Balthazar (2018) s01e04 Episode Script
Les âmes soeurs
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
This semi-darkness favors you.
Why do you think
What have I brought you here?
I thought you would have me
brought to see
how the competition acts
They don't do it wrong, huh?
I taught those.
Those things were also done
in the days of your youth?
Or do you doubt it? "
Is there a doctor in the room?
Please, a doctor, quickly!
"The doctor said it was
harmful to my thermostat. "
- You're a doctor, aren't you?
- Nerd
Here! Here is a doctor!
- Come on, say it!
- Yes. All right.
- Hurry up, please!
- Guilty.
What's up? They have eaten
Too many sweet popcorn?
I have called emergencies,
But they don't arrive.
When I entered I believed
I was drunk.
Then it collapsed
And I saw blood everywhere.
They must have stabbed her
and took refuge here.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
- Who is it?
- I don't know. I see her go by
He must live nearby.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
It's over.
I can not do more.
Does he say he has been stabbed?
I think.
There are no visible wounds.
I don't see any
No signs of external bleeding.
The blood is not yours.
And for the quantity, it is
from someone who is already dead,
or that it will be yes
We did not find it very fast.
Captain Bach
It will arrive in 10 minutes.
We have to find
to the other victim before.
How will we do it?
We will use what we have:
to her.
They look like pricks of roses.
They take care of themselves with flower oil
of St. John's wort.
It is a characteristic smell.
- A florist?
- Do not.
Florists wear gloves.
I think he has a garden at home.
There is here
homes with gardens?
Or with terraces?
Here! Ask for help!
Hello, is there anyone?
Oh shit.
Let's see. What have they done to you?
Is it a stab?
Quiet nothing happens.
Why don't you breathe?
Why don't you breathe?
What do you have?
A pen
Captain Give me a pen,
Please, a pen.
- A pen?
- That's captain.
Now, please!
- Thank you!
- Take it!
Let's see, take off your hood
and the tap on the other side.
- Take out the load.
- So?
Yes Now look
any alcohol that is strong
and spray it with him.
- Helene, fast!
- I got it, I got it!
All right. That's it
Thanks, great.
Put your hand here.
Squeeze very hard.
I'm going to drain the pneumotrax!
- What?
- The pneumotrax!
Fifth intercostal.
I will take the air out here.
- Won't you do that?
- Yes, come on.
- Ready?
- Do not
Come on. Three, two, one
I have talked with the neighbors.
The victims are Jasmine Lef�vre
and Lucas Giraud, 28 years old.
They were happy.
They were getting married soon.
Will he recover?
I couldn't save her.
Oh honey! You are amazing!
Wait, I'll introduce you:
Captain Bach,
A friend.
And Captain Bach.
A coworker.
- What's up? Haunted.
- Equally.
Well, okay, uh
You don't need me?
- No, not anymore.
- No?
Well, we will return to the cinema.
- Come on
- Bye.
It's crazy.
We say "Until
may death separate us "
and we think it's a long time
That we will be old
wrinkled, decrepit.
That we will not want to make love.
Nor travel
That we will have children
They will forget us.
That they will be very busy,
Living their lives
Never thought
That could happen so fast.
That could end at 25.
Lucas may live his life.
grow old
and it is wrinkled and decrepit.
And he may fall in love again.
Who are you trying to convince?
Or you?
- We start?
- We start.
"Alexandre, the cousin.
Here, here it is.
- My aunt.
- Yes.
- Hello! Are you ok?
- Yes, good, good
Is it good? Brilliant brilliant
- Yes.
Attention please.
Jasmine and I
We want to say something.
- Come on, let's go!
- But say it!
In agreement.
Let's see, Jasmine and I
We got married!
Come on, stop recording
Hey, my brother
he doesn't get married every day. "
It was two months ago.
I do not get it
Do you know what happened?
The neighbors saw
to a hooded
leaving his house.
But for the rest,
We will need more time.
Can you tell us about your children?
Jasmine was a great girl.
A fighter.
Do you know? when he died
my wife five years ago
I collapsed.
But not her.
I endured the blow well.
I worked like crazy, and
got a job,
In an architecture studio.
There is an ecchymosis of 4 by 3
located in the region
right occipital,
caused by object
blunt unidentified.
The blow caused
a subdural hematoma,
Probable cause of death.
In my opinion,
I lost consciousness
while attacking Lucas.
And then? He woke up
and went to get help?
- Is that possible?
- Yes.
A subdural hematoma
It takes time to develop.
Then she saved him.
That seems, of course.
Lucas fell in love quickly.
They were not from the same world but
He doesn't care.
He says he didn't care,
but to you yes. Huh?
My daughter was not
Good enough, right?
Pierre, he knows a lot
We loved Jasmine very much.
Yes, now.
Excuse me.
What does your child do?
We wanted
To take care of the hotel.
It works well and it would have made us
I wish to work as a family
But he had another idea.
My son is an artist.
Fragile, sensitive
With him Jasmine was very happy.
He always told me never
He had been so much in his life.
Self-mutilation injuries
on the thighs
and on top
of the forearms
Healing indicates that
Some injuries are recent.
He must suffer
Eddy, can you put me on
the x-ray of the right foot?
Calcium Fracture
about 10 days ago.
Bone consolidation
I had just started.
It's strange
that had not been cast,
it must hurt a lot
Pass me a scalpel, please.
And their relationship,
was it ok?
Yes, very good.
They wanted to have children.
A contraceptive implant
placed about two ago
or three months
Great. All good.
Can you remember something?
He had to be in the game.
But it hurt my head,
So I preferred to go home.
But when it arrived
was there
on the floor.
It did not move.
I approached her and
They jumped on top of me.
I did not see anything.
He defended me.
Then I didn't see anything else.
They had had
problems lately?
I mean, Jasmine and you,
Were they all right?
