Baccano! (2007) s01e12 Episode Script

Firo and the Gandor Brothers Are Shot Down

1 You're saying, people who drink that liquor become immortally young? Surprised? You see, I'm an immortal.
I know.
You really think that you're not going to die? Of course.
After all, the world is mine.
Rachel-kun, would you tell me about that injury to your leg now? It was What? Are you hurt? If not, we're getting out of here.
That was another act that deviated considerably from the duties of an information broker, was it not? I know.
At first, I was planning to do nothing, keep quiet, and wait for the storm to pass.
But as I watched what the white group, the black group, and the red monster were doing, I couldn't sit still any longer.
If you go past the dining car, it will be safe for you to climb down.
Be careful.
Better to run than to walk, and inadvertently slip.
The Beriams fled to the second-class passenger car.
It appeared that the delinquents who I saw in the dining car were being held hostage as well, so What? I rescued them.
Thank you very much.
You guys manage for yourselves from here.
W-Why, you Damn it! Why did you go so far? I didn't want the train to be stained with any more blood.
My father was a railroad engineer.
Because of my father, I became fond of railroads as a youngster, and I have a greater attachment for railroads than the normal person.
Yet you still ride for free? Nicholas-kun, Rachel-kun has her own personal reasons.
Please mind what you say.
Rachel-kun, please continue.
Yes, sir.
However, there is only one other thing that is worth reporting.
Damn it! Come on out of there, nice and easy, you punks! That came from the first-class car, huh? It's Nice! Juan, Youn, take over here.
Donny, you go to the freight hold and find that package.
Uh, are you going alone, Jacuzzi? Yeah.
I promised her that I would come back.
If Nice dies, I can't very well return to her, can I? So I have to go to her while she's still alive.
You aren't scared? Sure I'm scared.
I'm so scared, my legs are about to start shaking.
But I've made up my mind.
I'm not going to cry now.
No matter how much it hurts, I'm ready for it.
The guys from yesterday Dallas? What are you doing here? We're through with Master Szilard.
We've lost the thing we were asked to get, and now that we've gotten these bodies, it would be a waste not to do as we please with them.
So we're going around and paying our respects to everyone we owe it to.
Do you have any last words, kid? More importantly, I'm concerned as to how you boys might have gotten those guns, Dallas-san? H-Hey, now, Luck-san, begging your pardon, please Please answer the question.
We discovered that kid Firo over there sneaking these guns around.
We were keeping watch on the brat earlier, to take him by surprise, when we saw him heading toward your hideout with some pals, carrying machine guns, don't you know! We followed after them, when we heard all this gunfire inside-- Firo has been with us this whole time.
Huh? It looks like you weren't aware that we and the Martillos are on friendly terms, and that we and Firo have been friends since childhood.
On the other hand, you do seem to be well aware that our office had been attacked.
You also know what happened to the folks that were there, watching the place, don't you? W-Well, I Apparently, there was also a gentleman that witnessed you leaving our office.
This didn't come together randomly.
It was deliberate.
Now Mike and the others can rest in peace.
You saved us.
Everyone downstairs is safe.
What happened here, Firo? I'll explain later.
I have to help Maiza-san.
Hey, what do we do with their bodies? They have machine guns, so we might be able to claim self-defense.
Just a minute, please! These guys are immortals! Please, tie them up at once! What?! Huh? What are you talking about, miss? What did you say they are? Who did you give it to? Hmph, all I need to do is devour you.
You won't get away! This world is mine.
I even think that this world could be something within a long, long dream that I'm having.
It could be that you are just some sort of phantasms.
I can't even prove whether or not you really exist.
In other words, this world is a creation with me at its center.
So if I die, there's no telling what will happen to it.
I have a rather poor imagination, so I can't imagine what it would be like if I were gone.
So you see, what I'm saying is It's not possible that this world would completely go away.
But everyone else but me would disappear if I died.
I'm the only one who would not be completely gone from the world.
Everyone else is like a dream that I'm having.
So you see, that's why this world is mine.
Could this be some sort of reward? For everything I've done up to now? For having eaten that man? Czes, remember, this is an experiment.
An experiment to determine the attributes of immortality.
Here goes.
Fermet, after all of the suffering you put me through, why why am I Fermet, why are you enjoying this so much? Enjoying myself? Is that how it appears? It's your imagination, Czes.
I'm not enjoying this, Fermet.
Czes, you Fermet didn't have so much as a shred of affection toward me.
All he ever did was enjoy abusing me.
I'll never trust anyone else again.
Isaac! Huh? What, Miria? --Czes-kun! --Czes-kun! No one ever Czes-kun! I'll have to devour my friends, before they devour me.
