Antihero (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Keita Hiyama, aged 35.
He's accused of homicide.
The victim was murdered
at his residence adjacent to Hanegi Seiko.
Your Honor,
We've been searching
for this for a long time.
It's the murder weapon.
But that hammer is mine
Mr. Hiyama.
Before the incident,
did you happen to misplace the hammer?
You walked into the shop empty-handed,
seeking "to cool off from the heat."
You pulled out a bag
from your front pants pocket,
placed a pillow inside,
and attempted to exit the shop.
You entered the shop
intending to steal, didn't you?
Given these facts,
it's clear that the theft of the pillow
was deliberate rather than impulsive.
It can't be denied the crime was malicious
with the potential for repetition.
That is all.
Defense counsel, do you wish
to conduct a redirect examination?
I, Shinomiya, the defense counsel,
will ask another question.
The bag you carried,
wasn't it of personal significance to you?
Hyperventilation syndrome.
Three months ago,
you collapsed at Setagaya-Daita Station
on the Odakyu Line.
That's absurd.
I present evidence number 12,
as requested by the defense counsel.
It's a diagnosis of the accused
by psychosomatic medicine.
After the accused collapsed
due to hyperventilation syndrome,
he began carrying a bag in his pocket
as an emergency treatment measure.
The paper bag method
is not presently endorsed
from a medical perspective.
However, in this instance,
the accused carried it
as a means of safeguarding his own life.
Therefore, his crime was not premeditated.
How unusual.
Were you doing some research?
At this rate,
Hiyama's guilt will be established.
That's the report I've received.
I'm sure that is the outcome
the prosecution desires.
Those who have committed a crime
should face appropriate judgment.
That's the ideal.
The trial isn't over yet.
Excuse me.
The murder weapon, huh?
Apparently, a police officer who happened
to be patrolling the area found it.
It sounds too convenient
that it'd been found amid trial.
It's suspicious.
It was discovered on a dry riverbed
two kilometers away from the crime scene
and exposed to rain for three months.
Yet, they detected
the victim's blood on it.
Can blood linger that long?
I'm not sure.
I've heard blood on clothes
can still be detected
even after three washes with detergent.
The presence of Mr. Hanegi's blood
suggests it was used for the murder.
But even this isn't decisive evidence.
The hammer belongs to Mr. Hiyama,
but the prosecution hasn't been able
to prove he used it for the murder.
Welcome back.
How did it go?
He'll get around two years, I think.
Thanks for getting
the diagnosis on short notice.
Linking it to hyperventilation
was a stretch,
but letting the old man die in prison
would've been too pitiful.
Misplaced it?
Mr. Hiyama misplaced
his hammer before the incident,
and someone else used it for the crime.
So, it was either stolen
or found by someone else.
Something like that, I imagine.
It was used without Mr. Hiyama's knowledge
or consent and happened to be found.
That's all there is to it.
No need to worry about it.
No need?
More importantly
Mr. Aoyama.
I did some digging on Mr. Himeno.
Every year, he receives commendations
from the Chief Prosecutor
for his achievements.
At the young age of 30,
he was appointed the Senior Prosecutor
for major incidents across a wide area.
He's clearly seen as promising.
How is his background relevant?
Look at this.
Is this a list
of all the cases he's handled?
Yes, Mr. Akizumi looked this up.
The cases that required DNA tests
were nine in total.
All of which were handled
by Professor Tadao Nakajima
of Metropolitan Medical University,
who also worked on this case.
Professor Nakajima is
a leading authority in forensic medicine.
How is his involvement relevant?
Isn't it common
for investigative authorities
to consult the same expert?
The incident took place
on January 30th of this year.
Despite ample evidence,
the police repeatedly requested
Mr. Hiyama to come in voluntarily.
They also made multiple re-arrests
for minor offenses like property damage,
and took a long time to indict him.
This was clearly
at the instruction of the prosecutor.
So, they needed time until the indictment.
Was it to locate the murder weapon,
which would serve as decisive evidence?
Or maybe
for another reason?
Prosecutors are creatures that
craft narratives to suit their purposes.
For instance
Consider a scenario
where a capable prosecutor,
highly regarded by upper management,
is assigned to a homicide case.
The suspect is most certainly the culprit.
The upper management
believes he's 100% guilty.
But all they have
is circumstantial evidence
and they still lack decisive proof.
"What do I do?"
"As things stand, there's a great risk
that the defense counsel
could overturn the existing evidence."
This prosecutor,
precisely due to his competence,
is attracting attention and facing
immense pressure from his superiors.
Losing this case
could tarnish all the achievements
he's amassed thus far.
So thinking,
he tells himself,
"That man is undoubtedly guilty."
"For the sake of justice,
I must ensure his conviction."
"I know."
"If DNA evidence
is found on the victim's body,
such as under the nails,
it would be highly compelling evidence."
And so,
he directs the police
to resubmit samples for DNA testing.
At the same time,
he reaches out to a professor
with whom he's closely connected,
and requests tampering
with the DNA test results.
That would explain
the delay in making the indictment.
Requesting another round of testing
and inventing evidence from the results
would take considerable time.
The prosecution
would never engage in tampering.
But there is a precedent for this.
Over a decade ago,
there was a case
where a certain system was abused.
A Senior Prosecutor tampered
with evidence data on a floppy disk.
Even prosecutors are human.
Can you be confident
it won't happen again?
Even politicians,
meant to embody model citizens,
have been involved in numerous
egregious injustices and cover-ups.
Even the police have been guilty
of illegal investigations,
mistaken arrests,
and even ties with antisocial forces.
There's no reason to think
only the prosecution is innocent.
We should look into this.
On mere speculation?
Every discovery and invention in the world
are built on speculation and theories.
Excuse me.
What happened?
It seems Attorney Akizumi
has been digging into
your past trial records.
Why was he doing that?
Any ideas?
Your hand.
You should stop that.
-We're a camera club.
-We're a camera club.
-Check it out.
-Check it out.
-We're a tennis club.
-I can still pass as a university student.
The DNA test was conducted
in the genetic testing room
at Metropolitan Medical University.
The first thing I need you to check
is the room's usage log.
You can find it
in the Research Management Section.
Excuse me.
I'd like to check the usage log
of the genetic testing room.
Your student ID, please?
Sorry, I think
I might've left it somewhere.
But I have a participation certificate
from the Genomics Conference
hosted by the National Society
of Forensic Medicine the other day.
Along with a group photo.
All right.
Just a minute.
About that photo
We got Mr. Aoyama to prepare it.
It's a composite photo.
We didn't fabricate a student ID,
so we're just skirting the law.
Don't let it show that you're disturbed.
I was terrified thinking what would happen
if they found out you took a photo.
The online career fair,
when's the deadline to apply for it?
As stated in the report, on February 1st,
a DNA test was carried out
right after the legally-ordered autopsy.
Mr. Aoyama, I've just sent it to you.
Hold on.
I see.
It seems the test was indeed
conducted on February 1st.
In that case,
the typical turnaround
for test results is about a week.
So, the prosecution
would likely receive them
around February 7th or 8th.
But Mr. Hiyama's DNA
wasn't identified in this test.
That's our assumption, right?
This put pressure on the prosecution,
prompting them to ask
Professor Nakajima for another test
to ensure that Mr. Hiyama's DNA
would appear.
If they intended to tamper
with the results,
why bother with another test at all?
DNA test reports are protected
with anti-copying watermarks,
making it difficult
to directly alter them.
If the original data is tampered with,
they say specialists
can easily detect artificial alterations.
But how did they acquire Mr. Hiyama's DNA?
If the prosecution conducted a DNA test,
it implies they already had Mr. Hiyama
provide them with a DNA sample.
I see.
After all, they're comparing the skin
found under the victim's nails
with the voluntarily provided
DNA sample from Mr. Hiyama.
In other words, the prosecution
possesses Mr. Hiyama's DNA,
which they obtained
for a legitimate purpose.
I see.
They likely took Mr. Hiyama's DNA,
mixed it with the sample supposedly
collected from under the victim's nails,
and had Professor Nakajima
conduct another test.
This was carried out
in utmost secrecy, of course.
If another test was conducted
and the data was submitted
within the detention period
The second test would have occurred
sometime between
February 9th and 15th.
If the second test occurred
sometime between February 9th and 15th
Professor Nakajima lectures
at another university
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
and those weren't canceled.
So, he could've only come
to the Medical University
on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.
And the only day the testing room was
available on one of these three days
was the 15th.
There's an odd gap here.
This is probably
when the second test was conducted.
That would be it.
This is the research building.
No security cameras here.
It won't open unless we know the passcode.
Oh my, hello!
Are you here for some tests?
Well, we thought we'd do some prep.
Being a student is tough, huh?
Good luck and work hard for Japan.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
We'll do our best.
That gave me a fright.
The look on your face
when that lady appeared was priceless.
I never knew you could make
that expression, Shinomiya.
Oh my!
Good day.
Good day.
Are tests typically conducted
by the professor alone?
-I mean
There's preparation to do,
and it must be
a lot of work for just one person.
And to do it without anyone noticing
sounds quite tricky.
I'll ask some students
in the forensic medicine classroom.
What? Professor Nakajima's assistant?
I'm studying DNA testing
at my graduate school,
and I was hoping Professor Nakajima
might be recruiting assistants.
Tough luck.
He always works with the same person.
What, really? Who?
What's the name again?
The dull-looking one.
Mito, the assistant professor.
A Nakajima research graduate
aspiring to become a professor.
By the way, about this Mito person
I never knew she could smile like that.
-Here you go.
-Let me see
Isn't that Mito?
I see.
Mito is a nickname for Kentaro Miura.
Let's see what he teaches.
to Forensic Medicine Part One."
Just one class, huh?
Being an assistant professor
is pretty tough, huh?
You need to write a ton of papers
and reach full professorship
to make ends meet, apparently.
-The class should be ending soon, right?
I'll go talk to him.
-I'll join you.
-No need.
Ms. Shinomiya is so cool.
-I see.
-Thank you.
If you want to win her,
you should be ready.
Her dad's a detective.
-A detective?
So she's the daughter of a detective.
I see.
It's not like that.
Death Education, right?
That's right.
I need to write a report
on biological death
and social death in forensic medicine.
When I asked
Professor Nakajima for advice,
he mentioned that the book
Death Education would be helpful.
And he said I could borrow it
from his bookshelf.
I see.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Death Education should be around here.
Here you go.
Thank you so much.
There's another book.
Modern Forensic Medicine:
Second Revised Edition.
Excuse me.
Found it.
-Take this too.
-Thank you.
I hope your report goes well.
Me too.
Anything else?
I'm actually researching for a paper
on the latest DNA testing methods.
And I want some real DNA test data.
Is it possible for me
to observe an actual test?
I've heard that you assist
Professor Nakajima during tests.
I regret to say this,
but that's pretty tricky, especially
since it's related to criminal cases.
Of course.
You're right.
What about the samples
you used for testing
or detailed records of tests
that I could examine?
We return the samples,
and the test results
are all documented in the test report.
But we always print out the data
and save it as a file.
And the DNA sequencer itself
should retain the raw data.
The data file of the DNA test?
That's right.
you managed to win over Mr. Miura
quite cleverly, didn't you?
Mr. Akizumi sent me this.
When I asked Mr. Miura to lend me
these books, he believed I was a student.
Mr. Akizumi is as impressive as ever.
You look like a university student.
I'm so embarrassed.
You must've been working late.
Early this year,
there was a homicide at a factory
called Hanegi Seiko in Ota Ward.
You're familiar with it, right?
I'm Akizumi,
the defense counsel for the case.
What do you want?
I've been looking into the DNA test
conducted by Professor Nakajima.
I wasn't involved in that at all.
I want to check the detailed records
of the DNA test on Mr. Hanegi
conducted on February 1st.
May I ask for your cooperation?
They've been submitted to the prosecution.
So you are involved, after all.
No, I'm not.
It was a logical assumption.
Excuse me.
One last question.
What is it?
Where were you from 1 to 6 p.m.
on February 15th?
I'm in a rush. Excuse me.
Are you sure Mr. Miura will show up?
His friends were mentioning
that he's quite unhappy about
being an assistant to Professor Nakajima.
When did he investigate that?
He seemed frightened throughout.
When people are nervous
or under extreme stress,
they sometimes fidget
with what they're wearing.
He's probably been carrying
a lot of anxiety and fear.
You met Mr. Miura?
I unsettled him a bit last night.
But it's still just speculation.
If he realizes
he's suspected of illegal activity,
it should make him feel uneasy.
Then, he will become concerned
about the raw data of the test results
and try to take it outside.
If he won't let us into the testing room,
we'll need to get him to bring it to us.
The testing room
is available only now for today.
Well then,
let us wait.
And so, it falls on me again.
He's here.
He's here.
I guess I can't tell the passcode.
I'm Akamine from the Akizumi Law Office.
Mr. Miura,
no test was scheduled for today.
Why are you here?
Were you looking for something?
What are you talking about?
Please show me the contents of your bag.
Wait a minute!
It's not here.
I just came back for my stuff.
How dare you!
You're from a law office, right?
I'll report this to my superiors.
Excuse me.
I should've gone instead.
But he already
knows your face, Ms. Shinomiya.
Well, it's too late now.
Mr. Akizumi,
did you suspect this might happen?
I sincerely apologize.
Mr. Akizumi,
this is unacceptable behavior
from an attorney.
My apologies.
I had no idea he'd commit such a blunder.
He's young, yes,
but he definitely crossed a line.
I'll give him a stern reprimand.
If you'll excuse us.
Do you think a simple apology
will let you off the hook?
Is there something else?
What this man did is an insult to me.
Excuse me?
You're quite brazen yourself.
Your actions have greatly diminished
trust and order among attorneys.
Wouldn't you agree?
I'll be bringing this matter
to the disciplinary committee.
I've known Attorney Kawana,
the chairperson, for quite some time now.
-If I speak
-I'm impressed, Professor Nakajima.
You wield quite the authority.
And it's not just him.
I'll also be holding you
responsible as his supervisor.
By all means.
Now, if you'll excuse us.
Let's go.
I almost forgot.
Do send my regards.
To Prosecutor Himeno.
That wasn't fair, Mr. Akizumi.
You just tried to pin all the blame on me.
Did I?
What's our next move?
What do you mean?
The raw data evidence
has likely been destroyed.
If so, we won't be able to uncover
the tampering of the test results anymore.
At this rate, we'll really face
disciplinary action.
Don't worry.
We simply have to expose them
before the trial.
Excuse me, I have a place to stop by.
Come on.
Don't worry about it.
You still have a long life ahead of you.
I don't know
Listen, we can't have you
feeling down like this.
Here. The old lady confessed to the theft.
Also, the food and drinks you had
at the racetrack won't count as expenses.
And guess what? There's more.
She's a taskmaster.
If an attorney throws in the towel,
who's the client supposed to turn to?
Mr. Akizumi hasn't given up yet.
Did you come here alone?
The DNA found under the victim's nails
might have been tampered with.
Tampered with?
During the investigation
by the prosecution,
did you consent to giving a DNA sample?
the prosecution can do
as they want with your DNA.
If they mixed it in
with the sample collected
from under the victim's nails
That can't be
I'm sorry.
I'm here because
I was encouraged not to give up.
we couldn't get evidence of the tampering.
Mr. Akizumi will do something, won't he?
Mr. Hiyama,
may I ask you a question?
You didn't
kill Mr. Hanegi, right?
came to this law office
because I admired Mr. Akizumi.
Six months ago,
he handled a false accusation case.
Seeing him save an innocent person,
I was inspired to be like him.
I wanted to help people too.
This case is the same, isn't it?
We're doing all this
to prove your innocence, right?
Are you two finished?
Mr. Akizumi.
Mr. Hiyama,
don't worry.
There's no reason for you to be convicted.
I'll show you how to win a trial.
Regarding the murder weapon,
yes, it has been found.
But there's no evidence linking
the accused to its use in the murder.
That is all I can say.
It doesn't matter.
It's up to the lay judges to decide.
Later today,
I will be examining the witness
Professor Nakajima,
who conducted the DNA tests.
I plan to ask a few questions
during that session.
The DNA from the skin flake
discovered under the victim's nails
is a complete match
to the DNA of the accused.
The presence of the accused's skin
under the victim's nails
suggests there was a tussle
between the two.
Thank you.
That is all from me.
Defense counsel,
you may begin your cross-examination.
you've been involved
in many investigations
concerning causes of death
as an authority in forensic medicine.
Is it accurate to say that genetic testing
was conducted exclusively
in the genetic testing room
within the Faculty of Medicine?
That is correct.
In this room that adheres
to strict hygiene and security protocols?
As I said, that is correct.
There would be no way for anyone outside
to know the specifics
of what happens inside, correct?
Test results indicate the date
and are accompanied by the test data.
His DNA was found.
That has been established.
Now, now, let's not get impatient.
We have plenty of time.
The DNA test of the victim
was conducted on February 1st,
as stated in the test report.
Is that correct?
That's correct.
Was it just that once?
What are you getting at?
Defense counsel,
clarify the intent behind your questions.
I will be straightforward.
Professor, did you conduct DNA testing
not just once, but twice?
To refresh his memory,
I'd like to present evidence number 42
as requested by the defense counsel.
Please examine this document.
It's a record of DNA tests conducted
in the testing room
during the week
of February 9th to the 15th.
-It's just your standard record.
-It is.
There is nothing unusual about it.
However, take note of this.
On February 15th, between 1 and 6 p.m.,
there's a blank in the usage log.
A second round of testing
may have occurred during this time.
Professor Nakajima,
any comments regarding this?
What do you expect me to say?
I'm not sure what this is all about.
Is that so?
I, Shinomiya, of the defense counsel,
would like to clarify
the premise for this questioning.
As previously mentioned,
the genetic testing room
maintains strict hygiene protocols.
Individuals entering the room are required
to wear designated white coats.
And once used, these coats
are placed in a cart for weekly cleaning.
is my information correct so far?
It is.
In order to refresh his memory,
I will present evidence number 43
as requested by the defense counsel.
Take a look at this document.
The room was used 18 times
by a total of 33 individuals.
Therefore, there should be 33 coats
collected from the cart.
However, for some reason,
35 coats were collected.
I directly confirmed this information
with the cleaning dealer responsible.
Wait a minute.
Are you suggesting I conducted
another test based solely on that?
There's no evidence we used
those two coats for another test.
Your Honor, are you going to allow this?
By the way,
what were you doing
between 1 and 6 p.m. on February 15th?
During that time on Thursday,
I had a meeting
with Assistant Professor Miura.
Is that so?
That came out quite smoothly,
almost as if you had rehearsed it.
Did you perhaps anticipate this question?
I have meetings with him
at this time every Thursday.
You'll see if you ask Miura yourself.
Well, I did.
I did ask him.
Now, I would like to request new evidence.
Wait a minute!
This hasn't been disclosed
to the prosecution in advance.
This cannot be acknowledged!
The prosecutor is right.
Introducing new evidence at this stage
This is crucial evidence
that will completely overturn
Professor Nakajima's test results.
I apologize for the delayed request
as it was obtained at the last minute.
However, disregarding this evidence would
not only hinder the discovery of truth,
but also harm the integrity of this trial.
In order to prevent a false accusation,
I urge you to allow this.
That's sophistry!
Your Honor,
I ask you not to be misled by an attorney
with no respect for the rules.
Please render a fair judgment.
do you still have more to say?
Still more to say?
Preventing a false accusation
is the primary objective of a trial.
Your responsibility is to examine
the evidence and offer your opinion on it.
Is that understood?
Now, I will play the footage
of evidence number 48,
as requested by the defense counsel.
Please watch the video.
Professor Nakajima asked you
to provide an alibi for him
by claiming that you were having
a meeting with him on February 15th.
Is this correct?
Mr. Miura?
That's correct.
Was this request made
in order to conduct another DNA test
with the professor in secret?
That's right.
Considering your position,
you could not disobey the professor.
That's right.
Why did you choose
to come forward with the truth?
As someone involved in forensic medicine,
I couldn't remain silent.
Thank you for your courageous act
of whistle-blowing.
this is Mr. Miura's testimony
that you wanted.
Stop messing around!
You coerced him
into providing false testimony!
Bring him here!
He was intimidated
by your high-handed manner,
which is why
he provided a video testimony.
As a precaution,
I have also prepared a written statement
signed by Mr. Miura himself.
I will later request this as evidence
for the same reasons
as the footage just now.
Along with
a handwriting analysis certificate.
By the way,
the raw data of the test results
has already been suppressed
by Professor Nakajima.
However, evidence of tampering remains
as it has been personally duplicated
and stored by Mr. Miura.
As the defense counsel, I urge Your Honor
to verify this firsthand ex-officio.
Wouldn't you agree, Professor Nakajima?
As you can all discern by now,
the accused's DNA was never present
under the victim's nails to begin with.
However, through deliberate manipulation,
you made the accused's DNA appear
in a second round of testing.
I imagine you only did
as you were instructed.
Did you receive financial compensation
from the prosecution for this?
You were seeking instruction
on what to do just now.
you failed to gather sufficient evidence
to indict the accused.
And so you resorted
to such underhanded tactics.
That is baseless speculation!
I might as well conjecture
that you've employed
similar methods in the past.
After all, this method can be used
as many times as you wish.
In Japan's criminal case trials,
the conviction rate stands at 99,9%,
a fact often depicted in dramas.
In other words, when a prosecutor
brings charges against someone,
their conviction is almost guaranteed.
However, the weight
of this statistic does not fall most
on us attorneys.
But on the prosecutors.
"Japan's investigative agencies
won't make a wrongful arrest."
People believe in their competency
and the trust cannot be destroyed.
Prosecutors feel compelled
to secure convictions.
They are burdened
by obligations that don't exist.
This pressure took a toll on this man,
leading to his unlawful actions.
Don't we all have such experiences?
Anyone belonging to an organization
must know what it's like to bend yourself
to conform to mindsets
established by the whole.
You suppress your own feelings
for your livelihoods and families.
It is difficult to oppose rules
that are already in place.
Mr. Hiyama didn't speak out
against power harassment,
and Mr. Ogata kept concealing
his hearing impairment.
They did so to survive.
It couldn't be helped.
Unfortunately, that is the reality
of Japan's current society.
However, we and all individuals involved
in the administration of justice,
must never forget for a moment
that they hold the power
to determine someone's fate.
A distorted perspective can unjustly rob
the life of an innocent person
who simply seeks a quiet life.
We must never let that happen!
Your Honor,
the same holds true for you.
You must not become consumed
with simply completing trials,
and neglect to question the evidence
presented by the prosecution
before rendering your judgments.
Otherwise, you won't be fulfilling
your duties.
This court is where people judge others,
and it should be a place
where fair judgments prevail.
That is my earnest wish.
Fair judgments.
Thank you all for today.
The court is now adjourned.
Mr. Akizumi,
how did you get Mr. Miura to cooperate?
Didn't I tell you?
I wasn't involved in that at all.
We will investigate the professor's
unlawful testing practices in court.
We're even considering
exposing this to the media.
If that happens,
you'll also be accused as an accomplice.
I read the latest paper on DNA profiling
employing haplotype analysis.
It was submitted
under Professor Nakajima's name,
but you're the actual author, aren't you?
How do you know?
Writing habits are evident in text,
and not just in handwriting.
A writer's habits appear in typed content
and even in English texts.
When using negative sentences,
Professor Nakajima uses words
like "can't" and "didn't"
and abbreviates them.
On the other hand
you tend to write "can not."
You write "not" individually
to emphasize a strong negative.
As if to say
that this wasn't written
by Professor Nakajima.
This was written by you.
From this paper as well,
I can see well
that you're highly competent.
the professor will never
acknowledge your talents.
He prefers to keep someone
as skilled as you under his control
and continue to take advantage of you.
It's often superiors like him who claim,
"I'm acting in your best interest."
What will you do?
Will you continue to be
the professor's accomplice?
If that is your decision,
I will pursue you both
to the ends of the earth.
Does that mean
you anticipated his decision
to expose the professor?
He simply chose his own future.
Mr. Akizumi, about this trial
Please share your comments.
The prosecutor
may have fabricated evidence
in collaboration
with a forensic scientist.
This is a blatant affront
to the judicial system of our nation.
It's something that should never happen.
The prosecution will probably claim
that Mr. Himeno acted alone
and firmly deny any involvement.
But I wonder if others
were truly unaware of these actions.
Excuse me.
-Mr. Akizumi!
-Mr. Akizumi!
I will now deliver the verdict.
The decision.
The accused
is found innocent.
Next, I will explain
the reasoning behind this verdict.
I ask the accused
to listen to this while seated.
The reasoning behind this verdict.
This incident took place
on January 30th, 2024, around 9:40 p.m.,
at 7-6-1 Omori-kita, Ota Ward, Tokyo,
at the residence of Asao Hanegi.
The accused worked
at Hanegi Seiko Corporation,
which was headed by Asao Hanegi,
54 years old at the time.
The accused allegedly struck him
from behind with the intent to murder
Stop here!
-Stop here!
-Mr. Hiyama!
You're on your own from here.
Mr. Hiyama!
Mr. Akizumi,
as an attorney,
how do you see this verdict?
It was indeed a challenging case.
But I believe the court has reached
an appropriate judgment.
Later investigations uncovered
a monetary transaction
between Prosecutor Himeno
and Professor Nakajima
of Metropolitan Medical University.
Mr. Yashiro, was Professor Nakajima
instructed by Prosecutor Himeno
to alter the test report?
This is quite unprecedented.
Fabricating evidence in a trial and
Things are really blowing up.
The prosecution will probably
appeal the verdict, though.
They'll want to convict Mr. Hiyama
by any means necessary.
This case is only the beginning.
Did I sound like him?
I've always wanted to try.
That was pretty good.
I sincerely apologize.
As his supervisor, Prosecutor Himeno's
conduct falls under my responsibility.
It's not your fault.
Once you start seeking power,
there's no turning back, is there?
It demands a significant commitment,
but it seems that Himeno
lacked it a little.
It appears so.
Organizations are so terrifying.
"The prosecution must uphold justice."
"You must secure a conviction
no matter what."
I've never said
anything like that, though.
Do I come across as that frightening?
Regarding Attorney Akizumi,
you knew of him.
He's famous, after all.
He's good-looking too.
He's the type of person the media adores.
he's a little
His acquittal
Annoying, isn't he?
Pull over here.
I'll leave my stuff here,
so wait a while for me.
Mr. Hiyama!
is that
You knew the truth from the start.
Mr. Hiyama committed a crime.
He committed murder!
Even though he was your client
Did you have to go to such lengths
to secure an acquittal?
I struggle to understand
where your sense of justice lies.
What if
your precious family
had their lives threatened?
Imagine this.
A man with a knife
is about to kill your precious family.
And you
have a knife capable of killing him.
What would you do, Akamine?
Will you kill the man
to protect your family?
Why do you ask?
Just curious.
I'll kill him.
Someone compelled to kill
in order to save a loved one.
Someone who attempted
to kill another
with malicious intent but failed.
Whose crime carries greater weight?
I wonder,
what is justice?
I respect your decision.
You should do as you like.
just as you will stick
to your sense of justice,
I will also follow my own path.
There's a letter for you.
Says he wants to pay a visit.
-Welcome back, Saya!
It's good to be back.
Let's go inside and play.
Subtitle translation by: Ai Matsuoka
Your actions are no different
from those of a criminal.
They thrive on scandals
involving politicians and their children.
Are you doing this
to pin guilt on an innocent person?
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