Black Warrant (2025) s01e02 Episode Script
Do you know what a black warrant is?
Yes, sir.
It's another term for a death warrant.
The court order
specifying a person's execution
is informally referred to
as a black warrant.
Do you know
that after signing a black warrant,
the judge breaks the nib of their pen?
Yes, sir.
Come in.
He's the one, sir.
I see.
So, you're the reason
the last SP lost his job.
- Do you want to return to work?
- Yes, sir.
Is the jail struggling
because you're not around?
- No, sir. It's not struggling.
- Then?
Sir, the black warrants for Ranga-Billa
are all over the newspapers.
Their hanging will attract
a lot of attention,
and the media will have many questions.
To give the right answers, you need
someone who understands legal jargon.
What could go wrong during a hanging
that would require media management?
- Tomar sahab?
- Anything could happen, sir.
The hangmen come from far away.
They could be kidnapped along the way,
or a furious relative of the inmate
might try to kill them.
Even our lives are in danger.
Another possibility is that
one of the two prisoners
might attempt suicide.
That would delay the hanging.
And if the hanging is delayed,
the government will come after us instead.
Think about it.
- You sure you want to come back?
- Yes, sir.
All right.
Assign him to hanging duty.
If everything goes smoothly,
his job is secure.
- Thank you, sir.
- Mr. Executioner?
Do you know of Pratibha Sen?
Sorry, sir. No, sir.
She's a renowned journalist.
Even the PM and the President
read her articles.
Madam wants to interview
Billa and Ranga.
She has come with a Supreme Court order
to make sure we can't stop her.
She's your responsibility.
An execution is a jail's
most critical test.
There haven't been any hangings
in Tihar for the past five years.
One mistake…
and the media will devour us.
You two…
will help Sunil.
Tighten the security.
Keep an eye on everyone and trust no one.
Understood, sir. Ranga and Billa
don't have the balls to do anything.
Don't get too overconfident!
A dying man will do anything
for a chance at life.
Sahab has come to see you.
Namaste, sahab.
I'm Ranga.
Ranga Khush.
And that's Billa.
The one responsible for all of this.
Hey, asshole!
Stop crying!
The executioners, Kalu and Fakira,
will arrive two days before the hanging.
They're the superstars of Indian jails.
Rajesh Khanna and Dilip Kumar.
Make sure they are well taken care of.
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
Inform the families of Ranga and Billa
about the execution date,
but don't say anything to those two.
Ranga and Billa must not be told anything.
Yes, sir.
Pratibha Sen.
She will bombard you
with a thousand questions.
"How did Ranga-Billa
spend their time in Tihar?"
“How were they treated in jail?”
"Did they ever face torture in jail?"
Don't get swayed by her.
She'll try to manipulate you.
You manipulate her instead.
If Ranga-Billa, you, or anyone else
gives her anything worth printing…
Ranga-Billa will
eventually go to the gallows.
But first, I'll hang you.
I'll handle it, sir.
I'll handle it, sir.
Hello, madam.
ASP Sunil Gupta.
Pratibha Sen.
Madam, who doesn't know you?
Even the PM and the President
read what you write.
We have noted your request,
and I'll get you your interview.
How are the preparations going on?
Good. Good, madam.
It's a lot of work, but it's…
going well.
And how are Ranga and Billa holding up?
Have you taken their dying testimonies?
Sorry, madam?
Dying testimonies.
Do they express regrets?
Accept their crimes?
Why don't you put all your questions
in writing? I will respond.
When will I write the questions,
and when will you answer them?
Can't you just tell me now?
I'm sorry, madam,
but we must follow protocol.
Okay. When will we conduct the interview?
why would you speak to people
like Ranga and Billa?
People like them?
You know what I mean, madam.
I just want to talk to Ranga and Billa
to know where they are.
Emotionally, mentally, before we…
you kill them.
- We're carrying out a punishment.
- By hanging them?
It's a court decision,
made after a complete legal process.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
Why do judges break the nib of their pen
when they sign an execution order?
Ranga and Billa deny
many of the charges against them.
Ranga has been appealing for years
with the backing
of his mother and brother.
If Billa had access to money,
he would do the same.
Are you suggesting that they're innocent?
Mr. Sunil Kumar Gupta.
This whole case
is based on their confessions.
They later withdrew those confessions,
claiming they were tortured.
Madam, please submit
all your questions in writing,
and we'll send our response.
Maybe they are lying.
But if there's even
a slight chance of doubt,
don't you want to know the complete truth?
- Sir.
- What happened?
Sir, she was asking
a lot of twisted questions.
I asked her to put them in writing
so I can answer them properly, sir.
Sir, can we hire a typist?
It will help us prepare responses
for the media.
Pick someone from B-class.
You'll find people
from all kinds of professions here.
Pratibha Sen spoke about
taking some dying testimonies--
Who cares?
Hang them and be done with it.
Have I called Tihar yet again?
I'm Priya. You?
Have you called for some work, Priya?
What work would I have at Tihar?
Then why do you keep calling?
We recently installed
a new telephone at home,
so I started dialing random numbers.
By sheer luck,
I called Tihar the other day
and spoke to you for the first time.
Look, I have work to do.
I can't talk right now.
- Some other time--
- What do you do?
I'm a jailer.
Assistant Superintendent of Prison.
Oh my!
So, is Ranga-Billa's hanging
part of your responsibilities?
It's under my supervision.
Are you nervous?
You must have seen them.
Are they scary?
Why do you keep giving one-word answers?
No. I mean…
No, they are not scary. They…
They are prisoners, not monsters.
Do you even know what they did?
Yes, of course. Everyone knows.
So, how can you say
they're not monsters?
Tell me quickly.
Each second costs money.
Priya, the truth is
my family has always avoided discussions
of death and violence at home,
so we didn't really speak about this.
That's why I don't know the full story.
Look, no one knows the whole truth.
What is known is that the children were
to appear on a radio program that evening.
Rushing to reach Akashwani Bhawan,
they asked for a lift.
Yes, but they shouldn't have
asked strangers for a lift.
Back then, Delhi was considered safe.
For something like this
to happen in broad daylight,
right in the middle of the streets,
was unimaginable.
That day changed everything.
Sixteen-year-old Geeta
and fourteen-year-old Sanjay
had no idea what kind of men
gave them a lift that day.
Ranga and Billa gave
wildly conflicting statements in court
and later retracted them as well.
When the car passed the Gol post office
and turned towards Shankar Road,
the kids realized something was off.
The Akashwani Bhawan
is on the other side, sir.
Take the next right.
Billa said he was driving the car,
so how could he have done anything?
It was all Ranga's doing.
Ranga claims that Billa
was the one who started it all.
The Akashwani Bhawan
is on the other side.
Shut up.
He himself was scared of Billa.
- Take the next right.
- Shut up, motherfucker!
Forget harming the kids,
Ranga made him stop the car
and even tried to calm the kids down.
Come on, eat.
But Billa became bloodthirsty
the moment he saw Geeta.
It was all Billa's doing.
Ranga says that
whenever he suggested releasing the kids,
Billa would refuse.
He witnessed everything…
Hurry up, Billa.
…but he couldn't muster
the courage to stop Billa.
Billa told him to kill the kids.
But when Ranga refused,
Billa stabbed the girl himself.
Seven times.
And stabbed the boy twenty-one times.
And if you hear the story from Billa,
it's the exact opposite.
Hey, asshole!
Stop crying!
Shut up!
Sir, that means we're not sure
who's lying and who's telling the truth.
Dude! Isn't this the same
as your snake conundrum?
Ranga kept appealing in court,
claiming he was coerced into confessing.
Of course!
He's not to blame.
Ranga was there for a sermon.
When Billa was out in the bushes
killing the kids,
was Ranga chanting God's name?
Whatever happened that night
they did it together.
Who did what and to what extent,
does it really matter?
Can't sleep?
You're my child, Baby.
I just know that
this prison job isn't right for you.
When you were suspended,
I was relieved
because I thought you'd finally quit.
How could I have just quit, Mama?
I was wrongfully suspended,
as if I were responsible
for everyone's mistakes.
Is proving you're right
really so important
that you'd go this far?
Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
under Section 302
read with Section 34 IPC,
death on three counts for the murder
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
He shall be hanged by neck
till he be dead.
Under Section 363,
read with Section 365, 366,
and 367 IPC, for the abduction
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra,
and their subsequent confinement
at the Delhi Ridge
for the intention of Geeta's rape,
and subsequently for the intention
of murdering Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
- Jasbir Singh alias Billa.
- Come on.
In the case of Geeta
and Sanjay Chopra's murder,
as per the court's decision,
your death sentence
will be carried out on the morning
of January 31st, at00 a.m.
Come on, get up.
Give me the drawstrings of your pajamas.
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga,
under Section 302
read with Section 34 IPC,
death on three counts for the murder
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
He shall be hanged by neck
till he be dead.
Under Section 363
read with Section 34 IPC,
for the rape of Geeta Chopra.
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga.
In the case of Geeta
and Sanjay Chopra's murder,
as per the court's decision,
your death sentence
will be carried out on the morning
of January 31st, at00 a.m.
Sunil sir.
My family will come
to collect my body.
Please let them know that I wasn't crying.
The girl was only sixteen-years-old,
and the boy was only fourteen.
Ranga and Billa are ruthless criminals.
Don't let them get to you.
Just do your duty.
Sir, Pratibha Sen is at the gate.
What happened?
I'll take her for the interview
in the evening.
By the time the article
is published tomorrow morning,
the execution will be complete.
Pratibha ji!
I'm so sorry, I just found out
that you've been waiting.
The interview preparations
have already been made.
Please come.
Please come in.
This way.
Open the gate!
Madam, you shall be frisked
before entering the high-security ward.
There will be
other death-row inmates in the ward.
You will not speak to them
under any circumstance.
Madam, what do you
plan on asking them?
Let's see.
- Open the door.
- Madam.
No questions apart from
their personal story will be permitted.
It's my job to inform you.
- Sadat ji.
- Please.
Come, madam.
Place the chair.
Can I talk to him privately?
No, madam.
We must be present for your safety.
You just talk to me.
Forget that anyone else is here.
Please save me, madam.
What must my family think of me?
I didn't even do anything.
Then why did they arrest you?
I've made many mistakes, madam.
I even went to jail in Bombay.
But I didn't touch those kids.
I didn't stop Ranga,
and you can punish me for that.
Keep me here.
I'll stay here and serve my sentence.
If everyone knew the whole truth,
I wouldn't be facing the death sentence.
The truth never came out.
That's why I'm here.
Just tell me the truth.
Why didn't you appeal in court?
What would that have done?
Ranga appealed, right?
Will your family come tomorrow?
Do you miss them?
What was your childhood like?
Too short.
I was just a child
when I had to start working.
How were things at home?
How are they treating you in jail?
Madam, you cannot ask that.
That's not an appropriate question.
He's under stress. He'll blabber nonsense.
What are you doing?
You're interrupting my interview.
There are rules for this interview,
and I instructed you on them.
- Tell me, Billa. What happened?
- What are you doing, madam?
What are you doing?
Are you afraid he's going to tell me
that he was tortured here?
Madam, there has been no torture.
- Tell me, Billa. What did they do?
- Madam!
Sit down!
Madam, we will have to end this interview.
I've only had 15 minutes.
Let me talk to him--
Where does it say in your court order that
the interview can't be 15 minutes long?
Let's go interview Ranga then.
Ranga has refused to talk to you.
He does not see the point of it.
Or you don't see the point of it?
I cannot force him, madam.
Open the door!
I'm sorry, madam, if you did not
get what you were looking for.
I hope you get what
you're looking for in this prison!
I'll meet you at the press briefing
after the hanging.
So you can read that
standard statement they hand to you!
"All was conducted smoothly--"
No one is handing me anything, madam.
I'll write it myself.
And will that be any different?
Pratibha ji!
The answers to your questions
in writing.
I had given you three pages of questions.
Oh, Billa!
Is this the price of your friendship?
Even a short stint cost me heavily
You've left me at death's door
Left me all alone
You've thrown me in this void
Oh, Billa!
You are so stubborn!
You've killed my past in one turn
And here I was
Simply honoring our friendship
I was honoring our friendship
Oh, Billa!
Is this the price of your friendship?
- Shut up, fucker!
- Even a short stint cost me heavily
Shut up, you cunt!
- I've done nothing. Please don't take me.
- Get up.
- Come on, get up.
- Please don't take me.
I beg you! Please don't take me!
- Come on out!
- I didn't do anything.
I didn't-- Please leave me.
Sir! I didn't do anything, sir!
Forgive me, please.
- Forgive me if I did something wrong.
- No, sir! Please don't hang me!
Forgive me.
- Sir! I'm innocent, sir!
- I'm sorry.
Please don't take me!
I'm innocent, sir.
I didn't do anything, sir.
Please don't hang me, sir!
- Get up!
- Get up!
Sir! Please don't hang me, sir!
I'm innocent.
Please don't hang me, sir!
Come on!
Stand up.
Open his handcuffs. Are they off?
Tighten it.
No! No!
No pulse. Confirmed dead.
His pulse is still active.
What do you mean
"his pulse is still active"?
Is he not dead yet?
Is he…
Is he alive?
Billa is dead, right?
Then how is Ranga still alive?
They were both hung at the same time.
Say something, Doctor sahab!
What do I say?
- Tomar.
- Sir.
What happened?
He should have died, sir.
- Sunil.
- Sir.
Didn't you supervise this?
- Then why is he not dead yet?
- Sir…
We've done everything by the book, sir.
- Then what happened?
- All preparations, sir.
We fulfilled all the requirements
of the hangmen.
Say something! Why are you quiet?
He must have held his breath.
But, sir, this has never happened before!
So, how did it happen today?
- Sunil.
- Was the length of the rope accurate?
- Sunil!
- What-- Sir.
I don't want to end up
losing my job like the former SP.
The bloody magistrate is watching.
Ensure that he is dead!
Sir, Tomar sir--
Let's give it some time.
His breath will eventually stop.
Sir, I…
He's still alive.
We have given it enough time.
What's the protocol now?
Go down.
- Go down!
- Sir!
Grab his legs.
I said hold his legs!
Now pull.
Come on, pull.
Pull harder.
Use all your strength!
Pull harder!
Use all your strength!
Hang off him!
Just hang off him!
Hello. I am ASP Sunil Kumar Gupta,
speaking on behalf
of Superintendent of Central Jail, Tihar.
"Today, on 31st January 1982,
as per the orders
of the Honourable Supreme Court,
the death warrants of inmates
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga,
and Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
were carried out."
"At00 a.m.,
executioners Kalu and Fakira
pulled the lever,
and a smooth
and uneventful hanging was completed."
Was completed.
What happened to your hand?
Sir, my hand was broken
when they tortured me.
I refused to accept
the false accusations against me,
so they beat me
until I was forced to accept their lies.
It still hurts.
"We have promptly facilitated
the transfer
of Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga's
mortal remains to his family."
"In the case of inmate
Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
no claimants have come forward
to acknowledge his mortal remains."
Thank you.
Welcome back.
Jailer sahab.
Yes, sir.
It's another term for a death warrant.
The court order
specifying a person's execution
is informally referred to
as a black warrant.
Do you know
that after signing a black warrant,
the judge breaks the nib of their pen?
Yes, sir.
Come in.
He's the one, sir.
I see.
So, you're the reason
the last SP lost his job.
- Do you want to return to work?
- Yes, sir.
Is the jail struggling
because you're not around?
- No, sir. It's not struggling.
- Then?
Sir, the black warrants for Ranga-Billa
are all over the newspapers.
Their hanging will attract
a lot of attention,
and the media will have many questions.
To give the right answers, you need
someone who understands legal jargon.
What could go wrong during a hanging
that would require media management?
- Tomar sahab?
- Anything could happen, sir.
The hangmen come from far away.
They could be kidnapped along the way,
or a furious relative of the inmate
might try to kill them.
Even our lives are in danger.
Another possibility is that
one of the two prisoners
might attempt suicide.
That would delay the hanging.
And if the hanging is delayed,
the government will come after us instead.
Think about it.
- You sure you want to come back?
- Yes, sir.
All right.
Assign him to hanging duty.
If everything goes smoothly,
his job is secure.
- Thank you, sir.
- Mr. Executioner?
Do you know of Pratibha Sen?
Sorry, sir. No, sir.
She's a renowned journalist.
Even the PM and the President
read her articles.
Madam wants to interview
Billa and Ranga.
She has come with a Supreme Court order
to make sure we can't stop her.
She's your responsibility.
An execution is a jail's
most critical test.
There haven't been any hangings
in Tihar for the past five years.
One mistake…
and the media will devour us.
You two…
will help Sunil.
Tighten the security.
Keep an eye on everyone and trust no one.
Understood, sir. Ranga and Billa
don't have the balls to do anything.
Don't get too overconfident!
A dying man will do anything
for a chance at life.
Sahab has come to see you.
Namaste, sahab.
I'm Ranga.
Ranga Khush.
And that's Billa.
The one responsible for all of this.
Hey, asshole!
Stop crying!
The executioners, Kalu and Fakira,
will arrive two days before the hanging.
They're the superstars of Indian jails.
Rajesh Khanna and Dilip Kumar.
Make sure they are well taken care of.
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
Inform the families of Ranga and Billa
about the execution date,
but don't say anything to those two.
Ranga and Billa must not be told anything.
Yes, sir.
Pratibha Sen.
She will bombard you
with a thousand questions.
"How did Ranga-Billa
spend their time in Tihar?"
“How were they treated in jail?”
"Did they ever face torture in jail?"
Don't get swayed by her.
She'll try to manipulate you.
You manipulate her instead.
If Ranga-Billa, you, or anyone else
gives her anything worth printing…
Ranga-Billa will
eventually go to the gallows.
But first, I'll hang you.
I'll handle it, sir.
I'll handle it, sir.
Hello, madam.
ASP Sunil Gupta.
Pratibha Sen.
Madam, who doesn't know you?
Even the PM and the President
read what you write.
We have noted your request,
and I'll get you your interview.
How are the preparations going on?
Good. Good, madam.
It's a lot of work, but it's…
going well.
And how are Ranga and Billa holding up?
Have you taken their dying testimonies?
Sorry, madam?
Dying testimonies.
Do they express regrets?
Accept their crimes?
Why don't you put all your questions
in writing? I will respond.
When will I write the questions,
and when will you answer them?
Can't you just tell me now?
I'm sorry, madam,
but we must follow protocol.
Okay. When will we conduct the interview?
why would you speak to people
like Ranga and Billa?
People like them?
You know what I mean, madam.
I just want to talk to Ranga and Billa
to know where they are.
Emotionally, mentally, before we…
you kill them.
- We're carrying out a punishment.
- By hanging them?
It's a court decision,
made after a complete legal process.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
Why do judges break the nib of their pen
when they sign an execution order?
Ranga and Billa deny
many of the charges against them.
Ranga has been appealing for years
with the backing
of his mother and brother.
If Billa had access to money,
he would do the same.
Are you suggesting that they're innocent?
Mr. Sunil Kumar Gupta.
This whole case
is based on their confessions.
They later withdrew those confessions,
claiming they were tortured.
Madam, please submit
all your questions in writing,
and we'll send our response.
Maybe they are lying.
But if there's even
a slight chance of doubt,
don't you want to know the complete truth?
- Sir.
- What happened?
Sir, she was asking
a lot of twisted questions.
I asked her to put them in writing
so I can answer them properly, sir.
Sir, can we hire a typist?
It will help us prepare responses
for the media.
Pick someone from B-class.
You'll find people
from all kinds of professions here.
Pratibha Sen spoke about
taking some dying testimonies--
Who cares?
Hang them and be done with it.
Have I called Tihar yet again?
I'm Priya. You?
Have you called for some work, Priya?
What work would I have at Tihar?
Then why do you keep calling?
We recently installed
a new telephone at home,
so I started dialing random numbers.
By sheer luck,
I called Tihar the other day
and spoke to you for the first time.
Look, I have work to do.
I can't talk right now.
- Some other time--
- What do you do?
I'm a jailer.
Assistant Superintendent of Prison.
Oh my!
So, is Ranga-Billa's hanging
part of your responsibilities?
It's under my supervision.
Are you nervous?
You must have seen them.
Are they scary?
Why do you keep giving one-word answers?
No. I mean…
No, they are not scary. They…
They are prisoners, not monsters.
Do you even know what they did?
Yes, of course. Everyone knows.
So, how can you say
they're not monsters?
Tell me quickly.
Each second costs money.
Priya, the truth is
my family has always avoided discussions
of death and violence at home,
so we didn't really speak about this.
That's why I don't know the full story.
Look, no one knows the whole truth.
What is known is that the children were
to appear on a radio program that evening.
Rushing to reach Akashwani Bhawan,
they asked for a lift.
Yes, but they shouldn't have
asked strangers for a lift.
Back then, Delhi was considered safe.
For something like this
to happen in broad daylight,
right in the middle of the streets,
was unimaginable.
That day changed everything.
Sixteen-year-old Geeta
and fourteen-year-old Sanjay
had no idea what kind of men
gave them a lift that day.
Ranga and Billa gave
wildly conflicting statements in court
and later retracted them as well.
When the car passed the Gol post office
and turned towards Shankar Road,
the kids realized something was off.
The Akashwani Bhawan
is on the other side, sir.
Take the next right.
Billa said he was driving the car,
so how could he have done anything?
It was all Ranga's doing.
Ranga claims that Billa
was the one who started it all.
The Akashwani Bhawan
is on the other side.
Shut up.
He himself was scared of Billa.
- Take the next right.
- Shut up, motherfucker!
Forget harming the kids,
Ranga made him stop the car
and even tried to calm the kids down.
Come on, eat.
But Billa became bloodthirsty
the moment he saw Geeta.
It was all Billa's doing.
Ranga says that
whenever he suggested releasing the kids,
Billa would refuse.
He witnessed everything…
Hurry up, Billa.
…but he couldn't muster
the courage to stop Billa.
Billa told him to kill the kids.
But when Ranga refused,
Billa stabbed the girl himself.
Seven times.
And stabbed the boy twenty-one times.
And if you hear the story from Billa,
it's the exact opposite.
Hey, asshole!
Stop crying!
Shut up!
Sir, that means we're not sure
who's lying and who's telling the truth.
Dude! Isn't this the same
as your snake conundrum?
Ranga kept appealing in court,
claiming he was coerced into confessing.
Of course!
He's not to blame.
Ranga was there for a sermon.
When Billa was out in the bushes
killing the kids,
was Ranga chanting God's name?
Whatever happened that night
they did it together.
Who did what and to what extent,
does it really matter?
Can't sleep?
You're my child, Baby.
I just know that
this prison job isn't right for you.
When you were suspended,
I was relieved
because I thought you'd finally quit.
How could I have just quit, Mama?
I was wrongfully suspended,
as if I were responsible
for everyone's mistakes.
Is proving you're right
really so important
that you'd go this far?
Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
under Section 302
read with Section 34 IPC,
death on three counts for the murder
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
He shall be hanged by neck
till he be dead.
Under Section 363,
read with Section 365, 366,
and 367 IPC, for the abduction
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra,
and their subsequent confinement
at the Delhi Ridge
for the intention of Geeta's rape,
and subsequently for the intention
of murdering Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
- Jasbir Singh alias Billa.
- Come on.
In the case of Geeta
and Sanjay Chopra's murder,
as per the court's decision,
your death sentence
will be carried out on the morning
of January 31st, at00 a.m.
Come on, get up.
Give me the drawstrings of your pajamas.
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga,
under Section 302
read with Section 34 IPC,
death on three counts for the murder
of Geeta and Sanjay Chopra.
He shall be hanged by neck
till he be dead.
Under Section 363
read with Section 34 IPC,
for the rape of Geeta Chopra.
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga.
In the case of Geeta
and Sanjay Chopra's murder,
as per the court's decision,
your death sentence
will be carried out on the morning
of January 31st, at00 a.m.
Sunil sir.
My family will come
to collect my body.
Please let them know that I wasn't crying.
The girl was only sixteen-years-old,
and the boy was only fourteen.
Ranga and Billa are ruthless criminals.
Don't let them get to you.
Just do your duty.
Sir, Pratibha Sen is at the gate.
What happened?
I'll take her for the interview
in the evening.
By the time the article
is published tomorrow morning,
the execution will be complete.
Pratibha ji!
I'm so sorry, I just found out
that you've been waiting.
The interview preparations
have already been made.
Please come.
Please come in.
This way.
Open the gate!
Madam, you shall be frisked
before entering the high-security ward.
There will be
other death-row inmates in the ward.
You will not speak to them
under any circumstance.
Madam, what do you
plan on asking them?
Let's see.
- Open the door.
- Madam.
No questions apart from
their personal story will be permitted.
It's my job to inform you.
- Sadat ji.
- Please.
Come, madam.
Place the chair.
Can I talk to him privately?
No, madam.
We must be present for your safety.
You just talk to me.
Forget that anyone else is here.
Please save me, madam.
What must my family think of me?
I didn't even do anything.
Then why did they arrest you?
I've made many mistakes, madam.
I even went to jail in Bombay.
But I didn't touch those kids.
I didn't stop Ranga,
and you can punish me for that.
Keep me here.
I'll stay here and serve my sentence.
If everyone knew the whole truth,
I wouldn't be facing the death sentence.
The truth never came out.
That's why I'm here.
Just tell me the truth.
Why didn't you appeal in court?
What would that have done?
Ranga appealed, right?
Will your family come tomorrow?
Do you miss them?
What was your childhood like?
Too short.
I was just a child
when I had to start working.
How were things at home?
How are they treating you in jail?
Madam, you cannot ask that.
That's not an appropriate question.
He's under stress. He'll blabber nonsense.
What are you doing?
You're interrupting my interview.
There are rules for this interview,
and I instructed you on them.
- Tell me, Billa. What happened?
- What are you doing, madam?
What are you doing?
Are you afraid he's going to tell me
that he was tortured here?
Madam, there has been no torture.
- Tell me, Billa. What did they do?
- Madam!
Sit down!
Madam, we will have to end this interview.
I've only had 15 minutes.
Let me talk to him--
Where does it say in your court order that
the interview can't be 15 minutes long?
Let's go interview Ranga then.
Ranga has refused to talk to you.
He does not see the point of it.
Or you don't see the point of it?
I cannot force him, madam.
Open the door!
I'm sorry, madam, if you did not
get what you were looking for.
I hope you get what
you're looking for in this prison!
I'll meet you at the press briefing
after the hanging.
So you can read that
standard statement they hand to you!
"All was conducted smoothly--"
No one is handing me anything, madam.
I'll write it myself.
And will that be any different?
Pratibha ji!
The answers to your questions
in writing.
I had given you three pages of questions.
Oh, Billa!
Is this the price of your friendship?
Even a short stint cost me heavily
You've left me at death's door
Left me all alone
You've thrown me in this void
Oh, Billa!
You are so stubborn!
You've killed my past in one turn
And here I was
Simply honoring our friendship
I was honoring our friendship
Oh, Billa!
Is this the price of your friendship?
- Shut up, fucker!
- Even a short stint cost me heavily
Shut up, you cunt!
- I've done nothing. Please don't take me.
- Get up.
- Come on, get up.
- Please don't take me.
I beg you! Please don't take me!
- Come on out!
- I didn't do anything.
I didn't-- Please leave me.
Sir! I didn't do anything, sir!
Forgive me, please.
- Forgive me if I did something wrong.
- No, sir! Please don't hang me!
Forgive me.
- Sir! I'm innocent, sir!
- I'm sorry.
Please don't take me!
I'm innocent, sir.
I didn't do anything, sir.
Please don't hang me, sir!
- Get up!
- Get up!
Sir! Please don't hang me, sir!
I'm innocent.
Please don't hang me, sir!
Come on!
Stand up.
Open his handcuffs. Are they off?
Tighten it.
No! No!
No pulse. Confirmed dead.
His pulse is still active.
What do you mean
"his pulse is still active"?
Is he not dead yet?
Is he…
Is he alive?
Billa is dead, right?
Then how is Ranga still alive?
They were both hung at the same time.
Say something, Doctor sahab!
What do I say?
- Tomar.
- Sir.
What happened?
He should have died, sir.
- Sunil.
- Sir.
Didn't you supervise this?
- Then why is he not dead yet?
- Sir…
We've done everything by the book, sir.
- Then what happened?
- All preparations, sir.
We fulfilled all the requirements
of the hangmen.
Say something! Why are you quiet?
He must have held his breath.
But, sir, this has never happened before!
So, how did it happen today?
- Sunil.
- Was the length of the rope accurate?
- Sunil!
- What-- Sir.
I don't want to end up
losing my job like the former SP.
The bloody magistrate is watching.
Ensure that he is dead!
Sir, Tomar sir--
Let's give it some time.
His breath will eventually stop.
Sir, I…
He's still alive.
We have given it enough time.
What's the protocol now?
Go down.
- Go down!
- Sir!
Grab his legs.
I said hold his legs!
Now pull.
Come on, pull.
Pull harder.
Use all your strength!
Pull harder!
Use all your strength!
Hang off him!
Just hang off him!
Hello. I am ASP Sunil Kumar Gupta,
speaking on behalf
of Superintendent of Central Jail, Tihar.
"Today, on 31st January 1982,
as per the orders
of the Honourable Supreme Court,
the death warrants of inmates
Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga,
and Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
were carried out."
"At00 a.m.,
executioners Kalu and Fakira
pulled the lever,
and a smooth
and uneventful hanging was completed."
Was completed.
What happened to your hand?
Sir, my hand was broken
when they tortured me.
I refused to accept
the false accusations against me,
so they beat me
until I was forced to accept their lies.
It still hurts.
"We have promptly facilitated
the transfer
of Kuljeet Singh alias Ranga's
mortal remains to his family."
"In the case of inmate
Jasbir Singh alias Billa,
no claimants have come forward
to acknowledge his mortal remains."
Thank you.
Welcome back.
Jailer sahab.