Czes-kun! Miria, he opened his eyes! He's alive! He's still alive! That's terrific! Hang in there! I'm almost there! He's an immortal! Come on, Czes-kun! Don't touch me with your right hand! Isaac! I'm surprised you can stand rattling off such self-serving reasoning.
It's not just self-serving reasoning.
You white suits also killed Tony.
Tony, the conductor who was my senior.
Conductor? You mean, you're the one who killed Dune?! As long as I believe I can do something You bast-- nothing is impossible for me.
If I use this gun, you would be dead in an instant.
But I didn't do that.
That's because I figure that I can take someone like you bare-handed.
Are you humiliated? I shot your ear on purpose just now.
Are you humiliated? Die, as you experience as much humiliation as you can possibly feel.
That will be your atonement to Tony-- no, to my world, which has lost Tony.
All right, self-proclaimed ruler of the world, how is it you're planning to kill me? I'll prove to you that this world doesn't work the way you want it to.
I'm going to kill you, then dance like mad while I cackle about it! Here, in my world, without you in it! Before you do, I have to ask you, that woman in the white dress that was with you-- is she your girl? Woman? That woman lives in order to be killed by me.
She's a woman whose reason in life is to be killed by me someday.
Don't you go getting any funny ideas.
I'm going to be the one who kills her, understand? I see.
Now that I've heard that, I'm certain of what's going to happen to you from here on.
You're going to jump off of this train, of your own will.
Lua! What are you doing?! We should be making tracks out of here, Boss! Huh? Already? We'd best hurry up and rendezvous with Jacuzzi and the others.
I hate to see this come to an end, but that would be best, huh? W-Why, you Checkmate, you scum.
Who'd have thought you'd be hiding fireworks in your clothes, young lady? It seems that dealing with you as a gentleman has backfired on me.
Nice! Jacuzzi! Interesting.
Is this a trial? A trial, to achieve the same existence that Huey has reached? If so, it's all the more reason why I can't allow myself to die here.
Nor can I run away! I will undergo all of the trials here, aboard this train! That was easy! Let's go, before the girl comes back to life.
You're kidding me I-I-Isaac! W-W-What, Miria? I-I-It's a I-I-lucky thing there h-h-happened to b-b-be a I-I-large c-c-car out f-f-front, huh? Y-Y-Yeah! W-W-We've never s-s-stolen a b-b-big car, b-b-but this was easy, huh? I-I-It's just the thing on this n-n-narrow road, huh? W-W-We can even o-o-outdo a machine gun in this car! O-O-Outdo it, all r-r-right! I-I-It's them! I-I-It's them, all r-r-right! G-G-Got 'em! I-I-Isaac! I-I-In front of us! Lua! Get down from there and run, quickly! No! You can't fight him! You'll be killed! Hurry and run away! You fool! I told you to stay put! Come back, Ladd! Now then I'm going to get you to jump off of this train.
What?! Why, you rotten scumbag! What will it be? I thought you were going to be the one who kills this woman.
What?! That bastard! Don't go doing things that don't make any sense.
Ladd I wish I could kill you, right now.
Donny is in the freight hold right now.
Nice, you guys join up with him.
It's safe to let Youn and Juan cover the dining car.
What about you, Jacuzzi? I'm going to draw them in.
This is the last cherry bomb I have.
It doesn't have all that much force.
I'll hold it in your place, Nice, and set it off with care.
Don't go saying such ghastly things.
I'm going after him.
You guys go through below, and come around.
Yes, sir! Hey, you Go and get it.
Come on up, and fight me! That's some pluck you've got, boy.
I'd like to have you in my ranks.
Damn! Where are my men below?! What's wrong? The door is stuck.
There were a whole bunch of guns that you all brought aboard in the freight hold.
For shame.
You've got to watch your hostages until it's all over.
I've got nothing to light it with! Fool.
You've given up, have you? Are you the Rail Tracer? Never mind, just take this, and pull it in as hard as you can.
W-What for? The kid notwithstanding, those other two have been fine passengers.
This is bad! What? I-Isaac-san? Why are you What just happened? Ennis! Ennis! Help Isaac! What's going on here? Why do these two know your name? Why are they in my car? I'll find out the reason later.
Trade me places.
If they resist, kill them.
To think that you would value their lives.
You are a complete and utter fool.
Ennis, you're kidding, right? E-Ennis! That is the homunculus that I created.
It is an ineffectual waste, which has no inborn knowledge, and no way of experiencing human feelings.
But right now, you're even lower than that good-for-nothing! Looking up at the starry sky that goes on forever, we sing a melody of a dream we have of our limited eternity The water of adoration, overflowing in our hearts will reach someone in the distant future I believe so Running through time prolonged, our voices calling out will someday become a great song We can go on spinning our love though it may still be such a tiny light now Both loose people and those who aren't Both mysterious people and those who aren't Both equal people and those who aren't do what to the praises of life? --Sing! --Sing
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