Are You Afraid of the Dark (2019) s03e03 Episode Script

The Tale of the Looking Glass

Previously, on
"Are You Afraid Of The Dark?"
- Last night was
- Strange?
Very strange.
Bella, are you here?
This isn't Bella.
The Veil Hotel is home to an evil spirit
That has claimed nine deaths:
Ruth Gerard
- Housekeeping.
- No thanks.
Betty Ann, beloved mother Jodie,
and my best friend.
- So that means Max is
- A ghost boy.
Max, don't!
She's out.
Are you ready to try again?
I don't think I want to play anymore.
Come on.
It's just a game.
Bloody Mary.
Bloody Mary.
Bloody Mary.
- Why'd you stop?
- Because what if she's real?
Then her ghost
will appear in the mirror.
What if her ghost
comes out of the mirror?
- Run!
- No!
Kayla, come on.
Kayla, we gotta go.
No! No!
Open the door, open the door!
Open the door.
Someone open the door!
- I'm trying!
- Open the door!
- I'm trying!
- Kayla!
How many versions of her are there?
This way!
- Come on!
- Go!
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#Are you afraid of the Dark#
Season 03 Episode 03
Episode Title: "The Tale of the Looking Glass"
Aired on: August 06, 2022.
- Let's go.
- Hurry.
- Hey, hey, shouldn't we keep moving?
- Just wait here. Catch your breath.
What just happened?
She's out of the mirror.
- Oh, we are so dead.
- You,
- You're already dead.
- I I really messed up.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
That thing you did may have
just cost us all our lives.
- Good going, Casper.
- Wait, you knew he was a ghost?
I know everything
that goes on in this hotel,
the laughing in the dark,
the whispering walls,
All the mystical mirrors that
knock in the dead of night.
The Veil has become a prison,
for captured souls and lonely ghosts
because of this evil spirit
that lives in the mirror.
And you, my friends, you may
have released her into our world.
What about all the guests on the island?
My cousin, Jules, she she's in danger.
- She isn't after them.
- So why is she after us?
'Cause you went into Room 13.
And now that she's out, she's not going
to stop until she gets what she wants.
What does she want?
We're gonna have to find another way.
Stay quiet. Follow me.
And whatever you do, avoid
anything with a reflection.
Wait, why?
Because she can see us
through the mirrors.
- Come on.
- Wait, hey, Leo.
Uh, listen, I'm really sorry
that I didn't tell you the truth.
Last night, you said you had this secret
that you felt like you couldn't tell anybody.
I just thought it was
a different kind of secret.
Are you kidding me? You
said stay away from reflections.
This place might as well be
a fun house full of mirrors.
Well, it's the fastest way
in and out of the hotel.
- What about the lobby?
- Too central.
Get down!
I mean, she's not attacking guests, but
there's no reason to lure her into a crowd.
Okay, there she is.
We have to sneak by her and get to
those doors, so stay close behind me.
Everyone, stay low, move slow.
On my signal
If you keep talking, we're gonna die.
No, no, no, no, no!
On my say go.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Hurry up.
- Am I next?
- Go, go, go.
Stop poking me.
- Don't push me.
- Go!
- Okay.
- Hurry up.
Quiet. Be quiet.
- Are you kidding me? Get over here.
- Are you trying to get killed?
- What was that for?
- What's he doing?
I hate it here.
Is that something I'm supposed to do?
- Just be normal.
- So like that? Be normal.
This is like those kids hiding from
the velociraptor in "Jurassic Park."
Dude, literally nobody cares
about dinosaurs right now.
Are you okay?
That's the little girl that stole
Summer's phone. She's a ghost, too.
I know exactly who she is.
Betty Ann, you must hide.
- It's not safe here.
- She's scared.
Betty. Betty, come on.
- Come on. Quickly.
- Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Come on, quickly.
This way!
- Go!
- Go!
Okay, go, go!
Go! Go! Go!
Okay, this should hold.
You said I was having nightmares!
Look around, Miss King.
This is a nightmare.
This whole time, gas lighting me,
pretending like nothing horrible was going on?
Nothing horrible was going on
until you went into Room 13.
You knew about that mirror monster
thing the whole time, and you lied about it.
I also rescued all of you. I
suppose that counts for nothing?
- We're not thanking you.
- Well, I wouldn't dare think so.
- But we are all on the same side here.
- And what side is that?
Well, for one, the side of the living.
Where does that leave me?
This is awkward.
- How long have you known that I was a ghost?
- What does it matter?
Because until I went into Room 13,
I didn't even know that I was dead.
- You didn't?
- No.
No, I I don't know
anything about my life.
And that story that I told you guys, I thought
that was like, I don't know, a scary nightmare.
- I I didn't know it was about me.
- It's you.
You knew.
You knew I was a ghost
the entire time, didn't you?
- Yes.
- Come on.
If you had just told the truth, I mean,
you could have stopped all of this
Look, Dead die Prinze, Jr.,
It's not my fault you went
into Room 13 in the '90s.
Maybe not. But you know
what? You're here now.
You're here now, and you
should have warned people.
- Instead, you lie.
- Okay, can you all stop saying that?
Because I never lied.
Okay, I lied. But it was only
to protect all of you and and
And everyone else in this hotel.
I'm trying to save you from
her. That's why I'm here.
What are you talking about?
Now, I come from a very
long line of Stanley Cranes.
The Veil has been in my family
for generations.
When the first Stanley Crane purchased
this hotel, he discovered that it came with a
- Problem.
- Problem?
No one knew about it at first, not
until people began to disappear.
But when my ancestors became aware,
they did everything they could to stop it,
Hide it, get rid of it.
At one point, they shut down
the hotel altogether.
But nothing worked.
So as the years went on, the doors
would reopen, the guests would arrive
And my family would remain to protect
this island from this unspeakable evil.
Growing up, the only
story my father ever told
Me was about the woman
who lived in the mirror.
I've devoted my life to this place.
And tonight, every fear I've ever had,
every nightmare I've ever dreamt, has arrived.
So yes, I lied.
- But it was for your own good.
- Who is she?
I mean, no one knows.
All I've ever been told
is that she is a monster.
I am a monster?
I saw myself drowning in the
sea, disappearing into the dark.
- What is that?
- It's a diary.
Wait, guys,
what if this belonged to her?
Who's up for another story?
Okay, wait. If we're going
to tell a story, I need a snack.
Wait, hold on.
So this was just in here?
No, I found it earlier today, the same
place where Max found Ricky's camcorder.
In the ancient burial ground.
- What what's the ancient burial ground?
- You want to tell him?
It's where we keep things that we
can't quite get rid of, and want to hide.
- Like all those mirrors?
- Especially those mirrors.
Flip back.
- Hmm, that's weird. The handwriting, it's backwards.
- Yeah, I saw that.
It's like the message she
scratched into the wallpaper.
I mean, but see here?
Only these pages are backwards.
The rest are normal.
Let's read it and find out why.
It is the 14th of May
- Hey! What are you doing?
- No, it's too dangerous.
Reading is too dangerous?
It's just a diary.
It's never just a diary, just
like it's never just a mirror.
You kids have no idea what
you're dealing with here.
Yeah, we don't. That's why we
should read it and find out, no?
How do you know this belongs to her?
This could be
a thousand different things.
You know what? Step off!
You're outnumbered right now.
You can't gate keep the truth anymore.
I think we deserve to know.
You're right.
But Miss King, be very careful.
It is the 14th of May, 1692.
I was born 17 years ago today.
So how is it I feel like I'm dying?
For everyone else, this island is a paradise
A fortress.
But all I see is a cage.
Every day, I watch men board their ships,
Carrying them away to enchanted worlds
I may never see.
Yet here I sit, trapped, waiting,
Wishing for a charmed life.
Witch hazel!
Witch hazel for broken heart!
Witch hazel!
And then, my wish came true
When he arrived.
Of all the islands and all the oceans
- What do you think you're doing?
- I could ask you the same question.
That's my workshop.
Those are my tools.
He arrived on mine.
- My mistake, then.
- Tell me.
Okay. I lost my ship to the
reef coming through the channel.
- You're a ship man?
- I am Captain Jonas Cutter.
My battalion is still out there.
I need to build a boat
to get back to them.
He needed someone who could teach him
how to build a boat,
and I needed someone
who could teach me how to sail.
So are you really building
a boat to get off the island?
Then you can keep the tools.
But you won't find a better
crafter on this island than me.
Oh, I don't doubt that.
So I'll help you build your ship,
and you can return to your men.
I sense that there is something
in this for you.
When the battle is over,
you must come back.
- Come back?
- And teach me how to sail
so I can finally
get away from this place.
No, you're doing it all wrong!
It's not about strength.
It's about rhythm.
When Cutter washed ashore, it seemed as though
he brought all of my wildest dreams with him.
Come on, let me help you.
You can make it 14 by 5, and you're
gonna be able to fit more supplies in here.
I've never seen
a design like this before.
Our connection seemed like fate.
We were a match made in paradise.
He told me tales of the seven seas
And showed me his compass
that helped guide his journey.
It will set you north.
Together, we were like a storm
made to clear a new path,
And I am no longer afraid of storms,
for I'm learning how to sail my ship.
- Dude, come on.
- What are you - What?
You're ruining the best part.
Just everyone shush.
- What do you think?
- You finished it.
- It's beautiful.
- Just like you.
Please, don't be worried.
What if I never see you again?
I promise to return for you.
And together, we will have as many
adventures as you can tolerate, hmm?
A small piece of me to hold
until we're reunited.
But not all promises can be kept,
and not all stories have happy endings.
Okay, come on.
Keep going.
As years passed, Cutter
never returned from sea.
He was swallowed up by the waves.
And all of our shared hopes and dreams
drowned with him.
I am consumed by loss.
I would do anything
to have him back if only
- I need a spell.
- What has happened to you, child?
Not me, him.
He's drowned at sea, and I know
you can bring him back.
Such spells are forbidden.
They unleash darkness you cannot undo.
- I am sorry, little doll, but I cannot
- You need to bring him back.
I will not.
Not even if it is to stop
a heart from breaking.
Here, some special brew.
Wait, hold on. What's the
name of this book Lucia stole?
Here, Ferris.
El Libro de las Sombras.
What does that mean?
It means The Book of Shadows.
- I don't like how that sounds.
- Hey, well, this is where it starts backwards.
No, I think that that's
just in just in Spanish.
Those are accents.
Keep reading.
None of these will work.
The looking glass.
To call a spirit, start with a mirror.
To call a spirit, you must first acquire
a token that once belonged to it.
Cutter's compass.
Should any spirit be called
for, be they good or evil,
the spirit must be later dismissed,
for dire consequences may ensue.
Respect the dead.
Start with a mirror.
Add a flame.
Knock once.
Knock twice.
It's working.
Then call out their name.
Please work.
I need you.
I need you.
Where are you?
I'm on the other side now,
A place beyond the mortal realm.
How do I get you out?
I'm not sure I can come out.
It looks like you've summoned me
into a mirror version of your world.
But at least we can be together like this
whenever you wish.
No, that's not good enough.
I don't want to live
a life without you!
I can't!
I need to be with you.
You could join me.
In the mirror?
No, pay no mind. It would not be fair to you.
I will do it.
Give me your hand.
It's working.
What happened?
What's going on?
Where am I?
What is this place?
You tricked me!
No! No, you can't,
Cutter! You can't do this!
No! You can't leave me here!
No, no, please.
No! Cutter, no, please!
I am sorry, Lucia.
No, please.
Please, Cutter. Come back! Please!
Cutter left and took my heart with him.
- That is so messed up.
- He stole Lucia's life.
And now she's the one
stuck in that mirror?
Men are trash.
Wait, no. But I I got her out of the mirror.
So actually, this this would
be a good thing, right?
Yeah, I don't think the thing you
let out is the same Lucia, Max.
Stanley, are you okay?
I've been afraid of
this woman my entire life.
And had I known
Just keep reading.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I'm trapped.
In this world, time seems to stand in stillness.
Everything is backwards.
I feel lost.
I'm nothing but a lonely ghost
stolen from one life
and shut out from the next.
I never meant to hurt anyone.
I only meant to seek help,
but when I touched the glass
and she gazed into the mirror,
she was gone.
Her life was taken from the mirror,
just like mine.
I'm a monster.
I can feel myself slowly drowning in
the sea and disappearing in the dark.
That's all there is.
Well, thank you for reading, Miss King.
But unfortunately, she's still out
there. And we're still trapped in here.
And we're no closer to putting
her back in the mirror.
Wait, you want to put her back in the mirror?
Did you not listen to the
story? She became a monster.
Do you have no sympathy at all?
Do I have to remind you all
that she's taken many lives,
Innocent people who had nothing
to do with her or her mistake?
- Okay, but it's not her fault.
- She turned you into a ghost!
Yeah, I know. But she
was just trying to get help.
And it's a tragedy
what happened to her,
but what, are you saying that we
should all just pay the price, too?
No, I'm I'm saying that
I don't know.
I I think that
we should help her.
- I agree.
- Me too.
- Same here.
- What they said.
How are we meant to help her
when she's attacking us?
Okay, let's just regroup.
So first, we put Lucia back
into the mirror, right?
And then, once we're all safe
Okay, fine.
How do we put her back?
Well, you know when in Ghostbusters,
they fired a proton stream at the ghosts
until they lost their excessive
psychokinetic energy
Dude, dude, this is real
life, not an excellent movie.
I'm just saying maybe
we, you know, we zap her.
Zap her? Dude, that's
not how you trap a ghost.
- Okay, Leo, then why don't you enlighten us?
No, we can ask nicely. It'll be
- Yeah.
Oh, guys, it's okay. We can ask nicely.
We'll go, Knock knock! Lucia, will
you please go back into the mirror?
Wait, knock knock.
- Who's there?
- No what is it?
The looking glass spell says you
can summon a ghost in a mirror, right?
Okay, hear me out. Let's just say
that, hypothetically, this is Lucia.
- Okay, Lucia is salt. Okay.
- Okay? Lucia was alive.
Then she went into the mirror
when she became a ghost.
And then Max let her out.
Now her ghost is haunting us.
So if Lucia is a ghost, then
Then we can summon her back.
Now, that is how you trap a ghost.
Well, the spell says we need a
token that belonged to the person.
We already do, don't we? It's
her diary. Well, that's brilliant.
We'll use that to summon Lucia
back into the mirror.
Not Lucia.
Okay, now you lost me.
Lucia is the victim here.
Cutter is the real monster.
His ghost should be the one
locked in that prison, not hers.
Think about it. If we reverse
the trade, Cutter goes back in.
Lucia can come out.
- That'll free her spirit.
- Yeah.
Okay, minor kerfuffle. We don't have
a token that belonged to Cutter, so.
There's an old graveyard on the island.
Everyone who's ever lived here is
buried there, including my ancestors.
So if Cutter did live out the rest of
his days here, he'll be buried there, too.
Okay, assuming that we can
find his grave, we take something.
Okay, so so so we're grave
robbing now. Does that not bother you?
Wait, the compass. Remember?
Maybe maybe he was buried with it.
Yeah, and maybe it should stay buried in the
ground where buried things should stay, you know?
Okay, guys, come on.
Let's just get this Cutter guy,
- and we'll put him in the mirror, okay?
- But we've got to hurry.
But we have to be smart about this.
So I think you kids should go to the graveyard,
and get Cutter's compass, I'll take the diary.
- Wait, why the diary?
- The looking glass spell. I need it for the mirror ritual.
- Okay, I'm going with you.
- No, it's far too dangerous.
We don't have time!
This spell needs to be
performed in front of the mirror.
That means we'll be exposed,
and that means Lucia can see us.
Guys, look.
- What is that?
- Black water.
What's she trying to do,
flood us out of here?
No, no, if those overhead
lights turn on, then all of this water
It's gonna turn into
one giant reflective mirror.
She found a way in.
- It's coming in everywhere.
- Get off the ground, guys.
- Get off the ground!
- Go! - Calm down!
We're not gonna be able
to last in her for much longer.
Yeah, well, we can't leave.
She's right on the other side.
Well, we have to stop the
water, or she'll be inside.
- Okay.
- Turn out the lights!
Get the light!
Get the light!
- Hurry!
- The box!
Stanley, watch out!
- I got it.
- Okay, let's go.
Okay, everybody, remember the plan?
Yeah, get to that graveyard
and grab Cutter's necklace.
And we'll head to Room 13
and set up the mirror, right?
- Okay, here, take this.
- Why?
Because if anything happens to me, I want
to make sure that Lucia's story can be shared.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Take care of them.
- I will.
- You be careful going back in that room, okay?
- Yeah, don't worry. I'll see you soon.
- Yeah.
- I'll give you the 411.
We gotta go!
We gotta move!
- All right, let's go.
- Come on.
Yeah, let's all rush
towards our certain deaths.
Guys, I have a really stupid idea.
Get behind me, Kay.
Guys, stay close behind me.
- Where'd she go?
- I don't know.
I can't see her.
Maybe she's getting a sandwich.
Come on!
Guys, I got it, I got it!
Go! Get out of here!
- We have no choice!
- Max, no!
No, Max. Max!
We'll be fine!
No, Leo!
Leo, get out of here!
- I got it!
- No! Not without you!
Get off!
Push harder!
Push harder!
Go, go, go!
- Go, go, go, go!
- Get outta the way!
Get outta the way!
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Hey, wait.
You think she's gone?
I don't know.
- I thought you said you were fast!
- Yeah, I am!
I came in sixth in track and field!
- Summer, stop!
- No, we have to hurry.
- No, no, I'm driving!
- What?
- No, I found it.
- Ferris, give me the keys.
Fine, if you admit you had
a crush on me at summer camp.
Let's just go.
- Here.
- There.
That should protect us
from any unwanted surprises.
- What?
- It's just
I've been afraid of this room
for a very long time.
You know, this room was
her prison for so long.
It must have been horrible.
You know, I think it's very noble,
You risking your life to save Lucia's.
You're a good person, Miss King.
Can I ask, where's your family?
Oh, they've
- passed.
- All of them?
I lost my twin sister.
I'm so sorry.
Maybe we're a little more similar
than either of us like to admit.
Yeah, I don't doubt that.
- Uh, no, uh
- No, what?
No, if this poor girl's
story has taught us anything,
It's that mystical mirrors
are not to be messed with.
- Wait, you mean I could summon my sister?
- Please, forget I said anything.
No, she wanted me to come
here. What if this is why?
To use the spell.
Or the diary's a lesson that no
one should mess with the dead.
Bella always knew what to do.
Maybe she can help.
It's not like you have
a token of hers, either way.
I do.
This was her sweater.
I'm gonna summon Bella.
You know, I know this might be,
like, the worst night of our lives,
but look at us under the moonlight.
- It's kind of romantic.
- We're in a cemetery, Ferris.
There's, like, worms here.
- Wait, wait, wait. Check this out.
- What?
Remember, friends, as you pass
by, as you are now, so once was I.
Remember in life that you must die.
We need to cover more ground. I'm
gonna check this row. You go do that one.
We're splitting up?
No, that's like rule number one of
things not to do in a slasher movie.
Okay, well, we're dealing with ghosts.
Come on, we don't have time.
Why is it always scary stuff?
Why why couldn't I just be interested
in something like golf or knitting?
Over here!
Captain Jonas Cutter.
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Um, help help me with this.
What's it like?
Being a ghost?
It's lonely.
Because you feel invisible?
Not right now.
Not when I'm with you.
What just happened?
I have no idea.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
Once I pull this sheet, you must
hurry, or Lucia could see you.
One, two, three.
It's empty.
Where's Cutter?
Knock once.
Knock twice.
It's working.
You're Cutter!
And you're too curious.
I said it was gonna
get you into trouble.
- You tricked me!
- Oh, I'm sorry, Miss King.
- I'm sorry, Lucia.
- No, please, Cutter! No!
But you've left me no choice.
If you would just let me
put Lucia back in the mirror
- Get off!
- Then it would be over by now.
But you just wouldn't stop.
You'll never get away
with what you've done.
Who will ever know?
You see, dead men tell no tales.
- Kayla!
- Kayla!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stanley, no!
Don't I look a fright?
Next, on the season finale
of Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
Wait, where's Kayla?
That's strange.
She was right here.
Can't have you squawking now, can we?
Hey, we're still alive.
Lucia is a monster!
We have to stop her, or you, me,
and everyone on this island will die.
Who's there?
Long live the Midnight Society.
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