Balthazar (2018) s02e06 Episode Script
La dette
-00:00:00,724 -- 00:00:01,276
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
They are nice. Well, normal.
They are not at all
the cliche of the cops
and weird forensics.
Well well. Seriously.
But stay with me, okay?
Hi Raphael.
I introduce you to Eddy,
A weird coroner.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Wow.
- Quiet, he's dead
Eddy, why are you dressed like this?
Fatim told me that the subject
It was wild animals.
�In a medal setting
of the police?
Am I wrong on the subject?
What a shame.
- Good afternoon.
- Good.
- I am Maya.
- Antoine.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'm glad to see her.
He told me so much about you
- It seems that I know her.
- Yes?
Hi, Antoine.
- Stay here. I'll be right back.
- All right.
- How are you, J�r�me?
- I'm a little bit nervous.
Come on, nothing happens.
How it feels to carry
20 years in the cop?
I would prefer a beer
With an aunt.
I don't like fine parties.
They make me bad.
It is an occasion
to drink a good
- A chance to see us.
- Already.
- A beautiful costume!
- Shut up!
The French Republic
today he will pay tribute
to his guardians.
For his courage, his self-denial
and his intelligence,
these men and women
illustrate excellence
of the national police.
Now i call
to Lieutenant J�r�me Delgado.
Well! Brigadier Jean Pasquier.
Lieutenant Amel Benchetrit.
Has smile
To be in love
And I understand
And how are you with Antoine?
How was the return home?
I have regained my life.
As if it were before.
I'm happy for you.
I also for you.
Day after day, night after night,
risking their lives,
fight to defend
This republic.
In the police, many of you
they feel careless,
but I'm here to tell you
We move forward together.
Well well then.
The national police is a great
body, and I am very proud.
That is all. See you soon,
See you next year.
Captain There is a problem.
Come on!
We receive this call
10 minutes ago.
- Police, say.
- Help me, please!
- Your name?
- Lola Brunel.
- Come quickly!
- Where is it and what happens.
They try to get in my car.
- Call up. Tell me where it is.
- Please come now!
- No, still!
- Where is it?
It is the voice of Lola Brunel.
18 years old
- Have you been located?
- Not yet.
It is in the north of Paris.
We will have the coordinates
in a few minutes.
All right.
This must be
Lola's car.
Matches the coordinates.
And the parents?
They are in Bangkok. They arrive tomorrow.
The partners are on their way.
The car is empty.
It will be like the crime scene.
Tell that agent
That price the area.
All right.
Open the trunk.
There is some blood.
And it smells like ether,
They will have taken her.
Call the veterinary brigade.
They have left us a gift.
We were on vacation.
We had it planned.
Lola is internal,
It comes on weekends.
And drive that car
every Friday?
But can you tell me what they do?
All we can
Mr. Brunel.
It does not seem.
An investigating judge
has issued
this search order
with the picture of his daughter
and we have spread it all
the airports, the stations
and at the borders, okay?
It has been missing for 12 hours.
They may have killed her!
No, if they had wanted to do it
We will know.
His daughter was
Your goal for something.
And they knew their route.
They slept and took her away.
It remains to discover why.
�Your daughter has problems
or enemies?
No! It's a normal girl!
If I talk about snakes,
Does that sound like something?
Snakes? No, why?
Find my daughter.
Please. Find my girl.
Do you have a new friend?
I present to you Mr. Real Python.
And what do you play?
I try to understand
why someone left snakes
in the trunk of the car after
of kidnapping a young girl.
To leave a message, I imagine.
Yes, of course
Than to leave a message.
It is a very common snake.
There is in all the vivariums.
So it is a very vague symbol.
I don't know
In the Bible, for example,
It is the temptation. Or the sin.
But in psychology,
It is manhood.
It has many meanings.
Dozens of them.
I must find the right one.
That way I can know why
the kidnapper chose Lola
and not to any other person.
And above all,
I will allow myself to approach him.
As with me.
Excuse me?
If you know why
My killer chose me
I will help you find it, right?
But I do not have anything
neither Bach either.
See, you and the other victims
You have nothing in common.
Not even the same age. Not sex.
Not even the size.
Not even the skin color
There is nothing that relates to you.
Analyze all samples
and found nothing.
I don't know where to continue.
Ready to eat?
Search Notices
They have not served.
17 hours have passed
since he disappeared.
Tell me you have something.
Maybe yes. Look.
The name of Lola Brunel
It appears in a case of 2015.
A fire in which he died
The doorman of his school.
Testimony for the accusation
against one St�phane Lafont.
He fell 12 years
in La Sant� and still there.
Lafont confessed.
And between his burns
and the testimony,
I had no escape.
In the trial he threatened her
because I had denounced him.
If you have been in prison for 4 years
could pay friends from outside
to have your account settled.
Call La Sant�,
Tell them we are going.
All right.
E per lei, signore?
For me let's see, the
cacciucco seafood,
It's turned
and back as always?
- Yes, yes Yes. � possibile.
- Yes?
- Well, a cacciucco, please.
- Voucher. Il solito, allora.
- Voucher. Go bene.
- Perfetto. Until now.
- Grazie, grazie mille.
- Grazie. It is very nice.
I love this site!
I wanted
I apologize for leaving like that last night.
You know my life
Sometimes it is unpredictable.
But anyway.
See, the unpredictable,
I like very much.
I do not like
the routine, so
Do you not like the routine?
No, I don't know why I
- Are you like that?
- Yes, I'm like that.
Maybe that's why my friends
They are married, they have children
and I do not. But I don't know
And you?
And what about the routine?
No i mean
If you have been married.
Do not.
Why? You did not know
to the right girl
or you didn't want to get married, or
No, is not that. It is
I will not press you.
Does not matter,
I will not ask you more.
You can keep your secrets.
I really don't care.
Captain Bach, Lieutenant Slim
of the criminal Brigade.
Lola Brunel
Does it sound like something?
It's possible.
I denounced you
because of the fire, right?
You said you would kill her
Isn't that right?
Let's see, what do you want?
What do you think?
He disappeared last night.
They kidnapped her.
How much are you missing?
for the conditional? Two years?
If you go out, what will you do?
You have no money, no house.
So you thought
in that bourgeoisie,
I sent you to the jail.
You told your colleagues
to take her away
to get pasta from his parents.
And to avenge you.
Look, St�phane.
You would fall 20 years, will it?
If you speak we will be understanding.
Where is the girl?
They are wrong.
They have not understood anything.
Come on, Lafont.
You know something
- What's up?
- I don't know.
I need a doctor.
I turned my back for a moment
and they punctured him. Hurry up!
It’s St�phane.
Lafont, Lafont.
- Open your eyes, let's go!
- Call a doctor!
Lafont! Lafont! Come on.
We are leaving.
Ciao, Captain Bach! How is it going?
Do you know where I am?
Have stabbed
to our only clue.
He has a wound in the abdomen,
of about 10 centimeters,
With abundant blood.
What do we do?
Is the blade in the wound?
- Do not.
- Do you have a piece of cloth?
But that is clean.
- Let's see if he finds any.
- Come on. Give me your scarf.
I put the speaker.
Wrap your hand with the fabric.
- Is he face up?
- Yes, face up.
All right. Now you have
to squeeze the wound,
enough to stop
- Stop bleeding.
- Yes. I do it.
He has almost no pulse.
Give him a cardiac massage.
Put your hand in the middle
of the chest on the skin.
The other hand is over.
Extended arms.
Push the breastbone from 5 to 6
centimeters in each compression.
30 compressions,
followed by 2 insufflations.
Come on.
One two Three,
four five six,
seven eight nine ten
Eleven, twelve Nothing happens.
- Start over.
- One two three four
Fuck, a doctor, man!
Does nothing. He no longer has a pulse.
Again, come on, repeat it.
- Fuck.
- Come on, Lafont, react!
Remove, I'll take care of it.
One Two Three Four Five
It's over. There's nothing to do.
At least you tried.
Yes, but he died.
They loaded it
in front of us
And nobody saw anything, nor heard anything.
The omert�
Impossible to know who did it.
I knew something about Lola.
Someone wanted to avoid
He talked and they killed him.
So he
I didn't kidnap the girl.
No. This kidnapper
it worries me.
in the trunk,
getting rid of St�phane Lafont
to prevent him from speaking
Be prepared
And it is twisted.
It doesn't smell good to me.
We will investigate the fire.
Surely there is something else
We do not know.
Yes We start from scratch.
External exam
by St�phane Lafont.
How could I end up like this?
Have a shabby death
in La Sant�.
But fuck What did it fail?
Is this all?
Is it over?
I did not have left
nothing more to live?
Time flies.
We tell ourselves
We'll do it tomorrow.
Next week.
And suddenly, it's late.
And you Raphael?
It's Saturday, right?
Shouldn't you go out with Maya?
Enjoy life?
Come on
I'm looking for a missing girl.
I must concentrate.
Next Saturday there will be another one!
And then another one. And another
Do you want to give that to Maya?
�A life of the dead
and violence?
She is pure
That's why you don't talk to him
of your girlfriend slaughtered
in the middle of the room.
Because you know
Do you know that Maya
It is not part of your world.
Wait. Wait. Wait
�These are the burns
what did you do in the fire?
There is a problem.
A problem.
It's me.
What's up?
Are you here?
We have lost
The cinema session.
I do. Come to see you
before returning to work.
You weren't going to make a cake
for Karima's birthday?
You were going to sew me
the jeans button.
How am I going to the party?
It is Saturday. You were not going
to stop on weekends?
Do you know what this is?
The blood of a man
That has died in my arms.
And there is a kidnapped girl
For a crazy person.
Just come for a little
honey, for a kiss
before going back to that shit.
But I think it should
Having stayed in the office.
Do you know what, Manon?
Instead of waiting for your chef,
ask your father
I taught you how to make cakes.
He also cooks better than me.
And you, Hugo, learn to sew
or go to your party
in underwear.
I don't give a damn
Your existential problems
And Antoine, take a look
an occupation, do something.
Do meditation.
I don't want you to kick me
When I come home
I can no longer with your reproaches.
I'm going to change and I leave.
Thanks for the welcome.
No, but wait, H�l�ne, I
What is your problem?
with the costumes?
This is not a costume.
I hear nothing. Take off the
Stop that, man.
That is not a costume.
It is a fireproof suit.
Flame retardant
And what does he do with it?
St�phane Lafont
He said he had burned
setting the school on fire
With an accelerator
This is the accelerator
He said he used.
These are brands
of burns in drops
and splashes that correspond
to this accelerator.
These are the brands
of burns
in the arms of Lafont.
Watch them
and compare.
They don't look like anything.
- What did he say?
- That they don't look like anything.
It is incredible. That is the same
that I have thought
But I didn't say it, I thought.
I thought it very strong.
It is like
If we were connected.
It has gotten into my brain
and said exactly the same.
It is flippant.
It means that I think
something and Pam
Already. And Pam!
You say
The same as I thought.
Yes, what am I thinking now?
- I'm weird
- Yes!
I'm weird.
Do not move.
He burned with a blowtorch.
Okay, and then why did he say
What was burned in a fire?
No idea. Especially
because they condemned him for it.
He said he had done it.
He was the ideal culprit.
He got burns
To make your story credible.
Why would I confess
If he was innocent?
For money.
It is always for money.
Someone set the school on fire
and asked St�phane Lafont
to take responsibility
to be judged instead.
And I paid him for it.
- Hello!
- Lola
Did you hear me think about it or not?
It has entered my head.
Have you found my daughter?
Not yet.
But our people are in it.
Do they have any clues?
We move forward
But I need
Tell me the truth.
Excuse me?
We believe his disappearance
It has to do with a fire.
The one at his school
four years ago
It was Lola who provoked it
and they paid St�phane to
to be condemned instead?
- I told you it was a bad idea!
- Nathalie!
Mr. Brunel.
If I minted four years ago, it was
to protect your daughter, right?
But if he is silent he is putting it
in danger. Do you understand?
I was 15 years old.
And a teenager crisis.
He always cheated on us.
The doorman caught her
With a cigarette
She was expelled two days.
I was furious.
And set fire
to the school mailbox.
It was an accident! Suddenly
Everything was on fire.
She wanted to go to the police,
But we refuse.
There was a guy who always
I was going around school.
A beggar.
We offered him money and he accepted.
If it is related, what about Tha?
Have you also been kidnapped?
Thas le Mauff. 18 years old
She was Lola's best friend.
They caught them together.
The fire was set both.
They did not speak again.
Tha�s did not accept
that will accuse Lafont, right?
According to Lola's parents,
He changed his mind.
I didn't want an innocent
He will pay for them.
But they had already turned everything,
So I closed my mouth.
Police, is there anyone?
Police, let's get in!
It smells like ether.
They have also kidnapped her!
You have left another message.
Do you think the same as me?
Yes, someone has discovered
that they did
and he is taking revenge,
because justice was wrong.
Yes That explains the snake
In the trunk of the car.
The lie, the perfidy,
the viperine tongue
And what are beetles?
I have no idea.
� In the fire
was there any victim?
Yes, the doorman.
Bruno Cabrol 37 years
Is this.
He lived there with his family.
I was caught in the fire.
The roof collapsed
and died three days later.
Luckily his wife
and his children were not.
You have to talk to your widow.
Maybe I discovered
to the guilty
and wanted revenge.
We have known each other forever.
He loved his job.
He got along very well
With the kids.
He was affectionate.
He did not deserve it.
Do you know Lola Brunel?
He witnessed the trial.
I hardly remember her.
I took tranquilizers.
Bruno agonized three days.
I had to decide to disconnect it.
It was horrible.
Widow at 30 and with two children.
After a while
life went on.
Turn the page.
It's what Bruno would have wanted.
Mrs. Cabrol,
I'm sorry to ask you,
Where was he last night?
With friends.
Girls dinner
You can check it.
Olivier stayed here.
I hope
Find them soon.
Come here
- Thank you. Goodbye
- Thank you, bye.
Look. They are your little friends.
With your costume you could have
Organized a fun night.
Really? Do you think it's funny?
From his face, it seems that it was not
The goalkeeper's widow.
I can not imagine
of kidnapper in his state.
Is pregnant
Page has passed.
And we don't have anyone else
I might want to avenge him.
Unique son.
His mother is 85 years old.
And his friends don't give the profile.
We do not have anything.
Two missing
And we have no idea.
It is difficult.
It is difficult. Difficult Difficult
But we have something.
Something quite incredible.
A complete madness.
I can't find the word.
Tell us
We have found
on the legs of beetles
remains of asbestos fibers.
Already. That does not help us, there are thousands
of contaminated buildings.
But it is not all. Eddy?
Yes, in those asbestos fibers
there were little
traces of blood,
that come from a micro cut
that the kidnapper became
inadvertently. Well i say
kidnapper or kidnappers.
Do you understand anything?
- Do not.
- We have identified two DNA.
One is from a stranger,
But there is one name for the other.
- Who is it?
- That's crazy.
Bruno Cabrol
The school janitor who died
officially four years ago.
Don't tell me this is
A zombie story!
Look, I don't know what happened,
but in any case,
would fit
With the gifts he left us.
Beetles are a symbol
of resurrection and rebirth.
- And the snakes symbolize
- Immortality among the Aztecs.
Ok Let's exhume
to Bruno Cabrol.
Do you not sleep?
No, but this is absurd.
- What are you doing here?
- You know very well.
You are thinking of me.
In my case
The samples, all that.
Is not true,
I just want to sleep, okay?
Well, go to sleep.
What do you want me to tell you?
She is pretty.
Do you think she's more beautiful than me?
It is a silly question.
I do.
What a pain.
You have investigated
And you haven't found anything.
The samples have broken down,
They are over ten years old.
I've searched
and I don't get anywhere.
You need bio vision.
As in the movies.
The Krios Tit!
But that doesn't come out in the movies!
Do you think they will open you
the Pasteur Institute
at these hours?
I take my hat off,
I take it off
because it seems incredible
I have achieved
authorization to exhume
the body so quickly.
I can be as heavy as you.
Bruno Cabrol is
our only clue
To find the girls.
It seems to me
I'm not a heavyweight
�Yes? I am? Am I a heavy one?
I have not said anything.
Are you sure it will remain?
something, after four years?
See, the body
that is in this coffin,
whether Bruno Cabrol or not,
apparently received
a treatment of tanatopraxia.
It serves to clean the organs,
eliminate bacteria
and preserve the tissues,
using a solution
based on formaldehyde.
Open it, please.
And so the decomposition
It takes eight more times.
What it means to happen
Whatever happens, something will remain
To know who it is.
The denture is that of
the antemortem radiograph.
There are eight points of agreement.
The DNA is missing, but for me this
It is the body of Bruno Cabrol.
What the fuck!
Is that you were wrong
with the DNA of the beetle?
No, thin. Of that nothing.
Seriously, I don't take it badly,
but I think last time
I was wrong
I have never been wrong.
The blood we found safe
that was from Bruno Cabrol.
Well then,
How do you explain that the blood
from someone who died 4 years ago
I was in the room
of the missing girl?
Look at these cavities.
The organs should be,
but they were removed.
Do you think I was a donor?
At first,
we are all donors
unless we express
Our categorical rejection.
We are organ donors.
The gift of heart,
liver and kidneys.
Great, but what does it have
What to do with our case?
For a normal coroner,
that is, the most there will be
known in his career
Well, this is the test.
You are a heavyweight.
that Cabrol was on the list
of bone marrow donors.
You are the best!
When someone submits
to a bone marrow transplant,
the medulla is injected
from a compatible donor
to produce healthy cells.
And, two profiles may appear
of blood DNA,
corresponding to cells
of the recipient and the donor.
It is called DNA chimerism.
And explain the presence
of two DNA
in Tha's room.
� They say
that the kidnapper received
the bone marrow of Bruno Cabrol?
And that's why the symbols
of the snake and the beetle.
Was not
the immortality of Cabrol.
It was the resurrection
of the receiver
through the transplant.
Why would the receiver want
avenge the death of Cabrol?
When someone waits
a bone marrow transplant,
has a probability
between a million
of finding a donor.
When it carried out,
it is created, as a rule,
a psychological link
very powerful
between the recipient and the donor.
And that, sometimes, is accompanied
of a feeling of debt.
A debt to be paid.
And the receiver would have paid
avenging Cabrol
and eliminating those responsible
of his death.
Well, boss.
It takes a lot, don't you think?
When my contact
at the Biomedicine Agency
Have information, call.
But is it taking too long?
Why does it take so long?
Captain, it takes,
because the information
It is very confidential.
Do you understand? I had to blackmail him
to obtain it.
It’s completely illegal,
something very ugly and really
No i don't wanna know
What have you done, better not. Do not.
You asked me.
Yes, but no.
Any news?
About the samples.
About Lise and the others.
Do not.
I found nothing
In the samples.
I sent them to the Pasteur.
They have the electron microscope
most powerful in the world.
The Krios Titan.
If there is anything they will find it.
Then they will.
And if not?
If we never found it?
We will do Balthazar.
Balthazar, yes.
Wait a second.
I hear you!
OK. Thank you.
I owe you one, ciao.
of the person
who received the transplant
of bone marrow of Bruno Cabrol.
Wow, fuck
Thanks, Balthazar
Mr. Courtani, are you with us?
What's up?
Do nothing
in front of the children.
Is anyone going to tell me what happens?
Still! What are they doing?
It hurts me.
I inform you that you are being held
for kidnapping and murder.
I'm sorry.
Okay, tell us where they are!
I have nothing to say!
We found your DNA
in Tha's room.
And his name in the registry
from the jail of La Sant�.
We know you had before
An exotic animal shop.
As for his alibi,
could be absent
while the children
of Solà © n slept.
And above all,
We know you received
a marrow transplant
by Bruno Cabrol.
It was you from the beginning.
No. It wasn't me.
It was him.
No. He is dead.
Five years ago,
I was diagnosed with leukemia.
He had a lifetime ahead.
At first I fought,
but that shit was stronger.
I understood that I was going to die.
Until they made him
the transplant
Do you know what they call
to those who sign up
to donate marrow?
Sal That they save
thousands of lives every year?
Life watchers.
Mine was Bruno.
In every drop of my blood,
is yours.
It's in my veins
in my head.
Be here with me.
How did you know
the identity of your donor?
It is prohibited by law.
For a fire article.
His wife said
that Bruno was extraordinary.
That I had even donated
his module to La Piti� Salp�tri�re
A few months before dying.
The day of my transplant,
before anesthesia,
I heard a doctor say
that the donor was from La Piti�.
Everything coincided. It was him.
And decided to deepen
in their life.
He went to see his wife,
to his children
I had to find them!
See if they were good.
Maybe they needed me.
And one thing led
to the other, right?
And it ended up being
Your wife's partner.
He went to see
to his killer to the jail
and discovered the paper
of Tha�s and Lola.
Then he decided to avenge Bruno.
to the smallest detail.
I even paid someone
to silence St�phane Lafont
If necessary.
And I took action.
I owe everything to Bruno.
Everything. He resurrected me.
I will be a father.
And it is thanks to him.
It corresponded to me
to do justice
for the person who saved me.
Bruno wanted to save lives.
That said, right?
I would not have wanted
That hurt the girls.
Please tell me where they are.
I can not. No I can not.
I can not.
Fuck, tell me where they are!
Are they still alive?
Bruno took care of me.
Now it's my turn to take care
Do you know?
I won't tell you anything, I'm sorry.
We have searched
everywhere and nothing.
If we don't find them, they will die.
Keep investigating.
Phone, GPS
anything that allows us
Know where they are.
Well, right now.
And you, examine it.
Kidnapped Thańs last night,
He will take us to her.
OK. Okay, boss?
Or just ok?
It's a little bossy.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm Raphal Balthazar.
Hi. I am the coroner.
I come to examine you.
It will be fast.
See, Olivier,
sometimes the recipients
of organs want to know
the identity of who saved them.
thank you.
But that gift
It is an act of humanity.
An act of solidarity.
He owes nothing to Bruno.
Do not understand.
I was going to die.
I owe him every breath.
Every step.
Every beat of my heart.
So do not talk
of what he doesn't know.
This is a bit unpleasant.
Anyway, it's too late.
What is too late?
Tell Sol�ne that I love her.
That I am happy
of being the father of his son.
Tell him to forgive me.
There are traces of hemp.
It is often used in terrariums
for exotic animals.
And as in the beetle,
of asbestos
Sorry. It is very vague.
Too lazy.
No, it is not so much.
Courtani will have hidden them
In a place he knows.
Slim, cross the data.
A related place
with exotic animals
in which they could retain
If possible, total vacuum
or partially.
Bagnolet stores.
They were a warehouse
For pet stores.
They closed four years ago
to remove asbestos.
They are going to fly them today at five.
22 minutes left.
Ready. Come back now.
Nothing. No one.
You can fly it.
Get out Go out, please.
Why don't they take it?
Fuck. Accelerate accelerates
It's here, go ahead.
- What's up?
- All good. It is empty.
High, high! Police, stop!
Be still, stop everything!
What is this?
Twenty years here,
We weren't going to ignore them.
For the most talented cop
and the best hacker in Paris!
- Hi, hip, hip!
- Hurray!
What a detail. Thank you!
Ok, ok, stop.
Can you stop working?
Because he is waiting for us
a match.
Let's have a drink.
I don't believe it, is it for me?
This is my dream!
Come on!
- How bad you are, uncle!
- Come, come, again.
Again. Come on.
- That's.
- Very good. What do you think?
By the way,
they have called from the Pasteur
For the samples you sent.
They have not found anything.
Apart from light ones
wax remains
- in the hands of the victims.
- Wax?
Yes Yes, wax.
They will send you the report tomorrow.
What is it for?
It's me.
Is there anyone?
I'm your waiter
Do you fancy a drink?
The bathroom is
at the ideal temperature.
Yes to the lady
You want to relax.
A masseuse
is at your disposal
in the relaxation room.
For what you want.
With pleasure.
How delicious.
Yes, Balthazar can't wait?
No. Can't wait.
The murderer,
He is obsessed with his hands.
- That's why he kills.
- Excuse me?
They found traces of wax
in the hands of the victims.
Then I noticed them.
That is what they have in common.
His divine proportion.
Between the first
and second phalanx.
Between the second and the third.
Between the hand and the forearm.
The ratio is 1,618.
Does it sound like?
Is the golden ratio
The ideal proportion.
The almost perfect balance.
Botticelli, Dali, Le Corbusier,
They used it.
And all hands
of the victims
They are almost identical.
That's why I killed
to Lise and the others.
Is looking for
Perfect hands
And he won't stop.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
They are nice. Well, normal.
They are not at all
the cliche of the cops
and weird forensics.
Well well. Seriously.
But stay with me, okay?
Hi Raphael.
I introduce you to Eddy,
A weird coroner.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Wow.
- Quiet, he's dead
Eddy, why are you dressed like this?
Fatim told me that the subject
It was wild animals.
�In a medal setting
of the police?
Am I wrong on the subject?
What a shame.
- Good afternoon.
- Good.
- I am Maya.
- Antoine.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'm glad to see her.
He told me so much about you
- It seems that I know her.
- Yes?
Hi, Antoine.
- Stay here. I'll be right back.
- All right.
- How are you, J�r�me?
- I'm a little bit nervous.
Come on, nothing happens.
How it feels to carry
20 years in the cop?
I would prefer a beer
With an aunt.
I don't like fine parties.
They make me bad.
It is an occasion
to drink a good
- A chance to see us.
- Already.
- A beautiful costume!
- Shut up!
The French Republic
today he will pay tribute
to his guardians.
For his courage, his self-denial
and his intelligence,
these men and women
illustrate excellence
of the national police.
Now i call
to Lieutenant J�r�me Delgado.
Well! Brigadier Jean Pasquier.
Lieutenant Amel Benchetrit.
Has smile
To be in love
And I understand
And how are you with Antoine?
How was the return home?
I have regained my life.
As if it were before.
I'm happy for you.
I also for you.
Day after day, night after night,
risking their lives,
fight to defend
This republic.
In the police, many of you
they feel careless,
but I'm here to tell you
We move forward together.
Well well then.
The national police is a great
body, and I am very proud.
That is all. See you soon,
See you next year.
Captain There is a problem.
Come on!
We receive this call
10 minutes ago.
- Police, say.
- Help me, please!
- Your name?
- Lola Brunel.
- Come quickly!
- Where is it and what happens.
They try to get in my car.
- Call up. Tell me where it is.
- Please come now!
- No, still!
- Where is it?
It is the voice of Lola Brunel.
18 years old
- Have you been located?
- Not yet.
It is in the north of Paris.
We will have the coordinates
in a few minutes.
All right.
This must be
Lola's car.
Matches the coordinates.
And the parents?
They are in Bangkok. They arrive tomorrow.
The partners are on their way.
The car is empty.
It will be like the crime scene.
Tell that agent
That price the area.
All right.
Open the trunk.
There is some blood.
And it smells like ether,
They will have taken her.
Call the veterinary brigade.
They have left us a gift.
We were on vacation.
We had it planned.
Lola is internal,
It comes on weekends.
And drive that car
every Friday?
But can you tell me what they do?
All we can
Mr. Brunel.
It does not seem.
An investigating judge
has issued
this search order
with the picture of his daughter
and we have spread it all
the airports, the stations
and at the borders, okay?
It has been missing for 12 hours.
They may have killed her!
No, if they had wanted to do it
We will know.
His daughter was
Your goal for something.
And they knew their route.
They slept and took her away.
It remains to discover why.
�Your daughter has problems
or enemies?
No! It's a normal girl!
If I talk about snakes,
Does that sound like something?
Snakes? No, why?
Find my daughter.
Please. Find my girl.
Do you have a new friend?
I present to you Mr. Real Python.
And what do you play?
I try to understand
why someone left snakes
in the trunk of the car after
of kidnapping a young girl.
To leave a message, I imagine.
Yes, of course
Than to leave a message.
It is a very common snake.
There is in all the vivariums.
So it is a very vague symbol.
I don't know
In the Bible, for example,
It is the temptation. Or the sin.
But in psychology,
It is manhood.
It has many meanings.
Dozens of them.
I must find the right one.
That way I can know why
the kidnapper chose Lola
and not to any other person.
And above all,
I will allow myself to approach him.
As with me.
Excuse me?
If you know why
My killer chose me
I will help you find it, right?
But I do not have anything
neither Bach either.
See, you and the other victims
You have nothing in common.
Not even the same age. Not sex.
Not even the size.
Not even the skin color
There is nothing that relates to you.
Analyze all samples
and found nothing.
I don't know where to continue.
Ready to eat?
Search Notices
They have not served.
17 hours have passed
since he disappeared.
Tell me you have something.
Maybe yes. Look.
The name of Lola Brunel
It appears in a case of 2015.
A fire in which he died
The doorman of his school.
Testimony for the accusation
against one St�phane Lafont.
He fell 12 years
in La Sant� and still there.
Lafont confessed.
And between his burns
and the testimony,
I had no escape.
In the trial he threatened her
because I had denounced him.
If you have been in prison for 4 years
could pay friends from outside
to have your account settled.
Call La Sant�,
Tell them we are going.
All right.
E per lei, signore?
For me let's see, the
cacciucco seafood,
It's turned
and back as always?
- Yes, yes Yes. � possibile.
- Yes?
- Well, a cacciucco, please.
- Voucher. Il solito, allora.
- Voucher. Go bene.
- Perfetto. Until now.
- Grazie, grazie mille.
- Grazie. It is very nice.
I love this site!
I wanted
I apologize for leaving like that last night.
You know my life
Sometimes it is unpredictable.
But anyway.
See, the unpredictable,
I like very much.
I do not like
the routine, so
Do you not like the routine?
No, I don't know why I
- Are you like that?
- Yes, I'm like that.
Maybe that's why my friends
They are married, they have children
and I do not. But I don't know
And you?
And what about the routine?
No i mean
If you have been married.
Do not.
Why? You did not know
to the right girl
or you didn't want to get married, or
No, is not that. It is
I will not press you.
Does not matter,
I will not ask you more.
You can keep your secrets.
I really don't care.
Captain Bach, Lieutenant Slim
of the criminal Brigade.
Lola Brunel
Does it sound like something?
It's possible.
I denounced you
because of the fire, right?
You said you would kill her
Isn't that right?
Let's see, what do you want?
What do you think?
He disappeared last night.
They kidnapped her.
How much are you missing?
for the conditional? Two years?
If you go out, what will you do?
You have no money, no house.
So you thought
in that bourgeoisie,
I sent you to the jail.
You told your colleagues
to take her away
to get pasta from his parents.
And to avenge you.
Look, St�phane.
You would fall 20 years, will it?
If you speak we will be understanding.
Where is the girl?
They are wrong.
They have not understood anything.
Come on, Lafont.
You know something
- What's up?
- I don't know.
I need a doctor.
I turned my back for a moment
and they punctured him. Hurry up!
It’s St�phane.
Lafont, Lafont.
- Open your eyes, let's go!
- Call a doctor!
Lafont! Lafont! Come on.
We are leaving.
Ciao, Captain Bach! How is it going?
Do you know where I am?
Have stabbed
to our only clue.
He has a wound in the abdomen,
of about 10 centimeters,
With abundant blood.
What do we do?
Is the blade in the wound?
- Do not.
- Do you have a piece of cloth?
But that is clean.
- Let's see if he finds any.
- Come on. Give me your scarf.
I put the speaker.
Wrap your hand with the fabric.
- Is he face up?
- Yes, face up.
All right. Now you have
to squeeze the wound,
enough to stop
- Stop bleeding.
- Yes. I do it.
He has almost no pulse.
Give him a cardiac massage.
Put your hand in the middle
of the chest on the skin.
The other hand is over.
Extended arms.
Push the breastbone from 5 to 6
centimeters in each compression.
30 compressions,
followed by 2 insufflations.
Come on.
One two Three,
four five six,
seven eight nine ten
Eleven, twelve Nothing happens.
- Start over.
- One two three four
Fuck, a doctor, man!
Does nothing. He no longer has a pulse.
Again, come on, repeat it.
- Fuck.
- Come on, Lafont, react!
Remove, I'll take care of it.
One Two Three Four Five
It's over. There's nothing to do.
At least you tried.
Yes, but he died.
They loaded it
in front of us
And nobody saw anything, nor heard anything.
The omert�
Impossible to know who did it.
I knew something about Lola.
Someone wanted to avoid
He talked and they killed him.
So he
I didn't kidnap the girl.
No. This kidnapper
it worries me.
in the trunk,
getting rid of St�phane Lafont
to prevent him from speaking
Be prepared
And it is twisted.
It doesn't smell good to me.
We will investigate the fire.
Surely there is something else
We do not know.
Yes We start from scratch.
External exam
by St�phane Lafont.
How could I end up like this?
Have a shabby death
in La Sant�.
But fuck What did it fail?
Is this all?
Is it over?
I did not have left
nothing more to live?
Time flies.
We tell ourselves
We'll do it tomorrow.
Next week.
And suddenly, it's late.
And you Raphael?
It's Saturday, right?
Shouldn't you go out with Maya?
Enjoy life?
Come on
I'm looking for a missing girl.
I must concentrate.
Next Saturday there will be another one!
And then another one. And another
Do you want to give that to Maya?
�A life of the dead
and violence?
She is pure
That's why you don't talk to him
of your girlfriend slaughtered
in the middle of the room.
Because you know
Do you know that Maya
It is not part of your world.
Wait. Wait. Wait
�These are the burns
what did you do in the fire?
There is a problem.
A problem.
It's me.
What's up?
Are you here?
We have lost
The cinema session.
I do. Come to see you
before returning to work.
You weren't going to make a cake
for Karima's birthday?
You were going to sew me
the jeans button.
How am I going to the party?
It is Saturday. You were not going
to stop on weekends?
Do you know what this is?
The blood of a man
That has died in my arms.
And there is a kidnapped girl
For a crazy person.
Just come for a little
honey, for a kiss
before going back to that shit.
But I think it should
Having stayed in the office.
Do you know what, Manon?
Instead of waiting for your chef,
ask your father
I taught you how to make cakes.
He also cooks better than me.
And you, Hugo, learn to sew
or go to your party
in underwear.
I don't give a damn
Your existential problems
And Antoine, take a look
an occupation, do something.
Do meditation.
I don't want you to kick me
When I come home
I can no longer with your reproaches.
I'm going to change and I leave.
Thanks for the welcome.
No, but wait, H�l�ne, I
What is your problem?
with the costumes?
This is not a costume.
I hear nothing. Take off the
Stop that, man.
That is not a costume.
It is a fireproof suit.
Flame retardant
And what does he do with it?
St�phane Lafont
He said he had burned
setting the school on fire
With an accelerator
This is the accelerator
He said he used.
These are brands
of burns in drops
and splashes that correspond
to this accelerator.
These are the brands
of burns
in the arms of Lafont.
Watch them
and compare.
They don't look like anything.
- What did he say?
- That they don't look like anything.
It is incredible. That is the same
that I have thought
But I didn't say it, I thought.
I thought it very strong.
It is like
If we were connected.
It has gotten into my brain
and said exactly the same.
It is flippant.
It means that I think
something and Pam
Already. And Pam!
You say
The same as I thought.
Yes, what am I thinking now?
- I'm weird
- Yes!
I'm weird.
Do not move.
He burned with a blowtorch.
Okay, and then why did he say
What was burned in a fire?
No idea. Especially
because they condemned him for it.
He said he had done it.
He was the ideal culprit.
He got burns
To make your story credible.
Why would I confess
If he was innocent?
For money.
It is always for money.
Someone set the school on fire
and asked St�phane Lafont
to take responsibility
to be judged instead.
And I paid him for it.
- Hello!
- Lola
Did you hear me think about it or not?
It has entered my head.
Have you found my daughter?
Not yet.
But our people are in it.
Do they have any clues?
We move forward
But I need
Tell me the truth.
Excuse me?
We believe his disappearance
It has to do with a fire.
The one at his school
four years ago
It was Lola who provoked it
and they paid St�phane to
to be condemned instead?
- I told you it was a bad idea!
- Nathalie!
Mr. Brunel.
If I minted four years ago, it was
to protect your daughter, right?
But if he is silent he is putting it
in danger. Do you understand?
I was 15 years old.
And a teenager crisis.
He always cheated on us.
The doorman caught her
With a cigarette
She was expelled two days.
I was furious.
And set fire
to the school mailbox.
It was an accident! Suddenly
Everything was on fire.
She wanted to go to the police,
But we refuse.
There was a guy who always
I was going around school.
A beggar.
We offered him money and he accepted.
If it is related, what about Tha?
Have you also been kidnapped?
Thas le Mauff. 18 years old
She was Lola's best friend.
They caught them together.
The fire was set both.
They did not speak again.
Tha�s did not accept
that will accuse Lafont, right?
According to Lola's parents,
He changed his mind.
I didn't want an innocent
He will pay for them.
But they had already turned everything,
So I closed my mouth.
Police, is there anyone?
Police, let's get in!
It smells like ether.
They have also kidnapped her!
You have left another message.
Do you think the same as me?
Yes, someone has discovered
that they did
and he is taking revenge,
because justice was wrong.
Yes That explains the snake
In the trunk of the car.
The lie, the perfidy,
the viperine tongue
And what are beetles?
I have no idea.
� In the fire
was there any victim?
Yes, the doorman.
Bruno Cabrol 37 years
Is this.
He lived there with his family.
I was caught in the fire.
The roof collapsed
and died three days later.
Luckily his wife
and his children were not.
You have to talk to your widow.
Maybe I discovered
to the guilty
and wanted revenge.
We have known each other forever.
He loved his job.
He got along very well
With the kids.
He was affectionate.
He did not deserve it.
Do you know Lola Brunel?
He witnessed the trial.
I hardly remember her.
I took tranquilizers.
Bruno agonized three days.
I had to decide to disconnect it.
It was horrible.
Widow at 30 and with two children.
After a while
life went on.
Turn the page.
It's what Bruno would have wanted.
Mrs. Cabrol,
I'm sorry to ask you,
Where was he last night?
With friends.
Girls dinner
You can check it.
Olivier stayed here.
I hope
Find them soon.
Come here
- Thank you. Goodbye
- Thank you, bye.
Look. They are your little friends.
With your costume you could have
Organized a fun night.
Really? Do you think it's funny?
From his face, it seems that it was not
The goalkeeper's widow.
I can not imagine
of kidnapper in his state.
Is pregnant
Page has passed.
And we don't have anyone else
I might want to avenge him.
Unique son.
His mother is 85 years old.
And his friends don't give the profile.
We do not have anything.
Two missing
And we have no idea.
It is difficult.
It is difficult. Difficult Difficult
But we have something.
Something quite incredible.
A complete madness.
I can't find the word.
Tell us
We have found
on the legs of beetles
remains of asbestos fibers.
Already. That does not help us, there are thousands
of contaminated buildings.
But it is not all. Eddy?
Yes, in those asbestos fibers
there were little
traces of blood,
that come from a micro cut
that the kidnapper became
inadvertently. Well i say
kidnapper or kidnappers.
Do you understand anything?
- Do not.
- We have identified two DNA.
One is from a stranger,
But there is one name for the other.
- Who is it?
- That's crazy.
Bruno Cabrol
The school janitor who died
officially four years ago.
Don't tell me this is
A zombie story!
Look, I don't know what happened,
but in any case,
would fit
With the gifts he left us.
Beetles are a symbol
of resurrection and rebirth.
- And the snakes symbolize
- Immortality among the Aztecs.
Ok Let's exhume
to Bruno Cabrol.
Do you not sleep?
No, but this is absurd.
- What are you doing here?
- You know very well.
You are thinking of me.
In my case
The samples, all that.
Is not true,
I just want to sleep, okay?
Well, go to sleep.
What do you want me to tell you?
She is pretty.
Do you think she's more beautiful than me?
It is a silly question.
I do.
What a pain.
You have investigated
And you haven't found anything.
The samples have broken down,
They are over ten years old.
I've searched
and I don't get anywhere.
You need bio vision.
As in the movies.
The Krios Tit!
But that doesn't come out in the movies!
Do you think they will open you
the Pasteur Institute
at these hours?
I take my hat off,
I take it off
because it seems incredible
I have achieved
authorization to exhume
the body so quickly.
I can be as heavy as you.
Bruno Cabrol is
our only clue
To find the girls.
It seems to me
I'm not a heavyweight
�Yes? I am? Am I a heavy one?
I have not said anything.
Are you sure it will remain?
something, after four years?
See, the body
that is in this coffin,
whether Bruno Cabrol or not,
apparently received
a treatment of tanatopraxia.
It serves to clean the organs,
eliminate bacteria
and preserve the tissues,
using a solution
based on formaldehyde.
Open it, please.
And so the decomposition
It takes eight more times.
What it means to happen
Whatever happens, something will remain
To know who it is.
The denture is that of
the antemortem radiograph.
There are eight points of agreement.
The DNA is missing, but for me this
It is the body of Bruno Cabrol.
What the fuck!
Is that you were wrong
with the DNA of the beetle?
No, thin. Of that nothing.
Seriously, I don't take it badly,
but I think last time
I was wrong
I have never been wrong.
The blood we found safe
that was from Bruno Cabrol.
Well then,
How do you explain that the blood
from someone who died 4 years ago
I was in the room
of the missing girl?
Look at these cavities.
The organs should be,
but they were removed.
Do you think I was a donor?
At first,
we are all donors
unless we express
Our categorical rejection.
We are organ donors.
The gift of heart,
liver and kidneys.
Great, but what does it have
What to do with our case?
For a normal coroner,
that is, the most there will be
known in his career
Well, this is the test.
You are a heavyweight.
that Cabrol was on the list
of bone marrow donors.
You are the best!
When someone submits
to a bone marrow transplant,
the medulla is injected
from a compatible donor
to produce healthy cells.
And, two profiles may appear
of blood DNA,
corresponding to cells
of the recipient and the donor.
It is called DNA chimerism.
And explain the presence
of two DNA
in Tha's room.
� They say
that the kidnapper received
the bone marrow of Bruno Cabrol?
And that's why the symbols
of the snake and the beetle.
Was not
the immortality of Cabrol.
It was the resurrection
of the receiver
through the transplant.
Why would the receiver want
avenge the death of Cabrol?
When someone waits
a bone marrow transplant,
has a probability
between a million
of finding a donor.
When it carried out,
it is created, as a rule,
a psychological link
very powerful
between the recipient and the donor.
And that, sometimes, is accompanied
of a feeling of debt.
A debt to be paid.
And the receiver would have paid
avenging Cabrol
and eliminating those responsible
of his death.
Well, boss.
It takes a lot, don't you think?
When my contact
at the Biomedicine Agency
Have information, call.
But is it taking too long?
Why does it take so long?
Captain, it takes,
because the information
It is very confidential.
Do you understand? I had to blackmail him
to obtain it.
It’s completely illegal,
something very ugly and really
No i don't wanna know
What have you done, better not. Do not.
You asked me.
Yes, but no.
Any news?
About the samples.
About Lise and the others.
Do not.
I found nothing
In the samples.
I sent them to the Pasteur.
They have the electron microscope
most powerful in the world.
The Krios Titan.
If there is anything they will find it.
Then they will.
And if not?
If we never found it?
We will do Balthazar.
Balthazar, yes.
Wait a second.
I hear you!
OK. Thank you.
I owe you one, ciao.
of the person
who received the transplant
of bone marrow of Bruno Cabrol.
Wow, fuck
Thanks, Balthazar
Mr. Courtani, are you with us?
What's up?
Do nothing
in front of the children.
Is anyone going to tell me what happens?
Still! What are they doing?
It hurts me.
I inform you that you are being held
for kidnapping and murder.
I'm sorry.
Okay, tell us where they are!
I have nothing to say!
We found your DNA
in Tha's room.
And his name in the registry
from the jail of La Sant�.
We know you had before
An exotic animal shop.
As for his alibi,
could be absent
while the children
of Solà © n slept.
And above all,
We know you received
a marrow transplant
by Bruno Cabrol.
It was you from the beginning.
No. It wasn't me.
It was him.
No. He is dead.
Five years ago,
I was diagnosed with leukemia.
He had a lifetime ahead.
At first I fought,
but that shit was stronger.
I understood that I was going to die.
Until they made him
the transplant
Do you know what they call
to those who sign up
to donate marrow?
Sal That they save
thousands of lives every year?
Life watchers.
Mine was Bruno.
In every drop of my blood,
is yours.
It's in my veins
in my head.
Be here with me.
How did you know
the identity of your donor?
It is prohibited by law.
For a fire article.
His wife said
that Bruno was extraordinary.
That I had even donated
his module to La Piti� Salp�tri�re
A few months before dying.
The day of my transplant,
before anesthesia,
I heard a doctor say
that the donor was from La Piti�.
Everything coincided. It was him.
And decided to deepen
in their life.
He went to see his wife,
to his children
I had to find them!
See if they were good.
Maybe they needed me.
And one thing led
to the other, right?
And it ended up being
Your wife's partner.
He went to see
to his killer to the jail
and discovered the paper
of Tha�s and Lola.
Then he decided to avenge Bruno.
to the smallest detail.
I even paid someone
to silence St�phane Lafont
If necessary.
And I took action.
I owe everything to Bruno.
Everything. He resurrected me.
I will be a father.
And it is thanks to him.
It corresponded to me
to do justice
for the person who saved me.
Bruno wanted to save lives.
That said, right?
I would not have wanted
That hurt the girls.
Please tell me where they are.
I can not. No I can not.
I can not.
Fuck, tell me where they are!
Are they still alive?
Bruno took care of me.
Now it's my turn to take care
Do you know?
I won't tell you anything, I'm sorry.
We have searched
everywhere and nothing.
If we don't find them, they will die.
Keep investigating.
Phone, GPS
anything that allows us
Know where they are.
Well, right now.
And you, examine it.
Kidnapped Thańs last night,
He will take us to her.
OK. Okay, boss?
Or just ok?
It's a little bossy.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm Raphal Balthazar.
Hi. I am the coroner.
I come to examine you.
It will be fast.
See, Olivier,
sometimes the recipients
of organs want to know
the identity of who saved them.
thank you.
But that gift
It is an act of humanity.
An act of solidarity.
He owes nothing to Bruno.
Do not understand.
I was going to die.
I owe him every breath.
Every step.
Every beat of my heart.
So do not talk
of what he doesn't know.
This is a bit unpleasant.
Anyway, it's too late.
What is too late?
Tell Sol�ne that I love her.
That I am happy
of being the father of his son.
Tell him to forgive me.
There are traces of hemp.
It is often used in terrariums
for exotic animals.
And as in the beetle,
of asbestos
Sorry. It is very vague.
Too lazy.
No, it is not so much.
Courtani will have hidden them
In a place he knows.
Slim, cross the data.
A related place
with exotic animals
in which they could retain
If possible, total vacuum
or partially.
Bagnolet stores.
They were a warehouse
For pet stores.
They closed four years ago
to remove asbestos.
They are going to fly them today at five.
22 minutes left.
Ready. Come back now.
Nothing. No one.
You can fly it.
Get out Go out, please.
Why don't they take it?
Fuck. Accelerate accelerates
It's here, go ahead.
- What's up?
- All good. It is empty.
High, high! Police, stop!
Be still, stop everything!
What is this?
Twenty years here,
We weren't going to ignore them.
For the most talented cop
and the best hacker in Paris!
- Hi, hip, hip!
- Hurray!
What a detail. Thank you!
Ok, ok, stop.
Can you stop working?
Because he is waiting for us
a match.
Let's have a drink.
I don't believe it, is it for me?
This is my dream!
Come on!
- How bad you are, uncle!
- Come, come, again.
Again. Come on.
- That's.
- Very good. What do you think?
By the way,
they have called from the Pasteur
For the samples you sent.
They have not found anything.
Apart from light ones
wax remains
- in the hands of the victims.
- Wax?
Yes Yes, wax.
They will send you the report tomorrow.
What is it for?
It's me.
Is there anyone?
I'm your waiter
Do you fancy a drink?
The bathroom is
at the ideal temperature.
Yes to the lady
You want to relax.
A masseuse
is at your disposal
in the relaxation room.
For what you want.
With pleasure.
How delicious.
Yes, Balthazar can't wait?
No. Can't wait.
The murderer,
He is obsessed with his hands.
- That's why he kills.
- Excuse me?
They found traces of wax
in the hands of the victims.
Then I noticed them.
That is what they have in common.
His divine proportion.
Between the first
and second phalanx.
Between the second and the third.
Between the hand and the forearm.
The ratio is 1,618.
Does it sound like?
Is the golden ratio
The ideal proportion.
The almost perfect balance.
Botticelli, Dali, Le Corbusier,
They used it.
And all hands
of the victims
They are almost identical.
That's why I killed
to Lise and the others.
Is looking for
Perfect hands
And he won't stop.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri