Balthazar (2018) s02e05 Episode Script
Face à la Mort
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Wow Good morning!
Good morning
This is a detail.
Thank you
What is it?
We owe them a lot
To these prawns.
- Do you like them?
- I like them very much
But I'm almost not hungry,
I'm a little stressed.
Your interview with Air France?
Yes, I think
That I push myself too much.
I know a remedy for that.
�Yes? And what is it?
Secret coroner!
- And you can't reveal it.
- I can not.
It is a professional secret.
Balthazar, tell me.
Yes, it's there.
Good morning
Hi Raphael Balthazar,
Lieutenant Elourimi, delighted.
- Are you alone?
- Yes, we are short staffed.
- We work alone.
- Wow!
- Is there no light?
- Yes, I think it's there.
Gilles Falquet, 42 years.
I was
Is it ok?
My head just hurts a little.
Married, he had two children.
No background
He was a waiter. The store
It had been closed for six months.
It is impossible to know
What was he doing here? Is rare.
I know it's weird,
How did they find it?
An anonymous call.
When he arrived, the door
I was forced and
He was like that.
He died about 24 hours ago.
See these bruises
and blackened skin?
They are signs of pain
Intense in tissues.
Likely coagulation
disseminated intravascular.
Extensive purple and necrotic.
Symptoms of a septic shock.
The infection caused a cascade
of inflammatory reactions
that caused a fault
of tissue oxygenation.
We will verify it at the autopsy
but I think death
it was due
to a multi-organ failure.
Bloody secretions
and purulent in the shirt.
And in the mouth.
For the airy appearance
and sparkling,
It comes from the lungs.
I spit a mixture
of blood and pus.
Did you touch the body?
Yes, I took out my wallet
of the jacket, why?
Shouldn't you do it?
He seems worried,
it makes me nervous.
- It's a toy store!
- You will be in your element.
They will have a section
for six years.
You shouldn't have played much
if you are so old
and bitter.
Stop it, leave! Go away!
He has no idea
of what can it be?
- Looks like he died of plague.
- Plague?
I thought it was eradicated!
In France since 1945.
But sometimes it reappears.
As in Madagascar.
And given the proliferation
of rats in Paris
Wait And then
Did you two get it?
Yes, but
Don't worry, captain.
Today the plague is cured
without any problem.
An antibiotic shot
and 48 hours to react.
Everything is going well.
But there is a protocol to follow.
It happens to me
with the commander in command?
- Are you sure it's okay?
- Clear.
I'm fine. Pass me
with the commander, please.
I pass it on.
Wants to talk to you.
Commander, can you hear me?
Yes, I hear you, doctor.
If it's plague, nothing happens,
We will manage.
I listened
don't tell him
to Captain Bach, please,
but it is more serious
than I believed.
It seems like plague,
But there is something that does not fit.
The bruises
they are not seated,
which indicates that it took
Less than five hours to die.
he's already spitting blood
and me too
I must be infected.
It is a bacillus
particularly aggressive
and if we don't discover
next what is
I'm afraid we are
condemned, commander.
So I insist that you don't leave
enter anyone in the area,
It is too dangerous.
You have to evacuate them!
No, until we have
The bacteria identified.
Commander, are you still there?
Yes, I am here. We will give
as quickly as possible.
We will pass antibiotics
and relief material.
The cavalry is coming, Nadjet.
- Nothing will happen.
- Yes, okay.
Well, I put the speaker.
We will send you a robot.
If you have samples
to analyze, he will pick them up.
�The body
Can you take it out to analyze it?
No, we can not.
It could spread the bacteria.
I have my briefcase,
I will do the autopsy right here.
- We will do it together.
- Yes.
I am with you.
Thank you.
- Come on?
- Yes.
You have to find out
what did Falquet do
in an abandoned toy store.
Talk to his wife.
Review your movements.
And see if there is anything that tells us
Where did you get that shit?
Come on, just missing
the shirt and we started.
All right.
Thank you.
A little prick for you,
and a prick for me.
That's it
- Let us begin.
- All right.
It's great
This autopsy table.
Nadjet, let's play.
If he died of plague,
we have
what to find the bite
of the rat flea
or the rodent bite
That was transmitted to her. OK?
Look at these marks on the arms.
They are ligatures.
They immobilized him.
Pass me the glasses, please.
Thank you.
There is something under the skin.
Give me the clamp.
Is this?
Serve, thanks.
It is the tip of the needle
of a syringe
that broke under the skin.
I should have struggled
when they punctured him.
It is the entry point
of the bacteria
It was not spread by chance.
They deliberately infected him!
We will analyze it soon.
Then it was a homicide.
But I had never seen
Something so twisted.
- Are there precedents?
- Nothing in the archives.
We have to find
to the guy who punctured him.
I will know nature
of the bacteria
This way we will take them out faster.
What do we know about Falquet?
Who would hate him
up to that point?
His wife does not understand.
He was a normal man.
It's wrong.
You have to tell your children
That his father is dead.
�Not inoculated
the plague by chance!
Let's focus on your life,
and you in the bacteria.
We will take them out. Do not worry.
My chest hurts and every time
It is harder for me to breathe.
I thought the antibiotic
stop the progress of this.
It works fast
depending on each patient.
And you? How do you feel?
Are you sure you are infected?
Do not worry about me.
I'm in shape.
I only have
A small sight problem.
But I'm fine.
I hope we leave soon.
I celebrate my birthday
I wasn't going to work, I replaced
to a partner at the last hour.
His wife gave birth this morning.
I didn't tell him
what happened to me because
Nadjet Nadjet
Nadjet Stay with me
stay Nadjet!
It's not funny, huh?
The mask does not fit.
How is she?
In coma.
I have been able to stabilize it
with the relief material.
And you?
I'm fine.
if ever
No, not now. Not now.
One two Three,
four five six,
seven eight nine ten.
Come on, Nadjet, come back.
One two three four
Come on!
One two three four,
five six seven
Come on! Come on come on.
Come on.
One, two, three, four
I thought you were going to save me.
I have died on my birthday.
You have to discover
What has happened to us.
For my kids.
For my wife.
Don't you take it?
I don't know what to tell him.
Come on, Balthazar! Wake up!
If you do nothing,
you will die, do you understand?
Yes, of course, it's true.
I'm going to die too.
Why don't you take it?
How much time do we have?
We try to know the virulence
of the bacteria, but
Answer me: how much?
I do not know.
Sorry. Sorry.
If we guide ourselves
for the reaction of the lieutenant,
should go into a coma
in an hour, and then
What? It is true what I say.
It is him.
don't do this again!
Why would he kill someone
with a disease
highly contagious?
How does it say?
So it spreads!
And why did he leave it?
in a closed shop?
The killer did not want
spread to anyone
Falquet didn't know the store,
It is patient 0.
They put it there
because they wanted the first
from a specific police station.
They wanted to attack
Nadjet, right?
Not Nadjet.
To his partner, who was
on call this morning.
They replaced him
Because his wife gave birth.
They are related Falquet
And that agent.
And me.
I'm on duty this morning.
I am, every Friday
in the morning
Me and nobody else.
All this has been a trap.
And the white was all three.
Do not.
I haven't stopped thinking about her.
I will still be alive
If he hadn't replaced me.
I know it's hard Beno�t,
but concentrate.
A police officer, a coroner, can
Be someone who wants revenge.
Sorry, I would like to help.
But i don't know
Neither of the two.
Less than a year ago
I live in Paris.
- Where did he come from?
- From Montpellier.
Falquet was from Montpellier.
And Balthazar
He did his practices there.
Very good.
- I have to enter.
- No, it can't.
To the exclusion zone?
Do you not know?
It is dangerous.
We have
to talk about Montpellier.
You can do it too.
by phone.
No I can not.
I want to see how it is,
and tell him that we are with him.
you let yourself go
for your emotions
- Don't screw up!
- What do you want to tell me?
I lead the investigation.
I need answers!
And don't discuss my decisions,
- Don't do nonsense.
- How do you say?
Shut up, all at once! What?
You got me fed up, fuck!
You are not thinking
like a policewoman!
Speak the woman in love!
Shut up! Shut up! OK?
What do you know about love?
Who have you wanted apart
from your mother and your dog?
Huh? Shit!
Hi, I'm Maya
leave me a message
It's me, Raphael.
I wanted to tell you that
Good luck with Air France.
You will dazzle them.
I got this
of the technical part.
Put the camera where we can
See the largest area.
All right.
Hey, what are you going to do?
Get in.
If it gets worse,
I can't pick up the phone.
We have to put a camera.
Of that nothing.
Our men will take care.
I will sign anything
If it stays quieter.
He doesn't understand
what I tell him?
I will not let him die alone.
It is out of your area
of competition
Don't take it off
under no pretext.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
See how it is.
And with this we will monitor you.
Now I know you're sexy.
How does he pee with that?
Delgado, can you hear me?
I have connected it
to the store's wifi,
But it works regular.
It seems saturated.
How do you feel?
I am a superhero.
What's new?
Falquet was a cook
in the Clinic
the last months
of your residence
And Beno�t was a policeman
in Montpellier at that time.
The link is Montpellier.
Can you think of anything?
Something that will happen there
during those six months?
Do not.
Do not throw in the towel.
Not now.
I have to go.
- Is it okay?
- Yes.
The only place where Falquet
and Raphael could cross
It is in the dining room of residents.
You say the canteen, right?
And you can know
What is so special about it?
It is the neurological center
of the residents.
And Balthazar was his boss.
Chief of residents?
They call it an atom.
He is the one in charge
of the parties,
to improve meals
And also,
He who enforces the rules.
The rules? What does it mean?
Among the residents
There are many prohibitions.
Use the teaspoon,
pick up the phone on the table
or talk about work
before coffee.
It is to create cohesion,
and that all respect
the hierarchy
And be responsible.
Yes, they are a bullshit of rules.
But if someone disobeys them,
the boss spins a roulette
in which there are many hazing.
And some are a bit hard.
Will they want revenge on Balthazar?
After 15 years?
And what is the link
with Langard?
I worked at the police station
on which the Clinic depended.
And where are you going if you think
have they gone with the hazing?
To police station.
Fuck, I remember.
- It was in my first week there.
- Wait.
Balthazar, listen to Beno�t.
Maybe remember something.
A girl came.
20 years old, big one.
I worked in the hospital.
It was historic.
I wanted to file a complaint.
Why the reason?
For something of a video
of her in the canteen,
circulating in the hospital.
But I didn't have the images.
He left without me
Accept the complaint.
Shit. It is my fault.
I already know who it is!
Come on, boss.
Turn the wheel for Lipoma!
The roulette. The roulette.
The roulette. The roulette
Lipoma, show your tits!
Come on, Lipoma, show us!
Guys, boys, boys
It has pissed on.
It was recorded 15 years ago,
but falquet
I hung it up six months ago
Thinking it would be funny.
Since then
circulates through the networks.
She is young,
which they call Lipoma,
which means fat ball,
His name is Pauline Brochant.
I had problems.
Depression, exhaustion,
stays in psychiatric.
And after this,
He had two suicide attempts.
I left Medicine.
It was passed to Biology.
I worked at the Pasteur Institute.
He had access to the National Center
of Reference of the Plague.
There he was able to modify the bacteria.
The author of the video
and that I published it recently,
It was chef Gilles Falquet.
The victim zero.
Balthazar turned the wheel.
Falquet spread the video.
Langard did not accept his complaint.
For her, the 3 contributed
To his misfortune.
The reappearance of the video
He explains why he wants revenge.
Our hope
I have an antidote.
If we find Brochant,
Balthazar will be saved.
Well, come on! To work!
- Balthazar! Balthazar!
- Answer!
- Balthazar, listen to me!
- Answer!
- What happens?
- You are not aware.
His eyes are open
But it doesn't react.
As in the first
coma stage
- Hey, what are you doing?
- I will go in to examine him.
Not to mention, I am the doctor,
You are a toxicologist.
What do you mean?
I can also make an electro.
Do you have another suit?
How many are you on the team?
That's it You are in a coma.
You have worn.
I am in full experience
close to death.
What is this topic?
If we fail, Balthazar will die.
You have to concentrate.
Such Lipoma is the only one
That can give us the antidote.
- What do we know about her?
- Nothing.
Brochant disappeared
six months ago.
Unknown adress.
Without phone
Not even his mother knows anything.
I'm sorry.
So it disappeared
to prepare his revenge
to the smallest detail.
And I created a bacteria
modified plague,
to kill all three
Which considers responsible.
What twisted.
The twisted thing is to carry out
such a plan and not enjoy it.
How do you say?
Not leaked
Nothing to the press.
In theory he doesn't know
If your plan has worked.
A bit frustrating
for someone who has hatched
something so delusional, right?
He is watching.
The camera is connected
to the store and there is delay.
There has to be something
That bandwidth collapses.
Another camera
These are
Connected devices
Cash registers,
computers, a printer,
our camera
That is yours.
Raph? It's me, Eddy.
Do you hear me?
Raphael Balthazar Do you hear me or not?
If you do, make me a sign.
Come on, stay with us.
You are not bad.
Reacts to pain.
Nine on the Glasgow scale.
It is a light coma, phase 1.
How many phases are there?
The first is obnubilation.
of reduced communication.
In the second it disappears
the ability to wake up
There is no possible contact.
It is that of the deep coma.
Does not react
to painful stimuli.
And the fourth
It is the one of the exceeded coma:
It is maintained artificially.
Already. But Nadjet passed immediately
from one stage to another.
In an hour.
Will never find
the treatment.
Only we can save him.
All right. First
We will take the tension.
- Tell me when I can.
- Ready.
Come on, I start measuring it.
- I take care of my arms.
- All right.
- Be careful with your tube.
- Yes. Thank you.
- Look how weird.
- What?
Nadjet's temperature
I did not exceed 38�.
- With an infectious disease?
- Yes.
Wrote fever
with 3 question marks.
What is fever for?
It's a defense mechanism
which allows to destroy bacteria.
The plague does it at 50�.
And at that temperature we die.
And also
It can slow down your action.
That crazy modified the bacteria
so that the body
It will not develop fever.
That accelerates its effects!
It would suffice to cause fever
to delay them.
Nerd. It is already at the limit.
If we raise his fever,
can palmar.
And if we do nothing, die.
Fatim, it's not even my idea,
It's his.
If you had that idea,
Why didn't he tell us?
- No, we have no choice.
- Hey, we do.
Do you want me to remember you
the code of ethics?
This is not about codes.
What a pain.
What is your problem?
Listens. My problem
Raph is still with us.
And I will not allow you
Play it as you always do.
- Can you hear me?
- Voucher. So what do we do?
Do we see him agonize?
�We stay
arms crossed?
You have me fed up with your morale!
Do you know what the truth is?
Than ever in your life
You have risked.
Quiet, it's clear
That you are very sensible.
Go ahead, become the oldest,
the responsible
Fulfill your code. Watch him die.
This will not blame you.
You will have followed the code.
I do not give up. Fuck.
All right, take a chance.
Come on, kill him.
And demonstrates
You're better than me
�You can put some drippers
in the microwave
and send them with hot gas?
Is there anyone here?
Surprise! Surprise!
Come. Come on let's go.
Come take it
a drink with us!
- Come on, come!
- I do not understand.
Why are you here?
What do we celebrate?
Your death.
With the electric blanket
and the hot gas you inhale,
It should act quickly.
Do not.
No! No, no, no!
Have seizures
Shit, shit.
�The temperature rises
and the heart is speeding up!
Do not do this to me.
Don't do it to me
Sorry, sorry,
stay with us
Stay with us, fuck!
Raph, Raph.
Do not go. Do not give up.
Sorry, sorry.
I just wanted to save you.
Stay with us.
Stay with us,
The temperature rises to 40,
But the heart calms down.
All right.
How much time do we have left?
Two hours three maximum.
Good job.
The camera you installed
Send images to a cloud.
You see them connecting to your account.
Is that an IP address?
They say it was connected less
than a quarter of an hour
They are in it.
When will it have its address?
In ten minutes.
Ten minutes. OK.
Hold. Do not give up.
Come to die Come to die
I don't want to die
I don't want to die
I do not get it.
Do you not want to die?
I think so.
You just feel alive
If you approach death.
If you jump on parachutes.
If you drink too much.
And with you!
You are afraid of loving me
Because you're afraid of losing me.
It is easier to die.
That's why you didn't say anything
When did you know
That fever would save you.
It has hit the spot to be
Someone who just met you.
Rejoice, Raphael.
It will be over soon.
You have passed to phase 2.
Phase 2.
It's over.
You deserve it.
Don't move! Stay still!
Come on! Hand us up!
How is it
your dear doctor Balthazar?
You have the antidote.
He would not risk inoculating
the bacteria accidentally.
There is an antidote, it's true.
But I won't give it to him.
I listened. I know what will happen
of my days in prison.
I can taste my victory
over which
They destroyed my life.
I know it shouldn't be easy
for you.
What do you know?
What size are you,
a 32 and a half?
�You think you know
What is being different?
The men
They look at her on the street.
They smile at him.
You get paid a drink, the hotel
They offer you the world.
They point at me and make fun of me.
Or pity me.
Because of those three bastards.
He is right, they were wrong.
But Balthazar is a good person.
It is honest.
He would give his life to save
that of others is dying.
All because I committed
An error 15 years ago.
- He does not deserve it. Do not.
- You don't deserve it?
And I deserved
what did they do to me?
My life later was hell.
A hell.
I could not be a doctor.
It was my dream.
Not even have a family.
It was my dream.
I have never been with a man.
After what happened,
I could not.
I can't take it anymore.
It is your fault.
They deserve it.
Leave it at once.
�You are so responsible
like them!
Face reality:
had already been
in a psychiatric
before that hazing.
It happens totally of me.
Just want to save
to his dear Balthazar.
Well, he will die.
But sure. Painfully.
How has my life been.
My heaven.
You go to phase 3.
Slow rhythms get worse.
It does not react to stimuli.
It is phase 3.
Can hold on. There are people
that stay in it months
- prior to
- Before you die?
You did what you could.
He is alive thanks to you,
Now it is up to him to fight.
Fatim, this guy
Get the best of me.
I owe it all. OK?
He kicked me in the ass
When I wanted to quit medicine.
I believed more in me than my parents.
If he dies, I
You have me.
I will not say anything.
He wants to taste his revenge.
No I dont think so.
That woman is at the limit.
She went crazy
and locked himself in his revenge
And he doesn't know how to get out.
We have to find out
what to press
To let it all go
Bring me an iPad.
I miss you.
What do you think?
What if you die will hug you
and we will be together
all the eternity?
I'm just in your head
I dont exist. I'm not here anymore.
I am not here.
Hello dad! Hello mom!
I wanted to give you the great news.
I have approved.
I'm a police lieutenant!
So, I wanted
share it with you
and thank you for everything
what you have done for me.
Really. Thank you.
I want to celebrate it
with you.
A kiss.
And thanks! I'm a lieutenant!
What do you want me to say?
Bad place and bad time.
She just did her job.
With heart and passion.
As you 15 years ago.
- Is not the same.
- Of course I do.
Think those men
his life was stolen because
think it's
on the side of the good.
Because it is a victim
and they their executioners.
And Nadjet, who was he on?
Just died. I was 28 years old.
Do you want revenge?
Well, he already has it.
He has killed an innocent woman.
Pauline, now you can
Save Balthazar
Why would I do it?
Because it's what I would have done
Pauline from before.
Before everything sank.
The innocent and passionate Pauline
I was going to study Medicine
for Save lives.
Have that Pauline show
to all those bastards
They haven't won yet.
What is this? What is going on?
You are drowning.
You don't have much time left.
You have to let me go.
I hope you haven't
teased the captain
And this is the antidote.
Fatim, we are losing it.
We lose it, the treatment
It will not work.
What are you doing?
Why don't you inject it?
You are right. There is no choice.
But what have you done?
What have you done?
Are you crazy or what?
They don't get anymore
intracardiac injections!
I had to take a chance
to act faster.
- We do not have time.
- No no no.
His heart will not endure.
His heart will not endure.
- No no no no.
- What?
- What's up?
- I'm dying, Lise.
Nerd. I disagree,
I disagree.
Raphael, I don't agree,
wake up, fuck
You are going to wake up.
Come on, it's not too late.
Don't leave us, fuck!
You have a lot to do yet.
You have to hug,
you have to fuck me
you have to make me try
weird things.
Come on! Breathe, fuck.
I will not let you die.
I won't let you die .
Breathe! I swear on life
of my mother that you will not die,
- you won't die.
- Eddy.
It's over.
It can not be, it can not be.
Don't get carried away, my darling.
Go away!
- Raphael.
- Raphael, do you hear us?
Raphael, are you alive?
Raphael, it's us.
Balthazar, that's it,
You have saved yourself.
- Now hold on.
- Thank you.
- Don't do this to us again.
- This guy is crazy.
- I knew he wasn't going to die.
- We've had a terrible time.
You have given us a good scare.
Never again, will you?
You are a bastard.
There, we have saved you.
It is more resistant
That a cockroach.
Also sexier, right?
If not, I would not be
looking at my chest like that.
I'm glad
That he is not dead.
I think it's the most beautiful
That has never told me.
then you should shower.
It smells like choto.
You can't imagine the day
So horrible I've been through
How are you? How was your day?
Is everything alright?
You sounded pretty weird
on the answering machine
Me? My day almost killed me.
Well, tell me.
It has been terrible.
The technician I told you about
He is incompetent
but it's there because it's
nephew of the chief's sister.
- Yes. Yes Yes
- Uncle screwed up.
- Inverted the cables.
- No!
No! What reversed the cables?
No, I do not believe it.
Yes, and just by hearing you say it,
It makes me want to die.
- Do not.
- I swear.
- And what else?
- Well, sparks jumped,
it burned,
there was smoke everywhere.
Uncle looked at me, I didn't understand
why it didn't work,
I didn't know what to do,
It was ridiculous ridiculous.
Seriously, don't laugh.
I didn't like it.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Wow Good morning!
Good morning
This is a detail.
Thank you
What is it?
We owe them a lot
To these prawns.
- Do you like them?
- I like them very much
But I'm almost not hungry,
I'm a little stressed.
Your interview with Air France?
Yes, I think
That I push myself too much.
I know a remedy for that.
�Yes? And what is it?
Secret coroner!
- And you can't reveal it.
- I can not.
It is a professional secret.
Balthazar, tell me.
Yes, it's there.
Good morning
Hi Raphael Balthazar,
Lieutenant Elourimi, delighted.
- Are you alone?
- Yes, we are short staffed.
- We work alone.
- Wow!
- Is there no light?
- Yes, I think it's there.
Gilles Falquet, 42 years.
I was
Is it ok?
My head just hurts a little.
Married, he had two children.
No background
He was a waiter. The store
It had been closed for six months.
It is impossible to know
What was he doing here? Is rare.
I know it's weird,
How did they find it?
An anonymous call.
When he arrived, the door
I was forced and
He was like that.
He died about 24 hours ago.
See these bruises
and blackened skin?
They are signs of pain
Intense in tissues.
Likely coagulation
disseminated intravascular.
Extensive purple and necrotic.
Symptoms of a septic shock.
The infection caused a cascade
of inflammatory reactions
that caused a fault
of tissue oxygenation.
We will verify it at the autopsy
but I think death
it was due
to a multi-organ failure.
Bloody secretions
and purulent in the shirt.
And in the mouth.
For the airy appearance
and sparkling,
It comes from the lungs.
I spit a mixture
of blood and pus.
Did you touch the body?
Yes, I took out my wallet
of the jacket, why?
Shouldn't you do it?
He seems worried,
it makes me nervous.
- It's a toy store!
- You will be in your element.
They will have a section
for six years.
You shouldn't have played much
if you are so old
and bitter.
Stop it, leave! Go away!
He has no idea
of what can it be?
- Looks like he died of plague.
- Plague?
I thought it was eradicated!
In France since 1945.
But sometimes it reappears.
As in Madagascar.
And given the proliferation
of rats in Paris
Wait And then
Did you two get it?
Yes, but
Don't worry, captain.
Today the plague is cured
without any problem.
An antibiotic shot
and 48 hours to react.
Everything is going well.
But there is a protocol to follow.
It happens to me
with the commander in command?
- Are you sure it's okay?
- Clear.
I'm fine. Pass me
with the commander, please.
I pass it on.
Wants to talk to you.
Commander, can you hear me?
Yes, I hear you, doctor.
If it's plague, nothing happens,
We will manage.
I listened
don't tell him
to Captain Bach, please,
but it is more serious
than I believed.
It seems like plague,
But there is something that does not fit.
The bruises
they are not seated,
which indicates that it took
Less than five hours to die.
he's already spitting blood
and me too
I must be infected.
It is a bacillus
particularly aggressive
and if we don't discover
next what is
I'm afraid we are
condemned, commander.
So I insist that you don't leave
enter anyone in the area,
It is too dangerous.
You have to evacuate them!
No, until we have
The bacteria identified.
Commander, are you still there?
Yes, I am here. We will give
as quickly as possible.
We will pass antibiotics
and relief material.
The cavalry is coming, Nadjet.
- Nothing will happen.
- Yes, okay.
Well, I put the speaker.
We will send you a robot.
If you have samples
to analyze, he will pick them up.
�The body
Can you take it out to analyze it?
No, we can not.
It could spread the bacteria.
I have my briefcase,
I will do the autopsy right here.
- We will do it together.
- Yes.
I am with you.
Thank you.
- Come on?
- Yes.
You have to find out
what did Falquet do
in an abandoned toy store.
Talk to his wife.
Review your movements.
And see if there is anything that tells us
Where did you get that shit?
Come on, just missing
the shirt and we started.
All right.
Thank you.
A little prick for you,
and a prick for me.
That's it
- Let us begin.
- All right.
It's great
This autopsy table.
Nadjet, let's play.
If he died of plague,
we have
what to find the bite
of the rat flea
or the rodent bite
That was transmitted to her. OK?
Look at these marks on the arms.
They are ligatures.
They immobilized him.
Pass me the glasses, please.
Thank you.
There is something under the skin.
Give me the clamp.
Is this?
Serve, thanks.
It is the tip of the needle
of a syringe
that broke under the skin.
I should have struggled
when they punctured him.
It is the entry point
of the bacteria
It was not spread by chance.
They deliberately infected him!
We will analyze it soon.
Then it was a homicide.
But I had never seen
Something so twisted.
- Are there precedents?
- Nothing in the archives.
We have to find
to the guy who punctured him.
I will know nature
of the bacteria
This way we will take them out faster.
What do we know about Falquet?
Who would hate him
up to that point?
His wife does not understand.
He was a normal man.
It's wrong.
You have to tell your children
That his father is dead.
�Not inoculated
the plague by chance!
Let's focus on your life,
and you in the bacteria.
We will take them out. Do not worry.
My chest hurts and every time
It is harder for me to breathe.
I thought the antibiotic
stop the progress of this.
It works fast
depending on each patient.
And you? How do you feel?
Are you sure you are infected?
Do not worry about me.
I'm in shape.
I only have
A small sight problem.
But I'm fine.
I hope we leave soon.
I celebrate my birthday
I wasn't going to work, I replaced
to a partner at the last hour.
His wife gave birth this morning.
I didn't tell him
what happened to me because
Nadjet Nadjet
Nadjet Stay with me
stay Nadjet!
It's not funny, huh?
The mask does not fit.
How is she?
In coma.
I have been able to stabilize it
with the relief material.
And you?
I'm fine.
if ever
No, not now. Not now.
One two Three,
four five six,
seven eight nine ten.
Come on, Nadjet, come back.
One two three four
Come on!
One two three four,
five six seven
Come on! Come on come on.
Come on.
One, two, three, four
I thought you were going to save me.
I have died on my birthday.
You have to discover
What has happened to us.
For my kids.
For my wife.
Don't you take it?
I don't know what to tell him.
Come on, Balthazar! Wake up!
If you do nothing,
you will die, do you understand?
Yes, of course, it's true.
I'm going to die too.
Why don't you take it?
How much time do we have?
We try to know the virulence
of the bacteria, but
Answer me: how much?
I do not know.
Sorry. Sorry.
If we guide ourselves
for the reaction of the lieutenant,
should go into a coma
in an hour, and then
What? It is true what I say.
It is him.
don't do this again!
Why would he kill someone
with a disease
highly contagious?
How does it say?
So it spreads!
And why did he leave it?
in a closed shop?
The killer did not want
spread to anyone
Falquet didn't know the store,
It is patient 0.
They put it there
because they wanted the first
from a specific police station.
They wanted to attack
Nadjet, right?
Not Nadjet.
To his partner, who was
on call this morning.
They replaced him
Because his wife gave birth.
They are related Falquet
And that agent.
And me.
I'm on duty this morning.
I am, every Friday
in the morning
Me and nobody else.
All this has been a trap.
And the white was all three.
Do not.
I haven't stopped thinking about her.
I will still be alive
If he hadn't replaced me.
I know it's hard Beno�t,
but concentrate.
A police officer, a coroner, can
Be someone who wants revenge.
Sorry, I would like to help.
But i don't know
Neither of the two.
Less than a year ago
I live in Paris.
- Where did he come from?
- From Montpellier.
Falquet was from Montpellier.
And Balthazar
He did his practices there.
Very good.
- I have to enter.
- No, it can't.
To the exclusion zone?
Do you not know?
It is dangerous.
We have
to talk about Montpellier.
You can do it too.
by phone.
No I can not.
I want to see how it is,
and tell him that we are with him.
you let yourself go
for your emotions
- Don't screw up!
- What do you want to tell me?
I lead the investigation.
I need answers!
And don't discuss my decisions,
- Don't do nonsense.
- How do you say?
Shut up, all at once! What?
You got me fed up, fuck!
You are not thinking
like a policewoman!
Speak the woman in love!
Shut up! Shut up! OK?
What do you know about love?
Who have you wanted apart
from your mother and your dog?
Huh? Shit!
Hi, I'm Maya
leave me a message
It's me, Raphael.
I wanted to tell you that
Good luck with Air France.
You will dazzle them.
I got this
of the technical part.
Put the camera where we can
See the largest area.
All right.
Hey, what are you going to do?
Get in.
If it gets worse,
I can't pick up the phone.
We have to put a camera.
Of that nothing.
Our men will take care.
I will sign anything
If it stays quieter.
He doesn't understand
what I tell him?
I will not let him die alone.
It is out of your area
of competition
Don't take it off
under no pretext.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
See how it is.
And with this we will monitor you.
Now I know you're sexy.
How does he pee with that?
Delgado, can you hear me?
I have connected it
to the store's wifi,
But it works regular.
It seems saturated.
How do you feel?
I am a superhero.
What's new?
Falquet was a cook
in the Clinic
the last months
of your residence
And Beno�t was a policeman
in Montpellier at that time.
The link is Montpellier.
Can you think of anything?
Something that will happen there
during those six months?
Do not.
Do not throw in the towel.
Not now.
I have to go.
- Is it okay?
- Yes.
The only place where Falquet
and Raphael could cross
It is in the dining room of residents.
You say the canteen, right?
And you can know
What is so special about it?
It is the neurological center
of the residents.
And Balthazar was his boss.
Chief of residents?
They call it an atom.
He is the one in charge
of the parties,
to improve meals
And also,
He who enforces the rules.
The rules? What does it mean?
Among the residents
There are many prohibitions.
Use the teaspoon,
pick up the phone on the table
or talk about work
before coffee.
It is to create cohesion,
and that all respect
the hierarchy
And be responsible.
Yes, they are a bullshit of rules.
But if someone disobeys them,
the boss spins a roulette
in which there are many hazing.
And some are a bit hard.
Will they want revenge on Balthazar?
After 15 years?
And what is the link
with Langard?
I worked at the police station
on which the Clinic depended.
And where are you going if you think
have they gone with the hazing?
To police station.
Fuck, I remember.
- It was in my first week there.
- Wait.
Balthazar, listen to Beno�t.
Maybe remember something.
A girl came.
20 years old, big one.
I worked in the hospital.
It was historic.
I wanted to file a complaint.
Why the reason?
For something of a video
of her in the canteen,
circulating in the hospital.
But I didn't have the images.
He left without me
Accept the complaint.
Shit. It is my fault.
I already know who it is!
Come on, boss.
Turn the wheel for Lipoma!
The roulette. The roulette.
The roulette. The roulette
Lipoma, show your tits!
Come on, Lipoma, show us!
Guys, boys, boys
It has pissed on.
It was recorded 15 years ago,
but falquet
I hung it up six months ago
Thinking it would be funny.
Since then
circulates through the networks.
She is young,
which they call Lipoma,
which means fat ball,
His name is Pauline Brochant.
I had problems.
Depression, exhaustion,
stays in psychiatric.
And after this,
He had two suicide attempts.
I left Medicine.
It was passed to Biology.
I worked at the Pasteur Institute.
He had access to the National Center
of Reference of the Plague.
There he was able to modify the bacteria.
The author of the video
and that I published it recently,
It was chef Gilles Falquet.
The victim zero.
Balthazar turned the wheel.
Falquet spread the video.
Langard did not accept his complaint.
For her, the 3 contributed
To his misfortune.
The reappearance of the video
He explains why he wants revenge.
Our hope
I have an antidote.
If we find Brochant,
Balthazar will be saved.
Well, come on! To work!
- Balthazar! Balthazar!
- Answer!
- Balthazar, listen to me!
- Answer!
- What happens?
- You are not aware.
His eyes are open
But it doesn't react.
As in the first
coma stage
- Hey, what are you doing?
- I will go in to examine him.
Not to mention, I am the doctor,
You are a toxicologist.
What do you mean?
I can also make an electro.
Do you have another suit?
How many are you on the team?
That's it You are in a coma.
You have worn.
I am in full experience
close to death.
What is this topic?
If we fail, Balthazar will die.
You have to concentrate.
Such Lipoma is the only one
That can give us the antidote.
- What do we know about her?
- Nothing.
Brochant disappeared
six months ago.
Unknown adress.
Without phone
Not even his mother knows anything.
I'm sorry.
So it disappeared
to prepare his revenge
to the smallest detail.
And I created a bacteria
modified plague,
to kill all three
Which considers responsible.
What twisted.
The twisted thing is to carry out
such a plan and not enjoy it.
How do you say?
Not leaked
Nothing to the press.
In theory he doesn't know
If your plan has worked.
A bit frustrating
for someone who has hatched
something so delusional, right?
He is watching.
The camera is connected
to the store and there is delay.
There has to be something
That bandwidth collapses.
Another camera
These are
Connected devices
Cash registers,
computers, a printer,
our camera
That is yours.
Raph? It's me, Eddy.
Do you hear me?
Raphael Balthazar Do you hear me or not?
If you do, make me a sign.
Come on, stay with us.
You are not bad.
Reacts to pain.
Nine on the Glasgow scale.
It is a light coma, phase 1.
How many phases are there?
The first is obnubilation.
of reduced communication.
In the second it disappears
the ability to wake up
There is no possible contact.
It is that of the deep coma.
Does not react
to painful stimuli.
And the fourth
It is the one of the exceeded coma:
It is maintained artificially.
Already. But Nadjet passed immediately
from one stage to another.
In an hour.
Will never find
the treatment.
Only we can save him.
All right. First
We will take the tension.
- Tell me when I can.
- Ready.
Come on, I start measuring it.
- I take care of my arms.
- All right.
- Be careful with your tube.
- Yes. Thank you.
- Look how weird.
- What?
Nadjet's temperature
I did not exceed 38�.
- With an infectious disease?
- Yes.
Wrote fever
with 3 question marks.
What is fever for?
It's a defense mechanism
which allows to destroy bacteria.
The plague does it at 50�.
And at that temperature we die.
And also
It can slow down your action.
That crazy modified the bacteria
so that the body
It will not develop fever.
That accelerates its effects!
It would suffice to cause fever
to delay them.
Nerd. It is already at the limit.
If we raise his fever,
can palmar.
And if we do nothing, die.
Fatim, it's not even my idea,
It's his.
If you had that idea,
Why didn't he tell us?
- No, we have no choice.
- Hey, we do.
Do you want me to remember you
the code of ethics?
This is not about codes.
What a pain.
What is your problem?
Listens. My problem
Raph is still with us.
And I will not allow you
Play it as you always do.
- Can you hear me?
- Voucher. So what do we do?
Do we see him agonize?
�We stay
arms crossed?
You have me fed up with your morale!
Do you know what the truth is?
Than ever in your life
You have risked.
Quiet, it's clear
That you are very sensible.
Go ahead, become the oldest,
the responsible
Fulfill your code. Watch him die.
This will not blame you.
You will have followed the code.
I do not give up. Fuck.
All right, take a chance.
Come on, kill him.
And demonstrates
You're better than me
�You can put some drippers
in the microwave
and send them with hot gas?
Is there anyone here?
Surprise! Surprise!
Come. Come on let's go.
Come take it
a drink with us!
- Come on, come!
- I do not understand.
Why are you here?
What do we celebrate?
Your death.
With the electric blanket
and the hot gas you inhale,
It should act quickly.
Do not.
No! No, no, no!
Have seizures
Shit, shit.
�The temperature rises
and the heart is speeding up!
Do not do this to me.
Don't do it to me
Sorry, sorry,
stay with us
Stay with us, fuck!
Raph, Raph.
Do not go. Do not give up.
Sorry, sorry.
I just wanted to save you.
Stay with us.
Stay with us,
The temperature rises to 40,
But the heart calms down.
All right.
How much time do we have left?
Two hours three maximum.
Good job.
The camera you installed
Send images to a cloud.
You see them connecting to your account.
Is that an IP address?
They say it was connected less
than a quarter of an hour
They are in it.
When will it have its address?
In ten minutes.
Ten minutes. OK.
Hold. Do not give up.
Come to die Come to die
I don't want to die
I don't want to die
I do not get it.
Do you not want to die?
I think so.
You just feel alive
If you approach death.
If you jump on parachutes.
If you drink too much.
And with you!
You are afraid of loving me
Because you're afraid of losing me.
It is easier to die.
That's why you didn't say anything
When did you know
That fever would save you.
It has hit the spot to be
Someone who just met you.
Rejoice, Raphael.
It will be over soon.
You have passed to phase 2.
Phase 2.
It's over.
You deserve it.
Don't move! Stay still!
Come on! Hand us up!
How is it
your dear doctor Balthazar?
You have the antidote.
He would not risk inoculating
the bacteria accidentally.
There is an antidote, it's true.
But I won't give it to him.
I listened. I know what will happen
of my days in prison.
I can taste my victory
over which
They destroyed my life.
I know it shouldn't be easy
for you.
What do you know?
What size are you,
a 32 and a half?
�You think you know
What is being different?
The men
They look at her on the street.
They smile at him.
You get paid a drink, the hotel
They offer you the world.
They point at me and make fun of me.
Or pity me.
Because of those three bastards.
He is right, they were wrong.
But Balthazar is a good person.
It is honest.
He would give his life to save
that of others is dying.
All because I committed
An error 15 years ago.
- He does not deserve it. Do not.
- You don't deserve it?
And I deserved
what did they do to me?
My life later was hell.
A hell.
I could not be a doctor.
It was my dream.
Not even have a family.
It was my dream.
I have never been with a man.
After what happened,
I could not.
I can't take it anymore.
It is your fault.
They deserve it.
Leave it at once.
�You are so responsible
like them!
Face reality:
had already been
in a psychiatric
before that hazing.
It happens totally of me.
Just want to save
to his dear Balthazar.
Well, he will die.
But sure. Painfully.
How has my life been.
My heaven.
You go to phase 3.
Slow rhythms get worse.
It does not react to stimuli.
It is phase 3.
Can hold on. There are people
that stay in it months
- prior to
- Before you die?
You did what you could.
He is alive thanks to you,
Now it is up to him to fight.
Fatim, this guy
Get the best of me.
I owe it all. OK?
He kicked me in the ass
When I wanted to quit medicine.
I believed more in me than my parents.
If he dies, I
You have me.
I will not say anything.
He wants to taste his revenge.
No I dont think so.
That woman is at the limit.
She went crazy
and locked himself in his revenge
And he doesn't know how to get out.
We have to find out
what to press
To let it all go
Bring me an iPad.
I miss you.
What do you think?
What if you die will hug you
and we will be together
all the eternity?
I'm just in your head
I dont exist. I'm not here anymore.
I am not here.
Hello dad! Hello mom!
I wanted to give you the great news.
I have approved.
I'm a police lieutenant!
So, I wanted
share it with you
and thank you for everything
what you have done for me.
Really. Thank you.
I want to celebrate it
with you.
A kiss.
And thanks! I'm a lieutenant!
What do you want me to say?
Bad place and bad time.
She just did her job.
With heart and passion.
As you 15 years ago.
- Is not the same.
- Of course I do.
Think those men
his life was stolen because
think it's
on the side of the good.
Because it is a victim
and they their executioners.
And Nadjet, who was he on?
Just died. I was 28 years old.
Do you want revenge?
Well, he already has it.
He has killed an innocent woman.
Pauline, now you can
Save Balthazar
Why would I do it?
Because it's what I would have done
Pauline from before.
Before everything sank.
The innocent and passionate Pauline
I was going to study Medicine
for Save lives.
Have that Pauline show
to all those bastards
They haven't won yet.
What is this? What is going on?
You are drowning.
You don't have much time left.
You have to let me go.
I hope you haven't
teased the captain
And this is the antidote.
Fatim, we are losing it.
We lose it, the treatment
It will not work.
What are you doing?
Why don't you inject it?
You are right. There is no choice.
But what have you done?
What have you done?
Are you crazy or what?
They don't get anymore
intracardiac injections!
I had to take a chance
to act faster.
- We do not have time.
- No no no.
His heart will not endure.
His heart will not endure.
- No no no no.
- What?
- What's up?
- I'm dying, Lise.
Nerd. I disagree,
I disagree.
Raphael, I don't agree,
wake up, fuck
You are going to wake up.
Come on, it's not too late.
Don't leave us, fuck!
You have a lot to do yet.
You have to hug,
you have to fuck me
you have to make me try
weird things.
Come on! Breathe, fuck.
I will not let you die.
I won't let you die .
Breathe! I swear on life
of my mother that you will not die,
- you won't die.
- Eddy.
It's over.
It can not be, it can not be.
Don't get carried away, my darling.
Go away!
- Raphael.
- Raphael, do you hear us?
Raphael, are you alive?
Raphael, it's us.
Balthazar, that's it,
You have saved yourself.
- Now hold on.
- Thank you.
- Don't do this to us again.
- This guy is crazy.
- I knew he wasn't going to die.
- We've had a terrible time.
You have given us a good scare.
Never again, will you?
You are a bastard.
There, we have saved you.
It is more resistant
That a cockroach.
Also sexier, right?
If not, I would not be
looking at my chest like that.
I'm glad
That he is not dead.
I think it's the most beautiful
That has never told me.
then you should shower.
It smells like choto.
You can't imagine the day
So horrible I've been through
How are you? How was your day?
Is everything alright?
You sounded pretty weird
on the answering machine
Me? My day almost killed me.
Well, tell me.
It has been terrible.
The technician I told you about
He is incompetent
but it's there because it's
nephew of the chief's sister.
- Yes. Yes Yes
- Uncle screwed up.
- Inverted the cables.
- No!
No! What reversed the cables?
No, I do not believe it.
Yes, and just by hearing you say it,
It makes me want to die.
- Do not.
- I swear.
- And what else?
- Well, sparks jumped,
it burned,
there was smoke everywhere.
Uncle looked at me, I didn't understand
why it didn't work,
I didn't know what to do,
It was ridiculous ridiculous.
Seriously, don't laugh.
I didn't like it.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri