don't want to let anyone down.
Who're you lettin' down?
I am the first woman from my community
in serious crimes.
Mm! I'm the first guy from Guildford
to make staff sergeant.
I don't see you letting anyone down.
This is one of those times
where the manual comes in handy.
The script'll keep you steady.
Right now, the next 10 minutes
it's all about what corrie needs.
- Hey, Vince?
- Yeah?
I'm glad you stuck around.
I've got 50 officers on my watch now.
Don't go thinking I have all
the time in the world for you.
Uh, I'm so sorry to ask
is that corrie?
It was taken two years ago.
She'd just graduated from Verlaine Tech.
She just got a good job
She said it was a dream job.
And, uh
who's this?
Her boyfriend?
They met at work.
He was a nice boy funny.
What happened?
She stopped calling us.
We found out months after,
she'd left her job
broke up with Jeff.
She wouldn't talk about why.
She just stopped talking at all.
When was the last time you spoke?
three months ago.
How would you describe
her relationship with Jeff?
Do you think he had
something to do with this?
We're just seeking
information, at this point.
Do you have a last name for Jeff?
Maybe an address?
It's, uh Bradmore.
If you think he had
something to do with it
Do you hear that?
Command, we're going in!
Jeff Bradmore!
Show yourself!
What can you tell me about these videos?
Looks like torture
Stuff you can't unsee.
Can we trace where the
material was sourced?
Uh, likely tor the dark web.
The files were running as
a batch when they arrived,
so I'm trying a cold-boot
attack to get back in.
This guy's got a tech background,
and his stuff's encrypted.
The videos suggest an
extreme appetite for violence.
He might have crossed
the threshold today,
between watching and doing.
All right.
I want reports from all units,
areas covered, CCTV pulled.
Let's set up some checkpoints.
Uh, he doesn't have a vehicle, sir.
Doesn't mean he can't find one.
What'd you get on him?
Uh, his neighbours didn't know him.
He's as reclusive as corrie was.
No family in town.
He's self-medicating too,
but where she's trying to sleep,
he's trying to stay awake
Energy drinks, caffeine pills.
- And they met at work?
- Yeah, that's right.
Uh Syft Integrity.
His boss's name was Darryl Destro.
[DARRYL] I was sorry to see corrie go.
She quit about six months ago.
I wish my work had all of this.
Ah! Heh. We call it the "fun room".
It's a place for my people
to chill on their break.
Well, why did corrie quit?
A lot of young, educated
people are drawn to this work.
Surrey's a rising global tech hub,
and this is an exciting
on-ramp opportunity.
But the job's demanding,
the hours can be long
we operate around the clock.
I guess it was more
than she bargained for.
And what is it that you do here?
We're a tech company.
Growing fast, hoping to
fill these offices soon.
What kind of tech?
I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES]
I'm used to seeing eyes glaze over.
Other tech companies
outsource their, um, internet
and data curation to us.
Their "internet curation"?
Can you be more specific?
We make sure their brand
quality is assured online.
And w-what kind of brands?
W-what kind of quality?
We've got some pretty
high-end accounts.
Um, NDA types, I'm afraid.
You're not free to say?
Can you tell me about
another employee
Jeff Bradmore?
Yeah he was one
of our top performers.
I was really sorry to let him go.
And when was this?
Couple months ago?
And why did you let him go?
So, we're incentive-based,
and he started working double shifts.
I don't encourage a lot of
that, but he was into it.
If if I'm honest, he,
um, got a little intense,
maybe A little burned out.
I told him maybe some time
away might do him good,
and, hey, my door's always
open, if he wants a reset.
And have you heard from him lately?
No, I haven't.
May I ask what this is about?
Yeah, he's of interest in
an ongoing investigation.
I'd appreciate if you could
send me a list of employees
who know Jeff, or corrie,
and if you hear from him,
If you could let me know immediately.
Of course.
Hey, gill?
[GILLIAN] Any updates?
Yeah, I'm hitting a wall here.
Any luck getting into Jeff's laptop?
Uh, no.
I've got access to the video files,
but not much else.
There's no contact list.
He's got email, but
it's mime-encrypted.
I can try and trace
who he corresponds with,
but that's as far as it'll go.
How are we doing on the BOLO?
This is tucker.
Boxbury's clear.
I've hit the edge
of the grid limit. Where can I help?
Shots fired! Shots fired!
Northeast corner, millennium park!
[BOLTON] Listen up!
Let's get all available
uniforms to millennium park area.
We got a report of shots fired!
Stop filming!
I'm not a zoo animal!
Put your phones down!
Sir, drop your weapon! Do it now!
[JEFF] I said, get out!
Go on. Get outta here.
[LUKE] Put your weapon down!
Put down your phones!
Back off!
Stop filming!
Put your phones down! Stop filming me!
Sir! Drop the weapon! Right now!
Get out of the car!
- Do it right now!
- Get out of the car!
Get out.
Get out!
Sir, stop the vehicle! Stop right now!
the gunman has just jacked a vehicle.
Black Hyundai Tucson.
Plates 2, x-ray, 5, x-ray, mike, 5.
Suspect is male, white, 30s, bearded.
Black pants, grey sweatshirt!
Okay, everybody, stay where you are.
I need your cellphone
footage. You too. Come on.
[JEFF, ON VIDEO] The road
Hey! Hey!
Hey! You back up!
Did you see this?
- Back up!
- Look what you did!
How many witness videos?
Mm, two, so far, may be more coming in.
Any with a view of his face?
No. Nothing good yet. Hang on.
I ain't taking the insurance hit
'cause some guy's looking at his phone!
[JEFF] I was I wasn't
looking at a phone!
Hey. Asshole. You know what?
You're gonna pay for both of us!
Stop filming!
You said he didn't
actually shoot at anyone?
Not that I saw.
There were multiple shots fired,
- but no casualties.
- [JEFF] Stop it!
- Looks like warning shots.
- Freeze. Freeze it there
And line it up with a photo of Jeff.
[KARA] That's him. That's gotta be him.
What two years can do to a man
And I let him get away.
- Luke
- I let the killer get away.
Luke, what more would you have
done if you'd known it was him?
[BOLTON] Let's update that BOLO
murder suspect Jeff Bradmore
just carjacked a black Hyundai Tucson,
plate number 2,
x-ray, 5, x-ray, mike, 5.
CCTV on all major intersections
and access to highways.
He could be heading out of town.
He could be staying
local and going to ground.
I got that metadata on his email
subject and contents are encrypted,
but we can still see who
he was corresponding with
dates and times.
"D. Destro" Darryl
Destro, his ex-boss.
[GILLIAN] There's a lot of
emails in the last two months.
The last one being yesterday?
Did Destro ever respond?
No. Ghosted.
He denied any recent contact with Jeff.
Why would he lie?
His voicemail.
Gillian, pull up those maps.
Okay, if Jeff was on foot from corrie's,
through the park, to the carjacking
Yeah, he's headed southeast.
Toward Syft Integrity?
Looking for Darryl?
Workplace shootings are often
linked to domestic violence.
Okay, let's not wait to find out.
We need to secure Syft Integrity, asap.
Okay, mobilize additional units
to Syft Integrity, Virsa Tech Park
reporting to staff-sergeant Brambilla.
Right behind you.
- Luke
- I'm gonna make this right.
No. You did nothing wrong.
You would have known what to say.
Uh I'll head there too,
see if I can track down Darryl Destro.
Tenille's on her way
up with autopsy reports.
There's something we need to hear.
Cause of death
close-contact gunshot
wound to the chest.
Ammo's nine-mil, 124-grain.
That's consistent with the
gun that Jeff's carrying.
Also, the victim had
a 0.09 alcohol level.
This was before nine A.M.
That aligns with the liquor bottles.
And the body exhibited
signs of malnourishment,
low white blood cell count,
a severely impaired immune system.
Okay, well, corrie's parents mentioned
that she had isolated herself.
She may have been
struggling with depression.
Right. So
close-to-firm contact,
and the angle of the
bullet's trajectory
It's angled up.
D-did you check her hands for GSR?
Her hands were positive.
Gillian, run corrie's name
through the gun registry.
Uh, she's a registered
owner of a Beretta 92.
That's a match.
Patch in Vince.
Vince, we just got an
update from Tenille
Corrie's gunshot wound
was self-inflicted.
She took her own life?
Yeah, right in front of Jeff.
So, breaking into corrie's house
might've been him trying
to save her, not kill her.
Explains why he left his place
so fast, left the door open
and how agitated he was.
Agitated enough to open fire in public.
At the carjacking,
he was triggered by people filming him.
[KARA] Tech-averse, yet tech-savvy
he's just like Corrie
w-what does that mean?
What exactly does Syft Integrity do?
[SIGHS] Internet curation.
Protecting high-profile
clients' "brand integrity."
I tried to get more, but he cited NDAs.
I'll get a court order.
Wait. Corrie's parents liked him.
She and Jeff were happy
to get jobs in tech,
but she quit and spiraled.
So, Jeff's been reaching
out to his ex-boss daily.
Does he somehow blame
integrity for her depression?
He could be emotionally primed
for a revenge scenario
against his boss, his workplace?
Okay. Uh, Vince, priorities
when you get there
evac all employees
and find Darryl Destro.
- We're on our way.
- Copy that!
This is sergeant Brambilla.
All units heading to Syft
Integrity no sirens.
Park your vehicles out of view,
so as not to alert the suspect.
You know what doesn't square?
The videos we found on Jeff's computer.
Any sign of the Tucson?
We're gonna clear the
building one floor at a time.
We have a photo of our man.
If he's here, we do not
want to escalate him.
We're clearing civilians
through the north door.
We have permission to secure them
in the building next to us.
Command, do we have ears and eyes
inside the building?
Building has exterior CCTV only.
I'm working on getting access.
You two, that way.
You two, doors.
Can I have your attention, please?
Everybody? Headphones off!
- Everybody!
- Headphones off!
- Attention right now!
- Headphones off!
Thank you!
My name is sergeant
Brambilla, with the CFPC.
Has anyone seen Jeff Bradmore today?
- Jeff Bradmore?
- No?
Have you seen Jeff Bradmore today?
Jeff Bradmore?
All right, I need you
to evacuate the building.
Leave your personal items behind.
Follow my officers in
a calm, quiet manner.
That's it.
Follow the officers. Calmly!
Outside the building.
Thank you.
I've got officers stationed
on a rolling evac route,
to get people out quietly.
We still have a floor to clear.
- [KARA] Great.
- I saw her here earlier.
She looked upset.
But so far, no sign of
Jeff or Darryl Destro.
- Okay. Thanks, Vince.
- Yeah.
Excuse me?
Uh, Detective Constable Sohal.
Can we just step aside
here for a second?
What's going on? What happened to Jeff?
You know Jeff?
He's a friend.
When did you last see him?
Not for a couple of months.
What's going on? Is he okay?
Uh, I'm sorry. It's ?
Lila Gryling.
I'm Inspector Kara Degas.
We think that Jeff may
be heading over here,
and we're worried
about his mental state.
Did you know his partner, Corrie?
I'm so sorry to share this, but
Corrie passed away
earlier today by suicide.
Oh, god.
It just doesn't stop.
Wh what doesn't stop?
Uh, I'm sorry. W-we signed an NDA.
It's okay, we're in the
process of getting that waived.
[SABRINA] We need to know
what is going on with Jeff,
and we think it's
connected to this place.
You're a friend
I think you could help us.
Can you please tell us
what it is that you do here?
We're content moderators.
What does that mean?
We screen material that's
been flagged as "offensive"
on social media.
[LILA] They're making us watch
over a hundred videos a day
each video to the end
no matter what we're seeing.
If it violates the code of standards,
then we remove the material,
and send it for disposal.
Pay is tied
to streaks of consecutive
hours, times consecutive days.
W-what kind of material are we talking?
Child exploitation
sexual violence
um, violent extremism,
deaths on camera
My God.
[LILA] I-it's like a
revolving door around here
anxiety, sleep disorders,
depression, paranoia.
Sometimes, a colleague disappears.
We ask why, we don't
get a straight answer.
And now Corrie?
Gillian, are you copying this?
I am.
I want you to pull all the
employment records at Syft Integrity.
Run every name.
[GILLIAN] You got it.
Excuse me, everyone!
Your boss mentioned that
Jeff was a top performer.
[LUKE] Listen up!
- Headphones off.
- [VINCE] Thank you.
Has anyone seen Jeff Bradmore today?
Jeff Bradmore?
[LILA] After Corrie broke down
couldn't work, couldn't
leave the house
he started doing double
shifts to help with the rent,
and, uh, to give her
something to hope for.
Uh, they were
saving up for a little fixer-upper
somewhere quiet with a garden,
away from this, away from everything.
Destro's not in his office,
but they say he's here.
What floor, Vince?
I want to check it out.
Uh, a few months after that,
um, even Jeff started to break.
What happened?
Same as corrie
same as a lot of us.
He started, um, talking
about memory flashes.
His dreams were just
more violence.
So he didn't want to sleep,
and then he couldn't sleep,
and then he didn't know
if he was asleep or awake.
Um, and then his numbers
started going down.
And that's when Destro fired him?
Yeah. Two months ago.
Was there any mental
health supports at work?
Yeah, you could visit the "fun room"
and play mini golf,
if you needed a reset.
Other than that,
you were given a pep
talk about being a hero.
I am so sorry to ask this, but
why do you stay?
I thought it was a
a foothold into something better.
I'm alone with my three-year-old.
But it just keeps
getting harder, you know?
When I go home, all I want to do
is hold my little girl,
um, but when I look at her,
all I can see are all those other kids.
[GILLIAN] Inspector?
I've run employee records.
What have we got?
Three more deaths by suicide
in the last two years.
I'm in Darryl Destro's office.
I don't think he left voluntarily.
we've located the suspect vehicle
abandoned on 65th two blocks away.
I've got exterior CCTV. Hang on.
Grey sweatshirt, black pants
entering the rear door 20 minutes ago.
He's already in the building.
Call off the BOLO. The
gunman's in the building.
[SABRINA] Jeff's likely
experiencing sleep deprivation,
intrusive thoughts,
post-traumatic stress.
His extreme response to being filmed,
- it's starting to make sense.
- Understood,
but regardless of
what he's experiencing,
if he becomes an immediate threat
Yes, we'll do our best to de-escalate,
but first, we need to locate him.
Lila, we can't find Jeff, or Darryl.
Can you think of anywhere in
the building they may have gone?
Pfft, no.
The videos that you mentioned
we found the same content
on Jeff's computer.
Can you think of why he
would expose himself to that,
or why he would take that material home?
He couldn't have.
The entire system is a firewalled LAN.
There are no ports for flash drives,
no way to copy a file,
and all of the offending
videos are permanently purged
every 24 hours.
Sabrina, ask her how that works.
How does the purging work?
The videos are sent, hardwired,
to a black box server
that's all I know.
Okay. That's where they'd be stored
for "wiping"
with industrial-scale
data-sanitation software.
That is a multiple-pass purge
that nothing could survive.
Who has access to the black box?
Only Darryl. Uh, it's in the basement.
We're heading to the basement.
You're with us.
She did it with this.
[SOBS] Right in the chest.
You know what that looks like?
No. No. Right. Of course you don't.
You have people for that.
Jeff? Buddy?
I am so sorry to hear about Corrie.
Come on! Where is it?
The server room is locked.
It's Bluetooth.
Gillian, can you help?
Get me the make and model.
She wouldn't go outside anymore.
She'd see a street corner, a a child,
she'd see the blood, bodies
even when she looked at me, Darryl.
When she looked at me,
it'd put her right back here, and
so, she just she couldn't anymore.
Oh, I shouldn't have told her.
I never should have told her!
What do you mean? Told her what?
Take me to the black box.
If I take you
what are you gonna do?
You gonna let me go?
Show me the black box.
Gillian, the explicit
videos on Jeff's laptop
is there any way to
find out how he got them?
Uh, yeah, hang on a sec, I
gotta send Luke a door hack.
The app she sent me lets me bluejack it
by spoofing Darryl's cell signal.
Stay at the door.
"Bluejack". That's cool.
When did you learn to speak "Gillian"?
Okay, if Jeff purchased the videos,
they probably all have the same vendor.
That's the thing about
paying on the dark web
You use a crypto-wallet.
We can track them through that.
You've been paying
attention, grasshopper.
When was Jeff let go?
- Two months ago.
- [TO SELF] Two months ago
And the only person with access
to the black box server is Darryl?
Gillian, when did Jeff
start emailing Darryl
and buying the videos?
Two months ago.
Thank you so much. This officer
will show you where to go.
New deal! New deal!
Darryl may be the threat!
[KARA] Copy.
Here it is.
Why are you looking for the black box?
Because it's not working.
The same videos I already flagged
are still out there.
All of this what we do
you said we were heroes
but it's been for nothing!
- [DARRYL] What do you mean?
- I'm trying to tell you.
- Sorry, Jeff.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- They're being sold!
- They're what?
I have proof!
Why didn't you answer my emails?
I didn't get any emails.
Open it.
Open the case.
I can't. I don't have the key.
[DARRYL] Jeff, what
are you trying to do?
Tucker. Tucker!
[DARRYL] Jeff, stop it.
Jeff, for god's sake!
[JEFF] Something is wrong!
You need to tell me what's going on
and we need to stop it!
[DARRYL] What's wrong, Jeff?
[SABRINA] I'm with you, Vince!
[DARRYL] You're going through something.
Let's step away.
[DARRYL] What are you looking for?
There's a leak.
The footage is getting out somehow.
I'm trying to take that
shit down on my own.
I've been telling you for weeks!
What the hell is this?
That's it.
This is how it's getting out.
This was you?
- Gun!
- Drop your weapon!
Help me!
Back away!
Back away right now!
- Stay. Stay.
- Down! Stay down!
Hands where I can see them!
I said, down!
Hey, stay down!
I said, hands where I can see them!
On your knees and your face down.
Stay down!
I got you!
Sabrina, I
I think he
We need an EMT! EMT asap.
Stay with me, okay? You did good!
- [VINCE] We got you, buddy.
- You saved a life!
[VINCE] Keep pressing. Keep pressing.
- Stay with me, okay?
- Harder, harder, harder.
EMT! EMT! We need an EMT!
Stay with me! You did good!
[VINCE] EMT! Where are you?
[ROARS] We need an EMT!
[SABRINA] I've asked permission
for Lila to be with you
a little while.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
[TEARFULLY] I miss corrie.
The way
her eyes would
the way the way she looked at me.
I would give everything
Jeff, I know what you
had to look at every day.
I know what you did for her,
what you sacrificed, to protect her.
I understand that.
You did everything you could.
And we are gonna do
something about that.
It was not all for nothing.
Luke's still in the O.R.
Probably won't know
anything until morning.
Thanks, Vince.
Okay. Let's go talk to Darryl.
Inspector degas, can I take this one?
I mean, he-he was
threatening me with a gun
and he was mentally not all there
but I hope you'll be
able to give Jeff a break.
The way I see it, my
employees are heroes.
Just like cops, right?
Seeing the worst of the worst every day,
So others don't have to.
"Others" like you?
- Pardon?
- Are you a hero too?
Or do you sleep okay at night?
How's business?
I mean, yeah
we're the top performer in the province.
And since the world uploads
about 500 new hours
of video every minute,
things should continue to grow.
What about your sideline?
The flash drive ports
you hid in the black box.
After your employees flag
the worst of what they see,
you download it, just
before the daily purge.
We've tracked your crypto trail.
Expansion costs money,
and your dark web sales
are making more than
your legit operations.
Jeff was this close
to connecting the dots.
He was going to shoot me.
[KARA] You took his gun.
You tried to shoot him.
- That was self-defence.
- Not with police present.
And then you tried to kill him again,
but constable tucker got in between you.
You slashed his aorta.
He's fighting for his life right now.
That wasn't self-defence. Okay?
That was the attempted murder
of a potential whistle-blower,
you sick piece of shit.
You are so
Get him out of my sight!
Get him outta here.
I'm headed to the
hospital to check on Luke.
I'll join you the second
my paperwork's done.
I'm gonna suggest to Lila
that she and corrie's parents
might team up with the other employees
for a class-action suit.
Either way, it's the end of
the road for Darryl Destro.
He was right about one thing, though.
Those people are heroes.
Facing humanity's darkest secrets
Yeah. Just so we can all
safely watch cat videos.
I haven't, uh, seen you around lately.
Yeah, I had a vacation coming,
and figured it might be a good time
to fly under the radar.
Right. About that, I
I think the less we talk about that
the better.
Uh Give me a sec?
What's going on?
We just lost Luke Tucker.
Should I get away ♪
Previously, on allegiance
Mr. Ajeet Sohal?
You are under arrest for treason.
You want to make sure that a
progressive guy's out of the running
As a potential P.M
You tap into the best available cliche
and let prejudice do the rest.
What's max found out about their case?
Apparently, some kind of show-stopper.
It's been sealed.
I got what you asked for
A screen shot of the
evidence lock-up sign-in.
Our country's at the tipping point
and this liberal "Sohal"
wants to open up the floodgates
to all the human waste of the world.
Is this you?
Or is this what you've had to drink?
I have access to the
assistant crown's laptop,
but I don't have much time.
- Got it. I'm in. Now what?
- [ISHAAN] Copy it.
Are you suggesting
that Sergeant Gabinksi
planted incriminating evidence
- in your father's briefcase?
- Yes.
There will be an investigation.
It will be internal.
Gabby's been put on indefinite leave.
All charges against Minister
Sohal have been dropped.
Can you tell us why?
[SABRINA] It couldn't
have been just you.
Maybe someone was using you.
Please tell me who
did this to my father.
[SABRINA] I've gotta walk in
there like everything's fine,
I've got to look him in the face?
There's got to be a way
And I'll find it if there is.
He has to be held accountable.
A guy who frames you,
who plants evidence,
who makes sure the press is
there to capture your arrest
there's no way that man gets
to stay assistant commissioner.
I mean, he should be in jail.
He should. He will.
But how do we open that can of
worms without implicating you
And your brother
And Nate, and Gillian?
You pull on one string
Until we find a way to do it right,
we have to keep it quiet.
How did it go with the mayor?
Ah, thrilled I'm back.
Wants an increase in
surrey housing initiatives.
Business as usual.
And there's a lot to be said for that.
How's it feeling?
Ah, not bad, for two weeks.
Pappa, you've got a lot lined up.
Let me take a cab to the detachment,
- save you the trip.
- No, no, no, no.
I missed your first day last time.
It's not happening again.
I am so damn proud of you.
[MAN] Corrie! Open the door!
- Let me in!
- Go away.
[MAN] I'm coming in!
- No
- Let me in!
Don't! Please!
Don't! Please!
[MAN] Unlock the door
'cause either way, I'm coming in!
Just leave me alone!
Just unlock the door!
- [SOBS] No!
[WOMAN] Sohal!
- Thanks.
- Oh, hey
Oh, um
Yeah, uh
Sorry, I should, uh
- Yeah, I should too.
- [TERSELY] Yeah.
Thank you.
Hey. Thought you were gonna be late.
Matcha latte. Am I
late? I'm not late, am I?
- "detective constable."
Keep it around your neck,
or your new pals in serious crimes
will look right through you.
Let's go.
Good morning.
Some of you have met Sabrina Sohal.
For those who haven't, she's a probie.
She's got six months to prove that
the excellent work she did on the
Farley and Gruen files weren't flukes.
Today's her first day in the field.
Tell me this isn't the part
where you ask for volunteers.
Now, why wouldn't you want to volunteer?
She got you your confession
on the Fletcher file.
She made you look good.
But, no, you're off the
hook. She's with me today,
and starting soon,
she'll be with detective
corporal Zak Kalaini.
That the new guy from Calgary?
He's new to you he's got five years,
and a closure record over 80.
He'll up this detachment's game.
I thought we were already fully staffed?
Well, he became available,
and I jumped on it.
Oh, he-he "became available."
- Right.
- Why's he using air quotes?
[BOLTON] Assistant commissioner.
Sorry to interrupt.
Dianne's gonna be in touch
about setting a meeting
- this afternoon, if you can do it.
- Yes, sir.
Constable Sohal.
Her six-month probation in
serious crimes begins today.
She excelled in three
cases as a constable.
The "three strikes
and you're in" program.
You trained under Brambilla, right?
That's right.
Your father must be proud.
- How's he doing?
- He's recovering well, sir.
Heading back to Ottawa soon.
I'm so glad to hear it.
- This afternoon, then?
- Sir.
[KARA] Okay, everybody
Passerby heard raised voices
male and female and then a gunshot.
The shooter might still be inside?
Yeah, and a potential victim.
2623's still five minutes
out. You're my back-up.
Command? 6103.
I need priority air for the entry.
The suspect might still
be inside the house.
Front door's ajar!
[DISPATCH] Copy, 6103.
[KNOCKING] Police!
Show yourself!
Clear the rest of the house.
[LUKE] Upstairs is clear.
- House clear?
- [LUKE] Clear!
Command, we need EMT.
Female gunshot victim.
No vital signs.
Suspect is not in the house.
[GILLIAN] Copy that.
EMT en route. I'll
notify serious crimes.
Inspector degas.
Detective constable.
[KARA] Morning.
A passerby heard
Sounds of an argument, then
gunshots coming from the residence.
Tucker and I were first on scene.
Front door was ajar,
signs of forced entry
from the rear door.
- Our victim?
- 30s, female.
- We're checking with the landlord.
- Thanks, Luke.
Let's see if someone saw something.
Hey, uh, this weekend
- you, me, Gillian, beers?
- Sure.
Should I get a table for three,
or does that badge need its own seat?
Okay, now you're buying.
- Hey.
- Hey, hey.
- Who's this?
- Sabrina Sohal. Six-month probie.
"Sohal," as in the minister who just
The same. Yes.
Tenille Daniels, coroner.
- How old is she?
- Technically, you're not allowed to ask that.
Technically, I'm not her employer.
Well, I am 27 and three-quarters.
[SNICKERING] I love it!
Let's go, sister. Gloves and boots.
What do you see?
Multiple deadbolts. Windows covered.
She could be Scared of someone?
Hiding from someone?
What else?
[SABRINA] There's clothes everywhere
Empty bottles, but no glasses.
Suggesting maybe she's drinking alone?
Alcohol dependency?
Want to turn the body?
Burns to the chest wound indicate
close, but not firm
contact with the firearm.
Time of death likely
within the last hour
consistent with the 9-1-1 call.
No sign of a weapon?
Mm-mm. I'm 95% it's small-arms.
I'll know more when I get her back.
[KARA] You okay?
It's okay to not be okay.
Tell me what else you see.
Well, old-school landline
There's no TV in the living room,
Which is odd, considering
the tech diploma on the wall.
We should look for a computer.
Doesn't look like she's
left the house for a while.
Struggling to sleep?
Yeah. Possibly.
Let's get a good look
at the rest of the house.
The landlord says her
name is Corrie Raijik.
She's quiet, low-maintenance.
He didn't have a lot
of interaction with her,
but the rent payments
became late and then stopped.
Mm. She didn't have
any food in the house,
but she spent money on
alcohol and sleep supplements,
Possibly self-medicating.
She had a tech degree,
but no computer, no cell.
Did the landlord mention a partner?
- Negative.
- She must've been scared of something.
Multiple deadbolts
some of them are new.
Yeah, we saw a knife beside the bed.
Yeah, we saw that.
Just trying to help.
Uh, well, I'm gonna
wrap up with Tenille.
We'll work the neighbourhood.
Any sign of the weapon?
No, but it's likely a handgun.
Let's grid the immediate area,
- bring in as many cars as we can.
- Copy that.
Looking for witnesses
possible handgun.
I'm gridding off north Cloverdale,
184th to 188th.
I've got next of kin
Colin and Camilla Raijik.
Sending you the address.
I'd like you to handle the notify.
See what they can give us.
Vince, you go with her?
It's her first time. I'll
ride back in a squad car.
- You bet. Yeah.
- I'll follow behind?
No. Uh, tucker, you join
the door-knock and search.
Need all the eyes we can.
Hey, what's with the
Oh, my hip.
When they say you
shouldn't slide into first,
maybe you should listen.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Sure.
Doc says it might be
time to go bionic anyway.
Where you been?
Uh, degas got me locked
up, studying handbooks.
Oh I still remember the moment
"digital evidence and
forensic science
a very short introduction."
300 pages of "introduction".
The moment I knew I
would always wear a uniform.
Well, sarge stripes look good on you.
Oh, thanks.
How's Helena dealing
with the non-retirement?
Next question.
For real how you doing?
I don't want to let anyone down.
Who're you lettin' down?
I am the first woman from my community
in serious crimes.
Mm! I'm the first guy from Guildford
to make staff sergeant.
I don't see you letting anyone down.
This is one of those times
where the manual comes in handy.
The script'll keep you steady.
Right now, the next 10 minutes
it's all about what corrie needs.
- Hey, Vince?
- Yeah?
I'm glad you stuck around.
I've got 50 officers on my watch now.
Don't go thinking I have all
the time in the world for you.
Uh, I'm so sorry to ask
is that corrie?
It was taken two years ago.
She'd just graduated from Verlaine Tech.
She just got a good job
She said it was a dream job.
And, uh
who's this?
Her boyfriend?
They met at work.
He was a nice boy funny.
What happened?
She stopped calling us.
We found out months after,
she'd left her job
broke up with Jeff.
She wouldn't talk about why.
She just stopped talking at all.
When was the last time you spoke?
three months ago.
How would you describe
her relationship with Jeff?
Do you think he had
something to do with this?
We're just seeking
information, at this point.
Do you have a last name for Jeff?
Maybe an address?
It's, uh Bradmore.
If you think he had
something to do with it
Do you hear that?
Command, we're going in!
Jeff Bradmore!
Show yourself!
What can you tell me about these videos?
Looks like torture
Stuff you can't unsee.
Can we trace where the
material was sourced?
Uh, likely tor the dark web.
The files were running as
a batch when they arrived,
so I'm trying a cold-boot
attack to get back in.
This guy's got a tech background,
and his stuff's encrypted.
The videos suggest an
extreme appetite for violence.
He might have crossed
the threshold today,
between watching and doing.
All right.
I want reports from all units,
areas covered, CCTV pulled.
Let's set up some checkpoints.
Uh, he doesn't have a vehicle, sir.
Doesn't mean he can't find one.
What'd you get on him?
Uh, his neighbours didn't know him.
He's as reclusive as corrie was.
No family in town.
He's self-medicating too,
but where she's trying to sleep,
he's trying to stay awake
Energy drinks, caffeine pills.
- And they met at work?
- Yeah, that's right.
Uh Syft Integrity.
His boss's name was Darryl Destro.
[DARRYL] I was sorry to see corrie go.
She quit about six months ago.
I wish my work had all of this.
Ah! Heh. We call it the "fun room".
It's a place for my people
to chill on their break.
Well, why did corrie quit?
A lot of young, educated
people are drawn to this work.
Surrey's a rising global tech hub,
and this is an exciting
on-ramp opportunity.
But the job's demanding,
the hours can be long
we operate around the clock.
I guess it was more
than she bargained for.
And what is it that you do here?
We're a tech company.
Growing fast, hoping to
fill these offices soon.
What kind of tech?
I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES]
I'm used to seeing eyes glaze over.
Other tech companies
outsource their, um, internet
and data curation to us.
Their "internet curation"?
Can you be more specific?
We make sure their brand
quality is assured online.
And w-what kind of brands?
W-what kind of quality?
We've got some pretty
high-end accounts.
Um, NDA types, I'm afraid.
You're not free to say?
Can you tell me about
another employee
Jeff Bradmore?
Yeah he was one
of our top performers.
I was really sorry to let him go.
And when was this?
Couple months ago?
And why did you let him go?
So, we're incentive-based,
and he started working double shifts.
I don't encourage a lot of
that, but he was into it.
If if I'm honest, he,
um, got a little intense,
maybe A little burned out.
I told him maybe some time
away might do him good,
and, hey, my door's always
open, if he wants a reset.
And have you heard from him lately?
No, I haven't.
May I ask what this is about?
Yeah, he's of interest in
an ongoing investigation.
I'd appreciate if you could
send me a list of employees
who know Jeff, or corrie,
and if you hear from him,
If you could let me know immediately.
Of course.
Hey, gill?
[GILLIAN] Any updates?
Yeah, I'm hitting a wall here.
Any luck getting into Jeff's laptop?
Uh, no.
I've got access to the video files,
but not much else.
There's no contact list.
He's got email, but
it's mime-encrypted.
I can try and trace
who he corresponds with,
but that's as far as it'll go.
How are we doing on the BOLO?
This is tucker.
Boxbury's clear.
I've hit the edge
of the grid limit. Where can I help?
Shots fired! Shots fired!
Northeast corner, millennium park!
[BOLTON] Listen up!
Let's get all available
uniforms to millennium park area.
We got a report of shots fired!
Stop filming!
I'm not a zoo animal!
Put your phones down!
Sir, drop your weapon! Do it now!
[JEFF] I said, get out!
Go on. Get outta here.
[LUKE] Put your weapon down!
Put down your phones!
Back off!
Stop filming!
Put your phones down! Stop filming me!
Sir! Drop the weapon! Right now!
Get out of the car!
- Do it right now!
- Get out of the car!
Get out.
Get out!
Sir, stop the vehicle! Stop right now!
the gunman has just jacked a vehicle.
Black Hyundai Tucson.
Plates 2, x-ray, 5, x-ray, mike, 5.
Suspect is male, white, 30s, bearded.
Black pants, grey sweatshirt!
Okay, everybody, stay where you are.
I need your cellphone
footage. You too. Come on.
[JEFF, ON VIDEO] The road
Hey! Hey!
Hey! You back up!
Did you see this?
- Back up!
- Look what you did!
How many witness videos?
Mm, two, so far, may be more coming in.
Any with a view of his face?
No. Nothing good yet. Hang on.
I ain't taking the insurance hit
'cause some guy's looking at his phone!
[JEFF] I was I wasn't
looking at a phone!
Hey. Asshole. You know what?
You're gonna pay for both of us!
Stop filming!
You said he didn't
actually shoot at anyone?
Not that I saw.
There were multiple shots fired,
- but no casualties.
- [JEFF] Stop it!
- Looks like warning shots.
- Freeze. Freeze it there
And line it up with a photo of Jeff.
[KARA] That's him. That's gotta be him.
What two years can do to a man
And I let him get away.
- Luke
- I let the killer get away.
Luke, what more would you have
done if you'd known it was him?
[BOLTON] Let's update that BOLO
murder suspect Jeff Bradmore
just carjacked a black Hyundai Tucson,
plate number 2,
x-ray, 5, x-ray, mike, 5.
CCTV on all major intersections
and access to highways.
He could be heading out of town.
He could be staying
local and going to ground.
I got that metadata on his email
subject and contents are encrypted,
but we can still see who
he was corresponding with
dates and times.
"D. Destro" Darryl
Destro, his ex-boss.
[GILLIAN] There's a lot of
emails in the last two months.
The last one being yesterday?
Did Destro ever respond?
No. Ghosted.
He denied any recent contact with Jeff.
Why would he lie?
His voicemail.
Gillian, pull up those maps.
Okay, if Jeff was on foot from corrie's,
through the park, to the carjacking
Yeah, he's headed southeast.
Toward Syft Integrity?
Looking for Darryl?
Workplace shootings are often
linked to domestic violence.
Okay, let's not wait to find out.
We need to secure Syft Integrity, asap.
Okay, mobilize additional units
to Syft Integrity, Virsa Tech Park
reporting to staff-sergeant Brambilla.
Right behind you.
- Luke
- I'm gonna make this right.
No. You did nothing wrong.
You would have known what to say.
Uh I'll head there too,
see if I can track down Darryl Destro.
Tenille's on her way
up with autopsy reports.
There's something we need to hear.
Cause of death
close-contact gunshot
wound to the chest.
Ammo's nine-mil, 124-grain.
That's consistent with the
gun that Jeff's carrying.
Also, the victim had
a 0.09 alcohol level.
This was before nine A.M.
That aligns with the liquor bottles.
And the body exhibited
signs of malnourishment,
low white blood cell count,
a severely impaired immune system.
Okay, well, corrie's parents mentioned
that she had isolated herself.
She may have been
struggling with depression.
Right. So
close-to-firm contact,
and the angle of the
bullet's trajectory
It's angled up.
D-did you check her hands for GSR?
Her hands were positive.
Gillian, run corrie's name
through the gun registry.
Uh, she's a registered
owner of a Beretta 92.
That's a match.
Patch in Vince.
Vince, we just got an
update from Tenille
Corrie's gunshot wound
was self-inflicted.
She took her own life?
Yeah, right in front of Jeff.
So, breaking into corrie's house
might've been him trying
to save her, not kill her.
Explains why he left his place
so fast, left the door open
and how agitated he was.
Agitated enough to open fire in public.
At the carjacking,
he was triggered by people filming him.
[KARA] Tech-averse, yet tech-savvy
he's just like Corrie
w-what does that mean?
What exactly does Syft Integrity do?
[SIGHS] Internet curation.
Protecting high-profile
clients' "brand integrity."
I tried to get more, but he cited NDAs.
I'll get a court order.
Wait. Corrie's parents liked him.
She and Jeff were happy
to get jobs in tech,
but she quit and spiraled.
So, Jeff's been reaching
out to his ex-boss daily.
Does he somehow blame
integrity for her depression?
He could be emotionally primed
for a revenge scenario
against his boss, his workplace?
Okay. Uh, Vince, priorities
when you get there
evac all employees
and find Darryl Destro.
- We're on our way.
- Copy that!
This is sergeant Brambilla.
All units heading to Syft
Integrity no sirens.
Park your vehicles out of view,
so as not to alert the suspect.
You know what doesn't square?
The videos we found on Jeff's computer.
Any sign of the Tucson?
We're gonna clear the
building one floor at a time.
We have a photo of our man.
If he's here, we do not
want to escalate him.
We're clearing civilians
through the north door.
We have permission to secure them
in the building next to us.
Command, do we have ears and eyes
inside the building?
Building has exterior CCTV only.
I'm working on getting access.
You two, that way.
You two, doors.
Can I have your attention, please?
Everybody? Headphones off!
- Everybody!
- Headphones off!
- Attention right now!
- Headphones off!
Thank you!
My name is sergeant
Brambilla, with the CFPC.
Has anyone seen Jeff Bradmore today?
- Jeff Bradmore?
- No?
Have you seen Jeff Bradmore today?
Jeff Bradmore?
All right, I need you
to evacuate the building.
Leave your personal items behind.
Follow my officers in
a calm, quiet manner.
That's it.
Follow the officers. Calmly!
Outside the building.
Thank you.
I've got officers stationed
on a rolling evac route,
to get people out quietly.
We still have a floor to clear.
- [KARA] Great.
- I saw her here earlier.
She looked upset.
But so far, no sign of
Jeff or Darryl Destro.
- Okay. Thanks, Vince.
- Yeah.
Excuse me?
Uh, Detective Constable Sohal.
Can we just step aside
here for a second?
What's going on? What happened to Jeff?
You know Jeff?
He's a friend.
When did you last see him?
Not for a couple of months.
What's going on? Is he okay?
Uh, I'm sorry. It's ?
Lila Gryling.
I'm Inspector Kara Degas.
We think that Jeff may
be heading over here,
and we're worried
about his mental state.
Did you know his partner, Corrie?
I'm so sorry to share this, but
Corrie passed away
earlier today by suicide.
Oh, god.
It just doesn't stop.
Wh what doesn't stop?
Uh, I'm sorry. W-we signed an NDA.
It's okay, we're in the
process of getting that waived.
[SABRINA] We need to know
what is going on with Jeff,
and we think it's
connected to this place.
You're a friend
I think you could help us.
Can you please tell us
what it is that you do here?
We're content moderators.
What does that mean?
We screen material that's
been flagged as "offensive"
on social media.
[LILA] They're making us watch
over a hundred videos a day
each video to the end
no matter what we're seeing.
If it violates the code of standards,
then we remove the material,
and send it for disposal.
Pay is tied
to streaks of consecutive
hours, times consecutive days.
W-what kind of material are we talking?
Child exploitation
sexual violence
um, violent extremism,
deaths on camera
My God.
[LILA] I-it's like a
revolving door around here
anxiety, sleep disorders,
depression, paranoia.
Sometimes, a colleague disappears.
We ask why, we don't
get a straight answer.
And now Corrie?
Gillian, are you copying this?
I am.
I want you to pull all the
employment records at Syft Integrity.
Run every name.
[GILLIAN] You got it.
Excuse me, everyone!
Your boss mentioned that
Jeff was a top performer.
[LUKE] Listen up!
- Headphones off.
- [VINCE] Thank you.
Has anyone seen Jeff Bradmore today?
Jeff Bradmore?
[LILA] After Corrie broke down
couldn't work, couldn't
leave the house
he started doing double
shifts to help with the rent,
and, uh, to give her
something to hope for.
Uh, they were
saving up for a little fixer-upper
somewhere quiet with a garden,
away from this, away from everything.
Destro's not in his office,
but they say he's here.
What floor, Vince?
I want to check it out.
Uh, a few months after that,
um, even Jeff started to break.
What happened?
Same as corrie
same as a lot of us.
He started, um, talking
about memory flashes.
His dreams were just
more violence.
So he didn't want to sleep,
and then he couldn't sleep,
and then he didn't know
if he was asleep or awake.
Um, and then his numbers
started going down.
And that's when Destro fired him?
Yeah. Two months ago.
Was there any mental
health supports at work?
Yeah, you could visit the "fun room"
and play mini golf,
if you needed a reset.
Other than that,
you were given a pep
talk about being a hero.
I am so sorry to ask this, but
why do you stay?
I thought it was a
a foothold into something better.
I'm alone with my three-year-old.
But it just keeps
getting harder, you know?
When I go home, all I want to do
is hold my little girl,
um, but when I look at her,
all I can see are all those other kids.
[GILLIAN] Inspector?
I've run employee records.
What have we got?
Three more deaths by suicide
in the last two years.
I'm in Darryl Destro's office.
I don't think he left voluntarily.
we've located the suspect vehicle
abandoned on 65th two blocks away.
I've got exterior CCTV. Hang on.
Grey sweatshirt, black pants
entering the rear door 20 minutes ago.
He's already in the building.
Call off the BOLO. The
gunman's in the building.
[SABRINA] Jeff's likely
experiencing sleep deprivation,
intrusive thoughts,
post-traumatic stress.
His extreme response to being filmed,
- it's starting to make sense.
- Understood,
but regardless of
what he's experiencing,
if he becomes an immediate threat
Yes, we'll do our best to de-escalate,
but first, we need to locate him.
Lila, we can't find Jeff, or Darryl.
Can you think of anywhere in
the building they may have gone?
Pfft, no.
The videos that you mentioned
we found the same content
on Jeff's computer.
