Balthazar (2018) s01e03 Episode Script
À corps perdu
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Who found her?
The truck driver.
When he emptied the load, he saw it.
But he doesn't know
how long it took,
because he has been
traveling four days.
Poor girl His name?
Julie Chevalier
Twenty three years.
He lived in Dieppe.
Three days ago he left for Paris
Hitchhiking, according to his sister.
But it never came.
Sexual aggression?
He has torn clothes.
Also the underwear.
Can be.
Hitchhiking, uncle
he violates her, he kills her
and gets rid of his body
in the first truck.
Is the driver ruled out?
It's hard to be sure
for now, but
Who would be so dumb
like to call the cop
by his own victim,
in his own truck
and in his store?
You have to find out
who picked it up.
We will look for witnesses.
Don't enter anyone
until the coroner arrives.
By the way, where is it?
Balthazar what does it do? We carry
An hour waiting for you.
"Captain, I'm sorry,
I just saw your message. "
I don't hear him well. Where is it?
Well, I'm not far away.
Now low, right now.
Come down now.
What goes down from where?
And those clothes?
Do you do figure skating?
Free fall!
The what?
- Free fall, not patino.
- It suits him.
It is very tight.
We were waiting for him. Is it coming?
I do risk sports!
Even if
even if I did
figure skating, it would be
So, uh ?
completely frozen.
I don't know what to tell him.
There are no apparent injuries,
no signs of suffocation,
no foam on lips or nose,
No unusual coloration.
Well, I don't know, really.
I don't know, he was able to get into the truck
alive and die of cold,
or they could put her already dead.
No idea.
You have to wait for the autopsy.
Do you think there was sexual assault?
I can't know, captain.
I can't move it
nor take away
the clothes, right?
You have to wait for the autopsy.
Can't you tell me when he died?
Just that?
It is completely frozen.
So the temperature
I will not indicate anything
and there is no lightness because it is
completely frozen.
A while ago
I try to explain
- what to expect
- At the autopsy. Ok, I understand.
Let's see,
I've told him three times.
You are a little impatient.
I love.
Yes, yes, but no, Balthazar
Balthazar, wait!
Hey, they found a body
in a refrigerated truck.
And the cause of death?
It's a mystery.
Everything is yet to be discovered.
You couldn't leave it to me
For this time?
Come on, aunt, seriously, it's good.
Do not dream.
As always, whoever takes
the longest autopsy.
Why do you always win?
What is the matter?
Now, listen, it's karma,
What can I tell you?
"Yes, Cynthia, I'm leaving
to Paris by hitchhiking.
I know, you're going to laugh, but
I don't have money for the train
and well, you have to trust
in the human being!
Come on. I call you when I arrive."
It was three days ago.
Since then I was looking for her
by social networks.
I told him not to hitchhike.
Since our
parents do not live here
He doesn't pay attention to me.
Can you talk to me
a little about her?
How was it?
Well, I was studying law.
I was an idealist.
I wanted to save the world.
I was in associations
of battered women,
My sister
Autopsy Report
from Julie Chevalier, 23 years old.
The frozen body was heated
45 minutes with two radiators.
The water was collected
For your analysis.
Eddy, do you make the external report?
Yes, I have reviewed
the post mortem scanner.
No trauma, no fractures.
We can observe the appearance
of small larvae
in the natural holes
related to
the decomposition,
before freezing.
Small bruises here and here.
There are no genital lesions.
The victim
It was deflowered long ago.
The thigh bruises
indicate that he had
Than fight with your aggressor.
Well, take a sample
to see if there is DNA,
and we will know if there was penetration.
In addition, under the nails,
spots can be seen
of blood and pieces of skin.
Take samples.
We will send them to the laboratory
and they will tell us if the attacker
Is signed or not.
And the cause of death?
You have to wait for the autopsy,
Captain Bach
- Who has to open it?
- To me.
Well come on.
The organs
They have normal appearance.
No signs
of injuries or injuries.
Heart with arteries
Perfect coronaries.
Here pulmonary edema
with erosions
Hemorrhagic bronchial.
In addition there is no signal
in the opening of the stomach.
They should have put her in the truck
after his death.
� Prepares jars for storage
the gastric content?
Hears. It smells like that from
the beginning?
Has not appeared
during defrosting.
- What do you think it is?
- I don't know.
- Bitter almond?
- Ah yes.
Everyone out!
Everyone out, everyone out!
You will stay in the hospital
under observation.
Then you go home,
you put the TV
and you don't move
in two days, okay?
Cyanide? Was it what killed her?
The smell of bitter almond
It is typical of cyanide.
There was a lot in the stomach.
With acids, create
A real chemical bomb.
It's what Fatim inhaled.
How was he inoculated?
They made him swallow.
Given the amount,
had to die
in 10 to 15 minutes
and with atrocious suffering.
When did it happen?
I was undigested, so
I would say between 12 and 24 hours.
But it disappeared three days ago.
In short, attacked woman
sexually, but not raped
that disappeared three days ago
and that was poisoned with cyanide
and that in the end I ended up dead
in a refrigerated truck.
If I get to know
I stay in bed.
It is Julie Chevalier who should
to have stayed in bed
I don't know what happened,
But it must have been terrible.
Well, the ambulance is coming.
What's up? Are you better?
Hey i found something
A little dodgy in your dressing gown.
I was convinced that
when we played straw
- It was with two, but there are three
- No, Eddy, wait, wait.
It is not what you are thinking,
How long have you been
Cheating me, Fatim?
Eddy, please.
You know, I don't really care.
I'm glad you're alive,
because if you had died
I would feel guilty.
Whereas now,
I can take revenge quietly.
Yes I warn you.
Revenge will be terrible.
That's it
So you are better for your sister.
I have always been very confident.
I didn't want to be afraid.
I wanted to think
That the world was not so bad.
Fingering was like an act
of rebellion, you know?
Yes, I understand.
But look,
In the end I am dead.
The world is bad.
And I should be afraid.
No, what happened
It wasn't your fault.
The responsible
He is the one who did this to you.
This hair shouldn't be here.
