Balthazar (2018) s02e07 Episode Script
Tableau de chasse
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Good morning
Today I am phenomenal.
- In top form. Great.
- Good.
Funny here
Two different coatings.
There is asphalt over here
but there
Have you set stone?
Yes, there is stone out there
and asphalt here.
He wants to show us his shoes.
- Oh, have you noticed?
- They are very pretty.
- Yes. Tailor made.
- Balthazar, can we work?
- Yes, of course.
- All right.
The captain found the body
this morning.
In agreement.
Was it the crew?
The truth
I would say no.
- Did I show him?
- Yes.
Are we on foot?
They have killed Snow White.
And they have not denounced
His disappearance. Nothing.
Nor has there been
Costume parties in the area.
Oh no? Well, it takes
All the accessories.
And a bitten apple
as a necklace
Oh, but what a fool.
It has been the witch.
Or the stepmother. Or one
Of the seven dwarfs, I don't know.
Ambient temperature 20 degrees.
Cadaver stiffness
In the process of appearance.
Lightweight not yet installed.
To judge
by the temperature of his body,
I would say he died last night
A while ago
About six hours.
All right.
Nine circular holes
from 6 to 8 millimeters in diameter
in the front part of the trunk.
In the epigastric region.
I think they are holes
projectile input
of firearm.
How much
to those projectiles
They were large caliber.
It looks like
A pellet cartridge.
Did they kill her with a shotgun?
Yes, ma'am, they killed her
with a hunting shotgun
and at a distance,
view the dispersion
of the pellets.
Those of the Scientist do not
They have found no cartridge.
Neither do divers.
The killer must have picked it up.
Can be.
It has a lot of land
mixed with blood.
He even has something in his hair.
And lead in the stomach.
It was a slow and painful death.
It's normal that they haven't
found no cartridge,
because the killer
I shot somewhere else.
In addition, he shouted victory
too fast.
I buried her alive.
He was shot
they left her for dead
and they buried her alive.
And she left her grave
and came to agonize
to this barge?
It must have been an ordeal.
I hope the footprints
They are in some file.
But I will ask in stores
and places where they sell
That kind of clothes.
- See you at the autopsy.
- Yes. One more thing.
I don't forget it, Balthazar.
I'm waiting to have something
to tell you, okay?
It is related to jewelry.
Mathias Gourba and Lise
They frequented the same store.
And the other victims visited
A jewelry store before his death.
Thus, choose your victims.
He is obsessed with his hands!
They are the ideal cover!
I'm back
to the jewelry of Saint-Antoine.
And to all the others.
I interviewed everyone
And I didn't get anything.
There are no common employees
No suspicious customers, nothing.
Captain, I'm sure
what are we
about to find out.
They have identified her.
The victim was signed
for drunk driving.
It was Marie-Line Chabert,
45 years old
Judo teacher
at Clamart, two children.
Your daughter is already waiting for us
at the police station.
- All right.
- Come on.
I know we will find him.
Trust me, will you?
"This is incredible.
But we are isolated.
I can't give you much news.
Quiet, honey,
I never stop thinking about you.
You know I love you.
Mama. "
With this letter he told me
He was going to Australia.
We have checked
I did not request a visa.
And I had no reservation
on no flight to Australia
But I wanted to go
To find my brother
His brother?
Romain He has been there for a year,
But we don't know anything.
I don't know how I'm going to tell him that
Why did he believe
Who had gone to look for him?
Because I was obsessed.
It disappeared in September
Leaving a letter
He said he didn't want to
to look for him
I needed space.
But they were very close.
To both
They loved sports.
And my mother didn't believe it.
And what did he do?
He went to see the police.
They said there was no
Nothing suspicious.
He had sold his car
and left his floor.
But my mother insisted.
We fought,
I told him I had to stop.
That Romain was a selfish
and that would come back
when it had happened
the nonsense.
So we didn't talk to each other
The costume he wore
Does your mother fit you?
Was it normal?
Did you just dress up?
I don't know, I don't understand anything.
What happened to my mother?
And my brother?
Well, in real life,
no prince
- Saves you with a kiss.
- Like Sleeping Beauty.
You're right, in real life,
There is only the Mudito.
And the evil witch.
- Left.
- No, right is faster.
Left. From the first day,
I go to the left.
It is for the skeleton.
A reference.
Something sentimental
Yes, you need a reference,
Because you are lost.
But you have no heart.
Better than no brain.
- Ah, you bore me.
- Voucher.
All right.
Fine thanks.
Nothing about Chabert.
Judo teacher,
No background or stories.
And, according to his friends,
I was obsessed
With your son’s.
He said he couldn't
to have done it
that there had to be something else.
- So?
- And he was right.
Romain Chabert did not leave
to Australia either.
And for a year
nothing is known
No credit card,
No phone, nothing.
It has disappeared.
He would find his son's trail
and it would get
In a truculent story.
And of the barge, what do we have?
It was by the Seine
from Le Havre to Paris.
In all that journey,
The victim was able to embark.
We have sent the samples
ground found
in the body to the laboratory.
It will help us determine
The place where it was buried.
But we will have to do without
of the radiography,
because the scanner is broken,
so we will do it in the old way.
- Fatim. Are you done?
- Yes.
�Yes? Well, you can open it now.
And start by removing the granules
of the epigastric region.
Eddy, can you tell us?
Have excoriations
Recent feet.
And on the legs,
linear dermo-abrasions
Sounds complicated,
but what it has are scratches.
Not quite.
They are dermo-abrasions
caused by plants.
So, I probably ran
Barefoot through a hostile forest.
A bit like in the story
of the Grimm brothers.
You'll see how the killer
It will be the evil stepmother.
There is something in one of the wounds.
Come see it.
It is not a shot
A USB stick
Surely Marie-Line
he hid it inside his wound
for the murderer
I won't find her.
�Picture pictures?
What is this? Art traffic?
Given its quality, I would be surprised
That was art traffic.
Wait. Come back.
The one in red.
That one there! It's Romain
Marie-Line's son.
Ah yes.
And the other seven, who are they?
Ready. I've finished
With Missing Persons.
If Marie-Line took those photos,
it was because I wanted
Tell us something.
And what happened to your son?
You have to find out who they are!
How do we identify
at seven people
from the pictures?
Praying a lot at the altar
of the gods of technology.
That. Click there.
It's the same! Fuck, go on.
- Step to the next.
- Yes.
That. Click on that one.
- In that.
- Yes.
It is him.
Charlene Delaunay the eighth.
It has also disappeared.
And like the others,
leaving a letter
with a false explanation.
And everything in September
from last year and the previous year.
Evaporated do not know where.
Eight missing.
Different ages,
profiles cities
In common, its disappearance
volunteer in september
of the last two years.
Every family
They say the same.
They received a letter
telling them that they were leaving
and not to worry
If they had no news.
Your second point in common
is that everyone, including Chabert
and his son, were athletes
in good physical shape.
You have to look in sects,
people traffic
and in paramilitary groups.
We have to find them.
That Marie-Line
I have not died for anything.
Come on, go.
In the end I found Romain.
It seems so.
Everyone told me
Stop looking for him.
But my Romain
I would never have done that.
I could not give up.
He counted on me.
Yes I understand.
And are you going to give up?
I don't know what you mean.
Deep down, you have doubts.
You think you won't find
to Lise's killer.
That you should forget everything.
No, that's not true.
Lise needs you, Raphael.
Only you will understand
what happened to him.
You can't leave them
to her and others,
and that Sarlat pays
by other person.
Look, I don't want to abandon them.
You are tired
You want to start over.
Be happy with Maya.
You even want to quit smoking.
Right, Raphael?
Yes, honey?
Glad to hear you, how are you?
Yes, great.
Yes, yes, I feel like
to finish at once
to go see you
Well, so far. Goodbye
What is all that?
The roles of various jewelers
in the last 12 years.
I'm looking for a common employee.
Is there nothing on the payroll?
Anyway, if they paid
in black, it won't appear so
And other
of breaking their knees,
you have no other way
To make them talk.
I remind you that
It is prohibited by law.
Yes But look, look
and find it.
It's great
That you like your job.
Yes, it is.
Although for you
It's hard sometimes.
I am little at home.
It's a bit hard, but anyway
Being a cop is a good job.
It must be difficult,
in an environment like that,
Find time for your children.
When have you become
in an adult?
While you were working.
I am going to study
I have a math test.
All right.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
The results
of land analysis
found in the victim.
Basically it comes from soils
of silty formations,
with wind sediments,
which are widespread in France.
From Aquitaine to Alsace,
going through Ile-de-France
and Normandy.
That is, we do not advance much.
Wait there
many bird droppings.
They are black swift. It is also
A very common bird.
Yes There is a quantity
significant, right?
It means they nest
Where it was buried.
Not necessarily,
because it is a migratory bird
and is able to cross
France just for
But is it serious?
So that your brain
of bird work.
Fatim, I told you that skeleton
It was a reference for me,
A kind of lighthouse.
Wait, what did you say?
Bird brain? Thank you!
The black swifts!
How to find them!
Are you sure, Eddy?
Yes, I am.
Swifts have
various skills to migrate
thousands of kilometers.
The first is that they perceive
the magnetic fields.
The second one they have
A precise notion of time.
And the third
They are the visual signals.
They recognize the rivers,
The coasts, the buildings.
Thanks to that, every year,
they do the same route
and they stop
In the same places.
Places where they defecate a lot.
I have compared
the swifts tour
with that of the barge. It is an area
of three square kilometers
from the Tancarville bridge.
A great building
Hey, it's not bad
for a bird brain.
Come on talk
How do you know so much about birds?
Have I impressed you?
No. When my friends
and I wanted to relax,
- We used to
- Already. Smoking joints.
If we wanted to relax,
we used to go somewhere
which is near San Quintin.
It is a bird sanctuary
What is in the North.
By force of going there,
I learned two or three things
Recognize the birds.
As his way of flying,
his shrieks
- Are you from co?
- Is not true.
And what is this?
A partridge Easy.
And this?
An ashen grouse.
You can't beat me
You have looked at the screen!
Eddy! Fatim!
Come with me.
This is from Snow White.
He should have left here.
Shall we dig a little?
We have found nine.
So there are ten
with Marie-Line Chabert,
character dresses
Snow White
We have a queen, a dwarf
Under the cover
There is a magic mirror.
We have a hunter.
In short, very rare.
What is this?
According to your status
of decomposition,
there are four, including these,
who died two years ago.
The four, from the fridge,
a year ago
And this one died between 36
and 48 hours, like Marie-Line.
- Four a year.
- Yes.
And only two this year?
September is not over yet.
So, sure
there will be two others.
We have to stop him
before I do it again.
Balthazar, can you find
something concrete quickly?
Yes, I will try.
But given
the number of bodies,
I have requested reinforcements
to go faster.
- Baltha?
- Yes?
- Where are you from?
- Here, here.
What's up? I hope
Have a gown of my size!
Yes, you have lost weight.
You are very handsome.
Well, it's not that bad.
How much time.
Hi, nice to see you!
This is Margueritte.
Hello, hello, delighted.
- Oh, my mother.
- Yes.
Thanks, uncle,
to come so fast.
It's okay, buddy.
Solidarity with the promotion
from 2004 of Montpeul.
And in addition, to a feast
in your house,
- You never say no.
- That.
- Do you know what to cook very well?
- Yes, vaguely.
But of the bodies,
What do we know?
Well, these costumes
They are crazy. Here you laugh!
They only happen to me
Suicides and accidents.
Baltha, you're lucky,
I hallucinate!
�Yes? Well, you are not done
to hallucinate
The hunter died of a crush
in the heart
A crossbow bolt.
Oh, how weird.
Because they slaughtered me
With a huge hunting knife.
It has incredible brands
in the jaw.
And to the queen
his skull was crushed.
This one has brands that look like
of a wolf trap.
A snare for wolves?
Wolf trap,
crossbow bolt,
hunting knife
this looks like
A kind of game.
Of course.
Your physical preparation,
the costumes
and his painted portraits,
like hunting trophies.
This was a human hunt
But what madness is that?
You say I loaded them
people whose hobby
Is it hunting humans?
Yes Everything fits.
They would be promised money
and they would ask
that will organize their disappearance
To leave no trace.
Then they played to hunt them.
An escape game,
but in real version do you know?
But how can you
do something like that?
the real culprit,
It is our brain.
Is scheduled
to meet the needs
- of our "striatum".
- It is the center of motivation.
It works with dopamine.
The hormone of pleasure.
Yes Except that for centuries
the society has satisfied
Almost all your needs.
But the problem
is that our brain
It has no stop function.
No, and he is addicted to dopamine.
As a drug addict.
Neurons always ask for more.
More pleasure, more emotion,
more, more, more, okay?
Then the hunters
that basically hunt wild boars,
end up happening
to the big cats,
and those who hunt big cats,
They may want to hunt men.
It's possible.
Fuck, that's very strong.
Sorry. Do you need us for something?
Because we have dinner.
- Is he there yet?
- Thank you.
These hunts
They are almost professional.
A structured group,
with customs,
communication codes
and maybe even a hiding place.
Research in hunting clubs.
Ask in the armories.
We look for the place
where they organize their mountains.
It will be a hunting farm,
With a castle probably.
Very typical
Near Tancarville.
But not where
They got rid of the bodies.
Nor far,
to avoid displacement.
- I start with it.
- All right.
You have to be discreet.
Do not know
We follow in his footsteps.
We must stop this butcher shop.
"Nothing in the armories,
nor in hunting federations.
I've interrogated hunters
with a bad reputation,
but neither."
And what do you know about the hunted?
"I'm combing calls
and post office I will have it tonight.
As for the farms,
It will cost us.
There are hundreds
and it's hard to register them. "
Ok tell me
whatever you have, okay?
"Calm down, I'll call you
if I find something. "
Sorry, we are already closed.
I do not come to buy.
- Again you?
- Yes, me again.
I already taught him everything.
Except your double accounting.
That of the employees
They charge in black.
Don't say nonsense.
He didn't say that here
nobody worked like that?
But you believe
whatever he wants.
Look, listen to me, I care
A damn his cheating.
I'm looking for someone who worked
Twice for you.
In 2007 and 2018.
Do you have an authorization?
Justify your harassment?
No. No, but I have this.
- Accounting!
- She's completely crazy.
Ok there's no problem.
No, okay, okay!
I'm going to give it to her, but don't follow.
Thank you.
It reminds me of the shared flat.
"Cleaning on the fly is
It's the base of the kitchen! "
I know it's the base of the kitchen,
You make fun of, but that's the way it is.
Look at the test
I'm right
You are always right, huh?
Isn't that right?
And I'll tell you something else, always,
you're always right!
I often have it. Often.
Less that time
that you made us release the mice
from the laboratory in the office
from the hospital director
�and his secretary
gave him an attack!
Oh yes? And when I avoided
that you will jump out the window
because the guards were with us
chasing, wasn't I right?
How strong!
We had a good time
prior to
Come on, say it.
Before Lise
I'm sorry uncle.
Nothing happens.
Although I see you well.
I don't think I've seen you like that
for 12 years.
I'm better.
- You've met someone.
- Yes.
I knew it!
It's the goodbye police! Huh?
I was sure Fuck,
Of course she is, I saw how
It is not.
But this is it.
My love.
This is Margueritte,
An old friend of the race.
- Haunted.
- Margueritte, Maya.
- Delighted, Maya.
- Me too.
Why are you going to toast?
Hey, see, wait.
For you!
And for the future!
Do not pass. It always happens.
- Why?
- It's already caught, it won't work for you.
Ok, ok, understood.
Well, what do you have?
I searched computers
of the victims
and I found the same email
in five of them.
An invitation
to go to the dark network,
with quite explicit text.
"Sportsman, adventurer,
win a new kind of test
Survival and get away
200,000 euros. "Come on, click.
Next event today.
Registration closes in two hours
and seven minutes.
We have two hours
to prevent it.
Before they load
To two others.
And disappear
Until next year.
There are two options.
O Balthazar finds
something at autopsy
that allows us to locate
where are the hunts
And the other option?
Target two agents
specialized in infiltration.
For that,
We must notify the judge.
Yes Call Balthazar,
and I to the judge.
Very good.
I'm sorry. I have analyzed everything.
I am unable to find
That farm.
The judge has not yet given
green light to infiltration!
And there are four minutes left
to finish the registration.
There are going to be two civilians
those who will serve as prey.
I will call the judge.
Captain Bach again.
Pray me with your lord.
Then interrupt the view!
It's an emergency!
No, I can't wait
Is it a question
of life or death!
Balthazar, what is he doing?
What does it do?
Do you have another solution?
I am better than most
of his agents
and I don't need authorization.
but do it
for the right reason.
I dont understand her.
Is it like the plague?
Or like your vacuum jump
from that building?
You know what I mean.
To his desire to flirt
With death
Captain, my only wish
is to prevent two innocent
serve as prey to these people.
I'm going to get a microphone
like in the movies?
It's not dangerous.
If they find it,
we could not
Intervene on time.
We have this.
�This is what he uses
the police of the 21st century?
And how is it placed?
No no no! I have not said yes.
I have put a local anesthetic.
�It is alcohol, it is not anesthesia,
It is an antiseptic!
Well, it's similar.
No, captain, it's not the same.
- Ready?
- Do not.
issued by the chip
They will allow us to locate you.
We will follow you.
� Can you see if it arrives
the signal to my computer?
"See you at 11
from Pont des Loges street,
in district 7.
Say you are coming to the test.
Pack your suitcase
Cut off the gas and electricity.
Be sure
What do you want to go to, Balthazar?
It can lie back,
No one will reproach him.
Captain, does anyone have
What to say the final, right?
Quiet, nothing will happen to me.
And in the worst case,
I have this.
It is already here.
And what, he hasn't bothered
much the judge?
Yes But when I told him,
I had called 47 times
to obtain
its authorization, it was called.
- Look.
- Who is that?
Is it coming to the test?
Come with me.
If there are doubts, we intervene.
- We will not take risks.
- Yes.
Get in there and don't move.
He has clothes inside.
It can be changed.
Ah, well.
It is carnival.
What has touched me?
Oh fuck no.
I have touched some tights.
Do you change them?
Shit, are you co?
I no longer have a signal.
There are inhibitors.
They have canceled the chip.
- Fuck, what a bitch!
- Shit.
We have lost him.
I will notify the teams.
What's your name?
Hi Louis, Raphael.
How are you?
Are you nervous?
They want to take away the house.
I just had a son.
If we end up on the street,
They will take away custody.
That money is my only solution.
I understand.
No, fuck
It is a sleeping gas.
We will fall asleep
and we will wake up elsewhere.
Do not resist.
Let yourself go.
The hunt will start soon.
We are amateur hunters.
The rule is simple:
if they endure six hours,
They will be rich.
But there will only be one winner.
Your weapons
Don't they have a bigger one?
But well, we can heat
a little earlier, right?
If we don't do it, it can be
dangerous, it will give us a tug.
I'm going to take pleasure
To end this.
They have three minutes
to disappear
And be combative.
It's less fun
when they cry
Raphael Balthazar.
No, Bal-tha-zar.
I want to see a poster
With your photo everywhere.
Yes Call me with what you know.
We have seen the van
With the cameras.
We follow her but we lost her
On a secondary road.
Impossible to find her.
Where will those hunts be?
There are several participants.
There must be
One way to find them.
We are combing farms
but we still have about 60 left.
- It takes a long time
- I know.
Damn you
Your electricity bills.
Ok, done.
Come, come, come.
I don't think it's time
to pick flowers, right?
I do not pick flowers.
I just try to keep
away to the dogs.
"Plectranthus ornatus caninus".
It smells like skunk
And the dogs hate her.
Frâte with her.
Like that. That's.
We are two against five.
But if we are united,
We will get it.
We are fighters, right?
Come on, I won't leave you alone.
Fuck. I'm sorry.
But there can only be
a winner.
I have bills from 62 houses.
What do I do with them?
See if there are any that have
a peak of consumption
in September.
Larose-Prieur Castle,
a big peak in consumption
of electricity in two years,
- in September.
- I hope it's not late.
- I call RAID.
- All right.
Oh! Are you injured?
It's possible.
There are traps there.
Show me the face.
Get up! Get up!
Who is the owner?
Liliane Bonato 52 years
of the Big Game Club.
Hered� of his father's fortune
and the castle
- Are you signed?
- Yes. But as a victim.
Victim of abuse.
Your stepmother
I was obsessed with hunting.
He made her run
Through the woods with their dogs.
On one occasion they attacked her
and spent two days alone
bleeding between the trees.
And it was in September.
The date of the hunts.
Reproduce his trauma.
Balthazar was right.
There is an evil stepmother.
Don't do it!
Please don't kill me!
You do not get it.
I need it, fuck.
I need this to live.
I have a son,
Think of my baby.
Don't do it!
Hey! One more step and the crying
I will be shot in the head.
No Please,
please let me
Come still, let him.
Have you brushed everyone?
You are a great predator.
The most beautiful beast
I've known
And also the most dangerous.
He must have suffered a lot
To get to this.
But it does not entitle him
to kill people
They want a better life.
The order of things
It is what they want.
The prey
She becomes a hunter.
We kill or kill us.
So you
It was a dam before.
This is how it was done
that scar
- Shut up!
- It's an old scar,
It must have happened 35 years ago.
How many did he have?
Five, ten maximum?
Shut up.
What happened to him is unfair,
But do you know what is the worst?
It will kill us
in a moment
but then I will not be happier.
Sure before that scar
I had other dreams.
May you shut up!
It won't be two seconds.
I threw the gun!
Hands on the head!
I threw the gun!
I threw the gun!
It is a pity.
It would have been a magnificent trophy.
Are you all right?
We will take you to your home,
Come on.
My men will take care of you.
Come on, come on, it's over.
- We have it.
- Who?
The common denominator.
The man who worked
in all the jewels.
I thought they had nothing.
How have you done it?
It doesn't matter, that doesn't matter.
It’s Charles Dazan.
I have your address.
Does it take me? I'm going with you.
Not in any way.
Captain, I've been 12 years
Please let me go with you.
Ok, come on.
- Police! Don't move!
- Don't move!
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Good morning
Today I am phenomenal.
- In top form. Great.
- Good.
Funny here
Two different coatings.
There is asphalt over here
but there
Have you set stone?
Yes, there is stone out there
and asphalt here.
He wants to show us his shoes.
- Oh, have you noticed?
- They are very pretty.
- Yes. Tailor made.
- Balthazar, can we work?
- Yes, of course.
- All right.
The captain found the body
this morning.
In agreement.
Was it the crew?
The truth
I would say no.
- Did I show him?
- Yes.
Are we on foot?
They have killed Snow White.
And they have not denounced
His disappearance. Nothing.
Nor has there been
Costume parties in the area.
Oh no? Well, it takes
All the accessories.
And a bitten apple
as a necklace
Oh, but what a fool.
It has been the witch.
Or the stepmother. Or one
Of the seven dwarfs, I don't know.
Ambient temperature 20 degrees.
Cadaver stiffness
In the process of appearance.
Lightweight not yet installed.
To judge
by the temperature of his body,
I would say he died last night
A while ago
About six hours.
All right.
Nine circular holes
from 6 to 8 millimeters in diameter
in the front part of the trunk.
In the epigastric region.
I think they are holes
projectile input
of firearm.
How much
to those projectiles
They were large caliber.
It looks like
A pellet cartridge.
Did they kill her with a shotgun?
Yes, ma'am, they killed her
with a hunting shotgun
and at a distance,
view the dispersion
of the pellets.
Those of the Scientist do not
They have found no cartridge.
Neither do divers.
The killer must have picked it up.
Can be.
It has a lot of land
mixed with blood.
He even has something in his hair.
And lead in the stomach.
It was a slow and painful death.
It's normal that they haven't
found no cartridge,
because the killer
I shot somewhere else.
In addition, he shouted victory
too fast.
I buried her alive.
He was shot
they left her for dead
and they buried her alive.
And she left her grave
and came to agonize
to this barge?
It must have been an ordeal.
I hope the footprints
They are in some file.
But I will ask in stores
and places where they sell
That kind of clothes.
- See you at the autopsy.
- Yes. One more thing.
I don't forget it, Balthazar.
I'm waiting to have something
to tell you, okay?
It is related to jewelry.
Mathias Gourba and Lise
They frequented the same store.
And the other victims visited
A jewelry store before his death.
Thus, choose your victims.
He is obsessed with his hands!
They are the ideal cover!
I'm back
to the jewelry of Saint-Antoine.
And to all the others.
I interviewed everyone
And I didn't get anything.
There are no common employees
No suspicious customers, nothing.
Captain, I'm sure
what are we
about to find out.
They have identified her.
The victim was signed
for drunk driving.
It was Marie-Line Chabert,
45 years old
Judo teacher
at Clamart, two children.
Your daughter is already waiting for us
at the police station.
- All right.
- Come on.
I know we will find him.
Trust me, will you?
"This is incredible.
But we are isolated.
I can't give you much news.
Quiet, honey,
I never stop thinking about you.
You know I love you.
Mama. "
With this letter he told me
He was going to Australia.
We have checked
I did not request a visa.
And I had no reservation
on no flight to Australia
But I wanted to go
To find my brother
His brother?
Romain He has been there for a year,
But we don't know anything.
I don't know how I'm going to tell him that
Why did he believe
Who had gone to look for him?
Because I was obsessed.
It disappeared in September
Leaving a letter
He said he didn't want to
to look for him
I needed space.
But they were very close.
To both
They loved sports.
And my mother didn't believe it.
And what did he do?
He went to see the police.
They said there was no
Nothing suspicious.
He had sold his car
and left his floor.
But my mother insisted.
We fought,
I told him I had to stop.
That Romain was a selfish
and that would come back
when it had happened
the nonsense.
So we didn't talk to each other
The costume he wore
Does your mother fit you?
Was it normal?
Did you just dress up?
I don't know, I don't understand anything.
What happened to my mother?
And my brother?
Well, in real life,
no prince
- Saves you with a kiss.
- Like Sleeping Beauty.
You're right, in real life,
There is only the Mudito.
And the evil witch.
- Left.
- No, right is faster.
Left. From the first day,
I go to the left.
It is for the skeleton.
A reference.
Something sentimental
Yes, you need a reference,
Because you are lost.
But you have no heart.
Better than no brain.
- Ah, you bore me.
- Voucher.
All right.
Fine thanks.
Nothing about Chabert.
Judo teacher,
No background or stories.
And, according to his friends,
I was obsessed
With your son’s.
He said he couldn't
to have done it
that there had to be something else.
- So?
- And he was right.
Romain Chabert did not leave
to Australia either.
And for a year
nothing is known
No credit card,
No phone, nothing.
It has disappeared.
He would find his son's trail
and it would get
In a truculent story.
And of the barge, what do we have?
It was by the Seine
from Le Havre to Paris.
In all that journey,
The victim was able to embark.
We have sent the samples
ground found
in the body to the laboratory.
It will help us determine
The place where it was buried.
But we will have to do without
of the radiography,
because the scanner is broken,
so we will do it in the old way.
- Fatim. Are you done?
- Yes.
�Yes? Well, you can open it now.
And start by removing the granules
of the epigastric region.
Eddy, can you tell us?
Have excoriations
Recent feet.
And on the legs,
linear dermo-abrasions
Sounds complicated,
but what it has are scratches.
Not quite.
They are dermo-abrasions
caused by plants.
So, I probably ran
Barefoot through a hostile forest.
A bit like in the story
of the Grimm brothers.
You'll see how the killer
It will be the evil stepmother.
There is something in one of the wounds.
Come see it.
It is not a shot
A USB stick
Surely Marie-Line
he hid it inside his wound
for the murderer
I won't find her.
�Picture pictures?
What is this? Art traffic?
Given its quality, I would be surprised
That was art traffic.
Wait. Come back.
The one in red.
That one there! It's Romain
Marie-Line's son.
Ah yes.
And the other seven, who are they?
Ready. I've finished
With Missing Persons.
If Marie-Line took those photos,
it was because I wanted
Tell us something.
And what happened to your son?
You have to find out who they are!
How do we identify
at seven people
from the pictures?
Praying a lot at the altar
of the gods of technology.
That. Click there.
It's the same! Fuck, go on.
- Step to the next.
- Yes.
That. Click on that one.
- In that.
- Yes.
It is him.
Charlene Delaunay the eighth.
It has also disappeared.
And like the others,
leaving a letter
with a false explanation.
And everything in September
from last year and the previous year.
Evaporated do not know where.
Eight missing.
Different ages,
profiles cities
In common, its disappearance
volunteer in september
of the last two years.
Every family
They say the same.
They received a letter
telling them that they were leaving
and not to worry
If they had no news.
Your second point in common
is that everyone, including Chabert
and his son, were athletes
in good physical shape.
You have to look in sects,
people traffic
and in paramilitary groups.
We have to find them.
That Marie-Line
I have not died for anything.
Come on, go.
In the end I found Romain.
It seems so.
Everyone told me
Stop looking for him.
But my Romain
I would never have done that.
I could not give up.
He counted on me.
Yes I understand.
And are you going to give up?
I don't know what you mean.
Deep down, you have doubts.
You think you won't find
to Lise's killer.
That you should forget everything.
No, that's not true.
Lise needs you, Raphael.
Only you will understand
what happened to him.
You can't leave them
to her and others,
and that Sarlat pays
by other person.
Look, I don't want to abandon them.
You are tired
You want to start over.
Be happy with Maya.
You even want to quit smoking.
Right, Raphael?
Yes, honey?
Glad to hear you, how are you?
Yes, great.
Yes, yes, I feel like
to finish at once
to go see you
Well, so far. Goodbye
What is all that?
The roles of various jewelers
in the last 12 years.
I'm looking for a common employee.
Is there nothing on the payroll?
Anyway, if they paid
in black, it won't appear so
And other
of breaking their knees,
you have no other way
To make them talk.
I remind you that
It is prohibited by law.
Yes But look, look
and find it.
It's great
That you like your job.
Yes, it is.
Although for you
It's hard sometimes.
I am little at home.
It's a bit hard, but anyway
Being a cop is a good job.
It must be difficult,
in an environment like that,
Find time for your children.
When have you become
in an adult?
While you were working.
I am going to study
I have a math test.
All right.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
The results
of land analysis
found in the victim.
Basically it comes from soils
of silty formations,
with wind sediments,
which are widespread in France.
From Aquitaine to Alsace,
going through Ile-de-France
and Normandy.
That is, we do not advance much.
Wait there
many bird droppings.
They are black swift. It is also
A very common bird.
Yes There is a quantity
significant, right?
It means they nest
Where it was buried.
Not necessarily,
because it is a migratory bird
and is able to cross
France just for
But is it serious?
So that your brain
of bird work.
Fatim, I told you that skeleton
It was a reference for me,
A kind of lighthouse.
Wait, what did you say?
Bird brain? Thank you!
The black swifts!
How to find them!
Are you sure, Eddy?
Yes, I am.
Swifts have
various skills to migrate
thousands of kilometers.
The first is that they perceive
the magnetic fields.
The second one they have
A precise notion of time.
And the third
They are the visual signals.
They recognize the rivers,
The coasts, the buildings.
Thanks to that, every year,
they do the same route
and they stop
In the same places.
Places where they defecate a lot.
I have compared
the swifts tour
with that of the barge. It is an area
of three square kilometers
from the Tancarville bridge.
A great building
Hey, it's not bad
for a bird brain.
Come on talk
How do you know so much about birds?
Have I impressed you?
No. When my friends
and I wanted to relax,
- We used to
- Already. Smoking joints.
If we wanted to relax,
we used to go somewhere
which is near San Quintin.
It is a bird sanctuary
What is in the North.
By force of going there,
I learned two or three things
Recognize the birds.
As his way of flying,
his shrieks
- Are you from co?
- Is not true.
And what is this?
A partridge Easy.
And this?
An ashen grouse.
You can't beat me
You have looked at the screen!
Eddy! Fatim!
Come with me.
This is from Snow White.
He should have left here.
Shall we dig a little?
We have found nine.
So there are ten
with Marie-Line Chabert,
character dresses
Snow White
We have a queen, a dwarf
Under the cover
There is a magic mirror.
We have a hunter.
In short, very rare.
What is this?
According to your status
of decomposition,
there are four, including these,
who died two years ago.
The four, from the fridge,
a year ago
And this one died between 36
and 48 hours, like Marie-Line.
- Four a year.
- Yes.
And only two this year?
September is not over yet.
So, sure
there will be two others.
We have to stop him
before I do it again.
Balthazar, can you find
something concrete quickly?
Yes, I will try.
But given
the number of bodies,
I have requested reinforcements
to go faster.
- Baltha?
- Yes?
- Where are you from?
- Here, here.
What's up? I hope
Have a gown of my size!
Yes, you have lost weight.
You are very handsome.
Well, it's not that bad.
How much time.
Hi, nice to see you!
This is Margueritte.
Hello, hello, delighted.
- Oh, my mother.
- Yes.
Thanks, uncle,
to come so fast.
It's okay, buddy.
Solidarity with the promotion
from 2004 of Montpeul.
And in addition, to a feast
in your house,
- You never say no.
- That.
- Do you know what to cook very well?
- Yes, vaguely.
But of the bodies,
What do we know?
Well, these costumes
They are crazy. Here you laugh!
They only happen to me
Suicides and accidents.
Baltha, you're lucky,
I hallucinate!
�Yes? Well, you are not done
to hallucinate
The hunter died of a crush
in the heart
A crossbow bolt.
Oh, how weird.
Because they slaughtered me
With a huge hunting knife.
It has incredible brands
in the jaw.
And to the queen
his skull was crushed.
This one has brands that look like
of a wolf trap.
A snare for wolves?
Wolf trap,
crossbow bolt,
hunting knife
this looks like
A kind of game.
Of course.
Your physical preparation,
the costumes
and his painted portraits,
like hunting trophies.
This was a human hunt
But what madness is that?
You say I loaded them
people whose hobby
Is it hunting humans?
Yes Everything fits.
They would be promised money
and they would ask
that will organize their disappearance
To leave no trace.
Then they played to hunt them.
An escape game,
but in real version do you know?
But how can you
do something like that?
the real culprit,
It is our brain.
Is scheduled
to meet the needs
- of our "striatum".
- It is the center of motivation.
It works with dopamine.
The hormone of pleasure.
Yes Except that for centuries
the society has satisfied
Almost all your needs.
But the problem
is that our brain
It has no stop function.
No, and he is addicted to dopamine.
As a drug addict.
Neurons always ask for more.
More pleasure, more emotion,
more, more, more, okay?
Then the hunters
that basically hunt wild boars,
end up happening
to the big cats,
and those who hunt big cats,
They may want to hunt men.
It's possible.
Fuck, that's very strong.
Sorry. Do you need us for something?
Because we have dinner.
- Is he there yet?
- Thank you.
These hunts
They are almost professional.
A structured group,
with customs,
communication codes
and maybe even a hiding place.
Research in hunting clubs.
Ask in the armories.
We look for the place
where they organize their mountains.
It will be a hunting farm,
With a castle probably.
Very typical
Near Tancarville.
But not where
They got rid of the bodies.
Nor far,
to avoid displacement.
- I start with it.
- All right.
You have to be discreet.
Do not know
We follow in his footsteps.
We must stop this butcher shop.
"Nothing in the armories,
nor in hunting federations.
I've interrogated hunters
with a bad reputation,
but neither."
And what do you know about the hunted?
"I'm combing calls
and post office I will have it tonight.
As for the farms,
It will cost us.
There are hundreds
and it's hard to register them. "
Ok tell me
whatever you have, okay?
"Calm down, I'll call you
if I find something. "
Sorry, we are already closed.
I do not come to buy.
- Again you?
- Yes, me again.
I already taught him everything.
Except your double accounting.
That of the employees
They charge in black.
Don't say nonsense.
He didn't say that here
nobody worked like that?
But you believe
whatever he wants.
Look, listen to me, I care
A damn his cheating.
I'm looking for someone who worked
Twice for you.
In 2007 and 2018.
Do you have an authorization?
Justify your harassment?
No. No, but I have this.
- Accounting!
- She's completely crazy.
Ok there's no problem.
No, okay, okay!
I'm going to give it to her, but don't follow.
Thank you.
It reminds me of the shared flat.
"Cleaning on the fly is
It's the base of the kitchen! "
I know it's the base of the kitchen,
You make fun of, but that's the way it is.
Look at the test
I'm right
You are always right, huh?
Isn't that right?
And I'll tell you something else, always,
you're always right!
I often have it. Often.
Less that time
that you made us release the mice
from the laboratory in the office
from the hospital director
�and his secretary
gave him an attack!
Oh yes? And when I avoided
that you will jump out the window
because the guards were with us
chasing, wasn't I right?
How strong!
We had a good time
prior to
Come on, say it.
Before Lise
I'm sorry uncle.
Nothing happens.
Although I see you well.
I don't think I've seen you like that
for 12 years.
I'm better.
- You've met someone.
- Yes.
I knew it!
It's the goodbye police! Huh?
I was sure Fuck,
Of course she is, I saw how
It is not.
But this is it.
My love.
This is Margueritte,
An old friend of the race.
- Haunted.
- Margueritte, Maya.
- Delighted, Maya.
- Me too.
Why are you going to toast?
Hey, see, wait.
For you!
And for the future!
Do not pass. It always happens.
- Why?
- It's already caught, it won't work for you.
Ok, ok, understood.
Well, what do you have?
I searched computers
of the victims
and I found the same email
in five of them.
An invitation
to go to the dark network,
with quite explicit text.
"Sportsman, adventurer,
win a new kind of test
Survival and get away
200,000 euros. "Come on, click.
Next event today.
Registration closes in two hours
and seven minutes.
We have two hours
to prevent it.
Before they load
To two others.
And disappear
Until next year.
There are two options.
O Balthazar finds
something at autopsy
that allows us to locate
where are the hunts
And the other option?
Target two agents
specialized in infiltration.
For that,
We must notify the judge.
Yes Call Balthazar,
and I to the judge.
Very good.
I'm sorry. I have analyzed everything.
I am unable to find
That farm.
The judge has not yet given
green light to infiltration!
And there are four minutes left
to finish the registration.
There are going to be two civilians
those who will serve as prey.
I will call the judge.
Captain Bach again.
Pray me with your lord.
Then interrupt the view!
It's an emergency!
No, I can't wait
Is it a question
of life or death!
Balthazar, what is he doing?
What does it do?
Do you have another solution?
I am better than most
of his agents
and I don't need authorization.
but do it
for the right reason.
I dont understand her.
Is it like the plague?
Or like your vacuum jump
from that building?
You know what I mean.
To his desire to flirt
With death
Captain, my only wish
is to prevent two innocent
serve as prey to these people.
I'm going to get a microphone
like in the movies?
It's not dangerous.
If they find it,
we could not
Intervene on time.
We have this.
�This is what he uses
the police of the 21st century?
And how is it placed?
No no no! I have not said yes.
I have put a local anesthetic.
�It is alcohol, it is not anesthesia,
It is an antiseptic!
Well, it's similar.
No, captain, it's not the same.
- Ready?
- Do not.
issued by the chip
They will allow us to locate you.
We will follow you.
� Can you see if it arrives
the signal to my computer?
"See you at 11
from Pont des Loges street,
in district 7.
Say you are coming to the test.
Pack your suitcase
Cut off the gas and electricity.
Be sure
What do you want to go to, Balthazar?
It can lie back,
No one will reproach him.
Captain, does anyone have
What to say the final, right?
Quiet, nothing will happen to me.
And in the worst case,
I have this.
It is already here.
And what, he hasn't bothered
much the judge?
Yes But when I told him,
I had called 47 times
to obtain
its authorization, it was called.
- Look.
- Who is that?
Is it coming to the test?
Come with me.
If there are doubts, we intervene.
- We will not take risks.
- Yes.
Get in there and don't move.
He has clothes inside.
It can be changed.
Ah, well.
It is carnival.
What has touched me?
Oh fuck no.
I have touched some tights.
Do you change them?
Shit, are you co?
I no longer have a signal.
There are inhibitors.
They have canceled the chip.
- Fuck, what a bitch!
- Shit.
We have lost him.
I will notify the teams.
What's your name?
Hi Louis, Raphael.
How are you?
Are you nervous?
They want to take away the house.
I just had a son.
If we end up on the street,
They will take away custody.
That money is my only solution.
I understand.
No, fuck
It is a sleeping gas.
We will fall asleep
and we will wake up elsewhere.
Do not resist.
Let yourself go.
The hunt will start soon.
We are amateur hunters.
The rule is simple:
if they endure six hours,
They will be rich.
But there will only be one winner.
Your weapons
Don't they have a bigger one?
But well, we can heat
a little earlier, right?
If we don't do it, it can be
dangerous, it will give us a tug.
I'm going to take pleasure
To end this.
They have three minutes
to disappear
And be combative.
It's less fun
when they cry
Raphael Balthazar.
No, Bal-tha-zar.
I want to see a poster
With your photo everywhere.
Yes Call me with what you know.
We have seen the van
With the cameras.
We follow her but we lost her
On a secondary road.
Impossible to find her.
Where will those hunts be?
There are several participants.
There must be
One way to find them.
We are combing farms
but we still have about 60 left.
- It takes a long time
- I know.
Damn you
Your electricity bills.
Ok, done.
Come, come, come.
I don't think it's time
to pick flowers, right?
I do not pick flowers.
I just try to keep
away to the dogs.
"Plectranthus ornatus caninus".
It smells like skunk
And the dogs hate her.
Frâte with her.
Like that. That's.
We are two against five.
But if we are united,
We will get it.
We are fighters, right?
Come on, I won't leave you alone.
Fuck. I'm sorry.
But there can only be
a winner.
I have bills from 62 houses.
What do I do with them?
See if there are any that have
a peak of consumption
in September.
Larose-Prieur Castle,
a big peak in consumption
of electricity in two years,
- in September.
- I hope it's not late.
- I call RAID.
- All right.
Oh! Are you injured?
It's possible.
There are traps there.
Show me the face.
Get up! Get up!
Who is the owner?
Liliane Bonato 52 years
of the Big Game Club.
Hered� of his father's fortune
and the castle
- Are you signed?
- Yes. But as a victim.
Victim of abuse.
Your stepmother
I was obsessed with hunting.
He made her run
Through the woods with their dogs.
On one occasion they attacked her
and spent two days alone
bleeding between the trees.
And it was in September.
The date of the hunts.
Reproduce his trauma.
Balthazar was right.
There is an evil stepmother.
Don't do it!
Please don't kill me!
You do not get it.
I need it, fuck.
I need this to live.
I have a son,
Think of my baby.
Don't do it!
Hey! One more step and the crying
I will be shot in the head.
No Please,
please let me
Come still, let him.
Have you brushed everyone?
You are a great predator.
The most beautiful beast
I've known
And also the most dangerous.
He must have suffered a lot
To get to this.
But it does not entitle him
to kill people
They want a better life.
The order of things
It is what they want.
The prey
She becomes a hunter.
We kill or kill us.
So you
It was a dam before.
This is how it was done
that scar
- Shut up!
- It's an old scar,
It must have happened 35 years ago.
How many did he have?
Five, ten maximum?
Shut up.
What happened to him is unfair,
But do you know what is the worst?
It will kill us
in a moment
but then I will not be happier.
Sure before that scar
I had other dreams.
May you shut up!
It won't be two seconds.
I threw the gun!
Hands on the head!
I threw the gun!
I threw the gun!
It is a pity.
It would have been a magnificent trophy.
Are you all right?
We will take you to your home,
Come on.
My men will take care of you.
Come on, come on, it's over.
- We have it.
- Who?
The common denominator.
The man who worked
in all the jewels.
I thought they had nothing.
How have you done it?
It doesn't matter, that doesn't matter.
It’s Charles Dazan.
I have your address.
Does it take me? I'm going with you.
Not in any way.
Captain, I've been 12 years
Please let me go with you.
Ok, come on.
- Police! Don't move!
- Don't move!
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri