Balthazar (2018) s02e02 Episode Script

Dernière demeure

By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
- How are you?
- Well, what about you?
- All right.
- Well, how many are there?
Bodies, I don't know. But bones,
There are at least 50.
They found them when
The works began.
And since when will they be there?
The same since yesterday
that for 500 years.
In this place, it is possible.
But even that has it
Than confirm a coroner.
Here they are.
HasYou have given him some excuse
to Balthazar?
I told him that it was not necessary
that came,
That would be enough with Chip and Chop.
Is there a problem with him?
It tires me
We have seen a deer,
Nothing else to arrive. Was beautiful.
How nice that Balthazar is not there,
we will work in silence
Traffic jam on the A-13.
What's up?
Did I say something bad?
All right. What do we have?
A little vague, but it is.
Well we have a number
and two ulnas.
That is the habit
In the old nomenclature.
That's right And there is also a radio
and four skulls.
Four skeletons
Ok, four.
Well man
It has 206 bones,
that by 4 is 824.
I have nothing against
of forensic anthropology but,
This is a real puzzle,
We have for a while.
There is total absence
ultraviolet fluorescence
In the whole bone.
It is particularly light
And it smells absolutely nothing.
�You see the earth
and the medullary cavity?
It's great.
Significant wear
on occlusal faces,
that they are chewed with.
That tells us a diet
particularly rich
in hard elements.
And confirm the antiquity,
from five to six centuries minimum.
That is, from the Middle Ages.
Then this case
It happens to archaeologists.
I'm going. Thank you. Goodbye
Wait, I'm not done
of analyzing the bodies.
I'm not done
of analyzing the bodies!
Slim, tell him I'm not done
of analyzing the bodies.
I have already heard it.
This one has the enamel
Much better maintained.
There is even a filling
on the first molar
Yes, it's true.
Do you have to smell them all like that?
No, but I like it.
And by the way,
It is also part of my job.
This smells like hydrochloric acid.
Very effective
to dissolve a body
It still shows
the characteristic spicy smell,
which means dating
maximum 8 days ago.
So, maybe
we have three bodies
dating from the Middle Ages.
But this one was alive
last week.
It's me or Bach and Balthazar
Are they very tense?
They are.
�You think he got tired
of his jokes?
No. It is sexual tension.
- Hey?
- Yes.
They have even gone to bed.
In the autopsy room.
Can you imagine it?
She, naked over the cold
table steel. And he
Wait. For.
You never imagine naked
to your partners?
And I would like it
that you wouldn't imagine me like that.
Ah, how mojigato can you be
All right.
We have rebuilt
the skeletons.
We can say
that we are facing two men
and a woman
between 25 and 40 years old,
who died
according to carbon 14, enter
1345 and 1385.
And you know what? We send
the teeth to the laboratory
and found fragments
of Yersina Pestis DNA.
It is the bacillus of the plague.
There were no personal items
around the bodies,
and that suggests they were buried
in a hurry in that mass grave.
And at that time, although there
a lot of people don't know
there was a plague epidemic
very virulent in the region and
But Balthazar,
And what does he tell me about the victim?
Yes Good,
we will send your teeth
to the national school
of dentists,
to spread it
and find out his name.
But according to my analysis
of his skull
and of his public bone,
He was probably a man,
under 20 years.
And I was alive before
that they would throw the acid?
Good question Slim,
come here
Do you see those two marks there?
They are fractures. So,
it seems that his death was due
to this head trauma,
result of a blow
Direct and violent.
before they dissolved it.
- That's good news.
- I wouldn't say that.
All right.
These are beating signals.
We have observed
About 40 in the whole body.
And for the look
of impacts and analysis
of the electron microscope,
the injuries were caused
for a sharp object
and blunt, shovel type
and with a very strong energy.
It must have been very violent.
So they killed sticks
before pouring the acid.
A coincidence.
Arthur Joncour
It's from a Yvelines dentist.
The denture fits
and has the same treatment
in the first molar.
I was 19 years old.
Man under 20.
Yes It is in the database
of wanted people.
His girlfriend denounced
His disappearance 10 days ago.
Congratulations, Balthazar.
Very good work.
Well, thank you all.
He had no family.
He grew up in an orphanage.
Employee of a supermarket.
No background
or anything to point out.
A boy without history.
Register your flat
and ask for your calls
from phone to your operator.
You have to know who he saw,
who he talked to and where he was.
- I'll go see his girlfriend.
- Voucher.
I carry it?
Excuse me?
Well it catches me on the way.
I leave you. Cheer up.
- He doesn't know where I'm going.
- Of course I do.
Where is it going?
To Hermeray In Yvelines.
- Do you see it? It catches me on the way.
- Already, sure.
Come on, captain, don't be stubborn.
We have to talk
with the witnesses right away.
And my car is here.
Good news, I have a radio,
So we won't have to talk.
I will let him put
Bad face to everything.
Why do you avoid me?
Are you angry?
I should have told him before,
about the investigation
of the death of my wife.
Forgive me
I searched my office.
I'm sorry.
Check my files
without authorization.
I'm sorry.
And I took myself for a fool
for weeks
while performing
Your research
I'm so sorry, captain.
He realizes
that if there is a crazy person,
it has made him save time
to shut up?
- I don't know what to say.
- Well, say nothing.
And what do I do now?
Do I report him?
Or I cover up
and lie to my superiors?
He realizes the situation
where am i
Captain, I don't ask you to lie.
Just open it again
the investigation.
It is there.
- Thank you, Marie.
- You are welcome.
He can take the boys
to your room please?
Sure, ma'am.
- Let's go guys. Above.
- No. Jo.
Do you want a tea?
No thanks.
Luckily we have Marie.
I don't know what we would do without her.
Do you know Arthur?
long time ago?
About six months ago.
We met at the supermarket
Where he worked.
He invited me for a drink and
Then we connect.
He was a very good person.
And did I tell you something about him?
He had not had an easy life.
And I worked a lot.
He said that would protect
To our future children.
That they wouldn't have life
that he had had.
Thank you.
Is everything all right?
Yes, yes, all good.
When was the last time
what did you see him?
It was two weeks ago.
We had
Decided to live together.
We stay in your study
from Rambouillet,
But it wasn't there.
Then I called him
And he didn't take the phone.
And in the supermarket they told me
That I hadn't gone to work.
I was sure
that something had happened to him.
But this is so unfair
They are rare.
They are afraid.
Why do you say it?
Father's pants
they are big.
He has lost about 10 kilos
and has not had time
of buying clothes.
Mother eats
the nails until bleeding.
The daughter has hives.
Even the maid seems tense.
Something terrifies them.
They killed Arthur
and they fear to be discovered?
For injuries
around the nails
and related
with hives,
go back
more than 15 days ago.
In my opinion what they fear is
before the death of Arthur.
Even so,
This house gives chills.
It's true, it's not very cozy.
Take, it's for you.
How nice, thanks.
- Are we?
- Yes.
And what is this red?
It is your blood.
And Babaou has done this to us?
Yes With a shovel.
If you don't leave us alone,
I will kill you, just like Arthur.
What have you found out
about the Laborie?
They moved to Hermeray
eight months ago.
They inherited the house
and they left everything
To set up a rural house.
But apart from that, nothing.
And about Arthur,
Don't you have anything else?
No, there was nothing on the floor.
But, according to his boss, it was
Good person, a great guy.
And his friends say it.
The only thing that lost him
It was that girl, Rose.
He talked about her all the time.
I was in love.
And what do you have of Babaou?
Is not
in our database.
The one that I found
Internet searching is this.
The coconut in person.
A character that scares
To bad children.
So, about death
from Arthur, the only clue
what we have is a monster
That scares children.
That's. Depressing, but that is.
What are you looking for?
Something about your killer.
How tall he is, if he's left handed,
that allows me to identify it
or find
crime scene.
We were going to have a small house.
Two children. A cat.
No madness
It seems like it was too much to ask.
I know and I'm sorry, Arthur.
You had a short life.
But it was good.
You loved, they loved you.
That is the most important
for me
Well, what are you waiting for?
No, no! Don't start yourself too.
The waiter is right!
Mirta instead of hovering
To a soul in sorrow,
you should have
A wife and offspring.
Thank you very much for the advice,
But I am a happy single.
�You are afraid to woo
To the maiden of the royal guard!
- What are you waiting for?
- Who are we talking about?
- From Captain Bach?
- Tell him he delights you,
or you will only have one dead
to which to say requiebros
Here, in the humerus
I have found something.
I have counted 43 bone lesions
by Arthur's skeleton.
Of these, 42 are injuries
sharp and blunt
that fit perfectly
with sticks
And the 43?
It is not a good thing.
I already know that, Balthazar.
What is it from?
A shot in the left arm.
- Did Arthur get shot?
- That's.
But not of any weapon.
I found a piece of the projectile.
According to the ballistic study,
comes from an old rifle
with a striped mood.
And we both know
where have we seen
That type of rifle recently.
Get on!
They killed Arthur
With one of the rifles.
Someone who has access
to this house
We will have the proof
when we do
comparison shots.
�We stop them and they go
the twins in an orphanage?
- No!
- Is the house.
This house forced me.
That this house forced him?
When my aunt left us,
We had projects.
Open a rural house,
Cultivate the earth, healthy life.
But everything was twisted.
The workers had accidents.
Broken stairs,
electric shocks,
and none wanted to come.
We have given up,
But we have no money.
- We're trapped.
- At night we wake up noises.
The windows open
or close.
The locals are afraid.
There is a pond in the park.
Five years ago they found
All dead fish.
Smell of sulfur, there was foam
And the water was yellow.
The locals say that
The devil got inside.
We search and find nothing.
We seal the shutters
just in case they came from outside.
His aunt thought
That the house was cursed.
He said that an evil spirit
He lived here and wanted his death.
�But you
still working here?
And what do you want me to do.
I have to pay for the studies
of my son in the United States.
That spirit
that his aunt was talking about
It won't be Babaou,
by chance?
That is what the twins say.
They take us crazy, right?
Like Arthur.
I told him that the house
I was cursed. But
He didn't believe me.
Well, what happened to Arthur?
It was night,
three weeks ago.
He had been sleeping a lot.
I saw something slip away
in the park.
I thought it was that
that ghost
I picked up the gun and fired.
It was Arthur.
Come and surprise me.
- And he killed him?
- No!
The bullet entered
by the arm and left.
We cure him.
I begged
Not to report him.
And I accepted with the condition
I left
from here as soon as possible.
I didn't kill him.
I swear, I didn't kill him.
Is the house. We are
going completely crazy.
I'll tell you tomorrow
To the prosecutor, Mr. Laborie.
What's up?
- It's the battery.
- The battery?
It has already broken down
the new car?
No, it hasn't broken down
the new car.
Let's see, what happens?
Wow, it seems
That everything is in order.
Well, call Delgado
To pick us up.
- I have no coverage.
- Me neither.
It's the house, I told him.
- Is the next neighbor far away?
- At 25 kilometers.
In the forest.
See you tomorrow.
Laborie will spend the night there.
I can stay
In front of the door.
No. Lie down,
He looks tired.
I will not go anywhere
and I don't think it's dangerous.
Ok, captain, however you like.
Good night. Oh and
Beware of spirits.
I knew I'd be awake.
Well, I have gone to the kitchen
to see if there was anything to eat
and I have prepared
A little country dinner.
We have some snacks
of fresh cheese.
Vegetables from the garden
and an infusion of Valerian .
and passionflower.
Have you thought about me?
I do not think in another thing.
And what have you decided?
If I don't count anything,
I fail my duty.
And if I tell the truth,
I will lose your job.
A nice dilemma.
I have put it in a good mess.
I'm sorry.
Stop saying "I'm so sorry."
It is pathetic.
I'm sorry.
The end.
Thank you.
Know Lise
since a long time ago?
Eight years
Since eight years ago.
We met
at a party of common friends.
I danced like I was
alone in the world.
I wanted to live everything to the fullest,
The first time we went out
The first time we went out
we sneak in
at the Vincennes Zoo,
at night, seriously.
And forced me to swim
with the penguins of the pond.
That's where I realized
that I could not live without her.
When we
When she
Anyway, I
I thought I was going to go crazy.
I think that's why I didn't speak to him
of my research, because
I have a hard time talking about Lise.
Did you come across someone?
No. Everyone sleeps.
What's up?
I think they put it here
the twins so that we flip.
Was he asleep?
No, I was meditating.
I was asleep.
Yes, I was asleep.
And have you slept something?
Not really.
We searched the whole house
And we found nothing.
nothing i can explain
What happened last night.
- Have you interrogated Marc Laborie?
- Yes.
And keep saying
That I didn't kill Arthur.
We do not have anything
To prove otherwise.
I don't know how he could do
blow up the glasses
while locked up
There is something
I can't understand
Something you do not understand.
Excuse me?
I mean there is something
That does not understand.
No, I don't know what you're talking about.
Resonant frequency,
Doesn't it sound like it? I will show it to you.
I have recorded the sound.
what you need to know
is that each object
has its frequency
In our case,
They are 442 hertz. And 442
I'm a little tired.
Well, accelerate.
442 is the frequency
What needs to be done now,
is to send this sound
through an amplifier
and a speaker,
for the object to resonate.
I will show it to you.
I put the cup here.
I covered it with a cubic bell.
A speaker,
connected to my computer,
that has recorded
the correct frequency
Put this on.
And "voil�". Not bad, huh?
Just have
a good amplifier,
not be far from home
and if you know the frequency,
You can break everything.
Someone wants to drive you crazy
to the Laborie.
And that history is created
Haunted house with ghosts.
Maybe Arthur saw something
I shouldn't have seen.
As the identity of the ghost.
Can be.
I'm going to review the Laborie.
Your move
I should have upset someone.
I will return what is left
from Arthur to Rose.
So you can say goodbye
Her boyfriend's.
Why don't you believe
not for a moment
that was a ghost
who killed me?
You know very well why.
Because ghosts do not exist.
Okay, happy?
They are a way to overcome
death. The inconceivable.
It's like amputating a limb,
Do you know
who suffer an amputation,
often feel pain
a sting where there is nothing.
Well, ghosts are something like that.
They are the pain for what is missing.
And Babaou, who do you think it is?
I don't know yet.
But the Laborie suffer
a collective psychosis
that makes
That create anything.
But who broke you
the bones like that,
It had to be real, believe me.
- What is that color?
- This one?
The proof that the devil
I didn't piss in the pond.
He said it was a find
for research.
Not a day of fishing.
Already. But imagine
that when I was cleaning
Arthur's bones
The water changed color.
Neon yellow very pretty.
Like in the pond
del Diablo five years ago.
So I decided to come
and take a bath.
- Do you want me to tell you?
- Ahead.
in contact
with hydrochloric acid,
the pH of the water becomes acidic.
And this acidity
made out
All pond waste:
iron manganese
and organic matter.
And that was what he gave
The yellow color to the pond.
Not the devil.
They dissolved
another body with acid
- before throwing the bones?
- Exactly.
Our victim is a child
at the end of puberty,
About 15 years.
In their bones I found the same
footprints than those of Arthur.
He was killed with palazos,
five years ago
�We carry a lot
looking for Pierre!
Are you sure of what it says?
DNA comparisons
They are 99% reliable.
They are the bones of his son.
I'm sorry, Mr. Rivelli.
I was sure
that something had happened to him.
We told the police
that Pierre had not escaped,
but they ignored us.
Did you live in Hermeray?
Not too far.
"When Pierre disappeared
My wife let herself die.
I left there,
it brought me too many memories. "
Do you know this house?
Yes All the children
from the area they were going.
But I never set foot.
And Pierre?
Not that I know. Why?
Do you know if anyone
hated him for something?
Where were these years?
While waiting
on the phone
While we pasted posters
of disappeared, where?
I know it's late
For your son and I'm sorry.
But help me find
to the one who did it.
He was a good boy, I don't know who
I could wish him something wrong.
Why my partners
They thought he got away?
For a nonsense of girls.
Pierre and his friend
They were in love with it.
They had fought.
Pierre was very unhappy.
Do you remember their names?
She was called Adeline.
Adeline Bassague.
And Pierre's best friend
It was Baptiste Perrin.
Wait, I think I have a picture.
Take, it's this one. With Pierre.
He was a little weird kid.
"It scared me.
He had a nickname "
Ah yes. Babaou
They called him Babaou.
Rivelli did not escape.
Balthazar examined his bones.
They killed him with palazos.
Probably was
his friend Baptiste, "Babaou",
what a kill
to Arthur five years later.
I understand about Pierre
I killed him for the girl's theme.
But with Arthur,
What would be the reason?
Rose He is in love with her.
Arthur wanted to push her away
from Hermeray
and Baptiste killed him
to prevent it.
But there is no
Baptiste Perrin
in Rose's surroundings.
Maybe he wants it secretly.
What do we know about him?
We'll see.
Baptiste Perrin,
Born in Hermeray in 1998.
Without address,
no mobile phone,
no cards,
No bank statements.
He disappeared five years ago.
It's as if it never existed.
His mother is Marie Pastor.
The Laborie employee.
I told him,
Baptiste is studying
in United States.
It's the lie he has told
for five years.
I have checked
He has never left the country.
Tell me where it hides.
"You are studying Law 2
at Georgetown University.
Why would he hide?
Because I killed
to Pierre Rivelli with palazos. "
It was an accident
An accident.
There were dozens of brands
in Pierre's body
and I repeated it with Arthur.
It was not an accident
And he knows it very well.
Mrs. Pastor,
I understand that a mother
protect your child,
But Baptiste is dangerous.
Tell me where it is.
This is all my fault.
When his father left,
I was alone.
I had to clean more houses.
I was leaving early and coming back late.
I was never
Baptiste started
began to have
anger attacks.
Yes, I have read your file.
Your teachers
they were impressed
for your intelligence, right?
But they tried to alert her
of its aggressiveness.
- Did you ignore them?
- I didn't want to see it.
I was a coward.
Until the day
who found me in the park,
with the shovel full of blood
and Pierre's body at his side.
Why don't you call
to the police at that time?
�For it to end
in a psychiatric hospital
or in prison?
Then I covered it up, right?
I dissolved the body
of Pierre in acid.
And he did the same with Arthur.
Do you think it will be that long?
Because I will do it again,
Marie, he knows very well.
Do it for yourself,
Tell me where it is.
How many deaths do you need most?
It may be a monster,
But he is my son.
I'm sorry.
He is obsessed with Rose.
If she is here, he too.
Search in the park,
I take care of the house.
- Voucher.
- Thin.
- Yes?
- It is dangerous.
I am not afraid of coconut.
And we will be in touch.
The leads have jumped.
Yes, he has seen us
and has cut the light.
- Delgado?
- Who has cut the light?
The son of Marie Pastor.
- Where is it?
- Here.
Delgado? Delgado, I'm Bach!
What are you doing here?
I have reviewed the medications
who seized
at Marie Pastor's house.
There were systemic antifungal
to combat aspergillosis.
What is that?
It is a bronchial infection
that can be given
in immunosuppressed people.
The issue is that I just
to examine Marie Pastor
in the dungeon: he has no
symptoms of that disease.
- Medications are for him.
- Yes.
It has closed outside.
- He has locked us up. And the children?
- In the lounge.
Go with them
and wait for reinforcements.
Let's go find him.
What is it smelling now?
There is a strong musty smell.
And what?
In the disease he suffers
the main mode of infection
It is the inhalation of spores.
Mushrooms that grow
in a humid environment
and they spread through the air.
Fungi like these here.
But we have already searched
Not in all. We don't look
behind the walls.
Be here from the beginning.
A few centimeters from us.
Completely invisible.
Daughter, come help me Rose?
Mrs. Laborie,
I am Captain Bach! Open up!
Mrs. Laborie, open.
Rose has disappeared.
I was here 30 seconds ago
Well, shut up. Call yourself.
Florence, quiet,
nothing happens,
We'll find her, huh?
Take care of the little ones.
Where was Rose?
when did it disappear?
Here! HERE!
Well then,
behind the walls.
Behind the walls
I saw everything
From the beginning
Baptiste, drop the knife.
You are scaring her.
Drop that knife.
Drop the gun,
but I swear that
Ok, look.
See, I'm dropping my gun.
Drop the knife. We know
You don't want to hurt him.
Do you harm him?
It is she who does it to me.
He wants to get out of here,
He doesn't care about anything!
And I am alone.
I will die with her.
You will not die,
Think of your mother.
In what he has done for you.
My mother?
He has me hidden
because he feels shame on me!
I take care of myself.
Turn around.
That's it, it's over.
Don't move!
Quiet, it's over.
Come on. Come on.
Why don't you wear
Come on. Come on.
A little late, right ?!
Here I bring the dossier.
Do you want to check it out?
No, it's fine, thanks.
Come on.
- Eddy, do you open it?
- Do not.
Listen to me well, don't come back
To tell me about your fantasies.
What are you doing there?
Why are you so sad?
You are forgetting me.
I disappear little by little .
I feel so lonely,
like Baptiste between its walls.
Surely she is.
Captain, what a surprise!
I don't forgive him for lying to me
for weeks
Don't get tired, I understand.
I know, he came to tell me
That will denounce me.
Do not go around the bush.
I have looked for it.
I'm not going to talk to him
from you to the prosecutor.
The investigation of death
de Lise has reopened
And I'm in charge of the case.
Thank you.
Thank you.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
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