Be glad I saw it.
I am Dr. Balthazar.
I have a hair with a bulb.
Can we extract the DNA?
Thank you.
Boss, we have a name.
Exhibitionism. Sexual aggression
Attempted rape
Very consistent as a trajectory.
How was that done?
I fell in my garden.
What a bad luck.
Do you know this young woman?
I do not get it.
It's funny, because I picked it up
Fingering not long ago.
He assaulted her, kidnapped her and
I poisoned her with cyanide
and left his body in a truck.
But he doesn't teach me those things!
Is he sick?
She fought, right?
He could not reach the end
and that drove him crazy,
Is that why I killed her?
I'm innocent.
He had his DNA in his nails.
How do you explain that?
It is true that
I tried to
- What?
- What do you think?
I picked her up hitchhiking
near the exchanger.
So I told him
what did he want to piss,
to stop
In a quiet place.
"Was beautiful.
I really wanted to. "
And suddenly, he started screaming,
He scratched me and left.
I swear
last time
I saw her was alive.
I'll be right back.
Let's see. He can't
wait two minutes?
There was a hair
in Julie's body.
But it is not her
nor of Broquet.
It's from Nina Cartier.
Allegedly murdered
With his family two months ago.
But thanks to this hair
we know she was alive
48 hours ago
Not dead
and Julie met her
Before die.
"It seems that the father,
Victor Cartier,
In the end I went into action.
Employee in a chemical factory,
he was a violent father and husband
for years.
Yesterday the neighbors
They discovered this scene.
A ransacked house
And a large pool of blood.
The blood
of Deborah Cartier, his wife,
of the Saint Vincent clinic.
The police investigate
This homicide
Victor Cartier and his two children,
have not been seen
since Thursday,
but the coast guard
they saw his ship
in the Bay of Somme.
After several days searching,
there's no hope
To find them alive.
A partner of Victor Cartier
of the disappearance of cyanide
in the factory,
the day of the murder. "
That was two months ago.
And this three weeks before.
What will fit. Did he do it?
Deborah had presented
three complaints against him and nothing.
And two months ago,
I went back to the police station
because it hit too
To the children.
The next day, I killed her,
and he escaped
with cyanide and kids.
Or so we thought.
Yes, only with the hair
that you have found
They think it was all a montage
and what is hidden
It is not known where.
As much as I want,
I don't see the relationship with Julie.
Not me, but I think
something like that happened.
Here, Broquet picked up Julie.
And somewhere
between Rouen and Cergy
I tried to rape her. But I managed
escape and hid.
He did it in this area and found
Cartier's hiding place.
When working
with battered women,
That recognized the family.
Then Cartier kills her
and leave your body
in the first truck
to Paris.
Search witnesses to find
to Cartier and his children.
And check the videos
gas station surveillance
where the truck stopped.
If we find where he got
Julie's body,
We will reduce the ground.
You will feel harassed.
You have to stop him because he is
capable of anything
I will find something.
Where they kidnapped Julie
or where they put it
in the truck.
We will find those children
with life.
I do not get it.
Victor and the children
Do you think the children are alive?
What relationship
did they have with their son?
He was no longer our son.
Understand it
we wondered
what we had done
How he had become
in that monster?
We went around it a lot
to the head.
Maybe we weren't with him
But, we had
What to work.
We think he has killed again.
To a woman.
So he wouldn't report it.
I have to ask him.
� Have had contact with your child
or your grandchildren
during these two months?
If they were alive,
I would be glad.
But if they are
alone with Victor
It's a monster, lady
I don't want to imagine it.
If you get carried away
through the nerves
and Deborah is not there
to protect them,
I don't know what to do.
Find them! Please.
And Sarlat didn't tell you anything?
Nothing at all?
Do not.
In addition,
they have him drugged
with so much medicine,
What will you say serve?
It is my only clue
And you can't tell me anything.
But you're a doctor, aren't you?
You have to know how to give it
A little push.
What? You won't say you don't like it
Play pharmacists.
Because i remember
to a medical student
who liked
experiment with
a couple of products
Not very legal.
But that was due
to bad influence
of a certain tattoo artist
that she was too pretty
to say no
Yes, of course, I understand.
Oh honey Just in time.
- How are you?
- Very good.
We want your opinion.
As if it wasn't the same.
Hugo. The mobile About what?
Manon, want to go to a party
To her friend's house.
- Sophie.
- Sophie, that.
But we don't know her.
Do you know her?
- Well, I do not think so.
- I thought so.
And his parents
They will not be present.
Well, you see,
His parents are very cool.
Hey Hugo.
I have told you that it is discarded
Go to a party without parents.
It is ruled out that you go
To a party without parents.
You have decided to tear me apart
life, right?
Oh, it got us. Wow
I know you've read Harry Potter,
but it is not the house
of the Wesley.
Your plate is not going
to go to the dishwasher alone.
Was it a good day?
Do you say?
I asked you
If it had been a good day.
Yes Yes Yes
He's a friend. Does not matter.
A pigs?
He wakes me up
to show me some pigs?
No. They are not just pigs.
They are the "crÃme de la crÃme"
of the pigs.
They reproduce almost identically
the composition
of the human body.
�Is you
who has "cuik"?
No, I have not "cuik".
Can I continue?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
All right. We put these pigs
in the truck
at time intervals
Very very accurate.
Eighteen hours east,
twelve east, six east and
Can you tell me the results?
Is it going to take a long time?
- No, wait for him to tell you.
- Yes, okay. All right.
Within minutes of dying,
the body emits a smell
what attracts
To many insects, okay?
That come
To colonize the body.
The first arrivals
They are the qualifiers.
In Julie's case,
these were
completely frozen.
What we did
was to introduce larvae
Inside these pigs.
And it turns out that if we collate
Julie's moment of death
with the degree
larval freezing
inside these pigs,
obviously pondering
the weight and thickness of
Balthazar, the results?
Is the third.
It means they put it here,
between six and ten hours
after his death.
- Maximum ten.
- Maximum ten.
It fits with two gas stations
near the Vexin.
- Slim will get the videos.