He didn't tell her
If he had any enemies?
Of course not, no!
Everyone loved Jasmine.
It was great
It was sweet
Did you notice any change?
in his behavior
about two months ago?
When you came back from Spain, I
You told me I was weird.
It is true.
When he came back
The floor was disgusting.
It seemed that Jasmine
He had not gone out for days
I don't know
I was weird.
How rare?
I was delirious.
He said he was a monster
and that we couldn't be together.
the next day
Everything was normal.
Thank you.
May he rest.
Why did he save me?
Because it is my job.
And why didn't she save her?
I'm sorry, I'm late.
I could not do anything.
I should let myself die!
Yes, her boyfriend confirms
Jasmine had a crisis,
but he said nothing to anyone.
Check bank statements,
phones, GPS, anyway
something must have happened to him
to behave like that.
Yes Goodbye, thin.
Is it ok?
It will be difficult
Without the woman of his life.
Sorry i'm sentimental
Stick a pen
in the thorax it creates bonds.
Good night, captain.
I hate squids.
You see, the only good thing
that you are dead,
I can eat
what you want.
I do.
You did your best
to force me to eat them.
Our children would have them
taken in the bottle.
Well, with you, they would have eaten
Pasta with ham daily.
Yes, well, they would have liked
Everyone likes.
I would like
Having had children with you.
I have to
to access the database
of the police.
For the smell of candles
that Sarlat noticed
When I discovered your body.
Let's see if there are more cases
Pick up the same.
You are prohibited from investigating.
Isn't it risky?
I have to do it.
I can't sit down doing nothing
while an innocent
rots in jail
And your killer is still loose.
I can not.
But be very careful.
Yes, thin?
No i'm facing
to Lucas's house.
I want to check
that nothing has escaped us.
I'll call you later.
What are you doing here?
I think the same as you.
I try to understand
what happened with Jasmine does
two months ago.
Don't you want to keep the gun?
- Sorry.
- Thank you.
- I was going to shoot myself.
- I wasn't going to shoot him.
Yes, I was going to do it. I saw her,
He had his finger on the trigger.
- Can I continue?
- Yes, of course. I will look down.
Thank you!
His girlfriend is lovely.
Who, uh, Ingrid?
Iris, it seems to me.
Ah, Iris, yes.
But, it's not my girlfriend,
she is a friend.
Well, it is a known.
�Your acquaintances
They call him "honey"? What luck.
Is she jealous?
Just curiosity.
Professional deformation
I have not found anything.
And you?
prescribed two months ago.
But apart from indicating
that I had a depression,
They don't help much.
There are also drops for cat.
I'm allergic
and if I don't take antihistamines
I don't stop sneezing.
It's a pain
Doesn't that paper seem weird?
I wouldn't have chosen it, but
Look well. Everything is clean,
impeccable, tidy and
that's wrong, it's
Have you seen the cat?
Do not.
According to the neighbor, I ran over him
A car a week ago.
What was his name?
Daisy flower.
You know, Balthazar, I leave you
Meditate before his grave.
I'm going to call the IJ
because of the paper.
Does the neighbor have a shovel?
Are you going to do the autopsy?
Well yes.
I died a week
before his owner.
to ask questions
I'm already used to it.
How are you used to?
When I was a kid,
I already knew it would be a doctor.
I trained
With the neighborhood cats.
It will be a joke.
No, it is not.
How was it going to be if not
the first of my promotion?
I've caught her!
I've caught her!
Yes, I've seen it, I've caught it.
I really thought he tortured
Kittens when I was little?
- How funny you are.
- Yes.
Well, Margarita
No, you hesitate.
You will not lecture me
about life?
You are a cat, what will you know?
That. Get ready.
What do you find something?
It could be a blow
Against a car or something else.
I don't know, we'll see.
- Do you know that Fatim won't come?
- Yes.
He says he has no problem
with humans
but with cats it can't.
Who says that? Huh?
Who says so?
I tell you she's crazy.
He never laughs at my jokes.
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised
That is a serial killer.
Well, it would scare me,
because if she is a murderer
you run the risk of being
Your first victim, you know?
Oh yes?
I already have the analysis
of the bullet he found.
They will never guess
The weapon that fired it was used
In the robbery of a hotel.
Do not tell me
that was the father of
From Lucas's father.
Mr. Giraud.
Jasmine's future father-in-law.
- And what did they steal?
- Absolutely nothing.
They left with nothing.
They were surprised, shot
to one in one arm and escaped.
We do not know more.
Then Jasmine saw something
and they were loaded
to your cat to silence her?
Now we will see it.
I have the images. Can I?
"On the ground, on the ground!"
Move, raise your hands!
The bag! Give me your bag!
On the ground! On the ground!
Don't move, back, back! "
The very cheater
Excuse me?
Slim back
a little please.
Look at the thief. They give
A good blow to the ankle.
Look how it goes
when he gets up
He limps, but nothing else.
Yasmine fracture.
That's why he didn't go to a hospital.
I was afraid
of being tracked.
The link
Between Jasmine and the robbery.
It was she who prepared it.
Why would I do something like that?
We want to know that.
We paid them everything!
�The floor, Lucas's novel
until the holidays!
If I needed anything,
I just had to ask for it!
I asked you something
About hotel security?
Access codes,
Security guards, you know.
A few weeks ago
It was for his work!
I had to reform a hotel and
I wondered how we organized
The safety of ours.
How could I imagine ?
- Because you covered your eyes!
- Ok, dad. Stop it! Ok
I told you he took advantage
of Lucas. From the beginning
Stop saying nonsense!
Jasmine, I wouldn't have anything,
But I loved Lucas! OK?
- I was honored.
- Honest and almost steals us?
How does it say? Fuck.
I'm sorry I have to leave.
My love.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
The ankle?
- Does it hurt?
- Yes, mom, it hurts. Oh.
