Balthazar (2018) s02e04 Episode Script
Mauvaise rencontre
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
It's like, well, it's like
you know that moment
when you leave the plane
And you have heaven just for you
A gigantic playground,
A great feeling of freedom.
And then, you fly.
But you really fly.
Of course you are heading
towards the ground, but you fly.
No no i mean
that you can accelerate, brake,
you can go around
I want to try.
When is your next jump?
I don't know, but
Yes, Eddy?
Are you sure?
Ok, ok, I'm coming. I'm going.
The work?
Well yes, work.
- It's eight o'clock, so
- Oh yes?
Yes, eight o'clock.
As time goes.
I let you prepare.
Fine thanks.
I've had a great time.
Me too.
But how silly I am.
I'm a jerk
Marion Bouchez, 24 years old.
On the river this morning.
He killed himself last night at 23:42.
How can it be so accurate?
Captain, how long have we been
working together?
I don't know, I've lost count.
But does he know?
The what?
I am not given
So bad my specialty.
I've seen it on the clock
of surveillance cameras
of the river police,
But I already knew!
Ok, Balthazar. It is tragic,
But can you explain to me
why call the Brigade
Criminal for a suicide?
And Sunday morning.
For the simple pleasure of seeing her.
And also
because this kind of suicide
It is done in private.
We hang ourselves
in a loft or garage.
When you decide to commit suicide
on the public road,
You throw yourself under a train.
Or you jump from a bridge.
But this? Hang in public
and with a pink ribbon,
I had never seen it.
Except once.
Three days ago.
Florence Aubry, 28 years old.
It hung on a bridge,
two kilometers from here.
And I don't know about you, but I don't believe
in the coincidences.
It doesn't smell good to me.
Sorry about your sister.
A suicide?
It's not possible.
I don't know why I was going to do that.
I do not get it.
Florence had just gotten
Your dream job.
I was very happy.
I had just lost a lot of weight.
I was happy.
I had helped her.
I dont believe it.
We told the police
who came home
That she wouldn't do that.
He looked at us over his shoulder
and told us it was clear
It was suicide.
And now what are they telling us?
What happened to him
to my little girl, huh?
Any conclusions?
None. Upside down His sister
He says it was very good.
He doesn't think it was suicide.
Me too. Very weird, right?
Yes It seems they didn't know each other.
They were not activists
the kind of those who do
An act of protest.
Nothing indicates
that were in a cult.
And even Balthazar says
which is suicide, so
Also says
that there is something that does not fit.
And recognizes
That is often right.
Do you really think you can
understand why I killed myself
Seeing an image of my brain?
If it's something neurological, yes.
Because psychologically,
It doesn't fit me.
He is right.
It took time
Waiting for that job.
I wanted it.
I spent three batches of interviews,
I worked like crazy.
And I was happy.
So I would never have done something like that.
I had just regained my weight.
I felt good.
I wanted to leave. Meet someone,
to be in love.
Why would he kill me?
It's as if Raphael
I decided to end everything
when he meets a woman
that interests you.
The first in 12 years.
Well, no. The second. Or I don't know
because we don't know too much
About the captain.
In short, he has found again
the ability to fall in love
You can stop talking
of me as if I wasn't there?
Thank you.
Have you called Maya?
Not yet, but I will.
Are you afraid?
You're spinning
since this morning
You don't know if it is
Too sooner or later.
If you pretend you don't care
Or put yourself in an affectionate plan.
You are lost.
You are getting me tired.
I'm going to call her.
What? Are you happy?
- Hi, Maya. I'm Raphael
Eh Raphael Balthazar.
Your neighbor.
"- Oh, yes! Raphael, are you all right?"
Yes, very well, but do I bother you?
"See, I'm sorry,
but Im not alone."
"Then I'll call you, okay?
I promise! Good night."
Have you seen your face?
You have put face
of slaughtered lamb.
Wow, Raphael.
You never call me Raphael.
I do.
But things change.
And you too.
Maybe it's time for someone
I'll call you sweetie.
Balthazar? In the results
of toxicology there is something rare.
Thank you. I see them now.
Well, come in.
If it's here, it's
Because he has something. I hear you.
They have found traces
of scopolamine
and atropine in the blood
of both victims.
Have you used two glasses of champagne?
And if it's weird enough
in itself
that the two victims will take
the same medications,
it's even weirder
that they won't find them
remains in the stomach.
But you know why.
What is the conclusion?
It's because they snorted them.
To complete the toxicology,
we put swabs in their nose,
and the nostrils
They tested positive.
Are those your wives, captain?
I will clarify it at once.
Well yes. There was a man
in this room and it's gone.
The rest does not care.
Are you sure it's okay, captain?
Why wouldn't it be alright?
Why do I have lovers? Why?
When you introduce me
To a girl every night
- It seems normal, so
- It's not every night.
Even if I am a woman, I have the right
to enjoy my body freely.
- No but
- Are you surprised?
No, no, I didn't say that.
I didn't say it, but
Great. We can already work.
So we were going for astropine
and scopolamine. What is that?
- Atropine without S.
- Tell me while I get dressed.
- Yes.
- Great.
Let's see, uh
The Breath of the Dragon.
He has heard
of the "breath of the dragon."
- Do not.
- It is a very potent drug
And very dangerous.
I explain:
in our brain,
We have muscarinic receptors.
OK? They take care of
of all that is memory
And learning already knows.
And they work
With a neurotransmitter.
The problem is
that when ingested
scopolamine and atropine,
those two substances,
They replace acetylcholine.
So it crashes
whole system
cholinergic of the brain.
In short, it deprives you
of your free will
and later,
You don't remember anything, okay?
It is called chemical submission.
There are people who use it
to subdue their victims
and force them to do anything:
sexual intercourse,
give your card code
Credit, things like that.
And also force
someone to commit suicide?
If they know how to pull the threads
Correct, it can be.
Yes, thin.
"Panic in the streets of Paris.
"This recorded video
a few minutes ago
in the streets of the capital,
is already circulating
by social networks."
"The images revive
the mystery controversy
of suicides
of the bridges of Paris. "
"Hey, hey, huh,
Stop, lady, stop!
High there, huh! "
We have not slept,
we are tired,
but there is a moron pushing
to his victims to suicide.
Stay tuned.
The question is,
� choose them at random
or are they selective attacks?
And if so: why?
Sure is that they were
with the murderer
Half an hour before his death.
We have to track
all his movements
minute by minute, okay?
It is the first time a murderer
use it to provoke
That the victim committed suicide.
We will investigate
in clandestine laboratories,
to the camels and see if we give
with someone
I made that shit.
Everyone is notified,
but the area to be covered is wide.
Faced with the least behavior
or suspicious individual,
Come on.
We have stopped the press
To avoid the panic.
Cross our fingers
so that it does not act
before we throw him
"Yes, Balthazar?"
- Captain. I have something.
We have found
a colored liquid
in the stomach of the victims.
It's red wine
with almost intact peanuts.
Those of the first no,
because the autopsy
It got too late.
But this caught my attention
because they both took it
Half an hour before dying.
Do you think they were with the murderer
When did they drink the wine?
In toxicology they analyzed
That wine, and you know what?
No, I'm done now.
"-Don't get nervous.
Well, it's Pinot de Aunis. "
It comes from Thor� la Rochette.
Is very good.
So I called the producer.
And he knows that
they only serve it
in four restaurants in Paris?
Thanks, Balthazar?
Yes, Mr. Fiscal. Yes
Yes, we are at it.
They watch the bridges
and I have three men
checking the cameras
24 hours. So
Yes, very good.
Thank you.
There was something in the pictures.
The third victim.
�Yes, half an hour
before his death!
It will be good.
I give the break.
So choose your victims.
- A blind dating page.
No photos
For those who are fed up
from Tinder, Grinder
and all those sites
where they only judge you
by your physicist.
But without a photo,
There is a recognition signal.
Two crossed roses.
Do you see it? As in your logo.
They were not random attacks.
It was a list of women
I met on the net.
That's. We have looked
their computers
And they were registered.
And they met with Julien Rozi�rs,
from Saint-Mand�,
thirty minutes before dying.
But there is no Rozi�rs
in Saint-Mand�.
And there is no
None in France.
False name.
�There is a way to find out
his true identity?
Uncle is very cunning.
a superimposed Tor type network.
It is a network with several servers
They sent you from one to another.
We will have to ride
a "time pattern" attack.
- But it's slow.
- How long will it take?
Six hours, minimum.
And while that guy
I will have dates with girls
that will hang on the bridges.
- Yes, we do what we can.
- I already know.
I think aloud.
I have to go.
- Tell me, will you?
- Sure, go away.
Good morning Thank you.
What are you doing here?
I have stayed with the children,
Not with you.
What are you up to?
Calm down, I don't stretch anything.
It is the children who
The children what? Come on, say it.
They will not come.
They don't want to see you.
I'm sorry honey.
They don't want to see me.
And don't call me honey.
It seems disgusting.
You fuck an aunt
And the bitch is me, huh?
It's not fair.
I can not understand.
They don't care
our stories
The only thing they see is
that his mother is no longer
And he doesn't want to talk to his father.
And what do I do, I come home
As if nothing had happened?
And will everything be fixed?
Do you say that?
No but
I am willing
To tell you my adventure.
Not in any way.
I don't want them to know
That his father is a goat.
I'm sorry, H�l�ne.
I wish I could
March back.
Me too.
Yes, thin?
"We know who it is
the suspect! "
His name is Tobias Delpech.
He is 29 years old.
"Anthony's graphic designer."
Well, what else is known about him?
"He has no background or mess.
But it is a good mobile.
I had another account
with his real name. "
It had already been cited
With our victims.
Three quotes, three failures.
They didn't want to see him again.
They rejected him
and he got revenge, right?
I am with a team.
Are we waiting for you? What do we do?
"Come find me."
- I go.
I'll be right back. Follow.
- Police!
- Turn around!
The hands! Tense your hands!
It's what I thought.
Your medical history indicates
He had a warm operation.
And it fits,
because he has a good scar
on the shin
And given its corpulence,
It may be Tobias Delpech.
Although later,
will have to check.
And, judging by the state
of decomposition,
I would say he died
About two months ago.
Two months ago
That didn't open the mail.
You see, it fits.
So he is not the murderer.
It is not.
How did he die?
Here is a cervical groove,
oblique back
and up,
It stops at the back of the neck.
Typical mark of a hanging.
Yes, he probably died
by complete hanging,
so your feet
They didn't touch the ground.
Therefore a person
had to pick it up
and place it on the table.
Tobias committed suicide.
The killer came to see him.
I found him hanged,
I picked it up
and then decided
get revenge and kill
to those responsible
of his suicide.
- Women who rejected him.
- All right.
I will investigate your family to see
if anyone wanted to avenge him
and had access to your computer.
Search for someone
Have a good stomach.
- Excuse me?
- Come on.
Look at that apple.
If you realize,
It has penicillium expansum.
I mean, mold,
But he doesn't have much.
And seems to have lost
around 10 to 20%
of its juice at most.
The killer ate here
about 15 days ago
With the body.
They will send the papers of Delpech,
but I have already begun to investigate.
Unique son, orphan,
with no friends,
no labor relations,
because I worked from home
Apart from failed appointments
with our victims,
I never saw anyone.
The embodied loneliness.
Well there has to be someone.
Yes, I do. I called
to the neighbours.
They are waiting for us.
We smell bad, but
In this neighborhood they smell
A lot of the sewers.
When I think it was him
What a tragedy.
Lastly they saw
someone in your house?
The truth is, no.
But there is another door
which overlooks the garden,
so we could
I haven't seen it.
It is awful. I can not believe it.
Do you see Delpech often?
Never. He did not leave home.
He was a nice boy,
but very shy.
One day
I wanted to take him to the gym.
I thought it would make him leave.
He refused.
If I had insisted,
Maybe I wouldn't have done it.
Poor guy,
what horror.
He seemed kind but very shy.
Did you notice something different?
�A parked car
in front of his house?
- Anything out of the ordinary?
- Nothing.
I'm sorry. I was sorry.
I was very lonely.
That is not life.
What happens
with the new potential victim?
Keep looking
on Tobias's computer.
I have asked for an order
to send us
Everything they find.
WhatsApp, Snapchat, all that.
We have to wait.
And while a poor woman
may be going on a date
With that moron.
It makes me nervous.
"I'm Manon, I'm not available.
I'll call you if I like you
and if I don't like you, no. "
Do your children understand it?
Not really.
Now I jump directly
Your answering machine
I may have
Let them alone.
Distance a little.
My parents separated
When I was a kid.
I changed the city,
from home, from friends.
I was furious with my father.
And when he called me,
I sent the shit.
Then I stopped calling
because he got tired of insulting him.
I didn't speak to him again
until his death
10 years ago
What you need
Your children now is hating you.
I will sit well.
My father had no endurance,
But you are strong.
So it fits the punches
and everything will happen.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
I can not stay
without doing anything.
I will search for information
About Tobias
- Do you manage alone?
- Sure, go quiet.
- Bye.
- Bye.
of the advanced decomposition,
we observe
an oblique cervical groove
up and back
that stops
in the middle of the neck.
Typical hanging brand.
There is no trace
of fight or struggle,
in the upper limbs.
Nothing in the different
samples obtained.
There is no trace
of Dragon's Breath.
After the external exam,
death was caused by suffocation
acute by hanging
Compatible with a suicide.
I dreamed about it.
They will touch me.
That they would be interested in me.
I wanted to meet a woman.
Have children.
Talk, laugh with someone.
Stop being alone.
It's horrible, you know?
A feeling
of absolute vacuum.
You also know him.
By the way,
Why don't you call Maya?
Let's see,
Did you collude or what?
I've already done it.
I'm not going to harass her either.
Harass her, no.
But don't regret it later, yes.
Or do you prefer not to see her again,
not to screw up?
That girl is perfect.
Funny Intelligent. Sexy.
You are lucky, Balthazar.
My loneliness killed me.
So don't offend me.
Call her.
I've analyzed the food on the plate
and the victim’s trash.
- Tell me.
- Nothing.
Rotten food.
eggs and tortellini
They had been there for about 15 days.
Other than the killer
Eat gluten, we have nothing.
But there was something strange
in the trash.
About ten yolks
of cooked egg.
- Egg yolks?
- Yes.
We talked about a guy who ate
in front of a corpse,
so nothing surprises me anymore.
I've been waiting for two hours!
When you have the data,
you send them, it is not difficult.
- Is the captain?
- I'm not sorry.
I think I have something.
About the killer.
Tell me, I hear you.
We know he went to see Tobias.
We know he ate
With his body.
In the trash we found
cooked egg yolks.
The murderer
only the clear one ate.
Egg white provides
essential amino acids
to the body that inhibit
muscle breakdown,
preserve glycogen
and increase body mass.
So, the killer
Does bodybuilding.
Does he do bodybuilding?
- Yes, it's not much, but
- Also Tobias's neighbor.
Here it is, Mathieu Garcin, 29.
Single. Childless.
No background
Here is something.
Your name appears in a file.
Six months ago
I denounced your company.
They were going to promote him,
but they chose a partner.
He thought
That was because I was a woman.
It would fit with your hate
to women.
I would think they were
the responsible
of the death of Tobias.
But apart from the yolks,
We don't have much.
I will talk to him.
I'm with you.
No, not even talk.
I get ahead.
I told you no.
You are
going in third.
Didn't you understand me?
I don't want to hear you.
And when we arrive,
you will obey me.
To order, boss. Received.
And wait for my signal.
- Ok, boss.
- Stop calling me boss, heavy.
"Slim. Leave your message."
I am in the old company
from Tobias Delpech.
I'll see if he kept in touch
with former partners.
No, no one.
But you should see something.
It's the signal to move
or is it a trap?
- Come on!
- The signal?
Go Go.
- It was a sign, haven't you seen her?
- I didn't understand you.
Hey, I thought
that it was forbidden to enter
in people's homes.
It is a herbalist.
Belladonna and datura.
All the necessary
to make Dragon's Breath.
Take a look
to your computer
Oh shit.
Call me fast.
He just did a little.
It has another victim.
Yes, who is next?
"Hey, we know the name.
Mathieu Garcin.
Tobias's neighbor.
Call me fast. "
Hi, bitch
"Leave the gun
and do what I tell you, bitch.
�You don't usually obey
to men?
Surely it turns you on.
Give me your phone.
All right, that is.
Your children are handsome.
I had nothing against you.
But I saw you wiggle
between those guys,
moving your fucking ass.
Killing a policewoman is a good
way to end, right?
Come with me."
Skip the answering machine.
Send reinforcements,
We will arrive before you.
Hélén's phone
It's in the Bastille.
- Bastille.
- Yes, fuck, come on, speed up!
How long did it take to die?
after drugging them?
- Half an hour.
- Half an hour, fuck.
- I shit on the whore.
- We will arrive.
"You don't realize
of the damage you do.
You look at us above. Tobias
You would never have looked at him.
And your husband, your children
You are never with them.
You never have time for them.
You prefer to play
to be an uncle with your gun. "
The phone is in this area.
It has to be here.
Fuck, you have to find her.
It has to be here.
Where is it? Shit.
There! We go to.
Don't move!
Do not move.
That you stop!
Garcin, still, asshole!
On the ground!
On the ground!
On knees.
Where is it? Where?
- You are subject to your boss.
- Where is it?
You would throw it away, right?
Close your mouth, where is it?
"The children
They don't want to come.
They don't care
our stories
What they see is that their mother
is no longer
and who doesn't want to talk
with his father."
Come here Where is it?
Fuck, where is he? Give it to me now.
Tobias was like me.
I could not seduce.
The women humiliated him.
- They lowered him.
- Shut up.
Where is it, tell me where is it?
It's in your ass.
That's fine!
Where is he, asshole?
There already, have you let off steam?
Are you better?
All that game
of seduction is loved.
If you don't have the right face,
do not want you.
Shut up.
- Where is it, fuck!
- You have to teach them who's boss.
Your captain
I am already understanding.
But you're hearing, fuck,
are you hearing?
I am going to kill you,
fucking fag.
I'm going to kill you, fuck
Where is it?
Stop it!
Stop it!
- Still!
- I'm going to load it.
It's no use.
The whore is dead.
"He has been with us for two hours,
you have your dose. "
"Your children do not deserve
this mother shit. "
It has to be on a bridge,
As with the others.
And it has gone on foot.
How long does the effect last?
20 minutes?
I will have counted 15,
Not to take risks.
We walk 80 meters per minute.
It's high, I'll go to 60.
I would have traveled a kilometer
at most
The Arsenal Bridge
or Morland's.
- I'm going to the Arsenal.
- Me to the other.
Captain, no! No, captain!
Captain, get out of there!
Get off!
Listen to me, they've drugged her. Go down.
Ok, listen to my voice.
Nothing happens, get out of there.
Captain, please get down.
Think of your children.
H�l�ne, think of your family.
H�l�ne, please
H�l�ne, think of me.
Hello, look at me!
I care a lot.
Please come down.
Come on, give me your hand.
Come on.
Please give me your hand.
No, no!
Are you all right?
Yes, thanks.
The drug will already be
ceased to take effect
He will have a headache
a few more hours
and then improve.
Thank you.
Why did he do it.
And for what he told me.
Are you ok?
Don't ever leave me again
only with him.
Are you ok?
I'm fine.
Go back home.
They have brought this.
It is from the Central Service
of Conservation
of Biological Samples.
What is it for?
It is for me. Thanks, Eddy.
Go away. Have a good night.
Don't work late!
You look tired.
Now you are in this jar.
Lise, where are you?
Where are you from?
I know
You don't like me crying
Ok, I'm leaving.
I'm going.
I'm not at home.
What's up?
They send me
to New York suddenly.
And I was so dumb that I lost
the phone in the taxi
and I didn't have your number
to call you, so
Quiet. Do you know?
No nothing happens.
Did you have something planned?
for tonight?
Oh yes?
Am I your plan?
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
It's like, well, it's like
you know that moment
when you leave the plane
And you have heaven just for you
A gigantic playground,
A great feeling of freedom.
And then, you fly.
But you really fly.
Of course you are heading
towards the ground, but you fly.
No no i mean
that you can accelerate, brake,
you can go around
I want to try.
When is your next jump?
I don't know, but
Yes, Eddy?
Are you sure?
Ok, ok, I'm coming. I'm going.
The work?
Well yes, work.
- It's eight o'clock, so
- Oh yes?
Yes, eight o'clock.
As time goes.
I let you prepare.
Fine thanks.
I've had a great time.
Me too.
But how silly I am.
I'm a jerk
Marion Bouchez, 24 years old.
On the river this morning.
He killed himself last night at 23:42.
How can it be so accurate?
Captain, how long have we been
working together?
I don't know, I've lost count.
But does he know?
The what?
I am not given
So bad my specialty.
I've seen it on the clock
of surveillance cameras
of the river police,
But I already knew!
Ok, Balthazar. It is tragic,
But can you explain to me
why call the Brigade
Criminal for a suicide?
And Sunday morning.
For the simple pleasure of seeing her.
And also
because this kind of suicide
It is done in private.
We hang ourselves
in a loft or garage.
When you decide to commit suicide
on the public road,
You throw yourself under a train.
Or you jump from a bridge.
But this? Hang in public
and with a pink ribbon,
I had never seen it.
Except once.
Three days ago.
Florence Aubry, 28 years old.
It hung on a bridge,
two kilometers from here.
And I don't know about you, but I don't believe
in the coincidences.
It doesn't smell good to me.
Sorry about your sister.
A suicide?
It's not possible.
I don't know why I was going to do that.
I do not get it.
Florence had just gotten
Your dream job.
I was very happy.
I had just lost a lot of weight.
I was happy.
I had helped her.
I dont believe it.
We told the police
who came home
That she wouldn't do that.
He looked at us over his shoulder
and told us it was clear
It was suicide.
And now what are they telling us?
What happened to him
to my little girl, huh?
Any conclusions?
None. Upside down His sister
He says it was very good.
He doesn't think it was suicide.
Me too. Very weird, right?
Yes It seems they didn't know each other.
They were not activists
the kind of those who do
An act of protest.
Nothing indicates
that were in a cult.
And even Balthazar says
which is suicide, so
Also says
that there is something that does not fit.
And recognizes
That is often right.
Do you really think you can
understand why I killed myself
Seeing an image of my brain?
If it's something neurological, yes.
Because psychologically,
It doesn't fit me.
He is right.
It took time
Waiting for that job.
I wanted it.
I spent three batches of interviews,
I worked like crazy.
And I was happy.
So I would never have done something like that.
I had just regained my weight.
I felt good.
I wanted to leave. Meet someone,
to be in love.
Why would he kill me?
It's as if Raphael
I decided to end everything
when he meets a woman
that interests you.
The first in 12 years.
Well, no. The second. Or I don't know
because we don't know too much
About the captain.
In short, he has found again
the ability to fall in love
You can stop talking
of me as if I wasn't there?
Thank you.
Have you called Maya?
Not yet, but I will.
Are you afraid?
You're spinning
since this morning
You don't know if it is
Too sooner or later.
If you pretend you don't care
Or put yourself in an affectionate plan.
You are lost.
You are getting me tired.
I'm going to call her.
What? Are you happy?
- Hi, Maya. I'm Raphael
Eh Raphael Balthazar.
Your neighbor.
"- Oh, yes! Raphael, are you all right?"
Yes, very well, but do I bother you?
"See, I'm sorry,
but Im not alone."
"Then I'll call you, okay?
I promise! Good night."
Have you seen your face?
You have put face
of slaughtered lamb.
Wow, Raphael.
You never call me Raphael.
I do.
But things change.
And you too.
Maybe it's time for someone
I'll call you sweetie.
Balthazar? In the results
of toxicology there is something rare.
Thank you. I see them now.
Well, come in.
If it's here, it's
Because he has something. I hear you.
They have found traces
of scopolamine
and atropine in the blood
of both victims.
Have you used two glasses of champagne?
And if it's weird enough
in itself
that the two victims will take
the same medications,
it's even weirder
that they won't find them
remains in the stomach.
But you know why.
What is the conclusion?
It's because they snorted them.
To complete the toxicology,
we put swabs in their nose,
and the nostrils
They tested positive.
Are those your wives, captain?
I will clarify it at once.
Well yes. There was a man
in this room and it's gone.
The rest does not care.
Are you sure it's okay, captain?
Why wouldn't it be alright?
Why do I have lovers? Why?
When you introduce me
To a girl every night
- It seems normal, so
- It's not every night.
Even if I am a woman, I have the right
to enjoy my body freely.
- No but
- Are you surprised?
No, no, I didn't say that.
I didn't say it, but
Great. We can already work.
So we were going for astropine
and scopolamine. What is that?
- Atropine without S.
- Tell me while I get dressed.
- Yes.
- Great.
Let's see, uh
The Breath of the Dragon.
He has heard
of the "breath of the dragon."
- Do not.
- It is a very potent drug
And very dangerous.
I explain:
in our brain,
We have muscarinic receptors.
OK? They take care of
of all that is memory
And learning already knows.
And they work
With a neurotransmitter.
The problem is
that when ingested
scopolamine and atropine,
those two substances,
They replace acetylcholine.
So it crashes
whole system
cholinergic of the brain.
In short, it deprives you
of your free will
and later,
You don't remember anything, okay?
It is called chemical submission.
There are people who use it
to subdue their victims
and force them to do anything:
sexual intercourse,
give your card code
Credit, things like that.
And also force
someone to commit suicide?
If they know how to pull the threads
Correct, it can be.
Yes, thin.
"Panic in the streets of Paris.
"This recorded video
a few minutes ago
in the streets of the capital,
is already circulating
by social networks."
"The images revive
the mystery controversy
of suicides
of the bridges of Paris. "
"Hey, hey, huh,
Stop, lady, stop!
High there, huh! "
We have not slept,
we are tired,
but there is a moron pushing
to his victims to suicide.
Stay tuned.
The question is,
� choose them at random
or are they selective attacks?
And if so: why?
Sure is that they were
with the murderer
Half an hour before his death.
We have to track
all his movements
minute by minute, okay?
It is the first time a murderer
use it to provoke
That the victim committed suicide.
We will investigate
in clandestine laboratories,
to the camels and see if we give
with someone
I made that shit.
Everyone is notified,
but the area to be covered is wide.
Faced with the least behavior
or suspicious individual,
Come on.
We have stopped the press
To avoid the panic.
Cross our fingers
so that it does not act
before we throw him
"Yes, Balthazar?"
- Captain. I have something.
We have found
a colored liquid
in the stomach of the victims.
It's red wine
with almost intact peanuts.
Those of the first no,
because the autopsy
It got too late.
But this caught my attention
because they both took it
Half an hour before dying.
Do you think they were with the murderer
When did they drink the wine?
In toxicology they analyzed
That wine, and you know what?
No, I'm done now.
"-Don't get nervous.
Well, it's Pinot de Aunis. "
It comes from Thor� la Rochette.
Is very good.
So I called the producer.
And he knows that
they only serve it
in four restaurants in Paris?
Thanks, Balthazar?
Yes, Mr. Fiscal. Yes
Yes, we are at it.
They watch the bridges
and I have three men
checking the cameras
24 hours. So
Yes, very good.
Thank you.
There was something in the pictures.
The third victim.
�Yes, half an hour
before his death!
It will be good.
I give the break.
So choose your victims.
- A blind dating page.
No photos
For those who are fed up
from Tinder, Grinder
and all those sites
where they only judge you
by your physicist.
But without a photo,
There is a recognition signal.
Two crossed roses.
Do you see it? As in your logo.
They were not random attacks.
It was a list of women
I met on the net.
That's. We have looked
their computers
And they were registered.
And they met with Julien Rozi�rs,
from Saint-Mand�,
thirty minutes before dying.
But there is no Rozi�rs
in Saint-Mand�.
And there is no
None in France.
False name.
�There is a way to find out
his true identity?
Uncle is very cunning.
a superimposed Tor type network.
It is a network with several servers
They sent you from one to another.
We will have to ride
a "time pattern" attack.
- But it's slow.
- How long will it take?
Six hours, minimum.
And while that guy
I will have dates with girls
that will hang on the bridges.
- Yes, we do what we can.
- I already know.
I think aloud.
I have to go.
- Tell me, will you?
- Sure, go away.
Good morning Thank you.
What are you doing here?
I have stayed with the children,
Not with you.
What are you up to?
Calm down, I don't stretch anything.
It is the children who
The children what? Come on, say it.
They will not come.
They don't want to see you.
I'm sorry honey.
They don't want to see me.
And don't call me honey.
It seems disgusting.
You fuck an aunt
And the bitch is me, huh?
It's not fair.
I can not understand.
They don't care
our stories
The only thing they see is
that his mother is no longer
And he doesn't want to talk to his father.
And what do I do, I come home
As if nothing had happened?
And will everything be fixed?
Do you say that?
No but
I am willing
To tell you my adventure.
Not in any way.
I don't want them to know
That his father is a goat.
I'm sorry, H�l�ne.
I wish I could
March back.
Me too.
Yes, thin?
"We know who it is
the suspect! "
His name is Tobias Delpech.
He is 29 years old.
"Anthony's graphic designer."
Well, what else is known about him?
"He has no background or mess.
But it is a good mobile.
I had another account
with his real name. "
It had already been cited
With our victims.
Three quotes, three failures.
They didn't want to see him again.
They rejected him
and he got revenge, right?
I am with a team.
Are we waiting for you? What do we do?
"Come find me."
- I go.
I'll be right back. Follow.
- Police!
- Turn around!
The hands! Tense your hands!
It's what I thought.
Your medical history indicates
He had a warm operation.
And it fits,
because he has a good scar
on the shin
And given its corpulence,
It may be Tobias Delpech.
Although later,
will have to check.
And, judging by the state
of decomposition,
I would say he died
About two months ago.
Two months ago
That didn't open the mail.
You see, it fits.
So he is not the murderer.
It is not.
How did he die?
Here is a cervical groove,
oblique back
and up,
It stops at the back of the neck.
Typical mark of a hanging.
Yes, he probably died
by complete hanging,
so your feet
They didn't touch the ground.
Therefore a person
had to pick it up
and place it on the table.
Tobias committed suicide.
The killer came to see him.
I found him hanged,
I picked it up
and then decided
get revenge and kill
to those responsible
of his suicide.
- Women who rejected him.
- All right.
I will investigate your family to see
if anyone wanted to avenge him
and had access to your computer.
Search for someone
Have a good stomach.
- Excuse me?
- Come on.
Look at that apple.
If you realize,
It has penicillium expansum.
I mean, mold,
But he doesn't have much.
And seems to have lost
around 10 to 20%
of its juice at most.
The killer ate here
about 15 days ago
With the body.
They will send the papers of Delpech,
but I have already begun to investigate.
Unique son, orphan,
with no friends,
no labor relations,
because I worked from home
Apart from failed appointments
with our victims,
I never saw anyone.
The embodied loneliness.
Well there has to be someone.
Yes, I do. I called
to the neighbours.
They are waiting for us.
We smell bad, but
In this neighborhood they smell
A lot of the sewers.
When I think it was him
What a tragedy.
Lastly they saw
someone in your house?
The truth is, no.
But there is another door
which overlooks the garden,
so we could
I haven't seen it.
It is awful. I can not believe it.
Do you see Delpech often?
Never. He did not leave home.
He was a nice boy,
but very shy.
One day
I wanted to take him to the gym.
I thought it would make him leave.
He refused.
If I had insisted,
Maybe I wouldn't have done it.
Poor guy,
what horror.
He seemed kind but very shy.
Did you notice something different?
�A parked car
in front of his house?
- Anything out of the ordinary?
- Nothing.
I'm sorry. I was sorry.
I was very lonely.
That is not life.
What happens
with the new potential victim?
Keep looking
on Tobias's computer.
I have asked for an order
to send us
Everything they find.
WhatsApp, Snapchat, all that.
We have to wait.
And while a poor woman
may be going on a date
With that moron.
It makes me nervous.
"I'm Manon, I'm not available.
I'll call you if I like you
and if I don't like you, no. "
Do your children understand it?
Not really.
Now I jump directly
Your answering machine
I may have
Let them alone.
Distance a little.
My parents separated
When I was a kid.
I changed the city,
from home, from friends.
I was furious with my father.
And when he called me,
I sent the shit.
Then I stopped calling
because he got tired of insulting him.
I didn't speak to him again
until his death
10 years ago
What you need
Your children now is hating you.
I will sit well.
My father had no endurance,
But you are strong.
So it fits the punches
and everything will happen.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
I can not stay
without doing anything.
I will search for information
About Tobias
- Do you manage alone?
- Sure, go quiet.
- Bye.
- Bye.
of the advanced decomposition,
we observe
an oblique cervical groove
up and back
that stops
in the middle of the neck.
Typical hanging brand.
There is no trace
of fight or struggle,
in the upper limbs.
Nothing in the different
samples obtained.
There is no trace
of Dragon's Breath.
After the external exam,
death was caused by suffocation
acute by hanging
Compatible with a suicide.
I dreamed about it.
They will touch me.
That they would be interested in me.
I wanted to meet a woman.
Have children.
Talk, laugh with someone.
Stop being alone.
It's horrible, you know?
A feeling
of absolute vacuum.
You also know him.
By the way,
Why don't you call Maya?
Let's see,
Did you collude or what?
I've already done it.
I'm not going to harass her either.
Harass her, no.
But don't regret it later, yes.
Or do you prefer not to see her again,
not to screw up?
That girl is perfect.
Funny Intelligent. Sexy.
You are lucky, Balthazar.
My loneliness killed me.
So don't offend me.
Call her.
I've analyzed the food on the plate
and the victim’s trash.
- Tell me.
- Nothing.
Rotten food.
eggs and tortellini
They had been there for about 15 days.
Other than the killer
Eat gluten, we have nothing.
But there was something strange
in the trash.
About ten yolks
of cooked egg.
- Egg yolks?
- Yes.
We talked about a guy who ate
in front of a corpse,
so nothing surprises me anymore.
I've been waiting for two hours!
When you have the data,
you send them, it is not difficult.
- Is the captain?
- I'm not sorry.
I think I have something.
About the killer.
Tell me, I hear you.
We know he went to see Tobias.
We know he ate
With his body.
In the trash we found
cooked egg yolks.
The murderer
only the clear one ate.
Egg white provides
essential amino acids
to the body that inhibit
muscle breakdown,
preserve glycogen
and increase body mass.
So, the killer
Does bodybuilding.
Does he do bodybuilding?
- Yes, it's not much, but
- Also Tobias's neighbor.
Here it is, Mathieu Garcin, 29.
Single. Childless.
No background
Here is something.
Your name appears in a file.
Six months ago
I denounced your company.
They were going to promote him,
but they chose a partner.
He thought
That was because I was a woman.
It would fit with your hate
to women.
I would think they were
the responsible
of the death of Tobias.
But apart from the yolks,
We don't have much.
I will talk to him.
I'm with you.
No, not even talk.
I get ahead.
I told you no.
You are
going in third.
Didn't you understand me?
I don't want to hear you.
And when we arrive,
you will obey me.
To order, boss. Received.
And wait for my signal.
- Ok, boss.
- Stop calling me boss, heavy.
"Slim. Leave your message."
I am in the old company
from Tobias Delpech.
I'll see if he kept in touch
with former partners.
No, no one.
But you should see something.
It's the signal to move
or is it a trap?
- Come on!
- The signal?
Go Go.
- It was a sign, haven't you seen her?
- I didn't understand you.
Hey, I thought
that it was forbidden to enter
in people's homes.
It is a herbalist.
Belladonna and datura.
All the necessary
to make Dragon's Breath.
Take a look
to your computer
Oh shit.
Call me fast.
He just did a little.
It has another victim.
Yes, who is next?
"Hey, we know the name.
Mathieu Garcin.
Tobias's neighbor.
Call me fast. "
Hi, bitch
"Leave the gun
and do what I tell you, bitch.
�You don't usually obey
to men?
Surely it turns you on.
Give me your phone.
All right, that is.
Your children are handsome.
I had nothing against you.
But I saw you wiggle
between those guys,
moving your fucking ass.
Killing a policewoman is a good
way to end, right?
Come with me."
Skip the answering machine.
Send reinforcements,
We will arrive before you.
Hélén's phone
It's in the Bastille.
- Bastille.
- Yes, fuck, come on, speed up!
How long did it take to die?
after drugging them?
- Half an hour.
- Half an hour, fuck.
- I shit on the whore.
- We will arrive.
"You don't realize
of the damage you do.
You look at us above. Tobias
You would never have looked at him.
And your husband, your children
You are never with them.
You never have time for them.
You prefer to play
to be an uncle with your gun. "
The phone is in this area.
It has to be here.
Fuck, you have to find her.
It has to be here.
Where is it? Shit.
There! We go to.
Don't move!
Do not move.
That you stop!
Garcin, still, asshole!
On the ground!
On the ground!
On knees.
Where is it? Where?
- You are subject to your boss.
- Where is it?
You would throw it away, right?
Close your mouth, where is it?
"The children
They don't want to come.
They don't care
our stories
What they see is that their mother
is no longer
and who doesn't want to talk
with his father."
Come here Where is it?
Fuck, where is he? Give it to me now.
Tobias was like me.
I could not seduce.
The women humiliated him.
- They lowered him.
- Shut up.
Where is it, tell me where is it?
It's in your ass.
That's fine!
Where is he, asshole?
There already, have you let off steam?
Are you better?
All that game
of seduction is loved.
If you don't have the right face,
do not want you.
Shut up.
- Where is it, fuck!
- You have to teach them who's boss.
Your captain
I am already understanding.
But you're hearing, fuck,
are you hearing?
I am going to kill you,
fucking fag.
I'm going to kill you, fuck
Where is it?
Stop it!
Stop it!
- Still!
- I'm going to load it.
It's no use.
The whore is dead.
"He has been with us for two hours,
you have your dose. "
"Your children do not deserve
this mother shit. "
It has to be on a bridge,
As with the others.
And it has gone on foot.
How long does the effect last?
20 minutes?
I will have counted 15,
Not to take risks.
We walk 80 meters per minute.
It's high, I'll go to 60.
I would have traveled a kilometer
at most
The Arsenal Bridge
or Morland's.
- I'm going to the Arsenal.
- Me to the other.
Captain, no! No, captain!
Captain, get out of there!
Get off!
Listen to me, they've drugged her. Go down.
Ok, listen to my voice.
Nothing happens, get out of there.
Captain, please get down.
Think of your children.
H�l�ne, think of your family.
H�l�ne, please
H�l�ne, think of me.
Hello, look at me!
I care a lot.
Please come down.
Come on, give me your hand.
Come on.
Please give me your hand.
No, no!
Are you all right?
Yes, thanks.
The drug will already be
ceased to take effect
He will have a headache
a few more hours
and then improve.
Thank you.
Why did he do it.
And for what he told me.
Are you ok?
Don't ever leave me again
only with him.
Are you ok?
I'm fine.
Go back home.
They have brought this.
It is from the Central Service
of Conservation
of Biological Samples.
What is it for?
It is for me. Thanks, Eddy.
Go away. Have a good night.
Don't work late!
You look tired.
Now you are in this jar.
Lise, where are you?
Where are you from?
I know
You don't like me crying
Ok, I'm leaving.
I'm going.
I'm not at home.
What's up?
They send me
to New York suddenly.
And I was so dumb that I lost
the phone in the taxi
and I didn't have your number
to call you, so
Quiet. Do you know?
No nothing happens.
Did you have something planned?
for tonight?
Oh yes?
Am I your plan?
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri