Ancient Aliens s18e15 Episode Script

Mysterious Artifacts

A mysterious metal object
that defies explanation.
Very strange.
So what does the museum
have to say about this?
It is a strange piece
for us as well.
An ancient stone carving
that may possess
advanced technology.
Inside the crystalline
structure were great
memory chip banks.
An extraordinary crystal skull
with strange properties.
So, what are we looking at here?
It seems to be a very strong,
protective energy.
On Ancient Aliens,
we've investigated
the world's oldest
and most incredible
relics up close and in person.
Now, we take a look back at some
of the most mysterious artifacts
we've examined
all over the globe.
Artifacts that, according to
ancient astronaut theorists,
provide undeniable proof
of extraterrestrial contact.
On Ancient Aliens,
we have examined
some of the most mysterious
artifacts on Earth.
Artifacts that, I believe,
offer compelling evidence
that our ancestors
were visited by
And that is exactly
what I found when I traveled
to a museum in Romania with
Erich von Däniken to examine
one of the most extraordinary
relics ever discovered.
Workers digging a trench
along the banks
of the Mures River
unearth two giant bones.
And with them,
a mysterious metal object,
buried 35 feet
beneath the surface.
The discovery brings
the project to a halt
as the crew takes their
findings to a nearby museum.
This strange object, known
today as the Wedge of Aiud,
continues to baffle
because it is an aluminum alloy
that appears to have been
made thousands of years
before humans were able
to smelt or fabricate metal.
It was 10 meters in depth
associated with some bones,
which they later identified
as woolly mammoth bones.
If they were contemporary,
all of them, then they were
in use sometime in the period
when Neanderthals
roamed the Earth.
So they were extinct
40,000 years ago,
so they must be older than that.
The Wedge was analyzed
three times to my knowledge.
The main metal in its
composition is aluminum.
Humans didn't really
start working
with aluminum until well
into the 1800s.
So when you look at
this wedge and you analyze it,
it really has most
of the modern properties
we would associate
with aluminum.
In January of 2017,
ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos
and Erich von Däniken
were offered a rare opportunity
to get a firsthand look
at the Wedge of Aiud.
Museum curator Ana Gruia
has taken it out of
a storage locker
where it has been
deliberately hidden
from the public
since the early 1970s.
This is exciting.
Okay, I'm just gonna put
my gloves on.
This is great.
So this is it.
- Oh, wow.
- Okay.
This is strange.
It's very heavy.
- Giorgio, take it, it's heavy.
- This is crazy.
And this was found at a depth
of 10 meters,
which is about 30 feet,
- in the ground.
- Yes.
Yes, and here, this is
where they took the sample out,
and here, to make the analysis.
And here you see two pieces
that are broken off, sort of.
So maybe it was attached
or something.
But very strange.
So what does the museum
have to say about this?
This is a very strange piece.
It is, it is a strange piece
for us as well.
As historians,
we do not consider it
a historical object
that we're used to.
We don't know
what it was used for,
and we acknowledge these
uncertainties about its dating,
and its composition as well.
So, for what can you use this?
It looks like a hammer
or a shovel, but, Giorgio,
what is the word of, in English?
- Oh, an excavator tooth.
- Well,
it looks like this.
- It could have been something like it.
- Yeah.
But these excavator tooths
- are never made out of aluminum.
- No, it's too weak.
- Aluminum is too soft.
- Yeah.
They are made out of steel.
Especially hard steel,
so it could not be that.
So we have a real mystery here.
But you see this patina
over this whole object?
And this creates
another problem.
Yes, because
you cannot fake a patina.
It's impossible
to artificially create a patina.
The patina is a thin coating
of various metal compounds
that forms
on the surface of the metal
during exposure
to atmospheric elements.
The older the object,
the thicker
the patina layer will be.
It takes hundreds,
if not thousands of years
for a thick layer of patina,
as this apparently is,
for it to develop.
Yes, we agree there are
two basic problems.
One, that aluminum
was not invented
at the age when we presume
this was in use.
And second, it's the patina,
as you noted.
Which speaks for the date.
- Yes.
- For the age of it.
So we-we still
have a mystery here.
Thank you very much for
showing us this object because
I know that there was a time
when nobody knew where it was,
somewhere in a box in the back.
Which means present-day
archaeology has a problem.
And they're doing
magnificent work.
But when something
like this comes along,
you know, we should
investigate this
and not put it in
a box in the back.
- Definitely.
- It did depend on mentalities
- in official position.
- Yes.
It isn't currently exhibited
because we have to admit,
as historians,
that we do not know
more details about it.
For us it's just baffling
at this point.
But taking the-the logic
further, this conflicting
information could have
just two solutions so far:
One, that it is really
not so old and the context
is irrelevant, and the patina
was somehow produced
in special circumstances.
So it's a new object
strangely preserved, let's say.
And the second option is,
of course,
that it's not
of terrestrial origin.
In all of your adventures,
how does this compare
to some of the other things
that are inexplicable?
I am helpless. I have no idea.
That says it all right there.
Very bizarre. Bizarre.

I've known about this thing
since the early 1990s,
and I have to tell you
that looking at it
in person was a dream come true.
And it's a very strange thing.
I mean, how do you explain this?
It certainly looks
as if it was part
of a larger object.
The question is, was it
a component of a device?
Was it a component
of something larger?
If the Wedge of Aiud really is
over 40,000 years old,
then who made it,
and what was it used for?
Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe they may have
the answer.
An aeronautical engineer
who saw the Aiud Wedge
looked at it and said,
"That's a piece of
a landing gear
for a vertical takeoff
and landing aircraft."
Ancient astronaut theorists
have also looked at this wedge
and surmised that it's possible
that it's part of a crashed
extraterrestrial craft.
Could the Wedge of Aiud
really be a remnant
of an extraterrestrial craft?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes.
And they suggest that the truth
about these
otherworldly visitors
can be found half a world away,
encoded in stone.
Some of the most
mysterious artifacts
we've investigated on
Ancient Aliens
have come in the form of
ancient stone statues
known as stelae.
On a recent trip
to Copán, Honduras,
I met with an archaeologist
who showed me some
intriguing examples
of these Mayan artifacts
that he suggests
may have served
a technological purpose.
Ancient Astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos travels
to Copán, Honduras, to meet up
with renowned Mayan
archaeologist David Sedat
who's been involved
in the excavation
of the site for more
than three decades.
David, great pleasure
to meet you.
Well, I've been
looking forward to this.
I'm sure you have a lot
of things you want to see.
This is Yes, I do.
So, David, what are we
looking at here?
this is the Great Plaza.
It's over 100 meters, uh,
larger than a football field.
And it's the southern portion
of the Great Plaza
with the majority of the great
standing stone giants that
you've come to see are located.
On the grounds at Copán
are dozens of stone
statues called stelae.
The most well-known of these
were built during
the 43-year reign of the ruler
Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil,
better known by
the nickname "18 Rabbit."
This is the first time
I'm standing next
to one of these.
Absolutely incredible.
What do the glyphs say
about this particular statue
or stela here?
This is all a representation of
the 13th ruler, whom we
have nicknamed 18 Rabbit.
And they show him
taking on the persona
of the high god of Copán,
Ju'n Ajaw, who was a sky god.
The supreme being.
The motifs on his headdress
and other attributes
show that he is a sky deity.
This is amazing to me
because here we have not only
a statue depicting something,
which is a picture,
a carved picture,
but on the sides,
we have writing,
glyphs carved
that speak of a sky deity.
Now, when I look at
something like this,
I'm immediately reminded
of misunderstood technology.
Because imagine,
if a people who are
intelligent yet their
technological frame of reference
from 1,000 or 2,000 years ago
we have to admit was primitive,
not their intelligence,
their technological
frame of reference.
Of course,
let me just add to that
that everything
shows his connectedness
of the cosmos
and this living space
of mankind in all of its senses.
And by the way,
I have seen that
headdress right there
elsewhere on planet Earth.
And that is in Mesopotamia.
So the fact that we have
these examples worldwide
leads me to think that it was
a flesh and blood
whom our ancestors
misinterpreted as being God.
Why? Because
they came from the sky.
Arthur C. Clarke
said it best when he said,
"Any sufficiently
advanced technology
is indistinguishable
from magic."
Imagine showing
your great-great-grandfather
your smart phone.
- Right. That's right.
- All of a sudden,
you've become
a magician, a wizard.
When we talk about technology,
I imagine someday in the future
that the technology will be such
that we'll be able to scan
this stela here
and receive the resonances
that are inside the crystalline
structure of the stone.
In other words,
that these were great
memory chip banks.
Wow, okay.
And in the appropriate algorithm
we could peel back into time
by hearing the sights and sounds
and everything
that happened in this
sacred space and maybe
answer some of the questions
that you were posing.
Is it possible that these
Mayan stone giants
were designed in such a way
as to be able to digitally
store valuable data?
We've learned a lot about
how ancient civilizations
understood our solar system
and their world.
These civilizations
had advanced technologies
for working with
stone and metal,
and in some cases crystals.
We still don't know
how they did what they did.
It's reasonable that,
given these monuments exist,
that we should analyze them
to see if there's
other layers of information
encoded in them.
If these statues were
in fact devices that had
recorded information,
you wonder if we have also
some evidence here
from the statues of Copán
that extraterrestrials
are coming to this planet.
Could the ancient
stone giants of Copán
really be encoded with
precious information
about the ancient world?
And if so, might they
also hold evidence
of extraterrestrial contact?
As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
the answer is a profound yes.
And to prove their point,
they believe
that one of the keys
can be found by examining
the elaborate carvings
located on what is
referred to as Stela C
the same one that David Sedat
considers the most incredible.
The inscription on this side
starts a 20-year period
equivalent to December 5 of 711.
And midnight on that night,
the Milky Way was standing
precisely straight up
in the tropical sky here.
The text goes on to say
that this also happened
4,600 years before.
And there is strong implication
that he was as well,
like on that night,
witnessing this celestial event.
Witnessing the event?
Is it possible that the ruler
depicted on the stelae
known as 18 Rabbit
was able to observe
an astronomical event
that occurred more than
4,000 years before his time?
Let me show you
how the narrative
picks up on the other side.
All right, let's check it out.
So now here,
- this guy has a beard.
- Well, yes.
This is still 18 Rabbit,
but he's achieved
great age, great wisdom.
Telling us that he is
witnessing this astronomical
conjunction of the Milky Way
two million years ago.
Two million years ago?
- Two million years ago.
- So this guy here
And he witnessed it.
Now, he witnesses
this astronomical
conjunction of the Milky Way
two million years in the future.
- As well?
- As well.
That's extraordinary.
So these stones have to be seen
as the supernatural
personas that can travel
in time simultaneously
backwards and forwards.
You've just blown my mind.
Supernatural personas that
can travel through time?
If the statues of Copán
were really created
as a means of storing
valuable ancient knowledge,
as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,
then how and why did that
knowledge come to be lost
along with the keys needed
to unlock their secrets?
Perhaps the answers
can be found by examining
another group
of mysterious stones
that may have
extraterrestrial origins.
Many of the mystererious
we've investigated
on Ancient Aliens are,
in my opinion,
objects that our ancestors
created to document
encounters with
otherworldly beings.
But every now and then
we have come across an artifact
that may itself be
of extraterrestrial origin.
In 2019, David Childress
got the rare opportunity
to scientifically test
strange stones that are unlike
anything we've ever
found on planet Earth.
Sierra Leone, Africa.
The early 1990s.
As civil war rages
across the country
rebels begin forcing
villagers to mine
so-called "blood diamonds."
But from deep within the earth
emerges a vast treasure
they weren't expecting.
They discover mysterious figures
ranging from five
to ten inches tall
often with reptilian
or amphibian features
known as Nomoli.
They're very strange statues.
Some are clay, some are of
granite or limestone.
They are humans and human
figures with lizard heads.
There are hundreds of them.
According to legend,
the Nomoli represent sky gods.
When they fell from the heaven,
part of the sky turned to stone
and rained down with them.
Curiously, strange blue stones
can be found buried with many
of the Nomoli figurines.
These strange blue stones
called skystones
have been found with
the statues and at first,
archaeologists thought,
okay, it's just blue stones.
But when they analyzed it,
they couldn't figure out
how these had been made, too.
Although the people
in Sierra Leone felt
that they were actually
pieces of the blue sky
that fell with the Nomoli.
If these mysterious blue stones
are really connected
to the legend of the sky
turning to stone
and raining down on the Earth
with the arrival of the Nomoli,
what could they be?
Seattle, Washington.
March 6, 2019.
In search of further evidence
that the Nomoli statues may have
an extraterrestrial connection,
ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress
has arranged to meet up
with skystone collector
and researcher Jared Collins.
Jared has in his possession
a number of
the mysterious blue stones
that were found
near the statues.
So how was it that these stones
were actually discovered
in modern time?
This was actually
discovered in 1991
by a man named David Leadbetter.
He was in Sierra Leone
on a mining concession
looking for gold and diamonds.
And when he was
having his crew dig,
these stones would appear.
What do other
geologists say about
stones like this?
Are they able to identify them?
We've sent these now
to 12 different labs.
There is not one piece
of consensus in here.
Everybody has
a different opinion.
We still don't know,
actually, if these are
- natural or man-made.
- So maybe it's from another planet.
I don't know.
I really wish I did,
and I would love a chance
to actually be able to get this
in front of somebody else
who could look at it again.
I've got some friends at
the University of Washington
and I think we can set this up
and have another test done.
That would be fantastic.
I would love to get
some consensus on this
to understand
what this actually is.
While tests conducted
on the stones found
with the Nomoli statues
have so far produced
conflicting and sometimes
even confounding results,
David is eager to have them
tested for himself.
At the University of Washington,
David and Jared meet
with renowned geologist
Professor Peter Ward.
Hi, I'm David Childress.
- I talked to you on the phone.
- David.
It's good to meet you.
And this is Jared Collins.
Thank you so much
for seeing us today.
Jared, both of you guys,
welcome to the University
of Washington IsoLab.
So, what do we have
in this beautiful box?
Well, we're sort of hoping
that you can tell us.
Well, well, well,
what are these beauties?
We have been through
many tests on these,
and no one can identify them.
They cannot tell us whether
these are natural or artificial,
what's causing the blue color,
if this is ancient or modern.
So, they've been checked for
the common blue minerals,
I take it?
One thing that we know for sure
is that this is not turquoise.
This is not lapis.
This is not erinite.
The fact that it's so
unbelievably light
really suggests that there's
an organic component to it.
Anything that goes blue
generally is much heavier,
So this is,
this is really a mystery.
I should mention also
that this only comes from
one very specific part,
from one very specific village.
It has never been found
anywhere else in the world.
Well, let's do a test
that removes any doubt
about them being partly organic.
So Erin is gonna take this rock
and she's gonna
scrape it into these
tiny little tin cups.
The tin cups themselves will
load into our mass spectrograph.
They will then be heated to
a thousand degrees centigrade.
Everything inside will combust
and turn to gas.
And those individual
gas molecules will then
be sampled and we can examine
if there are any truly organic
molecules in this rock.
Was there some life process that
was involved in its formation?
David and Jared return home
to wait for the results.
When Dr. Ward receives them
two weeks later,
he sends an email to David
remarking that what
the scientists found
was so strange, they ran
the tests three times,
thinking it was
a machine error and added:
"This gives me the creeps."
To learn more, David contacted
Dr. Ward through video chat.
Hi, Doctor Ward.
So I wanted to learn
about the results?
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
I mean, it was much
stranger than we thought.
There really seems to be
some sort of organic
aspect to this.
It's got element nitrogen in it
in really high concentrations.
Having this high
amount of nitrogen
puts it into a, "Wow, that's
a very peculiar rock" category.
We were looking for a possible
extraterrestrial origin.
Is it possibly
a meteorite or even
part of a spaceship
that exploded?
Let's just say that there's
a possibility that it came
from off the Earth.
As we scientists say,
"It's worth more study."
Although the skystones
are still a mystery,
David and Jared have confirmed
that they are unlike any
other stone ever examined.
Could they have arrived
on Earth with the strange beings
that are depicted
in the Nomoli statues?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,
and they claim that further
evidence of extraterrestrial
visitation in the distant past
can be found in one of the most
remote places in the world.
On Ancient Aliens we have
traveled around the world
to get a closer look
at mysterious artifacts.
And sometimes, we find
evidence of alien contact
hiding in plain sight.
This is exactly what happened
when David Childress
and I traveled
to the remote Marquesas Islands
and were shown
an ancient statue that,
as far as we were concerned,
clearly represents something
very different from what
mainstream scholars suggest.
Ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos
and David Childress
are in the Marquesas Islands,
investigating potential evidence
that this remote
part of the world
was once inhabited by
extraterrestrial visitors.
It's good to see you.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
As their local guide,
they've enlisted
Hiva Oa resident
Heimata Bonno who will show them
some of the mysterious
found on the island,
known as tikis.
These statuaries represent
the ancestral gods and goddesses
that came to the islands
in ancient times.
- This is incredible.
- Yeah.
So what are we
looking at here? What is this?
Oh, it totally looks
like a llama.
I totally think
this looks like a llama.
I mean, there is
no question in my mind.
And I also don't think
that this was altered.
This is original.
And I don't see any changes.
So either this is not authentic,
or if it is authentic
it's a llama,
and it proves connection
to-to South America.
South America?
Is it possible that the llama,
believed to be native
to South America,
was known to people living
on this remote island chain
some 3,500 miles away?
But how?
Some people say that
it's a woman giving birth.
Do the women here
in the Marquesas islands,
do they do this?
They lie on their stomach
and give birth?
This is crazy. Huh.
To me, it looks like
something from the sky.
It's like
Maybe some flying vehicle.
- It's a great question.
- Yeah.
Perhaps what we're
looking at here
is some type of a craft.
Because you have
the windows in the front,
which are these giant goggles
and then you have
the mouth in the front
which to me it looks like
some type of an air intake.
Underneath you have
a lifting body
that goes underneath
the entire body.
And if you combine that
with the story of this object
or this woman giving birth,
if someone has never seen
passengers disembarking
from an actual airplane
if they have no idea
what is happening,
well, all of a sudden
a flying vehicle
is giving birth to people.
Is it possible that
this ancient statue
that has been interpreted
in modern times
as a fertility goddess
is actually depicting
an extraterrestrial spacecraft?
I think that tikis
are nothing else
but misunderstood technology
that over time
turned into divine objects
of magic and sorcery.
Can we go look at it?
Oh, wow.
Clearly this tiki,
the head is missing.
But I see that it has
six fingers.
It's very feasible to me that
they actually tried to imitate
whoever visited or whoever came
here to impart this knowledge.
Why would they carve six fingers
if they did not see six fingers?
So we should not say,
"Oh, this is just fantasy."
I think they saw
someone with six fingers.
Is that possible?
So these are protectors.
Could it be that
the mysterious statues
and carvings found
throughout the Marquesas Islands
were made to commemorate
extraterrestrial visitation?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,
and suggest further evidence
of alien contact can be found
by examining strange
skulls made of crystal.
Of the many mysterious artifacts
we've investigated
on Ancient Aliens,
some of the most jaw-dropping
are the crystal skulls.
Crystal skulls have been
found all around the world
and some of them have been
carved with such
extraordinary precision that,
in my opinion,
they must have been created
with some type
of advanced technology.
In 2013, David Childress
got to examine
the largest crystal skull
ever discovered.
This is Einstein,
believed to be the largest
ancient crystal skull
as yet discovered.
Its owner, Carolyn Ford,
says she obtained
the 33-pound crystal object
more than 20 years ago
from an explorer who discovered
it in Mexico in the early 1900s.
She was unaware that it
possessed any strange abilities
until the day when, she claims,
it actually
communicated with her.
It was
revealed to me by Einstein
at the moment that I got him
when I knew nothing about
crystal skulls, he said,
"I'm an ancient computer.
In fact, I'm a master computer."
And we record everything,
like a live feed, 24/7.
"And that's our purpose."
He's been recording
history on this planet
since the beginning of time,
so indeed he was in Atlantis.
A lot of the ancient
crystal skulls have been
in Atlantis, and even
before that time.
Could the so-called
Einstein skull
really be an artifact
from the lost civilization
of Atlantis as its owner claims?
Sedona, Arizona.
It's very clear down here,
and then it gets cloudy.
Ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress
enlists the help
of aura photography
expert Jamie Jones
in an effort to test
the Einstein skull
for unusual
energy pulses or auras.
These auras are
believed to appear as colors
that correspond to various
physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual states.
With aura technology,
we're able to use
biofeedback imaging
to pick up electromagnetic
energy field
around the human body.
I'm not expecting any energy
to be coming out of
the inanimate object.
So I'm a little skeptical
in that I'm not sure
what to expect
when I photograph the skull.
And I've been told
a lot of things about skulls,
as far as information
that they're holding,
what civilizations they're from,
or if they're actually
from the extraterrestrials.
So I'm kind of excited to see
this particular skull
and what it emits.
- Hi, Jamie.
- Hi.
And this is Carolyn, and wow,
here is the skull.
Wow, this is fabulous.
- So what do we do?
- These are biofeedback censors
and they're gonna be
reading the energy,
if there's energy
around the skull.
So you're gonna
place it on here for me.
So it has to go on both
of the two sensors?
Yes, because both sensors
are picking up energy,
so we want as much
coverage as possible.
- Okay, that's perfect.
- All right.
And now, uh, you just
take a photo of it, huh?
We're gonna take a picture.
All right.
All right.
- And here is the aura of the skull.
- Oh, wow.
- Okay, wow.
- Whoa, look at those colors.
That is amazing.
- It's amazing.
- Really?
- Oh.
- So, what are we looking at here?
I mean, here
we can see the skull.
It seems to be very strong,
warrior type protective energy.
And if you look closely,
that energy is arced over.
- Right.
- Literal arc of protection over the skull.
Now, the blue that we see
throughout the entire picture
is wisdom and knowledge
from traveling many lifetimes
and many dimensions.
I was surprised,
really, that the aura camera
would pick up so much energy
from the skull
and the different colors.
Some people believe
that crystal skulls have
electro radio wave type
energy that emits from them.
And that the skull
can actually communicate
to people through this energy.
And it seems that
aura photography
can actually pick up
and we can see
these waves that are being
emitted from the skull.
I feel, more than ever,
there is something
to crystal skulls
and the energy behind them.
Does the photographed energy
field surrounding Einstein
help to prove that
the crystal skull could,
in fact, be some sort
of recording device?
An extraterrestrial object
used to harness
both energy and information?
Although there have been
hundreds of other crystal skulls
found throughout the world,
the Einstein Skull
is believed to be
one of only 13 authentic
ancient artifacts.
And according to legend,
when all 13
are finally unearthed,
humankind's true past
will be revealed.
Part of this legend is that yes,
these 13 crystal skulls
are extraterrestrial skulls.
And when the 13 skulls
are together,
it'll create a new epoch
for planet Earth.
There is certainly a belief
amongst certain
Native American tribes,
when humanity is
at its most desperate,
all of these original
ancient crystal skulls
will come back together
and that they will divulge
their knowledge, their wisdom
that can help
the human race survive.
Could these mysterious
crystal artifacts
not only be of alien origin,
but serve a purpose
that has yet to be revealed?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,
and suggest further proof
that extraterrestrials
visited ancient cultures
all over the world
can be found by examining
a mysterious
Middle Eastern artifact
discovered in South America.
Any list of mysterious artifacts
would be incomplete
without featuring
the amazing relics
of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.
Of all the astounding objects
we've examined from there
on Ancient Aliens,
one of the most baffling
is the Fuente Magna Bowl.
This beautiful piece
of pottery is covered
in an ancient script that
is native not to Bolivia
but to a culture that existed
on the other side of the world.
Situated at an elevation
of over 12,000 feet
on the Altiplano, lay the ruins
of an ancient temple complex
thought to predate
the Incan Empire.
Standing at the center
of the site is a large statue
believed by many to represent
the creator god Viracocha.
But curiously,
the inhabitants of Tiahuanaco
chose to depict this god
with features unlike their own.
He has got
a beard and a moustache.
And that is an unusual thing
because American Indians do not
have beards and moustaches.
That indicates that this person
was not a South American native
but clearly came
from another land.
And an important person too,
who's somehow
one of the founders
here of Tiahuanaco.
Maybe even somebody who's come
from Sumeria to South America.
Is it possible
that the Sumerians,
a civilization
established in 4,000 BC
and located nearly
8,000 miles away
could be connected to the early
inhabitants of Tiahuanaco?
If so, how?
Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer can be found
at the Precious Metals Museum
in La Paz, Bolivia.
This is perhaps
one of the most important
archaeological artifacts
ever discovered in
Tiahuanaco or Puma Punku.
This is the famous
Fuente Magna Bowl
discovered near Tiahuanaco.
It's a ceramic bowl
and it has written on it
Sumerian cuneiform
plus proto-Sumerian
hieroglyphic script.
This script is
coming from circa 3,000 BC.
It draws a direct connection
between the ancient Sumerians
and Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku.
Discovered near Lake Titicaca
by a local farmer in the 1950s,
researchers believe
the vessel provides the proof
of extraterrestrial
intervention at Puma Punku.
The idea of Sumerian
writing being here
at Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco
would seem
to relate to the late
Zecharia Sitchin and his ideas
that the Sumerians
were also interacting
with these space beings
called the Anunnaki.
So in that case the Anunnaki
were there in Sumeria,
but also here at Puma Punku
and Tiahuanaco in South America.
To me, when you consider
the many mysterious artifacts
we've examined
on Ancient Aliens,
from bizarre metal alloys
to strange statues
and even crystal skulls,
it all adds up to one thing:
Undeniable evidence of
extraterrestrial visitation.
As we continue to dig deeper
and unearth more extraordinary
relics of the past,
perhaps we will finally discover
the key to reuniting
with our alien ancestors.
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