Black Warrant (2025) s01e04 Episode Script

Team Player

Oh, wow.
All right now.
here comes Balwinder Singh Sandhu's…
Can't bowl an inswinger,
but here's a sixer!
Want some tea?
With you, I could have a hundred cups!
Would you like some tea?
I'm making some for myself.
- Quick!
- Come on, leave!
Shut the door! Move it!
- Hurry! Get moving!
- Move in a line!
- Move! Come on!
- Come on!
Keep walking!
Hurry up!
Come on! Shut the door!
The Haddis must've stolen it.
It's payback time!
India is on the brink of making history.
No one ever imagined Kapil Dev's team
would make it to the final!
The West Indies are 149 for nine,
with Indian fielders
surrounding the pitch,
closing in to prevent
the West Indian batsmen from scoring.
Madan Rana!
One easy run for the West Indies.
That came effortlessly.
Well, Rana?
The West Indies have added 14 runs
in this last-wicket partnership…
Amarnath's inducing the batsmen
to play on the front foot.
- That's how he got Malcom Marshall…
- Hey, motherfucker!
- …to edge the ball.
- Son of a bitch!
- Stop, you fucker!
- Amarnath takes his run-up.
Bowls to Michael Holding.
- Bloody motherfucker! I won't spare you!
- The ball hits the pad! Tremendous appeal!
And he's out!
Holding, LBW! The West Indies are all out!
India are World Cup champions!
Unforgettable! Sensational!
- India have become the World Champions!
- Let go of me!
- Motherfucker! Thrash this son of a bitch!
- In their last match, the West Indies
had defeated India by 66 runs,
but today, India are the victors!
Don't tell anyone
where you got this from. Understood?
Fantastic, I say! Bravo, Amarnath!
Their ball was stolen, sir.
They wouldn't talk at first,
but once we hung them upside down
like bats, they broke their silence.
Untie them!
Yes, sir.
Resolve this among yourselves.
Work out whatever give and take is needed.
They bashed up one of my boys.
But you choose to ignore that.
Then why did you steal from us?
Man, don't you get it?
Why would we steal from you?
Hey, I haven't called this meeting
just to hear you two crib!
Settle this among yourselves.
I'll look away.
We have to find out who stole the ball.
It could happen again.
See this?
They leave us with no choice.
I'll find out
who is behind this.
But until then…
Sir, during the interrogation,
we found out that
someone had stolen the Tyagis' ball.
So, they attacked Madan Rana.
Madan Rana is Anil Rana's brother.
Now he's going to retaliate.
How can these guys operate
a drug trade here so brazenly?
- Sir--
- It's the first time I'm hearing of it.
Such a case has never surfaced before.
Sir, I…
I will handle it, sir.
Yes, sir.
You know why I whacked you?
- Sir…
- Learn to keep your mouth shut!
Sir, I need to go home for a week.
Sir, my younger brother
is in some trouble.
I need to go home…
What is the problem?
Mangat, if you don't tell me
what the problem is,
how can I grant you leave?
this drugs issue can blow up.
Dahiya won't be able to handle it alone.
Let him go, sir. I'm here, Sunil is here.
- We'll handle it.
- Sunil…
Don't involve Sunil in this.
This is a sensitive matter.
We need men
who can keep their mouths shut.
There's a reason why I'm saying this.
You'll understand later.
Let's go.
Bhai, what happened?
Nothing, man.
You can tell me.
Where to?
You're wearing your uniform to meet her?
- Give it your best shot, man!
- Thank you.
- Go on.
- Where are you going?
Isn't Mangat on night duty today?
He is. I'm off to thump some inmates.
- No, don't…
- Go on. Go, hurry!
Have fun on the scooter!
- How did you get here?
- By car.
Listen, I hope you don't mind…
I have ordered something.
I hope you like it.
Yes, of course. No problem.
This place seems nice.
The food here is quite famous.
The uniform looks good on you.
Thank you.
Your family must be so proud
that their son is an officer!
Yes. They are proud.
They boast about it.
Although they don't fully understand
what I do.
Well, even I don't quite understand
what you do.
Tell me, what do you do?
The work of a jailer
is built on three pillars…
upkeep, supervision, and control.
You handle all of that on your own?
No. We're a team of four officers.
My direct senior is
the Deputy Superintendent
Rajesh Tomar sir.
He guides us.
He's a little strict, but it's necessary.
This is the best mutton chop in Delhi.
- The other two are my colleagues…
- Ma'am.
…Dahiya and Mangat.
they're not just my colleagues anymore.
We have become close friends.
work together, just like a family.
What about your family?
You want to meet them?
I mean…
I was just asking.
I'm the youngest in the family.
We're a family of lawyers.
I'm a lawyer too!
I mean, I've studied law.
I have a bachelor's degree in law
and also a bachelor's in science.
You're quite something, aren't you?
You haven't tried it.
Try it and tell me what you think.
How is it?
The best!
Come on.
Come on, get up!
- Search him.
- Get up, all of you!
Search him!
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, hurry up! Where is the packet?
- There's no point in asking you nicely!
- Stick your tongue out!
- Take off your shirt!
- Take it off.
Come on!
Open your mouth.
Remove your turban.
I won't say it again.
Hey! Stand back! Away!
- The turban isn't coming off!
- Charanjit!
I'll handle it.
- Your name is Johal, right?
- Yes, sir.
Where are you from, Johal?
Between Chandigarh and Ludhiana?
Yes, exactly.
Oh, Jhampur is so close to my town!
You know that small canal?
Just across that, take a left,
and that's where my house is!
We didn't find anything, sahab…
besides this half-smoked cigarette.
Fucking hell!
Then who's stealing the drugs?
The ghost of Tihar?
It's been 35 years since the British left,
but even today,
we're still not fully free.
Don't you know that?
Jassi, first you said
you wanted to go abroad.
You had visa issues,
and now you're a rebel?
You left our village and went off
to serve the Delhi government.
What would you know
about what we go through here?
Why do you talk to Jassi
this way, Shivraj?
Mom, I've told you before,
I'm trying to make him understand.
He's playing with fire,
and he's bound to get burned.
If you're so concerned, then come home
for once and talk to him.
But that's asking too much of you.
"Talk to him," she says.
- Shall we go?
- You want to do research on us?
Are we animals in a zoo?
You know,
"Oh, look at all of them
living behind their cages!"
What I'm here to document…
is that no one here is an animal.
Come this way.
So… never look an inmate
straight in the eye.
Not everyone is as decent as me.
Please open the door.
Why are you in jail?
Does too much decency get one imprisoned?
Do I have no say in my wedding?
I don't want to meet the girl,
don't you understand?
Well, you got this far without asking me.
Does it really matter if I meet the girl?
No, there's no need to give him the phone.
Okay, I'm hanging up now.
- Hey!
- Yes?
You're getting married?
Yes, I am.
- When did this happen?
- Well…
- Go, get your suits made, fuckers!
- Oh! Congratulations!
Where are the sweets?
- Yes, of course!
- Sweets won't be enough for Gupta now.
- What more?
- Now he'll have mutton too.
He went yesterday
to meet the girl from the phone.
- Yeah?
- He devoured a whole goat there!
He's speaking nonsense.
- You motherfucker!
- No, there's nothing like that!
- Bhai, no! No, no!
- And all this time,
you sat with us like an ass,
munching turnips?
- Nothing like that.
- Now you'll eat a whole chicken, fucker!
- No, bhai!
- Come on here!
- Let me tell you--
- No, you'll have chicken now.
- Come sit down. Sit.
- No, please.
- Hey…
- Sit, fucker!
Now you'll eat chicken with us every day.
- Man, how could you?
- And, if you don't,
you'll be called two-faced forever.
- No, man! Please don't…
- Eat this. Eat it, man.
There. Swallow it, fucker.
- Swallow it. Just swallow it!
- But--
- No…
- Here, take this.
Sir, I just need your signature
on the inventory.
What's this?
It's a new type of food on the market.
Instant food.
Ready in just two minutes, sir.
What's wrong with normal food?
There's no problem, sir. It's just…
I get so tired by the time I'm home
that I have no energy left to cook.
You commute from the other side
of the river every day.
Why don't you come and live here?
No, sir.
That's not allowed.
Besides, these quarters
have been assigned to you.
Saini sahab, who's going to mind
if you live here?
After all, you're a part of our team.
But, for that, we'll need
to get the SP's permission.
- In that case, I'll go speak to him.
- What?
Meanwhile, you can think about
the color of the curtains.
- Sir!
- What are you doing here?
Sir, I wanted to speak with you.
- Did you come from the back?
- No, sir, through the gate.
- Did you see anyone running away?
- No, sir.
Sir, I need your approval.
It's regarding my quarters.
I got really scared
when I saw the door open.
Namaste, Sunil.
Namaste, madam.
What's up, man?
What happened?
You tell me what's up.
Everything's good.
Why are you standing there like that?
I'm coming from SP sahab's house.
That's great. What do I do?
Be grateful that I was the only one
who saw you. If he had seen you…
Who saw what? What are you talking about?
Dude, what are you up to?
Nothing, man, I've just been sitting here
for the last half hour.
Stop pretending.
I'll explain. Seema madam
was at home, wasn't she?
Are you nuts, fucker?
I'm about to get married.
Why would I have an affair?
SP sahab suspects something.
He questioned me.
What was he asking you?
If I saw someone running away
- from his house!
- You must've seen someone else, fucker!
I've been right here for half an hour!
- If you don't want to admit it, fine!
- What do I even admit, man?
I'm saying this for your own good.
End it.
Look at his face!
It's a tough job.
They need strong men!
- Hey…
- May no harm come to you, son.
But really, having a family brings peace.
take some time off
and go visit your family.
Dahiya and I are here.
I'll be right back.
Where to?
Oh, Saini sahab!
- Is everything okay?
- Yes. Make me a drink.
There you go!
Sir, take me with you. I want a drink too!
Come on. You'll drink alone?
Paaji, these four names
need to be added in today's date.
- Bhatti, come quick!
- I'm here!
Ready to drink some alcohol?
Congratulations, Dahiya!
Oh, sir!
You look dapper, sir!
- He's like the tiger of our jail!
- Oh, please don't.
It's okay.
Come here, man.
- Sit right here quietly.
- Yes.
How are you, sir?
Please take care of Seema madam.
Play a bouncer for the team.
Handle it.
Make sure everything's in order.
Get him a cold drink.
- Namaste, Seema madam.
- Namaste, Sunil.
SP sahab is over there.
Let's go see the bride and groom first.
It's a long line.
We'll have to wait anyway.
We can sit here.
Search everyone, motherfuckers!
Grab everyone
and check everything closely!
Do not spare anyone!
Check everything they have!
Did you shove the packet
up your asses, motherfuckers?
Fucking asshole! Whip it out!
Don't do this, bhaiya!
- Please, bhaiya!
- Shut up!
For the love of God, give it back to me!
Bhaiya! Please don't do this!
Bhaiya, my things…
Congratulations, Dahiya ji.
What happened, madam? Let's do bhangra!
Come on!
You must be wondering,
"What kind of woman is she?"
nothing like that.
When it's been ages
since anyone spoke to you with kindness…
even an affectionate smile
could mean the world.
The hangmen come from out of state,
and we also have the ASPs.
But, sir, don't you find it strange
to be surrounded by these people?
Well, it's our duty--
Everyone will be searched.
No one else stopped us.
No one should have been searched
in the first place.
And yet, you did.
Anyway, that's not my responsibility.
But my boys…
are my responsibility.
No one else had our packet.
Only your boys are left.
We are Sikhs.
Intoxication, lying, and stealing
are strictly forbidden.
So whatever you're about to say,
think carefully before you speak.
Watch your tongue, old man!
- Hey!
- Hey!
Show some respect.
Hey! Mangat sahab is here.
You guys need to leave.
Come on, out!
How did Tyagi get into my barrack?
What if I go and sneak into his barrack?
Should I show him
what the Sardars are capable of?
Sardar ji, listen to me.
- Please get inside.
- You're in cahoots with him, aren't you?
- Kishnu!
- For now, just listen to me.
What's going on here?
Nothing, sir. Everything's under control.
Please come, Sardar ji.
If something isn't under control,
just tell me.
I'll bring it under control, motherfucker!
No, no. Come on.
It's no longer just about the drug packet.
I knew it.
What did I say?
There's a rod up your ass.
By stopping you,
Sardar ji has challenged your authority.
Well, Sardar ji?
Things blew up because
you didn't let them carry out the search.
If I say
my boys didn't steal it…
then they didn't steal it.
Come on, man! I really don't care
which faction is fucking with the other!
All I want in this jail…
is peace.
I want peace too, Tomar sahab.
We'll sort it out among ourselves.
You need not mediate.
What are you doing, man?
Didn't we have an understanding?
Why are you messing it up?
How am I messing up
our understanding, Tomar sahab?
Do you think
I'm doing all this for my personal gain?
You'll benefit from it as well.
First, move out of these jail quarters
and set up your own home.
Keep your wife and daughter with you.
A happy family.
You think about yourself.
And here,
let me handle things my way.
This way, our understanding is guaranteed.
Which one?
This one?
Bhaiya, please pack this one.
So, tell me, why can't Dahiya
buy earrings for his wife himself?
We shouldn't continue this any longer.
The longer we stretch this, the more…
complicated things will get.
Because you're married now?
When I was the only one married,
it wasn't complicated, was it?
Why did you buy me earrings?
It's a gift.
You thought a gift
would make this conversation easier?
This couldn't have gone on forever.
So you've ended it, right?
Now, leave.
- Namaste.
- Namaste, sir.
These earrings…
- are from your store.
- Yes.
Could you tell me
the name of the customer?
Saini sahab!
Ready for your housewarming?
I've got my things!
Let's go.
Come inside!
- I'll be right back. Two minutes.
- Okay. No worries.
Sir, did something happen?
Did you have fun at Dahiya's wedding?
Yes, sir.
You were with my wife the entire time.
- Sir, she was alone--
- So?
Even I asked her why--
What's going on between you two?
Sir, nothing's going on. Honestly!
Nothing, sir.
You were down with the dogs…
when I showed mercy and reinstated you.
Sir, you've got the wrong idea--
and get the hell out.
After tomorrow,
if I see you inside the Tihar gate…
I will kill you.
Dahiya, sir.
Dahiya what?
Sir, he's married now.
It must all be over by now.
- Sir, I don't even know for sure--
- Out.
- Sir?
- Get out!
Mukhopadhyay got himself transferred.
He did what, sir?
- Transfer.
- Why, sir?
He cited "personal reasons."
He probably bribed someone
or called in some favors.
Transfers don't come through so easily.
Sir, it's been a pleasure working
with you. We'll miss you, really.
Done with your romance?
You son of a pig!
- What's going on, man?
- Dahiya.
please hear me out.
- Dahiya! Hear me out!
- Dahiya, what's happening?
- Just listen to me.
- Hey!
What's going on?
Where are you rushing off to?
Dahiya, please hear me out! Wait!
Dahiya, the SP accused me
and threatened me.
I could have lost my job.
- What was I supposed to do?
- Your job! Fucking traitor!
- Bloody snake!
- Hey, calm down!
- He's a bloody liar!
- Relax.
You got involved in an affair
and made me the middleman.
You said everything'd be over
after your wedding!
You told me to face the bouncer,
to help you out!
You said the earrings were for your wife!
Look what happened, fucker!
Look at Seema madam's state!
All this happened because of you!
- Look, asshole!
- Hey!
I'll make you crawl back
to the hole you came out of!
Why'd you raise your hand, man?
How can you hit your own people?
You're the one at fault,
and you're hitting him?
He ratted me out to the SP, the fucker!
He must have been pressured into it.
He didn't even mention it to me.
- Try to understand.
- There's no point.
Does he understand
anything other than violence?
I don't understand?
- Stop. Stop!
- Don't raise your hand.
You think you understand, fucker?
For the past three weeks,
- we've been handling this drug issue--
- Dahiya.
Wait! The meetings with the gangs
are all happening
behind your back, you asshole!
Don't listen to him, he's talking rubbish.
We wait for you
to hop on your scooter and ride off
so we can get down
to some real-- What's the word?
Oh right, sensitive work!
He's out of his mind.
He's talking nonsense.
Because you, dear sir,
aren't worth jack when it comes to trust!
- Hey!
- Tomar sir was right!
We can't trust this fucking rat bastard!
Is he telling the truth?
What do you know about trust?
What you both did, that isn't betrayal?
The Tyagis and their mess…
don't get caught up in it now.
Work on your coordination first.
Work as a team.
All of you.
Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- It will all be okay.
These steps are small.
Is this the one?
- No, the one above this.
- All right, more to go.
People get frightened
when they hear about Tihar.
Don't tell them you work there.
They're sizing up your brother
for their daughter.
They will judge closely.
Just say you're applying
for a job with the railways.
Uncle asked you a question.
- Yes, Uncle?
- Sunil…
tell us, what do you do?
He's going to apply
for a job with the railways.
Oh, wonderful!
The whole family works
for Indian Railways.
Uncle, I'm a jailer at Tihar.
Our families can't bring themselves
to say what we do for a living.
The thing is, in society's eyes,
jail is like a trash can,
and we are the lid on that can.
So, to people, we stink as well.
But you go ahead and ask,
I'll tell you everything.
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