Ancient Aliens s09e10 Episode Script

Hidden Pyramids

NARRATOR: Mysterious structures numbering in the thousands.
ANDREW COLLINS: They created as many as 250 within this valley alone.
NARRATOR: Monuments containing secret powers.
ROB SIMONE: It could be a device used to transmit a type of energy that we still can't fully understand.
NARRATOR: And architectural wonders that could change everything we know about our past.
HUGH NEWMAN: It's really rewriting the history of the world.
NARRATOR: All across the earth there are massive pyramids, many so old that their origins are completely unknown.
But some believe there are thousands more, hidden by oceans, jungles, and the desert sands, and that once we find them, they will reveal shocking truths about our past.
DAVID CHILDRESS: Is it possible that extraterrestrials have guided humans to build pyramids for some special reason of their own? NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, might there be a connection between aliens and Earth's hidden pyramids? _ NARRATOR: Western China.
May 21, 1992.
An underground nuclear explosion on the Lop Nor Test Range sends shock waves through the earth.
The event is recorded by U.
government seismometers, which reveal unexpected geological anomalies under the earth just north of Anchorage, Alaska.
Six months later, a U.
Army counterintelligence officer stationed at nearby Fort Richardson, Douglas Mutschler, sees a local news report that claims these underground scans had detected a colossal pyramid structure Mutschler contacts the station to find out more, but mysteriously they tell him no further information is available.
GEORGE NOORY: There has been talk that there's a pyramid up in Alaska, but nobody seems to be investigating that, maybe because it's so remote, or maybe they have investigated it and they just don't want to tell us about it.
NARRATOR: Frustrated by the lack of information, Sergeant Mutschler contacts journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who reaches out across her network searching for anyone that could shed light on the Alaska pyramid story.
Soon after, she receives a response from a man who requests to remain anonymous.
He claims his father was an engineer who got a firsthand look at the secret pyramid.
LINDA MOULTON HOWE: His father had had a navy career and then was asked to continue to work in Alaska on a very special project that involved something underground that put out a lot of energy.
There were mining shaft elevators on the surface.
He would go down to the base of a huge underground pyramid.
His work was to try to understand how this was giving off what they estimated was a gigantic amount of energy.
But he never would talk, because this was a government secret.
DAVID WILCOCK: There is no doubt in my mind that there is a cover-up going on and that something was found there in Alaska.
I think the reason why it's been covered up is that we would have to completely rewrite the science of human origins, the concept that at one point there was a global industrialized civilization that had reached a technology that is, in fact, superior to our own because we cannot easily build pyramids like this today.
NARRATOR: Could it be, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that the United States government is hiding the Alaskan pyramid until they can fully comprehend and harness its power? Perhaps the answer can be found Central China.
While transporting supplies from India, U.
Army Air Corps pilot James Gaussman spots a mysterious structure that becomes known as "The Great White Pyramid.
" CHILDRESS: One of the most unusual stories of pyramids came out of World War II.
The story is of an American pilot who was flying the Burma Hump over to Chongqing in Central China.
And what he claimed he saw was a huge pyramid in the valley with a gigantic crystal capstone on the top of it.
NARRATOR: Two years later, the New York Times reported that Colonel Maurice Sheahan, another American aviator flying over Central China, spotted a 1,000-foot-high pyramid in the same area.
Since then, many more pyramidal structures have been discovered throughout the region some of them covered in vegetation, seemingly camouflaged to look like natural formations.
But the Chinese government denies that there are any pyramids in China at all, claiming that any structures resembling pyramids are actually burial mounds from the Han Dynasty.
WILCOCK: Still to this day, the subject of the Chinese pyramids is very rarely discussed.
However, you can go on Google Earth and you can see the pyramids of the Xi'an province for yourself by just zooming in on this area, but the Chinese government does not want you to go in this area, it is declared off-limits to everyone except for the local peasant farmers in that region.
What are they hiding? NARRATOR: Could these pyramids reveal a different version of history than what the Chinese government wants us to know? Curiously, other modern discoveries of pyramids have been met with similar denials.
In 2005, Dr.
Sam Osmanagich A professor of anthropology and amateur archaeologist Announced that he had found five ancient pyramids hidden in Bosnia, a claim that the Bosnian government initially supported, but then later denied.
SAM OSMANAGICH: When I first saw the pyramids in Bosnia, they looked like hills, but you could see the regular geometry, four triangular faces, obvious corners, and when I took compass, compass shows me that those sides match cardinal points.
I knew immediately that these were artificial structures below the layers of soil and vegetation.
They tell us that the pyramids were built only in Egypt and Mexico.
They are built on all six continents.
From Asia, Africa, Europe, Central, North and South America.
So, they're a worldwide phenomena.
In 21st century, we will need to establish a new science, which will finally answer the question to who, when, how and why build the oldest and the most superior pyramids.
NARRATOR: But why would governments around the world want to try and discredit these new discoveries of pyramids? JASON MARTELL: World governments might not want to be forthcoming with this information.
Just like we've seen with the Chinese government, places like Alaska and others might also hold hidden wealths of archaeological finds that we still have yet to uncover.
NARRATOR: Are there ancient pyramids that are deliberately being kept secret from the public? Might the discoverof these and an untold number of other hidden pyramids expose the truth about our origins? Perhaps further clues can be found in a region of South America that contains more pyramids than any other place on Earth.
NARRATOR: Northern Peru.
The Lambayeque Valley.
What appears today to be a ravine of large, earthen hills is, in fact, a lost ancient city.
For centuries, this region was overlooked by archaeologists.
But in 1988, explorer Thor Heyerdahl investigated the mysterious mounds and determined them to be man-made structures.
The excitement at what he and his team found led to a series of excavations and to the discovery that what had long been considered natural formations were, in fact, massive adobe brick pyramids, severely ravaged by time.
And this vast system of monuments was built by what might very well have been the most prolific pyramid builders of all.
COLLINS: This was the site of a culture called the Sicán.
And these people, who rose around 750 AD, seemed to be absolutely obsessed with the creation of pyramids.
In fact, they created as many as 250 within this valley alone.
And in one particular town, they created 26 that were all basically back-to-back, side-by-side.
And it would seem that the stories from the myths and legends of these people is that they felt that they had to do this, because if they didn't create these pyramids, the world would quite literally come to an end.
NARRATOR: Archaeologists suggest that it would've taken just to make the mud bricks for one of the 26 pyramids here in the city of Túcume.
But who could've engineered such a massive construction project? Is it possible the builders had access to advanced technology? SIMONE: If they had help to build these pyramids, it would solve a lot of problems in trying to understand how a civilization could mount such a daunting enterprise.
NARRATOR: According to mainstream historians, the Sicán people mysteriously disappeared in 1375.
Although there are no written records revealing why they were obsessed with building pyramids, ancient astronaut theorists say clues may be found by examining the multiple images of birdmen that archaeologists discovered inside one of the structures.
SIMONE: The birdman image is something that's iconic of depicting someone who can come from the sky.
So, these glyphs that are seen on the walls of these structures are particularly interesting.
The idea that we have the pyramids, that we have this representation of people coming from the sky, is yet another validation of an amazing structure built with the assistance of some being that came from the skies.
NARRATOR: Depictions of creatures that are half bird and half man have been discovered in many ancient cultures.
Approximately 1,400 miles south of Túcume in Bolivia, carvings of birdmen can be found on the Sun Gate at Tiwanaku.
According to the local Incan mythology, these are beings who came down from the sky with the creator god Viracocha.
Similar stories can be found on Easter Island with the so-called "birdman cult.
" In Japan where supernatural birdman beings called Tengu are revered.
And on the other side of the world in ancient Sumeria, birdmen known as the "Anunnaki" were said to be advanced beings that came down from the heavens to colonize the earth.
CHILDRESS: You have to wonder if these birdmen aren't the Anunnaki who are coming from ancient Sumeria who have these elongated heads.
And so is it possible that these Anunnaki extraterrestrials were coming to Peru and to Túcume and instructing the people on building these pyramids.
TSOUKALOS: I don't think that it is pure coincidence that there are so many motifs all around the world that are not just similar, but in many cases identical.
That, to me, indicates that not only were they not isolated but that they were visited by the same people, by visitors from the sky.
And the only way our ancestors could make sense of it is to outfit them with wings.
NARRATOR: Interestingly, the Sicán people who occupied this area of Peru not only made carvings of birdmen, but also told stories of a mysterious being who helped build their society, and then disappeared into the sky.
JONATHAN YOUNG: The great heroic leader of the people was Naylamp.
He built the pyramids and taught them a new religion.
And when he felt that his work was done, he went down to the seashore, turned himself into a bird and flew off into the heavens, and is in the end a celestial being.
NARRATOR: Could it be that the birdmen depicted in Túcume were really alien beings that came down to Earth and helped the Sicán people to build hundreds of pyramids? Perhaps the answer can be found by examining pyramids discovered on the other side of the world deep beneath the sea.
NARRATOR: Yonaguni Island, Japan.
September, 1997.
Multiple teams of researchers, geologists and professional divers launch an underwater expedition near the southernmost of the remote Ryukyu Islands.
They are there to investigate a mysterious stone configuration known as the Yonaguni Pyramid.
Less than a hundred feet below the surface, the divers come across rock formations including pillars wedges platforms and giant steps that appear to be carved out of the bedrock.
WILLIAM MICHAEL MOTT: The Yonaguni Monument has been altered by carving, and it has been very carefully carved into, um, megaliths, platforms, stairways.
The only problem is that it's built for giants.
The stairs are immense.
So who built this monument? And what cataclysmic event sent it to the bottom of the sea? TSOUKALOS: There are all these different cuts that seem to be of artificial origin and not of a natural origin, because it's too precise.
Was Yonaguni artificially altered at a time when the water levels of the oceans were lower? We know that this happened at some point during the last ice age, which was 14,000 years ago.
ROBERT SCHOCH: Now, we have to remember that at the end of the last ice age, sea levels were as much as 300-plus feet lower than they are today, so at that time, this structure would have been above sea level.
It would have been, at that time, dry land.
NARRATOR: Could the massive underwater structure known as Yonaguni really be the remnants of an advanced civilization that existed here on Earth more than 10,000 years ago? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and claim that further evidence can be found in Polynesian stories of a long lost continent called Mu.
MOTT: The Yonaguni Monument may represent the remains of a transpacific civilization that the Polynesians call Mu.
There is evidence throughout Polynesia for an ancient megalithic civilization.
There are similar ruins off the coast of Pohnpei.
The ruins are partially submerged.
CHILDRESS: This lost continent of Mu was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and it encompassed Hawaii and Tahiti.
Tonga and Samoa and even Easter Island were all part of this lost continent of Mu, and the central pyramid complex in Tonga is called Mu'a.
NARRATOR: While most conventional scholars dismiss the story of Mu as being mythology, ancient astronaut theorists suggest an enormous new discovery in Southeast Asia could provide irrefutable evidence that this lost civilization did, in fact, exist.
West Java, Indonesia.
Located in Karyamukti village is a mysterious site called Gunung Padang, or "Mountain of Enlightenment.
" For thousands of years, the local population revered Gunung Padang as a sacred site, and many came here to meditate among the giant stone blocks.
But in 1914 Dutch explorers discovered that the basalt columns scattered across the hilltop are not natural features at all.
They are, in fact, fragments of an ancient megalithic site.
A century later, in 2013, the Indonesian government sponsored an excavation to see if anything was hidden beneath the layers of dirt and rubble.
What they found was evidence that suggests Gunung Padang is the world's oldest step pyramid.
COLLINS: Gunung Padang is probably the most remarkable megalithic structure in the whole of Southeast Asia.
And what it consists of is a-a hillside on the top of which are a series of terraces, um, on which are structures made from basaltic pillars and other types of structure.
SCHOCH: But what is really important is the age of it.
It has been analyzed by a Indonesian geologist, and he seemed to have very good data from bore holes, from radiocarbon analysis, from seismic sections as I've done around the great Sphinx that this site goes back an incredible 20,000 or so years, maybe slightly more than that.
NARRATOR: According to geologists, where Gunung Padang is located was not an isolated island, but the southernmost part of a subcontinent known as Sundaland.
This has led some researchers to speculate that Gunung Padang, with its high elevation, could have been at the pinnacle of a civilization that disappeared sometime around 10,000 BC, when melting ice caps flooded the region and turned it into the series of islands it is today.
WILCOCK: The compelling suggestion is that there was some sort of civilization here before this flood took place, that they built this with advanced technology and therefore, they were extraterrestrial visitors to the earth, and that's why archaeologists are not finding the evidence that we would normally expect to see showing a geometric progression of technology leading up to the ability to build a gigantic pyramid well over 12,000 years ago.
NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists believe Sundaland is only one piece of an enormous underwater puzzle that, when put together, will reveal there was an advanced culture here on Earth tens of thousands of years ago.
But why did they build pyramids? Is it possible pyramids played a powerful, central role in the colonization of the planet? Ancient astronaut theorists suggest the answers may lie not only underwater but buried beneath the sand in Egypt.
NARRATOR: Cairo, Egypt.
On the west bank of the Nile River sits the world's most iconic pyramid complex The Pyramids of Giza.
These ancient marvels of engineering have fascinated mankind for over 4,000 years, and they are just a handful of roughly 130 pyramid structures that have been excavated in the Egyptian deserts to date.
But for ancient astronaut theorists, even more fascinating than the Egyptian pyramids that have been found are those still waiting to be discovered.
Many archaeologists believe that Egypt may be home to dozens, and perhaps even hundreds, of hidden pyramids.
RAMY ROMANY: I believe, just like many other scholars do, that we've only uncovered less than one third of ancient Egypt.
I am sure there are so many pyramids that are buried underneath the sand, but now there's a new hope.
Satellite imaging technology is the new tool that can help us find and locate missing pyramids underneath the sands of Egypt.
NARRATOR: In 2010, Egyptologist Ramy Romany was part of a team of researchers looking for lost ancient cities.
Using infrared images from commercial and NASA satellites, they found something promising in the area of Saqqâra.
ROMANY: The satellite image that we had was just two days after a strong rain.
We found a square-shaped patch in the desert that the color got darker as you got into the middle of it.
Which means the water was absorbed less right in the middle and absorbed more towards the end, which indicates a pyramid-shaped structure underneath the sand.
Once the digging started, the political situation in Egypt got really bad and the digging had to stop.
I believe that there is a pyramid down there missing.
NARRATOR: Ramy and his fellow researchers believe they have found a total of 17 hidden pyramids buried across the Egyptian desert.
ROMANY: There are so many pyramids out there yet to be found.
We have evidence that ancient Egyptian kings built pyramids all the way through the Middle Kingdom.
More than a hundred kings.
NARRATOR: But if there are hundreds of hidden pyramids buried under the sand in Egypt alone, then how many might there be worldwide? And what was their original purpose? CHILDRESS: Because of technology, we are really entering into an exciting, new era of exploration and discovery.
And we are finding more pyramids than ever all around the world In South America, in Central America, even on remote islands.
And even pyramids underwater.
NARRATOR: Many mainstream archaeologists propose that the reason pyramids were built throughout the ancient world is simply because the design, which distributes the majority of the weight closer to the ground was the easiest way to create stable monumental structures.
But ancient astronaut theorists contend that most of the pyramids are, in fact, marvels of engineering.
WILCOCK: These people are moving gigantic 100-ton blocks of stone and assembling them into perfect, beautiful pyramids that have still held together and weathered the test of time nearly 5,000 years later.
And that's based on the conventional dating.
NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists suggest further evidence of a connection between these early pyramid-building societies can be found by comparing their architectural styles.
NEWMAN: There are pyramids all around the world that show incredible similarities.
We have the pyramids in Mexico.
Now there's ones that have been discovered in Peru, there's also pyramids in China, in Tenerife, Mauritius, many other places.
And it really does suggest there was something very interesting going on there in prehistory.
TSOUKALOS: You know, something has to be said about the striking similarities between pyramidal structures that can be found, for example, at the Candi Sukuh pyramid in Indonesia as compared to El Castillo in Chichén Itzá.
NOORY: If you have similarities throughout this entire vast planet of pyramids, then there had to have been some influence from the outside that helped those people of that era build and construct these.
The architect is probably the same.
NARRATOR: Is it possible that the pyramids found all over the world really are in some way connected? And could it be that the ancients built them to serve a purpose modern man has yet to understand? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and claim further clues may be found by closely examining the shape of the pyramid itself.
NARRATOR: Auckland, New Zealand.
Airline pilot Bruce Cathie spots a UFO hovering over the city's harbor.
The craft holds him spellbound before vanishing straight up into the sky.
The sighting turned out to be the first of many Cathie would have over the next two decades.
He recorded all of them, documenting their exact flight paths, and a startling pattern began to emerge.
NEWMAN: He spotted multiple UFO sightings.
They all follow the same north/south grid lines, and east/west grid lines.
What he realized was is that perhaps they were powering their crafts with this particular grid, 'cause the earth is like a hugely powerful energy source.
NARRATOR: Cathie worked with software engineer Rod Maupin to create Gridpoint Atlas a computer program designed to map out his theory that electromagnetic lines crisscross the planet.
According to ancient astronaut theorists, many of the world's ancient cultures were also aware of this global energy grid.
NEWMAN: All around the world, we find megalithic sites that are connected by geodetic gridlines, and energy lines that naturally form from the earth.
And there is clear evidence that there was some kind of ancient survey of the planet that took place in antiquity.
And the evidence now is the placement of where these megalithic sites are that we can still see today.
NARRATOR: Is it possible the ancients built their pyramids to tap into the same electromagnetic fields as extraterrestrials use to power their crafts? HOWE: If we knew the truth, if we had a sophisticated enough perspective on planets and geomagnetic fields we might realize that the sphere of the earth, with a molten core that sets up these magnetic fields, is exactly what other intelligences look for in order to use pyramids in a way that we still have never been introduced to, at least publicly.
Once you have them in the right position, in the right magnetic field structure, you have free energy forever.
And this sounds incredible.
It is incredible.
NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut theorists contend that pyramids were not only built to harness the earth's energy, but to amplify it by using the pyramidal shape itself.
WILCOCK: There are certain pioneering scientists that have made the suggestion that the secret to how the atom is powered is gravity.
That there is, in fact, a union between gravity and electromagnetism.
So, if the earth is a sphere, and the energy is flowing in from all directions, you build the shape of a pyramid, and as that matter is being created, you get a swirling current.
And that swirling current generates a great deal of rotational inertia in the center of the pyramid.
PATRICK FLANAGAN: The Great Pyramid does make an electromagnetic energy.
I've taken, over the years, instruments into the pyramid that converts this energy we're talking about into a voltage.
And measuring Los Angeles, it was putting out about .
08 volts.
And when I took it into the Great Pyramid, it was producing 1200 millivolts, which means 1.
2 volts, and the area around the pyramid was putting out the same voltage.
NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists contend that Earth's pyramids were not only designed for energy disbursement or powering spacecraft, but were also interconnected to act as communication hubs and possibly even teleportation docks, capable of transporting living beings between pyramids both here on Earth and on other worlds.
SIMONE: If we look at all the specific instances of pyramids being placed around the globe, it could be that the Great Pyramid was meant to interconnect with these other pyramids that were built so purposely in different locations and could have been orchestrated by an extraterrestrial species for reasons we're still unable to fathom.
NARRATOR: Might pyramids really hold the key to self-sustaining energy? Was the Great Pyramid of Egypt, in addition to an untold number of other pyramids hidden around the planet, part of a global power network? But if so, what happened to them? Ancient astronaut theorists suggest further clues found in Giza provide evidence that an earlier advanced civilization was deliberately covered up.
NARRATOR: The Giza Plateau, Egypt.
Researchers from the University of the Aegean and the University of Athens perform a study on the stones used for many of the region's ancient monuments.
What they discover is that most of these structures, including the Giza Pyramids, contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils.
The find intensifies the debate between archaeologists who suggest that the blocks used to build the pyramids were cast like concrete versus those who say they were carved out of natural stone.
But for ancient astronaut theorists, it raises another question: is it possible that the pyramids were not built with stone that had at one time been submerged beneath the ocean, but that the pyramids themselves were underwater? WILCOCK: Right in the middle of the desert, seemingly out of nowhere, we have fossils from the ocean, different genres of marine organisms.
Where did they come from? And why are they here? Some say that a great flood did in fact happen, that it was real.
ARIEL BAR TZADOK: The Flood is clearly presented as being sent with intent as an attack upon the earth.
The powers that be had an intent and a purpose for Experiment Earth, which they believed had become corrupted, and therefore the Flood was sent as an attack, an assault upon humanity.
CHILDRESS: These gods were going to artificially create this flood and cataclysm with their super technology.
And who could do that except for extraterrestrials? NARRATOR: According to the Bible, God sent the Great Flood to cleanse the earth, because of the sinful state of mankind.
But if the Flood really was sent by extraterrestrials, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest, might it also have been an attempt to eliminate any trace of the advanced civilization that existed here on Earth in the distant past? Is it possible that the secrets of the pyramids were initially covered up not by humans, but by an alien race that lived among us thousands of years ago? TSOUKALOS: One has to ask the question: well, what was wiped out? Could it be that it was an incredibly advanced society that existed before recorded history? MOTT: Many new pyramid structures have been found.
You have, uh, pyramids off the coast of Cuba in 2,000 feet of water.
So who built those structures? How did they get there? WILCOCK: Researcher Frank Joseph has actually found remnants of at least ten pyramid-shaped structures beneath the surface of the water in Rock Lake, Wisconsin.
Two of these pyramids have actually been explored by scuba divers and mapped out through the use of sonar, which is how we figure out where things are in a deep body of water.
NARRATOR: The presence of man-made pyramids at the bottom of Rock Lake, Wisconsin much like the structures that have been found in China, Alaska, Bosnia and off the coasts of Japan and Cuba is something that government officials continue to deny.
HOWE: Are we living at a time where keeping things like underground pyramids is considered a national security threat to our government if the truth is told? I hope that is not the case.
And if there are pyramids that could be linked together and give this planet energy then let's move on with getting past all these policies of denial, and let's find this pyramid in Alaska and wherever else they are on the planet.
NARRATOR: How many other lost pyramids might be out there? Will the truth about who built these pyramids, and why, reveal our connection to an advanced extraterrestrial race that was here long before even the earliest known civilizations? Perhaps one of these hidden pyramids is the key to activating a global power network that has been lost for thousands of years, and when reactivated, it will once again reconnect us with our alien ancestors.

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