Black Warrant (2025) s01e05 Episode Script

Prison Food

- Ready to leave?
- Yes.
We're running late.
We're always late.
She's been asking us
to come over for days now.
As soon as we get there,
she'll taunt us. Just watch.
- Hey!
- Let go!
Run, Kartar! Run!
- They must've been around 30.
- Vidya?
Did they rob you?
Did they hurt you?
How would I know why they didn't hurt me?
Doctor sahab,
it's my job to ask questions.
They didn't even lay a finger on you.
You didn't try to save your wife,
nor did you go after them.
Do you remember
what they looked like, or…
Now let me ask you
a few questions, Inspector sahab.
Who is the President of our country?
Who's the doctor
that's been treating his eyes?
Do you know?
How has their behavior been in jail?
Good, sir.
They both work quietly in the factory.
They don't trouble anyone, sir.
If they could have afforded good lawyers,
they might have been saved.
They took on a murder contract
for a mere 500 rupees.
How could they afford a decent lawyer?
This level of poverty is why
Tihar is so overcrowded.
I'm not blaming you.
What can you do alone?
- Come in.
- Sir.
How are you doing, Gupta?
When is it?
Sir, next week.
This should be easier
than the bloody audit, I hope.
For sure, sir.
Hangings are always
smooth and uneventful.
The auditors expect us to pay taxes
that are more than our entire harvest.
I've barely started,
and this is what I'm stuck with!
Hey look! Mom's here.
Didn't you have cake earlier today?
So? What's the big deal
if she had cake earlier today?
She went to a birthday party.
Her sugar quota for the day is filled.
Why do you get so dictatorial
over such trivial things?
Can there really be a quota for food?
Then she must have filled her quota
for being scolded.
It never seems to end.
Pihu, go wash your hands.
I said go wash your hands.
How many times must I tell you?
Don't undermine me in front of her--
What's the big fuss about?
How many kids have you raised?
Just as many as you have.
And do you really think
buying her ice cream
fulfills your fatherly duties?
Being a father is easy
when it's only on weekends.
Try taking care of her
for six days a week like I do,
then we'll talk.
Come back home, then.
I'll be there every day of the week.
I don't want to live in that jail.
Our daughter is growing up.
What will she learn
surrounded by criminals?
What do I…
I'm trying.
Who do I have in this world
besides you two?
All right then.
Find us a home in a civilized society,
far from that filth…
and we'll return.
Bhai, if you bottle up your feelings
and suddenly explode
in front of strangers,
all I can say is just think
about what you're doing.
So now I'm supposed to justify myself
to everyone in the house.
I have nothing better to do!
They didn't want the wedding.
I have no objection,
but everyone else is in turmoil.
I told him to stay quiet.
If he hadn't spoken,
the wedding would still be on.
They rejected our match.
No one will say anything to Baby.
That's it!
Don't you see it?
Our boy has been acting strange!
Come on, he's an adult!
He's always on edge, stressed, worried.
Am I the only one seeing it?
It's bothering you
because that's all you want to see.
Oh, man! Bhai, you go to work.
That, I'll do regardless…
Most parents encourage their kids,
praise their efforts.
Everyone here acts so ashamed,
as if I'm committing some crime!
Fine, tell us.
What exactly do we praise you for?
What is so great about this job?
Tell us, so we can go around bragging,
"Wow! Look at the amazing job
our Baby does!"
Okay, I'll tell you.
Give me one week.
Baby beta, I need to ask you a favor.
Aunty ji, I'm running late.
I'll talk to you later.
- It won't take long--
- We'll talk later!
They're here.
Along with their wretched faces.
Hello, welcome!
What is this?
Why have you kept them waiting?
- Sorry, sir.
- Mangat.
- Yes, sir.
- Please take them.
And get them some sherbet.
It's hot today.
Yes, sir.
- Please come.
- Yes.
Please come.
This way, sir.
Open the gate.
Where the fuck is Sunil?
Have their black warrants been issued?
Yes, sir.
Then why have you come to me?
Sir, back when I was studying law,
you delivered a lecture
at the Faculty of Law.
It was raining heavily,
and you didn't have an umbrella.
I ran up and brought you an umbrella.
Sir, when you thanked me later,
you also mentioned
that if I ever had a real-life
legal problem, I should come to you.
So here I am.
Sir, the problem is that
around 80 to 90 percent
of jail inmates are undertrial.
Most are either innocent
or have already served their sentence,
yet thousands remain behind bars.
What do you think we should do?
Write it down, 5,175…
Leave that calculator, man!
Add 25 to 5,175, then another 5000.
Here comes our hero.
Where were you all morning?
Look at me, man!
This week, we're supposed
to focus solely on the audit.
God knows where you're flitting off to.
- Must be kissing someone's ass, fucker.
- Dahiya!
Shut up.
Enough of your fighting, assholes.
Just shake hands, man.
Or maybe I should just sulk with you.
Gupta, let's talk it out, man.
Let's just apologize
for what happened and move on.
Govind! Call Rathore here!
Go bring the other traitor.
And you come back here.
You're on my team.
Don't act like an umpire.
You're the biggest asshole there is.
- Tell me what's 88 multiplied by 88 first.
- Shut up.
"We'll ensure that the accused
receive competent legal advice
and representation
throughout their trials,
thus safeguarding their rights."
Take care of your own canteens
and keep your accounts in check.
As for the grim reapers
who have descended among us,
leave all your other work aside
and take care of them.
Okay, sir.
Done, sir.
- Let me see.
- Yes, sir.
Shall we move forward?
- Sir!
- Yes?
- Are you going somewhere?
- Yes, I'm off to the factory.
I have to sit with the auditors.
What is it?
Sir, I wanted to show you something.
We'll talk once the audit is done
and things ease up. Okay?
We were told
that peacocks roam around Tihar.
We haven't seen one yet.
I've heard that too.
- Tea?
- No, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Make it.
Drink it.
Drink the tea.
You want to set up a legal aid system?
Yes, sir.
Sir, a team of lawyers will assist
our underprivileged inmates.
The budget and everything else
is included in the proposal, sir.
If we can send it for approval soon,
we could announce it within a week, sir.
Within a week, why?
Is it your birthday?
No, sir.
It's Kartar and Ujagar's execution.
And this will stop their execution?
Not theirs, sir.
But to ensure others don't suffer
the same fate in the future,
maybe it could happen.
What's your rank?
ASP, sir.
Who's between your rank and mine?
There's DSP Tomar sir and…
SP sahab, JP Singh.
What do they have to say about this?
Sir, they are tied up with the audit.
Have you been relieved from the audit?
No, sir. I…
This budget you've prepared.
Where will all this money come from?
Policy should come from educated folks.
IAS, IPS officers.
You're a jailer.
Help run the jail.
You are not qualified for all of this.
Look, beta.
I'm not sure what the others think,
but I think it's amazing
that you work in Tihar.
It's not like you've done
something wrong and ended up in jail.
Our Baby is running Tihar!
- Yes, Aunty ji, thank you. I--
- Also, beta.
Could you bring me
some of the food prepared in the prison?
If you have any bank-related work,
I can help you with it.
Aunty ji, why do you want prison food?
What sort of question is this, Baby?
I've fed you so many times over the years.
At jagratas, you'd take three
full helpings of the prasad!
Did I ever ask you such questions?
In fact, I'd give you
two of my own laddoos,
as if you were my own child!
- This is just awful!
- But, Aunty ji--
No, this is wrong. What do you mean?
After I've given you
my share of laddoos so many times…
- So, it was you, asshole!
- What?
- You been stealing our stuff, fucker?
- What's in your hand?
- What's in your hand?
- Hey!
Stop, you asshole!
Fucker! He threw it up there!
Get that motherfucker!
Catch him!
- Catch him!
- Neela!
That cunt!
- Hey!
- Neela!
Catch him!
- Neela!
- Catch him round the back!
Hey, Chimni!
Hey, Chimni!
You asshole!
Chimni! Come out!
- Catch him!
- Neela!
Hey, back off!
Catch him! Asshole!
Momin, catch him!
Bloody cunt!
There, hold him down!
Get him up.
Come here, asshole!
Motherfucker, where you gonna go now?
- Put all of it in.
- Hey!
- Did you add the jaggery? Add it.
- Motherfucker!
- Motherfucker!
- Add it.
Fuck you, asshole!
- Back off, motherfucker!
- Fucker!
I'll bust your ass, motherfucker!
- Hey, you!
- Hold him down and keep him there!
You've been here all
of two days, motherfucker…
- You asshole!
- …and you want to screw with my business?
How dare you, fucking cunt!
- Back off!
- I'll wreck you so bad today,
you wouldn't want to look
at yourself in the mirror ever again.
You motherfucker…
They pinned me down
and hit me so hard, here and here!
I didn't do anything. He did!
Why are you taking me away?
Sir, it was all a mistake.
I won't do it again.
- Sir…
- Please forgive me.
- Take him away, the bloody idiot!
- Sir, please don't!
I beg of you, sahab!
- Walk!
- I'm begging you!
The Sardars were responsible for this.
some other scum might try something
while we bleed each other dry.
Yes, it has been quite hot lately.
This way, please.
Please sit here.
Don't you think one should
stay away from people who are
constantly surrounded by criminals?
Of course, I do.
I'm not friends with many jailers.
How many jailers then?
Just one.
And why are you friends with him?
He seems like a good man.
He can hold a conversation.
He doesn't reveal much about himself,
but that's okay.
He looks quite good too.
I loved playing cops and robbers
when I was a kid.
But I was so thin and frail
that no one would let me play the cop.
Then, there came a film called Ankhen
in which Dharmendra's character
was named Sunil.
I told myself
that Sunil is Dharmendra,
and Dharmendra has to be the cop.
I told my mother,
"When I grow up, make me a policeman."
My mother agreed.
When I received my uniform in Tihar…
I recalled that conversation with her.
But now, Mom doesn't
want me to do this job.
And because of that,
she refuses to quit her hospital job
and has been working nonstop.
She gets paid two rupees
for each delivery.
She saves the pennies…
for a rainy day.
Sunil, neither I nor
anyone else can tell you
what you need from a job.
You must figure it out for yourself.
And one day, your mother
will also realize that all is well.
By the way…
Dharmendra starred in another film
where his character's name was Sunil.
Which one?
Boy Friend.
I haven't watched it.
What's the story?
Which means, it won't be possible.
No, sir. I mean…
If we could lower the cost a bit--
- How much lower?
- The lower, the better, sir.
I mean, the lowest it can be.
Greetings, sir.
What are you guys up to?
Nothing, sir.
- What did you do all morning?
- Nothing, sir.
Nothing? Good. This is Sunil Kumar.
And these are the young lawyers of today.
They are diligent and hard-working.
They're perfect for you.
Guess why?
- Sir, that's great, but if you could--
- Guess why?
Why, sir?
Because all three of them are poor.
They'll relate to your inmates' suffering.
The thing is,
just like medicine, advocacy takes time.
These guys are just
sitting around anyway.
With you, they'll experience Tihar.
Practice on these low-stakes cases.
- Go.
- Goodbye, sir.
You're from Tihar?
Who is in charge of this canteen?
- Yes?
- There are a lot of mismatches in this.
This is… Gupta's?
This is ASP Sunil Gupta's file, sir.
Is he on holiday?
We haven't seen him around.
Let me check what the issue is.
- Look at all these entries.
- Okay.
- Saini sahab?
- Sir?
- You may go.
- It won't take long, sir.
- You saw all the other files, right?
- Yes, sir.
- I'll take care of Sunil Gupta's file.
- Sir…
You may go.
Some have been falsely accused,
or they end up there by mistake.
- Here, have some tea.
- Oh, sir…
Come on, have it.
Even the police
often make arrests
just to show they are taking action.
Many have never even
been presented in court.
Now, Kartar and Ujagar's execution
is set to take place in three days
after a ten-year wait.
Everyone knows
the real reason for this execution
is simply Kartar
and Ujagar's poverty. Nothing else.
How much money will we get?
Tihar has
no money to spare.
If you could take it on pro bono…
That's why I was looking for a lawyer
who could do the work as charity.
Look, Sunil ji,
we're not very experienced.
But we are interested.
And we have time.
You, us, Tihar, society…
everyone stands to benefit from this.
So, asking for
a little something is reasonable.
Did something happen, sir?
Ever since the auditors arrived,
everyone has been bustling around them.
What have you been doing all alone?
- Sir, he informed me.
- And you gave him permission?
So, this jail will function
with your permission now?
- Sir--
- Saini sahab.
- Sir.
- How much does he make in a year?
- Approximately 10,000 rupees, sir.
- What do you mean by "approximately"?
More or less than 10,000 rupees?
A little less.
What was the discrepancy
in his canteen account?
Sir, 10,548 rupees.
Sir, how is that possible?
Am I supposed to tell you that?
I've been telling you since day one.
Why don't you ever learn?
Now watch.
I will make you pay.
Just my canteen?
There are other canteens as well.
There's the jail factory,
so many expenses,
- and only my canteen is showing--
- I'll talk to him, sir.
Sir, I…
I'll check…
I'd warned you.
Whoever needed to make a deal, did so.
That's what
we've been working on all this time.
Sir, I haven't taken a single penny.
Sir, please give me some time.
I'll find out
who's involved in this canteen scam.
Is that so?
Should I also change
the audit report for you?
Sir, during my interview,
you told me that
if I have the opportunity to do
something good, I shouldn't hesitate.
Is that what I said?
Well, I had also asked you
to wait a couple of days.
Did you wait?
You went to IG sahab, didn't you?
Go back there now.
There's someone here to meet you.
Aunty ji! What are you doing?
Let me do it, Baby.
No, no! Aunty ji, you can't--
Aunty ji, please! Stop.
Stop it! Sit down!
I didn't come here to sit around!
All this time,
I asked you for just one thing.
Sorry. Please sit, let's talk.
There's a curse
in our astrological charts.
A prediction of jail time.
Mine and your uncle's as well.
Aunty ji, have you done anything wrong
that makes you fear going to jail?
Does one get imprisoned
only for the crimes they commit?
The pandit told us that all the jail food
we're destined to eat,
we should eat at home instead.
Then the curse will be lifted.
- Here you go.
- Thank you, beta ji! Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot, beta ji!
You've done me such a huge favor!
If you need anything in return, just ask.
- No, I don't need--
- If you want a loan,
have some money problems,
or whatever it is, just let me know.
Thank you! Thanks a lot, beta ji!
Thank you, Baby!
But thank you.
Has the money been arranged?
No, sir.
Sir, what mistake did I make?
I wasn't running around for my own sake.
You should have.
You should have done
the running around for yourself…
because no one else will do it for you.
Here's the thing, Sunil.
You're still a child.
You have a lot to learn.
You see…
beyond these four walls…
we aren't worth a single ounce of respect.
These officers
who come here, the IG, the SP…
They finish their tenure and leave.
And our families…
They don't understand
the nature of our work.
Who's left?
In the end,
only we remain for one another.
But you care for
neither yourself,
nor Dahiya, Mangat, or me.
You're always weeping
for these fucking prisoners!
So, you tell me, sir.
What should I do?
Every night, the rations
are brought to the jail.
We'll siphon off a small portion of it…
and quietly sell it outside
under the cover of night.
No one will know a thing.
That way, you'll have some cash in hand.
And then, eventually,
your debt will be settled too.
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