Are You Afraid of the Dark (2019) s03e01 Episode Script

The Tale of Room 13

Good evening.
Welcome to the Veil.
Hi, one bed, please.
I'm sorry, we're fully booked.
Come on, we had a really rough
night, and my kids are exhausted.
Is there anything you can do?
We'll take anything, whatever you have.
Again, ma'am, I do apologize,
but there are no rooms available.
What about that one, Room 13?
- Oh, we don't rent out that room.
- Why not?
- Hotel policy.
- You're the only hotel on this island!
What do you want us to do,
sleep outside in the rain?
Perhaps next time, plan better.
Please, we don't have
anywhere else to go.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
Almost there.
Come on, quickly.
Spell "mirror."
That is correct.
Now spell "water."
- W-A-T
- It's okay, baby.
We're gonna take a bath, and
then we'll go to sleep, okay?
That is correct.
Now spell "danger."
That is correct.
Now spell "danger."
Yeah, baby, we're gonna take a
bath, and we're gonna take a nap.
That's my baby boy.
Betty Ann?
Where are you?
We can't play hide-and-seek
right now. Okay, baby?
Betty Ann?
Come out, I mean it!
Help me, Mommy!
Where are you?
Betty Ann
Help me.
"Are you afraid of the Dark" S03E01+E02 ~ - "The
Tale of Room 13" ~ - "The Tale of the Teen Sir it ~.
Present Day.
Okay, how would you rate?
Doesn't go with the shirt.
Obviously, but just say that it did.
Mm, a ten.
You look marvelous, darling.
Oh, stop.
Go on.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Come on.
What if I get bored?
Kayla, we're going
to a tropical resort.
The point is to have fun, not stay cooped
up in your hotel room reading books.
And what is this?-
You do not need some old, ugly
grandma sweater on an island or ever.
Maybe I just shouldn't go.
We knew that this wasn't
gonna be easy, right?
But it's what you wanted.
So come on.
Up. Let's go. This is
not sad girl summer.
- I'm coming.
- We go to the Island.
We're having fun on the beach.
We are packing this top,
And this, we're throwing away.
- Not throwing away
- And I'm stealing this ring.
Here we go!
We're coming!
Oh, boy.
We are on our way to the island!
- Oh, my gosh.
- Wait, Leo, come here.
- Come here. Show us some love.
- Mwah!
- Mwah.
- Here, put it on.
- Okay, wait, Kayla.
- What?
- Kayla, say something to the camera.
- Something to the camera.
- Ferris, stop flirting with my cousin.
- Hey, Jules, hi.
- Uh, I had a dream about you last night.
- Ugh. No, please don't ever again.
I'll try to control my dreams.
Yeah, do that, and go over
there and put on sunscreen.
You mom said every two hours,
and only SPF 100.
Uh, fun fact, anything over SPF 60
is superfluous and just
a marketing ploy
Yeah, well, according to your mom and your
chaperone, that's what you'll be wearing. Go.
Wait, can we do "Titanic?"
- Let's do it! Let's do it! Can I be Rose?
- Yes! Go, go, go.
- Okay. Here we go.
- Do you trust me?
- I trust you, Jack.
- I'm flying! Kayla, come fly with us.
- Come on. - All right, I'm coming.
- Come on, you know you want to.
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
Wait, guys, look.
- Oh, my gosh.
- We made it!
Thank you.
You guys hear this hotel's haunted?
Not every hotel is haunted, dude.
No, I'm serious. That's why
people call it Ghost Island.
- Hey, Jules, back me up here.
- Grow up, Ferris.
Okay, well, I'm just saying, a ton of
people have gone missing from this place.
You know that unsolved mystery
about the bellhop who disappeared?
Yeah, this is where it happened.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Okay, well, don't believe everything you read online.
- This place has great reviews.
- Oh, reviews you read online?
- So slay.
Okay, well, for the sake of our
trip, we're choosing to believe
- Hey, Kayla, you good?
- Huh?
Yeah. Yeah, sorry.
I just
I thought I saw something.
- It's okay.
- Okay, come on.
- We have to check in.
- I'm good.
- This is the lobby?
- Jules! You made it!
Is that another one of your relatives?
A close European relative?
- No, that's Jules' boyfriend.
- What?
Oh, uh, Robbie, you remember
my little cousin, Summer.
- Hi. - These are her friends.
- Everybody, this is Robbie.
Nice to meet you all.
Robbie Bronco.
- How long has this been going on?
- Um, okay. So I already checked you guys in online,
So all you got to do now
is just pick up your room keys
and just shoot a text
if you ever need anything.
Wait, you're not staying with us?
Um, no. Uh, Robbie and I are staying with
some friends at a private bungalow on the beach.
- That's so cool.
- Sounds very unsafe.
- Oh, and we have a surprise for you guys.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, we do.
Um, Robbie upgraded your rooms.
You four are now staying
in the Paradise Suite.
- A suite?
- Are you serious?
Okay, no. No, we do
not accept this surprise.
We do!
Bye, guys.
- Bye.
- Let's go.
Welcome to the Veil.
Are we checking in?
- Uh, yes, Kayla King.
- Ah.
Oh, wait. Hold on.
Before we get into all that,
Is this hotel actually haunted?
And by law, you're required to answer.
- Of course he's gonna say no
- Yes.
This hotel is filled
with tortured souls
Just like me.
You are a Ghost?
Yes. Boo.
He doesn't look like a ghost.
Okay, have people really
gone missing from this hotel?
Don't be absurd.
What about that ghost hunter?
Supposedly, he captured video
of paranormal activity.
In this hotel right before he vanished.
Then let me know
if they ever find that tape.
Right then.
Shall we?
- I see you.
- Guys, you see all these mirrors?
When do you think it was updated?
- Oh, my gosh.
- I have no idea. This is amazing.
Ah, here we are.
Room 14, our Paradise Suite.
Oh, my gosh.
You guys use actual keys?
- That's so cute!
- Indeed, it's very cute.
Where's room 13?
- I beg your pardon?
- Room 12, 14.
- What about 13?
- There is no room 13.
Old hotel superstition.
Now then, my name is Stanley Crane,
and I'm the manager
of the Veil Resort and Spa.
So if you need anything,
anything at all,
Happy to assist you.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
Okay, what?
- I am gagging.
- What?
- This is amazing!
- Dude.
I've seen better.
Kayla and I call this room.
There's a pool table
in the living room
- Literally a pool table!
- Oh, my gosh!
Did you see the size of these closets?
- I didn't bring enough clothes!
- Guys,
Shawn Mendes has stayed
in this exact suite before.
- Must have been pretty desperate.
- Wait, guys, look at the view.
It's really pretty.
Yes, I put on sunblock, Mom.
Yes, I will remember
again in two hours.
- What do you mean, send a photo?
- I think this is red.
Okay, it's really hot.
Oh, God.
Help me.
I'm cold.
But how?
How do you explain multiple versions of the
same superhero living in the same universe?
That makes no sense, Ferris.
I can explain it to you, Leo,
but I can't understand it for you.
Oh, that's cute.
Can you also explain
the socks with sandals?
Do not be salty because you are
wrong about quantum universes.
The only thing wrong right
now is your outfit, babes.
You tell the best stories.
Fashion faux pas.
Hey, I'll be back in a second.
- I miss her too.
- Jeez!
I swear, I don't do this a lot, like,
sneak off and look at old photos of her.
- What's this?
- This is me and Bella.
I watch this all the time.
I mean, it's only eight
seconds long, but it's nice.
Why do you think
she wanted us to come here?
I don't know.
Hey, but I am glad we're here.
She always did kind of have a
way of bringing us together, huh?
- Do you want to watch it again?
- Yeah.
Bella was always the most entertaining.
She comes into your room
when you're sleeping,
Leans over your bed, and whispers,
"Have you had your medicine?"
You're not supposed to look up.
'Cause if you do, you'll see the night
nurse staring back at you,
Ready to
- You tell the best stories.
- You make the best audience.
Bella, do you really
believe ghosts are real?
I know they are.
So when you die,
Will you become a ghost too?
But when I do,
I'll come back to haunt you.
I promise.
Help me.
Help me please.
Are you okay?
Is everything all right?
Have you seen my kids?
May I help you?
I I think someone
in that room is crying.
- I didn't hear anything.
- Well, I did.
Well, maybe it was your imagination.
Maybe you should open the door
because someone needs help, and
And you're risking
a lawsuit for negligence.
- Wait, this is a
- A linen closet. Indeed.
Tell me, do you think this sad person
was crying over fresh laundry?
Then it's coming from another room.
You were so sure a second ago.
I swear I heard something.
Perhaps it was just a nightmare.
Good night.
What do you think she sees in that guy?
No, do not answer that. I
don't want to hear the answer.
- Do you think it's because he's handsome?
- Don't!
- Dude, stop being such a simp.
- You're handsome too, Ferris.
So you're basically saying that Jules
could someday want to be my girlfriend?
Is no one gonna say anything?
And why do I have all the wood?
Okay, never have
I ever cut my own bangs.
- Um, I hate you.
- It's fine. You grew into it.
It was just that brief, awkward year.
Year? Okay, well,
never have I ever shoplifted.
Okay, that was an accident, and let's not
forget, you were an accomplice, Summer.
Oh, please, come on.
No, I wasn't.
Never have I ever been to outer space.
Ferris, no one has done that.
- Ferris.
- Isn't that the point?
- No. No.
- No.
Kayla, it's your turn.
- Oh. Um, never have I ever
- Wait, wait, wait.
Who's that?
I don't know. I've just
seen him around the hotel.
Oh, he's cute.
- Dibs.
- What do you mean, "dibs?"
- You can't call dibs on somebody.
- He's a person, not a slice of pizza, Leo.
Actually, you can call dibs
on anything if you care enough.
- Kayla, invite him over.
- W-Why me?
Remember what we said
about having fun? He's the fun!
- We we don't even know him.
- Yet.
- No.
- Just say hi!
- No, I'm not gonna - Ugh.
- No - Hey!
- Shh! You, yeah, yeah! - Shh me?
- Come on. Come here.
- Not sorry.
- I know.
- Hey.
- What's up? This is Ferris, Summer, and Kayla,
- And she was too shy to invite you over,
- but I'm not.
- Uh, I'm Leo.
- Hey, uh, I'm I'm Max.
Do you like s'mores?
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Thank you. Thank you.
- So, uh, where are you guys from?
- Derby. How about you?
You're looking at it.
- You live on the island?
- Yeah.
- Wait, then why are you staying at the hotel?
- Oh, I'm I'm not. I actually work at the hotel.
I mean, that's so cool.
It must be so fun.
Uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess.
I mean, honestly,
it gets pretty boring.
Most days, I just want
to get off this stupid island.
Why do they call it Ghost Island?
It depends on who you ask.
Most people would say it's because
we don't get that many visitors,
except during the summertime.
And what do the other people say?
Because of the ghosts.
So it's true?
The island's haunted?
Okay, yeah, how? What,
like a curse or something?
No, no, it's because of, um, room 13.
Room 13?
But the manager of the hotel
said there was no room 13.
He's lying.
Okay, why would he lie about that?
I mean, what's so special
about this room?
If you guys want, I could
tell you guys the story.
Uh, did I
I say something wrong?
We don't do that.
Sorry, you don't do what?
Like, listen to campfire stories?
- It's just, um, we haven't really
- Since my sister passed away.
I mean, we used to have this secret
club where we'd get together at midnight.
And tell scary stories, do
seances, and spooky stuff like that.
But after Bella died,
I guess it just stopped being fun.
- Uh, I'm I'm so sorry. I I just
- She always talked about Ghost Island,
And the five of us made a pact
to come here last summer, but
Anyways, that's why we're here.
You really think there
are ghosts on this island?
Then I say we hear the story.
- You do?
- Why not? It's just for one night,
And we even have a special
guest, so it doesn't count.
- No, Kayla, I really don't
- So all in favor?
Okay then.
Tell us a ghost story.
Okay, so you guys are
all sure that you
You really want to hear the story?
Okay, ready?
The hotel
Could you do me a favor, and just
pass those marshmallows real quick?
Right there.
Yeah, those are the ones.
- Now go.
- Okay.
The hotel on this island,
it has a haunted room.
Over the years, every guest
that has checked in.
Has never checked out.
Each time, they disappear.
Without a trace.
It's as if they simply evaporate,
Vanishing straight through the walls.
This this is just
one of the stories.
So tonight, I submit
to you guys a story.
W-wait, don't submit it.
Dang, I wish I had something that I could, like,
throw in the fire and make it go, like, foosh!
- Uh, that won't be necessary.
- Oh, snap, some cocoa powder. Sweet.
All right, well,
I guess I call this story
"The Tale of Room 13."
Front desk at the Veil,
how may I help you?
Front desk.
Help me.
Okay, what can I help you with?
I'm cold.
I'm sorry, uh,
what room are you staying in?
Let me out!
- Oh, what's up, Ricky?
- What's up, dude?
- Hey, oh, what are you doing after this?
- Uh, no plans, why?
I got tickets to see this new
horror flick called "Scream."
- Supposed to be dope.
- Haven't heard of it.
Oh, come on,
you haven't see the posters?
- Drew Barrymore.
- I love Drew.
- She's in it?
- Yeah. Dude, dude, she's the lead.
Oh, yeah, no, all right.
I'm in, I'm in.
I just got to take these
towels to Miss Kobu first.
Okay, I'll meet you in the lobby. I just
got to check on something in room 13.
Say what?
Uh, yeah, some guest called
from room 13, said she needed help.
Oh, you know that room's, like, off
limits, right? It's it's haunted, dog.
- I know you've heard the rumors.
- Whatever.
Probably just some old lady
who wandered into the wrong room.
By mistake and used the phone.
Look, I'll just check it out real quick,
then we can clock out and see the movie.
- Cool?
- All right, brother.
- It's your funeral.
- Yeah, yeah.
Front desk.
Thanks for the prank call.
Open the door!
Open the door
Wait, that's the end?
- How does he get out?
- Well, he couldn't.
Wait, why didn't he just use
the phone to call for help?
No. He he tried.
Front desk.
Uh, dude, I'm, uh
I'm locked inside of room 13.
Uh, the door won't open.
Can can you come let me out?
Hold please.
Need a vacation? The Veil Hotel
invites you to stay in any one
Are you kidding me?
We're sorry.
Your call cannot be
Okay. Okay.
Oh, no!
Open the door!
He was never heard from again.
The end.
Oh, my goodness, that was horrifying.
Oh, dude, I have chills. Look.
Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, it's different
than the version I heard, so.
How do you know
it happened in that room?
I don't know, I
Yeah, I guess that's just how the
legend goes, at least, around here.
So where's room 13?
Come on.
It's just a story, right?
I mean, there's not
actually a real room 13.
It's the door at the end
of the hall, isn't it?
There's a secret room there.
It explains that extra window.
What window?
Okay, our room is the last
one in the hall, right?
But if you look from the outside,
there's another window next to ours.
That's room 13, isn't it?
Okay, the day we got here,
I saw someone in that window,
And last night,
I heard crying in the hotel.
Actually, I heard that too.
Honestly, who brings a baby
to a tropical island?
A baby?
I didn't hear a baby.
- Um, it was definitely a crying baby.
- No, this was a woman, and she was crying for help.
I I think they built
the linen closet to.
Hide the real door The door
to room 13. I'm right, aren't I?
I want to see it.
Even if we found the door,
we'd still need the key.
Well, lucky for you guys,
I work at the hotel.
Not to go full Karen, but I'd
like to speak to the manager.
- I am the manager.
- Okay. Well, um,
Uh, the thermostat in our room
is always set to high.
- So turn it down.
- We we do. But every time we come back,
Housekeeping has turned
the heat back up again.
Well, I apologize, miss.
Rest assured, I will speak
to housekeeping.
Well, um
Was there something else?
- Um, it's the crying baby for me.
- Babies cry.
What would you like me to do,
lock it in a dungeon?
That is so disturbing.
I can't believe you would
even joke about that.
Summer, people online need
to hear about this.
- They do.
- Oh, I'm so very scared.
- She has 20,000 followers.
- 21,000.
- 21.
- 20 thou oh.
Multi platforms multiple.
Right, well, perhaps then
I could make it up to you.
- Two desserts on the house?
- That sounds lovely.
Uh, make it five.
- Thank you.
- Five.
Guys, come on.
Come on.
- No, you gotta look behind them.
- I'm trying.
- It's gotta be somewhere over here.
- I don't see
Oh, wait.
- No way.
- Come on, let's move this.
- You have the key?
- Yeah, yeah. I never trusted that guy.
It's st hold on.
I think I got it.
So this is the room.
It's vintage.
- Okay.
- Ugh, dusty.
When's the last
you think it's been cleaned?
- Oh, my gosh.
- Those are my allergies.
You know, it's kind of sad
being in here.
Leo, I wouldn't look at that.
- Yeah, you're right. Uh, let's cover it just in case.
- Yeah, here.
Don't do that. We don't want the hotel
to know that we were here.
It's not like anyone
regularly visits the room.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
Um, ju it's probably, like,
faulty wiring or something, I think.
Or the storm. It's fine.
That's not how storms work.
- I don't I don't want to be here anymore.
- It's fine.
Em pleH.
"Help me"?
Please redirect your scream!
That was right in my ear!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Turn it off.
- Yeah, I'm, trying.
- Ferris, turn it off! - Turn it off!
- I am trying to!
Turn it off!
- It won't turn off!
- Go. Go, go, go.
- Turn it off!
- Yeah, I'm trying.
- Turn it off!
- I'm trying.
It's not turning off!
- Hello!
- Open the door!
Open the door!
How do I get out?
- You okay?
- What? It feels like I've been here before.
Wh-what are you talking about?
- I'm I'm fine. - You sure?
- I'm fine.
Well, we've seen the room.
Besides some problems with
electronics, there's nothing haunted.
- Can we call it a night, please?
- Please?
Oh, and dessert's on us.
Help me.
What was that?
Help me.
That that's the voice
I heard.
Front desk.
Leo, the door!
No, come on, guys, it's time to leave.
- The door's locked.
- You're messing around, right?
No, Ferris, I'm not messing around!
The door's locked!
Wait, wait, the phone!
It's dead!
Okay, okay, well, we have We
have other phones, right, guys?
- We have other phones.
- Call Jules, call Jules.
There's no service.
- Oh, that's convenient.
- It's this room.
There is no getting out, remember?
What is that?
- What?
- Oh, my God.
Cover your eyes!
- Max, Max.
- Get up!
Go, go, go, go!
Guys, get out!
Get out, go, go, go, go.
Come on. Hurry up.
Go, go!
Get out, get out, go, go.
Anyone want to talk about it?
- No.
- I'm out of here.
Wait Max
Where'd he go?
You know that unsolved mystery
about the bellhop who disappeared?
This is where it happened.
I got tickets to see this new horror flick.
It's called "Scream." Supposed to be dope.
I'm the bellhop.
Dude, Drew Barrymore.
Oh, all right. I'm in.
I'm dead.
End Episode 1
Charlie, Charlie, come out to play.
Charlie, Charlie, are you here?
You try.
Come on, Kayla. Don't you
want to know if ghosts are real?
Charlie, Charlie, are you here?
It's Charlie.
Ask him something else.
- Why me?
- Because he answered you.
Charlie, are you in our room right now?
Tell him to go away.
No, he'll be mad.
I'm scared!
Charlie, we're done playing our game.
Will you leave us now?
- I don't like this.
- Charlie, will you please go away now?
Bella, I don't like this.
I'm sorry, Kayla.
Where are you?
Bella, you'll never
believe the dream I just had.
Do you remember the
Charlie Charlie game?
Are you here?
Guys, I'm telling you,
it was a stingray.
- It was not a stingray!
- Better pee on it to be sure.
Shut up, Leo.
It wasn't funny
the first time you said it!
- Seriously, should we go to the hospital?
- This is why we need a chaperone.
- Oh, my God.
- Somebody please call Jules.
Will you chill?
- It's probably just seaweed that scraped your leg.
- You think so?
Well, can we still call Jules?
Look at that.
- So last night was
- Strange?
Very strange.
And scary.
Yeah, scary's a great word.
That I would use.
But also kinda like
Cool, right?
- I thought it was cool.
- Yeah, kinda felt like
- Old times?
- Yeah.
Do you think
the story's true about Room 13?
Well, we know the room
is at least real.
Yeah, but the story can't be true,
because the story said whoever
gets into the room never gets out.
And we got out, because
that's what we do, baby.
We go into haunted hotel rooms,
and we get out.
But if it's not real, how do you
explain what we saw in the mirror?
Or explain all the people
who have gone missing?
I mean, there's the bellhop,
that actress,
the family in the '80s,
and the ghost hunter.
Okay, well, there's usually
an explanation for everything.
I mean, people don't just
vanish into thin air, do they?
You're listening
to "The Dangerous Soup,".
The podcast where we talk
about all things supernatural,
and today's episode is about a ghost
hunter who literally vanished into thin air.
In 1996, Ricky Hagerty
started hunting ghosts
in order to prove that his best
friend was taken by an evil spirit.
Game over.
I'm going to go get a
lemonade. Do you want one?
- Sure. Thanks.
- Can you watch my stuff?
Oh, pink if they have it.
Ricky's search for answers
was looking promising
until the night he
checked into the Veil Hotel.
He was hoping to capture some
paranormal activity on tape.
But nobody knows if he ever
did, because since that night,
neither Ricky nor his video
camera have ever been found.
Hey, put that back.
Hey, hey, hey!
Wait, stop! Hey! Wait, wait, wait!
Oh seriously?
Wait! Come on!
No, no, no, no, no, no, wait!
Come on.
There's no
Miss king Oh, sorry.
Didn't mean to frighten you.
How are we today?
Oh, great.
Sorry, I need your help.
My friend's phone was stolen,
and I was wondering
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that.
When did you realize it was missing?
It's not missing. Some kid stole
it out of her bag and took off.
- Oh, can you describe what this kid looked like?
- I-I don't know. A little girl, maybe?
Okay, she looks like every
little girl ever, okay?
And she ran into the elevator
before I could catch her.
- Is there a floor hidden beneath the lobby?
- Just an ancient burial ground.
Okay, can you check the cameras
to find out where she went?
No, there are no
cameras on the premises.
- It's a policy of the Veil Resort and Spa.
- Okay, what kind of a hotel doesn't have cameras?
The kind of hotel that cares about
the privacy of its esteemed guests.
Or the kind that has something to hide?
Look, I'm very sorry about your friend's
phone, and I promise to keep an eye out
for this little girl that
looks like every other.
Little girl, and if it turns
up, I shall let you know.
But in the meantime, perhaps your friend
could use this as a chance to unplug.
Miss King?
Sorry, I forgot to ask.
- How are you your nightmares?
- Excuse me?
The other night, you were
sleepwalking in the halls, remember?
Thank you.
Put it in my office.
Hey, so now that you
don't have a phone,
what kind of personality
are you gonna get?
Ooh, shots fired. Hey, maybe
you can lend me one of yours.
Oh, direct hit.
Hello? You know, your face is going
to get stuck like that, right?
Why does she always play these games with
me? I mean, does she think my heart can take it?
I'm not sure she's thinking of
you, like, at all in this situation.
Look, I know she's my cousin, and
I've asked this, like, a million times.
But what is it about her?
She's the best
babysitter I've ever had.
K, we love a list
of qualities to look for.
Uh, Ferris, maybe it's
time you cast a wider net.
Like, I don't know,
someone your own age?
- What about Summer?
- What?
I mean, you're in love with Jules,
and Summer is like the next best thing.
Excuse me?
No, that's a good one.
But no way, dude.
I would never date Summer.
Okay, wait.
Why wouldn't you date me?
I it was, uh, hypothetical.
Okay, so hypothetically,
why wouldn't you date me?
- It's just you know.
- Ah, okay.
- Here's another hypothetical.
- Yeah, I love hypotheticals.
Even if we were the last two
people stranded on this island, Ferris,
I still would never date you.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Well, I'm gonna go dance.
I love hypotheticals.
So you may have heard
some of the superstitions
about mirrors, like if you break one,
you'll have seven years of bad luck.
But did you know that the mirror next to
your bed may also be haunted by a ghost?
Many cultures all around the world believe
that mirrors are portals to the other side.
But be careful, because
opening a portal to the other side
can let evil spirits out that you
might not be ready to deal with.
For most of us
Hey, ghost boy.
Leo. Hey, wait.
Wait, why
W-Why would you say that?
Because you ghosted us last night.
- What did I do?
- Ghosted.
- I don't
- Like, disappeared on us, Max.
- You've really never heard that before?
- No, I haven't.
But I-I don't really get out that
much. So that's probably why.
So how are you?
- Me?
- Yeah, I don't really see anybody else here.
Right, right.
Okay, but you can see me?
- Yeah, I can definitely see you.
- Oh, good, good. 'Cause I was
- I was standing right there
- Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I am. Sorry, I, uh
I feel like I'm being so weird right now.
- Just
- Please. You've met my friends.
We're way weirder, okay?
So just relax.
- Relax.
- Okay. - Relax.
Have you ever, like
Woken up in the morning,
and felt like
you were invisible or something?
Like, nobody can see you, and
And you can't talk to them.
It's like
Like all you want to do is just be seen.
and tell them this crazy
secret you have that's scary?
I, uh
I know days like that.
Yeah, me too.
Okay, um
How about the next time you feel
invisible, you can just remember.
That I see you?
Thanks, Leo.
Quit being dumb, Kayla.
Bella, are you there?
I knew you weren't real.
Bella, knock back if you're there.
- Dude.
- Sorry. Sorry.
This is ominous.
Kayla, what did we say
about sitting all alone in dark places?
Seriously, you look like that creepy girl in the
movie who's about to crawl across the ceiling.
What are you
what are you doing?
- Your text sounded important.
- I-I can I can explain.
Please tell me
that's not what I think it is.
It's a game.
I know what game it is.
What are we doing here?
See, this is why I said
we should keep an eye on her.
I haven't started yet.
I wanted to wait for you guys.
- To do what?
- To play.
You know, we, uh, we could go back
to the hotel and play Cat an.
It's a game about building settlements,
and collecting resources.
Yeah, I know it may be a little
different than summoning demons,
but, uh, it's got a really
cool robber token, so
Kayla, I think I'm gonna pass.
You guys, please, there's a better
chance it'll work if we all do it together.
What, sit around waiting for something to
spin 'cause there's a slight breeze in the air?
I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna
waste my entire vacation
trying to summon some ghost
named Charlie.
Not Charlie.
- No.
- Yes.
- Kayla, no!
- Yes!
- She wants to summon Bella.
- Wait, what?
- We all agreed that we would never do that a long time ago!
- But Bella wants us to!
She knocked on this mirror.
I told her to knock back if
she was there, and she did.
Bella knew about Ghost Island.
She's the one who planned this trip
and made us swear that
we'd come here no matter what.
What if she knew that
this place was special?
What if there's a reason
the Midnight Society is supposed to be here?
What reason?
I think this is
Bella's final ghost story.
Bella, are you here?
- Bella, are you here?
- Kay, stop.
Bella, knock back if you're there.
- Kayla, you're scaring me.
- It'll work! Just wait!
It's just a mirror.
This is just an island.
All that ghost stuff that
we did when we were kids
Hey, look at me.
It's made up.
Is that what it meant for you?
Because those ghosts were real to me!
- They're just stories.
- They were not just stories to me!
- You know what, Kayla?
- Grow up! - Guys!
Bella, are you here?
How did you just do that?
Bella, are you in this room?
It's okay, Summer.
It's her.
Bella, is it really you?
Are you okay?
Tell us how to help you.
Bella, I told you a big secret once.
Do you remember?
It was Camp Grindlestone,
summer after eighth grade.
I, um, I had a crush.
What are you doing?
If this is really you, point
to that person at this table.
This isn't Bella.
Who is this?
No, stop!
Why would you do that?
Kayla, it's not her!
We said we would never do
anything like this ever again.
No more ghost games, no more
scary stories, no more this!
The Midnight Society is dead.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- You're closest.
- You're closest.
Oh, my God.
Oh, uh, somebody else
came by earlier, so we're all set.
Thanks anyway.
Really, we're okay.
What are you doing?
I thought you were in
your room this whole time.
Hi. I have a special delivery
from a one Kayla King.
It says here that the package is for
the three best friends a girl could have,
and the gift itself is
an apology for last night.
And it looks like it's been wrapped
in four passes to the Veil spa.
That is expensive packaging.
If you do choose to accept this apology,
I will need for you to sign for it somehow.
Uh, well, I don't have a pen.
But would an apology from us work?
So we all agree from now on
vacation vibes only at the spa?
- Yes.
- No more ghost talk.
No more summoning the dead, Kayla.
Agree, agree, okay, agree.
Hey, guys, I'm gonna head back up,
because I forgot something in the room, so
Yeah, you have time.
- Yeah, I'll meet you
- Be quick.
Kayla, hi.
Is this what you do all day,
just lay around the hotel
playing your hacky sack?
Well, let's just say that I've got all the
time in the world and nowhere to go.
Is everything okay?
You know, I haven't seen you since you ran off the other night.
- Uh, yeah.
Yeah, it is, look, um
I wanted to say, I'm really sorry
about About being a ghost.
I mean, about going missing,
because I
Remember, because I disappeared
on you guys? I I departed.
Um, anyway, so what's the
What's the 411?
- The what?
- The 411.
- The scoop.
- Okay, why is that a 411?
4.. It's like that's the number that you call when
you want to get someone's personal information.
- Okay, this is - a little stalkery.
- No, no. It's like the Yellow Pages. You know, the
Shh, wait.
Do you hear that?
Yeah, that sounds
like "Spellbound."
No, no.
T-that's Summer's phone.
- Kayla, where are we going?
- Shh! Stop talking!
- Why are you so fast?
- Go faster!
What are you doing?
- Come on!
- Wait.
Come on, hurry up!
Max, guard the door.
What the
Okay, kid!
It's me again!
Okay, look, I just want the phone back!
What was that?
Ooh, so scary!
Max, forget the door.
Come help me.
As if, dude!
No, I've seen "Gremlins."
- This is just like that.
- Are you kidding?
Yeah. I'll watch the door.
Just forget about it.
Look, I just want the phone back, okay?
Hey, wait!
Just great.
Did you take all of these?
Where's your mom?
Come on, let's go find her.
You really can't be sneaking
off and stealing stuff.
It's not gonna be cute forever.
Do you know what this is?
This belonged to that ghost hunter.
Wait, ghost hunter? Like, like, this
person They hunt ghosts? Like, they
He was a paranormal
investigator 20 years ago.
He came to the island to
record footage in Room 13.
Did he find anything?
No one knows because he disappeared,
along with his camcorder.
- Tape's gone.
- Kayla, we have to find it.
I mean, there could be
answers on that tape,
information about Room 13 or that thing
that's in the mirror that's
been turning people into ghosts.
Do you remember where you got this?
If you show me where to find it, then
I promise to help you find your mom.
Secret floor.
Can you show us?
- That was different.
- Okay
Did you know about this
secret floor in the hotel?
No, I I mean, the bellhops,
we used to talk about a secret floor.
But I thought it was just a rumor, like
Why's she smiling?
You know what?
I actually changed my mind.
- Max!
- What?
Are you crazy?
What if we don't even
find anything down here?
What if we do? Come
on. Let's check it out.
I'm gonna try to find a light switch.
Yeah. All right, I
go left. You go right.
Kay. Wait. You're
going right, I'm going left.
I just said that.
Go, look.
- That's better.
- Okay.
Keep looking.
- Are you looking?
- Yeah, yeah.
Maybe that was the floorboards?
There's no floorboards.
Oh, okay.
Come on, let's hurry
before someone comes down here.
Okay. You just look here, and
I'll go further into the dark room.
- Hey, did you find anything?
- No.
Are you okay?
What is this?
Dude ohh
Why are you laughing?
Maybe under here?
- Kayla?
- Yeah?
- I found flashlights.
- Here. - What?
- Flashlight.
- Oh, thanks.
Wait. Do you think this room is a
maybe an old lost and found from the hotel?
Yeah, lost and found implies you
want people to find the stuff they lost.
I think this is the stuff
they were trying to hide.
Why do they do the
cucumbers on the eyes thing?
You're disturbing people at the spa.
We're the only people here.
And we're being disturbed.
Hey, Summer, so, um, I was just wondering all
night long who you had a crush on at summer camp.
Because I did the math, and it wasn't
Leo, and Kayla wasn't at camp that summer,
that means you had a crush on me.
Is it weird that Kayla
still isn't back yet?
Kayla, look at this.
Yeah, I found one too.
Hey, wait!
- Kayla, what just happened?
- Nothing. She just looked at the mirror.
- Hey. Are you okay?
- No. No, I saw I saw a bug.
- A bug?
- Yeah.
That's why you jumped out of your skin
Because of a bug.
Yeah, But it was like a humongous bug
that was flying
- You're just like Leo.
- What?
- Who likes Leo?
- I said you're just like Leo.
- Oh. Oh, okay.
- Wait. Do you like Leo?
I like all you guys.
- Okay, good to know.
- Yeah. I like everyone.
Oh, my God. Hide. Hide. Hide.
Max. Max. Wait, Max. Over here.
Betty Ann, is that you?
I can hear you.
I'll never have children.
- Chill out!
- Oh, you found a quick hiding spot.
- Thanks for the invite.
- That's not all I found.
The ghost hunter's tape.
So basically, you earn points by, you know, building
settlements, by having the longest road, by having the largest
Oh, thank God.
Okay, you know what?
Forget about him, because I know
how to play with two players.
So as I was saying
No thanks, again.
- Housekeeping.
- Really?
You don't have to keep asking.
Have a nice night.
- No, thank you.
- Hey, I'm back.
- Here with another apology?
- Better than that. Here, Summer, catch.
Oh, my God. Yes! I
was dying of boredom.
Thanks, Ferris.
This farm game was really fun.
We, uh we actually
never even started.
What happened to you?
You ditched us at the spa.
- I wouldn't call it ditching.
- Then what would you call it?
Yeah, okay. Hey, Ferris, do
you know where the TV is in here?
Right in front of you.
- That's the TV?
- Yeah.
- Where's Where's the rest of it?
- What do you mean, where's the rest of it?
Is there other rooms with, like,
way bigger screens or something?
This the Paradise suite.
That's false advertising.
Yeah, yeah.
It's way
The screens are way bigger.
You usually have somewhere
to plug these guys in.
Wait, I'm confused.
Are we watching a movie or something?
Sure, sort of.
No, no movies until you
apologize for ghosting us
Okay, I can stand up here
and give you an apology,
or we can watch this.
- Watch it do what?
- That's That's a cassette, Summer.
No, it's not.
My Nana has a ton of them.
- They're way thinner.
- It's a tape.
Like a ghost hunter tape?
- How did you even find it?
- I didn't. Max did.
What do you think's on the tape?
Room 13.
- Okay.
- Wait, okay.
Last night, I all made you do something
that you didn't want to do,
and I'm sorry.
I promised you no more ghost stuff,
and that's why I think
it should be a group decision.
Either all of us watch
the tape or none of us do.
This hotel is home to an evil spirit
that has claimed countless
lives over many centuries.
That guy that guy's
voice sounds familiar.
Everyone everyone
thinks I'm crazy.
But I know this spirit is here to lure people
into Room 13 and pull them into the mirror.
13 and pull them into the mirror.
Yeah, I mean, you've probably
seen his other videos online.
They're, um, kind of famous
ever since he You know.
It's doing this in an attempt to cross
over from the other side and into our world.
But instead, its victims
are turning into ghosts,
cursed, unable to cross over until the ghost
that created them crosses over themselves
Cross over?
Including my friend.
This is for you, brother.
Come on, Ricky.
Don't go in there, Ricky.
Turn around.
Turn around.
No, no, no, no, no.
Show yourself.
I know you're in here.
I'm only here to help you.
- What did I just watch?
- Let's watch it again.
- Wait.
- Where's Max?
- Anything?
- He's not in our room.
That's twice now.
- Ghost boy.
- Tape's ready!
- Okay, I'm gonna go look for him.
- I'll come with you.
- Maybe that's him.
- It's fine. Let's just watch it.
I'm here to tell you that the
Veil Hotel is home to an evil spirit
that has claimed nine recorded deaths
over the past century.
Probably just started in the middle
to take less time.
Ruth Gerard, a housekeeper
at the Veil, vanished in 1944.
- Housekeeping.
- No thanks, really. We're fine.
Forbidden Room 13 to
- Wait, isn't that - Guys?
- What? - Come here.
Okay, what am I
What am I looking at?
These are some of the
victims from Room 13.
Our next known case involves the Carrolls who
spent the night in Room 13 in the summer of '83.
Beloved mother Jodi was seeking shelter
with her two children, Betty Ann and baby Erin.
That's the little girl
that stole your phone.
Excuse me?
Saving the best for last.
The latest known victim of Room 13
is my former colleague at the Veil,
and more importantly, my best friend.
In 1996, Max Matheson and I came
to the Veil Hotel for summer jobs.
One night, while we were working,
Max received a call from Room
13 and went to go inspect it.
But he never returned.
- So that means Max is a
- Ghost boy.
What do you want?
I can help you!
I want to cross over.
Oh, my God, he saw the tape.
Wait, Max is a ghost,
and he saw the tape.
I-it showed him how to cross over.
- He's going to Room 13.
- We need to go now.
I said what do you want?
Let me out!
Max, don't!
What did you do?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on, please.
Come on.
It didn't work.
She's out.
Next, on
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
She's out of the mirror.
Thought I was doing the right thing.
That thing you did may have
just cost us all our lives.
You said I was having nightmares!
Look around, Miss King!
This is a nightmare.
Go, go, go!
Now that she's out, she's not gonna
stop until she gets what she wants.
"I Am a Monster"?
- What is that?
- It's a diary.
Lucille what if this
belonged to her?
Who's up for another story?
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