Balthazar (2018) s02e08 Episode Script
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By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
It is him.
It’s Charles Dazan.
Look at the scar on the forehead.
Because of its state of dissection,
He died about 10 years ago.
He can't be our killer.
He has tricked us
From the beginning.
So the killer
I stole your identity, right?
A cover.
He used his name
and his life for years.
He paid his rent,
I picked up your mail
He even got hired
with his name.
Everything so that
in the worst case,
We ended up here and not with him
Exactly what we have done.
Like sheep.
- Balthazar.
- Balthazar what?
Balthazar what?
It takes us 10 years of advantage!
� Go ahead
from us all the time!
He makes fun of us!
He teases us
From the beginning!
- Balthazar.
- Let me
- Balthazar.
- What? What's up?
Sorry, J�r�me, I'm sorry.
Are you ok?
Yes, I'm fine.
Captain Bach, say.
We are going
Triple homicide
It looks bad.
And Balthazar?
I got this.
I'm sorry.
I know it's hard,
But let's keep looking.
I can't anymore.
I'm going crazy.
I can not more.
We will take the body.
We will start from scratch.
Cheer up
I need you.
We have another case, let's go.
Come on
It seems they were
childhood friends,
that they were camping two days,
that is the information
I have for now.
Hi Balthazar.
I hadn't seen him that way.
It is normal.
I thought we already had him.
It is a fucking slaughter.
Guilhem Lossand, 18 years old,
In�s Tissandier, 17,
and Sacha Reynaud, 17.
They were friends since childhood.
They came from camping
by Guilhem's birthday.
They should have come back last night.
His companions came
and found them like that.
What will have happened?
Happy birthday,
happy birthday,
We wish you, Guilhem,
Happy birthday!
We knew it was your dream:
A birthday can.
- Sacha?
- It's InÃs phone.
It was last night at 22:14.
Stop it guys
What's wrong with you?
Guys, what, what, no,
But what are you doing?
Oh, fuck, stop! No no no.
All right,
the three died
almost at the same time:
between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.
And that fits the video.
Over here.
Do you see that from there?
- Looks like a bite.
- Yes.
But because of its morphology,
It was not an animal who did it.
It is human jaw.
Take DNA samples,
I will take some pictures
and make a mold of the wound.
Wait. Says someone
attacked these guys
and shattered them
With your teeth, isn't it?
Yes, that's what I say.
In addition to the bites,
I found fighting signals
and defense
In forearms and hands.
On Sacha's face, signals
of strong kicks and punches.
And in Guilhem's face,
very deep scratches.
But how did they die?
Slim autopsy. Autopsy.
But the one who did this to them
he was mad.
Are you safe?
What is my son from?
Yes, Mrs. Reynaud, sure.
I'm sorry.
I do not understand!
They took years
going camping there!
For Guilhem's birthday!
They have always been friends.
What has happened?
Who has done it?
We do not know.
His son had had
any problem?
No! I was in high school.
I went to class,
He was an athlete, popular
It's not possible
I do not get it.
My child.
My little one
I confirm the seen
in the place of the events.
Sach Reynaud has
a great facial trauma
with mandibular fractures
and jaws.
Bones of the nose, mobile.
Multiple impacts
direct traumatic
that could
correspond to kicks
- Fatim?
- Thank you.
In�s has
great thoracic trauma
with multiple fractures
of ribs,
sternum fractures
Facial trauma
with fractures
And skin lesions
They indicate bites.
- Eddy?
- Thank you.
Guilhem Lossand, injuries
on the right hand,
fifth fracture
right metacarpal,
boxer split type
There are also abrasions
of the skin on the arms
and back, and what they look like
skin waste
under the nails.
I will send it to the laboratory.
What a horror.
It has been a massacre.
But who did it and why?
It could only be a monster.
I know how Inés died
and it's not pretty:
the aggressor cut his artery
Femoral with teeth.
He bled out.
And Sacha, head trauma.
as a result of the kicks
I got in the face.
And Guilhem
he has an enlarged heart
450 grams,
with concentric walls
which indicate
an obstructive cardiomyopathy.
There is no anomaly
at cardiac level in your history
for what I would say
which was a sudden death
of an acute stress attack.
To be confirmed by a specialist.
There is something that does not have
Sense in this story.
Why kill three boys
without stealing anything
and without sexual assault?
What is the mobile?
And above all, how someone
so disorganized
and so wild
may disappear completely
and without a trace?
What happened in that forest?
There, have you found anything?
Not yet.
We do our best.
But how can they take so long?
I'd rather be sure
And don't be wrong.
Who did it?
A sick man, a madman?
Listen, they are
The best forensics there are.
Will they find it?
- But they need time.
- Time?
Have you thought of us?
�In our slaughtered children
In the woods?
When will they take that moron?
When can I hug my girl?
Calm down, honey. Please.
Listen, we will return you,
as soon as possible,
The bodies of their children.
I promise you.
Shit, they were just
A few kids camping. Fuck.
I do.
I don't want to imagine
not a second
That will happen to my children.
we have to give answers
to the parents,
or they will never get over it.
Find the explanation
and I will take care
to lock him up, okay?
In agreement.
You'll get it, Raphael.
You always get it.
I don't know
I'm tired.
I want to leave everything.
I can't stand it anymore.
I can not. All these deaths,
the violence I can't anymore.
Fuck, man, wake up!
Think about us now.
In our parents.
We only have you.
You will have missed something.
Follow the clues.
Like a treasure hunt.
- Follow the path.
- That's
Imagine what the pieces are
of a puzzle.
If you can't put them together,
maybe you are missing
the centerpiece
What is it?
The results of the analyzes
of what was in the nails.
Of course, if we could not
find the centerpiece
It is because there is none.
Have you found anything?
The analyzes have arrived, Sacha.
Do you see what your nails have?
It is the skin of Guilhem.
You scratched his face
to the bone
What? But why did you do that?
Guilhem, you see the brands
What's wrong
on the soles of the feet?
Ah fuck. They are the same
what's in Sacha's face.
So you
you shattered him
Kick face.
But what madness is that?
And given the violence
of the blows, you Sacha
you lost consciousness
and you probably had
a cerebral hemorrhage
But Guilhem
Guilhem, you at that time,
you were aware
Guilhem, you
you have the second fang
slightly asymmetric
Curious exactly
like teeth marks
in the body of In�s.
So Guilhem,
you left Sacha
you went back to the store
and you killed In�s.
With the teeth.
you bled out
And that's how you died.
Sacha, you got into a coma
because you had
a cerebral hemorrhage
And Guilhem did you have
cardiac arrest
Was there no one else?
No one.
There were no monsters
In that forest.
You killed yourself.
They say they were inseparable.
No messes or fights.
How did they get to that?
I don't know Eddy and Fatim
are with the results
of toxicology. But the dentist
confirm the match
between the teeth of Guilhem
and the bites of In�s.
They killed each other.
We will talk with your friends.
You have to understand
how could they come to that.
Well, keep investigating,
- We talk, okay?
- Yes.
It is hard for them.
This is small.
Everyone knows each other.
I present Captain Bach
and Lieutenant Delgado.
They want to talk to you.
We feel what has happened to them
to your friends
But we need to know something else
about Guilhem, Sacha and In�s.
Did anyone know them?
a little better than the others?
I did theater with In�s
And you know if I had problems
with Guilhem and Sacha?
No! No no they were
always together. Superunits
- All right.
- Anyone else?
I skated with them.
I have just arrived,
so I don't know them much,
But I never saw them fight.
Why are they asking us?
They said I was attacked by a madman,
Is that true?
Do you think they suffered a lot?
We are sorry. We still can't
Answer your questions.
But if you find out something,
or you can think of something
call us please.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
They are still very shocked.
We will leave you alone today.
If nobody speaks, we quote them
and we press them.
Are you still here?
With toxicological analyzes
of the victims.
They have found traces
from Alpha PVP
in the blood of Sacha and Guilhem.
Alpha PVP?
How in flakka?
- Exactly.
- The cannibal drug.
It could fit.
It is a demethylated analog
of pyrovalerone based on catinone.
Similar to amphetas.
It causes acute aggressiveness
with paranoia that can
degenerate into psychosis
That could explain the crisis
Madness from the boys.
Do you think they were drugged?
They do not give the profile.
Is not it a bit strange.
Well, they found something
I still miss urine.
- What?
- A radioactive molecule.
To Priori, coming
of uranium 238,
- but you have to do more analysis.
- Uranium? Are you serious?
Is that a joke? They lived next door
of a nuclear power plant
or a phosphate factory?
More analysis needs to be done.
The course of the particles
Uranium in the air
It is very short, so
necessarily absorbed it
by inhalation,
ingestion, injection
or direct skin contact.
That would explain the collapse.
Guilhem cardiovascular.
Except that uranium
It is not sold in supermarkets,
and the flakka, it seems a lot
For these guys.
I agree.
Fatim, give me
A copy of the analysis.
- Taking.
- Thank you.
You have to determine the chain
of complete disintegration
of the molecule,
and that will allow us to understand
how did they get in touch
with her. Okay?
I'm going to study it at home,
Give me a copy too.
Then I will take a look.
- I have an appointment tonight.
- An appointment?
What's wrong with you?
It is this case.
The one with the three boys.
There are strange things in their analysis.
Are you sure that is it?
What do you mean?
I don't know, you are
The cases usually take them well,
but now you are a little
I don't know, weird, as elsewhere.
I'm just tired
I'm tired I'm sorry
You have huge hands.
You know what they say.
Big hands
It is true.
You know what I read
the lines of the hand?
Yes, of course.
That of life is very long.
- Oh yes?
- And above all, wait
Yes, that seemed to me,
that of love very big.
- Oh, wow.
- Yes, yes.
It is obvious.
It is scientifically proven.
And what about you?
Oh yes, it's not bad
that of life.
A kitchen accident
I have never been skilled
With knives you already know.
It seems to me that neither
With the kitchen
It seems to me that neither
With the kitchen
Will you tell me some day?
The what?
The shadow that wanders
by your head
You don't have to tell me
now, you know?
Do it when you are ready.
But you didn't work
at home tonight?
Yes I have to go.
- I'm leaving now.
- Yes, yes, I see it, okay.
Really. In addition tomorrow,
I start early, so
- Uncle.
- What?
- You're in luck.
- What?
You are in luck.
Look at that aunt, she's looking at you.
- Twice.
- What's up.
Uncle, I swear,
He is doing it.
But look at her.
How strong.
- He smiled at me.
- Was he right?
Keep calm.
Although it is a bit weird
Because it's not your level.
about being a redhead, unite.
- Leave the redheads alone.
- Voucher.
He just greeted me.
- What do I do?
- Go with her.
- Yes?
- Sure, go.
Ok, well, I'm going. Okay come on.
- Yes, well, yes. Ok, I'm coming.
- You are not going. I know you.
- Hi.
- What's up?
Do we know each other?
But we will meet.
We are going to meet.
Sorry, I'm going to take
a large glass of cold water,
Do you want something to drink?
Your cup
Another of the same, thanks.
Do you come here a lot?
Not really. �T� yes�?
Yes, with my friend.
But we passed from my friend.
I wait for you in the bathroom.
Do you have a condition?
- No, because, really
- No, don't go, now I come.
I had not anticipated it.
You have to go, let's close.
- Already. Well, I wait for someone.
- No, nobody is coming.
We close.
Is there anyone?
Is there anyone?
It's me.
As usual.
What do you do with a bat?
of baseball at 3 in the morning?
I have heard a creak.
I'm going crazy.
You always have been.
But there was a crunch.
I know, I hear it.
You are tired, my love.
You are sold out.
Hello, I will never guess
What happened to me last night.
Were you drunk
and measure yourself in the shoemaker.
Don't say bullshit
I don't have a shoemaker.
I met a girl.
An atomic bomb.
I jumped on top of me
in the bathroom of the bar.
- Lie.
- I swear, it's true.
Oh yes? And what is his name?
Is named
- I got you. Lie.
- Ok, guys.
Well, I thought a lot
in the history of flakka.
And above all
in the radioactive molecule
that we found in the analyzes.
It cannot be coincidence.
They are two products
too rare
and complicated to get.
And the truth is that I don't feel
comfortable with this story.
I don't know where we're going to stop,
It is not a normal story.
Wait wait
I don't have the files.
They are no longer.
The copies you gave me yesterday,
I put them in my backpack
No one approached me.
It will be a bitch.
Got it now.
That aunt was a fetishist.
Fuck, they always touch me
the ones they like
disgusting things that they adore
death, they want to tie me
The crunch
What crackle?
They have also robbed me
The dossiers.
Wait, I don't understand
Who would steal those documents?
Someone who wants to delete
the traces of the investigation.
Oh yes?
Well, they're a little silly.
We will do the analysis again.
Can not be.
They have taken the bodies.
Let's recap: they have been robbed
autopsy reports
and not one, but three
bodies of the IML last night,
without anyone noticing
Is that it?
He loves to rummage
In the wound, right?
We have the images
of surveillance videos.
Look at the time on the clock.
Someone manipulated them.
Let's see, let's see. Why someone
would mount an operation
so complicated by three
who killed each other?
Because I think it is
more complicated than that.
That is to say?
That is to say
that, in addition to the flakka,
we found traces
of radioactive molecules
in the blood of Sacha and Guilhem.
Many things have been stolen from me
of this case,
But not the brain.
And the more I think about it,
I think that molecule
It could be polonium.
Polonium. It was used to poison
to Russian agents
in 2018, in England.
That's right
It is a potent poison.
Hard to detect.
A single dose can cost
more than 20 million dollars.
They use it
The secret services.
- Bring what he says here.
- Done, boss.
Explain the disappearance
of the bodies.
What move have we gotten ourselves into?
Whether or not
we have three dead boys
and parents asking questions.
We will register everything,
we will see the videos
and we will discover
who is behind. OK?
They will not do anything.
Lower your weapons if you want
Avoid a bloodbath.
This is our case.
Excuse me?
Fuck, but what is this?
Top secret.
Go back to your usual tasks.
- Captain, can you do it?
- Yes, that's right.
They take the computer.
They stole the bodies
of the deposit?
That does not matter anymore.
Doesn't matter anymore?
�And the families
Victims don't matter?
Shut up your dog.
And consider it a closed case.
I have been advised
To go directly
to the chief of intelligence.
But talk to him
it's complicated.
So we close
Mouth and we continue.
We close our mouth and continue.
What do we tell families?
That they can't
bury your children,
because some cretins
They don't want that?
Oh, and we can't
explain what happened,
Because we can't investigate.
Those bodies
They stole them from my apartment.
They were under my responsibility.
Well each one
Do what you want.
But to me all those bastards
They sweat my cock.
Now is not a good time
To mess with me
I will not give up.
Me neither.
I am with you.
But we are alone.
Officially the case does not exist.
They should be aware
of the risks they assume.
Count on me.
They manipulated me sexually,
So I sign up.
To understand what happens, there are
what to know who it is
How can we identify them?
We can not.
They will not say their names.
It is the security protocol
of the agents.
it has to be a free group
acting in secret,
without orders from his superiors.
- What does he do?
- Do not move.
The boss
Spit pellets.
- Lovely.
- Check if someone matches
- in the database.
- It's done.
We can't stay
Let's go
- Hi, honey.
- Hi honey, I'm sorry
but I have to stay
Where Balthazar tonight.
Where Balthazar?
But you mean,
to your office or home?
Yes In his house. It is for a case.
Ok there's no problem.
What time are you coming back?
We have for all night.
I'm sorry, it wasn't planned,
but a madman has killed
Three boys
We can not stop
No problem.
Do what you have to do.
Don't worry about me
have a quiet dinner watching TV.
- Tomorrow, do we have dinner together?
- Yes, of course.
- I'm truly sorry.
- It does not matter, love. A kiss was
Okay thanks.
Do you know anything about saliva?
It is not in the database.
And corresponds to 50%
to another of DNA.
One not signed,
found in a thermos
in the shop of the victims.
What does that mean?
I poisoned the victims,
is a relative
of an intelligence agent.
What is this?
It is your son or your daughter.
Dad leaves at home
a new drug
that he is working with.
His son catches her,
put the drug in the thermos
And the rest we know.
Can you imagine what it would imply?
What would have to be done
to cover it all up?
Would your superiors allow it?
They will not know.
Agents risk their lives
for each other.
And what do we do?
We investigate the victims
and see who can
To have poisoned them.
No time for that.
We can not see
school records
Or talk to the family.
The more time passes,
more opportunities have
to erase evidence
and get rid of the bodies.
We are stuck.
I have a plan B.
It's me. I have the results
of the boys
saved in my USB.
Even if they stole the samples,
maybe we can take out
Some of them.
Ok, now I go.
It has worked.
They already have the file.
Will you tell me again?
I do not understand anything.
I asked Eddy to prepare
a succinylcholine concentrate
and with a precise dose,
will permeate the documents,
without being seen, okay?
And what is it for?
That thing you say?
Imitates acetylcholine.
It is a depolarizing curare
that is fixed
to nicotonic receptors
of the motor plate.
There goes another gibberish.
Well, I still don't understand.
It is curare.
Cause muscle paralysis
and of the breath.
Like the arrows
of the Indians of the Amazon.
Don't tell me you've poisoned
To a secret agent.
Do not say barbarities.
We have made him sleepy.
It is a non-lethal dose,
which is used in surgery.
When you touch the documents,
succinylcholine will work
and block�
neuromuscular coordination.
I will feel that the body
he is paralyzed
and each time it will cost more
breathe. I will call the emergency room.
I have already informed the operator
to keep us up to date
as soon as it happens.
It shouldn't take long.
- Are you sure about it?
- At 200%.
At 200%, yes it is!
It is the SAMU. �Yes?
Well, we take care.
for respiratory failure
with muscle contractions
Typical symptoms of curare!
- It's him!
- The victim is Patrice Lombardi.
Lombardi 46 years
He has a son, Romain.
Of the same class
Than the victims.
Yes, it's him.
Mr. Lombardi, the SAMU is
With us, they will take care of you.
- He'll be fine, sir.
- And your son?
Mr. Lombardi,
Where is Romain?
No one tells me
to abandon the investigation?
Are there no threats?
Maybe because they had no idea
What I was doing, huh?
It's over, Mr. Lombardi.
Your bosses know it.
And my men are stopping
to his companions.
Leave them aside. They helped me
for loyalty That's it.
And your son, are you with them?
I killed three teenagers.
They have to judge him for that.
I didn't know what it was!
I just wanted to punish them!
Catch them? And that why?
We move continuously.
We leave everything
and we start from scratch.
We have no friends
No social life.
Romain couldn't stand it anymore.
Six months ago,
I tried to commit suicide.
I found it
In the last moment.
He told me he couldn't do it anymore,
I needed to have friends.
And what happened?
with Guilhem, Sacha and In�s?
I thought they were real friends,
I had, finally
a family.
And they organized
that camping without telling her.
He felt rejected.
I don't know what happened to him
by the head.
He went crazy.
And I stole that product.
I was careless
and brought the bottle home.
Romain stole it from me
and took a few drops
in the thermos of Guilhem.
But I never imagined
That would happen.
So you decided to delete
every trace of this matter, right?
It is my fault. My job
It has destroyed his life.
It is fragile.
I will not survive in prison.
I ask from police to police.
Let me take your place.
If we don't stop him, Romain
He will not face what he did.
And I will chase him all his life.
If you want to help your child,
Let him take responsibility.
And give us back
the bodies of the boys,
so they can be buried
and that their parents cry to them.
You are like them, right?
He loves his son more than anything.
So put yourself in his place.
Quiet, dad, I'm fine.
I'm fine, do not worry.
I'm sorry.
Do not worry.
It is what it is.
Come on.
Now parents
they could cry to them
I'll do the autopsy
to Charles Dazan?
He was right. I will not give up.
I can wait a little longer.
We are also getting closer.
I feel it.
And I'm sure he
I also sense it.
Thank you.
For not leaving me lying.
Thank you.
What time is it?
Shit, it's after eight.
I leave.
What's up? Are you coming?
Do not.
- Fatim?
- It depends.
- Do you have the wallet?
- Well, I have the wallet.
- But you're going to invite me.
- And why?
Well, you have many partners
who have gone to bed
with a spy?
You didn't lie down, right?
Technically I was at it.
- Yes?
- But that's not going to bed.
I'm sorry. I do not pay.
- What about the taxi?
- Don't even dream it.
OK. We will only drink beer.
Do not cícteles.
The cuts are clear.
No trace of hesitation.
Someone who is used to.
Maybe a butcher.
Or a veterinarian.
Or a doctor.
There is no DNA trace
In the crime scene
No traces of hair,
Saliva, nothing.
This guy had planned
to the last detail.
I didn't plan for you.
Not even Captain Bach.
I didn't expect you to find me
and you will load your cover.
He will have been very pissed off.
I hope he got pissed off.
That is what I expect.
I'm sorry.
A hard day,
I could not escape before.
Do not worry. It eats cold.
Thank you.
You took the killer
of the boys?
Great. Congratulations.
Stop it, Antoine.
Stop pretending you don't care
I forgot about dinner.
And what do you want to make me angry?
Be honest.
I'm honest.
I want to be with you.
I am making an effort.
Think about you. In us.
- And I do not.
- I didn't say that.
But it was me
The one who screwed up with that girl.
It is normal for me to strain.
You do not want
Let us give ourselves a chance.
I want to fix it.
I would like it too.
But it would have to be
here more often.
And work less.
I feel trapped, Antoine.
It's as if I had to decide
between sacrificing yourself
or to my work.
And it terrifies me.
Hi, I'm Maya
leave me a message
Hi Maya.
I'm Raphael I have had
a little complicated day,
but I want to be with you.
See you. Goodbye
Is there anyone?
Dr. Balthazar?
A package for you.
- Thank you.
- Good afternoon.
Yes, Balthazar?
Captain, he has returned
to do with Maya.
He doesn't pick up the phone,
I should be in my house.
- Come right now.
- I'm going.
Hey, asshole, huh!
Take off, take off!
Well! Well!
What's up? What's up?
What's up? What's wrong with you?
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
It is him.
It’s Charles Dazan.
Look at the scar on the forehead.
Because of its state of dissection,
He died about 10 years ago.
He can't be our killer.
He has tricked us
From the beginning.
So the killer
I stole your identity, right?
A cover.
He used his name
and his life for years.
He paid his rent,
I picked up your mail
He even got hired
with his name.
Everything so that
in the worst case,
We ended up here and not with him
Exactly what we have done.
Like sheep.
- Balthazar.
- Balthazar what?
Balthazar what?
It takes us 10 years of advantage!
� Go ahead
from us all the time!
He makes fun of us!
He teases us
From the beginning!
- Balthazar.
- Let me
- Balthazar.
- What? What's up?
Sorry, J�r�me, I'm sorry.
Are you ok?
Yes, I'm fine.
Captain Bach, say.
We are going
Triple homicide
It looks bad.
And Balthazar?
I got this.
I'm sorry.
I know it's hard,
But let's keep looking.
I can't anymore.
I'm going crazy.
I can not more.
We will take the body.
We will start from scratch.
Cheer up
I need you.
We have another case, let's go.
Come on
It seems they were
childhood friends,
that they were camping two days,
that is the information
I have for now.
Hi Balthazar.
I hadn't seen him that way.
It is normal.
I thought we already had him.
It is a fucking slaughter.
Guilhem Lossand, 18 years old,
In�s Tissandier, 17,
and Sacha Reynaud, 17.
They were friends since childhood.
They came from camping
by Guilhem's birthday.
They should have come back last night.
His companions came
and found them like that.
What will have happened?
Happy birthday,
happy birthday,
We wish you, Guilhem,
Happy birthday!
We knew it was your dream:
A birthday can.
- Sacha?
- It's InÃs phone.
It was last night at 22:14.
Stop it guys
What's wrong with you?
Guys, what, what, no,
But what are you doing?
Oh, fuck, stop! No no no.
All right,
the three died
almost at the same time:
between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.
And that fits the video.
Over here.
Do you see that from there?
- Looks like a bite.
- Yes.
But because of its morphology,
It was not an animal who did it.
It is human jaw.
Take DNA samples,
I will take some pictures
and make a mold of the wound.
Wait. Says someone
attacked these guys
and shattered them
With your teeth, isn't it?
Yes, that's what I say.
In addition to the bites,
I found fighting signals
and defense
In forearms and hands.
On Sacha's face, signals
of strong kicks and punches.
And in Guilhem's face,
very deep scratches.
But how did they die?
Slim autopsy. Autopsy.
But the one who did this to them
he was mad.
Are you safe?
What is my son from?
Yes, Mrs. Reynaud, sure.
I'm sorry.
I do not understand!
They took years
going camping there!
For Guilhem's birthday!
They have always been friends.
What has happened?
Who has done it?
We do not know.
His son had had
any problem?
No! I was in high school.
I went to class,
He was an athlete, popular
It's not possible
I do not get it.
My child.
My little one
I confirm the seen
in the place of the events.
Sach Reynaud has
a great facial trauma
with mandibular fractures
and jaws.
Bones of the nose, mobile.
Multiple impacts
direct traumatic
that could
correspond to kicks
- Fatim?
- Thank you.
In�s has
great thoracic trauma
with multiple fractures
of ribs,
sternum fractures
Facial trauma
with fractures
And skin lesions
They indicate bites.
- Eddy?
- Thank you.
Guilhem Lossand, injuries
on the right hand,
fifth fracture
right metacarpal,
boxer split type
There are also abrasions
of the skin on the arms
and back, and what they look like
skin waste
under the nails.
I will send it to the laboratory.
What a horror.
It has been a massacre.
But who did it and why?
It could only be a monster.
I know how Inés died
and it's not pretty:
the aggressor cut his artery
Femoral with teeth.
He bled out.
And Sacha, head trauma.
as a result of the kicks
I got in the face.
And Guilhem
he has an enlarged heart
450 grams,
with concentric walls
which indicate
an obstructive cardiomyopathy.
There is no anomaly
at cardiac level in your history
for what I would say
which was a sudden death
of an acute stress attack.
To be confirmed by a specialist.
There is something that does not have
Sense in this story.
Why kill three boys
without stealing anything
and without sexual assault?
What is the mobile?
And above all, how someone
so disorganized
and so wild
may disappear completely
and without a trace?
What happened in that forest?
There, have you found anything?
Not yet.
We do our best.
But how can they take so long?
I'd rather be sure
And don't be wrong.
Who did it?
A sick man, a madman?
Listen, they are
The best forensics there are.
Will they find it?
- But they need time.
- Time?
Have you thought of us?
�In our slaughtered children
In the woods?
When will they take that moron?
When can I hug my girl?
Calm down, honey. Please.
Listen, we will return you,
as soon as possible,
The bodies of their children.
I promise you.
Shit, they were just
A few kids camping. Fuck.
I do.
I don't want to imagine
not a second
That will happen to my children.
we have to give answers
to the parents,
or they will never get over it.
Find the explanation
and I will take care
to lock him up, okay?
In agreement.
You'll get it, Raphael.
You always get it.
I don't know
I'm tired.
I want to leave everything.
I can't stand it anymore.
I can not. All these deaths,
the violence I can't anymore.
Fuck, man, wake up!
Think about us now.
In our parents.
We only have you.
You will have missed something.
Follow the clues.
Like a treasure hunt.
- Follow the path.
- That's
Imagine what the pieces are
of a puzzle.
If you can't put them together,
maybe you are missing
the centerpiece
What is it?
The results of the analyzes
of what was in the nails.
Of course, if we could not
find the centerpiece
It is because there is none.
Have you found anything?
The analyzes have arrived, Sacha.
Do you see what your nails have?
It is the skin of Guilhem.
You scratched his face
to the bone
What? But why did you do that?
Guilhem, you see the brands
What's wrong
on the soles of the feet?
Ah fuck. They are the same
what's in Sacha's face.
So you
you shattered him
Kick face.
But what madness is that?
And given the violence
of the blows, you Sacha
you lost consciousness
and you probably had
a cerebral hemorrhage
But Guilhem
Guilhem, you at that time,
you were aware
Guilhem, you
you have the second fang
slightly asymmetric
Curious exactly
like teeth marks
in the body of In�s.
So Guilhem,
you left Sacha
you went back to the store
and you killed In�s.
With the teeth.
you bled out
And that's how you died.
Sacha, you got into a coma
because you had
a cerebral hemorrhage
And Guilhem did you have
cardiac arrest
Was there no one else?
No one.
There were no monsters
In that forest.
You killed yourself.
They say they were inseparable.
No messes or fights.
How did they get to that?
I don't know Eddy and Fatim
are with the results
of toxicology. But the dentist
confirm the match
between the teeth of Guilhem
and the bites of In�s.
They killed each other.
We will talk with your friends.
You have to understand
how could they come to that.
Well, keep investigating,
- We talk, okay?
- Yes.
It is hard for them.
This is small.
Everyone knows each other.
I present Captain Bach
and Lieutenant Delgado.
They want to talk to you.
We feel what has happened to them
to your friends
But we need to know something else
about Guilhem, Sacha and In�s.
Did anyone know them?
a little better than the others?
I did theater with In�s
And you know if I had problems
with Guilhem and Sacha?
No! No no they were
always together. Superunits
- All right.
- Anyone else?
I skated with them.
I have just arrived,
so I don't know them much,
But I never saw them fight.
Why are they asking us?
They said I was attacked by a madman,
Is that true?
Do you think they suffered a lot?
We are sorry. We still can't
Answer your questions.
But if you find out something,
or you can think of something
call us please.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
They are still very shocked.
We will leave you alone today.
If nobody speaks, we quote them
and we press them.
Are you still here?
With toxicological analyzes
of the victims.
They have found traces
from Alpha PVP
in the blood of Sacha and Guilhem.
Alpha PVP?
How in flakka?
- Exactly.
- The cannibal drug.
It could fit.
It is a demethylated analog
of pyrovalerone based on catinone.
Similar to amphetas.
It causes acute aggressiveness
with paranoia that can
degenerate into psychosis
That could explain the crisis
Madness from the boys.
Do you think they were drugged?
They do not give the profile.
Is not it a bit strange.
Well, they found something
I still miss urine.
- What?
- A radioactive molecule.
To Priori, coming
of uranium 238,
- but you have to do more analysis.
- Uranium? Are you serious?
Is that a joke? They lived next door
of a nuclear power plant
or a phosphate factory?
More analysis needs to be done.
The course of the particles
Uranium in the air
It is very short, so
necessarily absorbed it
by inhalation,
ingestion, injection
or direct skin contact.
That would explain the collapse.
Guilhem cardiovascular.
Except that uranium
It is not sold in supermarkets,
and the flakka, it seems a lot
For these guys.
I agree.
Fatim, give me
A copy of the analysis.
- Taking.
- Thank you.
You have to determine the chain
of complete disintegration
of the molecule,
and that will allow us to understand
how did they get in touch
with her. Okay?
I'm going to study it at home,
Give me a copy too.
Then I will take a look.
- I have an appointment tonight.
- An appointment?
What's wrong with you?
It is this case.
The one with the three boys.
There are strange things in their analysis.
Are you sure that is it?
What do you mean?
I don't know, you are
The cases usually take them well,
but now you are a little
I don't know, weird, as elsewhere.
I'm just tired
I'm tired I'm sorry
You have huge hands.
You know what they say.
Big hands
It is true.
You know what I read
the lines of the hand?
Yes, of course.
That of life is very long.
- Oh yes?
- And above all, wait
Yes, that seemed to me,
that of love very big.
- Oh, wow.
- Yes, yes.
It is obvious.
It is scientifically proven.
And what about you?
Oh yes, it's not bad
that of life.
A kitchen accident
I have never been skilled
With knives you already know.
It seems to me that neither
With the kitchen
It seems to me that neither
With the kitchen
Will you tell me some day?
The what?
The shadow that wanders
by your head
You don't have to tell me
now, you know?
Do it when you are ready.
But you didn't work
at home tonight?
Yes I have to go.
- I'm leaving now.
- Yes, yes, I see it, okay.
Really. In addition tomorrow,
I start early, so
- Uncle.
- What?
- You're in luck.
- What?
You are in luck.
Look at that aunt, she's looking at you.
- Twice.
- What's up.
Uncle, I swear,
He is doing it.
But look at her.
How strong.
- He smiled at me.
- Was he right?
Keep calm.
Although it is a bit weird
Because it's not your level.
about being a redhead, unite.
- Leave the redheads alone.
- Voucher.
He just greeted me.
- What do I do?
- Go with her.
- Yes?
- Sure, go.
Ok, well, I'm going. Okay come on.
- Yes, well, yes. Ok, I'm coming.
- You are not going. I know you.
- Hi.
- What's up?
Do we know each other?
But we will meet.
We are going to meet.
Sorry, I'm going to take
a large glass of cold water,
Do you want something to drink?
Your cup
Another of the same, thanks.
Do you come here a lot?
Not really. �T� yes�?
Yes, with my friend.
But we passed from my friend.
I wait for you in the bathroom.
Do you have a condition?
- No, because, really
- No, don't go, now I come.
I had not anticipated it.
You have to go, let's close.
- Already. Well, I wait for someone.
- No, nobody is coming.
We close.
Is there anyone?
Is there anyone?
It's me.
As usual.
What do you do with a bat?
of baseball at 3 in the morning?
I have heard a creak.
I'm going crazy.
You always have been.
But there was a crunch.
I know, I hear it.
You are tired, my love.
You are sold out.
Hello, I will never guess
What happened to me last night.
Were you drunk
and measure yourself in the shoemaker.
Don't say bullshit
I don't have a shoemaker.
I met a girl.
An atomic bomb.
I jumped on top of me
in the bathroom of the bar.
- Lie.
- I swear, it's true.
Oh yes? And what is his name?
Is named
- I got you. Lie.
- Ok, guys.
Well, I thought a lot
in the history of flakka.
And above all
in the radioactive molecule
that we found in the analyzes.
It cannot be coincidence.
They are two products
too rare
and complicated to get.
And the truth is that I don't feel
comfortable with this story.
I don't know where we're going to stop,
It is not a normal story.
Wait wait
I don't have the files.
They are no longer.
The copies you gave me yesterday,
I put them in my backpack
No one approached me.
It will be a bitch.
Got it now.
That aunt was a fetishist.
Fuck, they always touch me
the ones they like
disgusting things that they adore
death, they want to tie me
The crunch
What crackle?
They have also robbed me
The dossiers.
Wait, I don't understand
Who would steal those documents?
Someone who wants to delete
the traces of the investigation.
Oh yes?
Well, they're a little silly.
We will do the analysis again.
Can not be.
They have taken the bodies.
Let's recap: they have been robbed
autopsy reports
and not one, but three
bodies of the IML last night,
without anyone noticing
Is that it?
He loves to rummage
In the wound, right?
We have the images
of surveillance videos.
Look at the time on the clock.
Someone manipulated them.
Let's see, let's see. Why someone
would mount an operation
so complicated by three
who killed each other?
Because I think it is
more complicated than that.
That is to say?
That is to say
that, in addition to the flakka,
we found traces
of radioactive molecules
in the blood of Sacha and Guilhem.
Many things have been stolen from me
of this case,
But not the brain.
And the more I think about it,
I think that molecule
It could be polonium.
Polonium. It was used to poison
to Russian agents
in 2018, in England.
That's right
It is a potent poison.
Hard to detect.
A single dose can cost
more than 20 million dollars.
They use it
The secret services.
- Bring what he says here.
- Done, boss.
Explain the disappearance
of the bodies.
What move have we gotten ourselves into?
Whether or not
we have three dead boys
and parents asking questions.
We will register everything,
we will see the videos
and we will discover
who is behind. OK?
They will not do anything.
Lower your weapons if you want
Avoid a bloodbath.
This is our case.
Excuse me?
Fuck, but what is this?
Top secret.
Go back to your usual tasks.
- Captain, can you do it?
- Yes, that's right.
They take the computer.
They stole the bodies
of the deposit?
That does not matter anymore.
Doesn't matter anymore?
�And the families
Victims don't matter?
Shut up your dog.
And consider it a closed case.
I have been advised
To go directly
to the chief of intelligence.
But talk to him
it's complicated.
So we close
Mouth and we continue.
We close our mouth and continue.
What do we tell families?
That they can't
bury your children,
because some cretins
They don't want that?
Oh, and we can't
explain what happened,
Because we can't investigate.
Those bodies
They stole them from my apartment.
They were under my responsibility.
Well each one
Do what you want.
But to me all those bastards
They sweat my cock.
Now is not a good time
To mess with me
I will not give up.
Me neither.
I am with you.
But we are alone.
Officially the case does not exist.
They should be aware
of the risks they assume.
Count on me.
They manipulated me sexually,
So I sign up.
To understand what happens, there are
what to know who it is
How can we identify them?
We can not.
They will not say their names.
It is the security protocol
of the agents.
it has to be a free group
acting in secret,
without orders from his superiors.
- What does he do?
- Do not move.
The boss
Spit pellets.
- Lovely.
- Check if someone matches
- in the database.
- It's done.
We can't stay
Let's go
- Hi, honey.
- Hi honey, I'm sorry
but I have to stay
Where Balthazar tonight.
Where Balthazar?
But you mean,
to your office or home?
Yes In his house. It is for a case.
Ok there's no problem.
What time are you coming back?
We have for all night.
I'm sorry, it wasn't planned,
but a madman has killed
Three boys
We can not stop
No problem.
Do what you have to do.
Don't worry about me
have a quiet dinner watching TV.
- Tomorrow, do we have dinner together?
- Yes, of course.
- I'm truly sorry.
- It does not matter, love. A kiss was
Okay thanks.
Do you know anything about saliva?
It is not in the database.
And corresponds to 50%
to another of DNA.
One not signed,
found in a thermos
in the shop of the victims.
What does that mean?
I poisoned the victims,
is a relative
of an intelligence agent.
What is this?
It is your son or your daughter.
Dad leaves at home
a new drug
that he is working with.
His son catches her,
put the drug in the thermos
And the rest we know.
Can you imagine what it would imply?
What would have to be done
to cover it all up?
Would your superiors allow it?
They will not know.
Agents risk their lives
for each other.
And what do we do?
We investigate the victims
and see who can
To have poisoned them.
No time for that.
We can not see
school records
Or talk to the family.
The more time passes,
more opportunities have
to erase evidence
and get rid of the bodies.
We are stuck.
I have a plan B.
It's me. I have the results
of the boys
saved in my USB.
Even if they stole the samples,
maybe we can take out
Some of them.
Ok, now I go.
It has worked.
They already have the file.
Will you tell me again?
I do not understand anything.
I asked Eddy to prepare
a succinylcholine concentrate
and with a precise dose,
will permeate the documents,
without being seen, okay?
And what is it for?
That thing you say?
Imitates acetylcholine.
It is a depolarizing curare
that is fixed
to nicotonic receptors
of the motor plate.
There goes another gibberish.
Well, I still don't understand.
It is curare.
Cause muscle paralysis
and of the breath.
Like the arrows
of the Indians of the Amazon.
Don't tell me you've poisoned
To a secret agent.
Do not say barbarities.
We have made him sleepy.
It is a non-lethal dose,
which is used in surgery.
When you touch the documents,
succinylcholine will work
and block�
neuromuscular coordination.
I will feel that the body
he is paralyzed
and each time it will cost more
breathe. I will call the emergency room.
I have already informed the operator
to keep us up to date
as soon as it happens.
It shouldn't take long.
- Are you sure about it?
- At 200%.
At 200%, yes it is!
It is the SAMU. �Yes?
Well, we take care.
for respiratory failure
with muscle contractions
Typical symptoms of curare!
- It's him!
- The victim is Patrice Lombardi.
Lombardi 46 years
He has a son, Romain.
Of the same class
Than the victims.
Yes, it's him.
Mr. Lombardi, the SAMU is
With us, they will take care of you.
- He'll be fine, sir.
- And your son?
Mr. Lombardi,
Where is Romain?
No one tells me
to abandon the investigation?
Are there no threats?
Maybe because they had no idea
What I was doing, huh?
It's over, Mr. Lombardi.
Your bosses know it.
And my men are stopping
to his companions.
Leave them aside. They helped me
for loyalty That's it.
And your son, are you with them?
I killed three teenagers.
They have to judge him for that.
I didn't know what it was!
I just wanted to punish them!
Catch them? And that why?
We move continuously.
We leave everything
and we start from scratch.
We have no friends
No social life.
Romain couldn't stand it anymore.
Six months ago,
I tried to commit suicide.
I found it
In the last moment.
He told me he couldn't do it anymore,
I needed to have friends.
And what happened?
with Guilhem, Sacha and In�s?
I thought they were real friends,
I had, finally
a family.
And they organized
that camping without telling her.
He felt rejected.
I don't know what happened to him
by the head.
He went crazy.
And I stole that product.
I was careless
and brought the bottle home.
Romain stole it from me
and took a few drops
in the thermos of Guilhem.
But I never imagined
That would happen.
So you decided to delete
every trace of this matter, right?
It is my fault. My job
It has destroyed his life.
It is fragile.
I will not survive in prison.
I ask from police to police.
Let me take your place.
If we don't stop him, Romain
He will not face what he did.
And I will chase him all his life.
If you want to help your child,
Let him take responsibility.
And give us back
the bodies of the boys,
so they can be buried
and that their parents cry to them.
You are like them, right?
He loves his son more than anything.
So put yourself in his place.
Quiet, dad, I'm fine.
I'm fine, do not worry.
I'm sorry.
Do not worry.
It is what it is.
Come on.
Now parents
they could cry to them
I'll do the autopsy
to Charles Dazan?
He was right. I will not give up.
I can wait a little longer.
We are also getting closer.
I feel it.
And I'm sure he
I also sense it.
Thank you.
For not leaving me lying.
Thank you.
What time is it?
Shit, it's after eight.
I leave.
What's up? Are you coming?
Do not.
- Fatim?
- It depends.
- Do you have the wallet?
- Well, I have the wallet.
- But you're going to invite me.
- And why?
Well, you have many partners
who have gone to bed
with a spy?
You didn't lie down, right?
Technically I was at it.
- Yes?
- But that's not going to bed.
I'm sorry. I do not pay.
- What about the taxi?
- Don't even dream it.
OK. We will only drink beer.
Do not cícteles.
The cuts are clear.
No trace of hesitation.
Someone who is used to.
Maybe a butcher.
Or a veterinarian.
Or a doctor.
There is no DNA trace
In the crime scene
No traces of hair,
Saliva, nothing.
This guy had planned
to the last detail.
I didn't plan for you.
Not even Captain Bach.
I didn't expect you to find me
and you will load your cover.
He will have been very pissed off.
I hope he got pissed off.
That is what I expect.
I'm sorry.
A hard day,
I could not escape before.
Do not worry. It eats cold.
Thank you.
You took the killer
of the boys?
Great. Congratulations.
Stop it, Antoine.
Stop pretending you don't care
I forgot about dinner.
And what do you want to make me angry?
Be honest.
I'm honest.
I want to be with you.
I am making an effort.
Think about you. In us.
- And I do not.
- I didn't say that.
But it was me
The one who screwed up with that girl.
It is normal for me to strain.
You do not want
Let us give ourselves a chance.
I want to fix it.
I would like it too.
But it would have to be
here more often.
And work less.
I feel trapped, Antoine.
It's as if I had to decide
between sacrificing yourself
or to my work.
And it terrifies me.
Hi, I'm Maya
leave me a message
Hi Maya.
I'm Raphael I have had
a little complicated day,
but I want to be with you.
See you. Goodbye
Is there anyone?
Dr. Balthazar?
A package for you.
- Thank you.
- Good afternoon.
Yes, Balthazar?
Captain, he has returned
to do with Maya.
He doesn't pick up the phone,
I should be in my house.
- Come right now.
- I'm going.
Hey, asshole, huh!
Take off, take off!
Well! Well!
What's up? What's up?
What's up? What's wrong with you?
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri