Balthazar (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

La vie en miettes

I don't know why you don't tell him.
I don't know why
Don't tell the captain!
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you tell her?
Six dead!
Why don't you tell her?
I do not understand!
I don't understand why you don't speak
with her. Six dead
- Give it to him.
- Shut up!
Do you like the vest?
Three-piece suits
I have never liked them.
I always wear them
What about me?
You don't love him
do something to my appearance?
No, you are fine.
Come on,
spend eternity
in jersey and panties
It's a bit sketchy.
That's how I remember you.
Do you prefer to be naked?
Why not?
It's not the moment.
The owners of a houseboat
They saw an arm in the water.
A nice breakfast
Awake like an animal.
- Do you know who he is?
- Well, no.
He had no clothes, no papers
No distinctive marks.
- Where is Balthazar?
- He told me to come.
I already hear
Your student jokes.
He is going to gloat.
I believe that
can i exclude
The thesis of suicide.
Without getting too wet.
What I can say is that
The fish is not very fresh.
Balthazar, save us
your joke catalog
and give us information:
cause of death or
day and time of the crime.
For the cause of death,
We will wait for the autopsy.
And for the day and time
Eh being underwater slows
the decomposition process.
I can say that the rot
It has already begun
because it was the gases
produced by her,
those who climbed the pieces
from body to surface.
He has been dead for 36 hours.
It is very difficult to specify more.
- I do not get it.
- What's up?
I did not expect.
Look this.
Here. Look at the forearm.
Look at the cut.
The surrounding membrane
the bone is thick,
so it belonged to someone
I was in top form.
Instead, in the head
of the humerus there are osteophytes.
It is a sign of osteoarthritis.
It means your owner
He was about 15 years older.
Wait wait
Does that mean ?
It is not a single victim but two.
The river takes half an hour,
Don't you want to wait?
Do not.
We have to find
more pieces.
And the sooner we do it,
We better identify them.
Slim, my fins, please.
How do you know you have
What to look for here?
Because the skin
of the bodies was intact.
I did not find
drag injuries.
You don't know what it is, huh?
When a body is submerged
in this kind of environment
find many obstacles:
branches, stones, garbage
And for that, when it is repeated
you can see lots
of post mortem micro lesions
in the corpse. Injuries
- drag.
- That's.
�Then the bodies
were they protected?
Yes And what contained them,
it opened
and they could
And I passed near here.
- Thank you.
- And how can you be so sure?
But good captain,
we will agree
in which the head mass,
forearm, or trunk is not the same.
So with the winds
and the currents,
they would not move
at the same speed
and neither would they be
In the same place.
- Well, even so, I think
- Enough.
I know what happens to him.
She is worried about me
How cute, how cute
That's it
All that remains is to join the pieces.
We have a name
Christophe Guaino
I lived in Ville d'Avray.
Who reported his disappearance?
It was his son.
He was a widower.
The boy has been orphaned.
I am the tutor of your course.
I know him as a student,
nothing more.
But, what I do know is that I was
very close to his father.
Please be delicate.
Here it is.
Judicial Police,
I am Captain Bach.
We need to talk.
It's about my father, right?
Do you ever think
How did they get here?
It's a bit our job.
No, I mean what they had
what to happen: fear, pain
Well no, I leave
Feelings aside.
Those who do that
They are psychopaths.
1 percent of the population
have any psychopathy
And most
They are not diagnosed.
So, maybe
You see one every day.
Can you imagine? � Annoying
to someone wrong and dad,
Does it carve you like a roast?
We have to fear everyone.
I have not
Problems with anyone.
I don't know
How "I don't know"?
Why do you say that?
You seem very close to your father.
He was chief financial officer, right?
Did you like it?
I do not know.
I know it's hard
for you, but
if you want us to take
Whoever did it, you must help me.
Talk to me
You denounced
His disappearance on Tuesday.
Was there anything that worried you?
When he was traveling,
I used to call all the time.
Leo no longer located it on Monday.
It was strange.
And as I did not return on Tuesday,
Leo went to the police.
Do you know if I had problems?
Or something with someone?
I do not know.
What are they coming for?
all these questions?
And they have the right
to take your things?
Yes, yes, they have it, Zoe,
do not worry,
- but I prefer to be present.
- Excuse me, are you?
Diane Courtillet, her neighbor.
I knew them
since recently,
But we got along.
Leo, honey!
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
I know it's hard,
but you have to answer
to your questions
All right.
In agreement.
I asked for.
The son doesn't know much.
He says his father
It was very normal.
No problems or enemies.
- And the record?
- Same.
Only administrative paperwork.
And the modus operandi?
The morons
that broke up their victims
They rot in the jail.
This guy is an amateur.
To understand
why they killed Guaino,
You have to know who the other is.
Hopefully Balthazar
He gave us his name.
Well yes.
And what?
Have you advanced?
No one has denounced
No disappearance.
You cannot be identified.
Already. That's hard.
Hard, hard, hard.
Well, say it now.
- Say what?
- You know, the phrase.
What phrase?
"Help, Dr. Balthazar,
It is my only hope!
Because you are the doctor
brighter than I know. "
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
- Hey, how good it smells!
- Are you cooking?
- Do not touch it.
- Why?
- It's stewed.
- Oh, I love it!
A human stew.
- Excuse me, is it ?
- Human stew.
It is from the unidentified corpse.
I had a knee prosthesis
with a brand
and a serial number.
Just to see that number,
first you have to delete all
the remains of muscle fibers,
tendons and cartilage,
Without a trace.
That's why I decided to boil them,
to clean them
We take out the prosthesis
and asked Eddy to call
to know in what hospital
They implanted it.
That should allow us
Identify the body
And yes, thin,
the spices it carries
- They are for the smell.
- God!
It is very sensitive.
�I make the report
of the external exam?
- Come on.
- Fatim, please.
- Taking.
- Thank you.
Let's see Yes.
Some waste is observed
black and fatty,
- throughout the epidermis.
- All right.
I took a sample
to analyze it
Bone sections present
steel teeth marks
it seems like
that were cut
With a metal saw.
Well, we will take macro photos,
but I don't see any bruising
No blood on soft tissue.
It means they were cut
after his death.
It is good news for them.
- And what killed them?
- A nail.
We found one in each skull
and given its length
They had no escape.
It passed through the hemispheres
to the brainstem
- Is it okay?
- Yes, good.
So, they were pierced
The skull with nails, right?
But not with a hammer.
Take. Look thin
This wound in the part
posterior skull
it's but come on
It is too far.
I see it well from here.
This is the entrance hole.
With a hammer
It would be a butcher shop.
The killer did not use it,
And what did you use?
A nail gun.
- Behind. As an execution.
- Yes.
And death when was it?
It will be about three days,
maximum one week,
given the state
of decomposition.
Well, it's all.
I can no longer do more.
Thanks, bye.
Ready. It was the hospital
where they operated on him
And I already have the name.
The other victim
It's Dami Bartol�, 65 years old.
He was the director of the school
Private Charles P�guy.
Wait wait.
Before going to school
in Ville d'Avray,
Leo went to Charles P�guy
in Montigny le Bretonneux.
The link between the victims
It is his old school.
Dami Bartol. 65 years
Single. Childless.
He retired two years ago.
According to your neighbors,
He was a discreet, kind guy.
He spent the day
taking care of the lawn.
But obviously
He had a hidden passion.
Look what was in his garden.
Does a director win so much?
Well, no. That's why I investigated.
And guess who paid for the car?
Christophe Guaino.
- That's.
- It fits what I think
Because I have rebuilt life
of the Guaino and they moved a lot.
Four cities, four years.
Issy-les-Moulineaux, Le V�sinet,
Montigny and Ville d'Avray.
And they always left
in the middle of the school year.
- They ran away from something.
- Yes.
Something the director
I had discovered.
And Guaino bought his silence
With that sport.
Try to find out
why they moved so much.
Tomorrow I will return
To interrogate the boy.
Ok, boss.
My poor son, what will he do?
It sank when I lost
to his mother. And now
It seems you went
A great father to Leo.
We did things together.
I worked a lot,
but then I was with him.
I wanted to be worth it for two.
I will always keep those memories.
What's up
It will remind me cut into pieces,
Like the Bourguignon beef.
I will remember that you loved him.
It's me.
What's up?
All right.
Sorry, I missed the time.
I have not said anything.
Eat, it must be cold.
Thank you.
Antoine, why don't you sit down?
We need to talk.
To argue?
� So later
have insomnia in addition?
- For.
- I will not stop.
The chats
They are not when they suit you.
I'm going to bed.
I do not understand anything.
I am not a cop.
We have the brand
on the thumb We have
We have candles and wax.
But nothing more.
There is nothing that fits, nothing
No point in common.
Age, sex,
physical appearance, city
I don't know how he chooses his victims.
Maybe it's not just
age, sex
or the place of residence.
If you had to describe me,
describe the previous days
at my death
what i could do
to attract the murderer
You would have recited my age,
sex and my profession?
the common point is not
in the police archives.
Talk to your loved ones,
Forget your dead.
Search the living.
�We play the ships
to start the day?
Well then, come in.
To find
to our killer,
we have to find
crime scene.
That is, track the route
what did the bodies do
Before being seen.
We have received the results
of the analyzes.
Apparently black waste
found in your skin
They are fuel oil stains.
A fuel
for boats.
So the network
got hooked on a ship, right?
Yes Behind the engine That will be
Our work hypothesis.
What I am proposing
is to rebuild
river traffic.
Each tab on the map
It represents a boat.
We will review the information
of the locks
and river ports
and we will cross it with the data
of the companies
of river transport.
And besides, I'll start Eddy.
Remove the C4 and D2.
They are electric boats.
D2 and C4.
Here I have a box
full of muffins
of blueberries and white chocolate,
made with my own hands
for that one of you
Let me clear more ships.
I do not understand it.
But it is important, lawyer.
Do you know what? I can order
a rogatory commission.
Now, well, but listen to me
LLetter? Lawyer.
- Fuck, how heavy.
- Who was it?
Leo's lawyer, her neighbor.
He refuses to question him again
if there is nothing more concrete.
- Adou?
- Yes?
- Bring me a coffee, please?
- Yes.
I need to understand why
They moved every year.
And why his father paid
a bribe to the principal
of course this
It's hard for the boy.
I would not pity me too much.
Why do you say so?
I have talked to the centers
School children where he has been.
At school
from Issy-les-Moulineaux,
a partner accused him
of sexual assault
Sexual aggression?
How old was he?
The case was covered.
School principal
I never denounced it.
Thank you.
He says I tried
talk to father
convince him that the boy
was treated, but
Guaino prefiri�
move to Vesinet.
Except that
- Do not.
- Well yes.
A year later, another companion
was the victim of a violation,
during a study trip.
But they did not accuse him.
It is not signed.
He wore a balaclava,
So the case was closed.
The Guaino left
to Montigny shortly after.
And it started again?
I have not found anything.
But well, maybe
They have not reported it.
Not expensive
give away a sports car
to cover up a violation.
You tricked me, Leo.
I thought you were a good boy,
but in reality, it is not like that.
Especially with the girls.
Don't answer, Leo.
Read Fourniols. Adele Ginot.
Did you know them?
- Yes
- Do not answer.
You attacked
to another girl in Montigny.
And your father paid the director
To close his mouth
That's why they died.
Because someone is taking revenge.
Tell me
Tell me
Don't you care?
It was your father, right?
Enough, captain.
Leo has nothing to say.
And if you have no intention
stop him
I ask you please
Stop harassing my client.
You may have escaped,
but you won't do it anymore.
By Le�la, by Adele
and for the third one I swear
I'll find out his identity.
Yes, Balthazar?
"Captain, is something wrong?"
- I'm not well.
Do you have news?
Crime scene.
Not bad, huh?
How did you find it?
We found a barge
what happened where the network was
and the on-board diary
It indicated an incident.
A noise from the stern.
At the time
in which he got hooked
And I passed here. Just ahead.
This is how we found it.
�Is the blood
of Guaino and Bartol�?
has allowed us
date death.
When the blood dries,
the water it contains evaporates
and form a kind
of gel that spreads.
We know the speed, well
I've done a little calculation.
It takes 96 hours.
Four days.
So it happened on Monday.
Have you found footprints?
No. The killer wore gloves
and I cleaned everything.
It's weird that he was so meticulous
And let this blood stop.
Look at those parallel lines
Do you see them?
In the four corners.
What can they be?
�The footprints
from the cutting board?
I don't know
He doesn't have
No sign of the murderer?
I will not leave
Let him go with nothing.
What are we doing here, Balthazar?
The murderer,
A priori is an amateur.
Someone, for whom to cut bodies
It is not part of the fun.
And remember
the Slim reaction
before the stew.
The disgust he felt,
it's a mechanism
of body defense.
Nothing can be done.
And sometimes it affects
in the stomach
With a little luck
to our killer
the same thing happened to him.
Is there DNA in the vomit?
Yes But it may be simpler.
Here it is, look.
He took off his glove
to clean your mouth
and probably avoided
dirty the crime scene.
Being too meticulous
it is bad.
I will ask the scientist
that look in the database.
What is this?
- Is it okay?
- I don't know.
- Something weird has bitten me
- Wait, don't move. I'll see.
Can I?
You have to amputate, right?
It is poison ivy.
It gives a lot of hives.
The bad news is that the pain
and the blisters last a week.
It is not serious, I will treat it
with a remedy from grandma
Well, if you don't mind.
Won't you go pee on me?
How funny!
I thought of vinegar
or camphor alcohol.
But well, I can also
urinate on him, if he wants
OK, leave it.
I prefer vinegar but
- No need, Balthazar.
- Everyone has their trick.
You could choose between finding
the right nail gun
and paperwork of the week.
And it was you who chose.
Wait, how did you say?
"The uncle thing."
It will be a very long day.
We could
to have taken out the straw,
but since you don't want to
Are you serious?
We have a name
For the footprint.
It's from Diane Courtillet.
It's not possible.
Why? Who is it?
Leo's lawyer.
- Will you take me?
- Yes.
Thanks, then I'll call you.
Delgado confirms it.
Before living in Ville d'Avray Diane
He lived in Montigny-le-Bretonneux.
And his daughter, Alice,
I went to Charles P�guy school.
Same as Leo.
Do you think Alice was his victim?
I tried to commit suicide
last year.
And the Guaino moved later.
But why was he going
Diane Courtillet to chase
to Guaino's father
and to the school principal,
instead of accusing
to Leo directly?
I do not know.
Where were my tracks?
In the crime scene.
Where they were killed
Bartol� and Guaino.
And what do you think?
What did I do?
Unless I can explain
The presence of their tracks.
If you tell me before
Where they found them.
In Platais.
To have said it before.
I love to walk.
I was last Sunday.
I remember it well
because I got bad
for some shrimp in poor condition.
What a coincidence.
Look, we know he lived
in Montigny. Like the Guaino.
And when they came,
He moved to the next street
six months later.
And what?
And already his footprints next to the scene
of crime, it's a lot of coincidence.
Matches exist.
I also don't know why
I was going to do something like that.
Because he discovered that his daughter
had been raped by Leo.
That's why I tried to commit suicide.
So he decided to take revenge.
I do not understand
what he is telling me.
I'm sorry, I leave you.
- My daughter is waiting for me.
- Can we talk to her?
This is Alice.
Hello Alice.
I'm Dr. Balthazar,
I have to make you
A few questions, are you?
I can not speak.
There are other ways to communicate.
What are you doing?
I listen to her.
Captain, do you have the picture?
Thank you.
Forgive me, but I'm going to make you
An unpleasant question.
I have no other option,
Should I do it to you?
�You know this guy,
Leo Guaino?
I was going to your school a long time ago.
Was he the one who hurt you?
Enough already! Leave her alone!
His pulse rose to 140
When he saw the picture.
She is terrified.
that I would have denounced
If I had raped her.
Unless I couldn't prove it.
It was late
and that the trial
I was lost
- Where was Monday?
- Monday says?
I was in a trial all day.
Locked up with 20 witnesses,
three judges,
A prosecutor and a secretary.
Very good. We will check.
Do it.
In 10 minutes, Slim
has found 40 witnesses
that confirm that it was
in court on Monday.
It's not possible. We have
the proof that he was there.
The proof
his alibi
It is made of reinforced cement.
And it also has a good mobile.
That can not prove.
Either innocent or very strong.
Change of strategy
Focus on the day
of death and in the weapon.
I will press Leo to
I confessed that I raped Alice.
I will show Diane's mobile.
No thanks.
Today he has not attended class,
But he has come to see his girlfriend.
- They are there.
- Thank you.
Leo? Come with us.
Where is Diane?
I will not come to save you this time.
Because it exists
a conflict of interest
Your daughter, Alice
It's your last victim,
After your aggression,
I tried to kill myself
He threw himself out the window.
But it went wrong.
Do you want to see her, Leo? Look.
Look at her. Poor girl
Look at her!
He will be like this all his life,
in a wheelchair
In vegetative state.
Did you do it?
- Fuck, answer!
- I didn't want to do that!
You didn't want to?
Well, tell me what happened.
I hear you.
Leo, what happened?
They are
They are things that happen to me.
And that I can't control.
It all started
when I was 13 years old.
Maybe 14.
Those wishes, those
those impulses
It is as if someone were
seizing me.
Someone who invades me
and I totally lose control.
I tried to ask for help
to my father.
And it didn't help you, right?
I did not listen to you.
He said our family
It was not like that.
That was enough
With changing school.
But it all started again.
It started again
Help me please.
I want it to stop.
All right. Tomorrow at two.
Calm down, I wait for you
to pick up the body, yes.
Is that what it is?
No one crying for me?
What bury me?
Only the funeral home.
"Tomorrow at two."
It's very hard.
This is hard for everyone.
Hard for Alice,
That was raped by Leo.
Hard for your mother
I found it on the sidewalk.
Hard for Leo,
I just wanted help.
And all because his father
He didn't want to see his problem
and why you
I preferred a sports car
instead of taking care
of the safety of their students.
I do.
After Alice,
I could not sleep.
I never drove that car,
So much
That blame me.
And speaking of guilt.
What are you waiting to talk to him
from Lise to Captain Bach?
How long will it take?
in helping you with the case?
Enough to appear
an eighth victim?
The models
that the killer used
I've given
References to Slim.
Are you ok?
It seems you've seen
a ghost.
I'm fine.
A drop in sugar, nothing more.
- Quiet.
- Voucher.
- What's going to happen to me now?
- You will be judged.
You must suffer from schizophrenia.
With treatment,
You can control your crises.
If they had listened to him,
I wouldn't have raped those girls.
- And Alice would be fine.
- Yes.
In addition
Balthazar, seriously,
He's 17 years old
Look at your ankles!
It has blisters. Does it sound like?
Poison Ivy.
He was at the crime scene.
Zoe Fourcade
He also lived in Montigny.
I studied with Alice,
She was her best friend.
Come on. He is 17 years old
He is 17 years old
and lost her friend.
He knows very well what he can
make the pain, right?
You will not guess who
He received a nail gun
and a saw, two weeks ago.
- Zoe Fourcade.
- Diane Courtillet.
No. Olga Angelova.
The biology teacher
from Leo Guaino.
in the school of Montigny.
I can not imagine
cutting corpses.
Beware of female anger
After the attempt
Alice's suicide,
I think Diane wanted to understand
and began to investigate.
And I talked to Zoe, the best friend
of Alice and who she trusted.
And I told him about the rape.
Also, with Olga Angelova,
biology teacher,
who knew
Alice since childhood.
And Olga discovered that the director
I knew Leo's past
and that he admitted
in exchange for a bribe.
What I don't understand is why
they killed the Guaino's father
and not the son.
While serving as bait with Leo,
Zoe discovered
who had asked for help,
but that his father
He didn't want to know anything.
I'm sure it was Diane
who killed the victims.
If so,
The other two did not know.
They only served to mislead.
They can't keep us here.
We have some questions to
Listen, captain. I do not like
leave my daughter at home,
Not even with the nurse. And less
If they keep me for no reason.
No reason?
His prints are on the scene
of crime and has a mobile.
We already talked about that.
Mrs. Angelova,
I bought tools
that match the weapons,
and Zoe, walked between plants
They are there.
- Is that a reason or not?
- I'll be kidding, right?
All that will not be sustained
before a judge.
It doesn't seem enough
that all have a link
with Alice and our case?
What do you want me to say?
Coincidence again
It is not firm proof.
And besides, all of us
We have alibi.
I was in class on Monday.
Then in a contest
dance with my group
and we celebrate
Victory at night.
I was in class.
I had private lessons,
then a play
and a dinner
In a restaurant with friends.
Good. Good luck, because this
It looks like an arbitrary detention.
Now, if they don't have anything else
Zoe Tell me
I know you have nothing to do.
- Tell me what happened.
- Zoe?
It makes me crazy.
They are guilty and we have nothing.
Luckily he doesn't live below
Mrs. Prevost
Do you remember when I went up
at two in the morning
- Why did you drop a drink?
- Yes.
They make noise!
We can't sleep, they make noise!
My mother
�You have thought
In what I told you, love?
I have the family address
from Matthias Gourba.
The young man of the hippodrome.
Will you talk to them?
I don't know
I am doubting.
It is a case
of Captain Bach
�You are afraid
What do you find out?
�You fear that he will take
a disappointment?
It is not what you are thinking.
I'm not here anymore.
You have to live again.
The very perverse
Thank you.
UHugo? I have not heard you.
Thank you. Is that good?
- Any problem?
- And dad?
- Has gone out.
- Yes, now.
If you are separating
We would like to know.
Because we are fed up.
Yes It is very strong.
It is true that I am going through
a complicated moment with dad,
but sometimes parents
difficult moments pass.
It does not mean that we separate.
It will be fixed, you will see.
That's what Karim's mother said.
At first everything was fine.
But, later he found out
that her husband was cheating on her
With the yoga teacher.
And then they divorced.
But good. Dad does not do yoga.
Hugo, can you pass me the tomato?
Thank you.
I'm going for the fish.
Take advantage.
Thank you.
What is so urgent?
How are you, Captain Bach?
It seems tired.
I'm fine.
You also think so.
You slept here, right?
No, I have not slept.
What is all that?
The alibis of the three.
I know how they did it.
� Remember the footprints
in dried blood?
They were radiators.
That's why they left
All blood without cleaning.
They prepared their defense.
They placed radiators
all over.
And that did
That will increase the temperature.
Why the blood
it coagulated faster
than at normal temperature
Very clever.
But I found out.
They falsified the day of the deaths.
So they no longer have an alibi.
I don't know what we do here.
Our alibi
It hasn't changed, captain.
The day of the murders, yes.
Congratulations on the radiators.
Xavier, think about it.
And my daughter?
I want to talk
with Captain Bach.
Yes, I already have it, shut up.
There is the captain.
It was me.
I did everything.
Just me.
This is the murder weapon.
They can release them.
What do you want?
It is to calm the pain.
I'm fine, thanks.
Quiet, Olga,
I have understood.
Not even
She has put on makeup this morning.
Yellow skin
The whites of the eyes
Fulminant hepatitis, right?
How much? Two weeks?
The radiators thing,
It was brilliant.
Really bright.
But I had already thought about a plan B.
I don't know what he talks about.
You bought the gun.
Zoe approached Leo.
But it was Diane who killed them
and tore them apart.
I don't know
But Diane
He has a daughter, Alice.
And you it's terminal.
So they probably agreed,
that if they ever took them,
I would pay for her.
And he is paying for her.
That cannot prove it.
No, indeed.
And justice has a culprit.
We can close the case.
I won't say anything?
He has said it:
I can't prove it
Cheer up.
She is a woman of honor
I won't give them away
And Diane Courtillet will get rid.
You will escape justice, yes.
But I think killing two men
and leave an orphan boy
It is not easily overcome.
Within a year,
two years, ten I don't know when,
But one day, I will drive her crazy.
And I would not like to be
- Mr. Gourba?
- Yes.
I'm Remy Barrada, from the Fund
of Victim Guarantee.
Sorry to bother you,
but I must review with you
the circumstances
of the death of his son.
To receive
the compensation.
I'm not stupid.
He's a journalist, right?
� Out of my house
or call the police!
Talk to the living, fuck.
Come on, let's go.
- I swear I call the police.
- Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry.
He's right, I lied to him,
I don't know why I did it, really.
I'm the worst.
- I'm not even a journalist.
- So who is it?
Someone with so many
you want like you
of catching the murderer of his son.
I promise it's true.
But for that
I need your help.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
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