- Wait, wait!
- Is that all?
- What?
No shouts of joy,
tears of admiration, of ?
Well, yes! Yes, bravo, Balthazar,
He has done his job.
Very good. Mine
is to find those children
and know what happened to Julie.
It is very prudent!
I understand that it is.
Let's see, continue.
Check if it's Victor Cartier.
It is a Cartier. But it is not
It is not Victor.
It's Philippe, the grandfather.
What was he doing there?
Well, Mr. Cartier,
we know that you
I didn't kill Julie Chevalier.
I was in house
when she took the poison.
We think it conceals
to his son from the beginning.
When Victor killed his wife,
I asked him to help
to escape with the children,
And when I poisoned Julie for
protect your hiding place,
I called him again.
That's why he put the body
of Julie in the truck.
To mislead us.
� Understand
that by helping his son,
Is it an accomplice of two homicides?
Deborah's and Julie's.
Listen to me,
we know
That your son is dangerous.
He is violent with his grandchildren.
It's Enzo and Nina, right?
You have to find them before
It's late. Do you not believe?
Tell us where they are,
It is important.
Did you know they were alive
and you didn't tell me?
But say something!
You can't keep protecting him!
You know what he did to Deborah!
You can do it to children!
You have to tell him.
Please, Philippe,
for the children. Give it to him.
I'm sorry, I can not.
Greg Take it stopped.
In agreement.
He will not report his son.
And the home registry
How has it gone?
A prepaid phone
Bought two months ago.
There was only one number
in the call list.
Surely his son's.
But it doesn't signal. Will be off
almost all the time.
And the whisk in the Vexin?
They searched the area where
the grandfather deposited the body:
Frankly, it will cost us
Find them, we have nothing.
Yes To Philippe Cartier.
Wait, don't you say
That he will never denounce his son?
All right.
Right ear.
The left.
What exactly are you looking for?
I am here for two reasons:
the first verify
if your health is compatible
with police custody.
And I have good news,
Mr. Cartier,
Have good health.
And the second reason?
Ah, the second.
� Know the Principle
Locard exchange?
Edmond Locard was a pioneer
of the scientific police
and he determined that when
two bodies come into contact
there is an exchange
among them. Exciting, right?
Don't you think so? It is fascinating.
What does it mean? It means that
every time you
has been in place
where does he hide
Your son, Mr. Cartier
He has left his mark.
That is known.
what people don't know
is that place too
He has left his mark on you.
On his feet,
within your ears,
under the nails, in the hair,
in his body
and inside.
Breathe hard, please
No, take a breath through your nose
and put it by mouth.
I must take additional samples,
Mr. Cartier.
Good night.
I am Dr. Balthazar.
Is the captain?
Uh yes.
Do you know what time it is?
Well, no. What time is it?
- Come in, I'll call her.
- Thank you.
How nice your husband.
It's four in the morning.
Yes, but it seems nice.
Is it good?
It will be important
What he comes to say.
And the spoons?
- There.
- Here?
the Cartier hide.
Philippe Cartier has symptoms
of a lung infection
flu-like primary
although he is vaccinated against this
and against tuberculosis.
And that means?
What is weird in someone
That is immunocompetent.
So I made a lot of analysis
to have
the clear conscience:
blood, urine, x-rays
And you know I did very well?
Because the tests
reveal the presence
of yeasts
Histoplasma capsulatum.
I do not understand anything
and if he speaks to me in Latin
Histoplasma capsulatum
It is a disease
of the lungs
caused by fungi, which are
in chicken droppings,
Pigeons and bats. Y
It is a disease
imported to France,
brought from Africa and America.
Philippe Cartier
He has not left Europe.
He doesn't even have a passport.
Talk at once.
A few years ago,
african bats
from the Val-de-Reuil Zoo
and settled in the Vexin
all over.
the bats
They nest in cracks.
That's why histoplasmosis
is known
as a disease of the grottoes
Wait. Think Cartier
and your children are in a cave?
It is not so good.
Are we leaving?
Al Vexin to look for the cave.
I do, but you don't.
Not qualified
for this operation.
Oh no? Will I wait for Delgado?
Do you prefer to waste your time?
Also my car is a lot
more elegant than that of Delgado.
And I'm a better driver than him.
Are you going out?
at these hours?
The children he took
his father's moron,
Balthazar believes
Who knows where they are.
Find them, the better.
You could have told me
- What?
- That he had that body.
What body?
Do not tease me.
According to the gendarmerie, there are
Five caves that would fit.
Let's go to the third.
To the third �eh?
Why the third?
It is the most difficult access,
away from the trails
And the houses
It has a fountain nearby
And it's in a ravine.
If I were him,
It would be the one I would have chosen.
Almost caught me
with that of "random".
Maybe because of that little
arrogance that characterizes him
and that makes him believe
the only competent, Balthazar.
He is a civilian.
Stay away, huh.
Oh yes.
They have left.
Seems to be
That his last meal was last night.
If you can call food
They would leave after
Grandpa will take Julie.
They go on foot.
They need a day of march
To leave the forest.
You have to find them
Call your commander.
We will make a whisk!
Is it coming?
What's up?
Doesn't it smell?
No, what?
That smell of humus,
rotten meat and droppings.
A perfume
It sticks to the hair.
Here is a corpse.
Oh shit.
- I'll call someone to get off.
- I will.
I will not mean it,
it is dangerous.
I don't want to seem arrogant,
but I think
That I am the only qualified.
Is there anything I don't know how to do?
Figure skating.
This usually endures.
It's a joke!
Very funny
Here is a body but
He is an adult.
He has been here for several weeks.
About two months.
Do you think it's Deborah Cartier?
Narrow angle of the branches
of the pubis at the level of the pelvis.
To Priori, he is a man.
Call the gendarmes,
tell them to bring bulbs
and call the judge.
And remember everyone
Let them be equipped!
This is the scene of a crime!
Gold case
in the second maxillary molar,
mandibular canine included.
- Captain, huh! Wait.
- What?
We were wrong
From the beginning.
The body
It's from Victor Cartier.
Yes, yes, all good.
No, but I'll tell you.
See you tonight, yes.
In agreement.
Antoine, I must hang up.
See you later!
It is already
the autopsy report?
Poisoned with cyanide.
Cyanide? The one who disappeared
from the factory
Did they use it to kill him?
Didn't you steal it?
Apparently not.
Was someone
who knew the access,
I handed him the keys
and I wanted to
To see him dead.
Your wife, Deborah?
And he faked his own death
after killing her husband?
Can be.
But the scientist's report
It was conclusive.
Was his blood
In the crime scene.
I would not have survived
to a hemorrhage like that.
- He was a nurse.
- But
He was able to take off three times,
half a liter of his own blood.
It takes two or three days.
Then I threw it at once.
It takes a lot of determination
to do something like that, right?
Are you married?
Imagine your husband
He has been hitting him for 20 years.
With blows.
And one day begins
to hit their children.
Wouldn't that give you determination?
To kill him?
And pretend to be dead
so as not to separate from children.
But, I can't prove it
Well, I will have to talk
Our only witness.
Okay thanks.
I tell him we already know,
Mr. Cartier
That Deborah will kill her husband
to save his life
and that of your children I understand.
But kill an innocent girl,
"Julie Chevalier
How can you keep covering it up
after that?
Do not understand."
Of Julie's death,
Deborah is not guilty.
And who?
We know it wasn't you.
So who?
One of the children, right?
What happened?
When Julie arrived at the cave
I immediately recognized
to Deborah and the children.
I had seen them on TV
in the news.
"I wanted to help them.
I was going to talk when
When what? "
And the cyanide?
Deborah had saved
the rest of the cyanide
To kill the rats.
He told the children
what made you sleep,
So they wouldn't touch it.
Nina didn't want her mother
Go to jail, do you understand?
ech� cyanide
on Julie's plate.
When Deborah called me,
I was broken.
"But it's not his fault."
It is my son's fault.
Where are they, Mr. Cartier?
If they fall
in a police check
and try to skip it,
They will end badly.
They will not be caught.
They can't do it!
"It's smart. They will survive."
Do you know what this is?
Cyanide capsules.
They were in the cave.
And what worries me
It's missing four.
Yes, one for Julie, okay.
And the other three?
What is he implying?
I think we are
Thinking the same.
Do not
No, it is not possible!
He knows that he is lost
And that is your only solution.
That's why he took
Cyanide capsules.
Because he prefers to die
with his kids
to separate from them,
It tastes good. Say where they are.
They took a bus
For Belgium.
It leaves at 13:30
from Versailles
Well, we will gather a team, yes.
Are you crazy?
It’s paracetamol,
I have a headache.
Did you believe it?
He really thought
what was cyanide?
Oh, then it was invented
everything you just told?
The idea was to make him talk
And we got it.
Well, I got it.
Yes, look for five men
and we were in the parking lot.
And nobody congratulates me
for my interpretation.
Oh, my children, my children
My little ones
My loves. I love you.
They will be together again
There are extenuating circumstances
for the murder of Victor.
As for Nina,
I didn't know what he was doing.
Everything will be fine.
Can I?
What's up?
Are you afraid.
- I do not have it.
- You do.
You know he will avenge me,
But you don't know when.
- That scares you.
- None of that, I don't care.
Oh yes?
Well, it shouldn't.
Revenge is a dish that
It's served cold, little Fatim.
But they are worms! Eddy!
You're not going to make me handsome
Like Julie Chevalier?
You don't respect
to the dead, Raphael.
Well yes, there are some dead
I don't respect much.
Do you think you're better than me?
If i could be
With the woman I want
it wouldn't happen to me
Time hitting him.
How do you allow yourself to judge me
after what are you going to do?
I don't think it has anything to do.
You can tell yourself what you want.
What are you entitled to
That the end is more noble
and that justifies the means.
But, we are the same, you know?
We lie, we manipulate
- and clean our conscience.
- Hey, can you shut up?
As you like.
But instead of convincing you
that your plan is moral
Why don't you wonder what?
Would you think your dear captain?
Yes, come in.
Let's have a drink, are you coming?
We have no children tonight.
I have a romantic evening.
How beautiful is love.
- Bye.
- Goodbye!
- Delgado!
- Yes?
- I'm in.
- Great!
Open the case.
That what is it?
This is from a case that I carry.
Aspergillius Fumagitus.
Cause infections
Pretty disgusting.
How disgusting! Fuck.
You and your work crap.
Come on, come on. Keep that.
Where are we going?
What is the matter?
I'm tired.
Five minutes, okay?
Do you remember me?
Do you remember?
You hit me.
Be still or I'll cut your neck!
I know you didn't kill Lise.
I know you didn't kill her.
I'm going to take my hand off
I shake my hand, okay?
What have you done to me?
Adrenalin. It works fast
and well, but it doesn't last.
So listen to me.
I can get you out of here.
But for that,
I will need your help.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Yes, yes.
The day of death
from Lise, do you remember?
- What if you remember?
- No, that was a long time ago,
long time ago.
Do an effort,
close your eyes.
Close them.
Close them, close them, yes.
I will release my hand
and you will breathe slowly.
Slowly. Calm down. Calm down.
I won't hurt you.
No one will.
Well, breathe slowly.
Now, imagine .
what are you at home
from Saint Augustin street.
What is going on?
I heard her scream.
You told me not to go down
That won't bother her.
- Yes.
- But, even so, I went down.
Lise was lying.
There was blood everywhere.
I do not feel well.
I'm not well
Ok, calm down. Calm down, calm down.
Calm down, calm down.
What happens now?
It seems asleep.
But it is not.
Someone has hurt him.
And I like Lise.
- I like him!
- OK OK.
- I am furious, furious
- I have understood, I understand you.
All right,
There isn't
isn't there anything else?
Anything that seems strange to you?
A detail, whatever.
- A smell.
- A smell of what?
It smells like birthdays
- to Christmas.
- What does it smell like?
A birthday.
Yes, that is.
It smells like candles
Lise hated candles.
I said they covered
The real smells.
Was not she
The one who lit a candle.
It was his killer.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Who found her?
The truck driver.
When he emptied the load, he saw it.
But he doesn't know
how long it took,
because he has been
traveling four days.
Poor girl His name?
Julie Chevalier
Twenty three years.
He lived in Dieppe.
Three days ago he left for Paris
Hitchhiking, according to his sister.
But it never came.
Sexual aggression?
He has torn clothes.
Also the underwear.
Can be.
Hitchhiking, uncle
he violates her, he kills her
and gets rid of his body
in the first truck.
Is the driver ruled out?
It's hard to be sure
for now, but
Who would be so dumb
like to call the cop
by his own victim,
in his own truck
and in his store?
You have to find out
who picked it up.
We will look for witnesses.
Don't enter anyone
until the coroner arrives.
By the way, where is it?
Balthazar what does it do? We carry
An hour waiting for you.
"Captain, I'm sorry,
I just saw your message. "
I don't hear him well. Where is it?
Well, I'm not far away.
Now low, right now.
Come down now.
What goes down from where?
And those clothes?
Do you do figure skating?
Free fall!
The what?
- Free fall, not patino.
- It suits him.
It is very tight.
We were waiting for him. Is it coming?
I do risk sports!
Even if
even if I did
figure skating, it would be
So, uh ?
completely frozen.
I don't know what to tell him.
There are no apparent injuries,
no signs of suffocation,
no foam on lips or nose,
No unusual coloration.
Well, I don't know, really.
I don't know, he was able to get into the truck
alive and die of cold,
or they could put her already dead.
No idea.
You have to wait for the autopsy.
Do you think there was sexual assault?
I can't know, captain.
I can't move it
nor take away
the clothes, right?
You have to wait for the autopsy.
Can't you tell me when he died?
Just that?
It is completely frozen.
So the temperature
I will not indicate anything
and there is no lightness because it is
completely frozen.
A while ago
I try to explain
- what to expect
- At the autopsy. Ok, I understand.
Let's see,
I've told him three times.
You are a little impatient.
I love.
Yes, yes, but no, Balthazar
Balthazar, wait!
Hey, they found a body
in a refrigerated truck.
And the cause of death?
It's a mystery.
Everything is yet to be discovered.
You couldn't leave it to me
For this time?
Come on, aunt, seriously, it's good.
Do not dream.
As always, whoever takes
the longest autopsy.
Why do you always win?
What is the matter?
Now, listen, it's karma,
What can I tell you?
"Yes, Cynthia, I'm leaving
to Paris by hitchhiking.
I know, you're going to laugh, but
I don't have money for the train
and well, you have to trust
in the human being!
Come on. I call you when I arrive."
It was three days ago.
Since then I was looking for her
by social networks.
I told him not to hitchhike.
Since our
parents do not live here
He doesn't pay attention to me.
Can you talk to me
a little about her?
How was it?
Well, I was studying law.
I was an idealist.
I wanted to save the world.
I was in associations
of battered women,
My sister
Autopsy Report
from Julie Chevalier, 23 years old.
The frozen body was heated
45 minutes with two radiators.
The water was collected
For your analysis.
Eddy, do you make the external report?
Yes, I have reviewed
the post mortem scanner.
No trauma, no fractures.
We can observe the appearance
of small larvae
in the natural holes
related to
the decomposition,
before freezing.
Small bruises here and here.
There are no genital lesions.
The victim
It was deflowered long ago.
The thigh bruises
indicate that he had
Than fight with your aggressor.
Well, take a sample
to see if there is DNA,
and we will know if there was penetration.
In addition, under the nails,
spots can be seen
of blood and pieces of skin.
Take samples.
We will send them to the laboratory
and they will tell us if the attacker
Is signed or not.
And the cause of death?
You have to wait for the autopsy,
Captain Bach
- Who has to open it?
- To me.
Well come on.
The organs
They have normal appearance.
No signs
of injuries or injuries.
Heart with arteries
Perfect coronaries.
Here pulmonary edema
with erosions
Hemorrhagic bronchial.
In addition there is no signal
in the opening of the stomach.
They should have put her in the truck
after his death.
� Prepares jars for storage
the gastric content?
Hears. It smells like that from
the beginning?
Has not appeared
during defrosting.
- What do you think it is?
- I don't know.
- Bitter almond?
- Ah yes.
Everyone out!
Everyone out, everyone out!
You will stay in the hospital
under observation.
Then you go home,
you put the TV
and you don't move
in two days, okay?
Cyanide? Was it what killed her?
The smell of bitter almond
It is typical of cyanide.
There was a lot in the stomach.
With acids, create
A real chemical bomb.
It's what Fatim inhaled.
How was he inoculated?
They made him swallow.
Given the amount,
had to die
in 10 to 15 minutes
and with atrocious suffering.
When did it happen?
I was undigested, so
I would say between 12 and 24 hours.
But it disappeared three days ago.
In short, attacked woman
sexually, but not raped
that disappeared three days ago
and that was poisoned with cyanide
and that in the end I ended up dead
in a refrigerated truck.
If I get to know
I stay in bed.
It is Julie Chevalier who should
to have stayed in bed
I don't know what happened,
But it must have been terrible.
Well, the ambulance is coming.
What's up? Are you better?
Hey i found something
A little dodgy in your dressing gown.
I was convinced that
when we played straw
- It was with two, but there are three
- No, Eddy, wait, wait.
It is not what you are thinking,
How long have you been
Cheating me, Fatim?
Eddy, please.
You know, I don't really care.
I'm glad you're alive,
because if you had died
I would feel guilty.
Whereas now,
I can take revenge quietly.
Yes I warn you.
Revenge will be terrible.
That's it
So you are better for your sister.
I have always been very confident.
I didn't want to be afraid.
I wanted to think
That the world was not so bad.
Fingering was like an act
of rebellion, you know?
Yes, I understand.
But look,
In the end I am dead.
The world is bad.
And I should be afraid.
No, what happened
It wasn't your fault.
The responsible
He is the one who did this to you.
This hair shouldn't be here.
Be glad I saw it.
I am Dr. Balthazar.
I have a hair with a bulb.
Can we extract the DNA?
Thank you.
Boss, we have a name.
Exhibitionism. Sexual aggression
Attempted rape
Very consistent as a trajectory.
How was that done?
I fell in my garden.
What a bad luck.
Do you know this young woman?
I do not get it.
It's funny, because I picked it up
Fingering not long ago.
He assaulted her, kidnapped her and
I poisoned her with cyanide
and left his body in a truck.
But he doesn't teach me those things!
Is he sick?
She fought, right?
He could not reach the end
and that drove him crazy,
Is that why I killed her?
I'm innocent.
He had his DNA in his nails.
How do you explain that?
It is true that
I tried to
- What?
- What do you think?
I picked her up hitchhiking
near the exchanger.
So I told him
what did he want to piss,
to stop
In a quiet place.
"Was beautiful.
I really wanted to. "
And suddenly, he started screaming,
He scratched me and left.
I swear
last time
I saw her was alive.
I'll be right back.
Let's see. He can't
wait two minutes?
There was a hair
in Julie's body.
But it is not her
nor of Broquet.
It's from Nina Cartier.
Allegedly murdered
With his family two months ago.
But thanks to this hair
we know she was alive
48 hours ago
Not dead
and Julie met her
Before die.
"It seems that the father,
Victor Cartier,
In the end I went into action.
Employee in a chemical factory,
he was a violent father and husband
for years.
Yesterday the neighbors
They discovered this scene.
A ransacked house
And a large pool of blood.
The blood
of Deborah Cartier, his wife,
of the Saint Vincent clinic.
The police investigate
This homicide
Victor Cartier and his two children,
have not been seen
since Thursday,
but the coast guard
they saw his ship
in the Bay of Somme.
After several days searching,
there's no hope
To find them alive.
A partner of Victor Cartier
of the disappearance of cyanide
in the factory,
the day of the murder. "
That was two months ago.
And this three weeks before.
What will fit. Did he do it?
Deborah had presented
three complaints against him and nothing.
And two months ago,
I went back to the police station
because it hit too
To the children.
The next day, I killed her,
and he escaped
with cyanide and kids.
Or so we thought.
Yes, only with the hair
that you have found
They think it was all a montage
and what is hidden
It is not known where.
As much as I want,
I don't see the relationship with Julie.
Not me, but I think
something like that happened.
Here, Broquet picked up Julie.
And somewhere
between Rouen and Cergy
I tried to rape her. But I managed
escape and hid.
He did it in this area and found
Cartier's hiding place.
When working
with battered women,
That recognized the family.
Then Cartier kills her
and leave your body
in the first truck
to Paris.
Search witnesses to find
to Cartier and his children.
And check the videos
gas station surveillance
where the truck stopped.
If we find where he got
Julie's body,
We will reduce the ground.
You will feel harassed.
You have to stop him because he is
capable of anything
I will find something.
Where they kidnapped Julie
or where they put it
in the truck.
We will find those children
with life.
I do not get it.
Victor and the children
Do you think the children are alive?
What relationship
did they have with their son?
He was no longer our son.
Understand it
we wondered
what we had done
How he had become
in that monster?
We went around it a lot
to the head.
Maybe we weren't with him
But, we had
What to work.
We think he has killed again.
To a woman.
So he wouldn't report it.
I have to ask him.
� Have had contact with your child
or your grandchildren
during these two months?
If they were alive,
I would be glad.
But if they are
alone with Victor
It's a monster, lady
I don't want to imagine it.
If you get carried away
through the nerves
and Deborah is not there
to protect them,
I don't know what to do.
Find them! Please.
And Sarlat didn't tell you anything?
Nothing at all?
Do not.
In addition,
they have him drugged
with so much medicine,
What will you say serve?
It is my only clue
And you can't tell me anything.
But you're a doctor, aren't you?
You have to know how to give it
A little push.
What? You won't say you don't like it
Play pharmacists.
Because i remember
to a medical student
who liked
experiment with
a couple of products
Not very legal.
But that was due
to bad influence
of a certain tattoo artist
that she was too pretty
to say no
Yes, of course, I understand.
Oh honey Just in time.
- How are you?
- Very good.
We want your opinion.
As if it wasn't the same.
Hugo. The mobile About what?
Manon, want to go to a party
To her friend's house.
- Sophie.
- Sophie, that.
But we don't know her.
Do you know her?
- Well, I do not think so.
- I thought so.
And his parents
They will not be present.
Well, you see,
His parents are very cool.
Hey Hugo.
I have told you that it is discarded
Go to a party without parents.
It is ruled out that you go
To a party without parents.
You have decided to tear me apart
life, right?
Oh, it got us. Wow
I know you've read Harry Potter,
but it is not the house
of the Wesley.
Your plate is not going
to go to the dishwasher alone.
Was it a good day?
Do you say?
I asked you
If it had been a good day.
Yes Yes Yes
He's a friend. Does not matter.
A pigs?
He wakes me up
to show me some pigs?
No. They are not just pigs.
They are the "crÃme de la crÃme"
of the pigs.
They reproduce almost identically
the composition
of the human body.
�Is you
who has "cuik"?
No, I have not "cuik".
Can I continue?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
All right. We put these pigs
in the truck
at time intervals
Very very accurate.
Eighteen hours east,
twelve east, six east and
Can you tell me the results?
Is it going to take a long time?
- No, wait for him to tell you.
- Yes, okay. All right.
Within minutes of dying,
the body emits a smell
what attracts
To many insects, okay?
That come
To colonize the body.
The first arrivals
They are the qualifiers.
In Julie's case,
these were
completely frozen.
What we did
was to introduce larvae
Inside these pigs.
And it turns out that if we collate
Julie's moment of death
with the degree
larval freezing
inside these pigs,
obviously pondering
the weight and thickness of
Balthazar, the results?
Is the third.
It means they put it here,
between six and ten hours
after his death.
- Maximum ten.
- Maximum ten.
It fits with two gas stations
near the Vexin.
- Slim will get the videos.
- Wait, wait!
- Is that all?
- What?
No shouts of joy,
tears of admiration, of ?
Well, yes! Yes, bravo, Balthazar,
He has done his job.
Very good. Mine
is to find those children
and know what happened to Julie.
It is very prudent!
I understand that it is.
Let's see, continue.
Check if it's Victor Cartier.
It is a Cartier. But it is not
It is not Victor.
It's Philippe, the grandfather.
What was he doing there?
Well, Mr. Cartier,
we know that you
I didn't kill Julie Chevalier.
I was in house
when she took the poison.
We think it conceals
to his son from the beginning.
When Victor killed his wife,
I asked him to help
to escape with the children,
And when I poisoned Julie for
protect your hiding place,
I called him again.
That's why he put the body
of Julie in the truck.
To mislead us.
� Understand
that by helping his son,
Is it an accomplice of two homicides?
Deborah's and Julie's.
Listen to me,
we know
That your son is dangerous.
He is violent with his grandchildren.
It's Enzo and Nina, right?
You have to find them before
It's late. Do you not believe?
Tell us where they are,
It is important.
Did you know they were alive
and you didn't tell me?
But say something!
You can't keep protecting him!
You know what he did to Deborah!
You can do it to children!
You have to tell him.
Please, Philippe,
for the children. Give it to him.
I'm sorry, I can not.
Greg Take it stopped.
In agreement.
He will not report his son.
And the home registry
How has it gone?
A prepaid phone
Bought two months ago.
There was only one number
in the call list.
Surely his son's.
But it doesn't signal. Will be off
almost all the time.
And the whisk in the Vexin?
They searched the area where
the grandfather deposited the body:
Frankly, it will cost us
Find them, we have nothing.
Yes To Philippe Cartier.
Wait, don't you say
That he will never denounce his son?
All right.
Right ear.
The left.
What exactly are you looking for?
I am here for two reasons:
the first verify
if your health is compatible
with police custody.
And I have good news,
Mr. Cartier,
Have good health.
And the second reason?
Ah, the second.
� Know the Principle
Locard exchange?
Edmond Locard was a pioneer
of the scientific police
and he determined that when
two bodies come into contact
there is an exchange
among them. Exciting, right?
Don't you think so? It is fascinating.
What does it mean? It means that
every time you
has been in place
where does he hide
Your son, Mr. Cartier
He has left his mark.
That is known.
what people don't know
is that place too
He has left his mark on you.
On his feet,
within your ears,
under the nails, in the hair,
in his body
and inside.
Breathe hard, please
No, take a breath through your nose
and put it by mouth.
I must take additional samples,
Mr. Cartier.
Good night.
I am Dr. Balthazar.
Is the captain?
Uh yes.
Do you know what time it is?
Well, no. What time is it?
- Come in, I'll call her.
- Thank you.
How nice your husband.
It's four in the morning.
Yes, but it seems nice.
Is it good?
It will be important
What he comes to say.
And the spoons?
- There.
- Here?
the Cartier hide.
Philippe Cartier has symptoms
of a lung infection
flu-like primary
although he is vaccinated against this
and against tuberculosis.
And that means?
What is weird in someone
That is immunocompetent.
So I made a lot of analysis
to have
the clear conscience:
blood, urine, x-rays
And you know I did very well?
Because the tests
reveal the presence
of yeasts
Histoplasma capsulatum.
I do not understand anything
and if he speaks to me in Latin
Histoplasma capsulatum
It is a disease
of the lungs
caused by fungi, which are
in chicken droppings,
Pigeons and bats. Y
It is a disease
imported to France,
brought from Africa and America.
Philippe Cartier
He has not left Europe.
He doesn't even have a passport.
Talk at once.
A few years ago,
african bats
from the Val-de-Reuil Zoo
and settled in the Vexin
all over.
the bats
They nest in cracks.
That's why histoplasmosis
is known
as a disease of the grottoes
Wait. Think Cartier
and your children are in a cave?
It is not so good.
Are we leaving?
Al Vexin to look for the cave.
I do, but you don't.
Not qualified
for this operation.
Oh no? Will I wait for Delgado?
Do you prefer to waste your time?
Also my car is a lot
more elegant than that of Delgado.
And I'm a better driver than him.
Are you going out?
at these hours?
The children he took
his father's moron,
Balthazar believes
Who knows where they are.
Find them, the better.
You could have told me
- What?
- That he had that body.
What body?
Do not tease me.
According to the gendarmerie, there are
Five caves that would fit.
Let's go to the third.
To the third �eh?
Why the third?
It is the most difficult access,
away from the trails
And the houses
It has a fountain nearby
And it's in a ravine.
If I were him,
It would be the one I would have chosen.
Almost caught me
with that of "random".
Maybe because of that little
arrogance that characterizes him
and that makes him believe
the only competent, Balthazar.
He is a civilian.
Stay away, huh.
Oh yes.
They have left.
Seems to be
That his last meal was last night.
If you can call food
They would leave after
Grandpa will take Julie.
They go on foot.
They need a day of march
To leave the forest.
You have to find them
Call your commander.
We will make a whisk!
Is it coming?
What's up?
Doesn't it smell?
No, what?
That smell of humus,
rotten meat and droppings.
A perfume
It sticks to the hair.
Here is a corpse.
Oh shit.
- I'll call someone to get off.
- I will.
I will not mean it,
it is dangerous.
I don't want to seem arrogant,
but I think
That I am the only qualified.
Is there anything I don't know how to do?
Figure skating.
This usually endures.
It's a joke!
Very funny
Here is a body but
He is an adult.
He has been here for several weeks.
About two months.
Do you think it's Deborah Cartier?
Narrow angle of the branches
of the pubis at the level of the pelvis.
To Priori, he is a man.
Call the gendarmes,
tell them to bring bulbs
and call the judge.
And remember everyone
Let them be equipped!
This is the scene of a crime!
Gold case
in the second maxillary molar,
mandibular canine included.
- Captain, huh! Wait.
- What?
We were wrong
From the beginning.
The body
It's from Victor Cartier.
Yes, yes, all good.
No, but I'll tell you.
See you tonight, yes.
In agreement.
Antoine, I must hang up.
See you later!
It is already
the autopsy report?
Poisoned with cyanide.
Cyanide? The one who disappeared
from the factory
Did they use it to kill him?
Didn't you steal it?
Apparently not.
Was someone
who knew the access,
I handed him the keys
and I wanted to
To see him dead.
Your wife, Deborah?
And he faked his own death
after killing her husband?
Can be.
But the scientist's report
It was conclusive.
Was his blood
In the crime scene.
I would not have survived
to a hemorrhage like that.
- He was a nurse.
- But
He was able to take off three times,
half a liter of his own blood.
It takes two or three days.
Then I threw it at once.
It takes a lot of determination
to do something like that, right?
Are you married?
Imagine your husband
He has been hitting him for 20 years.
With blows.
And one day begins
to hit their children.
Wouldn't that give you determination?
To kill him?
And pretend to be dead
so as not to separate from children.
But, I can't prove it
Well, I will have to talk
Our only witness.
Okay thanks.
I tell him we already know,
Mr. Cartier
That Deborah will kill her husband
to save his life
and that of your children I understand.
But kill an innocent girl,
"Julie Chevalier
How can you keep covering it up
after that?
Do not understand."
Of Julie's death,
Deborah is not guilty.
And who?
We know it wasn't you.
So who?
One of the children, right?
What happened?
When Julie arrived at the cave
I immediately recognized
to Deborah and the children.
I had seen them on TV
in the news.
"I wanted to help them.
I was going to talk when
When what? "
And the cyanide?
Deborah had saved
the rest of the cyanide
To kill the rats.
He told the children
what made you sleep,
So they wouldn't touch it.
Nina didn't want her mother
Go to jail, do you understand?
ech� cyanide
on Julie's plate.
When Deborah called me,
I was broken.
"But it's not his fault."
It is my son's fault.
Where are they, Mr. Cartier?
If they fall
in a police check
and try to skip it,
They will end badly.
They will not be caught.
They can't do it!
"It's smart. They will survive."
Do you know what this is?
Cyanide capsules.
They were in the cave.
And what worries me
It's missing four.
Yes, one for Julie, okay.
And the other three?
What is he implying?
I think we are
Thinking the same.
Do not
No, it is not possible!
He knows that he is lost
And that is your only solution.
That's why he took
Cyanide capsules.
Because he prefers to die
with his kids
to separate from them,
It tastes good. Say where they are.
They took a bus
For Belgium.
It leaves at 13:30
from Versailles
Well, we will gather a team, yes.
Are you crazy?
It’s paracetamol,
I have a headache.
Did you believe it?
He really thought
what was cyanide?
Oh, then it was invented
everything you just told?
The idea was to make him talk
And we got it.
Well, I got it.
Yes, look for five men
and we were in the parking lot.
And nobody congratulates me
for my interpretation.
Oh, my children, my children
My little ones
My loves. I love you.
They will be together again
There are extenuating circumstances
for the murder of Victor.
As for Nina,
I didn't know what he was doing.
Everything will be fine.
Can I?
What's up?
Are you afraid.
- I do not have it.
- You do.
You know he will avenge me,
But you don't know when.
- That scares you.
- None of that, I don't care.
Oh yes?
Well, it shouldn't.
Revenge is a dish that
It's served cold, little Fatim.
But they are worms! Eddy!
You're not going to make me handsome
Like Julie Chevalier?
You don't respect
to the dead, Raphael.
Well yes, there are some dead
I don't respect much.
Do you think you're better than me?
If i could be
With the woman I want
it wouldn't happen to me
Time hitting him.
How do you allow yourself to judge me
after what are you going to do?
I don't think it has anything to do.
You can tell yourself what you want.
What are you entitled to
That the end is more noble
and that justifies the means.
But, we are the same, you know?
We lie, we manipulate
- and clean our conscience.
- Hey, can you shut up?
As you like.
But instead of convincing you
that your plan is moral
Why don't you wonder what?
Would you think your dear captain?
Yes, come in.
Let's have a drink, are you coming?
We have no children tonight.
I have a romantic evening.
How beautiful is love.
- Bye.
- Goodbye!
- Delgado!
- Yes?
- I'm in.
- Great!
Open the case.
That what is it?
This is from a case that I carry.
Aspergillius Fumagitus.
Cause infections
Pretty disgusting.
How disgusting! Fuck.
You and your work crap.
Come on, come on. Keep that.
Where are we going?
What is the matter?
I'm tired.
Five minutes, okay?
Do you remember me?
Do you remember?
You hit me.
Be still or I'll cut your neck!
I know you didn't kill Lise.
I know you didn't kill her.
I'm going to take my hand off
I shake my hand, okay?
What have you done to me?
Adrenalin. It works fast
and well, but it doesn't last.
So listen to me.
I can get you out of here.
But for that,
I will need your help.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Yes, yes.
The day of death
from Lise, do you remember?
- What if you remember?
- No, that was a long time ago,
long time ago.
Do an effort,
close your eyes.
Close them.
Close them, close them, yes.
I will release my hand
and you will breathe slowly.
Slowly. Calm down. Calm down.
I won't hurt you.
No one will.
Well, breathe slowly.
Now, imagine .
what are you at home
from Saint Augustin street.
What is going on?
I heard her scream.
You told me not to go down
That won't bother her.
- Yes.
- But, even so, I went down.
Lise was lying.
There was blood everywhere.
I do not feel well.
I'm not well
Ok, calm down. Calm down, calm down.
Calm down, calm down.
What happens now?
It seems asleep.
But it is not.
Someone has hurt him.
And I like Lise.
- I like him!
- OK OK.
- I am furious, furious
- I have understood, I understand you.
All right,
There isn't
isn't there anything else?
Anything that seems strange to you?
A detail, whatever.
- A smell.
- A smell of what?
It smells like birthdays
- to Christmas.
- What does it smell like?
A birthday.
Yes, that is.
It smells like candles
Lise hated candles.
I said they covered
The real smells.
Was not she
The one who lit a candle.
It was his killer.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri