Balthazar (2018) s02e01 Episode Script

Marche funèbre

By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
What are you doing there?
Wow The car is not bad.
Right? Do you like it?
Well yes.
I just bought it.
Yes, an impulse,
I can't tell you why.
�Because you have passed
a super night
with Captain Bach
And you don't know what to do?
Changing car
it gives you the feeling
that still
Do you control anything?
But seriously
do you want to psychoanalyze me
In the middle of the road?
Doctor Balthazar, tell me?
Ok, I'm coming.
I have to
Is it your car?
Of course it is.
Very discreet, right?
I'm glad you like it.
Have you talked to Bach?
I do not locate it.
I don't know why you're surprised.
Well, did I show you?
Oh fuck
Is he a boy?
I have not determined
The age of the victim.
You've been in this for 27 years,
you should know if it's a child
Oh okay.
- My veterinarian called me.
- But why?
For this.
They are stab wounds.
How strange.
- Poor dog.
- There was a lot of blood.
I did a test
with human antiglobulin serum.
He immediately joined.
Do you translate it for me?
It is mixed blood:
a small amount of animal,
With a lot of human.
What the fuck shit.
�Has a tattoo
or an electronic chip?
We'll see.
Do not.
It has something underneath.
What is this?
A doll.
There is a name: Joseph.
- I do not like this at all.
Find me the name of Joseph
In the files.
A child.
OK. Send reinforcements.
Joseph Keller, eight months.
I was with the babysitter.
They reported his disappearance
two hours ago.
What happened here?
Fuck! Shit, shit,
shit, shit!
Oh mother, no, no! Nerd
Well, guys, what we have
it's a spotted dog
of human blood.
This area is the crime scene.
If you find something,
Tell me immediately.
We will use channel 2.
Search among the trees.
- All over. Ahead.
- In agreement.
- Balthazar.
- What?
A partner
He has talked to parents.
The babysitter's name is
Cl�mentine Charlier.
We have checked
That is a false identity.
And in the agency
who said he had sent her,
They don't know her.
Ok, what do you think?
I don't know
a crazy person who wants a child,
a rescue request,
personal revenge
In 20 years of service
I have seen everything.
But the dog was from the babysitter.
According to the parents, yes. Why?
Because the wounds
He has them in the gut.
The dog was
in defense position.
He defended his owner.
There was someone else.
An external aggressor.
- So they attacked her.
- Yes.
Where is my son?
Have you been found?
Madam, we are looking for it.
- We work on it.
- But what has he done to you?
- Can not be. Joseph?
- Madam, madam, wait.
No, do not pass. Wait.
- Joseph!
- No! Wait, lady. Madam
He is dead! He killed him!
Madam. Madam. Listen.
I am a doctor. I am a doctor.
He is having an attack
of panic. It is normal.
But I need you to calm down.
For his son, for Joseph. Okay?
What we have found
it's a dog.
That is not your son.
It is the dog of the babysitter.
See, I died trying
of protecting them.
And surely
He gave them time to escape.
So there is hope, right?
I'm sorry but I have
I have to ask you some questions.
Can you describe the babysitter?
I don't know average height,
brunette, short hair, about 40
Do you know anything about your life?
Was she married, had children ?
We knew her
since only one week ago.
It was very discreet.
Didn't you ask for papers?
- You were not discharged?
- Well, no, because
an agency sent it to us
and the truth,
we thought it was fine
and Joseph loved her and
Find it.
Find my son.
Oh, captain! Have you slept well?
- Are you tired? Hi.
- Don't talk so loudly.
You are here.
What happened to you?
- The alarm has not sounded.
- Hasn't the alarm sounded?
I already know everything. Is there anything new?
We are making a whisk,
but given the surface,
We will take a good time.
We should limit.
The bad thing is that there are no clues.
We do not know where they will have gone.
I have no seer brain
Of course, the brain
The brain! Come with me.
Imagine, okay? Imagine
They go for a walk with a baby.
And someone comes to attack them,
What do they feel?
- Terror?
- Exactly, terror.
And in that moment is the brain
reptilian who takes over.
He is the one who answers
to the survival instinct.
And the first process
What sets in motion is the escape.
But why there?
The reptilian brain performs
a fleeting glance to discern
the possible results
and the obstacles
that can prevent the escape.
There, on the left
There is an abandoned house.
On the right, a lake.
Behind, an area
Where it is impossible to hide.
And the reptilian brain
I ruled out those options.
There was fresh hummus
on the dog's pads.
The nanny would follow this path.
A path he knows.
One that reassures her.
In addition,
the reptilian is the brain
of the acquired reflexes
in the childhood.
And where do we hide
when are we little?
Behind a tree.
North sector Nothing at the moment.
"Southern sector. Nothing either."
We have been looking for two hours.
I imagine what they will be going through
- Last night was
- Oh no!
No. I propose that we not talk
than happened last night.
Better, let's pretend
Nothing would have happened. I think.
Unless, of course,
I want to repeat it
Excuse me?
I will explain it to you.
If we do that, more than once
a week, I can't stand it.
No, I'm sure I won't be able to.
I am too old.
No, I didn't know you were
In such a good way.
- Last night he did things that
- No, no, no!
We are not having
This conversation.
- I can not
- Why do you react like this?
Even the best are left
wear occasionally.
I don't get carried away
of course not
Ah. Look.
South sector, it's here.
Send help.
"Received. Now let's go."
No, it's too late.
Asistolia, bilateral mydriasis
And the baby? Where is the baby?
And rigidity in the process.
They have taken it.
What's up?
The hand is sticky
And it smells like beer.
It is recent.
The trash.
Hey! Quiet, it's over.
It's a detail, but it can help
to identify the victim:
has the roots of hair
clearer Almost blonde.
It is not your true color.
It was dyed
and for a short time,
because the bulb is not damaged.
It has a brand
on the ring finger.
I led an alliance
That he didn't wear anymore.
I could be divorced.
Has a scar
thin transverse
at the base of the abdomen,
which indicates a cesarean delivery.
It must be about 10 years ago,
but at least we know
He had a son.
The results
of the toxicology performed,
reveal the presence
of perchlorethylene.
A common solvent
in the laundry sector,
for example dry cleaning.
Until we know who it is,
Can you tell me what happened to you?
Injuries to the forearm
up to 24 wounds in the chest
and the abdomen
and left hemoneumotrax
in the post mortem scanner.
Death is due
to hemorrhagic shock
and acute respiratory distress.
There are no prints but yes
remnants of ointment or cream.
They are analyzing them.
In short, in the children's area
the aggressor nailed the scissors
in the body of the babysitter,
but her dog defended her.
I killed the dog, so she
had time to go to the forest
with the baby and hide it
before the attacker
I will find it
and kill her, right?
Something like that, yes.
The weird thing is that the edges
of the wounds are irregular.
Oh yes.
Do you think he hesitated?
No, that would not fit with the sa saa
and the determination
of the blows
But yes, with an essential tremor
or a dystonia. I do not know.
Take pictures,
We will see later.
- Fatim, do you open it?
- Yes.
All right.
The organs
They have normal appearance.
The appearance of the liver
confirms massive bleeding
- as cause of death.
- Stop stop Stop.
- That's
- What?
- It's crazy.
- But what happens?
- Do not.
- But what is it?
Do you think that is it?
Well, I've never seen
one so clear, but
- So it seems, right?
- A bit.
I don't want to bother, but what is it?
what are they talking about?
The Takotsu-what?
Tako-Tsubo syndrome.
Also known
as a broken heart syndrome.
See, when you have, uh
when you have bad love
sorry, I don't mean you
But when that happens,
It is said that
That the heart is broken.
Well it's like that.
It is really broken.
Although maybe not so clearly
Like that of our corpse.
But it seems incredible
how far
the human body is well done
because he is so sensitive that
Yes, already, the body is formidable
But what does it mean?
Tako-Tsubo syndrome arises
for a serious emotional shock.
Mass liberation
of catecholamines,
which are stress hormones,
cause cardiac dysfunction
that imitates
That mimics a heart attack.
This causes scars.
in the heart,
which in the end takes the form
of a traditional Japanese vase
that serves as a trap
for octopus to fishermen.
That's why Tako-Tsubo.
So we know
that our victim
experienced a traumatic shock
it will be about six months,
according to the scars.
Okay, I'll look over there.
- Thank you, Balthazar.
- Okay thanks.
I'm leaving now
Balthazar, I'm leaving.
We have to talk, right?
What happened yesterday
at night.
Because I was very out.
No, no, let's stop
right now.
Let's cut for the healthy
What happened last night.
Because I do not want to
lustful allusions.
� "Lustful"?
Yes, from this morning
He does them and he can't be.
No, excuse me
What do you remember exactly?
Well, I remember
I left my husband
because he already knows that.
And then
I have a lagoon.
- Do you have a lagoon?
- Yes, I have a gap.
Ah, okay.
But remember
That came to my house, right?
Yes, I remember that.
And what later
He wanted us to go out.
- Yes?
- To drink an cup.
- Baby, baby, baby!
- Or two.
And then he wanted
We were going to dance.
And that's where it degenerated.
Yes, I remember it.
Oh, remember it!
Well, that is
his definition of lust,
I'm sorry for your sex life.
Come on, let's go.
Then no
- we did not?
- Well, no, we didn't.
Is it okay, captain?
- Disappointed?
- No, no, please.
Stop being arrogant,
because of
"not more than once
per week "well
we must not brag.
- But that has nothing to do.
- Already.
I didn't mean that at all.
I assure you that if we had
done, I would remember.
I have a very good reputation, huh?
Well, what do we have?
To Priori, the Kellers were
with the only ones
That treated the victim.
He had contacted 10 days before.
He said to go through the agency
that they had hired,
So they didn't distrust.
It seems that it was very timely,
because your babysitter
He had left them planted
It was informed
and chose that family.
But why did he do it?
Until we know who it was
That woman, we will not advance.
Well keep investigating.
Call the DNA file,
to the gendarmes,
to Missing Persons
and we will cross what we have.
Blonde. Divorcee.
Mother of a child.
I worked in a laundry room.
And lived a traumatic event
About six months ago.
We will end up finding something.
What a fright you have given me.
You are everywhere.
It baffles you.
You see me everywhere
Because you are baffled.
I'm not
I am not baffled.
My dear, you know whoever is
in jail for my crime
is innocent
And the killer is out.
Captain Bach
leave her husband
And he shows up at your house.
Losing control you don't like.
I do not lose control.
It's been 12 years since you
It's normal for you to explode.
It is even healthy.
And besides, you should have
enjoyed last night with Bach.
I do not take advantage
of the weakness of women,
especially if they are drunk.
You can not
control everything, you know?
To lose control
It is also to live.
And what do I do?
First fix
Your biggest problem
Tell Bach what you discovered
About my killer
You can't handle it alone.
You need her.
Helene, we have news.
The name of the victim.
It's Charlotte
"It's not her hair color,
but it is."
"Can you tell us about her?"
"She was a great woman."
We knew each other forever.
We worked hard.
She in the dry cleaners
and me in construction.
And also with P
with the little one,
We were happy.
A quiet life, you know?
Until Paul died
six months ago.
We have read the case.
I was 14 years old.
He was a good boy.
Friendly, hardworking
It gave no problem.
And what happened?
He played the piano well.
It was very good.
I worked like crazy.
But six months ago
failed in an audition.
And when I came back, on the motorcycle,
It came out of a curve.
And he died on the spot.
We are very sorry.
Me from that,
I manage.
But Charlotte was sunk.
Mr. Courtin,
Do you know these people?
No. I have never seen them.
Already very good.
OK. 41.
Well, your son is beautiful.
The prosecutor said it could be known
if they had abused Joseph.
We have done everything
Mr. Keller.
Bone scan,
skeleton radiograph,
ultrasound of the abdomen,
Brain CT
It's all good, Mr. Keller.
In top form.
And do you think he could tell?
What did you see how your babysitter ended?
In such small children it is difficult
Evaluate the psychological impact.
But if you notice anything, call me.
What's your name?
- Ninon.
- Ninon, how beautiful.
Are you his sister?
What's up?
You must have had a very bad time.
I liked Clinement.
It was nice.
And Joseph loved her.
Thank you
for what he has done.
Joseph could be dead
In that garbage can.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
Good morning
Balthazar How is it?
"Great. And you?" Not today.
has the alarm failed him? "
We agreed to forget that night.
Yes, the problem is that I have
Many things on that subject.
I think it will cost me
Forget it, I'm sorry.
"Look, Balthazar "
"-I just have one question."
"What instrument did he play?
Charlotte Courtin's son? "
The piano. Why?
Because the Keller's daughter
do not stop exercising
To loosen the fingers.
Like the musicians.
Is he also a pianist?
She won the first prize
the day of Paul's death.
That's why charlotte
He went to the Kellers.
He blamed them for his death.
I have reviewed Paul's case.
It doesn't seem to stop
no third party intervened,
There were no technical failures. It seems
That crashed voluntarily.
I had lost
an important contest,
It could be the trigger.
And Courtin held responsible
Ninon from the death of his son,
even if it was indirectly.
He wanted revenge
and someone prevented it.
We are here to have
an informal conversation?
That's. It is smaller.
We can stop it 12 hours
in the presence of a lawyer.
But let's not burn that cartridge.
Why do they talk to me?
from Paul Courtin?
Do you see much?
No, only at the auditions.
It was nice.
Do you remember the day he died?
I had lost
the contest, right?
I won.
We thought he was going to have
An international career
When we knew about it
of the accident, we hallucinate.
And did you get the square here?
It is the best place
For a solo career.
It will be very important to you.
What does it mean?
Does it have to do with his death?
Your brother's babysitter
her name was Charlotte Courtin.
It was Paul's mother.
His mother?
It was dyed, didn't you recognize her?
No, I hardly knew her.
What story is that?
Where were you yesterday
between 8 and 10?
I was here in class.
What did he do?
Paul's mother in my house?
And what does it have to do with
with my brother?
Hi Ninon What's up?
Well, what about you? They are cops.
Does something happen?
No, nothing, we're just
Talking with Ninon
�But they have the right to speak
with her even less?
Law classes
They start early.
Well, let's start rehearsing.
We have a contest tonight.
Yes Goodbye
- Bye.
- Bye.
Is awesome.
His son was very talented.
What has that been? The stress?
Won your first contest
with eight years,
I was used to stress.
It had to be something else
Coordination Disorder
Dyskinesia with contractions
involuntary neck and trunk.
I know what it is.
I know what it is.
Eddy! Fatim!
"Love will meet you
What precision.
"A dear friend
think of yourself. "
- Do you know who it is?
- Do not.
And what about you, dad?
We'll see
"Consume less, share more
and enjoy life. "
- And you, mom?
- Nothing interesting.
Do you tell him?
- As you like.
- What are you talking about?
Dad and me
We live a complicated moment.
We need to take some time.
Think of us
- Are you going to divorce?
- No, Hugo, no.
We take a break, that's all.
- You take us for fools, right?
- Do not.
- Why do you separate?
- We don't separate.
What we want is that you know
That is not your fault.
- Is it because you work too much?
- Hugo
What's up? Never is.
When you don't care about your partner,
it's normal for him to leave
A bit over time, right?
You can work quietly,
You will be happy.
- Hugo!
- Okay, it doesn't matter.
It is true that I am not
a lot at home, but
I get out of here.
Can we go home?
I take care of myself.
I'll call you
No, no, wait, wait,
They won't believe it.
- I don't look like a piano genius.
- Not a forensic doctor.
Fatim, change hairstyle
every three months
reveals psychic instability.
So cut yourself a little.
Come here
Why have we come? Huh?
Doesn't the police take care of it?
Because I have nothing solid.
to check an intuition.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes?
We look for the entrance of artists,
for him.
- There, on the left.
- Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you
Come on, you will do great!
Last time
that you had an intuition,
you finished shirtless
and tied to a tree.
And I caught up
of a bale of hay.
I'm proud!
Do you hear me, Eddy, is everything alright?
Well i confess
I feel a little lonely.
"Have you rehearsed?
I'm sorry, I couldn't go
the Kellers
they would have recognized me. "
Ok listen.
"The boy who is going to enter
In the dressing room
it's a favorite tonight. "
- All right.
"His name is Oleksandr Yanukovych."
It is a Ukrainian prodigy.
Do not lose sight of him.
And tell me everything that happens
around you, okay?
"I wouldn't have gotten
on this mission, "
If I had known.
But I managed.
It is here, it is here,
I see him, I see him, I see him.
It just happened in front of me.
Go to the buffet.
He has taken a bottle.
"Now he's drinking."
Ah, has left
the water bottle.
I repeat, he has left the bottle.
How exciting.
Wait, Ninon's father
He approaches the bottle.
"I have not seen what he has done."
Go get the water bottle.
The pianist has already taken it.
"Hurry up, take it off!"
"I can't. I'm not leaving
to remove from the mouth. "
There, he has thrown it away,
I'm going for her.
It will cost me a little.
We begin phase 1.
See you in the area.
In the area? In what area?
This is bullshit plan.
Don't put on your nose, Eddy.
You will have to explain it to us.
Here begins phase 2.
And now phase 3.
But what madness
Is this one of the phases?
Okay, can you explain it to me?
Stop it.
is the urine
from Oleksandr Yanukovych.
- The young favorite of the night.
- And what?
I have done
a screening test
In short: neuroleptics,
Anyway, I doubt he is the one
Win the contest tonight.
- Is he drug?
- No, Herv� Keller has drugged him.
Same as drugged Paul Courtin
and caused the accident
That killed him.
Well, Mr. Keller.
Are you more talkative?
I have nothing to say.
The competitor
of his daughter was drugged.
We have
Your footprints in the bottle.
And in his house we found
medication recipes
What was in that bottle.
We have exhumed
Paul Courtin's body.
And we have recovered your samples.
When he died, Paul took
The same medications.
Six months ago, my partners
They missed it.
Paul had that accident
because you drugged him.
And everything for what?
So that your daughter won
a piano contest?
�You think life is worth
of a 15 year old boy?
He wants to ask his wife
And what does your daughter think?
Ninon has
A great future ahead.
But they are all like wolves.
I just want to help her!
I do things for your rivals
Be less strong.
But nothing more.
I didn't want to do that to Paul.
I am very sorry for what happened.
It was an accident.
No, it was not.
I repeated it yesterday.
And what happened to Charlotte?
I had doubts about death
of your son, right?
That's why he went to his house.
I found the medications
and I understood.
- And that's why I killed her.
- Of course not, I didn't kill her!
I told him I felt it,
I regretted it.
I begged him not to say anything.
But she
shouted that he was going to report me
And he left.
I swear I didn't kill her.
Good. I won't bother you anymore.
- For you the case is resolved.
- Mom?
Oh! My son!
I'm fine, nothing happens.
Nothing happens,
We're both fine, okay?
Mom is here, mom is here,
nothing happens.
Nothing happens, huh?
And they never separated again
forever and ever,
Don't be bitter, Raphael.
That doesn't hit you.
You are right.
I'm sorry.
It is just that
I imagine you so together and happy
and I almost envy.
Do not say that.
I would have loved
Keep up with my music.
Reach the end.
I was willing to do everything.
I would have sacrificed for her
My life, my body.
Like Schumann.
And how did Schumann end up?
Thanks Paul.
Is obsessed
with the success of his daughter
and willing to do anything
to get it.
Everything is against him.
But something that does not fit.
That guy is afraid of failure,
But he loves his children.
Do you really think he would attack
to Charlotte Courtin
when I was wearing
to his son in his arms?
What chased her
and left her baby abandoned
So in the trash?
Yes, Balthazar?
What is that so urgent?
This is a hand cream.
Macadamia nut oil,
the eucalyptus
and vitamins A and E
relax the muscles
and relieve pain.
Is it a cosmetic ad?
It is the result of the analysis
of the remains of cream
of the scissors.
�The murderer
Did you hydrate your hands?
Well, well,
- Thank you.
- No, no, captain, captain.
Come on, come back.
Courtin's wounds?
�The irregular edges
and serrated?
- Yes.
- Fatim, a demonstration.
The lesions are characteristic
of a focal dystonia
of the right hand:
Schumann's disease
or cramp of the musician.
Is a deffect
of muscle coordination
linked to the execution
of an instrument,
with appearance
of involuntary contractions.
The pains calm down
With that kind of cream.
And a student was diagnosed
from the conservatory 6 months ago.
Margot Carron
Ninon's friend?
He did rehabilitation
with a physiotherapist
But in vain, he can no longer touch
with the right hand
I will never be professional.
And why did he attack?
to Charlotte Courtin?
"Two wonders
of the classical piano. "
"The piano to life or death".
Of course.
"Two friends
with the same ambition.
Margot just found out
That I won't be a pianist.
But you can count
with her friend Ninon,
who has a lot of talent. "
Charlotte was going to ruin everything.
I didn't ask you to do it!
You had to convince her
I said nothing!
I had to kill her!
We sacrifice everything
by the piano
and she spoiled it.
But I was with my brother!
You could have killed him!
But your brother is fine.
Everyone was going to make fun of you
If I told about your father.
You would have lost everything!
He had to shut up.
They are not in class.
But they have seen them on the roof.
Come on!
I'm Bach, let a team come.
I can not do it.
Soon, I will not be able to play.
It's over for me.
We will do what we said.
To life or death.
Ninon, come.
Ninon, listen to me, okay?
Please come.
Ninon, listen to me, come.
Come on, Ninon.
Girls no!
Margot, don't do it.
Am I dead?
Do not.
And Margot either.
You saved his life.
But you are lost.
Need help.
I can not help you.
You will not find
To my killer alone.
So come on.
Tell him the truth though
I was afraid that I reproached you.
Is it ok?
Take care of her.
Are you injured?
We will have to see it at the autopsy.
Don't do such a thing again.
My daughter!
Do not move.
I gave him a scare, huh?
Is crazy.
I'm not well.
We have to talk, captain.
I must confess something.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
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