- Did the doctor see you?
- No, I've been here for a century.
Did the director bring you? No?
Do not.
I was not in class.
Where were you?
Manon, look at me! Where?
I was in Montreuil,
in a squat house.
Excuse me?
A great squat house.
There were skaters, graffiti artists
I only spent a while.
You were in a squat house.
Manon, you are 13 years old!
What were you doing there?
�You are old
to play house,
- not to do squat!
- Mom, I'm not a baby anymore!
You do not understand,
because you never are!
And with the shame
I've been through, I'm not coming back
So calm down.
- I don't know what to tell you.
- Do not say anything.
It’s dad.
215, at the end of the hall.
Yes Ah, here you are!
- How is it?
- Well, a sprain.
I've been looking for you for two hours!
Where were you?
At the cinema.
Since five?
Is it prohibited?
Manon must be at school.
Yes, but it wasn't there.
I was
In a squat house, look.
At 13 years old.
What will I do at 17?
Armed robbery?
- I'll go see Bryan.
- Who?
Doesn't it sound like anything?
A graffiti artist It is third.
Your daughter is crazy about him.
Oh no. What a fool.
How would you know, if only
Do you see her half an hour a day?
Don't start again
With your reproaches.
Well yes, I work!
I work and finish late, yes!
And shit
Do you want us to talk
of your career?
Of all those seminars
Recycling in Lyon, huh?
Well look
Come on, catch it.
The accomplice left his mark
at Jasmine's house.
They will inform us of the name.
"You will tell me."
- All right.
Well, I participated in a robbery.
But that doesn't explain
the depression,
- the scarifications
- She was an unstable girl.
He took advantage of Lucas
and the money of the Giraud.
No i think
In his love story.
He goes out with many women,
But on the bottom,
It is a romantic.
- Speaking of which
- Oh!
I will finally know what we are doing here.
- Are you done yet?
- Yes, remove it.
It's complicated. Take dessert
Well, I'll take the macaron.
- It's my venial sin.
- What about you?
Eh Tatin cake, thanks.
Cake Tatin!
- This is between us.
- Clear.
I slept with a little crazy.
And well, for short,
I changed all my passwords.
Phone, computer,
the play, everything
And I can't access anything.
And what?
Do you want me to take care of her?
No, help me
to find the password.
The correct one.
Oh apart
of those who put 123456
Thank you.
Most of the time
the password is
the name of the spouse,
the favorite group, the dog
With me it's not easy: Single
and I don't like music,
- apart from the zouk
- But he has a dog.
Yes Pupuce
Yes What's up?
Thank you.
All right.
The footprints have spoken.
I know who the accomplice is.
Don't move!
Don't move,
I said don't move!
- Don't move, man.
- What's up? Leave me, let me.
- Still, still.
- We have not done anything.
Don't move! Close your mouth
On your knees, shut your mouth!
Come on.
- Police, don't move!
- On the floor! On the ground!
Hurry up, come on,
fuck, hurry up!
Let's see
Call the prosecutor. I'll take it.
Your footprints were
at Jasmine Lef�vre's house.
You killed his cat.
Are you kidding me or what?
� Make a raid
in my house for a fucking cat?
- Not only for that.
- Oh, right?
You also docked
A hotel with her.
Then you entered his house
and you killed the cat
And a week later
you killed her
and attacked
to your fiance, right?
It's stupid. But what does it say!
�A cable has been crossed
or what? I haven't done any of that!
Excuse me? ¿Fox?
Well, go to the dungeon,
I will relax you
Hey, listen, wait a minute.
We can talk, right?
Come on, I hear you.
The robbery
It was me
And the cat thing too.
But the other thing is not
No, I did not.
Well tell me
Jasmine and I grew up
In the same neighborhood.
We knew each other since we were little,
only that she gave
for the studies and all that
He was very smart.
So I lost track of him.
But a few weeks ago
appeared in a bar
I usually go to.
I had not seen her for a thousand years.
And appeared over there, all pretty
and half linked with me,
Anyway, I don't know, we talked a little.
He told me he had a plan
to dock a hotel of posh.
It seems that customers
they paid in cash
so the box would be full.
There would be a lot of money.
I thought it was my lucky day:
a robbery, a girl
and I said yes,
like an idiot.
And the thing went wrong?
Well yes.
Because a watchman appeared
and her fool
I panicked him.
We left with nothing.
So I was very pissed off.
I found your address
and introduced me to his house.
And I realized that that whore
He had taken me for a fool.
I lived there
With her boyfriend posh.
Then I got crazy.
I told
that he had promised me pasta
and that he managed
to give it to me.
That's it
And then, I loaded his cat.
But it was only
to press it more.
You kill his cat
and then they kill her.
�You don't think it is
a strange coincidence?
- Seriously.
- Do you know what?
Fuck him
your coincidences, okay?
The only thing that is
That I didn't kill that bitch.
Take him to the dungeon.
- See you tomorrow, Mr. Bartez.
- Give it to him.
Good, goodnight.
What are you doing here?
I would get bored
There is nothing good on TV.
No, I come to present
the autopsy report
of the Fr�jus case.
Very good.
Have you already confessed?
Not yet.
I no longer stand with a ball.
I will sleep a couple of hours
and will continue later.
It's not easy, huh?
What, give foot with ball?
Do not sleep.
That uncle killed Jasmine?
What are you doing here?
Is he?
- You are, you!
- Hey, uh, calm down.
- Calm down, calm down!
- Lucas, calm down!
Get out! Come on!
Take off!
- Calm down.
- Channel! Kill Jasmine!
Calm down, please.
Give me that gun.
- Kill Jasmine, fuck!
- I did not do it.
- Uncle, I swear I didn't kill her.
- Oh, right?
Didn't you kill his cat?
And he robbed her, did she do it alone?
Yes, yes, yes. But I didn't kill her,
- I swear for my mother!
- Shut up!
Lower your weapons
Put down your weapons!
- I do not want
- Hey, Lucas,
Do you know what happens when
Are you shot in the head?
I really mean.
The bullet enters the skull,
bounces on the bone
and turns the brain into
Vegetable puree. It is like
if you beat it, you know
As a result,
low speed bullet
and create a cavity
of pressurized energy.
And the only way
to evacuate that pressure
sorry sir
is that the skull explodes.
So, he dies on the spot
or so we wish
So everything happens.
But you, instead,
you're going to have your brain
in your noses, in your eyes
and especially in the mouth.
And believe me, if there is anything
that I really wouldn't like
It is having your brain in my mouth.
It must be disgusting.
Oh, and something else:
you forgot to load
The first bullet
You can not shoot.
Release, release, release!
Drop the gun!
Nothing happens! That's it
Chill chill.
Hey Lucas.
Are you ok?
Have you calmed down, huh?
All right.
Look at me
What are you doing, Raphael?
Do you know neurofibromatosis?
It is a disease
that causes tumors
in the nervous tissue.
It usually manifests
with small spots
brown in the skin
- or in the eyes.
- What are you talking about?
- Stop, stop, Raphael
- Lucas and you
you have the same disease
Although it is a rare disease.
very rare
and that is transmitted
Shut up, it cost me a lot
Keep the secret.
Please, Raphael, please.
I'm sorry.
I can not do it.
I would have discovered
before if I had compared
The right things.
Like your DNA
and Lucas's.
He was not just your fiance
It was your brother.
This letter is an authorization
of the investigating judge
To register your address.
We know everything, Mr. Giraud.
How does it say?
Karima Latouf�. Do you remember her?
I worked as a maiden
In this hotel.
They had an adventure.
And a girl was born, Jasmine.
I don't know what he talks about.
We have your bank statements.
Made a transfer
to the BioFab account.
It is a Belgium laboratory
He does paternity tests.
Jasmine was her daughter and she knew it.
She was in love
his brother's
and for that reason I killed her,
- Right?
- I dont understand her.
Does something happen?
No, nothing nothing.
Are you sure?
We have found this.
They have been cleaned.
Are there any remains?
There are.
Are they yours?
Yes, they are mine.
He is right.
I killed Jasmine.
Three months ago,
Jasmine and Lucas
They came to dinner at home.
Jasmine taught us
a picture of his mother,
who died five years ago.
I recognized Karima.
We had an adventure,
some weeks
26 years ago
Jasmine's age.
I was not sure
and I made myself
A paternity test.
This is how he knew
that she was his daughter
and who lay down
with his biological brother.
I told Jasmine
when Lucas was in Spain.
I told him to leave,
That was monstrous.
He refused.
He told me that
that he loved Lucas
more than anything
and that when they wanted
have a child
genetic tests would be done
and everything would be solved
I tried to forget it
It was impossible.
It disgusted me.
He offered Jasmine money
to leave, right?
She went crazy.
Then, they entered the hotel
He told me it was her
and what was he able to do
crazy if I tried
separate her from Lucas.
Then it was
When I decided to kill her.
I decided
Kill your own daughter.
I think
that will take you
immediately before the judge.
- Balthazar, I wanted to tell you
- Have you seen?
- What?
- Wait, wait!
A pen!
No, do not start again
Breathe very well.
Stop it.
Come on, fix it.
Ok, stop, stop, stop.
Neurofibromatosis, right?
That rare disease that happened to them
Jasmine and Lucas.
It is often benign, but
with annoying complications,
as the compression
of the spinal cord.
That benign tumor
Compress it.
Create back problems
and arms lose
A lot of strength and mobility.
Which means
That he couldn't push
Jasmine, or stab Lucas.
Who do you protect, Mr. Giraud?
I have dedicated my life
to this place.
I will miss him.
I believe that
This can excuse Jean-Paul.
That day I put on his gloves.
I thought they were mine.
I did everything.
I confessed to protect myself.
We already know.
What happened?
I heard a conversation
between her and Jean-Paul.
I will find out who it was.
My husband's daughter
and Karima's whore.
I was going to marry my son.
To have children with him.
With his brother.
There was no doubt.
I was going to destroy
to our family To my son.
To stay our hotel
He had to die.
There was no other solution.
And he went to his house
Lucas didn't have to be.
I hit Jasmine
and Lucas appeared.
I took a knife. And so
everything broke down. We fight and
and nailed him
I stuck the knife
on the chest.
I almost killed my son,
Do you understand?
I just wanted to protect
to my family.
Explain it to Lucas
- "But stop recording now!
- Why?
Then you'll like to see it. "
Say Balthazar.
I wanted to congratulate you
for the arrest. Congratulations."
I say the same.
Without you
We would not have achieved it.
I think we make a good team.
Yes, me too.
It's me!
I have to leave him.
Sorry. Yes why.
Her husband is waiting for her
Naked with an erection.
That, exactly.
And you?
Well, tonight
I have an appointment
with a great bottle
of whiskey
One day I will let you try it.
"I endure alcohol very badly."
With more reason.
Goodbye, Balthazar.
Goodbye, captain.
- Nothing.
- Come on, let it go.
Recognize that you like it
Captain Bach
How are you, honey?
Well ok.
Some friends have come to see me.
Was Bryan?
How do you know his name?
You have done again
of poly, right?
Of course not.
Sure the cocoon
My brother got chiv�.
The cocoon of your ?
You have it written
in the plaster.
Look, here it is.
- Is he?
- He's handsome gavel.
Ah yes. It is, it is
He's handsome gavel.
Thank you.
Fuck shit
The same mark on the thumb.
The same fucking smell of candlelight.
Six murders
With the same procedure.
I was in jail.
It was not him.
I will do it again, Lise.
If we don't stop him,
I will kill again.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
This semi-darkness favors you.
Why do you think
What have I brought you here?
I thought you would have me
brought to see
how the competition acts
They don't do it wrong, huh?
I taught those.
Those things were also done
in the days of your youth?
Or do you doubt it? "
Is there a doctor in the room?
Please, a doctor, quickly!
"The doctor said it was
harmful to my thermostat. "
- You're a doctor, aren't you?
- Nerd
Here! Here is a doctor!
- Come on, say it!
- Yes. All right.
- Hurry up, please!
- Guilty.
What's up? They have eaten
Too many sweet popcorn?
I have called emergencies,
But they don't arrive.
When I entered I believed
I was drunk.
Then it collapsed
And I saw blood everywhere.
They must have stabbed her
and took refuge here.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
- Who is it?
- I don't know. I see her go by
He must live nearby.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
It's over.
I can not do more.
Does he say he has been stabbed?
I think.
There are no visible wounds.
I don't see any
No signs of external bleeding.
The blood is not yours.
And for the quantity, it is
from someone who is already dead,
or that it will be yes
We did not find it very fast.
Captain Bach
It will arrive in 10 minutes.
We have to find
to the other victim before.
How will we do it?
We will use what we have:
to her.
They look like pricks of roses.
They take care of themselves with flower oil
of St. John's wort.
It is a characteristic smell.
- A florist?
- Do not.
Florists wear gloves.
I think he has a garden at home.
There is here
homes with gardens?
Or with terraces?
Here! Ask for help!
Hello, is there anyone?
Oh shit.
Let's see. What have they done to you?
Is it a stab?
Quiet nothing happens.
Why don't you breathe?
Why don't you breathe?
What do you have?
A pen
Captain Give me a pen,
Please, a pen.
- A pen?
- That's captain.
Now, please!
- Thank you!
- Take it!
Let's see, take off your hood
and the tap on the other side.
- Take out the load.
- So?
Yes Now look
any alcohol that is strong
and spray it with him.
- Helene, fast!
- I got it, I got it!
All right. That's it
Thanks, great.
Put your hand here.
Squeeze very hard.
I'm going to drain the pneumotrax!
- What?
- The pneumotrax!
Fifth intercostal.
I will take the air out here.
- Won't you do that?
- Yes, come on.
- Ready?
- Do not
Come on. Three, two, one
I have talked with the neighbors.
The victims are Jasmine Lef�vre
and Lucas Giraud, 28 years old.
They were happy.
They were getting married soon.
Will he recover?
I couldn't save her.
Oh honey! You are amazing!
Wait, I'll introduce you:
Captain Bach,
A friend.
And Captain Bach.
A coworker.
- What's up? Haunted.
- Equally.
Well, okay, uh
You don't need me?
- No, not anymore.
- No?
Well, we will return to the cinema.
- Come on
- Bye.
It's crazy.
We say "Until
may death separate us "
and we think it's a long time
That we will be old
wrinkled, decrepit.
That we will not want to make love.
Nor travel
That we will have children
They will forget us.
That they will be very busy,
Living their lives
Never thought
That could happen so fast.
That could end at 25.
Lucas may live his life.
grow old
and it is wrinkled and decrepit.
And he may fall in love again.
Who are you trying to convince?
Or you?
- We start?
- We start.
"Alexandre, the cousin.
Here, here it is.
- My aunt.
- Yes.
- Hello! Are you ok?
- Yes, good, good
Is it good? Brilliant brilliant
- Yes.
Attention please.
Jasmine and I
We want to say something.
- Come on, let's go!
- But say it!
In agreement.
Let's see, Jasmine and I
We got married!
Come on, stop recording
Hey, my brother
he doesn't get married every day. "
It was two months ago.
I do not get it
Do you know what happened?
The neighbors saw
to a hooded
leaving his house.
But for the rest,
We will need more time.
Can you tell us about your children?
Jasmine was a great girl.
A fighter.
Do you know? when he died
my wife five years ago
I collapsed.
But not her.
I endured the blow well.
I worked like crazy, and
got a job,
In an architecture studio.
There is an ecchymosis of 4 by 3
located in the region
right occipital,
caused by object
blunt unidentified.
The blow caused
a subdural hematoma,
Probable cause of death.
In my opinion,
I lost consciousness
while attacking Lucas.
And then? He woke up
and went to get help?
- Is that possible?
- Yes.
A subdural hematoma
It takes time to develop.
Then she saved him.
That seems, of course.
Lucas fell in love quickly.
They were not from the same world but
He doesn't care.
He says he didn't care,
but to you yes. Huh?
My daughter was not
Good enough, right?
Pierre, he knows a lot
We loved Jasmine very much.
Yes, now.
Excuse me.
What does your child do?
We wanted
To take care of the hotel.
It works well and it would have made us
I wish to work as a family
But he had another idea.
My son is an artist.
Fragile, sensitive
With him Jasmine was very happy.
He always told me never
He had been so much in his life.
Self-mutilation injuries
on the thighs
and on top
of the forearms
Healing indicates that
Some injuries are recent.
He must suffer
Eddy, can you put me on
the x-ray of the right foot?
Calcium Fracture
about 10 days ago.
Bone consolidation
I had just started.
It's strange
that had not been cast,
it must hurt a lot
Pass me a scalpel, please.
And their relationship,
was it ok?
Yes, very good.
They wanted to have children.
A contraceptive implant
placed about two ago
or three months
Great. All good.
Can you remember something?
He had to be in the game.
But it hurt my head,
So I preferred to go home.
But when it arrived
was there
on the floor.
It did not move.
I approached her and
They jumped on top of me.
I did not see anything.
He defended me.
Then I didn't see anything else.
They had had
problems lately?
I mean, Jasmine and you,
Were they all right?
He didn't tell her
If he had any enemies?
Of course not, no!
Everyone loved Jasmine.
It was great
It was sweet
Did you notice any change?
in his behavior
about two months ago?
When you came back from Spain, I
You told me I was weird.
It is true.
When he came back
The floor was disgusting.
It seemed that Jasmine
He had not gone out for days
I don't know
I was weird.
How rare?
I was delirious.
He said he was a monster
and that we couldn't be together.
the next day
Everything was normal.
Thank you.
May he rest.
Why did he save me?
Because it is my job.
And why didn't she save her?
I'm sorry, I'm late.
I could not do anything.
I should let myself die!
Yes, her boyfriend confirms
Jasmine had a crisis,
but he said nothing to anyone.
Check bank statements,
phones, GPS, anyway
something must have happened to him
to behave like that.
Yes Goodbye, thin.
Is it ok?
It will be difficult
Without the woman of his life.
Sorry i'm sentimental
Stick a pen
in the thorax it creates bonds.
Good night, captain.
I hate squids.
You see, the only good thing
that you are dead,
I can eat
what you want.
I do.
You did your best
to force me to eat them.
Our children would have them
taken in the bottle.
Well, with you, they would have eaten
Pasta with ham daily.
Yes, well, they would have liked
Everyone likes.
I would like
Having had children with you.
I have to
to access the database
of the police.
For the smell of candles
that Sarlat noticed
When I discovered your body.
Let's see if there are more cases
Pick up the same.
You are prohibited from investigating.
Isn't it risky?
I have to do it.
I can't sit down doing nothing
while an innocent
rots in jail
And your killer is still loose.
I can not.
But be very careful.
Yes, thin?
No i'm facing
to Lucas's house.
I want to check
that nothing has escaped us.
I'll call you later.
What are you doing here?
I think the same as you.
I try to understand
what happened with Jasmine does
two months ago.
Don't you want to keep the gun?
- Sorry.
- Thank you.
- I was going to shoot myself.
- I wasn't going to shoot him.
Yes, I was going to do it. I saw her,
He had his finger on the trigger.
- Can I continue?
- Yes, of course. I will look down.
Thank you!
His girlfriend is lovely.
Who, uh, Ingrid?
Iris, it seems to me.
Ah, Iris, yes.
But, it's not my girlfriend,
she is a friend.
Well, it is a known.
�Your acquaintances
They call him "honey"? What luck.
Is she jealous?
Just curiosity.
Professional deformation
I have not found anything.
And you?
prescribed two months ago.
But apart from indicating
that I had a depression,
They don't help much.
There are also drops for cat.
I'm allergic
and if I don't take antihistamines
I don't stop sneezing.
It's a pain
Doesn't that paper seem weird?
I wouldn't have chosen it, but
Look well. Everything is clean,
impeccable, tidy and
that's wrong, it's
Have you seen the cat?
Do not.
According to the neighbor, I ran over him
A car a week ago.
What was his name?
Daisy flower.
You know, Balthazar, I leave you
Meditate before his grave.
I'm going to call the IJ
because of the paper.
Does the neighbor have a shovel?
Are you going to do the autopsy?
Well yes.
I died a week
before his owner.
to ask questions
I'm already used to it.
How are you used to?
When I was a kid,
I already knew it would be a doctor.
I trained
With the neighborhood cats.
It will be a joke.
No, it is not.
How was it going to be if not
the first of my promotion?
I've caught her!
I've caught her!
Yes, I've seen it, I've caught it.
I really thought he tortured
Kittens when I was little?
- How funny you are.
- Yes.
Well, Margarita
No, you hesitate.
You will not lecture me
about life?
You are a cat, what will you know?
That. Get ready.
What do you find something?
It could be a blow
Against a car or something else.
I don't know, we'll see.
- Do you know that Fatim won't come?
- Yes.
He says he has no problem
with humans
but with cats it can't.
Who says that? Huh?
Who says so?
I tell you she's crazy.
He never laughs at my jokes.
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised
That is a serial killer.
Well, it would scare me,
because if she is a murderer
you run the risk of being
Your first victim, you know?
Oh yes?
I already have the analysis
of the bullet he found.
They will never guess
The weapon that fired it was used
In the robbery of a hotel.
Do not tell me
that was the father of
From Lucas's father.
Mr. Giraud.
Jasmine's future father-in-law.
- And what did they steal?
- Absolutely nothing.
They left with nothing.
They were surprised, shot
to one in one arm and escaped.
We do not know more.
Then Jasmine saw something
and they were loaded
to your cat to silence her?
Now we will see it.
I have the images. Can I?
"On the ground, on the ground!"
Move, raise your hands!
The bag! Give me your bag!
On the ground! On the ground!
Don't move, back, back! "
The very cheater
Excuse me?
Slim back
a little please.
Look at the thief. They give
A good blow to the ankle.
Look how it goes
when he gets up
He limps, but nothing else.
Yasmine fracture.
That's why he didn't go to a hospital.
I was afraid
of being tracked.
The link
Between Jasmine and the robbery.
It was she who prepared it.
Why would I do something like that?
We want to know that.
We paid them everything!
�The floor, Lucas's novel
until the holidays!
If I needed anything,
I just had to ask for it!
I asked you something
About hotel security?
Access codes,
Security guards, you know.
A few weeks ago
It was for his work!
I had to reform a hotel and
I wondered how we organized
The safety of ours.
How could I imagine ?
- Because you covered your eyes!
- Ok, dad. Stop it! Ok
I told you he took advantage
of Lucas. From the beginning
Stop saying nonsense!
Jasmine, I wouldn't have anything,
But I loved Lucas! OK?
- I was honored.
- Honest and almost steals us?
How does it say? Fuck.
I'm sorry I have to leave.
My love.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
The ankle?
- Does it hurt?
- Yes, mom, it hurts. Oh.
- Did the doctor see you?
- No, I've been here for a century.
Did the director bring you? No?
Do not.
I was not in class.
Where were you?
Manon, look at me! Where?
I was in Montreuil,
in a squat house.
Excuse me?
A great squat house.
There were skaters, graffiti artists
I only spent a while.
You were in a squat house.
Manon, you are 13 years old!
What were you doing there?
�You are old
to play house,
- not to do squat!
- Mom, I'm not a baby anymore!
You do not understand,
because you never are!
And with the shame
I've been through, I'm not coming back
So calm down.
- I don't know what to tell you.
- Do not say anything.
It’s dad.
215, at the end of the hall.
Yes Ah, here you are!
- How is it?
- Well, a sprain.
I've been looking for you for two hours!
Where were you?
At the cinema.
Since five?
Is it prohibited?
Manon must be at school.
Yes, but it wasn't there.
I was
In a squat house, look.
At 13 years old.
What will I do at 17?
Armed robbery?
- I'll go see Bryan.
- Who?
Doesn't it sound like anything?
A graffiti artist It is third.
Your daughter is crazy about him.
Oh no. What a fool.
How would you know, if only
Do you see her half an hour a day?
Don't start again
With your reproaches.
Well yes, I work!
I work and finish late, yes!
And shit
Do you want us to talk
of your career?
Of all those seminars
Recycling in Lyon, huh?
Well look
Come on, catch it.
The accomplice left his mark
at Jasmine's house.
They will inform us of the name.
"You will tell me."
- All right.
Well, I participated in a robbery.
But that doesn't explain
the depression,
- the scarifications
- She was an unstable girl.
He took advantage of Lucas
and the money of the Giraud.
No i think
In his love story.
He goes out with many women,
But on the bottom,
It is a romantic.
- Speaking of which
- Oh!
I will finally know what we are doing here.
- Are you done yet?
- Yes, remove it.
It's complicated. Take dessert
Well, I'll take the macaron.
- It's my venial sin.
- What about you?
Eh Tatin cake, thanks.
Cake Tatin!
- This is between us.
- Clear.
I slept with a little crazy.
And well, for short,
I changed all my passwords.
Phone, computer,
the play, everything
And I can't access anything.
And what?
Do you want me to take care of her?
No, help me
to find the password.
The correct one.
Oh apart
of those who put 123456
Thank you.
Most of the time
the password is
the name of the spouse,
the favorite group, the dog
With me it's not easy: Single
and I don't like music,
- apart from the zouk
- But he has a dog.
Yes Pupuce
Yes What's up?
Thank you.
All right.
The footprints have spoken.
I know who the accomplice is.
Don't move!
Don't move,
I said don't move!
- Don't move, man.
- What's up? Leave me, let me.
- Still, still.
- We have not done anything.
Don't move! Close your mouth
On your knees, shut your mouth!
Come on.
- Police, don't move!
- On the floor! On the ground!
Hurry up, come on,
fuck, hurry up!
Let's see
Call the prosecutor. I'll take it.
Your footprints were
at Jasmine Lef�vre's house.
You killed his cat.
Are you kidding me or what?
� Make a raid
in my house for a fucking cat?
- Not only for that.
- Oh, right?
You also docked
A hotel with her.
Then you entered his house
and you killed the cat
And a week later
you killed her
and attacked
to your fiance, right?
It's stupid. But what does it say!
�A cable has been crossed
or what? I haven't done any of that!
Excuse me? ¿Fox?
Well, go to the dungeon,
I will relax you
Hey, listen, wait a minute.
We can talk, right?
Come on, I hear you.
The robbery
It was me
And the cat thing too.
But the other thing is not
No, I did not.
Well tell me
Jasmine and I grew up
In the same neighborhood.
We knew each other since we were little,
only that she gave
for the studies and all that
He was very smart.
So I lost track of him.
But a few weeks ago
appeared in a bar
I usually go to.
I had not seen her for a thousand years.
And appeared over there, all pretty
and half linked with me,
Anyway, I don't know, we talked a little.
He told me he had a plan
to dock a hotel of posh.
It seems that customers
they paid in cash
so the box would be full.
There would be a lot of money.
I thought it was my lucky day:
a robbery, a girl
and I said yes,
like an idiot.
And the thing went wrong?
Well yes.
Because a watchman appeared
and her fool
I panicked him.
We left with nothing.
So I was very pissed off.
I found your address
and introduced me to his house.
And I realized that that whore
He had taken me for a fool.
I lived there
With her boyfriend posh.
Then I got crazy.
I told
that he had promised me pasta
and that he managed
to give it to me.
That's it
And then, I loaded his cat.
But it was only
to press it more.
You kill his cat
and then they kill her.
�You don't think it is
a strange coincidence?
- Seriously.
- Do you know what?
Fuck him
your coincidences, okay?
The only thing that is
That I didn't kill that bitch.
Take him to the dungeon.
- See you tomorrow, Mr. Bartez.
- Give it to him.
Good, goodnight.
What are you doing here?
I would get bored
There is nothing good on TV.
No, I come to present
the autopsy report
of the Fr�jus case.
Very good.
Have you already confessed?
Not yet.
I no longer stand with a ball.
I will sleep a couple of hours
and will continue later.
It's not easy, huh?
What, give foot with ball?
Do not sleep.
That uncle killed Jasmine?
What are you doing here?
Is he?
- You are, you!
- Hey, uh, calm down.
- Calm down, calm down!
- Lucas, calm down!
Get out! Come on!
Take off!
- Calm down.
- Channel! Kill Jasmine!
Calm down, please.
Give me that gun.
- Kill Jasmine, fuck!
- I did not do it.
- Uncle, I swear I didn't kill her.
- Oh, right?
Didn't you kill his cat?
And he robbed her, did she do it alone?
Yes, yes, yes. But I didn't kill her,
- I swear for my mother!
- Shut up!
Lower your weapons
Put down your weapons!
- I do not want
- Hey, Lucas,
Do you know what happens when
Are you shot in the head?
I really mean.
The bullet enters the skull,
bounces on the bone
and turns the brain into
Vegetable puree. It is like
if you beat it, you know
As a result,
low speed bullet
and create a cavity
of pressurized energy.
And the only way
to evacuate that pressure
sorry sir
is that the skull explodes.
So, he dies on the spot
or so we wish
So everything happens.
But you, instead,
you're going to have your brain
in your noses, in your eyes
and especially in the mouth.
And believe me, if there is anything
that I really wouldn't like
It is having your brain in my mouth.
It must be disgusting.
Oh, and something else:
you forgot to load
The first bullet
You can not shoot.
Release, release, release!
Drop the gun!
Nothing happens! That's it
Chill chill.
Hey Lucas.
Are you ok?
Have you calmed down, huh?
All right.
Look at me
What are you doing, Raphael?
Do you know neurofibromatosis?
It is a disease
that causes tumors
in the nervous tissue.
It usually manifests
with small spots
brown in the skin
- or in the eyes.
- What are you talking about?
- Stop, stop, Raphael
- Lucas and you
you have the same disease
Although it is a rare disease.
very rare
and that is transmitted
Shut up, it cost me a lot
Keep the secret.
Please, Raphael, please.
I'm sorry.
I can not do it.
I would have discovered
before if I had compared
The right things.
Like your DNA
and Lucas's.
He was not just your fiance
It was your brother.
This letter is an authorization
of the investigating judge
To register your address.
We know everything, Mr. Giraud.
How does it say?
Karima Latouf�. Do you remember her?
I worked as a maiden
In this hotel.
They had an adventure.
And a girl was born, Jasmine.
I don't know what he talks about.
We have your bank statements.
Made a transfer
to the BioFab account.
It is a Belgium laboratory
He does paternity tests.
Jasmine was her daughter and she knew it.
She was in love
his brother's
and for that reason I killed her,
- Right?
- I dont understand her.
Does something happen?
No, nothing nothing.
Are you sure?
We have found this.
They have been cleaned.
Are there any remains?
There are.
Are they yours?
Yes, they are mine.
He is right.
I killed Jasmine.
Three months ago,
Jasmine and Lucas
They came to dinner at home.
Jasmine taught us
a picture of his mother,
who died five years ago.
I recognized Karima.
We had an adventure,
some weeks
26 years ago
Jasmine's age.
I was not sure
and I made myself
A paternity test.
This is how he knew
that she was his daughter
and who lay down
with his biological brother.
I told Jasmine
when Lucas was in Spain.
I told him to leave,
That was monstrous.
He refused.
He told me that
that he loved Lucas
more than anything
and that when they wanted
have a child
genetic tests would be done
and everything would be solved
I tried to forget it
It was impossible.
It disgusted me.
He offered Jasmine money
to leave, right?
She went crazy.
Then, they entered the hotel
He told me it was her
and what was he able to do
crazy if I tried
separate her from Lucas.
Then it was
When I decided to kill her.
I decided
Kill your own daughter.
I think
that will take you
immediately before the judge.
- Balthazar, I wanted to tell you
- Have you seen?
- What?
- Wait, wait!
A pen!
No, do not start again
Breathe very well.
Stop it.
Come on, fix it.
Ok, stop, stop, stop.
Neurofibromatosis, right?
That rare disease that happened to them
Jasmine and Lucas.
It is often benign, but
with annoying complications,
as the compression
of the spinal cord.
That benign tumor
Compress it.
Create back problems
and arms lose
A lot of strength and mobility.
Which means
That he couldn't push
Jasmine, or stab Lucas.
Who do you protect, Mr. Giraud?
I have dedicated my life
to this place.
I will miss him.
I believe that
This can excuse Jean-Paul.
That day I put on his gloves.
I thought they were mine.
I did everything.
I confessed to protect myself.
We already know.
What happened?
I heard a conversation
between her and Jean-Paul.
I will find out who it was.
My husband's daughter
and Karima's whore.
I was going to marry my son.
To have children with him.
With his brother.
There was no doubt.
I was going to destroy
to our family To my son.
To stay our hotel
He had to die.
There was no other solution.
And he went to his house
Lucas didn't have to be.
I hit Jasmine
and Lucas appeared.
I took a knife. And so
everything broke down. We fight and
and nailed him
I stuck the knife
on the chest.
I almost killed my son,
Do you understand?
I just wanted to protect
to my family.
Explain it to Lucas
- "But stop recording now!
- Why?
Then you'll like to see it. "
Say Balthazar.
I wanted to congratulate you
for the arrest. Congratulations."
I say the same.
Without you
We would not have achieved it.
I think we make a good team.
Yes, me too.
It's me!
I have to leave him.
Sorry. Yes why.
Her husband is waiting for her
Naked with an erection.
That, exactly.
And you?
Well, tonight
I have an appointment
with a great bottle
of whiskey
One day I will let you try it.
"I endure alcohol very badly."
With more reason.
Goodbye, Balthazar.
Goodbye, captain.
- Nothing.
- Come on, let it go.
Recognize that you like it
Captain Bach
How are you, honey?
Well ok.
Some friends have come to see me.
Was Bryan?
How do you know his name?
You have done again
of poly, right?
Of course not.
Sure the cocoon
My brother got chiv�.
The cocoon of your ?
You have it written
in the plaster.
Look, here it is.
- Is he?
- He's handsome gavel.
Ah yes. It is, it is
He's handsome gavel.
Thank you.
Fuck shit
The same mark on the thumb.
The same fucking smell of candlelight.
Six murders
With the same procedure.
I was in jail.
It was not him.
I will do it again, Lise.
If we don't stop him,
I will kill again.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri