Balthazar (2018) s02e03 Episode Script
Sang froid
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Raphael Balthazar, say?
Yes, I'm coming. Do not touch anything.
I go. Goodbye
Doesn't it smell?
- No, why?
- It smells like shrimp.
Do Chinese people live here?
�Has something
against the prawns?
No, of course not, but at 8
It's a bit strong in the morning.
It depends, right?
Ah okay.
OK. Have you been true?
- Yes.
- I'm sorry.
My name is Maya.
- Raphael.
- I am your new neighbor.
And I am his new neighbor.
I will think that I am a heavy one.
Yes Hey, no, I didn't think that.
Not me
No, it's that I work
until quite late
and last night I didn't catch an eye,
so I was preparing
the food of
OK. I have to go.
Have a good day.
Yes I know it smells a little.
Male. 50 years
Wounds of white weapon in thorax.
In cardiac arrest
when we arrived.
It is estimated that he was
no flow 8 minutes.
- Put on a mask and a mask.
- Woman. 50 years,
deep abdominal wound
On the left side.
In shock when we arrived.
It is fibrillating,
You will go into shock.
- Load to 280.
- Glasgow 6, tachycardia.
Let no one touch him. Outside.
Follow in fibrillation.
- Madam, give me your hand.
- Get up to 300!
- Can you hear me? Open your eyes.
- Okay, don't touch anyone.
- Outside.
- Arreactive lateral mydriasis,
- follow massage.
- Call to enter directly.
Still fibrila. 320.
Let no one touch him.
Ok, out.
No, it's over.
I'm sorry.
We could not do anything.
What a shit.
She is out of danger.
We take her.
Julia and Daniel Portier.
They have a store. Childless.
A client found them.
It seems to interrupt
to the assassin.
And I saved the woman.
It seems
They attacked them with this.
I was close to them.
If they find traces here,
Balthazar will not have
nothing to do.
Well, better. Because as it is
crime scene,
We were going to charge it.
How do they interpret exactly:
"I'm coming, don't touch anything"?
It is a trick question.
Listen well:
"I'm coming, don't touch anything."
It was an emergency.
They tried to save them.
And two hundred came, right?
At least they would hear good music!
They know you can't dance
at the scene of the crime?
Okay, Balthazar
Anyway, it will be fast.
They say they have disappeared
several things.
Two watches,
a necklace, a ring
In my opinion
It was a robbery that went wrong.
It is too pale.
How is it pale?
Look at your conjunctiva: pale.
This guy is empty.
He had a great hemorrhagic shock
and he bled out.
But there is almost no blood
around it. How can it be?
- Delgado?
- I don't know.
Let's see
Non-infiltrated wound
and no signs of scarring.
His veins opened
"post mortem". To bleed it
Come here, Slim. Do not move.
And you.
What are you doing?
Pascal Thierry, remember?
The serial killer
who drew a cross
around their victims
With his blood
They locked that asshole
five years ago
Check that he has not escaped.
We just arrived.
I heard the door opened.
And did you see his face?
Could you describe it?
No, I was on my back.
My husband went to see
If I needed help.
And I heard a scream.
I didn't know what it was
What was happening.
I felt like
Like a burning
A very strong blow.
And then nothing.
Her husband withdrew
5000 euros every month
for six months
But we don't know what for.
Could you tell us something?
I don't know why he did it.
We met
since we were 20 years old.
My husband was
It was like a part of me.
What am I going to do now?
without him?
Captain! Delgado!
I'm sorry, it hasn't given me time
To put the disco ball.
Do we have a ball?
Balthazar, we need him.
- Excuse me?
- We need him.
Do you want to say it again?
That is my favorite phrase.
Pascal Thierry I drew
A cross with blood.
But he died last year.
We are looking for an imitator,
but for now nothing.
And the fingerprints are
illegible, so they don't work.
Oh no? Well, it's a shame,
because in principle,
It is the weapon of crime.
The injuries are all the same.
Wound length
it's compatible
with the width of the blade.
And above all,
the edges of the wounds are
With a double-edged blade.
There is amputation of two fingers
of one hand and one of the foot.
Because of the appearance of the muons
and the location of the lesions,
they are old sequels
of the limbs.
I've seen it before, and often
The only solution is to cut.
Before coming to Paris
They lived in the Haute-Savoie.
It could be an accident
mountain, right?
What to freeze on top
In the middle of nowhere,
I do not get it.
I hate the mountain.
- Eddy. Do you open it?
- Yes.
At first sight there is
hepatic metastasis.
Indeterminate Origin
Portier had
a generalized cancer.
Two months of life maximum.
Do you know? Research the money.
He started withdrawing 5,000
euros when I discovered
That he was going to die.
I get with it.
And I will continue investigating
about Pascal Thierry.
- Yes.
- Hey, wait!
We haven't talked about
of the other investigation.
We register the jewelry
to which she went
and the hippodrome boy.
There was nothing.
We have interviewed again
to the families of the victims.
Nothing either. Nobody went
To see that jeweler. I'm sorry.
I need access to the bodies.
- No, it can not be.
- Captain, sure there are
some other connection
between the victims,
That smell of candles.
There has to be some detail
that the researchers didn't see
in his day.
Please, captain.
I will ask the judge.
But it may take.
Very good.
And who is that judge?
Does he know his name?
I forbid you to intrude,
That is not my style.
- Isn't that your style?
- That one is not at all.
- Balthazar.
- Delgado?
It's your style.
I was already screwed.
So two months or so
Yes But they robbed you
those two months.
And your wife would have liked
Live them with you.
Hold your hand, accompany you
I do not know.
I was always your support.
It was strong. At least I tried.
But I was terrified of dying.
I didn't have to be brave
Because I was scared.
And anyway, it gave me time
to rethink my priorities.
To settle accounts with the past.
The money thing, was that why?
Any sin to atone for?
We all have
sins to atone for.
He who is free,
Let him throw the first stone.
Is it a mosquito bite?
And recent.
Eddy? Fatim?
You are just the same
alive than dead
I hope
that what I found
Justify this search.
He has done the autopsy
to mosquitoes?
To five, to be precise.
Daniel Portier got stung
Before die.
And if there
mosquitoes well
They could chop the killer.
Is that my hypothesis, do you know?
This one here, I had the blood
by Daniel Portier.
These three have nothing.
But this
He has the blood of a stranger.
And given his coagulation,
fits the time
of the murder.
I sent it to the DNA file. Y
I discovered that the genetic profile
corresponds to Camille Beltran,
22 years old
domiciled in Saint Martin,
in the Haute Savoie
which is the town that the Portier
They left 18 years ago.
So, are you going to the mountain?
Yes Yesterday they stopped
to Camille Beltran in Saint Martin
by disorder and drunkenness
on the public road.
He is in the dungeon
and the only way
to talk to her
It's going to see her.
�You think
that imitated Pascal Thierry
to mislead the police?
I don't know
But I'm going to ask.
Well, I leave you in charge.
It is a huge responsibility,
So please,
don't bet snacks
in the autopsies.
You know us
Why do you take us?
Can I trust you?
- Yes.
- In agreement.
And close when you go out,
Do not forget to do it.
OK? Great.
And above all: please
No parties.
- Come on, we're not 14 years old.
- That.
All right. Bye.
Wait, wait, what about that face?
What is that raised eyebrow?
What does it mean?
Ah, pure mountain air!
Less fine particles,
Less allergens, less oxygen.
Increase in production
of red blood cells.
You don't feel thin
that your organism is fortified?
I have a headache.
I let you question
to the suspect.
Let's see if I find
something of Portier.
Is it okay, captain?
Yes I am.
I think it isn't.
He hasn't said a word
Since we left.
I know I am.
My children hate me. My husband
He cheats on me with a young girl.
I feel useless, old woman,
Ugly and tired. Nothing more.
Just that?
Only that.
listen to me.
She's a great cop.
A fantastic mother.
And a very pretty woman.
I could seduce anyone.
To anyone, I mean it.
- Captain Perbet?
- Yes.
- I'm Captain Bach.
- Charmed.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Raphael Balthazar.
- Charmed.
Welcome to Saint Martin.
- Let's go in.
- Thank you.
It’s over here.
And ready.
Take, it is the best in the region.
- You don't want to?
- No thanks.
What do you know about Camille Beltran?
Well, I was born here. But always
He has had bad luck.
He did not have an easy childhood.
His mother died when he was
a baby and her father abandoned her.
- I never got over it.
- And did you know the Portiers?
Yes, of course.
This place is not very big.
Is there a link?
between Camille Beltran and the Portier?
No. No, Daniel
He was mayor and teacher,
but he never had Camille
in your class
And Julia was a nurse.
They were appreciated.
The same is not the case with Camille
It's the kind of girl that when
You see it crosswalk.
I was five years old
when did they leave.
But we found this
in the Camille study.
It's what they stole
to the Portier, right?
I do not understand what happened.
Well, the prosecutor seems fine
release it and entrust it to you.
I leave it.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Hi Camille.
I'm captain Bach
of the Paris Police.
This is Dr. Balthazar.
He has come to examine you.
- Why?
- Because it's the law.
Daniel and Julia Portier.
You were at home.
- Why?
- What does it matter?
OK. We talk about murder.
You have a background,
You were there and you stole.
So answer or go
Direct to prison. Okay?
- What were you doing there?
- Aunt, don't eat me coconut.
Portier was a mischievous.
- Why do you say that?
- But what are you doing?
The bastard had been months
sending me pasta by mail!
I knew his address and wanted
to tell me why he did it.
And he told you?
What's up
We stand in front of your job.
When I got there
They were already dead.
So I took three things
and I left.
You will understand that he does not believe you.
Of course.
With my background
you don't have to look anymore.
What are you doing?
Come on, get me in jail.
Do not waste your time. Let's finish
� long ago
what do you get in the way of?
What do you say?
I mean, if a long time ago
that you get opiate.
Don't fuck me
Mydriasis Goosebumps,
anxiety, runny nose,
increased heart rate
All these are symptoms of the monkey.
You have stopped consuming opioids.
And what?
�You were placed when you went
to see the Portier?
Well yes, it was.
You already have another reason
Not to believe me
I've finished.
We are not your enemies.
Get out of here.
Get out, fuck!
I was there. Background.
Self-destructive behavior
And what watches he manned.
It is the ideal culprit.
Yes But he doesn't believe it either.
- Do not.
- Why not either?
Because she is addicted
to medications.
And if I was high
when he went to see Portier,
I don't think I could have a head
to sneak the fake track
from Pascal Thierry.
But do not have sense.
Why would I give it
Portier the money?
They had not seen each other
since 18 years ago, right?
The key is what happened here.
Yes, Mr. Prosecutor?
Are you sure?
We have
many elements that indi
In agreement. What you say.
The prosecutor wants to take tomorrow
Camille Beltran to the judge.
Have you seen what state it is in?
It is shattered.
He needs care.
He is going to kill himself in jail.
I do.
We have 24 hours to avoid it.
Will study
everything about the Portier.
administrative information
And we will not leave here
Until we find something.
I'm going to let Perbet know.
Do you handle the hotel?
See you later.
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
It can't be, it's flirting.
I can not believe it.
So there was no
another room
You had to have
removed your plate!
It makes me as funny as you.
But it is normal to leave
the big room to the captain.
Do you think that gigol?
have you come up with her?
What do you think?
It's not hours
for ski lessons.
The truth is that I don't know
What do you see.
He is handsome, he is athletic
and 20 years younger.
A whole copy.
You can't compare yourself.
Excuse me? I can't
Twenty years less means
less experience
In all fields.
You spend time flirting
with strangers
The ones you won't see anymore.
You can't judge Bach
Because do the same.
- I don't see the relationship.
- Oh, right?
When was the last time
what did you take to dinner
A woman you liked?
- I don't see the relationship.
- I see her.
Wait wait,
I have something about Portier.
He closed a shelter
When I was mayor.
The refuge of the eagle.
Administrative closure
without reason,
Fifteen days before leaving.
Maybe he was hiding something.
Something Camille discovered
and he had to pay it
To shut up.
We have to notify
to Captain Bach.
No wait,
It's one o'clock in the morning!
- One o'clock in the morning?
- Yes.
It may not be late.
- Is it okay?
- It's one o clock in the morning.
Does one say?
Oh sorry
I had not noticed.
- I'm sorry.
- What's up, huh?
- Have I woken her up?
- What's up?
Well see, Slim
and I have discovered
that Portier closed a shelter
you are welcome. Without any reason,
- Two weeks before leaving.
- Leave the door now.
I'd be hiding something, right?
Fine thanks.
We will go to the shelter tomorrow, okay?
Ok, I've done well
in coming to tell her?
- Yes. Good night.
- I thought it was urgent.
- Very good, good night.
- Goodnight.
That means
who goes to bed?
- Bye, Balthazar.
- Wait
What a shame that Slim
I have not come.
His famous dizziness
In the mountains.
I think he has vertigo,
because yesterday he did not want
take the bed upstairs.
And it's me who has slept badly.
Also snores.
Have you had a good night?
- I'm fit, thanks.
- Oh yes?
Did you go to bed early?
It is true that it is beautiful.
Jordan didn't lie to me.
He was born here.
He says the mountain
He is a like his second mother.
The phrase is a bit silly, isn't it?
Is he jealous?
Stop smiling all the time,
is very annoying.
Oh fuck, go.
I won't have a fork, right?
Yes, in the bag. Between the pencil
of lips and the tampon box.
It didn't take so much violence.
It hasn't changed in 18 years.
Why did Portier close?
this shelter?
To hide his secret.
But we
We will find out.
- Here.
- What is it?
A small spot of blood.
It is very old.
A hand.
They are to open this.
There is a shovel inside.
A hand stained with blood.
Can I have the shovel, please?
What will he do?
in the hands of Portier,
what was missing
He must have spent the night
here 20 years ago,
probably digging.
We will do the same,
to see what he hid.
A cross is not planted
How is it for nothing.
Here is something.
What is it?
- Taking.
- Thank you.
It's a mint balm,
Help with the smells.
It doesn't usually stink so much.
No, not normally,
but the cold stops
microbial activity
and that's why we have
lucky to have
A well preserved body.
But as soon as it defrosts,
the bacteria return to work
and suddenly generate
A very strong smell.
�The hotel knows
that you dissect a corpse
in your refrigerated chamber?
I think.
Maybe not.
Have you already identified the body?
Not yet.
But his teeth
they are already watching
the dentists in the area,
So I don't think they take long.
Instead, I have
The date of his death.
January 15, 2001.
The eve
of the shelter closure.
Look at the injuries
of the forearms.
They are "ante mortem".
They are still infiltrated.
You are from here,
They are in defense zone.
The defense zone is this.
I mean, I fought before I died.
During the fight,
the clock broke
and date and time were frozen.
Here, behind the skull,
We can see
a deep triangular wound.
The bruise, took off the leather
scalp of the victim.
Is clearly
the cause of death.
Head injury
It surely hit the head
with the corner of some furniture.
If the blood we found
in the shelter is his,
it's clear
that everything has not happened there�
because there would have been
Much more blood.
- So
- He was murdered and transferred.
Slim, you can look
the message from my phone?
I have a little hands
It is the IJ.
- They have recognized the dentures.
- Oh, and what?
It's Martin Beltran.
Camille's father.
I did not abandon his daughter.
Portier killed him.
What? Are you going to bed?
No, Fatim, it's not that,
but it’s noon,
These people have to leave.
- You give up, you're lazy.
- What's up,
It has nothing to do with it,
I don't give up at all.
What? No!
Turn that off, turn that off.
No, no, no, really,
Stop, it's our boss.
Guys, are you serious,
Seriously, shut up.
He is our boss,
He will fire us. Shut up.
"How are you guys?"
- Well, we're fine.
The routine, you know.
Corpse, corpse, corpse.
- And you?
- Hi.
"More complicated
About what I thought. But well."
"We still have the body
of Portier in the deposit? "
Yes, why?
"Ah, great. I need
You take pictures of your hands.
From the palms, can you? "
- Right now we send them to you.
"Good. How are you, Eddy?
What a face.
What do you have there? "
A pillow brand,
just got up.
Yes, that. What?
"Did you just get up?
Eddy please
don't let fatim
do all the work,
Okay? "
"-Go, bye, bye bye."
Ok, bye.
BeltrÃn died fighting
with Portier.
Yes Portier carried the body
to the shelter, I buried him
and shut it down so that never
They will find it more.
And that's why I sent him
Camille money.
I knew it was terminal.
So, he wanted to redeem himself
and provided
A mobile to the girl.
Only it doesn't fit at all.
What we don't know is why
Portier and Beltran stripped each other.
� Remember the wounds
and freezing
in the hands of Portier?
Look here.
These scars of the hands,
They are identical.
They are burn scars.
Probably related
with the friction of a handle,
type ice ax or shovel.
So it was Portier
The one that dug that night.
But he had no luck.
January 15, 2001 was
the coldest night of that year,
there were about 20 degrees below zero.
And what?
And Beltran weighed 100 kilos.
The Eagle's Shelter
It is inaccessible in snowmobile.
Could not take
the corpse alone.
- He had an accomplice.
- Yes.
An accomplice
I will have the same sequels
of that glacial night.
What are they doing here?
Can I help you?
We have some questions about
The Eagle's refuge, captain.
� You can take off your boot
and the left sock
and show us the foot, please?
I take your material.
I will return it.
Do you know what you have to do?
Eh no, but learn.
I will kill him.
He is missing a finger
of the left foot, right?
How do you know?
For his footprints in the snow.
The right is deeper,
Make up for the weight.
A welcome committee.
Leave, guys, it's useless.
Still Long ago
That this makes our lives bitter.
We agreed
and nobody cried death
of that pedophile goat.
Here we all know each other,
but Beltran was not related.
We never should
let him clean the school
Did you attack any student?
Portier caught him playing
to a child after class.
He got crazy.
They fought.
Beltran banged against
a table and died on the spot.
Portier got scared
and came to find us.
And they helped him with the body.
It couldn't be proved!
The boy was only three years old.
Portier did not deserve to go
to jail for that scum.
We did what we thought was right.
We have children
Beltran could attack them.
So, we carry the body
to the shelter of the eagle,
the four of them.
And we bury it.
The next day,
Portier closed the shelter
and left town.
Where were they three days ago?
We were here
If he thinks we killed Portier,
It is wrong.
He was our friend.
That nightmare night,
He has been torturing us for years.
Do you think he knows
that Portier killed his father?
It's possible.
He could hear Perbet
Talk to your friends.
So you have the perfect mobile
to avenge.
I don't know if I will know
that his father was a pedophile,
why do you leave
To take a surprise
We found the body
of your father in the mountains.
I never abandoned you.
They killed him.
What happened?
Why was he killed?
Your father was sick.
Portier met him with a child.
That's a lie.
My father would not have done that.
It wasn't like that!
Fuck, stop it!
I want to die!
Get me out! I want to die!
Fuck, I want to die!
Get me out!
Between buprenorphine
what did i give yesterday
and hydroxyzine
that I gave him today,
I can sleep a little.
He just suffered a trauma.
Acute stress
with tremors, anxiety
and self-aggressive manifestations.
Not the best actress
You can fake that state.
Was not she.
With the mobile
that we just discovered,
It will be hard to convince the judge.
Let's start from scratch.
Are you sure? Why we
We have serious doubts.
Listen, lady, the
In agreement.
As you wish.
The judge wants to accuse her.
They take her to Paris.
The judge has given us another case.
It's over,
We can't do anything for her.
You don't, of course.
But I do
What I want in my house.
Do you never give up?
I told you to give up.
I do this for Camille.
I will get her out of there.
Do you really think that you,
the best coroner in Paris,
it would escape you
Any of my blood tests?
We are better because we doubt.
What are you looking at?
The results of the analyzes
They arrived last night.
Why have they found traces
cyproterone acetate
in your blood?
Fuck, it was that.
Will you be happy?
I fought a lot, Balthazar.
I fought so much
I have some questions
more to do.
Meanwhile, the coroner will do
Some checks.
Very good,
if it helps them
Her husband had a treatment
libido inhibitor
Recommended chemical castration
For sex offenders.
I don't know what you're talking about.
He was a pedophile, Mrs. Portier.
He assaulted that boy 18 years ago.
Do not.
No. Beltran surprised him
and her husband killed her.
The blade sank
under the rib,
in fat
of the left flank.
The area is accessible
with the dominant hand
and it is the most harmless place.
She is a nurse, Julia.
Know where to nail
so as not to touch a vital organ.
Now, tell me.
I think he left his town.
I abandoned everything.
He had to remake his life
because her husband told her there was
Eliminated a monster.
And then he realized
that the monster was him.
So, I killed him.
Do you remember Camille Beltran?
Well, her husband
It shattered his life.
Now he will pay for you
If you don't tell the truth.
So put it, Julia.
Do it for her.
For that poor girl
that has not done anything to anyone.
My husband told me everything.
He told me that
that Camille was coming.
What did you want to repair the damage
What had he done to her?
And the damage
what had he done to me?
I realized that I never
We had children for that story!
He told me he couldn't,
But it lied to me!
He lied to me all his life,
Take me!
I got crazy. I didn't see anything,
I didn't hear what he said.
He took the knife and stuck it,
He nailed it.
I sacrificed
my life
for him.
I sacrificed my life.
And he did nothing but lie to me.
All these years, I was
Thank you
For believing in me.
This is the first time
what's happening to me.
Do you see that taxi?
He has come for you.
If you go up, it will take you
to a detox center.
They will help you there. They will listen to you.
What if I don't go up?
I know you will go up
Because you are a fighter.
I can't stand the canteen anymore,
i swell
and then I can't concentrate.
How did it get through your head?
You are like children, right?
As children.
Some children. You are children.
It was my idea.
Nerd. It was mine.
"It was my idea.
No, no, it was mine "
Take champagne
in a plastic cup?
Have you been stung?
You have stung,
You were scared to death.
Actually you are some caguetas,
some chickens.
Why are you still
investigating my death?
I don't know if you want to find
to my killer
To be able to pass
page once
or because you keep thinking of me.
I may not feel comfortable
with the idea
That your murderer is still loose.
Or is it an excuse not to start
To live again.
Because deep down, you like it
play the role of widower,
Alone and miserable.
You upset me.
I do.
That, right?
Good morning
Raphael Balthazar
How do you know?
Forty. Handsome. Elegant.
Probably eating.
Captain Bach
I talked about you.
The captain told her
"handsome" and "elegant"?
I listened. I will take care
of the samples
- from your case Castel. Lise Castel?
- Yes.
But it will take time.
All right. Listen
that permanent tic that has
Doesn't it bother you in the eye?
My doctor told me
that nothing could be done.
That is due to stress.
My doctor is very funny.
And incompetent.
Because it doesn't cost much
get rid of him.
Do I tell you having coffee?
Without any counterpart.
Good afternoon.
Ah hello. Shit, shit.
Leave it, leave it, leave it.
I can explain everything.
�It is a species
of scientific police
or medical examiner?
Yes, that, I am a coroner.
It's great.
Well yes, it's great.
Yes, it's great.
I'm going to cook tonight
An osso buco.
I say it
because I'm going to put saffron on it,
and the saffron smells
a bit strong.
- Voucher.
- I say it for
I guess I'll have something planned
for tonight, but
If you feel like coming to try
the "osso buco" will be a pleasure.
I am doubting it.
I'm afraid this is
So you don't protest by the smell.
It is just that. Just that.
At half past eight?
Sure, at half past eight.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Raphael Balthazar, say?
Yes, I'm coming. Do not touch anything.
I go. Goodbye
Doesn't it smell?
- No, why?
- It smells like shrimp.
Do Chinese people live here?
�Has something
against the prawns?
No, of course not, but at 8
It's a bit strong in the morning.
It depends, right?
Ah okay.
OK. Have you been true?
- Yes.
- I'm sorry.
My name is Maya.
- Raphael.
- I am your new neighbor.
And I am his new neighbor.
I will think that I am a heavy one.
Yes Hey, no, I didn't think that.
Not me
No, it's that I work
until quite late
and last night I didn't catch an eye,
so I was preparing
the food of
OK. I have to go.
Have a good day.
Yes I know it smells a little.
Male. 50 years
Wounds of white weapon in thorax.
In cardiac arrest
when we arrived.
It is estimated that he was
no flow 8 minutes.
- Put on a mask and a mask.
- Woman. 50 years,
deep abdominal wound
On the left side.
In shock when we arrived.
It is fibrillating,
You will go into shock.
- Load to 280.
- Glasgow 6, tachycardia.
Let no one touch him. Outside.
Follow in fibrillation.
- Madam, give me your hand.
- Get up to 300!
- Can you hear me? Open your eyes.
- Okay, don't touch anyone.
- Outside.
- Arreactive lateral mydriasis,
- follow massage.
- Call to enter directly.
Still fibrila. 320.
Let no one touch him.
Ok, out.
No, it's over.
I'm sorry.
We could not do anything.
What a shit.
She is out of danger.
We take her.
Julia and Daniel Portier.
They have a store. Childless.
A client found them.
It seems to interrupt
to the assassin.
And I saved the woman.
It seems
They attacked them with this.
I was close to them.
If they find traces here,
Balthazar will not have
nothing to do.
Well, better. Because as it is
crime scene,
We were going to charge it.
How do they interpret exactly:
"I'm coming, don't touch anything"?
It is a trick question.
Listen well:
"I'm coming, don't touch anything."
It was an emergency.
They tried to save them.
And two hundred came, right?
At least they would hear good music!
They know you can't dance
at the scene of the crime?
Okay, Balthazar
Anyway, it will be fast.
They say they have disappeared
several things.
Two watches,
a necklace, a ring
In my opinion
It was a robbery that went wrong.
It is too pale.
How is it pale?
Look at your conjunctiva: pale.
This guy is empty.
He had a great hemorrhagic shock
and he bled out.
But there is almost no blood
around it. How can it be?
- Delgado?
- I don't know.
Let's see
Non-infiltrated wound
and no signs of scarring.
His veins opened
"post mortem". To bleed it
Come here, Slim. Do not move.
And you.
What are you doing?
Pascal Thierry, remember?
The serial killer
who drew a cross
around their victims
With his blood
They locked that asshole
five years ago
Check that he has not escaped.
We just arrived.
I heard the door opened.
And did you see his face?
Could you describe it?
No, I was on my back.
My husband went to see
If I needed help.
And I heard a scream.
I didn't know what it was
What was happening.
I felt like
Like a burning
A very strong blow.
And then nothing.
Her husband withdrew
5000 euros every month
for six months
But we don't know what for.
Could you tell us something?
I don't know why he did it.
We met
since we were 20 years old.
My husband was
It was like a part of me.
What am I going to do now?
without him?
Captain! Delgado!
I'm sorry, it hasn't given me time
To put the disco ball.
Do we have a ball?
Balthazar, we need him.
- Excuse me?
- We need him.
Do you want to say it again?
That is my favorite phrase.
Pascal Thierry I drew
A cross with blood.
But he died last year.
We are looking for an imitator,
but for now nothing.
And the fingerprints are
illegible, so they don't work.
Oh no? Well, it's a shame,
because in principle,
It is the weapon of crime.
The injuries are all the same.
Wound length
it's compatible
with the width of the blade.
And above all,
the edges of the wounds are
With a double-edged blade.
There is amputation of two fingers
of one hand and one of the foot.
Because of the appearance of the muons
and the location of the lesions,
they are old sequels
of the limbs.
I've seen it before, and often
The only solution is to cut.
Before coming to Paris
They lived in the Haute-Savoie.
It could be an accident
mountain, right?
What to freeze on top
In the middle of nowhere,
I do not get it.
I hate the mountain.
- Eddy. Do you open it?
- Yes.
At first sight there is
hepatic metastasis.
Indeterminate Origin
Portier had
a generalized cancer.
Two months of life maximum.
Do you know? Research the money.
He started withdrawing 5,000
euros when I discovered
That he was going to die.
I get with it.
And I will continue investigating
about Pascal Thierry.
- Yes.
- Hey, wait!
We haven't talked about
of the other investigation.
We register the jewelry
to which she went
and the hippodrome boy.
There was nothing.
We have interviewed again
to the families of the victims.
Nothing either. Nobody went
To see that jeweler. I'm sorry.
I need access to the bodies.
- No, it can not be.
- Captain, sure there are
some other connection
between the victims,
That smell of candles.
There has to be some detail
that the researchers didn't see
in his day.
Please, captain.
I will ask the judge.
But it may take.
Very good.
And who is that judge?
Does he know his name?
I forbid you to intrude,
That is not my style.
- Isn't that your style?
- That one is not at all.
- Balthazar.
- Delgado?
It's your style.
I was already screwed.
So two months or so
Yes But they robbed you
those two months.
And your wife would have liked
Live them with you.
Hold your hand, accompany you
I do not know.
I was always your support.
It was strong. At least I tried.
But I was terrified of dying.
I didn't have to be brave
Because I was scared.
And anyway, it gave me time
to rethink my priorities.
To settle accounts with the past.
The money thing, was that why?
Any sin to atone for?
We all have
sins to atone for.
He who is free,
Let him throw the first stone.
Is it a mosquito bite?
And recent.
Eddy? Fatim?
You are just the same
alive than dead
I hope
that what I found
Justify this search.
He has done the autopsy
to mosquitoes?
To five, to be precise.
Daniel Portier got stung
Before die.
And if there
mosquitoes well
They could chop the killer.
Is that my hypothesis, do you know?
This one here, I had the blood
by Daniel Portier.
These three have nothing.
But this
He has the blood of a stranger.
And given his coagulation,
fits the time
of the murder.
I sent it to the DNA file. Y
I discovered that the genetic profile
corresponds to Camille Beltran,
22 years old
domiciled in Saint Martin,
in the Haute Savoie
which is the town that the Portier
They left 18 years ago.
So, are you going to the mountain?
Yes Yesterday they stopped
to Camille Beltran in Saint Martin
by disorder and drunkenness
on the public road.
He is in the dungeon
and the only way
to talk to her
It's going to see her.
�You think
that imitated Pascal Thierry
to mislead the police?
I don't know
But I'm going to ask.
Well, I leave you in charge.
It is a huge responsibility,
So please,
don't bet snacks
in the autopsies.
You know us
Why do you take us?
Can I trust you?
- Yes.
- In agreement.
And close when you go out,
Do not forget to do it.
OK? Great.
And above all: please
No parties.
- Come on, we're not 14 years old.
- That.
All right. Bye.
Wait, wait, what about that face?
What is that raised eyebrow?
What does it mean?
Ah, pure mountain air!
Less fine particles,
Less allergens, less oxygen.
Increase in production
of red blood cells.
You don't feel thin
that your organism is fortified?
I have a headache.
I let you question
to the suspect.
Let's see if I find
something of Portier.
Is it okay, captain?
Yes I am.
I think it isn't.
He hasn't said a word
Since we left.
I know I am.
My children hate me. My husband
He cheats on me with a young girl.
I feel useless, old woman,
Ugly and tired. Nothing more.
Just that?
Only that.
listen to me.
She's a great cop.
A fantastic mother.
And a very pretty woman.
I could seduce anyone.
To anyone, I mean it.
- Captain Perbet?
- Yes.
- I'm Captain Bach.
- Charmed.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Raphael Balthazar.
- Charmed.
Welcome to Saint Martin.
- Let's go in.
- Thank you.
It’s over here.
And ready.
Take, it is the best in the region.
- You don't want to?
- No thanks.
What do you know about Camille Beltran?
Well, I was born here. But always
He has had bad luck.
He did not have an easy childhood.
His mother died when he was
a baby and her father abandoned her.
- I never got over it.
- And did you know the Portiers?
Yes, of course.
This place is not very big.
Is there a link?
between Camille Beltran and the Portier?
No. No, Daniel
He was mayor and teacher,
but he never had Camille
in your class
And Julia was a nurse.
They were appreciated.
The same is not the case with Camille
It's the kind of girl that when
You see it crosswalk.
I was five years old
when did they leave.
But we found this
in the Camille study.
It's what they stole
to the Portier, right?
I do not understand what happened.
Well, the prosecutor seems fine
release it and entrust it to you.
I leave it.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Hi Camille.
I'm captain Bach
of the Paris Police.
This is Dr. Balthazar.
He has come to examine you.
- Why?
- Because it's the law.
Daniel and Julia Portier.
You were at home.
- Why?
- What does it matter?
OK. We talk about murder.
You have a background,
You were there and you stole.
So answer or go
Direct to prison. Okay?
- What were you doing there?
- Aunt, don't eat me coconut.
Portier was a mischievous.
- Why do you say that?
- But what are you doing?
The bastard had been months
sending me pasta by mail!
I knew his address and wanted
to tell me why he did it.
And he told you?
What's up
We stand in front of your job.
When I got there
They were already dead.
So I took three things
and I left.
You will understand that he does not believe you.
Of course.
With my background
you don't have to look anymore.
What are you doing?
Come on, get me in jail.
Do not waste your time. Let's finish
� long ago
what do you get in the way of?
What do you say?
I mean, if a long time ago
that you get opiate.
Don't fuck me
Mydriasis Goosebumps,
anxiety, runny nose,
increased heart rate
All these are symptoms of the monkey.
You have stopped consuming opioids.
And what?
�You were placed when you went
to see the Portier?
Well yes, it was.
You already have another reason
Not to believe me
I've finished.
We are not your enemies.
Get out of here.
Get out, fuck!
I was there. Background.
Self-destructive behavior
And what watches he manned.
It is the ideal culprit.
Yes But he doesn't believe it either.
- Do not.
- Why not either?
Because she is addicted
to medications.
And if I was high
when he went to see Portier,
I don't think I could have a head
to sneak the fake track
from Pascal Thierry.
But do not have sense.
Why would I give it
Portier the money?
They had not seen each other
since 18 years ago, right?
The key is what happened here.
Yes, Mr. Prosecutor?
Are you sure?
We have
many elements that indi
In agreement. What you say.
The prosecutor wants to take tomorrow
Camille Beltran to the judge.
Have you seen what state it is in?
It is shattered.
He needs care.
He is going to kill himself in jail.
I do.
We have 24 hours to avoid it.
Will study
everything about the Portier.
administrative information
And we will not leave here
Until we find something.
I'm going to let Perbet know.
Do you handle the hotel?
See you later.
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
It can't be, it's flirting.
I can not believe it.
So there was no
another room
You had to have
removed your plate!
It makes me as funny as you.
But it is normal to leave
the big room to the captain.
Do you think that gigol?
have you come up with her?
What do you think?
It's not hours
for ski lessons.
The truth is that I don't know
What do you see.
He is handsome, he is athletic
and 20 years younger.
A whole copy.
You can't compare yourself.
Excuse me? I can't
Twenty years less means
less experience
In all fields.
You spend time flirting
with strangers
The ones you won't see anymore.
You can't judge Bach
Because do the same.
- I don't see the relationship.
- Oh, right?
When was the last time
what did you take to dinner
A woman you liked?
- I don't see the relationship.
- I see her.
Wait wait,
I have something about Portier.
He closed a shelter
When I was mayor.
The refuge of the eagle.
Administrative closure
without reason,
Fifteen days before leaving.
Maybe he was hiding something.
Something Camille discovered
and he had to pay it
To shut up.
We have to notify
to Captain Bach.
No wait,
It's one o'clock in the morning!
- One o'clock in the morning?
- Yes.
It may not be late.
- Is it okay?
- It's one o clock in the morning.
Does one say?
Oh sorry
I had not noticed.
- I'm sorry.
- What's up, huh?
- Have I woken her up?
- What's up?
Well see, Slim
and I have discovered
that Portier closed a shelter
you are welcome. Without any reason,
- Two weeks before leaving.
- Leave the door now.
I'd be hiding something, right?
Fine thanks.
We will go to the shelter tomorrow, okay?
Ok, I've done well
in coming to tell her?
- Yes. Good night.
- I thought it was urgent.
- Very good, good night.
- Goodnight.
That means
who goes to bed?
- Bye, Balthazar.
- Wait
What a shame that Slim
I have not come.
His famous dizziness
In the mountains.
I think he has vertigo,
because yesterday he did not want
take the bed upstairs.
And it's me who has slept badly.
Also snores.
Have you had a good night?
- I'm fit, thanks.
- Oh yes?
Did you go to bed early?
It is true that it is beautiful.
Jordan didn't lie to me.
He was born here.
He says the mountain
He is a like his second mother.
The phrase is a bit silly, isn't it?
Is he jealous?
Stop smiling all the time,
is very annoying.
Oh fuck, go.
I won't have a fork, right?
Yes, in the bag. Between the pencil
of lips and the tampon box.
It didn't take so much violence.
It hasn't changed in 18 years.
Why did Portier close?
this shelter?
To hide his secret.
But we
We will find out.
- Here.
- What is it?
A small spot of blood.
It is very old.
A hand.
They are to open this.
There is a shovel inside.
A hand stained with blood.
Can I have the shovel, please?
What will he do?
in the hands of Portier,
what was missing
He must have spent the night
here 20 years ago,
probably digging.
We will do the same,
to see what he hid.
A cross is not planted
How is it for nothing.
Here is something.
What is it?
- Taking.
- Thank you.
It's a mint balm,
Help with the smells.
It doesn't usually stink so much.
No, not normally,
but the cold stops
microbial activity
and that's why we have
lucky to have
A well preserved body.
But as soon as it defrosts,
the bacteria return to work
and suddenly generate
A very strong smell.
�The hotel knows
that you dissect a corpse
in your refrigerated chamber?
I think.
Maybe not.
Have you already identified the body?
Not yet.
But his teeth
they are already watching
the dentists in the area,
So I don't think they take long.
Instead, I have
The date of his death.
January 15, 2001.
The eve
of the shelter closure.
Look at the injuries
of the forearms.
They are "ante mortem".
They are still infiltrated.
You are from here,
They are in defense zone.
The defense zone is this.
I mean, I fought before I died.
During the fight,
the clock broke
and date and time were frozen.
Here, behind the skull,
We can see
a deep triangular wound.
The bruise, took off the leather
scalp of the victim.
Is clearly
the cause of death.
Head injury
It surely hit the head
with the corner of some furniture.
If the blood we found
in the shelter is his,
it's clear
that everything has not happened there�
because there would have been
Much more blood.
- So
- He was murdered and transferred.
Slim, you can look
the message from my phone?
I have a little hands
It is the IJ.
- They have recognized the dentures.
- Oh, and what?
It's Martin Beltran.
Camille's father.
I did not abandon his daughter.
Portier killed him.
What? Are you going to bed?
No, Fatim, it's not that,
but it’s noon,
These people have to leave.
- You give up, you're lazy.
- What's up,
It has nothing to do with it,
I don't give up at all.
What? No!
Turn that off, turn that off.
No, no, no, really,
Stop, it's our boss.
Guys, are you serious,
Seriously, shut up.
He is our boss,
He will fire us. Shut up.
"How are you guys?"
- Well, we're fine.
The routine, you know.
Corpse, corpse, corpse.
- And you?
- Hi.
"More complicated
About what I thought. But well."
"We still have the body
of Portier in the deposit? "
Yes, why?
"Ah, great. I need
You take pictures of your hands.
From the palms, can you? "
- Right now we send them to you.
"Good. How are you, Eddy?
What a face.
What do you have there? "
A pillow brand,
just got up.
Yes, that. What?
"Did you just get up?
Eddy please
don't let fatim
do all the work,
Okay? "
"-Go, bye, bye bye."
Ok, bye.
BeltrÃn died fighting
with Portier.
Yes Portier carried the body
to the shelter, I buried him
and shut it down so that never
They will find it more.
And that's why I sent him
Camille money.
I knew it was terminal.
So, he wanted to redeem himself
and provided
A mobile to the girl.
Only it doesn't fit at all.
What we don't know is why
Portier and Beltran stripped each other.
� Remember the wounds
and freezing
in the hands of Portier?
Look here.
These scars of the hands,
They are identical.
They are burn scars.
Probably related
with the friction of a handle,
type ice ax or shovel.
So it was Portier
The one that dug that night.
But he had no luck.
January 15, 2001 was
the coldest night of that year,
there were about 20 degrees below zero.
And what?
And Beltran weighed 100 kilos.
The Eagle's Shelter
It is inaccessible in snowmobile.
Could not take
the corpse alone.
- He had an accomplice.
- Yes.
An accomplice
I will have the same sequels
of that glacial night.
What are they doing here?
Can I help you?
We have some questions about
The Eagle's refuge, captain.
� You can take off your boot
and the left sock
and show us the foot, please?
I take your material.
I will return it.
Do you know what you have to do?
Eh no, but learn.
I will kill him.
He is missing a finger
of the left foot, right?
How do you know?
For his footprints in the snow.
The right is deeper,
Make up for the weight.
A welcome committee.
Leave, guys, it's useless.
Still Long ago
That this makes our lives bitter.
We agreed
and nobody cried death
of that pedophile goat.
Here we all know each other,
but Beltran was not related.
We never should
let him clean the school
Did you attack any student?
Portier caught him playing
to a child after class.
He got crazy.
They fought.
Beltran banged against
a table and died on the spot.
Portier got scared
and came to find us.
And they helped him with the body.
It couldn't be proved!
The boy was only three years old.
Portier did not deserve to go
to jail for that scum.
We did what we thought was right.
We have children
Beltran could attack them.
So, we carry the body
to the shelter of the eagle,
the four of them.
And we bury it.
The next day,
Portier closed the shelter
and left town.
Where were they three days ago?
We were here
If he thinks we killed Portier,
It is wrong.
He was our friend.
That nightmare night,
He has been torturing us for years.
Do you think he knows
that Portier killed his father?
It's possible.
He could hear Perbet
Talk to your friends.
So you have the perfect mobile
to avenge.
I don't know if I will know
that his father was a pedophile,
why do you leave
To take a surprise
We found the body
of your father in the mountains.
I never abandoned you.
They killed him.
What happened?
Why was he killed?
Your father was sick.
Portier met him with a child.
That's a lie.
My father would not have done that.
It wasn't like that!
Fuck, stop it!
I want to die!
Get me out! I want to die!
Fuck, I want to die!
Get me out!
Between buprenorphine
what did i give yesterday
and hydroxyzine
that I gave him today,
I can sleep a little.
He just suffered a trauma.
Acute stress
with tremors, anxiety
and self-aggressive manifestations.
Not the best actress
You can fake that state.
Was not she.
With the mobile
that we just discovered,
It will be hard to convince the judge.
Let's start from scratch.
Are you sure? Why we
We have serious doubts.
Listen, lady, the
In agreement.
As you wish.
The judge wants to accuse her.
They take her to Paris.
The judge has given us another case.
It's over,
We can't do anything for her.
You don't, of course.
But I do
What I want in my house.
Do you never give up?
I told you to give up.
I do this for Camille.
I will get her out of there.
Do you really think that you,
the best coroner in Paris,
it would escape you
Any of my blood tests?
We are better because we doubt.
What are you looking at?
The results of the analyzes
They arrived last night.
Why have they found traces
cyproterone acetate
in your blood?
Fuck, it was that.
Will you be happy?
I fought a lot, Balthazar.
I fought so much
I have some questions
more to do.
Meanwhile, the coroner will do
Some checks.
Very good,
if it helps them
Her husband had a treatment
libido inhibitor
Recommended chemical castration
For sex offenders.
I don't know what you're talking about.
He was a pedophile, Mrs. Portier.
He assaulted that boy 18 years ago.
Do not.
No. Beltran surprised him
and her husband killed her.
The blade sank
under the rib,
in fat
of the left flank.
The area is accessible
with the dominant hand
and it is the most harmless place.
She is a nurse, Julia.
Know where to nail
so as not to touch a vital organ.
Now, tell me.
I think he left his town.
I abandoned everything.
He had to remake his life
because her husband told her there was
Eliminated a monster.
And then he realized
that the monster was him.
So, I killed him.
Do you remember Camille Beltran?
Well, her husband
It shattered his life.
Now he will pay for you
If you don't tell the truth.
So put it, Julia.
Do it for her.
For that poor girl
that has not done anything to anyone.
My husband told me everything.
He told me that
that Camille was coming.
What did you want to repair the damage
What had he done to her?
And the damage
what had he done to me?
I realized that I never
We had children for that story!
He told me he couldn't,
But it lied to me!
He lied to me all his life,
Take me!
I got crazy. I didn't see anything,
I didn't hear what he said.
He took the knife and stuck it,
He nailed it.
I sacrificed
my life
for him.
I sacrificed my life.
And he did nothing but lie to me.
All these years, I was
Thank you
For believing in me.
This is the first time
what's happening to me.
Do you see that taxi?
He has come for you.
If you go up, it will take you
to a detox center.
They will help you there. They will listen to you.
What if I don't go up?
I know you will go up
Because you are a fighter.
I can't stand the canteen anymore,
i swell
and then I can't concentrate.
How did it get through your head?
You are like children, right?
As children.
Some children. You are children.
It was my idea.
Nerd. It was mine.
"It was my idea.
No, no, it was mine "
Take champagne
in a plastic cup?
Have you been stung?
You have stung,
You were scared to death.
Actually you are some caguetas,
some chickens.
Why are you still
investigating my death?
I don't know if you want to find
to my killer
To be able to pass
page once
or because you keep thinking of me.
I may not feel comfortable
with the idea
That your murderer is still loose.
Or is it an excuse not to start
To live again.
Because deep down, you like it
play the role of widower,
Alone and miserable.
You upset me.
I do.
That, right?
Good morning
Raphael Balthazar
How do you know?
Forty. Handsome. Elegant.
Probably eating.
Captain Bach
I talked about you.
The captain told her
"handsome" and "elegant"?
I listened. I will take care
of the samples
- from your case Castel. Lise Castel?
- Yes.
But it will take time.
All right. Listen
that permanent tic that has
Doesn't it bother you in the eye?
My doctor told me
that nothing could be done.
That is due to stress.
My doctor is very funny.
And incompetent.
Because it doesn't cost much
get rid of him.
Do I tell you having coffee?
Without any counterpart.
Good afternoon.
Ah hello. Shit, shit.
Leave it, leave it, leave it.
I can explain everything.
�It is a species
of scientific police
or medical examiner?
Yes, that, I am a coroner.
It's great.
Well yes, it's great.
Yes, it's great.
I'm going to cook tonight
An osso buco.
I say it
because I'm going to put saffron on it,
and the saffron smells
a bit strong.
- Voucher.
- I say it for
I guess I'll have something planned
for tonight, but
If you feel like coming to try
the "osso buco" will be a pleasure.
I am doubting it.
I'm afraid this is
So you don't protest by the smell.
It is just that. Just that.
At half past eight?
Sure, at half past eight.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri