Allegiance (2024) s02e02 Episode Script
Mad About You
Previously, on Allegiance
Some of you have met Sabrina Sohal.
[KARA] Her six-month probation
in serious crimes begins today.
[SABRINA] It couldn't
have been just you.
Maybe someone is using you.
Please tell me who
did this to my father.
Your father must be proud.
- How's he doing?
- [SABRINA] He's recovering well, sir.
Heading back to Ottawa soon.
- Good.
- There's no way that man
gets to stay assistant commissioner.
[AJEET] But how do we
open that can of worms
without implicating
you and your brother?
Until we find a way to do it right,
we have to keep it quiet.
- Gun!
- Drop your weapon!
Back away!
Back away right now!
[LUKE] Sabrina, I think he
- Luke!
We need an EMT! EMT! South entrance!
- Stay with me, okay? You did good!
- [VINCE] We got you, buddy.
[NATE] What's going on?
We just lost Luke Tucker.
[IZZIE] You say I'm the one ♪
Now will you forgive
me, make it right ♪
And maybe ♪
In the dark I see ♪
The same starlight
that I found in me ♪
There's no war zone ♪
In this home I built ♪
And everyone knows ♪
How I truly feel ♪
Maybe ♪
Thank you.
Thank you. This next
song is a personal favourite.
It's a song about love
and loss.
There's something about ♪
The emptiness in your heart ♪
And there's something about ♪
The holiness of the stars ♪
Why can't you feel? ♪
Feel ♪
Feel how they dance ♪
He was so young
so eager
and less than a year out of the academy,
when he selflessly sacrificed his life
in service of another.
My heart is with you all
as we say goodbye to
a son,
a brother,
a fellow officer,
and a friend.
[AC CAMPBELL] Constable
Tucker represented
the CFPC's highest
standard of integrity,
both personally and professionally.
A proud embodiment
of the CFPC's long-held core values.
He served this city
this province, this country
with distinction and valour.
Thank you!
- Ohh
congrats, Fam! You ate that show.
When you remembered Dario's name,
I thought they were gonna melt down.
Yeah. Thanks for the heads-up.
I really need to get on my socials more.
[ASHLEE] Too right. You're welcome.
Ghost on socials, and
suddenly Fizzies become Swifties.
A lot of gifts. A lot
of people left outside.
Someone must've leaked
the concert address.
Cookies from up the river
for all your hard work.
[GABE] Here's all the sweetness I need.
Hello! I'm still in the room.
[IZZIE] Sorry, Ash.
What is it?
- [♪♪♪]
Oh, my God.
This just got real, Iz.
That's it. I'm calling it in.
[OPERATOR] 9-1-1.
What's your emergency?
How you doing?
I don't think it's sunk in yet.
It can't be real.
He can't be gone.
He's not, though, right?
We keep them close.
It's all we can do.
And I'm here.
You know that.
- Yeah, I know that.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Right. Come on.
[KARA] Can I get your attention, please?
I'd like to introduce you to
Detective Corporal Zak Kalaini,
joining us from Calgary.
You may know his work
the Belview trafficking ring,
the Morrison triple homicide
Kalaini's closure rate is exceptional.
You may also know him as
[BLURTS] No, they
don't. They really don't.
" The Zak-hammer".
Okay. Second-shift officers
briefing room in five.
Sohal? Your new partner.
- Hey. Uh, nice to meet you.
- Same.
Sabrina's our newest
probie into serious crimes,
and, as I said,
she knows surrey inside and out,
so she'll help you get
the lay of the land.
This is Vince Brambilla, staff sergeant.
- How you doing?
- Pleasure.
Inspector, that ongoing harassment case
against Izzie Sinclair
It escalated to a death threat.
And so now it's ours?
I'd like you two on this with Vince.
Izzie Sinclair, the singer?
Yeah. We've had a file
on her for six months.
The threat was delivered in person
deadline for tomorrow morning.
Okay, you'll bring them up to speed?
- Sure.
- Great.
Thanks, Kara.
Wheels up, Chen! You're
riding with me today.
Izzie Sinclair she's
getting to be a big deal?
She was already a big deal.
She just blew up last year,
after she was followed by
Billie Eilish and Greta Thunberg.
Yeah. She's got a
pretty committed fanbase.
That's right. "The Fizzies".
What? I'm not that old.
She's also an activist, right?
Yeah. She's at a rehearsal
studio in West Newton.
- Well, cool. We'll meet you there.
- Okay.
So have you settled in okay?
Sure. Took about 20 minutes.
I don't own a lot of stuff.
Why surrey?
Family? Our fabulous food scene?
Come on! Look around.
Spectacular mountains.
Sunsets over the pacific.
A chance to keep the peace
in North America's
fastest-growing city.
Serious crimes weren't serious
enough for you in Calgary?
This is the country's
biggest detachment.
I just wanted to be where
the need is greatest.
Surrey's need for you was that great?
Yes. It was.
And Kara thought we'd make a good team.
So, on top of her singing career,
Izzie Sinclair is all about a
campaign to "stop the spray".
Yeah, I've seen her
protests on the news.
There's a company here
called Northveld Timber.
They've filed a
cease-and-desist against her.
Guess she got under their skin.
Yeah, and unfortunately for them,
she's a seriously gifted singer.
Her song "Home to You" is catchy A.F.
You're into pop music?
Well, would you judge me if I were?
To answer a question with a question
that's classic evasion.
Do you profile all your new partners?
Hey, I'm sorry.
You just lost a partner, and
here I am, cracking jokes.
No, we weren't partners.
Just good friends.
We were at the academy
together this time last year.
But still it's gotta be hard.
Yeah. You You take it on, you know?
Try to honour what he did, right?
Wanna drive?
[ZAK] Sergeant Brambilla?
Izzie's inside. I'll assign
a protection detail.
Any security cams?
No, but we'll check
with local businesses.
All right, let's ask and see if
anyone saw anything suspicious.
Thanks, Vince.
Izzie, can you think of anyone
who might want to hurt you?
Uh, I I touched it.
That's okay. Was there
a sheath on the knife?
Uh, Vince? The package
was in a red gift bag.
Can you check if anyone
outside saw who brought
it in or handed it off?
Is anything specific
happening tomorrow morning?
No. The private concert was today.
No one saw who brought this in?
It was a small gathering
of invite-only, vetted fans,
but somebody leaked the location,
and a bunch of Fizzies brought gifts.
All right, we'll need a
list of the vetted fans,
and any of the other
Fizzies who showed up,
if you have their names.
Tell us about Northveld Timber.
[IZZIE] Northveld Timber?
They're basically climate criminals.
I called them out for
spraying glyphosate
over an area where birds
and wildlife were at risk.
All that's left now are pine trees,
which are super-flammable.
And people wonder why we're
having so many wildfires.
It's messed up.
I gave Northveld hell
and they clapped back,
so my fans took the battle
to the front door with a protest.
But she did everything
she could to call them off.
But companies like them
need to be held accountable.
People look the other
way because it's usually
indigenous communities
that pay the price.
Our dad was a tree-planter.
He was constantly exposed
to these chemicals.
He died from non-hodgkin
lymphoma two years ago.
My grandfather's suffering with it now.
He was exposed too, for years.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Yeah, we've assigned
you a security detail,
and we'll need you to stay inside,
until we know more, okay?
Well, the police haven't exactly rallied
to our community's defence in the past.
I hear you.
Got it. Thanks.
No luck finding who brought the package,
but Dario here
said their arm was broken
at a peaceful Northveld Timber protest
last week, when this man
Forcibly removed them.
They sent me this.
Northveld's security guy?
I know him. Hudson Suarez.
He's got a record for a
series of violent assaults.
He's currently on parole.
You want me to reach out
to his probation officer,
see if he's willing to
come in for a statement?
Yeah, great. Izzie's sister's
gonna text the guest list
along with the names of any
other fans outside she recognized.
I'll ask Gillian to run them
for contact info and
any potential priors.
- Okay.
- Thanks, Vince.
- Hey, Chen!
- Sarge?
You're on protection detail.
You stay vigilant. You
keep your eyes on Izzie.
You go where she goes. You got it?
Copy that.
Mr. Suarez.
Says here you're a "regional
risk management consultant"
for Northveld Timber.
What kind of work is that?
Your probation officer agreed
it might be a good idea
to clear some things up.
Oh, does she know you broke a kid's arm?
I assume your boss knew you had
a record for assault, though, right?
He set you loose on those kids?
To scare 'em off? Hmm?
Did your boss get you to deliver
a death threat to Izzie Sinclair?
threatening to kill someone
courts don't take that lightly
and given your situation,
being on parole
you owe yourself a
shot at a better future.
How's that?
Share what you know.
Clearly, your boss hired you
for your skill set and expertise.
He needed your help in
protecting the company's interests.
Did he ask you to deliver a
gift to Izzie Sinclair today?
I don't know anything
about a death threat or any gift.
I was paid to consult on security
when Northveld Timber
started getting harassed
by that singer and her fans.
I ended up in a situation
where I was forced to
secure the property.
I could do the job or lose the job.
[ZAK] Nice "good cop" spiel.
I was trying to help him see
how to do the right thing.
Right! Connecting.
Seeing into his soul.
I heard that's your thing.
- My "thing"?
- Hey.
Anything from the security guard?
Well, either he doesn't
know about the threat
or he is a very skilled liar.
He's a violent offender
and Northveld's hiding
him on their books
as a risk-management consultant.
We may need to go
higher up the food chain
- to get answers.
- Okay, well,
Gillian's going through the
security footage from this morning.
If Suarez was anywhere near
Izzie's rehearsal studio,
she'll find him.
We're heading to Northveld
to shake the tree.
Great. Let me know what falls out.
Will do.
I'll meet you outside.
Oh, hey, sweetheart.
You okay?
Did you hear his speech?
At Luke's memorial going
on about CFPC "integrity"?
You were just shaking his hand.
Right. Well, we all have roles to play,
especially if he's
gonna remain where he is.
What are you saying?
I've gone over it from
every angle, Sabrina.
There's no legal way to
bring Campbell to justice
without also incriminating you
and everyone involved.
- No.
- Obstruction of justice,
theft of classified
material, breach of trust
If the case becomes
public, it could mean
10 years in prison for you.
Does Campbell know
that we know it's him?
All he knows is that
you, somehow, found out the
sealed evidence was fake,
and that Gabinski planted it.
So, this is where it ends?
Gabby told me
the night that his
son tried to kill you,
that there are people on this force
who don't want a person
who thinks like you,
a person who looks like you,
being a part of running their country.
And they're not the only ones.
How do we know that
they're not gonna try again?
We just let it go?
No, we don't let it go.
I'm gonna support the
fight on domestic terror,
on extremist fringes like the I.O.H.,
and I will do that
we will do that
from within our jobs
legally, this time.
[ASHLEE] It's gonna slay.
She's just finishing the lyrics.
[IZZIE] I can't believe you did that!
I can't even look at
you! We're done. Get out.
- Go!
- 'Kay. Gotta go, talk tomorrow.
- What was that about?
- We're done.
He's out and I'm going solo.
What what happened?
I can't even give me the phone!
W-what are you doing?
Posting that shit.
I'm done with him.
Looks like the Fizzies have been busy.
Yeah, yeah, she set
her fans on my building
like a pack of wild dogs.
I've been here all day,
trying to track someone
down to repair my window.
Thing is, Mr. Weldon,
Izzie's life was threatened today,
and we know your company
has beef with her, so.
You think it was me?
I mean, if anybody needs
police protection
I hear you, man
you're just trying to run a business.
Um, did you call in
to report this damage?
You think I want my
insurance to skyrocket?
Right? Right! So, uh, not because
your risk-management consultant,
Hudson Suarez, broke a protester's arm?
The kid fell off his ladder
after defacing my building.
I'm the one who's suffering here.
We just lost a $21-million
logging contract
because of her tree-hugging propaganda.
We do everything by the book,
so, until I hear differently,
it'll be business as usual.
Does "business as usual"
mean hiring consultants
with a criminal record?
I'm not aware of anyone
with a criminal record.
And how long has Hudson
Suarez been working for you?
He's a contractor. He's outsourced.
From where? BC Pen?
We do everything above-board here.
Aw, cut the shit.
You're a dickhead who hired a thug.
- You knew exactly what you were doing.
- Hey! If you guys did your job
All good!
Thank you for your time.
Interesting interview style.
Ah, float like a butterfly
Sting like a bee?
Is that your thing?
We knew he wanted Izzie silenced.
Now we also know he's trying to cover up
sketchy business practices,
lying about his staffing, payroll.
Yeah, what else is he hiding?
Let's get a look at the books.
I'll call the assistant crown.
Ahem. Congrats on the promotion.
So, listen.
I've been doing a lot of
thinking since your dad,
at the hospital, and, uh
I've made the decision to come forward
about my path to sobriety.
I've just asked Bolton to
consider a pardon for my D.U.I.
The union's fighting
for a return to duty
on probation
demoted to constable.
I want to earn back
the trust of the CFPC.
That includes you.
And I was hoping
that we could continue
our conversation from the hospital.
My son's in remand.
He's been teamed up with a mentor
from "life after hate,"
which he's committed
to seeing through, so
we're holding up our end of things
My father's drafted his victim statement
so that consideration will
be given in will's sentence,
to his "extensive and unfortunate
exposure to online hate."
And he'll talk to the judge?
The letter is what we agreed on, Gabby.
Okay. Hey, hey.
What I told you about the
assistant commissioner
if this comes out, if
everything goes to trial
am I gonna get thrown under the bus?
It probably won't come to that.
- Wait, what are you saying?
- I gotta go.
- [MAN] Babe?
You okay?
Nope. Ahem. You?
I can't believe we'll never hear
his prairie-ass accent over the radio.
What was that thing he used to say?
"No road is too long "
"When you have great company."
Um I've
I've run the name of every
Fizzie on the guest list,
and none of them have
juvenile or criminal records.
Well, the only one with a record
who doesn't currently have an alibi
is Hudson Suarez.
Any sign of him on the
cams around the studio?
No. Nothing so far.
Uh, Nate's fast-tracking a
warrant for Northveld's books.
Can you watch out for it and
let us know what you find?
Yeah. Sure thing.
There's been a development.
The officer was supposed to be watching!
I was only gone for ten minutes!
I'm so sorry, Ashlee.
Izzie wasn't anywhere inside,
but her phone was on the floor.
She would never leave her phone!
Did you hear anything? Did
you see a car drive away?
You said she was safe.
You said you'd be watching!
[FORCEFULLY] Constable Chen!
- What happened?
- I was posted here, eyes on the studio.
- The singer's sister did a coffee run.
- And then?
I heard breaking glass
next door, then an alarm.
The studio was secure so I ran over
- But it wasn't secure.
- It was!
But the perpetrator
must've doubled back
when he saw me leave my post.
Did you hear anything?
No, the alarm was blaring.
What did you see next door?
It was just a rock through a window.
You hear the alarm, you call it in,
you secure your detail,
and you wait for backup.
We gave them our word
that we would protect them!
It is our job to keep them safe!
Detective Sohal.
I get you're angry, but
with all due respect
I should've called it in, sarge.
I'll deal with you in a minute.
Sabrina, come on.
This can't keep happening.
We have to do better. I hear you.
We'll find her.
Looks like she put up a fight.
Sabrina, Zak, we just got a look
at Northveld Timber's books.
Anything there?
Bogus consultants, like Hudson Suarez,
weren't the only things that stood out.
A $100,000 wire transfer
went from Northveld into Gabriel
cook's account two weeks ago.
Gabriel, her guitarist?
Making a deal with Randy Weldon?
Hey, Ashlee, where's Gabriel?
He left, before I went for coffee.
He and Izzie had an argument.
- About what?
- I couldn't hear,
but I've never heard them
fight that bad before.
What happened after they argued?
Gabriel stormed out, then
Izzie told me that they broke up,
but she wouldn't tell me why
just said she needed alone time.
But I knew it was real
'cause she posted about it.
Hmm. "This news is
giving major heartbreak.
- You're better off without him."
- Lots of offers to hook up.
Were Izzie and Gabriel
having issues before today?
No! They were tight.
What if she learned
that Gabriel might be
helping Northveld Timber?
Helping Northveld? Are you kidding?
No. There's no way.
Why would you even ask that?
I'm gonna need his number.
Where does he live?
In Cloverdale, with his grandfather.
He's not well enough to work.
Gabe's been taking care of him.
Okay, is there someone
who can be with you?
Our family's out of town,
but I can call our mom.
Good. Uh, please stay
inside for now, then.
Don't go anywhere
without a police escort.
So, randy offers Gabriel money
he can't afford to turn down.
Izzie learns he's a
sellout, they fight
Yeah, money to do what,
though? Send her a death threat?
I don't see it.
- Is he picking up?
- Mm-mm.
Maybe to shut her up?
Hi, command? We're heading
to the home of Gabriel cook.
He's just become a suspect
in Izzie's abduction.
Let me see what I can find on him.
But what's Northveld got to gain
by having him abduct her,
and why would he agree to do it?
Maybe you can do that thing
where you see into his soul.
Yeah, or we could
zak-hammer it out of him.
We're pulling footage for any trace
of Izzie at the time of her abduction.
What do we know about Gabriel cook?
Izzie and Gabriel have
been recording together
for two years, and as far as we know,
they haven't had any issues
before today's break-up.
Any unusual activity online?
Uh, he posted about the band
and some environmental causes
until about two weeks ago.
- Two weeks ago?
- He made his account private.
Stopped posting.
Two weeks ago
That lines up with his 100k payment
from Northveld. Maybe it was hush money?
Yeah, but to go from loving
partnership to death threats, abduction?
It seems like a leap.
- Say more?
- Izzie's abduction
came on the heels of
a specific threat
"dead by morning."
It was hand-delivered,
up-close and personal.
Gabriel could've slipped it in
with the rest of the gifts
Prints on the knife came back
not in the system, so, whoever it is,
they're a first-time offender.
- First-timers make mistakes.
- [ZAK] Good.
Easier to catch. Does
Gabriel have a record?
does not.
Let's run prints from
the knife against prints
found in the studio.
[VINCE] Command I have an update.
Go ahead, Vince.
Two things. To get the
first out of the way
we found the Fizzie who
brought in the knife,
but she said she carried it in
for a fan who had to stay outside
because he didn't make
the VIP guest list.
Is there a description?
She didn't get a good look at his face.
Tall, 20s, wearing a blue denim jacket.
I'll go through the footage.
What's the other update?
We found Gabriel.
90th and 123rd.
You need to get down here right away.
He lost a lot of blood, but he'll live.
EMTs say his injuries
suggest a hit-and-run.
The studio's three blocks away.
Which is why we missed him.
City waste collectors found
him behind the dumpsters.
He was lying there for a few hours.
- A few hours?
- Since the time Izzie was taken.
See these?
Okay, so, if
Gabriel was on his way
back to the studio
Came down the alley here,
saw Izzie in a stranger's
car coming toward him
Maybe he tried to block the car,
it stopped, and then it rams him,
he gets up blood there
too injured to get very far
- [ASHLEE] Gabriel!
- collapsing behind here.
I'm here, Gabe. You're gonna be okay.
I'll get her to the
hospital, see if he comes to.
He's seen Izzie's abductor.
We'll find the car that hit him.
[BOLTON] Okay! New deal.
All units, eyes peeled.
Izzie Sinclair's abductor
is an unknown male, described as tall,
wearing a denim jacket.
Struck a civilian
in a hit-and-run at 90th and 123rd.
Vehicle is unknown at present.
- Anything?
- No cameras.
But we got a positive I.D. On Gabriel.
The shop owner said he saw
him walk past the window,
heard some shouting, but
didn't think anything of it.
Well, we'll keep looking for footage
between here and the alley.
Maybe we'll get lucky
on a make and model.
It's a bold move abducting
someone in broad daylight.
Sohal was sure Gabriel was innocent.
She trusts her reads
on people, doesn't she?
It's how she got promoted.
Eh, she's got stuff to learn,
but I mean, don't
discount her instincts.
She'll follow them with or without you.
Is that right?
[CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah.
In my experience,
best to know what she's thinking.
Don't let them ignore us!
Take immediate action now!
Stop the spray in B.C.
This is before, and after, the spray.
It's sickening.
- Who's going to stop them if we don't?
- Oh, my god.
No wonder she's at battle stations.
Hey. How's Gabriel doing?
Uh, still unconscious his
grandfather's with him now,
so he'll let us know
as soon as he's awake.
This is Ashlee
Sinclair Izzie's sister.
Ah. Kara degas.
We're doing everything we can.
I thought maybe Ashlee
could help us understand
who might've done this.
Yeah, we've been looking
through Izzie's socials,
but even the haters don't
seem like credible threats.
The knife was hand-delivered,
so it had to be someone who
knew about the private concert.
How were Izzie's fans told about it?
It was only announced
to her paid "Fizzie forum" subscribers.
They had to be top-tier
fans and comment on the post.
Okay, eliminating all fans
who were not top tier
and didn't comment.
And live close enough to get to surrey.
[GILLIAN] That still
leaves roughly 50 profiles.
So, the fan who left it was described
as "male, late-20s".
That still leaves us with 27 profiles.
But eight of these link
back to the same user,
registered to a Sam Dauber,
24, male, currently living in surrey.
What kind of person creates
eight different profiles?
A fan turned stalker?
Ashlee, does he look familiar?
I don't recognize him, but the name
Five of his profiles were blocked.
Do you remember why you blocked him?
He DM'd,
and I responded as
Izzie, like I usually do,
but it became non-stop
and I couldn't keep up.
[ZAK] Command, we got it
CCTV footage of Gabriel
walking down that alley,
and 17 seconds later,
a silver Honda CRV,
speeding the opposite way.
- [BEEP]
Sam's got a silver CRV.
- We'll put out a BOLO.
- I'll see if
- I can locate his phone.
- Send units to his home.
- Do we have an address?
- Negative. Just a care-of.
"Care of" who?
[GILLIAN] Uh it looks
it looks like a rural area
maybe farmland?
There's a trailer in the back.
- Bingo.
- Go.
- Vince, what's your 20?
- Ashlee, can you stay here for now?
- We might need your help with Sam.
- Sure.
[GILLIAN] Sam's phone's offline.
I'll keep trying.
Police! Open up!
[ZAK] Clear.
- Clear!
- Building clear.
What are we looking at?
Sam seems to be an artist
a painter. The place is
full of portraits of Izzie.
He's destroying his work.
Yeah, it almost looks like it's her
he's trying to destroy.
The sheath to the knife?
Got the same logo.
It's gotta be him.
And we have no idea where he is.
Where are we going?
It's like I told you, Izzie
you're gonna love it.
Hey, um
do you wanna listen to some music?
I'm saving my battery.
I couldn't believe it
when you blocked me, Iz.
I couldn't imagine life without you.
That's why I sent the knife.
I needed a sign that you cared,
or I'd be dead by morning.
Then I saw your post
about your breakup with Gabriel, and
I knew
you didn't want me to die.
That's true love, Izzie.
Gabriel's gone.
Now we can be together.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
He just wouldn't get out of the way.
He just didn't get it
that you'd moved on.
There you go.
Okay, Gillian, what do
we know about this guy?
Sam Dauber is a graduate of
Spauldon fine arts school.
He's been living in
surrey for five years.
[SABRINA] Ashlee, you were
DM'ing for a while with Sam.
What did you talk about?
It was nothing, mostly.
Ordinary things, like
"what do you like for breakfast?"
And you always responded as Izzie?
Yeah, it's my job.
She doesn't have the time to.
Was there a connection between you two?
It's okay, Ashlee. Just
tell us what you know.
I-I got a little caught up.
I-I may have forgotten
that I was DM'ing as Izzie,
so I shared some personal things.
Well, what exactly did you share?
I don't know, like, about
our dad being a tree-planter,
and how I wanted
to be a painter, before I
started managing Izzie's career,
so we talked about art.
But then he wanted to meet up,
so that he could paint my
I-I mean, Izzie's portrait
In person, at his cabin,
but I knew that couldn't
happen, so I stalled,
and that's when he got angry.
Where was the cabin?
I don't know.
- Gillian?
- Yeah, I'm on it.
- Uh
Okay, I don't see a property
listed under Sam's name.
Hang on.
His parents are both deceased
but there's still a property
listed under his father's name.
Near Shak Lake.
This is it.
Wow. This is so rustic.
Like where you used
to camp with your dad
when he was tree-planting?
Before he got sick.
Come on.
Let me show you inside.
We've got to find
them before he realizes
it wasn't Izzie he was texting with.
Pull up visuals on traffic
cams on the way to Shak Lake.
- We're on our way.
- We're with you.
Hey, Ashlee, thanks for your help.
Yes, thank you, Ashlee,
and we'll let you
know when we have more.
Wait! We have to get a selfie.
Um, I I dropped my
phone. Can we use yours?
Sure, babe.
Hey, Sam's phone's back online.
I have an exact location.
Sending you the pin now.
It's great. We should post it.
I don't think so.
[SABRINA] So, all this time,
he's been getting mixed messages
she cares, shares his love for art,
but then she blocks him.
That's gotta be confusing.
Those paintings
he's swinging between
feelings of rage and worship.
If there's a confrontation,
maybe I should be the
one to talk him down.
I might be less
I can explain that everything he
thinks he knows about Izzie is true,
but he was actually
DM'ing with her sister.
And if that pisses him off?
Oh, I've done risky before.
There's six ways this can go wrong.
Who do you think should lead?
The rookie who's on
her six-month probation
in serious crimes,
or the other guy?
your family's cabin?
I told you that already.
Come on. Let me show you inside.
I'm lost inside ♪
Tell me what it feels like ♪
Being a human ♪
Crawling on our knees
like we're animals ♪
Fighting to believe
what's been lost inside ♪
That was beautiful. Why did you stop?
I really need to get these lyrics down
before I forget them.
Could you go in and find
me something to write on?
Come on in with me. You can
write it down while I get things ready.
- "Ready"?
- For your portrait.
Oh. You paint?
You know who I am, right?
Do you know who I am?
I have no idea who you are!
Let go of me!
You want me to let you go,
after everything we've shared?
- We didn't share anything.
- All those songs you wrote,
all those messages you
put in them, for me?
We were destined to be together, Izzie!
- Follow my lead.
- [IZZIE] No! Don't!
You're hurting me!
[SAM] Don't move.
You want to know what it feels like?
Because that's how I feel.
Sam Dauber!
Back away.
Stay back!
I need you to go away!
This is between us.
Just go away! Leave us alone!
Stay back!
[SAM] Just go away!
- Please don't do this, please!
- [SAM] I just need you to understand, okay?
[SAM] You see what you're making
me do? I just need you to hear me.
Hey! Stay back!
Or we all burn.
You know what?
You take this.
I said stay back!
Hey. My name's Sabrina.
We can talk about this,
but I need you to close the lighter.
No. Go away!
[SABRINA] Sam. Look at me.
- No one needs to get hurt, okay?
- No one has to get hurt
if you leave, now.
Stay back!
I saw that beautiful
mural that you painted.
I know how much you love Izzie,
but the thing is, when
you care about someone,
you have to ask them
what they want, right?
Have you asked Izzie what she wants?
you know who I am, right?
You feel what I feel?
Sam! Look at me! Look at me!
There's a better way to do this!
Sam, look at me!
- [THUD]
[SAM] Izzie! Izzie!
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
All right. Come with me. Come with me.
On three. Get him up.
Is Gabriel okay?
He's gonna be okay.
He's at the hospital.
[SOBBING] I have to see him.
We'll get you there.
He's awake.
Gabe. Look who's here.
I'm so sorry. [SMOOCH]
Are you okay?
[CHUCKLING] He's on the good stuff.
I understand why you took
the Northveld Timber money.
There was never a choice. You
and your grandfather needed all the
He never touched a cent.
I was trying to tell you.
I should've listened.
Well, you're here now.
That's all that matters.
They wanted Gabriel to
convince you to stop your fight.
Izzie, don't let anyone
ever dim your light
or-or try to silence you.
Always keep carrying
your message strong.
Paperwork is the one thing I'm
not crazy about on this job.
"Good notes make good arrests."
I get it, you know.
Get what?
The pressure
to be twice as good,
to never be allowed to be wrong,
to have to live up to
the impossible standards.
I also know you're the youngest rookie
to be accelerated into serious crimes,
and that, maybe, you got
used to taking the lead
with a T.O. like Brambilla.
I sense my preempting your talk-down
- isn't sitting well with you.
- Yeah, you're right. It's not.
You could've said "keep him talking,"
but you kept me in the dark
used me as a distraction
while you made a unilateral decision
to take the subject down by force.
That's not teamwork.
I wanted to talk with Sam
because I wanted to unders
Excellent, good, 100% with you.
But our job, right then,
wasn't to learn life stories.
It was to protect Izzie
from an active threat.
Serious crimes is gonna land you
in higher-stress,
faster-paced situations
than you're used to.
There's a chain of
command for a reason
I outrank you and I get to lead,
not because I don't
believe in teamwork
because my experience has value,
and decisions in the
field have to happen fast.
You'll get your chance to lead and
do things your way soon enough.
Which at the rate
your career's moving,
should be in a couple of weeks?
So what is the real
reason you left Calgary?
There you go again
with the life stories.
before, we didn't get to really, uh
I'm so sorry about Luke.
Is there anything I can do?
I'm good.
I mean, I will be.
Thanks for asking.
You must be Sabrina.
I'm Luke's mom.
Oh, Mrs. Tucker, I'm so sorry.
I came for his things.
He talked about you
a lot.
He looked up to you.
He said that you always
made him want to work harder.
I want my son back.
All I have left of him
is this stupid piece of metal.
I know it's not what you want to hear,
it meant so much to him.
He fought for it, he was proud of it
to be chosen, to keep the peace
That badge
represents the integrity
that we all aspire to.
I can see why he admired you.
Keep him close.
Previously, on Allegiance
Some of you have met Sabrina Sohal.
[KARA] Her six-month probation
in serious crimes begins today.
[SABRINA] It couldn't
have been just you.
Maybe someone is using you.
Please tell me who
did this to my father.
Your father must be proud.
- How's he doing?
- [SABRINA] He's recovering well, sir.
Heading back to Ottawa soon.
- Good.
- There's no way that man
gets to stay assistant commissioner.
[AJEET] But how do we
open that can of worms
without implicating
you and your brother?
Until we find a way to do it right,
we have to keep it quiet.
- Gun!
- Drop your weapon!
Back away!
Back away right now!
[LUKE] Sabrina, I think he
- Luke!
We need an EMT! EMT! South entrance!
- Stay with me, okay? You did good!
- [VINCE] We got you, buddy.
[NATE] What's going on?
We just lost Luke Tucker.
[IZZIE] You say I'm the one ♪
Now will you forgive
me, make it right ♪
And maybe ♪
In the dark I see ♪
The same starlight
that I found in me ♪
There's no war zone ♪
In this home I built ♪
And everyone knows ♪
How I truly feel ♪
Maybe ♪
Thank you.
Thank you. This next
song is a personal favourite.
It's a song about love
and loss.
There's something about ♪
The emptiness in your heart ♪
And there's something about ♪
The holiness of the stars ♪
Why can't you feel? ♪
Feel ♪
Feel how they dance ♪
He was so young
so eager
and less than a year out of the academy,
when he selflessly sacrificed his life
in service of another.
My heart is with you all
as we say goodbye to
a son,
a brother,
a fellow officer,
and a friend.
[AC CAMPBELL] Constable
Tucker represented
the CFPC's highest
standard of integrity,
both personally and professionally.
A proud embodiment
of the CFPC's long-held core values.
He served this city
this province, this country
with distinction and valour.
Thank you!
- Ohh
congrats, Fam! You ate that show.
When you remembered Dario's name,
I thought they were gonna melt down.
Yeah. Thanks for the heads-up.
I really need to get on my socials more.
[ASHLEE] Too right. You're welcome.
Ghost on socials, and
suddenly Fizzies become Swifties.
A lot of gifts. A lot
of people left outside.
Someone must've leaked
the concert address.
Cookies from up the river
for all your hard work.
[GABE] Here's all the sweetness I need.
Hello! I'm still in the room.
[IZZIE] Sorry, Ash.
What is it?
- [♪♪♪]
Oh, my God.
This just got real, Iz.
That's it. I'm calling it in.
[OPERATOR] 9-1-1.
What's your emergency?
How you doing?
I don't think it's sunk in yet.
It can't be real.
He can't be gone.
He's not, though, right?
We keep them close.
It's all we can do.
And I'm here.
You know that.
- Yeah, I know that.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Right. Come on.
[KARA] Can I get your attention, please?
I'd like to introduce you to
Detective Corporal Zak Kalaini,
joining us from Calgary.
You may know his work
the Belview trafficking ring,
the Morrison triple homicide
Kalaini's closure rate is exceptional.
You may also know him as
[BLURTS] No, they
don't. They really don't.
" The Zak-hammer".
Okay. Second-shift officers
briefing room in five.
Sohal? Your new partner.
- Hey. Uh, nice to meet you.
- Same.
Sabrina's our newest
probie into serious crimes,
and, as I said,
she knows surrey inside and out,
so she'll help you get
the lay of the land.
This is Vince Brambilla, staff sergeant.
- How you doing?
- Pleasure.
Inspector, that ongoing harassment case
against Izzie Sinclair
It escalated to a death threat.
And so now it's ours?
I'd like you two on this with Vince.
Izzie Sinclair, the singer?
Yeah. We've had a file
on her for six months.
The threat was delivered in person
deadline for tomorrow morning.
Okay, you'll bring them up to speed?
- Sure.
- Great.
Thanks, Kara.
Wheels up, Chen! You're
riding with me today.
Izzie Sinclair she's
getting to be a big deal?
She was already a big deal.
She just blew up last year,
after she was followed by
Billie Eilish and Greta Thunberg.
Yeah. She's got a
pretty committed fanbase.
That's right. "The Fizzies".
What? I'm not that old.
She's also an activist, right?
Yeah. She's at a rehearsal
studio in West Newton.
- Well, cool. We'll meet you there.
- Okay.
So have you settled in okay?
Sure. Took about 20 minutes.
I don't own a lot of stuff.
Why surrey?
Family? Our fabulous food scene?
Come on! Look around.
Spectacular mountains.
Sunsets over the pacific.
A chance to keep the peace
in North America's
fastest-growing city.
Serious crimes weren't serious
enough for you in Calgary?
This is the country's
biggest detachment.
I just wanted to be where
the need is greatest.
Surrey's need for you was that great?
Yes. It was.
And Kara thought we'd make a good team.
So, on top of her singing career,
Izzie Sinclair is all about a
campaign to "stop the spray".
Yeah, I've seen her
protests on the news.
There's a company here
called Northveld Timber.
They've filed a
cease-and-desist against her.
Guess she got under their skin.
Yeah, and unfortunately for them,
she's a seriously gifted singer.
Her song "Home to You" is catchy A.F.
You're into pop music?
Well, would you judge me if I were?
To answer a question with a question
that's classic evasion.
Do you profile all your new partners?
Hey, I'm sorry.
You just lost a partner, and
here I am, cracking jokes.
No, we weren't partners.
Just good friends.
We were at the academy
together this time last year.
But still it's gotta be hard.
Yeah. You You take it on, you know?
Try to honour what he did, right?
Wanna drive?
[ZAK] Sergeant Brambilla?
Izzie's inside. I'll assign
a protection detail.
Any security cams?
No, but we'll check
with local businesses.
All right, let's ask and see if
anyone saw anything suspicious.
Thanks, Vince.
Izzie, can you think of anyone
who might want to hurt you?
Uh, I I touched it.
That's okay. Was there
a sheath on the knife?
Uh, Vince? The package
was in a red gift bag.
Can you check if anyone
outside saw who brought
it in or handed it off?
Is anything specific
happening tomorrow morning?
No. The private concert was today.
No one saw who brought this in?
It was a small gathering
of invite-only, vetted fans,
but somebody leaked the location,
and a bunch of Fizzies brought gifts.
All right, we'll need a
list of the vetted fans,
and any of the other
Fizzies who showed up,
if you have their names.
Tell us about Northveld Timber.
[IZZIE] Northveld Timber?
They're basically climate criminals.
I called them out for
spraying glyphosate
over an area where birds
and wildlife were at risk.
All that's left now are pine trees,
which are super-flammable.
And people wonder why we're
having so many wildfires.
It's messed up.
I gave Northveld hell
and they clapped back,
so my fans took the battle
to the front door with a protest.
But she did everything
she could to call them off.
But companies like them
need to be held accountable.
People look the other
way because it's usually
indigenous communities
that pay the price.
Our dad was a tree-planter.
He was constantly exposed
to these chemicals.
He died from non-hodgkin
lymphoma two years ago.
My grandfather's suffering with it now.
He was exposed too, for years.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Yeah, we've assigned
you a security detail,
and we'll need you to stay inside,
until we know more, okay?
Well, the police haven't exactly rallied
to our community's defence in the past.
I hear you.
Got it. Thanks.
No luck finding who brought the package,
but Dario here
said their arm was broken
at a peaceful Northveld Timber protest
last week, when this man
Forcibly removed them.
They sent me this.
Northveld's security guy?
I know him. Hudson Suarez.
He's got a record for a
series of violent assaults.
He's currently on parole.
You want me to reach out
to his probation officer,
see if he's willing to
come in for a statement?
Yeah, great. Izzie's sister's
gonna text the guest list
along with the names of any
other fans outside she recognized.
I'll ask Gillian to run them
for contact info and
any potential priors.
- Okay.
- Thanks, Vince.
- Hey, Chen!
- Sarge?
You're on protection detail.
You stay vigilant. You
keep your eyes on Izzie.
You go where she goes. You got it?
Copy that.
Mr. Suarez.
Says here you're a "regional
risk management consultant"
for Northveld Timber.
What kind of work is that?
Your probation officer agreed
it might be a good idea
to clear some things up.
Oh, does she know you broke a kid's arm?
I assume your boss knew you had
a record for assault, though, right?
He set you loose on those kids?
To scare 'em off? Hmm?
Did your boss get you to deliver
a death threat to Izzie Sinclair?
threatening to kill someone
courts don't take that lightly
and given your situation,
being on parole
you owe yourself a
shot at a better future.
How's that?
Share what you know.
Clearly, your boss hired you
for your skill set and expertise.
He needed your help in
protecting the company's interests.
Did he ask you to deliver a
gift to Izzie Sinclair today?
I don't know anything
about a death threat or any gift.
I was paid to consult on security
when Northveld Timber
started getting harassed
by that singer and her fans.
I ended up in a situation
where I was forced to
secure the property.
I could do the job or lose the job.
[ZAK] Nice "good cop" spiel.
I was trying to help him see
how to do the right thing.
Right! Connecting.
Seeing into his soul.
I heard that's your thing.
- My "thing"?
- Hey.
Anything from the security guard?
Well, either he doesn't
know about the threat
or he is a very skilled liar.
He's a violent offender
and Northveld's hiding
him on their books
as a risk-management consultant.
We may need to go
higher up the food chain
- to get answers.
- Okay, well,
Gillian's going through the
security footage from this morning.
If Suarez was anywhere near
Izzie's rehearsal studio,
she'll find him.
We're heading to Northveld
to shake the tree.
Great. Let me know what falls out.
Will do.
I'll meet you outside.
Oh, hey, sweetheart.
You okay?
Did you hear his speech?
At Luke's memorial going
on about CFPC "integrity"?
You were just shaking his hand.
Right. Well, we all have roles to play,
especially if he's
gonna remain where he is.
What are you saying?
I've gone over it from
every angle, Sabrina.
There's no legal way to
bring Campbell to justice
without also incriminating you
and everyone involved.
- No.
- Obstruction of justice,
theft of classified
material, breach of trust
If the case becomes
public, it could mean
10 years in prison for you.
Does Campbell know
that we know it's him?
All he knows is that
you, somehow, found out the
sealed evidence was fake,
and that Gabinski planted it.
So, this is where it ends?
Gabby told me
the night that his
son tried to kill you,
that there are people on this force
who don't want a person
who thinks like you,
a person who looks like you,
being a part of running their country.
And they're not the only ones.
How do we know that
they're not gonna try again?
We just let it go?
No, we don't let it go.
I'm gonna support the
fight on domestic terror,
on extremist fringes like the I.O.H.,
and I will do that
we will do that
from within our jobs
legally, this time.
[ASHLEE] It's gonna slay.
She's just finishing the lyrics.
[IZZIE] I can't believe you did that!
I can't even look at
you! We're done. Get out.
- Go!
- 'Kay. Gotta go, talk tomorrow.
- What was that about?
- We're done.
He's out and I'm going solo.
What what happened?
I can't even give me the phone!
W-what are you doing?
Posting that shit.
I'm done with him.
Looks like the Fizzies have been busy.
Yeah, yeah, she set
her fans on my building
like a pack of wild dogs.
I've been here all day,
trying to track someone
down to repair my window.
Thing is, Mr. Weldon,
Izzie's life was threatened today,
and we know your company
has beef with her, so.
You think it was me?
I mean, if anybody needs
police protection
I hear you, man
you're just trying to run a business.
Um, did you call in
to report this damage?
You think I want my
insurance to skyrocket?
Right? Right! So, uh, not because
your risk-management consultant,
Hudson Suarez, broke a protester's arm?
The kid fell off his ladder
after defacing my building.
I'm the one who's suffering here.
We just lost a $21-million
logging contract
because of her tree-hugging propaganda.
We do everything by the book,
so, until I hear differently,
it'll be business as usual.
Does "business as usual"
mean hiring consultants
with a criminal record?
I'm not aware of anyone
with a criminal record.
And how long has Hudson
Suarez been working for you?
He's a contractor. He's outsourced.
From where? BC Pen?
We do everything above-board here.
Aw, cut the shit.
You're a dickhead who hired a thug.
- You knew exactly what you were doing.
- Hey! If you guys did your job
All good!
Thank you for your time.
Interesting interview style.
Ah, float like a butterfly
Sting like a bee?
Is that your thing?
We knew he wanted Izzie silenced.
Now we also know he's trying to cover up
sketchy business practices,
lying about his staffing, payroll.
Yeah, what else is he hiding?
Let's get a look at the books.
I'll call the assistant crown.
Ahem. Congrats on the promotion.
So, listen.
I've been doing a lot of
thinking since your dad,
at the hospital, and, uh
I've made the decision to come forward
about my path to sobriety.
I've just asked Bolton to
consider a pardon for my D.U.I.
The union's fighting
for a return to duty
on probation
demoted to constable.
I want to earn back
the trust of the CFPC.
That includes you.
And I was hoping
that we could continue
our conversation from the hospital.
My son's in remand.
He's been teamed up with a mentor
from "life after hate,"
which he's committed
to seeing through, so
we're holding up our end of things
My father's drafted his victim statement
so that consideration will
be given in will's sentence,
to his "extensive and unfortunate
exposure to online hate."
And he'll talk to the judge?
The letter is what we agreed on, Gabby.
Okay. Hey, hey.
What I told you about the
assistant commissioner
if this comes out, if
everything goes to trial
am I gonna get thrown under the bus?
It probably won't come to that.
- Wait, what are you saying?
- I gotta go.
- [MAN] Babe?
You okay?
Nope. Ahem. You?
I can't believe we'll never hear
his prairie-ass accent over the radio.
What was that thing he used to say?
"No road is too long "
"When you have great company."
Um I've
I've run the name of every
Fizzie on the guest list,
and none of them have
juvenile or criminal records.
Well, the only one with a record
who doesn't currently have an alibi
is Hudson Suarez.
Any sign of him on the
cams around the studio?
No. Nothing so far.
Uh, Nate's fast-tracking a
warrant for Northveld's books.
Can you watch out for it and
let us know what you find?
Yeah. Sure thing.
There's been a development.
The officer was supposed to be watching!
I was only gone for ten minutes!
I'm so sorry, Ashlee.
Izzie wasn't anywhere inside,
but her phone was on the floor.
She would never leave her phone!
Did you hear anything? Did
you see a car drive away?
You said she was safe.
You said you'd be watching!
[FORCEFULLY] Constable Chen!
- What happened?
- I was posted here, eyes on the studio.
- The singer's sister did a coffee run.
- And then?
I heard breaking glass
next door, then an alarm.
The studio was secure so I ran over
- But it wasn't secure.
- It was!
But the perpetrator
must've doubled back
when he saw me leave my post.
Did you hear anything?
No, the alarm was blaring.
What did you see next door?
It was just a rock through a window.
You hear the alarm, you call it in,
you secure your detail,
and you wait for backup.
We gave them our word
that we would protect them!
It is our job to keep them safe!
Detective Sohal.
I get you're angry, but
with all due respect
I should've called it in, sarge.
I'll deal with you in a minute.
Sabrina, come on.
This can't keep happening.
We have to do better. I hear you.
We'll find her.
Looks like she put up a fight.
Sabrina, Zak, we just got a look
at Northveld Timber's books.
Anything there?
Bogus consultants, like Hudson Suarez,
weren't the only things that stood out.
A $100,000 wire transfer
went from Northveld into Gabriel
cook's account two weeks ago.
Gabriel, her guitarist?
Making a deal with Randy Weldon?
Hey, Ashlee, where's Gabriel?
He left, before I went for coffee.
He and Izzie had an argument.
- About what?
- I couldn't hear,
but I've never heard them
fight that bad before.
What happened after they argued?
Gabriel stormed out, then
Izzie told me that they broke up,
but she wouldn't tell me why
just said she needed alone time.
But I knew it was real
'cause she posted about it.
Hmm. "This news is
giving major heartbreak.
- You're better off without him."
- Lots of offers to hook up.
Were Izzie and Gabriel
having issues before today?
No! They were tight.
What if she learned
that Gabriel might be
helping Northveld Timber?
Helping Northveld? Are you kidding?
No. There's no way.
Why would you even ask that?
I'm gonna need his number.
Where does he live?
In Cloverdale, with his grandfather.
He's not well enough to work.
Gabe's been taking care of him.
Okay, is there someone
who can be with you?
Our family's out of town,
but I can call our mom.
Good. Uh, please stay
inside for now, then.
Don't go anywhere
without a police escort.
So, randy offers Gabriel money
he can't afford to turn down.
Izzie learns he's a
sellout, they fight
Yeah, money to do what,
though? Send her a death threat?
I don't see it.
- Is he picking up?
- Mm-mm.
Maybe to shut her up?
Hi, command? We're heading
to the home of Gabriel cook.
He's just become a suspect
in Izzie's abduction.
Let me see what I can find on him.
But what's Northveld got to gain
by having him abduct her,
and why would he agree to do it?
Maybe you can do that thing
where you see into his soul.
Yeah, or we could
zak-hammer it out of him.
We're pulling footage for any trace
of Izzie at the time of her abduction.
What do we know about Gabriel cook?
Izzie and Gabriel have
been recording together
for two years, and as far as we know,
they haven't had any issues
before today's break-up.
Any unusual activity online?
Uh, he posted about the band
and some environmental causes
until about two weeks ago.
- Two weeks ago?
- He made his account private.
Stopped posting.
Two weeks ago
That lines up with his 100k payment
from Northveld. Maybe it was hush money?
Yeah, but to go from loving
partnership to death threats, abduction?
It seems like a leap.
- Say more?
- Izzie's abduction
came on the heels of
a specific threat
"dead by morning."
It was hand-delivered,
up-close and personal.
Gabriel could've slipped it in
with the rest of the gifts
Prints on the knife came back
not in the system, so, whoever it is,
they're a first-time offender.
- First-timers make mistakes.
- [ZAK] Good.
Easier to catch. Does
Gabriel have a record?
does not.
Let's run prints from
the knife against prints
found in the studio.
[VINCE] Command I have an update.
Go ahead, Vince.
Two things. To get the
first out of the way
we found the Fizzie who
brought in the knife,
but she said she carried it in
for a fan who had to stay outside
because he didn't make
the VIP guest list.
Is there a description?
She didn't get a good look at his face.
Tall, 20s, wearing a blue denim jacket.
I'll go through the footage.
What's the other update?
We found Gabriel.
90th and 123rd.
You need to get down here right away.
He lost a lot of blood, but he'll live.
EMTs say his injuries
suggest a hit-and-run.
The studio's three blocks away.
Which is why we missed him.
City waste collectors found
him behind the dumpsters.
He was lying there for a few hours.
- A few hours?
- Since the time Izzie was taken.
See these?
Okay, so, if
Gabriel was on his way
back to the studio
Came down the alley here,
saw Izzie in a stranger's
car coming toward him
Maybe he tried to block the car,
it stopped, and then it rams him,
he gets up blood there
too injured to get very far
- [ASHLEE] Gabriel!
- collapsing behind here.
I'm here, Gabe. You're gonna be okay.
I'll get her to the
hospital, see if he comes to.
He's seen Izzie's abductor.
We'll find the car that hit him.
[BOLTON] Okay! New deal.
All units, eyes peeled.
Izzie Sinclair's abductor
is an unknown male, described as tall,
wearing a denim jacket.
Struck a civilian
in a hit-and-run at 90th and 123rd.
Vehicle is unknown at present.
- Anything?
- No cameras.
But we got a positive I.D. On Gabriel.
The shop owner said he saw
him walk past the window,
heard some shouting, but
didn't think anything of it.
Well, we'll keep looking for footage
between here and the alley.
Maybe we'll get lucky
on a make and model.
It's a bold move abducting
someone in broad daylight.
Sohal was sure Gabriel was innocent.
She trusts her reads
on people, doesn't she?
It's how she got promoted.
Eh, she's got stuff to learn,
but I mean, don't
discount her instincts.
She'll follow them with or without you.
Is that right?
[CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah.
In my experience,
best to know what she's thinking.
Don't let them ignore us!
Take immediate action now!
Stop the spray in B.C.
This is before, and after, the spray.
It's sickening.
- Who's going to stop them if we don't?
- Oh, my god.
No wonder she's at battle stations.
Hey. How's Gabriel doing?
Uh, still unconscious his
grandfather's with him now,
so he'll let us know
as soon as he's awake.
This is Ashlee
Sinclair Izzie's sister.
Ah. Kara degas.
We're doing everything we can.
I thought maybe Ashlee
could help us understand
who might've done this.
Yeah, we've been looking
through Izzie's socials,
but even the haters don't
seem like credible threats.
The knife was hand-delivered,
so it had to be someone who
knew about the private concert.
How were Izzie's fans told about it?
It was only announced
to her paid "Fizzie forum" subscribers.
They had to be top-tier
fans and comment on the post.
Okay, eliminating all fans
who were not top tier
and didn't comment.
And live close enough to get to surrey.
[GILLIAN] That still
leaves roughly 50 profiles.
So, the fan who left it was described
as "male, late-20s".
That still leaves us with 27 profiles.
But eight of these link
back to the same user,
registered to a Sam Dauber,
24, male, currently living in surrey.
What kind of person creates
eight different profiles?
A fan turned stalker?
Ashlee, does he look familiar?
I don't recognize him, but the name
Five of his profiles were blocked.
Do you remember why you blocked him?
He DM'd,
and I responded as
Izzie, like I usually do,
but it became non-stop
and I couldn't keep up.
[ZAK] Command, we got it
CCTV footage of Gabriel
walking down that alley,
and 17 seconds later,
a silver Honda CRV,
speeding the opposite way.
- [BEEP]
Sam's got a silver CRV.
- We'll put out a BOLO.
- I'll see if
- I can locate his phone.
- Send units to his home.
- Do we have an address?
- Negative. Just a care-of.
"Care of" who?
[GILLIAN] Uh it looks
it looks like a rural area
maybe farmland?
There's a trailer in the back.
- Bingo.
- Go.
- Vince, what's your 20?
- Ashlee, can you stay here for now?
- We might need your help with Sam.
- Sure.
[GILLIAN] Sam's phone's offline.
I'll keep trying.
Police! Open up!
[ZAK] Clear.
- Clear!
- Building clear.
What are we looking at?
Sam seems to be an artist
a painter. The place is
full of portraits of Izzie.
He's destroying his work.
Yeah, it almost looks like it's her
he's trying to destroy.
The sheath to the knife?
Got the same logo.
It's gotta be him.
And we have no idea where he is.
Where are we going?
It's like I told you, Izzie
you're gonna love it.
Hey, um
do you wanna listen to some music?
I'm saving my battery.
I couldn't believe it
when you blocked me, Iz.
I couldn't imagine life without you.
That's why I sent the knife.
I needed a sign that you cared,
or I'd be dead by morning.
Then I saw your post
about your breakup with Gabriel, and
I knew
you didn't want me to die.
That's true love, Izzie.
Gabriel's gone.
Now we can be together.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
He just wouldn't get out of the way.
He just didn't get it
that you'd moved on.
There you go.
Okay, Gillian, what do
we know about this guy?
Sam Dauber is a graduate of
Spauldon fine arts school.
He's been living in
surrey for five years.
[SABRINA] Ashlee, you were
DM'ing for a while with Sam.
What did you talk about?
It was nothing, mostly.
Ordinary things, like
"what do you like for breakfast?"
And you always responded as Izzie?
Yeah, it's my job.
She doesn't have the time to.
Was there a connection between you two?
It's okay, Ashlee. Just
tell us what you know.
I-I got a little caught up.
I-I may have forgotten
that I was DM'ing as Izzie,
so I shared some personal things.
Well, what exactly did you share?
I don't know, like, about
our dad being a tree-planter,
and how I wanted
to be a painter, before I
started managing Izzie's career,
so we talked about art.
But then he wanted to meet up,
so that he could paint my
I-I mean, Izzie's portrait
In person, at his cabin,
but I knew that couldn't
happen, so I stalled,
and that's when he got angry.
Where was the cabin?
I don't know.
- Gillian?
- Yeah, I'm on it.
- Uh
Okay, I don't see a property
listed under Sam's name.
Hang on.
His parents are both deceased
but there's still a property
listed under his father's name.
Near Shak Lake.
This is it.
Wow. This is so rustic.
Like where you used
to camp with your dad
when he was tree-planting?
Before he got sick.
Come on.
Let me show you inside.
We've got to find
them before he realizes
it wasn't Izzie he was texting with.
Pull up visuals on traffic
cams on the way to Shak Lake.
- We're on our way.
- We're with you.
Hey, Ashlee, thanks for your help.
Yes, thank you, Ashlee,
and we'll let you
know when we have more.
Wait! We have to get a selfie.
Um, I I dropped my
phone. Can we use yours?
Sure, babe.
Hey, Sam's phone's back online.
I have an exact location.
Sending you the pin now.
It's great. We should post it.
I don't think so.
[SABRINA] So, all this time,
he's been getting mixed messages
she cares, shares his love for art,
but then she blocks him.
That's gotta be confusing.
Those paintings
he's swinging between
feelings of rage and worship.
If there's a confrontation,
maybe I should be the
one to talk him down.
I might be less
I can explain that everything he
thinks he knows about Izzie is true,
but he was actually
DM'ing with her sister.
And if that pisses him off?
Oh, I've done risky before.
There's six ways this can go wrong.
Who do you think should lead?
The rookie who's on
her six-month probation
in serious crimes,
or the other guy?
your family's cabin?
I told you that already.
Come on. Let me show you inside.
I'm lost inside ♪
Tell me what it feels like ♪
Being a human ♪
Crawling on our knees
like we're animals ♪
Fighting to believe
what's been lost inside ♪
That was beautiful. Why did you stop?
I really need to get these lyrics down
before I forget them.
Could you go in and find
me something to write on?
Come on in with me. You can
write it down while I get things ready.
- "Ready"?
- For your portrait.
Oh. You paint?
You know who I am, right?
Do you know who I am?
I have no idea who you are!
Let go of me!
You want me to let you go,
after everything we've shared?
- We didn't share anything.
- All those songs you wrote,
all those messages you
put in them, for me?
We were destined to be together, Izzie!
- Follow my lead.
- [IZZIE] No! Don't!
You're hurting me!
[SAM] Don't move.
You want to know what it feels like?
Because that's how I feel.
Sam Dauber!
Back away.
Stay back!
I need you to go away!
This is between us.
Just go away! Leave us alone!
Stay back!
[SAM] Just go away!
- Please don't do this, please!
- [SAM] I just need you to understand, okay?
[SAM] You see what you're making
me do? I just need you to hear me.
Hey! Stay back!
Or we all burn.
You know what?
You take this.
I said stay back!
Hey. My name's Sabrina.
We can talk about this,
but I need you to close the lighter.
No. Go away!
[SABRINA] Sam. Look at me.
- No one needs to get hurt, okay?
- No one has to get hurt
if you leave, now.
Stay back!
I saw that beautiful
mural that you painted.
I know how much you love Izzie,
but the thing is, when
you care about someone,
you have to ask them
what they want, right?
Have you asked Izzie what she wants?
you know who I am, right?
You feel what I feel?
Sam! Look at me! Look at me!
There's a better way to do this!
Sam, look at me!
- [THUD]
[SAM] Izzie! Izzie!
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
All right. Come with me. Come with me.
On three. Get him up.
Is Gabriel okay?
He's gonna be okay.
He's at the hospital.
[SOBBING] I have to see him.
We'll get you there.
He's awake.
Gabe. Look who's here.
I'm so sorry. [SMOOCH]
Are you okay?
[CHUCKLING] He's on the good stuff.
I understand why you took
the Northveld Timber money.
There was never a choice. You
and your grandfather needed all the
He never touched a cent.
I was trying to tell you.
I should've listened.
Well, you're here now.
That's all that matters.
They wanted Gabriel to
convince you to stop your fight.
Izzie, don't let anyone
ever dim your light
or-or try to silence you.
Always keep carrying
your message strong.
Paperwork is the one thing I'm
not crazy about on this job.
"Good notes make good arrests."
I get it, you know.
Get what?
The pressure
to be twice as good,
to never be allowed to be wrong,
to have to live up to
the impossible standards.
I also know you're the youngest rookie
to be accelerated into serious crimes,
and that, maybe, you got
used to taking the lead
with a T.O. like Brambilla.
I sense my preempting your talk-down
- isn't sitting well with you.
- Yeah, you're right. It's not.
You could've said "keep him talking,"
but you kept me in the dark
used me as a distraction
while you made a unilateral decision
to take the subject down by force.
That's not teamwork.
I wanted to talk with Sam
because I wanted to unders
Excellent, good, 100% with you.
But our job, right then,
wasn't to learn life stories.
It was to protect Izzie
from an active threat.
Serious crimes is gonna land you
in higher-stress,
faster-paced situations
than you're used to.
There's a chain of
command for a reason
I outrank you and I get to lead,
not because I don't
believe in teamwork
because my experience has value,
and decisions in the
field have to happen fast.
You'll get your chance to lead and
do things your way soon enough.
Which at the rate
your career's moving,
should be in a couple of weeks?
So what is the real
reason you left Calgary?
There you go again
with the life stories.
before, we didn't get to really, uh
I'm so sorry about Luke.
Is there anything I can do?
I'm good.
I mean, I will be.
Thanks for asking.
You must be Sabrina.
I'm Luke's mom.
Oh, Mrs. Tucker, I'm so sorry.
I came for his things.
He talked about you
a lot.
He looked up to you.
He said that you always
made him want to work harder.
I want my son back.
All I have left of him
is this stupid piece of metal.
I know it's not what you want to hear,
it meant so much to him.
He fought for it, he was proud of it
to be chosen, to keep the peace
That badge
represents the integrity
that we all aspire to.
I can see why he admired you.
Keep him close.