Black Warrant (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

The Blanket

Where the fuck is my blanket?
- Hey, asshole, give me my blanket!
- Get lost, motherfucker!
- Give me back my blanket!
- This is my blanket!
- Give it back to me!
- Shut the fuck up, asshole!
What happened?
Sir, he stole my blanket.
Shut up and go back to sleep!
Or I'll come in there
and straighten you out. Understood?
Now get lost!
Shut the fuck up!
Silence! Shut up!
Keep quiet!
Stop it, motherfuckers!
Shut up!
Stop it, assholes!
they're refusing to eat?
No, sir. They're asking for blankets.
There are two protesters
in the undertrial ward as well.
Put them in here as well.
Let them all rot together.
Okay, sir.
When they're starving and desperate,
they'll start eating their own.
What happened?
Keep going.
Keep going!
Keep going, motherfuckers!
Once, in a neighboring village,
there were two brothers-in-law.
They trekked up a hill
in the biting cold, deep in the jungle.
It was dark.
They got lost.
They were close to death.
The younger brother-in-law
said, "Jija?"
He answered, "Yes?"
"We're going to die out here."
"But I have a solution."
I'll give you one hot gulab jamun,
but let me fuck you in the ass in return."
The older one slaps him
and says, “Son of a bitch!"
"Are you fucking stupid? You want my ass?"
"It'll cost you
at least two gulab jamuns."
What a guy!
Oh man.
They're way too determined, sir.
How can someone
say no to gulab jamuns?
I never imagined these assholes
would go without food for so long.
Sir, we should just shove
feeding tubes down their noses.
What do you say,
ASP Sunil Kumar Gupta ji?
What's your royal take on this?
Nothing, sir.
We'll do as you wish.
What's being done
about the inmates' blankets, sir?
I don't know.
Sir, in the past,
no matter how old or worn out,
we've always had at least
one blanket between two prisoners.
What's changed now, sir?
Probably the same old story, Saini sahab.
Someone must be stealing and selling them.
But at this rate,
those poor prisoners will freeze to death.
Sir, should I try to figure out
where the problem lies?
Then we'll figure out what to do next.
Do as you see fit.
Did Jassi come home?
No, puttar.
I don't know where he went.
Did you ask the others?
One of them mentioned
that Jassi has joined a militant group.
Yesterday, three boys
were killed by the police.
I'm really scared, puttar.
Have you seen Mangat sir around?
This way, sir.
He's in a bad state.
We have to take him to Lohiya Hospital.
- Come on, pick him up.
- Pick him up.
- Take them too.
- Come on, pick them up!
- Hey, come on!
- Get up!
- Get up!
- Come on!
- Take them! Come on!
- Easy there!
Put it in.
Don't make it worse. Quit wriggling!
There, it's done.
- Okay, that's it.
- Sir?
Please come.
That's it.
I'm coming.
Sahab ji…
We were drinking together
and got a bit carried away.
Let's go.
Pavan Lal,
no one must find out about this.
What happened?
Nothing, sir.
Sunil told Pavan not to tell me anything.
So, guess what he did?
- Sir--
- He told me!
How many times
do I have to explain this to you?
- What the hell, man!
- This is Tihar!
Don't rely on anyone.
No one here is trustworthy.
Sir, it's not a big deal.
- He'd just been drinking a bit--
- Drinking a bit?
And what is he doing after?
Passing out among the prisoners!
Don't you know how volatile
the prisoners are right now?
Yes, sir.
If he's not careful,
they'll take their chance
and make him a fucking hostage!
They'll kill him!
"Drinking a bit."
First of all,
I'm taking you off night duty.
- Sir, please don't do that.
- It's the only time he gets to call home.
They can't even
look each other in the eye.
But look at them jump to your defense!
Take a few days off and go home.
Get yourself together.
Okay, sir.
What happened to the old man?
He's still in the hospital.
Get him out of the hospital, man.
But, sir, if we don't give them blankets,
they'll go on hunger strike again.
What do we do then?
If they ask for milk, give them milk.
If they ask for eggs, give them eggs.
Whatever they want, just give it to them.
they'll complain it's overcrowded.
"The wards are too small,
make them bigger."
Where will it end?
Is your heart melting again?
Don't be a bloody candle.
You know what happens to a candle, right?
Don't be afraid.
They won't protest again.
Once the spirit shatters…
it doesn't mend again so easily.
Not providing blankets in this cold
could be considered torture in court.
When the court issues a notice,
the jail authorities
will have no choice but to act.
But how can these inmates
find decent lawyers
who will appeal in court on their behalf?
What if I find you a lawyer
who'll help you for free?
They won't.
I know plenty of lawyers.
You underestimate me.
And all the effort I've put in until now?
I've searched every corner of the courts.
What can you do
that will actually make it happen?
Why are you talking to me like that?
What, you think I haven't
tried hard enough?
You're taking this
in a whole different direction.
No, that's how it seems.
It's like you're saying
you can do with a snap of your fingers
what I couldn't achieve in months.
I'm just a jailer, so what?
Am I good for nothing else?
Wherever we drop you,
be back there in an hour.
I didn't think we'd be able
to meet outside the jail like this.
Well, I'm set that way.
Under the guise of a court hearing,
or a hospital visit.
One must reap the benefits
of having friends in Tihar.
- Shall we order?
- Yes, let's get some coffee.
We don't get coffee in jail.
Two coffees and two ice creams.
Vanilla and strawberry.
What will you have?
- All of that was just for you?
- Yes.
One chocolate ice cream.
Now you can tell me.
Why are you in Tihar?
For murder.
I got into a fight
with a man from the gas agency.
So, I stabbed him.
I do regret it.
But what good will that do?
I could be hanged for it.
You weren't expecting this, right?
What now?
Well, madam ji?
Are you going to keep quiet?
Say something, at least.
Sir, something's
about to go down in the jail.
You should raid the factory.
How do you know?
Let that be, sir.
Consider it as my way of thanking you.
Thank you for what?
You introduced me to Kavita.
Where did you get this tip from?
I have a source, sir.
He's trustworthy.
You're a proper jailer now.
What are you going to do?
Raid the factory.
Do it.
You go with him.
Wait, wait.
Hey, paaji.
Oh, no. Sit, sit.
There are three key pillars
to being a jailer.
Upkeep, supervision, and control.
How many men are inside? Huh, bhai?
- Three, sir.
- Three!
Just three!
Caught you!
Oh man!
Happy birthday to you!
Friends, this day will be remembered
in the annals of history…
Don't try to run, assholes.
Don't run!
If you make me run,
I'll thrash the hell out of you.
Catch them!
- Get them!
- Hey!
Wait! What's the hurry?
There you go, bastard!
Want a treat?
Want a treat? Come on.
Come on, let's get you some rotis.
Who were you making these for?
I'll count to three.
If you don't start talking,
I'll crack your skulls right here.
We'll tell you, sir.
We were making them
for the Tyagi and Haddi gangs.
To attack the Sardars.
You've gotta praise their effort, sir.
When someone cuts you with one,
be sure to praise their effort then.
What's all this, Tomar?
Looks likes they're
prepping for the Mahabharata.
There's no reason to worry, sir.
What will they do with a dozen shivs?
- There's probably more.
- Absolutely.
Raid the whole jail.
That might cause unrest, sir.
Whatever they had,
they must have already hidden it by now.
They won't wait for us to strike.
We should conduct the raid
at the right time, sir.
Do it.
Yes, sir.
Okay, sir.
- Hey, come on!
- Let's go!
- Hey!
- Come on, quick!
Hurry up!
Keep going!
- Come on, hurry!
- Take it easy, man!
- Come on! Get them all out!
- Out!
- Come on!
- Out!
Come on!
Get out!
Come on! Out!
- Meena sahab, you start from here.
- Sir.
- Jugnu.
- Yes, sir?
- From that end.
- Okay, sir.
Well, Dhumi…
Well, Ravi…
Yes, sahab?
Shall we begin our adventure?
- Yes, absolutely! Sure.
- Start wherever you like.
Don't mess things up for no reason.
- Yes, sir.
- Search systematically.
- Yes, sir.
- Don't miss anything.
Go through everything thoroughly.
- Did you find anything?
- Nothing, sir.
Have they hidden the shivs up their asses?
What happened?
Done with your raid?
Found the treasure?
What's next?
Was one saint not enough?
You had to start spreading the gospel too?
All the inmates
are boiling with rage in there.
Who will appease them?
Who will calm them down?
I'll have to do it.
If the Tyagis and Haddis want to team up,
then let them!
That will bring peace to the jail.
Call it a truce!
I saved you this time.
It's going to get tougher
from here on out.
My goods were seized at the factory
by your staff.
You call that saving me?
If a small sacrifice…
yields a greater reward…
then what would you do?
Are the rest of your goods safe?
They are.
Hide it.
Just let me know where.
Sir, I've gone through
all the accounts carefully.
The payments for the blankets
align with the allocated budget.
There's no discrepancy.
But when I checked the housekeeping
department's stock register,
the blanket vendor
never delivered the full quantity.
So, the vendor stole the blankets?
The vendor
has sold each blanket to us
at four times the market value.
They took the full payment,
but we only received
a quarter of the required blankets.
- Now, this rate…
- Yes.
Someone must have approved it.
Of course! There are signatures
on the purchase order.
Look at this.
DSP Tomar.
And Superintendent JP Singh.
On the one hand, Tomar sir
has been stealing their blankets.
And on the other,
he's force-feeding them through tubes!
And JP Singh, soon as he joined…
Shall we file a complaint, sir?
What's the point, Saini sahab?
Sir, if we take the first step, only then
will the path ahead become clear.
Nothing will come of it.
Instead, the axe will fall on me.
Why do you think that way, sir?
- Besides, shouldn't we do what's right?
- I don't want to!
I'm not interested in
busting my ass over this anymore.
I'd have to do it myself.
It's not like you or anyone else will.
And if someone loses their job,
it will be me.
That's enough.
according to the rules, every inmate
is supposed to get one blanket.
But our office staff is teaming up
with the vendor to steal blankets.
I've checked all the accounts, sir.
Did someone ask you
to investigate this matter?
No, sir. No one asked me.
Everybody, pay attention.
I just got off a call.
What's the matter sir?
An Indian diplomat
has been murdered in England.
It was carried out
by Maqbool Bhat's supporters.
His black warrant has been issued.
He needs to be moved
to his death row cell immediately,
with full security.
He'll be hanged in two days.
His family is being stopped in Srinagar,
and his body
will be buried here, in Tihar.
Make the arrangements.
- ASP Sunil Kumar?
- Yes.
Advocate Shroff.
Ms. Sidhwani asked me to come.
She suggested that I meet you.
Sorry, who?
Priya Sidhwani.
She mentioned that you want
to set up legal aid here in the jail.
Yes, but we don't have the budget. So…
She told me.
Now you tell me,
what do you have in mind?
Come in, Saini sahab.
Right, then, Saini ji.
The blankets are being stolen?
What is your job description?
I'm an accountant, sir.
And you have full control
over Tihar's money?
And if I were to say
that you colluded with the inmates
and sold their blankets outside,
then what would you say?
How much is your bail set at?
Do you know?
This is just tragic.
He doesn't even know he's a free man!
Suspend him.
- What?
- And start a criminal investigation.
Also, isn't he retiring soon?
That means his pension
will be stopped as well.
Tomar sir?
I've given my entire life to Tihar.
I've never even stolen a penny,
you know that, sir.
Sir, like him, there are hundreds.
What do we do?
Let's start a permanent setup.
A legal clinic
where different lawyers
can come and provide their services.
Yes, sir.
Absolutely, sir.
Sir, if someone just slips up a bit…
can we forgive them this one time?
- Right?
- Sir…
What am I even worth, sir?
I'm just a poor man. Have some pity
and forgive me. Please.
You may leave.
You almost gave him
a heart attack there, sir.
Even I thought so.
You let him know that we spoke
and you convinced me.
There will be no suspension or inquiry.
Okay, sir.
Namaste, sir.
Come on, let's go.
Sir, Saini sahab was waiting for you.
Mr. Maqbool Bhat.
I will read your black warrant now.
"Under section 3, 1946,
and under section 3
of the Foreigner's Order, 1948."
"And 34 IPC for the murder
of CID inspector Amar Chand…"
"He shall be hanged by the neck
till he be dead."
Saini sahab!
Saini sahab!
Saini sahab!
Saini sahab!
You were good friends with
the accountant Saini?
Yes, sir.
The media must not receive any information
about his suicide.
handle the media.
I will handle the police.
Yes, sir.
Your legal aid proposal has been approved.
It will be limited to court dates
and bail applications.
That means
all that talk about inmates' rights,
blankets, pillows…
That's off the table.
If the prisoners
want to fight the judiciary, let them.
Why should they fight with us?
You decide.
Whether you want to work for Tihar.
Or for the inmates.
Happy? To have your way?
"With this major reform,
Tihar will pave the way for other jails
to follow the path of improvement."
- "Indian prisons--"
- Jailer sahab, you're back!
You're home.
It was all your hard work,
but the news reporters
didn't even mention your name.
It's no small feat, Bauji,
to bring about such major change
in a jail like Tihar.
Yes, it's great!
Listen, there's more.
"Such reforms are rare…"
There's blood on your hands
Where will you go?
How will you change your fate?
Tihar jail!
The essence of your karma
Your rotting soul
Oh, how will you change your fate?
Puttar, are you all right?
All's well.
Your story, it's been tainted
With black ink, a dark fate
The stain of which cannot be erased
What's written cannot be erased
The punishment is given
And now you must repent
Oh, because how can you change
Your fate
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