Ancient Aliens s14e13 Episode Script

The Constellation Code

1 NARRATOR: Taurus, Leo, Gemini, Aries.
Are the constellations of the night sky merely meant to map the stars, or could they be something more? JONATHAN YOUNG: In ancient times, there was a fortune-telling quality to this vast array.
MITCH HOROWITZ: Our ancient ancestors came to feel that these constellations were windows on earthly events.
ANDREW COLLINS: Is it possible that all of these different constellations convey alien messages inbound from somewhere else in the galaxy? NARRATOR: Was knowledge of the constellations given to ancient people by extraterrestrial visitors? And do they contain a code that, once deciphered, could unlock the mysteries of the entire universe? DAVID CHILDRESS: You have to wonder if these star signs aren't some code that has been put there for us to make contact with extraterrestrials.
NARRATOR: There is a doorway in the universe.
Beyond it is the promise of truth.
It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us.
The future is right before our eyes.
We are not alone.
We have never been alone.
Somerset, England.
49-year-old artist Katharine Maltwood has been commissioned to draw a map outlining the adventures of the knights of King Arthur.
Thanks to the recent invention of the airplane, she is able to obtain the earliest aerial photographs of the area.
While studying them, she suddenly notices a figure in the landscape.
She noticed what appeared to be a landscape lion.
It just sort of reared up at her, quite literally.
And she examined this and wondered whether this was the Leo figure of the zodiac.
Then she saw, next to it, this large, giant figure, which she felt was part of some kind of collective of landscape effigies that had been laid down by ancient hands.
And one by one, she found that they actually represented the 12 signs of the zodiac.
HUGH NEWMAN: Glastonbury Zodiac is so large that you can only really see it from the sky.
The zodiac signs are marked by rivers, streams, roads, field boundaries.
Pisces is actually two fishes, and one of the fishes is Wearyall Hill.
The other side of the road, we have Aries.
They were actually creating certain parts of the zodiac as earth works, as shapes, deliberately.
NARRATOR: The shapes look so much like man-made features that Maltwood published a book about them and called it the Temple of the Stars.
While it was received with much skepticism, proponents say there is ample evidence around the region to suggest these formations have been created by artificial means and that almost every field and hill in the area has been modified in some way.
One of the most important ones is called Ponter's Ball.
Now, this is a large, mile-long, pointed earth work, which is exactly where the Capricorn effigy's horn is in the zodiac.
NARRATOR: Even more significant is a massive hill called Glastonbury Tor.
Many researchers are convinced that this is a man-made feature.
And based on its shape, some have even suggested it could be hiding an ancient pyramid.
Glastonbury Tor is the most significant part of the whole Somerset landscape.
On top of it, we have St.
Michael's Tower, a 14th-century construction.
But the main site itself has terraces carved around it, like a labyrinth coming up from ground level all the way to the top.
If there really is a labyrinthian design marked out on the slopes of Glastonbury Tor, it's not just pre-Roman; It must be pre-Celtic.
Uh, it must even date back to the megalithic times.
WILLIAM HENRY: The question becomes, well, if you can't see the zodiac from ground level, then how is it possible that these ancient designers could see it from the air? This suggests that Glastonbury was designed with people that had some kind of transportation that took them into the air of Glastonbury, be it an extraterrestrial craft or maybe some other type of a craft.
It's only until we ourselves have the ability of flight and could do aerial surveys, and then we could see this giant zodiac on the landscape around Glastonbury.
So, in some ways, perhaps it was left for us like an ancient code to find in the future.
NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that to solve the mystery of the Glastonbury Zodiac, we must first solve another mystery: That of the zodiac itself.
In ancient times, the night sky was a dazzling mystery.
This vast array of stars.
And gradually, there was an understanding that certain things could come from this.
You could read it as a calendar.
You would know when to plant your crops.
You would know when the floods might come.
NARRATOR: Connected to the tracking of the stars was the practice of drawing lines between them to create constellations, which exist in the historical records of humanity's earliest civilizations.
It also appears that these civilizations had some form of what is referred to as the "zodiac wheel.
" COLLINS: The ancients decided that they would create a division of the heavens based upon the movement of the Sun through one yearly cycle.
And as it does this, it passes through 12 different constellations.
And these become the zodiacal signs that we know today.
These ideas go back to Babylonian times and even the Sumerians, as much as 5,000 years ago.
NARRATOR: In many ancient cultures, it was thought that the constellations affected not only harvests and weather, but daily life as well.
While this may seem like a primitive notion, it is very much alive and well, kept relevant by billions of people who check their horoscopes every day.
In modern times, there's this distinction between astronomy, which is the observation of celestial movements, and astrology, which is the interpretation of those celestial bodies and movements.
In ancient times, the astronomers and astrologers tended to be one and the same person.
Astrology didn't originate in one place, but for some reason, just about every culture seems to have made this observation that there's a correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, which is the basic premise of astrology.
NARRATOR: While astrology is dismissed by modern science, it is estimated that over 90% of the world's adult population today is aware of their astrological sign.
In the modern world, many people regard this as nothing more than a topic of conversation.
But in the ancient world, the zodiac wheel was seen as a way to communicate with the gods.
The ancient Greeks conceptualized astrology as the language of the gods, or the heavenly script, as if the movements of the planets across the sky and through the signs of the zodiac or the constellations had some sort of significant message that was being conveyed by the gods about life on Earth and about individuals.
NARRATOR: The ancient people associated the constellations with important historical and mythological events, and even with the creation of humanity itself.
HENRY: The ancients began assigning animals as symbols for this journey through the sky.
In ancient Sumeria, they identified Aquarius with a god being, Enki, who was the creator god in the Sumerian tradition.
According to the Sumerians, it was Enki who came to Earth and created humanity in its present form.
Now, this is very interesting, because these types of descriptions appear over and over again where people connect with these particular star systems or constellations, in various mythic and historical traditions.
That cannot be by coincidence.
NARRATOR: Is it possible that extraterrestrial visitors are responsible for so many separate cultures not only connecting the same groups of stars in the exact same way, but for revering these constellations as sources of power and wisdom? Could these pictures in the sky have a far more profound significance than we are aware of today? And if so, might the Glastonbury Zodiac provide the key to recovering this lost knowledge? Curiously, Glastonbury has been a hotbed of UFO sightings for decades.
One of the most famous encounters was reported by author Anthony Roberts and his wife in 1969.
And they were driving in a car, and they'd seen a huge sphere of white light in the sky ahead of them, and they followed it and it changed size.
It then started to trace out an enormous geometrical star pattern across the entire sky, and then massively accelerate and disappear.
NARRATOR: Might there be a connection between the star pattern that was allegedly created by the UFO and the zodiac wheel formed in the Glastonbury landscape? But if this site really does contain lost knowledge regarding the zodiac, what could it be? Perhaps further clues can be found by examining another towering megalithic site built in the shape of a constellation.
NARRATOR: Alatri, Italy, June 2019.
Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos is in the heart of the Italian peninsula, about 50 miles southeast of Rome.
He is here to investigate the astronomical alignment of the finest megalithic construction in Italy, the city's acropolis.
TSOUKALOS (chuckles): All right.
- Hello, Giorgio.
How are you? - Good to see you again.
- Yeah.
Nice to see you again.
- How are you? - Fine.
- What a fantastic place.
- I cannot wait to see all of this.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I've been waiting for years to see this.
NARRATOR: For expert insight, he has enlisted the help of Dr.
Giulio Magli, a professor of archaeoastronomy from the Polytechnic University in Milan, Italy.
Magli has spent years studying this massive structure.
This is incredible.
TSOUKALOS: 26 tons.
I mean, this is absolutely insane.
So you're suggesting that they had to have had a compelling reason to do this, 'cause nobody in their right mind would do something like this without a reason.
NARRATOR: The imposing megalithic citadel was built on top of a hill and is defined by six huge walls.
The shape of the acropolis, when viewed from the sky, has led some to suggest that it was built to create a lasting commemoration of the site's connection to the stars.
Giorgio has brought a drone with him to get an aerial view of the ancient acropolis.
- All right, let's launch this rocket.
- Yes.
TSOUKALOS: All right, so what do we see here? - Okay.
- And TSOUKALOS: Right.
So, are you saying that this mount here was cut artificially? That is incredible.
TSOUKALOS: So, we are looking at the outline of Gemini here? - Wow.
- May well be.
What's really interesting here is that the entire mountaintop has been artificially shaped so that it is in the shape of the constellation of Gemini.
And then you have to wonder, why was it built in this shape? Because something of significance happened here a long time ago.
NARRATOR: In Greek mythology, the Gemini constellation depicts twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, the offspring of a god and a human.
HENRY: In the story, we're told that Zeus shape-shifted or disguised himself as a swan and impregnated this human female, Leda, leading to the birth of Castor and Pollux.
But in some versions of the story, we learn that there were actually two eggs that were hatched.
One had the twin sets of boys, and another had twin sets of girls.
Some of the twins were mortal.
Others of the twins were immortal.
NARRATOR: While mainstream historians consider the story purely mythological, ancient astronaut theorists point out that these gods were considered very real by the Greek people of the time, and they propose that the story of the twins could be an account of an extraterrestrial encounter.
In one version of the story, we're told that the egg containing Castor and Pollux came down out of the heavens.
TSOUKALOS: When the legends say that the Gemini twins were born of an egg that descended from the sky, it actually says that they were born of a so-called cosmic egg.
And what are these cosmic eggs? They're always described as having either a silver or a bronze-colored shell, and sometimes they're also described as having a lot of smoke, fire and noise.
CHILDRESS: And interestingly, many UFOs are sometimes seen as eggs.
So, is it possible that the egg of Castor and Pollux is some extraterrestrial vehicle that looks like an egg and lands on Earth, and then two twins step out? It's quite possible.
NARRATOR: If the Alatri acropolis was purposely built to resemble the Gemini constellation, could it be commemorating an alien visitation? And considering the incredible size of the stones it was built with, is it possible that the extraterrestrials themselves had a hand in the wall's construction? Do we have any records, written records at all, - about this place from ancient times? - We don't.
What is your speculation how old this place really could be? Okay, uh TSOUKALOS: Because you can clearly see the different construction styles.
Giulio, thank you very much for sharing this with me, and I can't wait till we see each other again.
CHILDRESS: Whoever built the Alatri acropolis was trying to point something out to us.
Apparently, they were trying to show us the zodiac and the constellation of Gemini.
And why they were trying to do that, we don't know.
NARRATOR: The Alatri acropolis is particularly baffling in that, much like the Glastonbury Zodiac, its shape can only be discerned from high above, a perspective that the ancient people presumably would not have had.
But these are just two of many sites found all over the world that appear to have connections to the stars.
HENRY: The Mayan temples were aligned with the Pleiades.
Angkor Wat is aligned with the constellation of Draco.
What's interesting about all of these places is that they're considered to be star mirrors, making them places of connection, where people can go to connect with that particular star system or constellation.
NARRATOR: Is it possible that the Alatri acropolis and other sites aligned with constellations around the world were built to honor extraterrestrial beings who visited in the distant past? And if so, could they have another, even more profound purpose? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest further clues as to what that purpose is can be found by examining the signs of the zodiac and their connection to the gods.
NARRATOR: Berlin, Germany.
January 2016.
(bicycle bell dinging) Humboldt University professor Mathieu Ossendrijver announces a revolutionary discovery in the field of astronomy.
He translates a Babylonian text that shows the ancient people calculated the orbit of Jupiter more than 2,000 years ago, demonstrating an understanding of mathematical concepts that were not thought to have been developed until the 17th century.
The sky watchers of Babylon also identified the constellations of the zodiac.
And incredibly, a star chart belonging to the Sumerian civilization that preceded the Babylonians has been dated to 3300 BC.
But perhaps even more significant than the discovery that ancient people recognized the constellations as early as 5,000 years ago is the fact that they believed them to be intimately tied to events on Earth, imbued with the power of the gods.
Each sign has its own story.
Each is tied to specific mythology.
Different mythologies in different parts of the world, but the collection has sort of become standardized, more or less based on the Greek, with a few exceptions.
So, the sign Aries is represented by the god Aries, the god of war.
This is not only the warrior energy, but the ability to fight through a difficult problem.
Taurus is the god Aphrodite, and this is important divine energy, it is love, beauty, sex, a sense of confidence in your appearance.
Cancer is associated with the goddess Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, of the forest and the Moon, so the dark places that are important but hard to navigate.
So we have these 12 stories, these 12 signs, 12 different divine energies.
The very first personality typology is born of our relationship with the sky.
It's born of the stars.
We're looking out into the celestial realm, and we see ourselves.
NARRATOR: In many ways, the zodiac truly is the language of the heavens.
The positions of the constellations in the night sky also indicate the positions of the planets, as well as the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.
Incredibly, ancient people had some understanding of this thousands of years before the invention of the telescope.
And they closely watched the movement of these celestial bodies for divine messages.
This shows up really prominently in the Bible.
Uh, for example, in the story of or the Gospel of Matthew There's the story about the Magi going to the birth of Jesus because they saw the Star of Bethlehem.
But the point of that story is not that the Magi saw the Star of Bethlehem and thought it caused the birth of Jesus, but just that there was some sort of celestial omen or message that indicated that somebody important had been born.
And that's part of the reason why some of the planets are named after specific gods.
Like Jupiter in Greek Is named Zeus, or Mercury was named Hermes, and so on and so forth.
They tended to think that the planets and some of the celestial bodies were the celestial representations of those gods and had some power to convey messages from the cosmos, as if the cosmos itself was alive and sentient and capable of speaking to humanity.
And sometimes they'll go so far as to try to, um, mirror events that are happening in the sky on Earth.
NARRATOR: If ancient people believed that the stars relayed messages from the gods to humans, then did they build structures aligned to the stars or in the shape of constellations not simply to pay tribute to these gods, but to leave messages of their own? Perhaps further clues can be found by examining a more modern mystery.
In 2018, astrophysicist Travis Taylor traveled to Oak Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, where, according to legend, a treasure was buried more than 200 years ago.
Travis met up with the island's current caretakers, Rick and Marty Lagina, to test his theory that a band of warrior monks called the Knights Templar was behind the mystery, and that they recorded the location of the treasure with a star map.
MARTY LAGINA: So, you've done some investigative work - and you have some stuff to show us, I understand.
- TAYLOR: Right.
Yeah, I do.
I got to thinking, is there something that archaeoastronomy might have to do with the island? So I overlaid the constellation of Taurus on the island.
What we have are all of the stars aligning onto the island.
This is a star map.
Not only are the stars used for navigation; You can look at the constellations in the sky and also use those to map out points on the ground, and that can also act as like a treasure map.
There's a huge boulder over here.
We walked across the island to those GPS coordinates, and interestingly enough, six out of seven of the points we went to Is that not a giant stone right there? There was a large boulder, uh, that weighed several tons, that was right where the star coincided with the map on the island.
JACK BEGLEY: This is one of your points, and there was a stone feature here.
- A very obvious one.
- That's-that's wild.
TAYLOR: The boulders, they weren't indigenously there.
They were put there on purpose.
So, the constellation was drawn out on the island.
The question is, why? LAGINA: Yeah, you can't deny that you're hitting on all cylinders, so that's cool.
On to the next.
Could those stones that we saw be markers that were put there by some human beings a long, long time ago to correspond with a star map? The answer is Of course they could.
NARRATOR: While the Oak Island treasure has yet to be found, many experts believe that constellations can be used as a type of code.
It's possible that other information could also be used, uh, by laying star maps on the surface.
They could be leaving a message, like, whoever built this, that's where they came from.
It's also possible that this could be a message on how to build or do something.
NARRATOR: Messages contained in star maps? Could this explain not only the arrangement of the mysterious boulders found on Oak Island, but also why ancient peoples throughout the world built structures to mirror the heavens? But if so, what information might be revealed at places like the Alatri acropolis and the Glastonbury pyramid? Are they pointing to the origins of multiple extraterrestrial factions that came to Earth? Or something even more profound? NARRATOR: St.
Andrews, Scotland.
July 2012.
A team of scientists at St.
Andrews University announces an incredible discovery, the remains of an ancient civilization on the bottom of the North Sea, just east of the British Isles.
Archaeologists believe it fell victim to rising sea levels at least 8,000 years ago, and potentially even earlier.
The sunken civilization is named Doggerland after a nearby sandbank called Dogger Bank, but there are some who call it by another name: Atlantis.
TSOUKALOS: The first reference of Atlantis that we have is in Plato's dialogues by Timaeus and Critias.
In the very end of that, it talks about this mythical place called Atlantis from where any and all knowledge of the world came.
And so, some people have suggested that the first civilization on Earth may have been Atlantean.
Depending on your source material, Atlantis will be depicted in different ways, but from Plato forward, it's almost always depicted as a technologically advanced civilization.
A civilization that occupies the pinnacle of development.
Atlantis was allegedly this land mass that existed beyond the Pillars of Hercules, which is today's Strait of Gibraltar, and to this day, if Atlantis existed, we have no idea where exactly Atlantis was.
NARRATOR: According to legend, Atlantis was destroyed by a cataclysmic flood, which some identify as the great flood described in the Bible.
Is it possible that the newly discovered Doggerland is actually Atlantis? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest that not only can evidence of the lost city be found underwater, but even survives on dry land, hiding in plain sight.
A number of modern scholars in England, particularly, have believed that all of the stone structures and mounds that are in England and Wales and Scotland and Ireland are all remnants of Atlantis.
The famous researcher John Michell in England wrote a book called The View Over Atlantis.
And in that book, he's talking about the remnants of Atlantis that is still above water while much of Atlantis is underwater now.
NARRATOR: In 1960, British author Brinsley Le Poer Trench published his seminal book, The Sky People.
In it, he claims the Glastonbury Zodiac was built by Atlanteans.
Atlantis was basically a culture that always, as far as Trench was concerned, from the very beginning, uh, had an E.
And at its very end, that impetus is there again when the Glastonbury Zodiac is created as an enduring memorial and also as a future prophecy by Atlantean refugees, if you like, with help from the sky people.
HENRY: In esoteric British lore, before the fall of Atlantis, there were refugees, sages, that came to the British Isles and created the Glastonbury Zodiac as a way to remember the story of Atlantis.
NARRATOR: Could it be that an advanced ancient civilization called Atlantis was not only real, but was a place where humans coexisted with extraterrestrials? Ancient astronaut theorists suggest further clues can be found by examining the Greek creation myth of the lost continent.
CHILDRESS: According to legend, Atlantis was founded by the god Poseidon.
He fell in love with a human woman named Cleito, and that they had five sets of twins.
And these twins went on to be the founders of Atlantis.
So here we see, really, a story of extraterrestrials, perhaps, coming to Earth at a very early date.
Before the last ice age.
NARRATOR: The mythology of the ancient Celtic people also tells of a race of beings who came from the sky in this part of the world: The Tuath Dé Danann.
HENRY: When we look at the story of the origins of the druids and how they are the offspring of the Tuath Dé Danann, who came from the stars and came rode upon clouds and-and came to Britain, we wonder if these, in fact, could be the same gods that founded the civilization of Atlantis.
NARRATOR: Could it be that the Glastonbury Zodiac was created by Atlanteans? But if so, why? Was it meant to leave a physical record of a civilization on the verge of annihilation? Or does it contain critical information for the evolution of humankind? NARRATOR: Glastonbury, England.
While researching the Glastonbury Zodiac, author Andrew Collins hears numerous accounts from people claiming to have experienced strange visions associated with the site.
For Collins, this aspect of the mystery resonates most deeply, as he has experienced such visions himself.
One of the purposes of the Glastonbury Zodiac would seem to draw people towards it.
During an earlier part of my life, I was drawn into the Glastonbury Zodiac quest.
I started to receive dreams and visions, and I felt that I had to embark upon this quest to navigate from each different sign, going from place to place.
And the sense is, at the end of it, is that you're contributing to some kind of global consciousness.
For, in my opinion, some kind of intelligence is responsible for drawing human experience, human knowledge, and uploading this into the system.
NARRATOR: Profound visions have been reported at Glastonbury dating all the way back to the modern-day rediscovery of the enormous landscape zodiac in 1927.
When Katharine Maltwood first noticed the constellations in the landscape, she said that they jumped out at her as if in a flash of inspiration.
HENRY: Maltwood's sudden discovery of the Glastonbury Zodiac is very interesting because it makes you wonder, was she herself in an altered state of consciousness when she had this flash of inspiration? Did she receive perhaps a message from an otherworldly, even extraterrestrial being who told her what is actually on the landscape at Glastonbury? NARRATOR: In his book, The Sky People, Brinsley Le Poer Trench pointed out a curious detail of the Glastonbury Zodiac that he felt provided evidence of an extraterrestrial connection.
Trench had the idea that because there is just one of the twins of Gemini depicted in the Glastonbury Zodiac, the other twin is in outer space.
It is a whole testimony to this tearing asunder of our family by the great tragic, uh, event of the fall of Atlantis.
HENRY: Maltwood believed that the Glastonbury Zodiac is an earthly counterpart to the stellar temple called the Caer Sidi of the Celts and that, in fact, it was a mirror of the zodiac in the heavens, and that by going into altered states of consciousness, ancient shamans were able to travel into the stellar temple from the earthly temple.
NARRATOR: Do the Gemini twins suggest a connection between Earth and the heavens? Could it be that the visions reported at Glastonbury are messages from an advanced extraterrestrial race? But if so, how? COLLINS: Is it possible that all of these astrological influences convey alien messages inbound from somewhere else in the galaxy? Well, if the answer is yes, then the means of this communication is what we call quantum entanglement.
NARRATOR: The theory of quantum entanglement states that if a particle is split into two parts, the parts will remain connected to one another, even when separated over large distances.
TAYLOR: If two particles are quantum-entangled, as we say, then as they travel off to different places in the universe, if you do something to this one, it instantaneously will affect this one.
NARRATOR: Scientists suspect a potential application of quantum entanglement could be in faster-than-light communication.
HENRY: Through the process of quantum entanglement, an extraterrestrial being could be millions of light-years away and still be able to communicate with humans on Earth.
NARRATOR: Are there places on the planet where extraterrestrial contact can take place? Is this why Katharine Maltwood was able to recognize the signs of the zodiac incorporated into the landscape of Glastonbury? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest the message to humankind provides not only information about Earth, but the key to traveling to the stars.
NARRATOR: New York City.
Located in Midtown Manhattan is the busiest train station in the United States, Grand Central Terminal.
Three-quarters of a million people come through here each day, and when they do, they pass under an enormous star chart, one whose origins date back some 5,000 years.
When commuters walk into Grand Central, they see an epic, magnificent mural of the zodiac wheel.
It is one of the largest zodiac murals in the modern world.
NARRATOR: Although most visitors are not aware of the mural above their heads, if they were, they might be astounded, because as far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, it depicts the evolution of the Earth in extraterrestrial terms.
The most interesting fact about this portion of the zodiac wheel is that it demonstrates what is called the precession of the equinoxes.
What we call the spring equinox is the first day of spring.
Back when the principles of astrology were first put together, the first day of spring was in Aries.
During the age of Christ, the first day of spring was in Pisces.
The fish is associated with Pisces.
Christ was considered the fisher of men.
And nowadays, the spring equinox occurs when the Sun rises in the constellation of Aquarius.
That's why we are said to be in the Age of Aquarius, which is supposed to be an age of spiritual understanding, mystical awareness and world peace.
NARRATOR: While there is no consensus as to an exact date, many believe that the Age of Aquarius was set by ancient astrologers to begin in February 1962 and believed that it would trigger the rapid development of new technology.
Ironically, it began just seven years before man landed on the Moon.
NEIL ARMSTRONG: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
I guarantee you that when our ancestors spoke about these gods descending from the sky, they were not referring to the constellations themselves descending from the sky, but, in my opinion, people coming from those areas up in the night sky.
HENRY: As we are entering into the new Age of Aquarius, according to the Sumerians, it was Enki, is the original man of Aquarius, an otherworldly, even extraterrestrial being.
We are returning to a time when Enki himself may return.
That's perfectly consistent with this idea that the zodiac, in fact, is a sort of a clock that tells not just about the Sun's journey, but also about the journey of extraterrestrials and their return to Earth.
JASON MARTELL: We're now in the Age of Aquarius, and there is a quickening effect taking place with our technological advances.
It's very possible that we are now in the age when we are going to reconnect with our ancient alien ancestors.
NARRATOR: Could our ancestors have been aware of the zodiac's powerful message thousands of years ago? And might the signs of the zodiac provide the key to understanding both humanity's past and future? There's a prophecy in the Glastonbury Zodiac relating to the coming Age of Aquarius.
It's going to be a time where our minds begin to think radically differently in a way that can transform life on this planet for the better.
In many ways, we are becoming more enlightened, we are becoming more connected with the cosmos, we understand more about our roots and our origins.
NARRATOR: Might the discoveries of massive landscape zodiacs, legends of a lost advanced civilization and accounts of telepathic alien transmissions be preparing humanity to recognize a long-lost connection to otherworldly beings? Does the zodiac really contain a message from extraterrestrials? And if so, what is it trying to say? Perhaps when we crack this constellation code, we will achieve our ultimate destiny and ascend to the stars.

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