Can you think of why he
would expose himself to that,
or why he would take that material home?
He couldn't have.
The entire system is a firewalled LAN.
There are no ports for flash drives,
no way to copy a file,
and all of the offending
videos are permanently purged
every 24 hours.
Sabrina, ask her how that works.
How does the purging work?
The videos are sent, hardwired,
to a black box server
that's all I know.
Okay. That's where they'd be stored
for "wiping"
with industrial-scale
data-sanitation software.
That is a multiple-pass purge
that nothing could survive.
Who has access to the black box?
Only Darryl. Uh, it's in the basement.
We're heading to the basement.
You're with us.
She did it with this.
[SOBS] Right in the chest.
You know what that looks like?
No. No. Right. Of course you don't.
You have people for that.
Jeff? Buddy?
I am so sorry to hear about Corrie.
Come on! Where is it?
The server room is locked.
It's Bluetooth.
Gillian, can you help?
Get me the make and model.
She wouldn't go outside anymore.
She'd see a street corner, a a child,
she'd see the blood, bodies
even when she looked at me, Darryl.
When she looked at me,
it'd put her right back here, and
so, she just she couldn't anymore.
Oh, I shouldn't have told her.
I never should have told her!
What do you mean? Told her what?
Take me to the black box.
If I take you
what are you gonna do?
You gonna let me go?
Show me the black box.
Gillian, the explicit
videos on Jeff's laptop
is there any way to
find out how he got them?
Uh, yeah, hang on a sec, I
gotta send Luke a door hack.
The app she sent me lets me bluejack it
by spoofing Darryl's cell signal.
Stay at the door.
"Bluejack". That's cool.
When did you learn to speak "Gillian"?
Okay, if Jeff purchased the videos,
they probably all have the same vendor.
That's the thing about
paying on the dark web
You use a crypto-wallet.
We can track them through that.
You've been paying
attention, grasshopper.
When was Jeff let go?
- Two months ago.
- [TO SELF] Two months ago
And the only person with access
to the black box server is Darryl?
Gillian, when did Jeff
start emailing Darryl
and buying the videos?
Two months ago.
Thank you so much. This officer
will show you where to go.
New deal! New deal!
Darryl may be the threat!
[KARA] Copy.
Here it is.
Why are you looking for the black box?
Because it's not working.
The same videos I already flagged
are still out there.
All of this what we do
you said we were heroes
but it's been for nothing!
- [DARRYL] What do you mean?
- I'm trying to tell you.
- Sorry, Jeff.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- They're being sold!
- They're what?
I have proof!
Why didn't you answer my emails?
I didn't get any emails.
Open it.
Open the case.
I can't. I don't have the key.
[DARRYL] Jeff, what
are you trying to do?
Tucker. Tucker!
[DARRYL] Jeff, stop it.
Jeff, for god's sake!
[JEFF] Something is wrong!
You need to tell me what's going on
and we need to stop it!
[DARRYL] What's wrong, Jeff?
[SABRINA] I'm with you, Vince!
[DARRYL] You're going through something.
Let's step away.
[DARRYL] What are you looking for?
There's a leak.
The footage is getting out somehow.
I'm trying to take that
shit down on my own.
I've been telling you for weeks!
What the hell is this?
That's it.
This is how it's getting out.
This was you?
- Gun!
- Drop your weapon!
Help me!
Back away!
Back away right now!
- Stay. Stay.
- Down! Stay down!
Hands where I can see them!
I said, down!
Hey, stay down!
I said, hands where I can see them!
On your knees and your face down.
Stay down!
I got you!
Sabrina, I
I think he
We need an EMT! EMT asap.
Stay with me, okay? You did good!
- [VINCE] We got you, buddy.
- You saved a life!
[VINCE] Keep pressing. Keep pressing.
- Stay with me, okay?
- Harder, harder, harder.
EMT! EMT! We need an EMT!
Stay with me! You did good!
[VINCE] EMT! Where are you?
[ROARS] We need an EMT!
[SABRINA] I've asked permission
for Lila to be with you
a little while.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
[TEARFULLY] I miss corrie.
The way
her eyes would
the way the way she looked at me.
I would give everything
Jeff, I know what you
had to look at every day.
I know what you did for her,
what you sacrificed, to protect her.
I understand that.
You did everything you could.
And we are gonna do
something about that.
It was not all for nothing.
Luke's still in the O.R.
Probably won't know
anything until morning.
Thanks, Vince.
Okay. Let's go talk to Darryl.
Inspector degas, can I take this one?
I mean, he-he was
threatening me with a gun
and he was mentally not all there
but I hope you'll be
able to give Jeff a break.
The way I see it, my
employees are heroes.
Just like cops, right?
Seeing the worst of the worst every day,
So others don't have to.
"Others" like you?
- Pardon?
- Are you a hero too?
Or do you sleep okay at night?
How's business?
I mean, yeah
we're the top performer in the province.
And since the world uploads
about 500 new hours
of video every minute,
things should continue to grow.
What about your sideline?
The flash drive ports
you hid in the black box.
After your employees flag
the worst of what they see,
you download it, just
before the daily purge.
We've tracked your crypto trail.
Expansion costs money,
and your dark web sales
are making more than
your legit operations.
Jeff was this close
to connecting the dots.
He was going to shoot me.
[KARA] You took his gun.
You tried to shoot him.
- That was self-defence.
- Not with police present.
And then you tried to kill him again,
but constable tucker got in between you.
You slashed his aorta.
He's fighting for his life right now.
That wasn't self-defence. Okay?
That was the attempted murder
of a potential whistle-blower,
you sick piece of shit.
You are so
Get him out of my sight!
Get him outta here.
I'm headed to the
hospital to check on Luke.
I'll join you the second
my paperwork's done.
I'm gonna suggest to Lila
that she and corrie's parents
might team up with the other employees
for a class-action suit.
Either way, it's the end of
the road for Darryl Destro.
He was right about one thing, though.
Those people are heroes.
Facing humanity's darkest secrets
Yeah. Just so we can all
safely watch cat videos.
I haven't, uh, seen you around lately.
Yeah, I had a vacation coming,
and figured it might be a good time
to fly under the radar.
Right. About that, I
I think the less we talk about that
the better.
Uh Give me a sec?
What's going on?
We just lost Luke Tucker.
Should I get away ♪