Black Warrant (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
What the hell is going on here?
How many have escaped?
One hundred and eighty, sahab.
- No one knows how this happened.
- There's Mangat!
Listen, bhai. Don't worry, okay?
We will figure it out.
Don't worry. Open the gate.
Open the damn gate!
How many are left?
Sir, seventy.
So how did the remaining
hundred and eighty escape?
They dug tunnels in broad daylight?
Fucking hell!
One hundred and eighty kids have escaped!
There's no way you didn't know anything!
I want a complete report
by tomorrow morning.
How they escaped,
who is responsible, everything in detail.
If I don't have it,
I will send you back
to the village you came from
to spend the rest
of your life farming, asshole.
Take him back!
Take Kiran Kumar back!
Take him back!
- The VC's reign of terror is the norm…
- Backed by men in uniform!
- The VC's reign of terror is the norm…
- Hey, you!
- Backed by men in uniform!
- Shut up!
- We'll keep fighting this terror…
- JNU now will be your horror!
- Just order, sir!
- We'll keep fighting this terror!
JNU now will be your horror!
You! Keep your voice down!
- We'll keep fighting this terror!
- Keep your voice down!
JNU now will be your horror!
We'll keep fighting this terror!
- Just give them a few slaps!
- JNU now will be your horror!
Some of them
are from elite families, sahab.
They might have connections
going back to Morarji Desai.
Is that so?
What about those
who don't come from elite families?
- Beat their mouths shut at least!
- Dahiya!
Backed by men in uniform!
- Yes, sir.
- Keep a cool head.
Tomorrow, the crowd will triple in size
when their parents
and lawyers come to visit them.
Yes, sir.
- Mangat!
- Sir!
The students are your responsibility.
Lower your voices!
This is Tihar!
Shut up, get in line,
and walk in one at a time!
- Come on, let's go inside!
- Yeah, let's go!
Come on!
Go inside! Come on!
- Come on!
- Move it!
Move to your corner, now!
Come on!
- Move!
- Come on, move it! Quickly!
Hurry up!
They were protesting against
the suspension of their student leader.
Hey, you! Come on!
Then they started chanting slogans
against the prime minister.
Who's gonna tell them that
Indira is India, and India is Indira?
All right then. You tell me.
What dangers do
these 250 anti-nationals face here?
Sir, everyone knows
they'll be granted bail soon.
So the inmates will try
to loot and harass them,
and if any of them are attacked,
we'll face the consequences for it.
They could be even sodomized, sir.
What are you planning to do, Mangat?
Sir, we'll tell them
to look out for one another.
And we'll keep a close watch
on them as well.
We'll have everything under control, sir.
Sahab, wait a minute!
Sahab, these kids
are asking too many questions.
What is this?
When can we meet our families, sir?
- Tomorrow.
- Why tomorrow?
Visiting hours are in the morning.
They'll see you then.
- You want us to be here all day?
- Yes, that's the rule!
Sir, you must understand
that we are JNU students.
We are not common students!
We're not common criminals!
Exactly, sir!
Sir, we're aware of our human rights.
You cannot keep us like cattle!
You can submit your grievances in writing.
We will reply.
What do you mean in writing, sir?
That's why you've been
placed in B-class, okay?
We are political prisoners.
I said that's why you are in B-class!
Sir, how does one
get moved to an A-class ward?
There's no such thing as A-class.
There's only B and C-class.
This is B-class.
- But, sir, why?
- I'll tell you why!
Because only Sobhraj
gets to live in A-class!
- That's right!
- Hey! Keep your voices down!
Okay, come on, move aside.
So, Mr. Monitor sahab!
Who did you say lives in A-class?
- Sobhraj!
- Sobhraj?
How dare you hit him!
You don't look too well.
Listen to me, mate.
You should grab a drink or two.
You'll sleep soundly,
there will be no bad dreams, and…
you'll be a better jailer.
Is there no other way?
Oh man.
You know what your problem is?
You… You're too soft, man!
Toughen up! Fucking man up!
This is a jail, not a grocery shop.
If you act like a Gupta,
no one will fear you.
They'll ask for rations instead.
Do you get me?
- What?
- Did you understand what I said?
Come with me. I'll show you.
Come on.
All right, shut them up now.
Come on, fucker, do it!
Hey, everyone, keep it down.
Don't make so much noise.
Keep it down!
Stop making noise, you bloody fuckers!
I've told you many times before,
whenever you come,
bring your daughter with you.
- You come alone--
- Hey!
- Dahiya…
- Motherfucker!
Should I put your wife on your lap?
Will that make you
stop shouting, dickhead? Huh?
God knows where he was raised.
He can't even utter a single curse word!
Listen, start running.
Get some exercise, do push-ups.
Eat some meat, fucker.
Build your physique.
Maybe then,
your uniform will fit you better.
He's not getting it.
Do one thing.
Call this tiffin box
a "sister-fucker" and curse it!
- Let it be.
- What?
"Sister-fucker" is not
even a cussword, man!
Okay, just say "sister."
You can say "sister," can't you?
- Sister…
- Fucker!
Give it to me as homework.
I'll practice it during the night duty.
To hell with your night duty!
- Gupta…
- Yeah?
Can I take over your night duty today?
Why? What happened?
Is it 'cause of these students?
You're not the only one who
needs to use the phone, man.
Son of a bitch!
Look, bhai. No. It's not like that!
- We've only spoken a couple of times.
- Oh, really?
I'm not much of a talker!
Byron, Tagore, Keats…
Have you even heard these names?
Of course, they're my neighbors.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
I write better than they do.
- Want to hear?
- Mm-hmm.
"To kiss your lips--"
It's not that kind of poem,
just let me finish.
Just listen.
"To kiss your lips"
"Is my heart's only desire"
"To kiss your lips
Is my heart's only desire"
"Do not mistake this desire
For insistence"
"It's only a request"
I just wrote it.
It's fresh off the press.
You sweet idiot!
The rest…
I'll recite the rest in person?
Come over.
If you get scared, it won't happen.
But if you're fearless, it will get done.
Okay? Go easy.
No one will suspect a thing.
- Okay.
- Understood?
- But I'm scared--
- Hey.
- It will be done.
- How will we do it?
Who else if not us?
Don't be scared, okay?
The weather is hot, it's doable.
- He's right.
- No one checks carefully either.
- That's right.
- No one is coming from your place?
My brother's coming, don't worry.
Remember one thing.
So, JNU party, what's going on?
Myself, Garvit Duggal.
From SRCC.
Then why are you here?
For murder.
Now, tell me.
We're planning to escape from here.
Do you want to join us?
The high court accepted
Maqbool Bhat's appeal.
Now we will have to move him
out of the death row.
But how can we keep him
among other prisoners, sir?
He's a terrorist.
He killed a CID officer.
He'll either turn
all the prisoners against him,
or against us.
And, sir,
not just him,
we'll also have to move
those two brothers, Kartar and Ujagar.
Tomar sir?
We'll deal with it, sir.
It's a court order, we have to do it.
- Mangat.
- Sir.
It's still blue, I see.
This is good, Jailer sahab.
Someday, we'll play badminton together.
Sure. Why not?
Pratap ji, please show him his cell.
Yes, sir. Come with me.
Sir, will Maqbool Bhat
be staying here now?
Until the date of his execution is issued.
They won't hang him, sir.
Believe me.
The government will use him
to negotiate with the Kashmiris.
You wait and see.
You've become friends
with those students pretty quickly.
Yes, sir.
I spoke in English,
and that made it easier.
They say they're gonna break out of jail.
No! They're just kidding, sir.
Just look at their faces.
Come forward for your stamp check.
Pick up the pace.
Roll up those cuffs first!
Go on, get checked there.
- Sir!
- Yes?
- Seven people.
- Seven people?
Come on, fufaji!
Only two visitors are allowed per student.
You brought the whole neighborhood.
Come on, move it!
Come on, keep going!
Good going! Keep moving!
There were some extra guests,
so they brought gifts.
Sir ji!
Keep it.
These are your canteen bills.
Sure, let me see.
Sahab, we've both been assigned
to the same ward.
Please assign us to separate ones, sir.
Go, get your lunch.
Those two brothers have spent
so many years together on death row…
that they can no longer
stand to look at each other.
And that Dr. Jain,
who hired them to kill his wife,
lives contentedly as the jail librarian.
And he gets to meet his lover
at his convenience in the visiting room.
Sunil sir, there are
endless stories like this in Tihar.
Stories that nobody wants to tell
and that no one is willing to hear.
Several are here on false charges,
languishing for years
because they can't afford bail.
Some serve the wealthier inmates
to earn a little for themselves.
Pick any random prisoner here,
the chances are high that he's innocent.
And yet,
his living conditions,
food, activities, and trades
are determined,
not by his crime, but by his money.
For the most part,
they're just a faceless crowd.
In all these years,
many officers have come and gone,
but none have ever thought about
improving the conditions of the jail.
What could a single officer
even achieve, Saini sahab?
Have you seen a peacock at Tihar?
- A peacock?
- Yes.
There aren't just snakes here.
There's a peacock as well.
And if one peacock
can make this place beautiful…
Well, you're an officer after all.
You can achieve whatever you want.
What the hell is going on here?
How many have escaped?
One hundred and eighty, sahab.
- No one knows how this happened.
- There's Mangat!
Listen, bhai.
Don't worry, okay? We will figure it out.
Don't worry. Open the gate.
Open the damn gate!
I'm going to be kicked out just like
the previous SP. Fucking hell.
And these students
even gave the police false names.
Yasser Arafat, Joseph Stalin,
Che Guevara, Mumtaz Mahal.
The students were your responsibility.
Yes, sir.
I want a complete report
by tomorrow morning.
How they escaped,
who is responsible, everything in detail.
If I don't have it,
I will send you back
to the village you came from
to spend the rest
of your life farming, asshole.
Come on, let's do it one more time.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
You cannot threaten us, okay?
Son of a bitch! Stop speaking in English!
Sir, we already told you,
we don't know anything!
- Come here, you.
- Sir, this is wrong!
- Come here, fucker!
- Mangat!
- Bhai!
- What is he doing? Stop him!
Talk, asshole!
Sir, this is wrong!
Sorry, sir. We have no idea.
Why don't you have any idea?
It's your job to have an idea!
- Do you know what I can do to you?
- Just a minute, Tomar sir!
Speak to me.
Officer to officer.
Why are you putting pressure on my men?
My men are under pressure because of you!
I do not believe that
your guards don't know anything!
If they knew, they would tell!
Because, unlike the rest of Tihar,
my men are honest!
Madrasi motherfuckers!
Motherfucking dog!
Fucking hell!
One hundred and eighty kids have escaped!
There's no way you didn't know anything!
We have no idea, sahab.
If we knew, wouldn't we tell you?
ASP Gupta?
This is Vikas Sinha from Hindustan.
We're about to publish the news
about the JNU students.
Would you like to make a statement?
Vikas ji, I already told you.
I cannot give you any further information.
Thank you, sir.
- Hello?
- How are you, Jailer sahab?
I… I'll talk to you later.
Did something happen?
You can't tell me?
Right. You don't trust me, do you?
- You can't trust someone just by talking--
- Give me your number.
I… I will call you.
- Really?
- Yes.
Tell me.
I'll call you.
If a good thrashing could solve it,
I'd have finished it by now.
Fucking do something, man. Just--
I don't know, wave a magic wand
or something. Just do something.
Or else, Mangat will be screwed.
If you…
you had to plan this escape,
how would you do it?
If you were in my place?
Why are you treating us like this, sir?
How long will you keep us awake?
You're abusing us, thrashing us!
We can't drink water or go to the toilet!
This is inhuman, sir!
Shut your mouth, or I'll strip you
and beat you all night, motherfucker!
Such language doesn't suit you, sir.
Take everyone outside!
Come on, all of you!
- Come, get up. Move!
- Get out! Move!
- Come on. Out!
- Out!
- You need a special invitation?
- You, wait!
- Are you special or something? Out!
- Sir, he's a simple boy.
- He doesn't know anything!
- Come on, move!
- Out!
- Please don't hit him, sir!
Get out!
What did you say?
Shall I take away this diary of yours?
You can't take it, sir.
We're allowed to have stationery, sir.
In fact, Maqbool Bhat
appealed in court, and he…
We're facing such a serious problem.
And no one has a clue.
They must be training you guys, right?
On how to handle this kind of pressure?
If only they trained us,
we'd actually know.
Don't you guys get any training?
What's your name?
Anshul Jaiswal, sir.
Anshul, I think only you can help me.
What do you mean?
How can I help you, sir?
You are not like the rest of them.
You're different.
You are special.
Just look at your handwriting.
Tomorrow, you could be IAS,
IPS, or a superintendent.
You could come to Tihar
and you will set up
a training system for us.
Our security will improve.
And maybe then,
we will learn how to deal
with such situations.
But for now…
Tell me, how did so many students escape?
When visitors come to meet
the prisoners, we stamp their wrists.
Later, the visitors show
the same stamp at the gate and leave.
The staff only check for the stamp.
They don't count the people.
Due to the heat and sweat,
a stamp can easily be transferred
from one wrist to another.
Sir, if you look closely,
it's an upside-down version
of the original stamp.
But who really looks that closely, sir?
Who discovered all this?
Mangat did, sir.
This time, I'm letting you off
with a warning.
Tomar sir.
Yes, sir?
Suspend at least five warders,
and half a dozen Madrasis as well.
And are we taking any positive steps
to ensure this incident
never happens again?
What are we doing about that?
We'll need to show that as well.
Yes, sir. I will think about it
and get back to you.
Let me know by tomorrow morning.
Sir, the C-class inmates
could never do something like that.
Their visiting room
has a visitors' barrier installed.
- So?
- Sir, let's remove the table-chair system
we use in B-class
and install barriers there as well--
We can't do that!
Just a minute, Tomar sir.
Why can't we do that?
Sir, if we upset the B-class inmates,
our staff will get demotivated.
Please elaborate.
You see, our staff
are able to feed their families better
and buy better clothes
for their children only because…
because this jail…
it operates in a particular way, sir.
First, let's protect ourselves
from outsiders.
After that,
we can focus on handling the insiders.
Sunil, do one thing.
Sit down with Saini sahab
and prepare a budget proposal
for installing a visitors' barrier
in the meeting rooms.
Yes, sir.
Okay, sir.
We'll take your leave, sir.
- Sir!
- Sir!
Sunil, stay back.
The rest of you can leave.
Sit down, Sunil.
- Sit down.
- Sir.
There are some pending research proposals
from several colleges.
Choose any one of them
and make arrangements.
We want to come across
as a progressive jail
which encourages academic inquiry.
Will you be able to do it?
Yes, sir.
Leave it to me. I'll handle it.
- Pratap ji.
- Sir.
Assign one to the oil press
and the other to woodwork.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay?
changing your wards is not possible.
But you two can work separately.
In time, your minds will relax.
Thank you, sahab.
Come on.
We usually receive a lot of applications,
but we liked yours the most,
so it was approved.
It's a good thing that students
are taking an interest in Tihar.
Thank you, sir.
Also, all documents must be
approved by us before use.
And you will not share
anything with the media.
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Duggal, this is Kavita Soni
from IP College.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Myself, Garvit Duggal.
BCom from SRCC.
She's here to do research
on you all, and you will help her.
You've assigned Kartar and Ujagar
to work in the factory?
First, they got out of death row,
and now this increased mobility.
I'm worried about my safety.
I am also worried
about your meetings with your girlfriend.
I don't think they will be
as convenient anymore.
Let's see how you romance
your girlfriend through this fucking mesh!
You're up so early today.
Gotta toughen up.
How many have escaped?
One hundred and eighty, sahab.
- No one knows how this happened.
- There's Mangat!
Listen, bhai. Don't worry, okay?
We will figure it out.
Don't worry. Open the gate.
Open the damn gate!
How many are left?
Sir, seventy.
So how did the remaining
hundred and eighty escape?
They dug tunnels in broad daylight?
Fucking hell!
One hundred and eighty kids have escaped!
There's no way you didn't know anything!
I want a complete report
by tomorrow morning.
How they escaped,
who is responsible, everything in detail.
If I don't have it,
I will send you back
to the village you came from
to spend the rest
of your life farming, asshole.
Take him back!
Take Kiran Kumar back!
Take him back!
- The VC's reign of terror is the norm…
- Backed by men in uniform!
- The VC's reign of terror is the norm…
- Hey, you!
- Backed by men in uniform!
- Shut up!
- We'll keep fighting this terror…
- JNU now will be your horror!
- Just order, sir!
- We'll keep fighting this terror!
JNU now will be your horror!
You! Keep your voice down!
- We'll keep fighting this terror!
- Keep your voice down!
JNU now will be your horror!
We'll keep fighting this terror!
- Just give them a few slaps!
- JNU now will be your horror!
Some of them
are from elite families, sahab.
They might have connections
going back to Morarji Desai.
Is that so?
What about those
who don't come from elite families?
- Beat their mouths shut at least!
- Dahiya!
Backed by men in uniform!
- Yes, sir.
- Keep a cool head.
Tomorrow, the crowd will triple in size
when their parents
and lawyers come to visit them.
Yes, sir.
- Mangat!
- Sir!
The students are your responsibility.
Lower your voices!
This is Tihar!
Shut up, get in line,
and walk in one at a time!
- Come on, let's go inside!
- Yeah, let's go!
Come on!
Go inside! Come on!
- Come on!
- Move it!
Move to your corner, now!
Come on!
- Move!
- Come on, move it! Quickly!
Hurry up!
They were protesting against
the suspension of their student leader.
Hey, you! Come on!
Then they started chanting slogans
against the prime minister.
Who's gonna tell them that
Indira is India, and India is Indira?
All right then. You tell me.
What dangers do
these 250 anti-nationals face here?
Sir, everyone knows
they'll be granted bail soon.
So the inmates will try
to loot and harass them,
and if any of them are attacked,
we'll face the consequences for it.
They could be even sodomized, sir.
What are you planning to do, Mangat?
Sir, we'll tell them
to look out for one another.
And we'll keep a close watch
on them as well.
We'll have everything under control, sir.
Sahab, wait a minute!
Sahab, these kids
are asking too many questions.
What is this?
When can we meet our families, sir?
- Tomorrow.
- Why tomorrow?
Visiting hours are in the morning.
They'll see you then.
- You want us to be here all day?
- Yes, that's the rule!
Sir, you must understand
that we are JNU students.
We are not common students!
We're not common criminals!
Exactly, sir!
Sir, we're aware of our human rights.
You cannot keep us like cattle!
You can submit your grievances in writing.
We will reply.
What do you mean in writing, sir?
That's why you've been
placed in B-class, okay?
We are political prisoners.
I said that's why you are in B-class!
Sir, how does one
get moved to an A-class ward?
There's no such thing as A-class.
There's only B and C-class.
This is B-class.
- But, sir, why?
- I'll tell you why!
Because only Sobhraj
gets to live in A-class!
- That's right!
- Hey! Keep your voices down!
Okay, come on, move aside.
So, Mr. Monitor sahab!
Who did you say lives in A-class?
- Sobhraj!
- Sobhraj?
How dare you hit him!
You don't look too well.
Listen to me, mate.
You should grab a drink or two.
You'll sleep soundly,
there will be no bad dreams, and…
you'll be a better jailer.
Is there no other way?
Oh man.
You know what your problem is?
You… You're too soft, man!
Toughen up! Fucking man up!
This is a jail, not a grocery shop.
If you act like a Gupta,
no one will fear you.
They'll ask for rations instead.
Do you get me?
- What?
- Did you understand what I said?
Come with me. I'll show you.
Come on.
All right, shut them up now.
Come on, fucker, do it!
Hey, everyone, keep it down.
Don't make so much noise.
Keep it down!
Stop making noise, you bloody fuckers!
I've told you many times before,
whenever you come,
bring your daughter with you.
- You come alone--
- Hey!
- Dahiya…
- Motherfucker!
Should I put your wife on your lap?
Will that make you
stop shouting, dickhead? Huh?
God knows where he was raised.
He can't even utter a single curse word!
Listen, start running.
Get some exercise, do push-ups.
Eat some meat, fucker.
Build your physique.
Maybe then,
your uniform will fit you better.
He's not getting it.
Do one thing.
Call this tiffin box
a "sister-fucker" and curse it!
- Let it be.
- What?
"Sister-fucker" is not
even a cussword, man!
Okay, just say "sister."
You can say "sister," can't you?
- Sister…
- Fucker!
Give it to me as homework.
I'll practice it during the night duty.
To hell with your night duty!
- Gupta…
- Yeah?
Can I take over your night duty today?
Why? What happened?
Is it 'cause of these students?
You're not the only one who
needs to use the phone, man.
Son of a bitch!
Look, bhai. No. It's not like that!
- We've only spoken a couple of times.
- Oh, really?
I'm not much of a talker!
Byron, Tagore, Keats…
Have you even heard these names?
Of course, they're my neighbors.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
I write better than they do.
- Want to hear?
- Mm-hmm.
"To kiss your lips--"
It's not that kind of poem,
just let me finish.
Just listen.
"To kiss your lips"
"Is my heart's only desire"
"To kiss your lips
Is my heart's only desire"
"Do not mistake this desire
For insistence"
"It's only a request"
I just wrote it.
It's fresh off the press.
You sweet idiot!
The rest…
I'll recite the rest in person?
Come over.
If you get scared, it won't happen.
But if you're fearless, it will get done.
Okay? Go easy.
No one will suspect a thing.
- Okay.
- Understood?
- But I'm scared--
- Hey.
- It will be done.
- How will we do it?
Who else if not us?
Don't be scared, okay?
The weather is hot, it's doable.
- He's right.
- No one checks carefully either.
- That's right.
- No one is coming from your place?
My brother's coming, don't worry.
Remember one thing.
So, JNU party, what's going on?
Myself, Garvit Duggal.
From SRCC.
Then why are you here?
For murder.
Now, tell me.
We're planning to escape from here.
Do you want to join us?
The high court accepted
Maqbool Bhat's appeal.
Now we will have to move him
out of the death row.
But how can we keep him
among other prisoners, sir?
He's a terrorist.
He killed a CID officer.
He'll either turn
all the prisoners against him,
or against us.
And, sir,
not just him,
we'll also have to move
those two brothers, Kartar and Ujagar.
Tomar sir?
We'll deal with it, sir.
It's a court order, we have to do it.
- Mangat.
- Sir.
It's still blue, I see.
This is good, Jailer sahab.
Someday, we'll play badminton together.
Sure. Why not?
Pratap ji, please show him his cell.
Yes, sir. Come with me.
Sir, will Maqbool Bhat
be staying here now?
Until the date of his execution is issued.
They won't hang him, sir.
Believe me.
The government will use him
to negotiate with the Kashmiris.
You wait and see.
You've become friends
with those students pretty quickly.
Yes, sir.
I spoke in English,
and that made it easier.
They say they're gonna break out of jail.
No! They're just kidding, sir.
Just look at their faces.
Come forward for your stamp check.
Pick up the pace.
Roll up those cuffs first!
Go on, get checked there.
- Sir!
- Yes?
- Seven people.
- Seven people?
Come on, fufaji!
Only two visitors are allowed per student.
You brought the whole neighborhood.
Come on, move it!
Come on, keep going!
Good going! Keep moving!
There were some extra guests,
so they brought gifts.
Sir ji!
Keep it.
These are your canteen bills.
Sure, let me see.
Sahab, we've both been assigned
to the same ward.
Please assign us to separate ones, sir.
Go, get your lunch.
Those two brothers have spent
so many years together on death row…
that they can no longer
stand to look at each other.
And that Dr. Jain,
who hired them to kill his wife,
lives contentedly as the jail librarian.
And he gets to meet his lover
at his convenience in the visiting room.
Sunil sir, there are
endless stories like this in Tihar.
Stories that nobody wants to tell
and that no one is willing to hear.
Several are here on false charges,
languishing for years
because they can't afford bail.
Some serve the wealthier inmates
to earn a little for themselves.
Pick any random prisoner here,
the chances are high that he's innocent.
And yet,
his living conditions,
food, activities, and trades
are determined,
not by his crime, but by his money.
For the most part,
they're just a faceless crowd.
In all these years,
many officers have come and gone,
but none have ever thought about
improving the conditions of the jail.
What could a single officer
even achieve, Saini sahab?
Have you seen a peacock at Tihar?
- A peacock?
- Yes.
There aren't just snakes here.
There's a peacock as well.
And if one peacock
can make this place beautiful…
Well, you're an officer after all.
You can achieve whatever you want.
What the hell is going on here?
How many have escaped?
One hundred and eighty, sahab.
- No one knows how this happened.
- There's Mangat!
Listen, bhai.
Don't worry, okay? We will figure it out.
Don't worry. Open the gate.
Open the damn gate!
I'm going to be kicked out just like
the previous SP. Fucking hell.
And these students
even gave the police false names.
Yasser Arafat, Joseph Stalin,
Che Guevara, Mumtaz Mahal.
The students were your responsibility.
Yes, sir.
I want a complete report
by tomorrow morning.
How they escaped,
who is responsible, everything in detail.
If I don't have it,
I will send you back
to the village you came from
to spend the rest
of your life farming, asshole.
Come on, let's do it one more time.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
You cannot threaten us, okay?
Son of a bitch! Stop speaking in English!
Sir, we already told you,
we don't know anything!
- Come here, you.
- Sir, this is wrong!
- Come here, fucker!
- Mangat!
- Bhai!
- What is he doing? Stop him!
Talk, asshole!
Sir, this is wrong!
Sorry, sir. We have no idea.
Why don't you have any idea?
It's your job to have an idea!
- Do you know what I can do to you?
- Just a minute, Tomar sir!
Speak to me.
Officer to officer.
Why are you putting pressure on my men?
My men are under pressure because of you!
I do not believe that
your guards don't know anything!
If they knew, they would tell!
Because, unlike the rest of Tihar,
my men are honest!
Madrasi motherfuckers!
Motherfucking dog!
Fucking hell!
One hundred and eighty kids have escaped!
There's no way you didn't know anything!
We have no idea, sahab.
If we knew, wouldn't we tell you?
ASP Gupta?
This is Vikas Sinha from Hindustan.
We're about to publish the news
about the JNU students.
Would you like to make a statement?
Vikas ji, I already told you.
I cannot give you any further information.
Thank you, sir.
- Hello?
- How are you, Jailer sahab?
I… I'll talk to you later.
Did something happen?
You can't tell me?
Right. You don't trust me, do you?
- You can't trust someone just by talking--
- Give me your number.
I… I will call you.
- Really?
- Yes.
Tell me.
I'll call you.
If a good thrashing could solve it,
I'd have finished it by now.
Fucking do something, man. Just--
I don't know, wave a magic wand
or something. Just do something.
Or else, Mangat will be screwed.
If you…
you had to plan this escape,
how would you do it?
If you were in my place?
Why are you treating us like this, sir?
How long will you keep us awake?
You're abusing us, thrashing us!
We can't drink water or go to the toilet!
This is inhuman, sir!
Shut your mouth, or I'll strip you
and beat you all night, motherfucker!
Such language doesn't suit you, sir.
Take everyone outside!
Come on, all of you!
- Come, get up. Move!
- Get out! Move!
- Come on. Out!
- Out!
- You need a special invitation?
- You, wait!
- Are you special or something? Out!
- Sir, he's a simple boy.
- He doesn't know anything!
- Come on, move!
- Out!
- Please don't hit him, sir!
Get out!
What did you say?
Shall I take away this diary of yours?
You can't take it, sir.
We're allowed to have stationery, sir.
In fact, Maqbool Bhat
appealed in court, and he…
We're facing such a serious problem.
And no one has a clue.
They must be training you guys, right?
On how to handle this kind of pressure?
If only they trained us,
we'd actually know.
Don't you guys get any training?
What's your name?
Anshul Jaiswal, sir.
Anshul, I think only you can help me.
What do you mean?
How can I help you, sir?
You are not like the rest of them.
You're different.
You are special.
Just look at your handwriting.
Tomorrow, you could be IAS,
IPS, or a superintendent.
You could come to Tihar
and you will set up
a training system for us.
Our security will improve.
And maybe then,
we will learn how to deal
with such situations.
But for now…
Tell me, how did so many students escape?
When visitors come to meet
the prisoners, we stamp their wrists.
Later, the visitors show
the same stamp at the gate and leave.
The staff only check for the stamp.
They don't count the people.
Due to the heat and sweat,
a stamp can easily be transferred
from one wrist to another.
Sir, if you look closely,
it's an upside-down version
of the original stamp.
But who really looks that closely, sir?
Who discovered all this?
Mangat did, sir.
This time, I'm letting you off
with a warning.
Tomar sir.
Yes, sir?
Suspend at least five warders,
and half a dozen Madrasis as well.
And are we taking any positive steps
to ensure this incident
never happens again?
What are we doing about that?
We'll need to show that as well.
Yes, sir. I will think about it
and get back to you.
Let me know by tomorrow morning.
Sir, the C-class inmates
could never do something like that.
Their visiting room
has a visitors' barrier installed.
- So?
- Sir, let's remove the table-chair system
we use in B-class
and install barriers there as well--
We can't do that!
Just a minute, Tomar sir.
Why can't we do that?
Sir, if we upset the B-class inmates,
our staff will get demotivated.
Please elaborate.
You see, our staff
are able to feed their families better
and buy better clothes
for their children only because…
because this jail…
it operates in a particular way, sir.
First, let's protect ourselves
from outsiders.
After that,
we can focus on handling the insiders.
Sunil, do one thing.
Sit down with Saini sahab
and prepare a budget proposal
for installing a visitors' barrier
in the meeting rooms.
Yes, sir.
Okay, sir.
We'll take your leave, sir.
- Sir!
- Sir!
Sunil, stay back.
The rest of you can leave.
Sit down, Sunil.
- Sit down.
- Sir.
There are some pending research proposals
from several colleges.
Choose any one of them
and make arrangements.
We want to come across
as a progressive jail
which encourages academic inquiry.
Will you be able to do it?
Yes, sir.
Leave it to me. I'll handle it.
- Pratap ji.
- Sir.
Assign one to the oil press
and the other to woodwork.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay?
changing your wards is not possible.
But you two can work separately.
In time, your minds will relax.
Thank you, sahab.
Come on.
We usually receive a lot of applications,
but we liked yours the most,
so it was approved.
It's a good thing that students
are taking an interest in Tihar.
Thank you, sir.
Also, all documents must be
approved by us before use.
And you will not share
anything with the media.
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Duggal, this is Kavita Soni
from IP College.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Myself, Garvit Duggal.
BCom from SRCC.
She's here to do research
on you all, and you will help her.
You've assigned Kartar and Ujagar
to work in the factory?
First, they got out of death row,
and now this increased mobility.
I'm worried about my safety.
I am also worried
about your meetings with your girlfriend.
I don't think they will be
as convenient anymore.
Let's see how you romance
your girlfriend through this fucking mesh!
You're up so early today.
Gotta toughen up.