Balthazar (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Les disparues

By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
What's wrong with you, my love?
When you hear this,
is that you are not well.
�Is the diary
of the murdered boy?
�The one with the same brand
in the thumb?
I may have something
I connect you.
That explains why
The murderer chose you.
You fear to read it
and find something.
Or worse.
Not find anything.
Balthazar, tell me.
Sir, sir, sir
Sir, I'm Dr. Balthazar.
He has had an accident,
You have to sit down, okay?
Well, very slowly.
What is his name?
- Michel
- Michel
Michel Sabatier
Does something hurt, Michel?
I don't know
- What about my wife and daughter?
- There. We have taken them out.
Nothing has happened,
There has been luck.
Stay seated, don't move,
We will take care of you.
Do not move.
Come on!
Get on, get on!
We have found another victim,
Looks like I got fired.
Madam. Do you hear me?
Madam, ma'am.
Do you hear me, ma'am?
Too late.
Any problem, doctor?
Well yes.
You have to confirm it,
but this woman
She has been dead for more than six hours.
Had passed away
before the accident.
Captain Lieutenant.
What do we have here?
Well, I'm fine.
Thanks for asking.
Something swollen, because I had dinner
A lot of spice. And you?
Hi Balthazar,
How are you?
All right, thanks for asking.
And to you, captain,
How are you doing?
Do you inform us?
Caucasian subject
Female sex. Twenty years.
It was more than six hours ago.
look at the petechial mask
and in the ocular petechia.
In characteristic lesions
in the neck
and in these nail brands.
Do you know what it means?
Slim, I am
asking you
They strangled her with their hands.
J�r�me Delgado, "one point"!
It bothers him
who guessed it?
His clothes are not vulgar.
�I think he was wearing it
Or what did his killer put it on?
He is in a bad mood. I do not know.
Review the disappearances.
Was he before the accident?
�We agree
that if I answer that
I impress her?
I mean I impress her
more than usual.
Because I'm awesome, I know
but I think we are
raising the list.
Let go now, Balthazar.
Look at the lightnesses.
They are concentrated
On the left side,
which means it happened
long time in fetal position
on that side,
after his death.
We will have to see it later
at the autopsy
This may be due to friction.
of a synthetic carpet.
Type car mat.
And it smells like oil and gasoline.
I was in one of the cars.
Specifically in the trunk.
And given the amount of injuries not
infiltrated, that is, post mortem,
probably got fired
in the accident.
- Alex!
- Yes?
Have you registered everything?
- There seems to be nothing.
- All right.
Captain, nobody has seen
of what trunk
The body came out.
We will mark the positions
of each vehicle and then
Or you can ask me.
It's faster, isn't it?
- Do what you want.
- I hear you.
He left a Twingo 3.
How can you know?
I had the skin
from the warm left side.
And what?
What does the engine have
under the trunk,
So it heats up when he walks.
Come with me! Al Twingo!
- Fast, fast!
- Police!
Don't move!
Do not move. Hands!
The hands, the hands!
- Get out, get out, get out! Down.
- You too!
Get out, I said go out!
Come on, the third one!
Out! Out!
Get out of there, move!
Get out of there!
Ok, ok, I'm out, I'm out.
Lift up
We have never seen that girl.
Augustin marries
in three days
Congratulations, Augustin.
Well thanks.
We celebrated it in a disco.
That is all.
We parked the car at the hotel.
Anyone could put
The body in the trunk.
And that's it.
Or maybe cocaine
what did you have in your urine
or blood alcohol, you have
Lost memory.
It's not what you think, we are
We will not speak without a lawyer.
Very good.
But believe me
if you have something to do
with the death of that girl,
I swear you will not escape.
Well, whoever discovers
your identity
and explain what happened to him,
he pays a week
of drinks to the other. OK?
Then prepare your card.
If you don't have it locked.
I would not go on the list,
because of your haircut,
I guess you have lost
a bet. Am I wrong?
Hala, ladies first.
It’s something sexist,
But it suits me.
Let's see:
the skin is pale
and the bones
They seem quite fragile.
He had vitamin D deficiency.
Was without seeing
The sun a long time.
I aim a little.
My turn.
Subcutaneous edema that folds
on the inclined parts.
It's already something.
Four bad teeth,
With only 20 years.
I had scurvy.
Beginning of cataracts.
Wait wait,
What are you doing?
No, no, no, the falls
They are not worth a point.
Of course they are worth it!
In a subject
so young is something unusual
Come on, aunt, don't cheat.
Is it for the drinks?
Do you do it for that, drunk?
You will not be
playing the cups
with the body of a victim?
Because if that is
what are you doing
do it well. Who is it?
- To me.
- Come here.
Look at this, what do you see abnormal?
Some scars. But the skin
It hardened on top.
Exactly, then, Fatim?
They are binding marks,
of rope or metal.
Yes It was tied a long time
until very recently.
Let's see.
Multiple genital lesions
and bruises of different
dates on the thighs.
So, before appearing
strangled in a trunk,
they kidnapped her
and raped in a basement, right?
Yes, something like that.
Old genital lesions
and recent
which indicate
repeated violations.
Malnutrition, kidnapping
And GHB in blood.
It could be an illegal one that fell
in a prostitution network.
Or a pervert kidnapped her
and used her as a sex slave.
It sounds more like a mental patient
Than organized crime.
And tell me, captain,
Your suspects, what do they say?
They did not see her.
They parked the car
in the hotel garage
and anyone could put
The body in the trunk.
- Say that.
- Yes.
And hey, if I tell you
raisins, almonds, peanuts
and lemonade
- I don't see the relationship.
- Do you want to go for a drink or what?
It is the food bolus
of the victim.
I was malnourished,
But I ate that before I died.
It is a very particular attraction,
Do not you think?
Thank you.
I do not get it.
I won't have paracetamol, right?
Do not.
But I have the hotel bill
and the minibar list.
Do you usually have cravings like this?
I told him we won't talk
Without a lawyer
Only your lawyer doesn't
I can do a lot for you,
because the victim,
I took food that corresponds
to your bill,
Before die.
What is your future wife's name?
You love her
And she loves you too.
He knows you're a good boy.
Honored. Who can you trust?
This girl had a name.
And surely
People who loved her.
So help me.
Because i need to know
what happened to tell him.
And if you don't do it for her
or for me,
At least do it for Sophie.
So she is proud of you.
- Uncle! Shut up!
- Stop, fuck!
Do you fear that your girl
know that you are a whore
and you get coca!
Stop thinking about yourself!
We met that girl
and her friend
They told us they had
escaped, or I don't know what.
They had names cheesy.
Rosa's was called Rosa.
And the gray one was called Pearl.
It seemed that they were placed very low.
They were dressed very rare, but
But they were very pretty, okay?
So Stan
I invited them to the hotel.
- Shut up.
- It's worth it.
You put yourself in plan vulture vulture.
They came and threw themselves
About the minibar like animals.
I told them to leave them,
Because they were very rare.
Then we fell asleep.
We were very drunk.
I made a video
with Gus's mobile.
I can show you if you want.
Oh yes!
Bring the lord's phone.
"Mother, look, Gus,
It is for your future wife.
- I have a headache.
- Say hello.
I love you I love you, honey.
- And you, pill, and you
- Come on, stop recording.
- I must be horrible.
- But if you're very handsome
What a night, fuck.
And the girls
Where have they gone?
- It's a massacre.
- Where are the aunts?
- I don't know
- Awake,
- It's over, huh?
- There is one here.
I take out more champagne, wake it up.
Who was this?
Yes Rose? Pink!
Go, move.
- Uncle, it doesn't move.
- What's wrong with him?
Fuck, don't breathe.
But what do you say,
- How will he not breathe?
- Look, it doesn't move anymore.
It has not moved again.
- What's up?
- Guys, guys,
an uncle who is taking her.
- Look, fuck.
- But what is this?
What happens here? "
I panicked.
Or they accused them of murder
or coca possession.
They put the body in the
trunk to get rid of it.
But they fought, they lost
vehicle control
and caused the accident.
The analyzes confirm it.
We have traces of the victim
and from another person.
Without signing. The other girl
There are no complaints
of the disappearance
of any Pearl or Rose.
They will not be their names.
We believe they were kidnapped by
a pervert, who drugged them with GHB.
They escaped,
took refuge in the hotel
and found the kidnapper.
Rosa killed her.
And it took Pearl.
Well we will comb
the neighborhood where they met
and we will look for perverts
Sexual and aggressors.
Pearl has lost 14 hours.
You have to find it before
That they do the same.
Come on, let's go.
What time is it?
Do you fool me?
What if you cheat on me?
Why do you ask me that?
Because they called me
of a hotel in San Juan de Luz
when you should be in Lyon
Because you go a lot
To the cinema in the middle of the afternoon.
Why do you receive calls
and messages
without saying who he is.
That's why you wear
weeks so hateful?
I am not hateful.
But yes, that's why, yes.
The hotel is a mistake.
A mistake.
I was in Lyon.
Ask my classmates.
When I do not work,
I like to go
To the cinema in the afternoon.
It is quieter.
The calls
They are your imaginations.
I don't hide anything from you.
Take my mobile.
Check it out.
Come on.
Do not.
But look,
I will tell you one thing.
You're tense
For your shit cases.
You don't see me enough.
And above all
We don't make love
- Wait
- What? What's up?
Have you found my friend?
Not yet.
But the police look for her.
I'd rather not imagine
what they will be doing.
There is neither day nor night there.
Only he is coming.
That violates us.
That hits us.
We were objects.
We had nothing.
He even took our name.
Do you know what we will do?
I will rest for a while
and then I will start over
and discover what your name is.
What do you think?
All right. I am right by your side.
- Do you promise me you'll stay?
- I won't move.
And I will leave the light on.
Are you a sweetie? "
Leave the abs
and tell me what I do here.
I lack two.
Balthazar I have to find the girl
before they kill her. So
I was with her all night.
He had to know his identity.
I did segment x-rays
a segment, even scanning it.
It looks
Having found something.
And you, it looks
Of not being very well.
What have you found?
The radiographs
and the scanner gave nothing.
autopsy revealed arthrodesis
posterior vertebral,
probably due
to an important scoliosis.
- Vertebral arthrodesis?
- No, I don't know what that is.
Screws and rods
against the spine.
So, I analyzed those screws
and those rods and it turns out that the only
person who uses them here in young people,
He works at Robert Debr�.
It also happens that,
I know that person very well
Why do you know?
She is a former partner
of practices of my promotion.
So I called her
in the middle of the night.
I won't hide from him that he didn't
Grace to wake her up.
But I do not care,
because he owes me one
- from a famous night.
- Y
An history about
Wives and honey.
Imagine, the very slut
He left with the keys.
He left me alone, naked,
with a lot of honey in the
I don't want details, really,
Balthazar, it is not necessary.
He is not interested
Where did you put the honey?
Do not.
Do not.
OK. Well, he revealed to me
Your true identity.
Rosa is called Mila Gaillon.
Mila Gaillon
- Mila Gaillon, yes.
- Do you have a computer?
- Mila Gaillon.
- Yes.
Mila Gaillon, are you sure?
- Yes, I am. Why?
- Does the photo not fit?
Yes, yes, the photo fits.
That is not what shocks me.
But I would explain
why nobody looks for it.
Because Mila Gaillon died,
officially, three years ago.
It's not possible.
We found his body
24 hours ago
To my daughter
We buried her three years ago.
I saw his body in the coffin.
What happened?
three years ago?
We fought
for nonsense later
of the death of his father.
And he escaped.
Removed heaven and earth
To find it.
Was of legal age
and nobody cared.
Until they called me
and they told me that I had suffered
An overdose in the street.
They gave me back
To my girl in the warehouse.
And maybe he remembers
something particular?
In your body?
Yes In the arm.
He had scratched himself to bleed.
The doctor told us
That was because of his addiction.
But it has been alive
all this time, where was he?
Where was my girl?
Why didn't you call me?
Why didn't he come to see me?
Where was he?
I don't know, but I promise
We'll find out.
The doctor who signed
the death certificate,
He died last year. Cancer.
And I signed it
for a living person?
Will he be wrong?
It's not easy, right?
The nurses there were said
that Mila no longer had a pulse.
There was a syringe with drugs.
It looked like an overdose.
They no longer looked.
Balthazar spoke
of sexual exploitation.
What is the best way
of kidnapping someone
and have him in your house,
without anyone looking for him?
I called the funeral home that
He was in charge of Mila's funeral.
They say your coffin
It was not sealed.
And that the eve of the funeral
They went to steal.
So they sealed the box
and they didn't check
If the body was still there.
Wait wait.
�The kidnapper
made her pass for dead
and went back to look for her?
He had it safely
in his house
and the drug
So I was calm?
But how is it possible
simulate someone's death
to cheat a doctor?
Balthazar is in it.
It will cost, but I will find out,
quiet. Come on.
It is impossible.
How do you know?
I am a doctor and if there is anything
what I'm sure of
is that when you're dead,
you're dead
And it is the most comfortable for you.
Excuse me?
If I have returned,
It may not be the only one.
Don't say nonsense.
Maybe Lise also
will resurrect
And what is waiting for you.
you can see her again
to touch her
To dance with her.
But, really.
That is silly.
Are you sure
my love
It's not funny.
Tach! The coffin
in which supposedly
they buried Mila.
It was full of stones.
- Then let's
- Shit
Captain Bach!
Ok, I'm coming.
examine the coffin.
I want to understand how it happened
from that box to this table.
And Eddy.
Do me a favor,
Don't say I rose again.
Shit it's fair
what I was going to say, so
�You usually have meetings
in psychiatric hospitals?
They found a woman
close to Chartres
dressed as a princess
He said his name was
B�n�dicte Leclerc.
Yes, and?
That nobody believed her.
Because Benedict was dead
a year before.
I had no family,
nobody checked.
Overdose. Princess. Isolated.
Similar to Mila's, right?
And that's not all.
They stole at the funeral home
The eve of the funeral.
As with Mila.
Do you think it's Pearl?
No, it was four years ago
and is here since then.
But I think he could
live the same as Mila
And the girl we are looking for.
And do you agree to speak?
Agree, yes.
But I may not be able.
Miss. I am Captain Bach.
We want to talk with you.
I introduce you to Dr. Balthazar.
Good, listen to me.
B�n�dicte is dead.
They locked her in a box.
And then he woke up.
It must have been horrible.
- I would be very scared.
- Yes.
Very scared.
I had a lot of pain too.
A lot of pain?
And where did he have it?
All right.
But now it's quiet.
It is far.
Are you far?
What is it far from, Bìn�dicte?
Or who?
I am a doctor.
I will protect you.
Who did that to you?
It was the dragon.
The dragon?
There is a third victim,
with the same scar and the same
Story of a princess.
They had to kidnap her
before them.
Have you told what happened?
He has repressed everything.
With therapy, they can pass
years before I remember
and those years, we don't have them,
if they still retain Pearl.
We must move forward. You have
advanced with the coffin?
Well, no. There is only one thing.
Inside the coffin
there are tetrodotoxin particles.
It's in the fish, isn't it?
A coffin with fish inside.
And that's it. Nothing I can explain
how I came out of this box alive.
That was a zombie, of course.
ImFatim, I'm a zombie,
- I'm going to eat you!
- For now, you are unbearable.
Unbearable, but bright.
You are brilliant.
It is true. He is right,
Mila is a zombie
Mila is a zombie.
But how disgusting.
- Please.
- Yes?
A "croque Madame"
with two undercooked eggs,
and supplement
Bechamel, thanks.
Be better with bechamel.
Why here, why alone
and in the rain?
It's a bit sad, isn't it?
I find her sad
since this morning
Are you sure it's ok?
Not much. But it is not the time.
All right.
Do you know what it is?
Do not.
It's found
in the fugu or puffer fish.
It's great,
but it is very dangerous
because of its poison,
A partner from Haiti
I found several cases
of fugu poisoning.
It was a mixture of tetrodotoxin
and of irritating substance.
To make it work,
they impregnate the clothes
of the victim with that mixture.
The victim scratches,
it causes injuries
and the poison penetrates the skin
and enters a catatonic state
close to death.
And 24 hours later, wake up
with an atropine injection.
Do you think they simulated death?
from Mila and B�n�dicte
with that poison?
There was tetrodotoxin
in Mila's coffin.
And explain
why she and B�n�dicte
They scratched themselves to bleed.
So, if we find out
who got that fish.
- That fugu.
- That fugu,
- We will find the killer.
- Exactly.
And where can you buy it?
The official version
is that you can not buy,
It is prohibited.
And the unofficial version?
You know well
I feel passion for cooking.
Yes, everyone knows.
OK. Well then,
I called a friend of a friend.
Do not.
Contact with friend
from a friend, from a friend,
- of a friend
- Balthazar,
It doesn't matter who's friend.
This is the list
of those who bought fugu
the last three years.
"Thank you, Balthazar,
I just do my job.
Thanks, Balthazar.
Thin. I have a clue.
Balthazar has a clue.
Balthazar has a clue.
Is that good?
It is always better when he smiles.
Yes, I'm coming. OK.
Florence and Christian Janvier.
Claudine Bateau
Michel and Violaine Sabatier.
Wait wait
They are Mr. Sabatier.
They were
in the traffic accident.
Shit, it's them.
Do they have a daughter?
No. Nothing in the civil registry.
I was in the accident.
Five meters from us.
They live on a farm in Vexin.
They also have a barn.
It is practical and discreet.
The BRI has arrived,
We will join them.
Come on, let's go!
- What?
- Are you leaving?
Yes, that's it, we're done.
- Why?
- Come, I have something to teach you.
Mila's waterfalls?
I investigated it.
Did you undergo radiation?
I analyzed your tissues
and the dose is
of 73 nanosievert per hour.
- It means that the
- They kidnapped in a radio
less than 3 km
of a nuclear power plant.
Shit, the only one
of the region of Paris
It is in Nogent-sur-Seine.
And the police go
to Magny-en-Vexin.
Ah. They are wrong.
What is known about the suspects?
A normal couple.
He is a teacher and she volunteers
in social services.
Thus he captured his victims.
Lonely and vulnerable women.
Get girls to your husband,
that violated and retained!
They have dependence.
She helps him
He is happy and she too.
"Balthazar, now I can't
talk, then I'll call you. "
"Perimeter secured.
Ready to intervene. "
Ok, we are coming.
Balthazar, now I call him.
Come on, come on!
No, it's important!
I believe I have
A problem with the carburetor.
Where is Eddy?
Over there it comes.
Shit, fuck!
- Taking.
- Thank you.
Hey, it's not preteens,
that kind of motorcycle?
I'm not gonna answer you.
What do we do here in addition
of collecting biofuel?
We will tour the area and look for
Where can Mila be?
analyzing the power
of radiation.
But is that our thing?
I don't know, but I'm a doctor.
No Haroun Tazieff.
Captain Bach hung up.
OK. So this is
Because you are upset.
Twice. I hung up twice,
What do you want me to do?
I understand
You over there and I over there.
Look at all the houses
Where I can be locked.
See you in two hours.
�If we find something,
do we call the police?
- Of course!
- Voucher.
All this seems to me
shit plan.
"It was the dragon."
I dont believe it.
I know, sir,
But we look everywhere.
They will have another hiding place.
Clear. We will do what is necessary.
Fuck, where are they?
Captain Bach
What's up?
Yes, as I did not take it,
We came.
But then we parted
and we don't know where it is.
We try to locate you,
But he doesn't pick up the phone.
Because there is no coverage,
only in some bales of hay.
So what do you want me to say,
We are a little nervous.
Wait. What are you saying?
Has Balthazar disappeared?
That's. Four hours ago.
In Nogent-sur-Seine.
But what was he doing there?
Think it is
where the Sabatier hide
and where they have Pearl.
I don't believe it, are you crazy?
- Go back to the IML, call them.
- "OK OK."
Check what's out
about the Sabatier
- and the Nogent-sur-Seine.
- What's up?
They can be there.
And they have Balthazar.
Are you ok?
Are you ok?
Did you run away with Mila, Rosa?
But they found us.
They strangled her
And they brought me here.
They say we are going
To kill with a shovel.
No, they will not kill anyone.
The police know where I am.
He will come looking for us.
when I say "banana",
Don't think about it and run away.
Banana, don't think about it
and run away, okay? OK?
Take care of her!
Come quickly, shit!
What's up?
You want to steal me
to my princesses?
- They are not your princesses.
- Yes, they are my princesses.
Before they were yonkis
They were pricked all day.
Here they are beautiful.
And at least they serve someone.
To me.
Less when they try to escape.
Then I punish them.
Right, my princess?
My princess.
Give me the shovel!
Wait, what are you doing?
Why are you going to start with her?
Attack a man first,
If you have eggs
Start with me, go ahead.
Give me goodies to me. I love.
What are you trying to do?
You want to save time, right?
You think it will change
something for her?
If I can get you time,
It's something, isn't it?
Why did you come?
You are alone.
You are not armed.
You have not notified anyone.
So it is true.
What you want is to die now.
What happened to you?
What are you willing to die?
My wife.
A guy like you swallowed her.
And since then
Life is less fun.
So, yes, really
you want to give yourself that pleasure,
take your shovel
and hit me well
over the ear. Look.
Here. At the level of the artery
middle menu.
A small extradural hematoma
and later
it's over. I will leave.
If it is to do you a favor
Plantain! Plantain! Plantain!
Fuck, get out, the bitch!
Hit this fag!
- Face him! Put it on!
- Run, run!
Son of a bitch!
Fuck you!
Give memories
To your wife from me.
Balthazar, Balthazar.
I'm here
Stay with me
stay with me
Yes, yes, I'm coming.
My daughter,
my daughter!
How could he find us?
It was from Sabatier's godmother,
who died 10 years ago.
Perfect to hide.
I want to kill him.
My husband cheats on me.
I'm sorry, I don't know why I say
this. It is out of place.
I have a perfect life.
A beautiful house,
With a small garden.
Two beautiful children.
Boy and girl.
I have a job that I love.
I knew it would end
fucking everything.
Not all
He is doomed to fuck himself.
Of course not.
But when I see what I see
I tell myself that he has
that there is a cosmic justice,
Restore balance.
But anyway, that my husband
cheat on me, it's not that bad
with these girls, for example,
or with you
I didn't know how to tell her,
but i'm so sorry
What happened to his wife.
Thank you.
So what are you going to do?
Face reality.
You have to stop running away
with the excuse
What's nice, isn't it?
Hello Darling.
Where are the children?
At my mother's house.
You have planned everything, huh?
Do I know her?
Are you still the same yesterday?
The Grimaud workshop. Do I know her?
Fuck, Antoine, yes
That is not easy this moment.
But it happens to them
to all couples, right?
I thought we were stronger.
Fuck, I asked you yesterday.
You looked me in the eye and said
That I would not ride a movie.
- How can you lie like that?
- For now.
Let me explain it to you.
Do you love her?
- Shit, you're in love!
- No!
- Please. Let me explain.
- No. No, it doesn't matter.
Are you going to read the newspaper?
of the hippodrome boy?
You have to stop running away
with the excuse
What's easier, right?
It suits you
Let your mouth break
If I wasn't dead
I would be dead of jealousy
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to watch TV?
I must concentrate.
I must concentrate.
You have become
A roll with age.
Have you seen this?
You have wrinkles
- Have you seen?
- They are lines of expression.
- They are not by age.
- Yes, sure.
What's up?
It is a card receipt.
Fifteen days before your death,
we went to a jewelry store on Saint-Antoine street
to adapt your wedding ring.
Three weeks before dying
the boy was in a jewelry store
to be priced a ring.
It was the same jewelry.
The same address.
It cannot be coincidence.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
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